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crew of the Poseidon

Overview Equipment
This booster contains a complete new crew for Core This expansion includes a selection of new
Space – Teelac and the crew of the Poseidon! equipment tokens. These should all be shuffled in
with the others of their type, separating out the large
The set contains four new Traders. They are and/or rare tokens as normal.
balanced against the others and can be fielded as
a complete starting crew. Alternatively they can be The Time Pulse Grenades in this
individually mixed and matched with the Traders expansion include icons that you
across the rest of the range to build your own may not have seen before:
personalised crew.
This weapon freezes the target and
Each unused Trader can also be used as a Civilian they miss their next turn. No dice roll
by using the reverse of their Character Board. is needed. Roll dice as shown for
any characters within 1 and 2 inches
respectively. Any hits will freeze them
too, regardless of armour or cover.

Equipment Notes - Jump Pack

The Jump Pack allows a
character to make
a Move action
that ignores most
terrain, perfect for
Event Cards quickly moving up
This booster also contains some new Event cards, or down levels or
designed to give a helping hand to the crew that across gaps. It does
draws them. As well as a new card, there are not allow a character
also two new Assistance cards. Unlike all to move through walls
other cards, when these are drawn, do not show or ceilings.
the other players. These cards provide a unique
advantage and are kept by the player with the The Jump Pack is used
Turn Counter to use later. as an effortless action. It allows
the character to make a Move action using the
These new cards can be shuffled into the Event Scramble icon shown on the token.
Deck whenever you want to add an interesting
twist to your games. The top number allows the character
to move up or across terrain of up to 3
inches in height or width during this Move
action. This is enough for characters to
Makeshift Upgrades: Your technician has
rigged your ship with some temporary upgrades.
Keep this card and discard it during any of your
jump up an entire storey.
turns to benefit from the following:
• Ship Upgrade: Use any of the ship
upgrades at one level higher than you
currently have, without spending a Skill
The bottom number allows the character to Jump up
On my Mark!:
You have been
PUR GE to 5 inches during this Move action without taking
any damage. This will allow them to Jump down up
mission to keep training while
your team in off
card and disca synergy. Keep
rd it during any this
benefit from the of your turns
following: to
• Combined
can make one
Attack: Each
of your Trade
of the following rs
free actions:
to two storeys, or across gaps between buildings.
• Move
• Ranged Assau
• Reload
Any Jumps made do not require a separate action.
ent tha
: You
The Jump Pack only has a limited amount of fuel, so
t may be find a piece of
after using it the token is then flipped and cannot be
just lyin
g useful
Counter in plain sight. for
must cho The pla your crew
the Ch ose yer wit
h the Tur
ance Die a charac

used for the rest of the game as per the icon.

: ter and n
• 1-2: then roll
Draw a
token. random
large equ
• 3-4: ipment
Draw a
token. random
small equ
• 5-6: ipment
already a Ship Parts
in 2 token.
If that is play, take a If it is
in play, Sh
equipm draw a ip Parts 1 tok
ent tok random en.
Unwante en. small
feet. d item s are dro
pped at
the cha
racter ’s

New Mission Of course, you may want to use this mission to
Want to know a little more about the crew of the represent a part of your own narrative, in which
Poseidon? On the next page you will find a mission case you can use any crews that you like.
briefing recreating one of the daring adventures
The mission can be played as a standalone
from Teelac’s past.
game or can be dropped straight into an existing
This is a narrative mission for 2-5 players. It is campaign. It can be played with rookie or
recommended that one player takes the crew of experienced crews.
the Poseidon, to see if they can rewrite history. Any
other crews taking part represent other Traders on
board the same carrier.

Pi was worried about Hoskins. She’d never been stable in all the time he’d known her but recently
there was a marked degeneration in her condition. Barely a day would go by without Hoskins
starting a fight with a stranger or turning on her own crew members. So far none of the encounters had
been fatal and he’d managed to bluff the confrontations as high spirits – indeed to look at her merry
face when she kicked a hapless Trader down the stairs just yesterday you would think she was having
a great time. But Pi knew Hoskins as well as anyone could, and understood the glint in her eyes,
somewhere between insanity and desperation.

Pi had talked Teelac into booking a trip on a Core Space carrier. The Poseidon could do with some
repairs and it would save time and money in the long term. Grumbling, Teelac agreed, but only
because he was slightly afraid of Pi. The man’s strained face made Teelac uncomfortable. Useful as it
was to have an Augment as a crew member Teelac tried to avoid Pi as much as possible.

In reality Pi knew the trip through Core Space would do Hoskins good, and the added bonus of getting
to maintain the ship at the same time would be like a holiday for her abused mind. It worked. Laughing
and chatting, with only a few nonsensical comments about pineapples, Hoskins had never seemed
better. She worked and talked, and it made Pi glad. But then, a member of the carrier crew rushed in
to report that there were live Purge aboard. Hoskins’ slow smile made Pi visibly shudder.

Crew of the Poseidon

Mission Briefing - Calamity in Core space
The crews are aboard a giant carrier moving through Core Space. They use the downtime to repair their
ships or swap intel and rumours with the other Trader crews. Unknown to all there are dormant Purge
onboard that have awoken and have started actively sabotaging the ship. Core Space travel is perilous at
the best of times without insane machines messing with a ship’s systems!

This is a life-threatening situation and all of the crews scramble to the main deck to confront the Purge.
Seeing a chance to be a hero, Teelac urges Hoskins to follow him to the main deck, knowing her unique
nature could be an advantage in this unique situation…

Primary Objective Note that this mission starts with most of the
Reward: The lives of your crew Purge characters already on the board in the
positions shown on the map.
This is a co-operative mission – you will win and
lose together. You are fighting for your lives, and The Effects of Core Space
you may need to work with the other crews on Most characters feel uneasy when travelling in Core
board to achieve the objective. Space, and the unstable systems on board the carrier
To win, you must hold off the Purge long enough for do not help matters! The following rules are in effect
Hoskins to take control of the carrier and get it out for the whole game:
of Core Space. • Emergency Lighting only – no character may
If the mission is successful, the Poseidon player target an enemy at more than short range.
may choose the next mission in the campaign. They • Shuddering Deck – All Move actions are
may choose their airlock in this game and choose reduced to 3 inches unless the character has
who starts with the Turn Counter. the ability.
• Hard to Concentrate – Each result on an
Secondary Objective attack roll reduces the number of hits scored
Reward: Easy Repairs by 1. This even applies to weapons with the
All of the ships are firmly in their docking cradles
for Core Space transport, with easy access for These rules do not apply to the Purge or to Hoskins.
maintenance. The docking bay is also a prime
In fact, Hoskins is at her most stable in Core Space.
location for finding spare parts…
During this mission she can make two effortless
Some of the crates around the docking bay contain actions per turn without spending a Skill peg, and can
ship parts tokens. During this mission, a Trader re-roll one combat die per turn.
carrying one of these tokens can repair their ship
Controlling the Ship
on-site. They must be in contact with their airlock
To complete this mission, the Traders will need to
door and return the token to the pouch. The player
get Hoskins into the control room. Once there, she
can then apply twice as many repairs to their ship
must Interact with the console marked in red to
board as are stated on the token, across the same or
override the carrier’s controls. She must do this with
different systems.
one of her actions in three consecutive rounds to
Special Instructions take control of the carrier and complete the mission.
SET UP If she is interrupted and goes a round without
When allocating Search items, the two Ship Parts Interacting with the console, she must start again,
tokens should be taken as part of the selection so keep her safe!
before randomly placing them in the crates.
In addition, the consoles marked in green on the
It is recommended that one player in this mission map control the carrier’s minor systems. Each one
should select the Poseidon crew, consisting of at can be Interacted with once per round to try and
least Teelac and Hoskins. If they are not being repair the damage done by the Purge. If a Trader
used, one other crew/Trader must be chosen Interacts with one of these consoles, they must roll
to use the rules and objectives used for the a die. If they score any hits, they can choose one of
Poseidon crew/Hoskins in this mission. the following effects:

In this mission all crews other than the Poseidon • Choose an Entry Point to deactivate until the
do not start in their ships. Instead they start in the end of the round. If rolled for Purge or NPC
areas on the map marked X. entry, it must be re-rolled.
• Cancel one of the Core Space Effects until the
end of the round.
• Reduce the Hostility by 1.

No Civilians or Gangers should be used in this mission, but if you have the Galactic Corps and Security
they can be used as normal – just shuffle their cards into the Event Deck.

Set Up

Crew of the Poseidon

Crew of the Poseidon
Name: Oberon Teelac; Species: Human; Age: 36.

Captain Teelac crashes through life drawing all

eyes and derision. Delusional and gung-ho with
a penchant for the glory days of Hollywood, he
seems to think he is the hero of his own story,
recklessly careening into situations and risking
everyone’s lives. However, his abrasive attitude
hides a deeply insecure and fearful man.

Forced into a life he didn’t choose he brazens it

out in the best way he can. He has been scarred,
in part, by the destructive relationship with his twin
sister, Satiene, a woman prepared to sacrifice her
closest family for her own gain.

Teelac prefers action to talk; spontaneity to plans.

In many ways it is amazing that he is still alive.
Disinherited from a once powerful family Teelac
blunders through his life without a goal, looking for
approval and rarely finding it.

Name: Helene Hoskins; Species: Human; Age: 30.

Born to Trader parents, a childhood accident

in Core Space has left Hoskins dimensionally
unstable. Part of her physical, living brain is
melded into the fabric of Core Space itself.
Her condition puzzles neurologists who have
concluded that her brain is a direct conduit to
Core Space and that she functions because her
missing brain is still alive, albeit elsewhere. Over
time this conduit has made her increasingly
unstable, leaving her delusional and aggressive
with a hair trigger temper.

She is an excellent close combat fighter and has

drifted from ship to ship, spending as much time
in Core Space as possible, as only then does she
feel completely whole and sane. The Trader life
has been chosen for her, something she laments
but is powerless to do anything about. She is
close to her shipmate Pi who she considers an
equal unfortunate.

Name: Pi; Species: Human (Augmented); Age: 20.

Pi grew up on the streets, an orphan who doesn’t know his

own given name. He is a true cyberpunk, young, self-taught, a
survivor. Intelligent and resourceful, he has augmented himself
using repurposed junk and outdated tech, often writing the source
code himself.

Pi mistakenly believed that the Augmented were higher beings

and his ascension to their ranks would alleviate all his suffering.
However, augmentation is stressful under the best of conditions
and the rough self-surgery has taken its toll His implants cause
him constant pain, inflamed and interfering with his nervous
system. His attempts to reverse the condition have failed and
he desperately needs funds to afford corrective surgery.

He is still an effective Augment when out in the field,

his system flooded with synthetic neuropeptides, the
price being a long and uncomfortable comedown. Pi
has an uncertain future as his mind is slowly coming
apart, but he can still fight, for now…

Name: Thoman Thomansson; Species: Human; Age: 26.

Thoman is an ex-soldier, disillusioned with the Galactic

Corps and looking for a cause and a leader to follow.
He grew up believing that the Corps represented all
that was good and noble in humanity but first-hand
experience of the brutality and corruption endemic at its
core has made him reassess his life and his very being.

A skilled soldier, he is, however, incapable of making

decisions without doubting himself. He craves discipline and
order and the freedom to trust his superiors. He has become
rudderless and has drifted to the Poseidon, known to other
Traders as a ship of fools. He struggles to relate to the other
crew members and constantly looks for other ships to berth
with or militia to join – but deep down believes he is where
he deserves to be and chooses to do nothing. Crew of the Poseidon

The Poseidon
Short, snub-nosed and heavy-looking, the Poseidon was
designed for one job – transporting goods through
Core Space. It has all the hallmarks of a typical
Trader ship; tough, reliable, practical and a
bit ugly. It has aged more in the last few
years under its negligent captain then in
decades of previous service.

Thoman cleaned his rifle. He did that a lot; he would strip it down, clean it, reassemble it. Then he’d do
it again, five or six times. He needed order and discipline and there was none here. The captain was
demented, the woman was literally insane and the boy looked like his nerves were permanently on
fire. The ship of fools, he’d overheard someone say, and he knew he wasn’t excluded from that.

They’d dropped out of Core Space hours ago and Hoskins’ good humour had evaporated. Pi had slunk
off somewhere and Teelac was watching his old 2-D movies again. That left Thoman to try to maintain
order alone, following a tedious routine of checking and rechecking the ship’s systems, even though
it wasn’t his job. I’m trapped, he thought. I’m on a spaceship and I can’t escape myself. With nothing
better to do he unslung his rifle and got out his cleaning kit.

Battle Systems Team: Expansion Rules, Mission Product, Character and
Colin Young, Wayne Abela, Briefings and Editing: Setting Design:
Stewart Gibbs Stewart Gibbs Colin Young, Wayne Abela

Core Game Design: Story: Layout:

Colin Young Wayne Abela Kev Brett

Core Space and all associated characters, names,

places and things are ™ and © Battle Systems Ltd 2019
Version 1.00 Printed December 2018

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