Crew of The Skylark

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Crew of the Skylark

This booster contains a complete new crew for Core Machines
Space – Weaver and the crew of the Skylark! This crew includes a new Trader species and
Class - Machine. The Machine in the Skylark crew
The set contains four new Traders. They are is MAC. As well as the rules below, Machines also
balanced against the others and can be fielded as use a new set of Skills, found on the back page of
a complete starting crew. Alternatively they can be this booklet.
individually mixed and matched with the Traders
across the rest of the range to build your own Note that MAC can only be given the Machine Class,
personalised crew. and can only wear Machine armour in his armour slot,
as shown on his Board.
Each unused Trader can also be used as a Civilian by
using the reverse of their Character Board.

Event Cards
This booster also contains some new Event cards, Using Machines in Core Space
designed to give a helping hand to the crew that Most of the time, Machine characters are used just
draws them. As well as a new card, there are like any other in the game. However, there are a few
also two new Assistance cards. Unlike all extra rules to be aware of below. These rules apply
other cards, when these are drawn, do not show to characters with the Machine species on their
the other players. These cards provide a unique Trader Board and/or characters with the Machine
advantage and are kept by the player with the Class Board.
Turn Counter to use later.
• Machines have access to the Repair action and
These new cards can be shuffled into the Event can also be Repaired themselves.
Deck whenever you want to add an interesting twist • Machines can still use their Skills while defeated.
to your games. • Machines are able to self-destruct using the
Overdrive Skill, Level 3. If a 5-6 is rolled
Equipment on the Chance Die when using this Skill,
This expansion includes a selection of new the character’s chip-set will remain intact,
equipment tokens. These should all be shuffled in allowing the character to be ‘revived’ after the
with the others of their type, separating out the large game even though their body is destroyed.
and/or rare tokens as normal. This is done in the Trade Phase after the
mission as follows:
Note that the tokens with ‘AUG’ shown on the front can The player may hire one of the available Traders
only be used by Augmented characters, and items with at half the normal price (rounding up).
‘MECH’ on the front can only be used by Machines. The new Trader’s Career track is advanced
the same number of times as the destroyed
The new Trader is automatically given the
Class Board of the destroyed Machine, with
the same Skills selected.
The Shield Module and Neoflex Plate
in this expansion include an icon that
you may not have seen before:

This item cannot be used in the

same mission that you find it – turn
it face down to remind yourself.

Repair Actions Roll one combat die. Each hit will allow you to
In Core Space, items and machines will often apply 1 Repair Point. If this is not enough to fully
become damaged and need to be repaired. repair the equipment place a Reminder Counter
Repairing is an action that can only be taken by next to the item to track the Repair points.
Machine characters or those with the Tech Class. More actions can be used to further Repair the
equipment and increase this number.
All items that can be repaired will require a number of
Repair Points to be spent. For mission objectives this For damaged Machine characters, Repairing them
will be detailed in the mission briefing, but otherwise will add Health pegs so there is no need to track this
use the following numbers: with counters.

• Equipment Tokens: 1 Repair Point Unless stated otherwise, a Machine character

• Consoles: 3 Repair Points cannot make a Repair action on itself.
• Defeated Machine Characters: 5 Repair Points
(once Repaired, stand them up with 1 Health) Repair Tools
• Damaged Machine Characters: 1 Repair Point The Tech Pack is an item that can
per Health Point be used to increase the effect of a
Repair action by adding a second
To make a Repair action your character must be die to the roll.
in contact with the thing that needs Repairing, and
not in contact with any enemies. For items, the
character must be holding them, or in contact with
the character that is.

New Mission Of course, you may want to use this mission to

Want to know a little more about the crew of the represent a part of your own narrative, in which
Skylark? On the next page you will find a mission case you can use any crews that you like.
briefing recreating one of the daring adventures
The mission can be played as a standalone
from Weaver’s past.
game or can be dropped straight into an existing
This is a narrative mission for 2-4 players. It is campaign. It can be played with rookie or
recommended that one player takes the crew of the experienced crews.
Skylark, to see if they can rewrite history. Any other
crews taking part represent Traders sent to stop Weaver.

Here we go again, thought Marlowe. They were in a nightclub called the Amoral Elephant on one
of the worst Hive stations in the sector. As always, they were in the middle of one of Weaver’s dodgy
deals and it was fast turning ugly.

“It’s not too late to leave.” he said to his captain. Weaver turned and gave an ironic smile. They were
surrounded by goons in the VIP section of the Elephant and it was very much too late to leave. Marlowe,
as an Augmented human, was a living weapon, but these were hard men and they were all armed and
looking for an excuse.

Opposite them was the nightclub owner, suave but as thin as a rake and with a nasty smile. He stooped
Crew of the Skylark

to open a metal crate and lifted out a long, ugly looking rifle. He had a side-line in gun running.

“This has a boring serial number for a name but in the common parlance it’s known as a ‘skin reverser’.”
Marlowe groaned inwardly. He wanted nothing to do with any of this.

“How many ya got?” asked Weaver. Marlowe darted his eyes at Weaver, both pleading and threatening,
but Weaver wasn’t listening. He handed the nightclub owner a piece of paper with a number on it.

They left the nightclub two crates heavier and Marlowe was furious. This was the reason the Skylark
had such a high turnover.

“This will be our last trip together.” said Marlowe. Weaver lit up a cigar and looked Marlowe in the eye.

“You’ve said that before. Do what you’ve got to do. No one looks after anyone in this life.”
Weaver is up to his usual tricks. He is meeting a contact at a trading outpost who has in their possession
a device that can allegedly hack into and manipulate the galactic stock exchange. The machine is broken
but Weaver figures it must still be worth something and he has hired a machine, known as MAC, as a
mercenary in the hopes that it can repair the device.

However, the Galactic Crime Commission are also aware of the device and they immediately hire other
Trader crews to stop Weaver – that device could cause untold damage! The Traders must apprehend
Weaver before he can affect the markets of the local sector with his dodgy speculation!

Primary Objective In addition, this area is a marketplace. By Interacting

Reward – Skylark Crew: 3-5 UA with any of the terrain highlighted in green on the
map, Traders can buy and/or sell any items from
Weaver is here for the device, but it is broken. their own item tray as if they were at the BS-Mart
General Store in the Trade Phase.
If the player Repairs the device and gets it back to
their ship, they can use it to manipulate the stock Special Instructions
markets, but they run the risk of getting caught! SET UP
It is recommended that one player in this mission
Choose to roll the Chance Dice 3, 4, or 5 times. Add up should select the Skylark crew consisting of Weaver,
the scores – Weaver’s crew earns that much in UA. MAC, Faye and Marlowe. If they are not being used,
one other crew must be chosen to use the rules and
If the total is more than 15UA, they still receive the objectives used for the Skylark crew in this mission.
reward, but Weaver’s illegal trades will have caught
the attention of the authorities. All surviving Traders Choose a Civilian at random to be Weaver’s contact
from the Skylark crew that took part in this mission and place them in the position marked in red on the
are immediately Apprehended by the Galactic Corps map. Put the Carry Objective token in their item slot.
and must roll to see what happens in the Extraction
Phase as normal. The Skylark crew does not always start with the
same number of Traders in this mission. The number
If the player gets the device back to their ship Traders will depend on the number of players:
without Repairing it first, they may only roll the
Chance Die once. By the time they fix it they will • 2 players: 2 crew
have missed their window. • 3 players: 3 crew
• 4 players: 4 crew
Reward – Other Crews: 3-9UA
The other crews start with 3 Traders regardless of
The other crews have been sent to stop Weaver on the number of players.
behalf of the Galactic Crime Commission. If Weaver
does not achieve his objective by the end of the THE DEVICE
mission, all other crews taking part will each receive The Civilian carrying the device will act like any other
a 6UA reward. Civilian during the game, but ignores Live One results.

If Weaver is defeated at the end of the game, the Any member of the Skylark crew can Interact with
crew that defeated him (if any) gains a 3UA bonus the Civilian to take the device. As it is broken, they
(whether or not Weaver’s objective was completed). will need to Repair it (see page 3). This can be done
Weaver is automatically Apprehended – he must roll with MAC or any other character with the Tech Class,
in the Extraction Phase as normal. and requires 3 Repair Points.

Secondary Objective Any member of another crew can only take the
Reward: Whatever you can find device from the Civilian by Persuading them.

This mission only has one goal, but there’s no harm If the Civilian is defeated, leave the Objective token on
in picking up a little salvage along the way… the floor where it can be picked up as normal.

However, the other crews taking part in this mission
Weaver may be morally grey, and MAC is a
are working on behalf of the GCC and cannot go
mercenary, but Faye and Marlowe have their
around looting willy-nilly. Only the Skylark crew can
reservations about this job. In this mission all
Search crates in this mission – the other crews can
enemy Traders may use the Persuasion Skill Level
only make general Searches.
1 (see the rulebook) against Faye and Marlowe
even if they don’t have it.
NPCS • Gangers on the other hand do not consider
It is recommended to use the Galactic Corps and Traders from the Skylark crew to be enemies,
Ganger NPCs in this mission if you have them. If you do: and will not target a Trader from the Skylark
crew unless it or its crew members attack the
• Galactic Corps and Security only consider Gangers first.
Traders from the Skylark crew to be enemies,
and will not target a Trader from another crew Otherwise, these NPCs act as normal.
unless it or its crew members attack the Galactic
Corps, Security, or Civilians first.

Set Up

Crew of the Skylark

Crew of the Skylark
Name: Jonathan Weaver; Species: Human;
Age: 42.

Captain Weaver is in charge and he lets you

know it. He has no time for insubordination or
ineptness – on his ship you pull your weight or
you’re out. He is a hard and ruthless taskmaster
but knows how to repay loyalty. He is also
surprisingly good with animals.

Weaver has his thumbs in many pies in

enterprises that are dubious at best. Morally
grey, Weaver will fence stolen goods and
run arms; in fact, he’ll do anything to make a
profit. Whether he enjoys the life of a Trader
is unknown as he rarely shares his feelings.
What thoughts lie behind those hard eyes are
his alone.

His closest companion is Marlowe, although

they constantly argue, mostly about Weaver’s
conduct. At some point Weaver may step
completely into the criminal world leaving
behind the conflicts and grey areas of the
Trader life.

Name: Faye Millicent; Species: Human; Age: 19.

Faye is the new recruit, the rookie who still

finds everything exciting. Escaping a life of
dullness on a backwoods planet she moves
from ship to ship, learning new skills and
experiencing dangers and triumphs she’d never
dreamed of. She detests travelling by Core
Space but considers it as a necessary evil for
her new life.

Faye is rough around the edges when it comes to

social graces, but this tends not to be a problem
in Trader circles. She also has an intuitive knack
for technology with a Trader’s eye for mastering
the bodge – getting long expired parts to work in
new and interesting ways.

At this point in her career she’s berthed with

Weaver’s crew and wondering whether she
should. A Trader’s life is full of hard choices and
it’s becoming harder to tell who’s right and who’s
wrong. She has found a friend in Marlowe and to
an extent, MAC.

Name: MAC; Species: Machine (Human origin);
Age: approx. 150.

MAC is tentatively a member of the crew, on a rolling contract

as a mercenary. Originally a semi-autonomous loader
machine employed in docking bays MAC has, over its long
existence, upgraded its hardware and software, achieving
a form of sentience. Machine awareness is contentious
depending on which part of the galaxy you’re from, but
MAC has been granted provisional rights to earn and keep
its own money.

MAC uses its money for further upgrades, slowly reaching

for an ideal that eludes it. Despite being created by
humans, MAC doesn’t see them as a pinnacle of evolution
but rather as an interesting but fundamentally ridiculous
branch – along with all other biological forms. MAC finds
the Purge fascinating but repellent, and considers them
their own evolutionary dead end. MAC wants something
else from this journey but is unsure of what.

Name: Marlowe Chibueze; Species: Human (Augmented);
Age: 38.

Marlowe tries to do no harm. Although many Augmented let

the power go to their heads Marlowe knows it’s all a game. He
studies the universe, trying to see where he best fits in. For
him this life is but a passing moment, one that he doesn’t
wish to sully or through inaction allow to be sullied by others.

Born to a wealthy family Marlowe found himself becoming

more and more distant from his peers eventually losing
himself in the fringe worlds. Here he is free to make his own
decisions and decide his own future without the crushing
weight of expectation that his family upholds.

Marlowe often acts as the conscience of Captain

Weaver curtailing his excesses. Their relationship
is often strained and at some point will most likely
snap. Marlowe sees a core of goodness in Weaver
but is increasingly alarmed by his captain’s actions.
Crew of the Skylark

The Skylark
The Skylark is a small but powerful tug, similar
in design to the Poseidon. It has
had many modifications over
the years and has a reputation
for fast deliveries. Its captain will
run the ship at full speed
through Core Space, which
is reckless and almost
unheard of.

Machine characters are Artificial Intelligences usually hosted in a mechanical body – in other
words, robots. Machine characters come in all shapes and sizes. Due to their modular nature
machines often share similar skills, are excellent at repairing other machines and can be immune to
certain ill effects that damage organic life forms.

Machine Skills
skill level action
Reroute 1 Reaction: Use after being defeated. You are no longer defeated – restore
2 Health and Stand Up.
2 You can activate self-repair systems and restore 2 Health.
3 Use when in base contact with a wall that does not contain a door or
window. You can patch into the internal substructure to recharge. Restore
your Health to its maximum.
Scanners 1 Target a cargo crate within short range and LoS. Inspect the contents
and then put it back inside.
2 You can intercept Purge sensors and relay false data. Target any 2 Purge
characters (rank 1-3 only) within medium range and make a Move action
with them in a direction of your choice.
3 You can send out a jamming pulse that blocks all transmissions and micro
control data. Reduce or increase the Hostility Tracker by 2 points. All other
Traders with the Machine Class and Purge of rank 1-3 miss their next turn.
Bodyguard 1 Reaction: Use at any time. Make a Move action.
Protocol 2 Target a friendly character in base contact. They restore 1 Health. While
in contact, you may take any or all hits that they suffer on yourself instead
until the end of the round.
3 Reaction: Use at any time. Make two Move actions and a Close
Assault action, in any order. After the Close Assault action, if the
enemy has not been defeated, roll a combat die. If you score one or
more hits, the enemy is knocked prone.
Repair 1 Make a Repair or Clear Jam action on yourself or any other character
or equipment in base contact, with one automatic hit added to the roll.
2 You can apply three Repair Points to yourself or any item or machine in
base contact.
3 Release a cloud of repair nanites. Fully Repair one object/heal any Machine
character in short range (including yourself), without rolling. Any other
objects, items or Machine characters in short range can apply 1 Repair Point.
Overdrive 1 Take any action.
2 Take any two actions and then lose 1 Health.
3 You overload your power cells and self-destruct. Make a ranged attack
against each character within short range with 5 combat dice. Make a
ranged attack against each character in medium range with 2 combat
dice. After resolving the attacks roll the Chance Die:
1-2: Every part of you and your equipment is destroyed. This character is
no more and is removed from the campaign permanently.
3-4: Every part of you is destroyed and this character is no more, as above.
However, each of your equipment tokens is scattered from the point where
you stood. This equipment is broken, but can be Repaired.
5-6: Every part of your body and your equipment is destroyed, but
remarkably your AI chip-set is intact. Take the Objective token and
scatter it from the point where you stood. The character can be restored
in the Trade Phase as described on page 2.

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