Agency Manual - SmartProtect Wealth Max (0537)

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)

SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)

(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

Plan Name : SmartProtect Wealth Max 精明至尊添富

Plan Code : 0537
Product Abbreviation : SPWM
Launch Date : 1 July 2022

a) This product is a limited pay investment-linked insurance policy with access to professionally
managed Unit Funds with the benefit of the life insurance cover.
b) This plan provides coverage up to age 70, 80 and 90 years next birthday.
c) Premiums paid are used to purchase units in the Unit Fund(s). The policy value of this plan will
vary directly with the performance of the Unit Fund(s).
d) Illustration Rule: This rule means any illustration is only quotable when Cash Value projected
under the best estimate assumptions* is able to sustain (positive figures) until maturity. This is a
requirement under then Investment Linked Business (BNMRHPD 029-36 Investment-linked
*Best estimate assumptions are reflective of the actual performance of the underlying funds
selected by the policy owner. In the event that the policy owner chooses multiple funds, the
weighted fund growth based on the percentage of allocation of premiums into the respective
funds will be used.
e) There’ll be no GSR for standard case at NB stage. For substandard cases; GSR loading will be
applicable for the case that fulfils the new GSR rules under item Premium v.
f) The policy will lapse if the Total Investment Value equals to zero or below except when NLG is in

1. Death Benefit (Due to all causes)
Upon death of the Life Assured, the Company will pay the Basic Sum Assured (BSA) +
Additional Sum Assured (ASA) or Total Investment Value (TIV), whichever is higher. TIV is
calculated at NAV at the next Valuation Date.

In the event death occurs before age of 5, the Company will pay 100% of TIV or the following
percentage of BSA, whichever is higher.
Age Next Birthday of the Life Assured on Death Benefit after Lien
Policy Anniversary preceding Death
1 20% of the BSA
2 40% of the BSA
3 60% of the BSA
4 80% of the BSA

Full life cover will be given from age 5 years next birthday.

2. Death Due to Accidental Causes

Upon accidental death of the Life Assured within the policy term and prior to the policy
anniversary of age 70 years next birthday, the Company will pay an additional amount of
100% of the BSA and any applicable ASA.

The payable amount is subject to an overall limit of RM24,000,000 per life, if the Life Assured
is covered under other policies or riders with similar benefits.

In the event of accidental death, the Company shall only pay either the benefit of Death Due
to Accidental Causes or Death Due to Accidental Causes (Public Conveyance), whichever is

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

In the event of accidental death of the Life Assured occurring before age 5 years next birthday, a
child lien (as per Death Benefit) shall apply. Full life cover will be given from age 5 years next

3. Death Due to Accidental Causes (Public Conveyance)

Upon accidental death of the Life Assured resulted while traveling in a Public Conveyance*; or
while riding as a passenger in an elevator or in electric lift or in consequence of the burning of
any theatre or cinema, hotel or other public building in which the Life Assured shall be present
at the time of commencement of the fire; and within the policy term and prior to the policy
anniversary of age 70 years next birthday, the Company will pay an additional amount of
200% of the BSA and any applicable ASA.

The payable amount is subject to an overall limit of RM24,000,000 per life, if the Life Assured is
covered under other policies or riders with similar benefits.

In the event of accidental death, the Company shall only pay either the benefit of Death Due to
Accidental Causes or Death Due to Accidental Causes (Public Conveyance), whichever is

In the event of accidental death of the Life Assured occurring before age 5 years next birthday, a
child lien (as per Death Benefit) shall apply. Full life cover will be given from age 5 years next

*Public Conveyance means a mode of licensed transport available to the general public that
serves to carry its fare paying passengers from one place to another on scheduled trips over
established routes as its primary purpose. Public Conveyance shall include any public bus,
licensed taxi, peer-to-peer ridesharing under registered service provider, airport limousine, train,
monorail, licensed commercial aircraft and ferry. This definition does not cover cable car, any form
of transport chartered for private travel or unlicensed transportation.

4. Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit

a) If TIV > BSA+ASA, 100% TIV is payable in one lump sum (or be retained with the
There may be circumstances where the TIV is retained upon TPD claim for the purpose
of policy sustainability, e.g. for CI rider, waiver rider or other riders to continue.
b) If TIV < BSA+ASA, only TIV is payable in one lump sum. Excess Sum Assured not
exceeding RM10,000,000 shall be paid in 3 annual instalments with the first being a lump
sum of the Excess Sum Assured or RM2,000,000 whichever is lesser, and the balance of
the Excess Sum Assured, will be payable in two equal, annual instalments of maximum
RM4,000,000 each.
There may be circumstances where the TIV is retained upon TPD claim for the purpose
of policy sustainability, e.g. for CI rider, waiver rider or other riders to continue.
c) Parts (a) and (b) only applies for TPD occurring prior to the policy anniversary on which
the Life Assured attains age 75 next birthday.
d) The TPD cover for child below age 5 next birthday is subject to the lien as per Death
Benefit. Full TPD cover will be given from age 5 next birthday onwards.
e) The maximum TPD Benefit payable under this and all policies and riders on the same life
is RM10,000,000 per life (excluding group policies).

Note: Excess Sum Assured = BSA+ASA minus TIV.

5. Additional Sum Assured

a) The Additional Sum Assured will be payable at death, accidental death, or TPD is:

MIN(5% x ROUNDDOWN(completed policy years at death or TPD/10,0),30%) x Min

(Current Sum Assured, Initial Sum Assured).

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

- Initial Sum Assured refers to Basic Sum Assured at policy commencement.
- Current Sum Assured refers to Basic Sum Assured at death, accidental death or
- Basic Sum Assured will stay level throughout whole policy term, unless policyholder
chooses to increase or decrease sum assured.

b) There are no additional insurance charges for ASA.

c) The Additional Sum Assured is offered to both standard and substandard lives.
d) If IL CI Benefit Advance Rider or IL CI Plus Rider is a
e) ttached, the ASA does not apply to the IL CI Benefit Advance Rider or IL CI Plus Rider.

Examples (Assuming no child lien for all cases):-

Scenario 1: No change in BSA
Initial Sum Assured = RM500,000. No increase/ decrease in sum assured. Death occurs at 16
years and 3 months.
Total ASA= (5% x RM500,000) x 1 = RM25,000
Total Death Benefit = max(RM500,000 + RM25,000, TIV) = max(RM525,000, TIV)

Scenario 2: Increase in BSA

Initial Sum Assured = RM500,000. Increase in sum assured from RM500,000 to RM650,000
in policy year 2. Death occurs at 17 years and 6 months.
Total ASA = (5% x RM500,000) x 1 = RM25,000
Total Death Benefit = max(RM650,000 + RM25,000, TIV) = max(RM675,000, TIV)

Scenario 3: Decrease in BSA

Initial Sum Assured = RM800,000. Decrease in sum assured from RM800,000 to RM 500,000
in policy year 3. Death occurs at 25 years and 8 months.
Total ASA= (5% x RM500,000) x 2 = RM50,000
Total Death Benefit = max(RM500,000 + RM50,000, TIV) = max(RM550,000, TIV)

Scenario 4: With IL CIBAR; Death claim after CI claim

Initial Sum Assured = RM500,000. IL CI Benefit Advance Rider with sum assured of
RM500,000 is attached. No increase/ decrease in sum assured. CI occurs at 15 years and 3
months. Death occurs at 20 years and 5 months.
 After CI claim at 15 years and 3 months, there is no longer any Basic Sum Assured on
this policy. The ASA of RM25,000* or TIV, whichever is higher, will be payable upon
death / TPD claim.
*ASA at 15 years and 3 months = (5% x RM500,000) x 1 = RM25,000
 Total Death Benefit payable at death = max(RM25,000, TIV)

Scenario 5: With IL CIBAR; Accidental death claim after CI claim

Initial Sum Assured = RM600,000. IL CI Benefit Advance Rider with sum assured of
RM600,000 is attached. No increase/ decrease in sum assured. CI occurs at 15 years and 3
months. Accidental Death (Non-Public Conveyance) occurs at 16 years and 5 months.
 After CI claim at 15 years and 3 months, there is no longer any Basic Sum Assured on
this policy. The ASA of RM30,000* or TIV, whichever is higher, will be payable upon
death / TPD claim.
*ASA at 15 years and 3 months = (5% x RM600,000) x 1 = RM30,000
 Total Accidental Death Benefit
= max(BSA + ASA, TIV) + (BSA + ASA)
= max(0 + 30,000, TIV) + (0 +30,000)
= max(30,000, TIV) + 30,000

 If ASA > TIV, the following will be payable:

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
Total Accidental Death Benefit = 2 x RM30,000 = RM60,000

 If ASA < TIV, the following will be payable:

Total Accidental Death Benefit = TIV + RM30,000

Scenario 6: With IL CIBAR (rider’s SA<BSA); Accidental death (Non-Public

Conveyance) claim
Initial Sum Assured = RM600,000. IL CI Benefit Advance Rider with sum assured of
RM500,000 is attached. No increase/ decrease in sum assured. CI occurs at 15 years and 3
months. Accidental Death (Non-Public Conveyance) occurs at 22 years and 5 months.
 After CI claim at 15 years and 3 months, the ASA of RM30,000* or TIV, whichever is
higher will be payable upon death / TPD claim. The ASA will still apply for the remaining
Current Sum Assured of RM100,000**.
*ASA at 15 years and 3 months = (5% x RM600,000) x 1 = RM30,000
**Current Sum Assured = Initial Sum Assured – IL CI Benefit Advance Rider Sum Assured
= RM600,000 – RM500,000 = RM100,000
 Total ASA payable at death
= max [(5% x RM100,000)x2, ASA after CI claim]
= max(10,000, 30,000)
= RM30,000
 Total Accidental Death Benefit
= max(BSA + ASA, TIV) + (BSA + ASA)
= max(100,000 + 30,000, TIV) + (100,000 + 30,000)
= max(130,000, TIV) + 130,000

 If BSA + ASA > TIV, the following will be payable:

Total Accidental Death Benefit = 2 x RM130,000 = RM260,000

 If BSA + ASA < TIV, the following will be payable:

Total Accidental Death Benefit = TIV + RM130,000

Scenario 7: With IL CIBAR (rider’s SA<BSA); Accidental death (Public Conveyance)

Initial Sum Assured = RM500,000. IL CI Benefit Advance Rider with sum assured of
RM100,000 is attached. No increase/ decrease in sum assured. CI occurs at 14 years and 3
months. Accidental Death (Public Conveyance) occurs at 25 years and 5 months.
 After CI claim at 14 years and 3 months, the ASA of RM25,000* or TIV, whichever is
higher will be payable upon death / TPD claim. The ASA will still apply for the remaining
Current Sum Assured of RM400,000**.
*ASA at 14 years and 3 months = (5% x RM500,000) x 1 = RM25,000
**Current Sum Assured = Initial Sum Assured – IL CI Benefit Advance Rider Sum
Assured = RM500,000 – RM100,000 = RM400,000
 Total ASA payable at death
= max [(5% x RM400,000)x2, ASA after CI claim]
= max [RM40,000, RM25,000] = RM40,000
 Total Accidental Death Benefit (Public Conveyance)
= max(BSA + ASA, TIV) + 2 x (BSA + ASA)
= max(400,000 + 40,000, TIV) + 2 x (400,000 + 40,000)
= max(440,000, TIV) + 880,000

 If BSA + ASA > TIV, the following will be payable:

Total Accidental Death Benefit (Public Conveyance) = 440,000 + 880,000 =

 If BSA + ASA < TIV, the following will be payable:

Total Accidental Death Benefit = TIV + RM880,000

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

Scenario 8: Accidental death claim

Initial Sum Assured = RM700,000. Accidental death (Non-Public Conveyance) occurs at 30
years and 2 months.
Total ASA = (5% x RM700,000) x 3 = RM105,000
Total Accidental Death Benefit
= max(BSA + ASA, TIV) + (BSA + ASA)
= max(700,000 + 105,000, TIV) + (700,000 +105,000)
= max(805,000, TIV) + 805,000

 If BSA+ASA> TIV, the following will be payable:

Total Accidental Death Benefit = 2 x 805,000 = RM1,610,000

 If BSA+ASA< TIV, the following will be payable.

Total Accidental Death Benefit = TIV + RM805,000

Scenario 9: Accidental death claim after TPD claim for BSA > RM10 million
Initial Sum Assured = RM15,000,000. TPD occurs at 10 years and 2 months, TIV =
RM2,000,000. Accidental death (Non-Public Conveyance) occurs at 15 years and 5 months.
TPD claim amount:
= Min (BSA + ASA – TIV, RM10,000,000)
= Min (RM15,000,000 + RM750,000 – RM2,000,000, RM10,000,000)
= Min (RM13,750,000, RM10,000,000)
= RM10,000,000
This TPD claim amount will be payable in 3 annual instalments with the first
being a lump sum of RM2,000,000 and the balance will be payable in two equal,
annual instalments of RM4,000,000 each. There will not be any ASA payout in
the future as the ASA portion of RM750,000 will be advanced first before the BSA in
determining the TPD claim amount.
Remaining sum assured
= RM15,000,000 – (RM10,000,000 – RM750,000)
= RM15,000,000 – RM9,250,000
= RM5,750,000
After TPD claim, the COI will be charged on the excess of remaining sum assured over TIV,
i.e. RM5,750,000 – RM2,000,000 = RM3,750,000
Total Accidental Death Benefit = 2 x RM5,750,000 = RM11,500,000

6. Booster Reward
A percentage (%) of Basic Sum Assured (BSA), where BSA is the lower of the initial sum
assured or any subsequent amendment made to the BSA will be credited into the TIV
account, subject to the following conditions:
a) the policy is inforce;
b) not more than 5 partial withdrawals are made; and
c) all premiums due are paid-up-to-date.

The percentage (%) of BSA for Booster Reward will be vary by coverage term as follow:

Coverage Term % of Basic Sum Assured

≤ 19 2.0%
20 - 34 4.0%
≥ 35 5.0%

The Booster Reward will be payable based on the entry age as shown below until maturity of
the policy.

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

Entry Age Booster Reward Payable

Policy anniversary on which the Life Assured attains age 65
≤ 55
next birthday & subsequently every 10 years
Policy anniversary on which the Life Assured attains age 75
56 - 65
next birthday & subsequently every 10 years
Policy anniversary on which the Life Assured attains age 85
≥ 66
next birthday & subsequently every 10 years

Notes (for internal reference only):

a) If the policyholder only pays all the premiums due AFTER the Booster Reward pay out
date, he/she will still be entitled to the Booster Reward (calculated at Net Asset Value on
the next valuation date) which will be credited in the TIV account on the day all the
premiums due are paid.
b) The policyholder is still entitled to the Booster Reward after reinstatement of the policy,
provided the policy is in force and all premiums due are paid-up-to-date.

7. Maturity Booster
While the policy is inforce, a percentage (%) of Basic Sum Assured (BSA) where BSA is the
lower of the initial sum assured or any subsequent amendment made to the BSA; will be
payable upon:
a) maturity of the policy; or
b) when death occurs on or after the policy anniversary on which the life assured has
attained age 80 years next birthday for coverage term up to age 90,

The Maturity Booster will be vary by coverage term as follow:

Coverage Term % of Basic Sum Assured

≤ 19 2.0%
20 - 34 4.0%
≥ 35 5.0%

Double Maturity Booster will be payable subject to the following conditions:

a) not more than 5 partial withdrawals are made; and
b) all premiums due are paid-up-to-date.

8. Maturity Benefit
The Total Investment Value (TIV) plus Maturity Booster, less indebtedness will be payable
upon maturity; if any. TIV is calculated at NAV at the next Valuation Date.

9. No-lapse Guarantee
There is a 6 years no-lapse guarantee for the first 6 policy years starting from the day the
policy is inforce. This means that the policy and its attachable supplementary benefits shall
continue to remain inforce even if the TIV becomes zero, subject to the following conditions:
a) Regular premium is payable consistently (Note: for 5-pay, the premium will cease at 5th
policy year, it is still qualified for no-lapse guarantee up to 6 years).
b) No premium holiday is allowed.
c) No partial withdrawal is allowed.
d) No reduction or termination of GSR (if any).

When the no-lapse guarantee is in effect, all benefits (after deducting any deficit amount in
the TIV) shall be payable upon a valid claim event, given the conditions above are met.

However, the policy will lapse if the TIV becomes zero in any year from the 7 th policy year

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
Policy Fee and Insurance Charge due after the no-lapse guarantee takes effect will be
deducted when
(a) the Budgeted Premium and Great Saver Rider premium (if any) of this Policy is paid; or
(b) the Investment Top-ups is paid
until the Policy Fee and Insurance Charge due are fully paid.

Policy Fee and Insurance Charge due after the no-lapse guarantee takes effect will also be
deducted from any benefits payable under this Policy.


i. NAV
The price at which the policy owner buys the units in a fund and sells the units back to the

ii. Determination of Price

NAV of each fund are determined daily, after the valuation of the assets of that fund.

i. Premium payment mode
Regular premium, choice of yearly, half-yearly, quarterly and monthly

ii. Premium mode factors

Modal premium is determined before annual premium where the annual premium is M times
of the Modal premium.

Mode of Modal Premium M

Annually 1
Half-yearly 2
Quarterly 4
Monthly 12

iii. Premium Payment Method

- Internet Banking, Credit Card, JomPay, GIRO, ePAY or Cash / Cheque payment via
Collecting Bank (over-the-counter, ATM & cheque deposit machine). However, cash and
cheque are not allowed for monthly mode of payment.
- Inclusion of GAE upon inception can be paid via credit card.
- SPTU during CS stage is only payable by JomPay.

iv. Advance Premium

APA account is not applicable. Follow existing IL plans’ practice, all premium paid will be
allocated to the funds as chosen by the policy owner.

v. Great Saver Rider (GSR)

NB Stage:
- Only available for substandard case.

CS Stage:
- During the premium payment term, if customer request to increase premium due to
increase of Sum Assured, inclusion of new rider, or simply increase premium without
increase of coverage, the additional premium will be treated as GSR.
- Customer is ALLOWED to amend GSR premium at CS stage. However, if there is any
reduction or termination of GSR, the No-lapse Guarantee will no longer be applicable.

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

vi. Balancer
NB Stage:
Any excess in premium after SAM rule will be treated as Balancer.

Age at Entry Sum Assured Multiple (SAM)

1 – 16 60
17 – 25 55
26 – 35 50
36 – 45 35
46 – 55 25
56 and above 15

• Life Assured: 30 ANB, Male Non-smoker
• SAM rule of 50
• Bought SPWM with BSA of RM500,000, PPT of 5 years, Coverage Term up to age 80,
with RM15,000 premium
• RM10,000 of the premium will be considered as Insurance Premium whereas the
remaining RM5,000 will be considered as Balancer.

CS Stage:
For reduction of sum assured, any excess in premium after SAM rule will be treated as

• Life Assured: 30 ANB, Male Non-smoker
• SAM rule of 50
• Bought SPWM with BSA of RM750,000, PPT of 5 years, Coverage Term up to age 80,
with RM15,000 premium
• At CS stage, reduce sum assured to RM500,000 without reducing BuP
• RM10,000 of the premium will be considered as Insurance Premium whereas the
remaining RM5,000 will be considered as Balancer.

vii. Golden Age Enhancer (GAE)

a) A policyholder can include GAE at inception of the policy.
b) The minimum entry age to be eligible for GAE is age 55 next birthday.
c) Minimum GAE amount is one time of BuP and it is fixed at one time of BuP. If inclusion
of GAE occurs at policy inception due to failing Illustration Rule, GAE will then be
allowed to exceed the amount of BuP.
d) For cases with premium payment mode other than yearly mode, first policy year BuP
need not be fulfilled before GAE is payable.

i. Insurance Premium
Premium allocation depends on the premium payment term chosen.

Premium Policy Year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >=9
5 86% 86% 86% 96% 96% 100%
10 80% 80% 80% 90% 90% 90% 95% 95% 100%

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
20 60% 60% 60% 80% 80% 80% 95% 95% 100%

ii. Single Premium Top-Ups / Golden Age Enhancer (GAE) / GSR / Balancer
Allocation Rate: 95%

i. Insurance Charge
- Insurance charges depend on the attained age next birthday, gender, occupation class,
medical rating and smoking status, where applicable. The Company may vary these
insurance charges at each policy anniversary.
- Insurance charges will be deducted in respect of Net Sum Assured.
Net Sum Assured = Basic Sum Assured – TIV, subject to minimum of zero
- The monthly insurance charges are calculated as the Net Sum Assured times one twelfth
of the risk rates corresponding to the attained age.
- These charges will be deducted by selling units already allocated to the Policy, at the
NAV on the next Valuation Date following the due date of the insurance charges.

ii. Policy Fee

A monthly administration fee of RM6 will be deducted by selling units already allocated to the
Policy from the policy owner’s funds, at the NAV at the next Valuation Date, at the beginning
of each policy month.

iii. Fund Management Charge

- A fund management charge will be deducted at each asset valuation before determining
the NAV. Unit prices will reflect the deduction.
- The management charge to be deducted is:
× K%* × Value of Fund

t = the number of business days from the preceding Valuation Date to the
Current Valuation;
K%* = the percentage charge (subject to the Investment Committee’s approval) for
the appropriate fund as follows:

Fund K% *
F17 Lion Enhanced Equity Fund 1.50
F18 Dana Gemilang 1.50
F1 Lion Balanced Fund 1.00
F4 Lion Fixed Income Fund 0.50
F5 Lion Progressive Fund 1.35
F6 Dana Sejati 0.50
F21 Lion Advanced Strategic Fund 1.35
F22 Lion Small Mid Cap Fund 1.40
F26 Lion ASEAN Fund 1.50
F10 Lion US-i Fund 0.75
F11 Lion UK-i Fund 0.75
F12 Lion AU-i Fund 0.75
* subject to management changes

- Value of Fund refers to the value of the appropriate fund as determined by the Company.

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
i. Single Premium Top-Ups (SPTU)
CS Stage:
- After the policy is inforce, SPTU can be included as Investment Top-Up at any time
provided that the current year’s and all previous years’ BuP have been fulfilled.
- Minimum SPTU is RM1,000.
- Any policy changes, i.e. increase SA, rider inclusion after premium payment term, the
required premium (based on sustainability test and subject to the min of RM1,000) will be
collected as SPTU.

ii. Premium Increment

During Premium Payment Term:
A policyholder can increase the regular BuP subject to the following conditions:
a) Increase in premium will be in the form of GSR and can take effect from the next premium
due date subject to the constraints below:

Mode of Payment Minimum Increment (RM)

Annually 240
Half-yearly 120
Quarterly 60
Monthly 20

b) The policyholder can choose to keep the sum assured unchanged or increase the sum
assured to the maximum sum assured (based on sustainability test) allowed.
c) The increase in regular BuP (GSR) during Premium Payment Term (5, 10 or 20; where
applicable) is payable up to premium payment term.

Customer is paying RM20,000 per annual for SPWM– 5pay, if he request to increase
premium to RM20,800 at the end of 2nd year, the extra premium of RM800 will be treated
at GSR, with GSR allocation rate of 95%, from 3rd to 5th years.

After Premium Payment Term:

Premium Increment after Premium Payment Term due to policy changes i.e. increase SA,
rider inclusion, the required premium (based on sustainability test and subject to the min of
RM1,000) will be collected as SPTU.

iii. Decrease in Premium

A policy owner can decrease the regular premium subject to the following conditions:
a) Decrease in premium can take effect from the next premium due date.
b) For policy amendments (i.e amendment on the premium or sum assured) after policy is
in force, agent will use ILP Alteration Calculator to check for premium sufficiency.

Mode of Payment Minimum Premium after the Decrease (RM)

5-Pay 10-Pay 20-Pay
Annually 1,500 1,500 1,200
Half-yearly 750 750 600
Quarterly 375 375 300
Monthly 125 125 100

iv. Partial Withdrawal

Monies can be withdrawn by selling some of the units at the NAV in one or more of the
invested funds subject to the following conditions:
a) The minimum amount for partial withdrawal is RM 1,000.
b) The aggregate value of the remaining units in all funds must be at least RM1,000.

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
c) For partial withdrawal, BSA will be reduced by the amount withdrawn. If the BSA is
reduced to an amount lower than the minimum SA of RM6,000, the BSA will be set to

Example 1:
A policy with BSA=RM500,000, TIV =RM509,000, customer requested to exercise partial
withdrawal of RM508,000 and thus, the BSA is reduced to an amount lower than
RM6,000. By following rules (c) above, the BSA for this policy will be set to RM6,000 after
partial withdrawal.

Example 2:
Customer - 30 ANB, Male Non-smoker, BSA=RM500,000, PPT of 20 years, with
RM15,000 premium. With SAM rule of 50, RM10,000 of the premium will be considered
as Insurance Premium whereas the remaining RM5,000 will be considered as Balancer.

After partial withdrawal of RM100,000, the SA is reduced to RM400,000. If the customer

continues to pay RM15,000 premium, RM8,000 of the premium will be considered as
Insurance Premium whereas the remaining RM7,000 will be considered as Balancer.

v. Fund Switching
A policy owner can sell units in any one fund at the NAV and purchase units in any of the
other funds at the NAV at no charge, at any time after the policy has turned in force. The
minimum amount sold to purchase units in another unit fund is RM1,000 per fund. However, if
the fund is less than RM1,000, it can be done provided all the units in that fund are switched.
More than one switch can be done at one time and this will be considered as a single switch.

vi. Changing Premium Apportionment

A policyholder can alter the premium apportionment at any time. After the Company receives
the alteration request, the next and all future premiums will be apportioned to the Unit Funds
in the new proportions subject to the minimum BuP listed in the table below:

Mode of Payment Minimum Amount Apportionable to Each Fund (RM)

Annually 12
Half-Yearly 6
Quarterly 3
Monthly 1

i. Sum Assured
Minimum : RM500,000
Maximum : Subject to underwriting

ii. Age at Entry

Minimum : 14 days attained age
Maximum :
Coverage Term Age Next Birthday
Up to age 70 45
Up to age 80 65
Up to age 90 70

iii. Premium Payment Term

5 years, 10 years, 20 years

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
Note: Cannot be longer than coverage term

iv. Coverage Term

Up to age 70, 80, 90 years next birthday.

v. Minimum Premium
For internal reference:
Premium Payment Term Minimum Annual Premium
5 and 10 1,500
20 1,200

vi. Large Sum Assured Discount (LSAD)


vii. Non-Medical Limits (NML)

The sum assured of this plan will only aggregate with the plans listed in Table 1 below, where
the NML aggregated Sum Assured is applicable within 2 calendar years.
Table 1:
No. Plan Code Plan Name
1 0477 Smart Legacy Special
2 0476 Smart Legacy
3 0480 Smart Legacy Max
4 0488 Great 110 Legacy
5 0489 Great 110 Legacy Special
6 0494 SmartProtect Legacy Max
7 0497 SmartProtect Wealth 20
8 0525 SmartProtect Wealth Plus
9 0548 SmartProtect Wealth Max Special
Waiver riders attachable to SL / SLM / SPLM / SPW20 /
10 U77, U101, U102
11 U104 Waiver riders attachable to GL110
IL Critical Illness Plus Rider, IL Level Term Rider and Smart
12 U140, U176, U189 Multi Critical Care attachable to SPW20 / SPLM / SPWP /
13 U183, U206 IL IAR and IL CAR attachable to SPW20 / SPLM/ SPWM

The non-medical limits are listed as follows:

Age Next Birthday Sum Assured (RM)
14 days to 16 1,500,000
17 to 50 8,000,000
51 to 60 3,000,000
61 to 70 500,000

If payer/ waiver rider(s) is attached to this plan, the NML calculation will only be counted if the
Total Annualized Premium to be waived per life is above RM250,000.

viii. Financial Underwriting Limits

The sum assured of this plan will only aggregate with the plans listed in Table 1 above to
determine the financial underwriting requirement.

Sum Assured Minimum Financial Evidence

Up to RM4,000,000 N/A
RM 4,000,001 –  Financial Questionnaire Part I (to be completed by agent)

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
RM6,000,000  Financial Questionnaire Part II (to be completed by
 Financial Questionnaire Part I & Part II
 Certified ITR/EA form for the past 3 years
RM6,000,001 and above
 Company audited accounts/P&L for the past 3 years (if
 Business Registration Form 24/49 (if applicable)

ix. Underwriting for Substandard Life

Follow existing practice.


Any changes in the sum assured will take effect from the next Insurance Charge due date:

i. Increase in Sum Assured

Allowed up to the maximum sum assured (based on the sustainability test); and subject to
underwriting. The increase in premium will be treated as GSR.
As for increase in SA after premium payment term, the ILP Calculator will only enable the
SPTU for sustainability calculation.

ii. Decrease in Sum Assured

a) Automatic Reduction
When a partial withdrawal is made, the sum assured will automatically be reduced to the
sum assured prior to the withdrawal less the amount withdrawn, subject to the minimum
SA of RM6,000. The recalculation of the split of Insurance Premium & Balancer will be
done after the reduction of sum assured.

b) Voluntary Reduction
Policyholder may voluntarily reduce the sum assured, subject to the minimum sum
assured limit of RM500,000.


The Company may increase the charges for existing policies in specified circumstances, up to
specified limits. The charges that are allowed for changing are: Policy Fee, Fund Management
Charge and Insurance Charge Rates.


In the event that the sustainability of the policy is reduced due to a revision of insurance charge of the
basic plan or its attaching riders, the Company may increase GSR premium to support the increase in
insurance charge.

Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
Yes. Subject to Balanced Scorecard.

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
i. Fund Asset Allocation
Policy owner can choose to invest in one or more of:

Local Funds
a) F1 Lion Balanced Fund
A fund which invests in a mixture of equities (ranging from 40% to 60%) and fixed income
securities. This fund seeks to provide medium to long-term capital appreciation, with a
moderate level of volatility.

b) F4 Lion Fixed Income Fund

A fund which invests in fixed income securities, for example government and corporate
bonds as well as cash and cash equivalents. This fund seeks to provide consistent return
at low levels of volatility. Although the fund invests mainly in Malaysia (40% to 100%), it
may also partially invest in foreign fixed income securities (up to 50%), to enhance the
fund’s returns.

c) F5 Lion Progressive Fund

A fund which invests in a mixture of equities (ranging from 50% to 90%) and fixed income
securities. This fund seeks to provide medium to long-term capital appreciation, with a
moderate-to-high level of volatility.

d) F6 Dana Sejati
A fund which invests in Shariah approved fixed income securities, for example
government and corporate sukuk as well as Islamic money market papers/deposits. This
fund seeks to provide consistent return at low levels of volatility. Although the fund invests
mainly in Malaysia (40% to 100%), it may also partially invest in foreign Shariah approved
fixed income securities (up to 50%), to enhance the fund’s returns.

e) F17 Lion Enhanced Equity Fund

A fund where 80% to 100% of the investments are in equities. This fund seeks to achieve
medium to long term capital appreciation. Although the fund invests mainly in Malaysia
(50% to 100%), it may also partially invest in companies that have significant business
operations in Singapore (up to 25%) and Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong,
Macau and Taiwan) (up to 25%), if and when necessary, to enhance the fund’s returns.

f) F18 Dana Gemilang

A fund where 80% to 100% of the investments are in equities. This fund seeks to achieve
medium to long-term capital appreciation. Although the fund invests mainly in Malaysia
(50% to 100%), it may also partially invest in companies that have significant business
operations in Singapore (up to 25%) and Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong,
Macau and Taiwan) (up to 25%), if and when necessary, to enhance the fund’s returns.
The fund only invests in Shariah-approved securities.

g) F21 Lion Advanced Strategic Fund

A fund which invests in a mixture of equities, fixed income securities and money market
instruments in Malaysia and companies that have significant business operations in Asia.
There is flexibility in asset allocation as this fund may invest solely in fixed income
securities or equities. Collective investment schemes such as unit trusts, mutual funds
and exchange-traded funds which invest in such underlying asset classes maybe
considered. The fund seeks to maximize capital appreciation over the medium to long-
term while reducing risks and/or enhancing returns through timely and dynamic switching
of asset classes in different markets at any given point in time.

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
g) F22 Lion Small Mid Cap Fund
A fund where 60% to 100% of investments are in equities with the balance in cash and/or
cash equivalents, which may be volatile in the short term. This fund seeks to achieve
medium to long-term capital appreciation, investing in Malaysian (50% to 100%) Small
and Medium Market Capitalisation (“Small Mid Cap”) equities. It may partially invest in
foreign Small Mid Cap equities (Asia Pacific excluding Japan region) if and when
necessary, to enhance the fund’s returns.

h) F26 Lion ASEAN Fund

A fund where 80% to 100% of the investments are in equities. The Fund seeks to
maximise capital appreciation over the medium to long-term while reducing risks and/or
enhancing returns through timely and dynamic switching of asset classes in ASEAN
markets at any given point in time. The balance of the fund’s net asset value will be
invested in domestic short-term money market instruments including cash. Collective
investment schemes such as unit trusts, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds which
invest in such underlying asset classes may be considered.

International Funds
a) F10 Lion US-i Fund
A fund which is passively managed and aims to track the performance of S&P500 over
the medium to long term (indexing strategy), which may be volatile in the short term. This
fund seeks to provide medium to long-term capital appreciation.

b) F11 Lion UK-i Fund

A fund which is passively managed and aims to track the performance of FTSE100 over
the medium to long term (indexing strategy), which may be volatile in the short term. This
fund seeks to provide medium to long-term capital appreciation.

c) F12 Lion AU-i Fund

A fund which is passively managed and aims to track the performance of S&P/ASX200
over the medium to long term (indexing strategy), which may be volatile in the short term.
This fund seeks to provide medium to long-term capital appreciation.

ii. Investment Strategy

Policy owner can choose one of the investment strategies: -

With Strategy Package

a) 7 My Choiced Investor Profile
b) 17 Universal
c) 28 Secure
d) 29 Moderately Secure
e) 30 Balanced
f) 31 Dynamic
g) 32 Very Dynamic
h) 33 Secure (Islamic Funds)
i) 34 Moderately Secure (Islamic Funds)
j) 35 Balanced (Islamic Funds)
k) 36 Dynamic (Islamic Funds)
l) 37 Very Dynamic (Islamic Funds)

Without Strategy Package

a) My Choiced

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
i. Surrender Values
The cash value of the policy is the total value of all the units in all the funds selected by the
policy owner based on the NAV at the Next Valuation Date. Surrender value is subject to the
deduction of indebtedness, if any.

i. Paid-up Values / Extended Term Assurance / Policy Loans / Automatic Premium Loan /
Bonus Rate / Option to Purchase New Policy
Not applicable.

ii. Replacement of Policies

Applicable. An agent or agency leader may not receive any compensation with respect to a
policy, which replaced another policy within a duration of less than 12 months before or after
the original policy is discontinued subject to the current practice.

iii. Nomination/Assignment/Third Party Policy

i. There is no restriction on assigning and this policy can be issued as Third Party policy.
ii. This minimum age at entry for policy owners should be 19 years old next birthday (age
limit for life insured is according to the min & max entry age stated in an earlier page).

iv. Reinstatement
3 years. Reinstatement is subject to the deduction of any indebtedness to the Company.

v. Backdating
Not allowed.

vi. Change in Premium Payment term

Not allowed.

vii. Free-Look Period

Policy owner is allowed to cancel the policy within 15 days. Budgeted Premium (BuP), less
medical fees incurred and adjustments to reflect the change in market value of the underlying
assets, will be refunded.

Equivalently, the refund is the sum of the: -

a) Total Investment Values of the policy based on the NAV at next valuation date; and
b) The investment values of the units which have been cancelled to pay for insurance
charges and policy fee; and
c) The amount of the premiums that have not been allocated;
Less medical expenses incurred for medical examinations, if any.

viii. Conversion at Maturity Privilege (Option to purchase at maturity)

 The policyholder may purchase a level sum assured Endowment or Whole Life policy up
to the Net Sum Assured at the expiry/maturity date of this policy but not later than age 80
next birthday. This privilege will only be made available to policies with Standard life at
entry age.
 Application to purchase at maturity must be done 30 days before or after the maturity
date of this policy.
 Evidence of assurability will be waived when underwriting the Life Assured for the basic
death benefit of the new policy. TPD and inclusion of riders such as CI riders will be
subject to standard underwriting
 The Company will at its sole and absolute discretion determine the range of Whole Life or
Endowment policy for which the Life Assured may apply at the time of exercising the
option. The type of product offered may be traditional or investment-linked based on the
availability of products at that time.

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

Minimum / Maximum Sum Assured of the new policy
Minimum : Follow the minimum Sum Assured as required by the applicable plan at the
time of exercising the option
Maximum: Net Sum Assured (rounded to the nearest ringgit) of this policy at the time of
exercising the option:

Net Sum Assured = Sum Assured – TIV

If TIV is greater than the Sum Assured at maturity, then this policy will not be
entitled for the option.

If the Net Sum Assured at maturity is lower than the minimum Sum Assured
required for the new plan applied, then this policy will not be entitled for the

Sum Assured = Basic Sum Assured or any subsequent changes in sum


 Only ONE new policy can be purchased when this option is exercised. In the event where
the Net Sum Assured of this policy has exceeded the maximum Sum Assured allowed for
the converted policy, the policyholders will only be allowed to purchase one policy with
Sum Assured equal to the Maximum Sum Assured of the new policy. This policy will be
terminated immediately upon the new policy has taken effect.
 The premium payable on the converted policy will be based on the attained age of the
Life Assured at the date of conversion

ix. Termination of Premium Payment

Termination of premium payment does not directly result in policy termination.
The policy continues to remain in force as long as the TIV are positive.

x. Policy Termination
On Monthly Due Dates, if TIV is insufficient to pay the policy fee and insurance charge, the
policy will lapse. The lapse date is determined on pro-rated basis.

xiii. Vesting Age

Applicable. Follow existing ILP practice.


Unit Deduction Riders available: -
Hospitalisation and Surgical Benefits:
i. Smart Critical Relief (Plan code: U190)

Covered Event Benefits:

ii. IL Critical Illness Benefit Advance Rider (Plan code: U170)
iii. IL Critical Illness Plus Rider (Plan code: U140)
iv. Smart Multi Critical Care (Plan code: U189)

Waiver and Payer Benefits:

v. IL Payer Benefit Extra Rider (Plan code: U103)
vi. IL Waiver of Premium on TPD Rider (Plan code: U77)
vii. IL Premium Waiver on CI Rider (Plan code: U101)
viii. IL Premium Waiver Extra Rider (Plan code: U102)

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
Income Benefits:
ix. IL Cash Assure Rider (Plan code: U206)
x. IL Invest Assure Rider (Plan code: U183)

i. Please refer to the product write-up for the above riders for further details.
ii. All riders will automatically terminate when the Policy terminates due to any reason.
iii. Waiver and payers benefits coverage term is capped at the basic plan’s premium payment term.
iv. U170, U140 and U189 can co-exist.
v. If TIV > Basic Sum Assured (BSA), there is no risk charge applicable for the basic plan, but, risk
charges for the payer/waiver riders is still applicable.

Only agents who have passed the Certificate Examination in Investment-Linked Life Insurance (CEILI)
examination conducted by the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) or its equivalent are allowed to sell
investment-linked life insurance policies.

The Company shall refund TIV and Investment Values of the units which have been cancelled to pay
for Insurance Charges and policy fees due after the Risk Commencement Date or date of any
reinstatement of this Policy, whichever is later, and the amount of premiums that have not been
allocated to purchase units in the event of death of the Life Assured which:
1. Resulted from commits suicide within one year from the Risk Commencement Date or date of any
reinstatement of this Policy, whichever is later, while sane or insane.

The Company will not be liable to pay any benefit under this policy if TPD of the Life Assured:
1. has existed prior to the risk commencement date of this policy or the date of any reinstatement,
whichever is later.
2. is caused directly or indirectly by self-inflicted bodily injuries while sane or insane.
3. is caused by bodily injury sustained as a result of parachuting or sky diving or engaging in aerial
flights other than as a crew member or as a fare-paying passenger of a licensed commercial
airline operating on a regular scheduled route.
4. is resulted from the Life Assured committing, attempting or provoking an assault or a felony or
from any violation of law by Life Assured.
5. is resulted from the Life Assured driving a motor vehicle without possessing a valid driving
license. This exclusion will not apply if the Life Assured has an expired license but is not
disqualified from holding or obtaining such driving license under any laws, by-laws or regulations.
6. is resulted from war, whether declared or undeclared.

The Company will not pay the accidental death benefit for any Injury resulting in loss suffered, as a
result of, including any of the following whether directly or indirectly:
1. suicide, attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane;
2. bodily infirmity, or mental or functional disorder, or illness or disease of any kind, or any
infections, other than infections occurring simultaneously with and in consequence of an
accidental cut or wound;
3. war or any act of war, declared or undeclared, criminal activities, active duty in any armed
forces, direct participation in strike, riots and civil commotion or insurrection;
4. from the action of any armed forces, or from Accident or violence arising by reason of the
existence of a state of armed conflict;
5. engaging in aerial flights other than as a crew member or as a fare-paying passenger of a
licensed commercial airline operating on a regular scheduled route;
6. as a result of the Life Assured committing, attempting or provoking an assault or a felony, or
from any violation or attempted violation of law by the Life Assured or resistance to arrest;

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
7. as a result of the Life Assured driving a motor vehicle without possessing a valid driving license.
This exclusion will not apply if the Life Assured has an expired license but is not disqualified
from holding or obtaining such driving license under any laws, by-laws or regulations;
8. while under the influence of alcohol or drugs unless taken as prescribed by a Physician. For the
avoidance of doubt, a person is considered as under the influence of alcohol if the breath,
blood or urine test result is over the following limit:
8.1 35 mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath
8.2 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood
8.3 107 mg alcohol per 100ml of urine;
9. Injury arising from racing of any kind (except for foot racing), hazardous sports or activities that
involve speed, height, high level of physical exertion, highly specialized gear or spectacular
stunts such as but not limited to bungee jumping, parachuting, scuba diving, sky-diving, water
skiing, underwater activities requiring breathing apparatus, winter sports, Professional Sports
and illegal activities. For the avoidance of doubt, “Professional Sports” means engaging in any
physical activity in a professional capacity or where the Life Assured would or could earn
income or remuneration from engaging in such activity;
10. from childbirth, pregnancy and/or any complications thereof;
11. ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear waste from
process of nuclear fission or from any nuclear weapons material; or
12. from the Life Assured engaging in commando or bomb disposal duties/training.
No accidental death benefit shall be made if the accident occurs prior to the risk commencement date
or date of any reinstatement, whichever is later.

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SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
APPENDIX 1 Terminology
a) Budgeted Premium (BuP) = Insurance Premium + Balancer (if any)

b) Indebtedness: shall mean any unpaid policy fee and insurance charge. Any indebtedness
insured will be deducted from premium paid and any benefit or claim proceeds payable.

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Agency Manual (For internal reference only)
SmartProtect Wealth Max (Plan Code: 0537)
(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
APPENDIX 2 (Insurance Charges Table)
– Insurance Charge Rate Per Annum Per RM 1,000 Sum Assured

Attained Age Male Smoker Male Non- Female Female Non-

Next Birthday smoker Smoker smoker
1 - 35 0.891 0.891 0.891 0.891
36 0.964 0.891 0.891 0.891
37 1.031 0.964 0.891 0.891
38 1.111 1.031 0.891 0.891
39 1.204 1.111 0.964 0.891
40 1.317 1.204 1.031 0.964
41 1.450 1.317 1.111 1.031
42 1.616 1.450 1.204 1.111
43 1.896 1.680 1.378 1.260
44 2.134 1.770 1.511 1.380
45 2.406 1.890 1.693 1.513
46 2.697 2.120 1.886 1.693
47 3.029 2.370 2.134 1.900
48 3.356 2.650 2.400 2.124
49 3.700 2.950 2.706 2.350
50 4.070 3.340 3.041 2.702
51 4.616 3.892 3.371 3.030
52 5.072 4.368 3.740 3.371
53 5.537 4.761 4.151 3.740
54 6.003 5.154 4.604 4.151
55 6.510 5.568 5.105 4.604
56 7.059 6.024 5.670 5.105
57 7.607 6.500 6.269 5.670
58 8.156 6.945 6.902 6.269
59 8.746 7.452 7.557 6.902
60 9.460 8.735 8.205 7.557
61 10.790 9.626 8.811 8.205
62 11.908 10.681 9.424 8.811
63 13.156 11.840 10.113 9.424
64 14.878 12.958 10.970 10.113
65 16.180 14.128 12.036 10.970
66 17.925 15.422 13.240 12.036
67 19.665 16.943 14.975 13.240
68 21.701 18.475 16.319 14.975
69 23.819 19.996 17.984 16.319
70 24.004 21.518 18.422 16.716
71 28.212 22.087 21.348 19.293
72 30.994 24.498 23.437 21.348
73 33.886 26.310 25.771 23.437
74 36.454 28.399 29.060 25.900
75 33.672 27.870 28.626 24.528
76 37.930 32.134 32.024 29.166
77 43.050 34.004 36.409 33.210
78 48.168 38.547 41.323 38.447
79 53.780 43.213 46.465 43.113
80 59.942 49.683 53.506 49.583
81 67.427 57.391 61.816 57.291
82 74.955 65.341 70.074 65.241
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(Regular Premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)
83 83.159 73.441 78.674 73.341
84 92.066 80.689 86.369 80.589
85 101.682 91.172 98.047 91.072
86 113.106 98.777 105.905 98.677
87 124.370 107.870 115.752 107.770
88 136.506 117.587 125.408 117.487
89 149.495 129.193 137.456 129.093

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