GS HR5-6 Progression Guide

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GS Hr5-7 Progression Guide

When I reach HR 5 I was crushed by the difficulty spike like most of the player, with the help of others
players in discord I manage to craft a mixset for blademaster(specifically for GS) but it can be used
with any other blademaster weapon changing only the Gore Belt for another Exotic Belt of your choice.
This set will give you the damage and survival skills to solo Hr5-7 but this is Frontier so you still get
oneshoted by some monsters so you need to practice evade and parry/guard. Also probably you will
need some tries to learn the monster movesets so if you fail a quest get up and try again. I recommend
kill the monster with your partner(npc) or with another player of the same rank the first time so you can
enjoy the true experience of that combat and then ask for help in chat or in discord to farm the
monster’s materials so you can finish a lot faster. I recommend use always an exotic weapon because
they give you speed-eating but sometimes its better gou weapons(Example: Ill use Zeru weapon again
Baruragaru, because he is immune to water so I cant use Amatsu weapon and resistant to poison so I
cant use Narga weapon).

Things you need to have:

1-Seph Patch(change a lot of things like the quests of some ranks[without seph patch toa tesukatora is
hr5 and in Seph Patch is hr6]).
2-You should know about(check Leaps’s Guide):
2.1-Partners(I recommend to powder item set for your partner, and a SnS partner(I used the HH one but
the SnS one is a lot better with this item set)).
2.2-Halks and Partnyas.
2.3-Caravan Gem and Hunter Jewel.
2.6-Great Sword(GS) moveset Guide:
2.7-MHFZZDB (apk guide of the game, you can see there monster weakness, drops info and a lot of
things more):
2.8-Iframe: this is a Frontier mechanic for all weapons, consist in roll to ignore attacks even if they hit
you(you can even roll over them), this can be used in a lot of situations to evade not parryable attacks
and to deal free damage in the monster recovery animation, to survive some attacks you will have to
iframe them.
2.9-Diva Skills: you have to be in a Normal Diva World(not Newbie Diva), near the Guildmaster, there
is a NPC with blue clothes, select Diva Defense/GCP Exchange/Skills to get an extra skill for 1 quest(if
you faint twice you can retreat and you wont lose the skill), this only works in Diva World. I didn’t use
it in the Guide cuz didn’t know.
3.1-Potion (you can buy it in the General Store).
3.2-MegaPotion (combine Potion and Honey(you can buy it in the General Store)(also buy to your box
all Books of Combos to increase success rate)).
3.3-LifePowder (combine GodBug(you can buy it in the General Store), Wyvern Claw(you can buy it
in the General Store) and Wyvern Fang(you can buy it in the General Store))
3.4-Max Potion (combine Nutrients(you can buy it in the General Store), Honey and Dragon
Toadstool(you can buy it in the General Store)(is used to heal all players in the same zone so you can
use it to heal another player with low hp))
3.5-Cool Drink (you can buy it in the General Store)
3.6-Hot Drink (you can buy it in the General Store)
3.7-Perfect Whetstone (combine whetstone(buy in general store)and sushi fish(buy in Grocery
Store).Need to combine in Combo Shop)
3.8-Psychoserum (you can buy it in the General Store(is used to know where the monster is))
3.9-Farcaster (you can buy it in the General Store(is used to teleport to camp(you can use it to escape
when you are in troubles)))
3.10-Herb (you can buy it in the General Store), Blue Mushrooms (you can buy it in the General Store)
and Honey to combine in MegaPotion in-quest.
3.11-Energy Drink(combine honey(you can buy it in the General Store)and sunset herb(you can buy it
in the General Store))
3.12-Hunter Taloncharm(combine Power Charm and Lao Shang Claw to make Power Talon, then
combine Power Talon with another Power Charm to make Power Talon Charm, repeat with Armour
charm, and combine bot Talon Charm in Hunter Taloncharm(Give attack and defense if you have it in
your inventory(no item box)(dont stack with Power and Armor charms)))
4.1- Coordy Armor Set(you can claim it for free in the Guide NPC at the entrance of Mezaporta when
you reach hr5(also you get Zerureusu materials to make his weapon but I’m not going to craft it yet
because I don’t like to use materials of a monster I don’t killed yet))
4.2- Rukodiora Weapon Max Level
4.3- Gallery Attack Decos X10 (you can farm it in Other Quests>Gear Acquisition Quest>Gallery
Attack Deco)

Preparation for HR5

We want to make this set:

9xGallery Attack Decos(Other Quests/Gear Acquisition Quests/Gallery Attack Decos)
6xAttack 3 Decos(General Store/Net Cafe Benefits/Redeem N points/decorations/page 18)
Step 1: Repel Odibatorasu(beware of the roar because it will cause a sand explotion that is a oneshot, if
you get traped in a sand pillar spin left stick to get free), craft odiva arms and legs and upgrade both to
F lv7(gou armor can go to the next tier after Lv7, a higher tier give you a little more points for an
specific skill and 1 more slot for decos). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 2: Hunt Zerureusu(when he lost 75% HP he will enter 2nd phase, get new attacks, more damage
and speed) and craft his weapon. Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 3: Hunt Meraginasu(when the figth start he will do a hearing animation and focus the player/npc
that is making noise and is more near to him(for a while until he repeat the animation) so you can stop
moving and let your partner get the focus),craft his helm and upgrade until it get 2 decos slots(dont
know if F is necessary). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 4: Hunt Gore Magala(beware of the frenzy virus, if you get infected a gauge will appear down
your name, the gauge fill over time and fill faster if you are over frenzy clouds or get hits of
Gore/Shagaru Magala, but if you deal enough damage to monsters you will gain immunity again frenzy
virus for a while and get affinity buff, also his roar is a little weird, only affect you if you are near the
head), craft his belt and upgrade to max level. Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 5: Hunt Nargacuga(the strongest of the exotic monsters, you should try to cut his tail to reduce the
tail’s attacks hitbox and break his winds to reduce his mobility, parry/guard are very good in this fight)
and craft his weapon and his chest(armor crafting quest give you a lot more materials than the normal
quest but if you don’t break the head you will fail the quest). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 6: Slay Amatsu(you can parry the water bomb to get free hits, if he fly out of the area you should
go near him to evade his attacks easier, if he make you get closer to him you should use the lv4
upswing so you maybe deal enough damage to cancel the animation.) and craft his weapon. The
following steps can be done in any order. Gameplay of the Guide:
I forget about 3 exotics when making the guide, in the video Im using toridcless helm because I thought
they were hr6 monsters when I make the guide, it doesn’t matter that much, you can kill them using
Meraginasu helm.

Step 7: Hunt Zinogre(hit him in the horns when he is charging so you can make him flinch and cancel
the charge, if he charge he will get better moveset and more damage, he can get up fast when you make
him fall and when he just stay in place moving his mouth be careful because he will jump in the place
and deal a lot of damage(parry/guard it and counter)) and make his weapon. Gameplay of the Guide:

HR5 Exotics(Optional)

Step 8: Hunt Brachydios(Brachy has his arms and horn covered in slime, if he hits you with those he
will inflict you the blast status(if you receive any hit you will explode and receive a lot of
damage(generally you will die because you receive the hit and then the explosion at the same time)you
need to roll 3 times to get free)the slime will change of color(green>yellow>red) and explode in red,
when he is enraged all the slime of his arms and horn will become yellow and will explode instantly
when he attack, in enraged mode he can bury his horn and make explosions around him(try to stay
behind his legs(no explosion there)so you upswing)).Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 9: Hunt Uragaan(he can exudes sleep and fire gasses(if is fire you can use charged upswing + iron
will to tank the attack and deal free damage), also can drop burning stones and detonate them when he
hits them, he can roll around the place and finish with a chin stomp or a back jump over you(parry and
follow with upswing), also can charge his chin stomp(different of normal charge(this time you can see
small sleep gasses around his body)that have more range and make a big explosion)). Gameplay of the

Step 10: Hunt Forokururu(he will drain the nectar of nearby flower and change his elemental/status
attack depending on which flower he drains, is a very beautiful fight but very easy too). Gameplay of
the Guide:

Step 11: Hunt Gougarf Duo(in this quest you have to hunt 2 monsters(Lolo is the red one and Ray is
the blue one), they fight as a team, enrage at the same time, leave the zone at the same time and they
have syncro attacks). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 12: Hunt Baruragaru (he can drink liquids of his prey’s body and get a different status attack
according to what he drink, poison from Iodrome, paralysis from Gendrome and blood(blood’s attacks
drain your weapon’s sharp) from players(and NPC), it will change color according to what he drink,
when he is white he can do water attacks(he’s original element) and some grabs attacks(he raises his
head for a moment and then make several cuts in a large area around him with his tongue) that if they
hit you he will drink your blood doing a big amount of damage(spin left stick to get free). Gameplay of
the Guide:

Step 13: Hunt Orugaron Duo (Nono is the white one and Kamu the gray one, they are a lot more
stronger than the Gougarf Duo because they do a lot more damage, are faster and they don’t stop to
coordinate, you should try to focus in Nono because she has less Hp).Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 14: Hunt Akura Jebia(beware of the crystal attacks, if you get hit by a crystal attack it will reduce
your stamina to 25 and crystallize you(you cant use item, run or roll, spin left stick to get free) but you
can farm HR4 Akura Vashimu and Akura Jebia to craft 2 crystal res decos(or buy the material with
GCP at the general store)and get immunity to crystal blight). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 15: Slay Yama Kurai(you should hit the Greats Thunderbugs(if you go to the left side(facing Yama
Kurai)when he released it you can hit 3 of them)because they will return to Yama Kurai and deal
damage(and eventually take him down to the floor)also if you hit the seeds under Yama Kurai(I didn’t
know that when I make the video but I think that my partner hit the seeds)you can make them grow and
deal damage to Yama Kurai and take him down to the floor, when he try to eat you you should dive 1-2
times to evade the attack). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 16: Hunt Poborubarumu(he can buff himself and the players(yellow for defense, red for attack and
green for HP regeneration) using some of his body parts(head, arms or tail)the next body part that he
will use will make sounds and have a visual effect around it, you should break it, Poborubarumu will
try to repair it so you need to keep attacking and interrupt the animation, then the part will stay broken
and it can no longer use that buff(Head buff Attack, Arms Defense and Tail HP Regen(make sure to
interrupt the heal animation because he will heal 20%Hp)), I didn’t know that when I make the video
so the tail recover again and again, sorry for that). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 17: Slay Inagami(when you do enough damage to Inagami’s parts, it will cover them in bamboo,
increasing their defense, when the head, legs and tail are covered in bamboo, Inagami will do a massive sleep
explosion, and then get knocked to the ground for a few seconds, if you can iframe the sleep explosion, it’s a
really big opening). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 18: Hunt Gureadomosu(water tanky Gravios, try to iframe the water beams and the spins, you can
easily break his parts to make him flinch). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 19: Hunt Diorex(he is covered in a magnetic armor that you can break, I recommend break the
head and focus all attacks there because its his weak point, when you break a part he eventually will
charge a explosion(oneshot) and cover all break parts with more magnetic armor(you can stop this
making he to flinch)).Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 20: Slay White Fatalis(the pre-Grank White Fatalis is pretty weak, just go and hit him without

Urgent Quest to HR6: Repel Guanzorumu(for your luck(and mine)we will only fight the 1st phase of
Guanzorumu, you need all the Hearing Res you can have because he’s most deadly attack happened
after he’s roar and it will deal a lot of damage to you if you cant avoid it, also he will uses his
soldiers(small wingdrakes)to amplify the range of his fire attacks). Gameplay of the Guide:

Congratulations for Reach HR6 but there are a lot of New Monsters that you need to defeat to reach
Grank so get ready and prepare to fight the more powerful monsters of all HR(Supremacy Monsters).

In HR6 you will need to do 6 Supremacy Quest when you are going to fight Supremacy Monsters.
They are extreme monsters with a lot of damage and a lot of oneshot attacks but you wont need to kill
them, when you reduce the monster Hp to 50%(except UNKNOWN,Metal Fishes and Odibatorasu)
you will complete the quest as a Repel. This is the FX version of the set by Alath:
For the decos, check the decos picture in this guide section.

Step 21:Hunt Toridcless(is an electric flaying bird with a lot of different attacks but he doesn’t deal
much damage, he can charge his body in electricity using an explosion similar to the Diorex one but
with very low damage so you can attack it, and also can use flash(iframe it))craft his helm and upgrade
to F. Gameplay of the Guide:

Pause: This is a rework of the Guide adding new information I discover. The FX grind is viable, you
can buy the HC materials with Npoints. For the upgrade to FX you will need to Repel Supremacy
Odibatorasu. Ignore the order of the quest. Now Hunt Stygian Zinogre and make his GS, then use it to
Repel Odibatorasu and upgrade to FX the armor pieces. I didn’t used Alath’s set because I didn’t know,
the same apply to some tips about monsters that I didn’t do in the videos.

Step 22:Repel Supremacy Teostra(Supremacy Teostra hits very hard, you cant attack him normally, you
need to wait until specific moments when you can hit it for free(when he uses the flamethrower attack
you can deal a few hits, then step back, wait for the explosion, and then a few hits again, you can tank
the fire aura and hit him when he use the flamethrower(flying), before he landed step back(the wind
can send you flying)and then deal a few more hits, and you can also hit him when he uses the
explosion(large distance(green dust))after he uses the close distance explosion and when he make the
animation(violet dust)that create a lot of blast clouds), you can iframe the heat wave and the 3x heat
wave of the second phase). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 23:Hunt Voljang(parries follows by quickly counters are the key, and fires res SR skill, you can
iframe the jump in place, the enraged animation and the jump across fire ring). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 24: Hunt Varusaburosu(initially he will be chill, it will enter hell-mode if he eats the cactus ball(if
you are in a party you can pick the cactus(you will start to lose a lot of HP/s so the others players must
heal you with life powder)you can roll the cactus(to give it to other player)and if you resist enough time
the cactus will disappear and the monster will enter in a super weak status(deal all the damage you can
in that moment))a few minutes before he eats the cactus he will get back to the chill mode and you can
get a lot of free hits(focus in his legs to make him fall),also the cactus will spawn again, just repeat all
until you kill him(don’t worry if you don’t have a party, you can solo it easily)(the party stuff is just for
fun)). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 25:Hunt Stygian Zinogre(Zinogre with draco element, a few changes in moveset(now he can
charge and walk at the same time(some draco thunders will fall around this way -::), make a lot of
draco energy balls and throw it to you, make 2 tornadoes that will be spinning around for a while)) and
craft his weapon. Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 26: Hunt Seregios(a dragon with a thousand blade scales, bring bleed cure(should be in general
store>basic items but I cant find it when I make the video)he can use his scales as projectiles, there is
one attack when he shoots a lot of scales to the ground and then they will star glowing and make and
explosion(big damage and maybe oneshot), you can parry that attack to get free hits). Gameplay of the

Step 27: Slay Shagaru Magala(same frenzy mechanic that Gore Magala, he can roar twice(dealing
damage just one time, his roar is Zenith Lv so he doesn’t care about hear res, cant parry, only guard or
get out of range)and that will create several explosions around(if you tank the scream and 2 explosion
you die so don’t tank)when he is going to enrage he will fly high and roar(parry/guard and get ready to
counter when he landed)). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 28: Hunt Deviljho(his saliva can reduce your defense, he can jump on you and if that hit you he
will start to eat you(spin left joystick to get free)when he is enraged he can use draco element but after
the enraged he will be hungry and more slow(hit him in the legs to make him fall)but will start to use
the jump attack more frequently). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 29:Hunt Barioth(can turn you into a snowball(try to get close to you partner so he can free you),
can do Nargacuga dash but only 2 times max(but deal more damage)when he starts to dig(just a bit)
with his arm(he will charge, then fly, shoot an ice ball that will explode in a tornado and he will jump
there making a lot of smaller tornadoes that will spin around)evade the charge and dive when he jump
in the tornado(or go to where the ice ball with fall and use transcendence to evade and then counter)).
Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 30: Slay Garuba Daora(get ready for when he landed(just starting the quest) and upswing his tail,
then get near him because he will do a oneshot attack that affect all the area(cant dive it)(he will create
a shield to protect himself so get near him), he will repeat that along the fight(always will do a backstep
follow by a claw attack before)if you don’t want to suffer craft 2x crystal res decos(buy mats with
GCP)because almost all attacks inflict crystal blight). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 31: Repel Supremacy Paria Puria(if you get drunk you died(not immediately but you cant evade,
cant use item and cant run)free hits only(when he is using the beam, when he try to absorb you to his
mouth to shoot you with an attack(dive and hit)and when he attract you(dive)and jump shooting a
bomb you can get near him and deal a few hits)is very resistant to damage in his head so you must
focus in his tail). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 32: Hunt Gasurabazura(low hp low defense, very weak compared to his Zenith version, can use
poison and have some stun + poison combos, when you enter his area you will see a lot of poison
holes, just get near him so he will appear and then run away to not get hit, you can iframe the spin to
get free upswing). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 33:Slay/Repel UNKNOWN(he has 7 phases, every phases adds new moves and buff of damage,
speed and defense, to win you need to Slay it or survive 20min if you deal enough damage(to Repel it),
almost all attacks are attacks used for other monsters but he have some unique attacks so beware).
Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 34: Slay Toa Tesukatora(he can freezes you with some ice attacks(spin left joystick to get free),
you can make him a lot weaker if you break his horns, when he uses the wide area ice floor attack,
wait, when the floor raises a bit roll(to iframe)and repeat the same 2 more times to evade the attack,
you can iframe the jump in place too).Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 35: Hunt/Repel Aruganosu and Goruganosu(you cant kill them so easily, you can only reduce they
Hp to 1, then he will be splashing in the floor for a time, in that time you need to kill the other one, so
you need to focus in reduce the Hp of both of them, they can use paralysis and deal some bind
attacks(like Teostra and Lunastra in World), like Unknown they will get Repeled if you did enough
damage in 20min). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 36:Slay Harudomerugu(he can control silver, iframe the spin and the jump in place for free lv4
upswing, when he is enraged a pool of silver will appear under him(it will drain you health slowly if
you are in(you can ignore it)). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 37:Repel Supremacy Odibatorasu(normal Odi but with more damage and some new attacks, it will
be repeled at 33% Hp). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 38:Hunt 2xAbiorugu(double monster at the same time are the worst, so I recommend go with
another player of your rank(or grank using hr6 gear), if you go alone try to use one monster as a wall
for the other and focus in only one monster so you will kill him faster and easily kill the other one(also
play safe), they don’t have bind attack but they have a combo(2xtail spin and a fire explosion)the spins
will knock you and if you receive the 1st one then you will receive all the combo and then die(at least
that someone uses lifepowder)). Gameplay of the Guide:

Step 39:Hunt 2xKuarusepusu(the same as I said with the 2xAbiorugu, this Kuarusepusus have a bind
attack(they will start charging)is a oneshot so dive or get out of range). Gameplay of the Guide:
Step 40:Repel Supremacy Doragyurosu(this is the hardest monster pre-Grank for me, to be honest in
my first character was the only one monster that make me use halk pot(bad decision, I had nightmares
with that fight), if you don’t know yet to iframe, you must learn now, you can iframe the high dive
oneshot and similar oneshots of Doragyurosu, when he is enraged play safer until he calm down).
Gameplay of the Guide:

When you clear all key quests you will reach HR7 without Urgent Quest. Now you need to talk to the
normal quest girl and then with the vampire umbrella girl(she gives you Grank Quest) and clear the last
quest to reach Grank.

Urgent Quest to Grank: Repel Shantien(in the 1st phase pick blinder ballista ammo in the box beside the
gong(a lot), in this phase he will do normal leviathan attacks, in 2nd phase he can fly(similar of the way
that Amatsu flies)take him down with the gong(it has low cooldown so you can spam it all the fight), if
he go out of the airship you can use the ballista(consume ammo) to hook him and bring him back to the
airship(spin left joystick), 3rd phase is just a stronger phase but if he go out you should bring him back
quickly because he will start to move around and will be more difficult to hook(if that happened wait
until he stops)). Gameplay of the Guide:

Congratulations for Reaching G Rank(go and talk to guild master(woman with 2 LS)). We have travel a
long way but this isn’t over yet. Now enjoy your break until Zeniths, learn about Extreme Style GS and
enjoy the new monsters.
Thanks to Leaps, Alath, Seph and Trono.

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