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Tom Kate

Anna Ron

Anna has got a brown hair and a pink T-shirt

Ron has got a brown hair and blue shirt.

Tom is on the red slide.

Kate is on the swing. She has got a green T-shirt and red shoes.

- I Like this picture! Is that you?

- Yes, it is. My name’s Ben.
- Is that B E N?
- Yes, Ben
- How old are you?
- Im eight
- 8?
- Yes
- Is that your friend?
- Yes, it is.
- What’s his name?
- Sam. That’s S A M
- Thanks.

Where do you live?

We live on the Orange Street

How do you spell that?



Have you got any animals?

- Yes, I have. I’ve got 4 dogs and a cat.

- That’s great

- What’s the name of your cat?

- His name is Black
- Can you spell Black
- Black

Car on the bed is blue.

Car under the bed is red.

Car under the desk is orange.

Car on the desk is yellow.

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