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“Did you have a good chat with Josh?

Emma asked as she sat down and ate bread.

There was pudding in front of me. I smiled and gave a belated greeting with a
slight smile.

“Yes, thanks for worrying.”

” No, I texted him and he didn’t reply, so I was worried about what to do. I didn’t
want to call him because he was on guard, but how lucky you met by chance. In the
end everything turned out well” Emma said with a smile.
I was supposed to leave early today. I told Keith I was going to the hospital, and
Emma and I made a lunch appointment in advance. While we were having lunch
together, she was going to have an important talk. Seeing her eat bread I suddenly
remembered what I had forgotten.

“So Josh asked me about the company. What happened?”

“What? What does he mean?”

Until then Emma was smiling. She spread butter over the bread and popped it into
his mouth. I spoke while looking at her.

“He asked me how many male employees were in the department and when I said that I
was the only man he seemed very surprised. He looked embarrassed and seemed to have
something else to say, but he just walked away. And I was wondering if Emma had
something in mind …


Emma suddenly coughed violently.

I was surprised and rushed to give her a napkin.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded, but the cough kept coming out. I anxiously waited for him to calm down.

“Hoo-hoo” , barely holding her breath, Emma opened her mouth.

” Josh did that? Did he ask you about the company?”

“Yes … about the members of our department, to be exact. Emma, if there is a

problem that I don’t know …”

” Oh no. There is none of that at all. Don’t worry, Yeonwoo. Because Josh was

Emma immediately waved her hand and denied it. But her smiling face was somewhat
unusual. I was worried, but couldn’t figure out what Emma mean.

“Then Emma, let me know when you need a consultation. I will wait for you.”

“Thank you, Yeonwoo. But in reality, nothing happened.”

She gave another bright smile, yet it was an unusual smile.

” Is Yeonwoo okay? You look so much better these days and you seem to eat well.”
Emma lowered her voice and whispered “Have you gone to the hospital? What did they
tell you?”

“I’m on prescription. I have had a lot of stomach pain because I took the

However, despite switching to a prescription inhibitor, my belly ached from time to

time. I don’t feel like I’m less nauseous, but I soon had a stomachache and became
anxious. Maybe I took too much medicine for too long. When Emma saw me casually
placing my hand on my belly, she spoke anxiously.
“Take care, Josh said you weren’t feeling well. Did you say he had introduced you
to a hospital? Have you been there?”

“No, I just made an appointment … I’m going today anyway.”

There was still some time left for the appointment. After checking the time, I told
her that everything was fine. Emma nodded seriously.

“Yes, you must go, Yeonwoo. How do you keep working?”

“That’s … ” I made up my mind and opened my mouth after choosing my words for a
while.”I am about to resign.”

“Oh my God!”

Emma was really surprised and her eyes widened. I spoke calmly.

“I haven’t told Mr. Pittman yet, but I’m leaving soon. I am not feeling well and I
am expecting a baby; And since Emma knows that Mr. Pittman tends to make a lot of
demands on his secretary … I thought it would be bad for my child to have a heavy

Saying that, I asked myself. Am I thinking of having this baby ? Emma’s voice came

“That’s right. There’s a lot to worry about … So Yeonwoo, will you quit and look
for a new job? After giving birth, it will be difficult to find work for a while …”

I knew what she was trying to say, because that was my concern too. But I have not
yet decided whether to give birth or not. What nonsense am I talking about, of
course I shouldn’t give birth, I said inside, feeling frustrated.

“That’s why I’m telling you in advance, Emma. If I resign, Emma will be the team
leader …”

“But to take charge … Won’t I need some time?”

I smiled bitterly at Emma’s question.

Emma, of course, knew the meaning. I’ve been teaching her all the work for months;
and in the morning I even made a schedule for the next six months and turned it in.
What will change later is that she will have to add or remove you at any time, but
the scope of that was the job she always took on when I was gone, so it didn’t
change much.

“I have nothing else to teach you, Emma.”

At my words Emma let out a sigh.

“If Yeonwoo quits, I will feel very empty … We will have to hire new employees …”

“I have posted a notice. Schedule an interview and hire an employee that Emma
likes. The documents are in my drawer.”

Emma’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Yeonwoo, don’t tell me … Have you been preparing for this before? Since when?”

Emma, who realized belatedly, felt embarrassed. I slid my tongue.

“I will have to speak with Mr. Pittman, it is not possible that I will resign
overnight, I must announce it in advance and say goodbye.”

” Then … ” Emma puzzled, Ismiled .

“Thanks for everything, Emma.”


After saying goodbye to Emma at the office, I got in the car. I sat in the driver’s
seat of Keith’s purchased Jaguar and deftly started the car. The smooth steering
wheel and the comfortable ride always made me feel good.

Oh how sad it would be if I couldn’t keep driving this car. I was already feeling
bitter, but I couldn’t help it.

There was little traffic on the straight road. I sped down the clear road. The plan
was simple. I told the landlord that I would move and most of the furniture and
things were fixed. I’ve got enough money to go out tomorrow. As Keith said before,
he solved all money-related problems, including loans.

Thanks to him, I have so easily cleared up the most troubling parts. I’m thankful.
I laughed cynically.

All preparations are now complete. If I wanted to, I wouldn’t mind running to the
border like this. But I still had work to do.

Maybe I am crazy. I thought while driving. But I had no intention of stopping.

I had to go to the hospital according to the schedule I told Keith. I took a look
at the board. Insurance that the destination of the car will be recorded in case of
theft or accident. Also, I heard that the location is delivered directly via
satellite. Keith can immediately see where I’m going from his seat.

There was an important meeting today. It was a meeting that could never be missed
or delayed. Emma will attend the meeting in my place, because I had to go to the
hospital. I stopped the car and looked at the time. It was time for the meeting to
begin. The content of the meeting was to decide when the new movie will be released
and then finalize and approve all promotions accordingly. If they didn’t reach a
decision today, they will miss the golden vacation. Then there would be huge losses
for the company and Keith certainly couldn’t escape criticism from those involved.
This was a gamble.

I took a deep breath and waited for the right moment. When the time came, I got out
of the car. And I went to the place that I promised in advance and waited for the
man. He arrived about ten minutes later than the appointed time. I had expected it
to some extent, but was about to look at my watch over and over again nervously.
Standing in an alley and looking anxiously around me, I hesitated when the man I
saw in the picture appeared. It was a similar appearance. When I look at him with a
sigh of relief, the man suddenly frowned.

“Is this you?”

I nodded, looking at the message he had sent me.

“Yes, it is. I parked the car there. Here is the key.”

When I pulled out the smart key , he readily accepted it and looked me in the face
again. There was still one thing left. I was determined, but when the man slapped
me, I screamed and fell.


A handful of blood pooled in my mouth. As soon as I opened my mouth something red

flowed. I sat up, still breathing heavily. Now the transaction has ended. The man
will be leaving soon. Then I’ll call Emma. Then Keith will know right away


I was stunned and suddenly, the man grabbed my hair. He was looking at me and I
forced my head up. I could see him raising his other hand up. When I felt an
ominous premonition, he hit me again on the cheek and a few more hits.
Instinctively I crawled across the ground and tried to get away from him. But once
again the man kicked me … my conscience gradually faded


There was a constant roaring in my ears. I groaned and shook, but the sound didn’t
go away. My head, my face, no … My whole body ached.

What happened to my belly? The baby.

I wanted to put my hands on my belly, but I couldn’t …

I felt guilty about the hazy conscience. Sorry, it will end soon. Please, be
pacient. It will be over soon.

“Hey, are you okay? Wake up! Listen!”

The man’s voice spilled through the roar.

I managed to open my eyes with repeated screams. I could see someone looking at me.
When I tried to close my eyes again, he patted me without hesitation. I had no
choice but to open my eyes with a groan. The man kept screaming loudly.

” Let’s go to the hospital now. What is your name? Be aware, you cannot lose

The man yelled successively. Maybe they were transferring him to an ambulance.

I answered his question with difficulty, twisting my forehead.

“Okay, good job. Cheer up, we’ll be there soon. What was your name again? …
Yeonwoo, good. Any family member or friend you want to contact will be fine. You
got it? Who can I contact?”
I barely answered the man’s quick question, with a dying voice on my cell phone. I
barely answered the man’s quick question, with a dying voice on my cell phone. But
the response was not very good.

“No, the thief took it. Yeonwoo … Wake up! Is there any other way to contact them?”
The man asked urgently.

Is my condition that bad?

I barely managed to hold onto my lingering awareness and shot from my lips.

“Pittman … Keith, Mr. Pittman …”

Icould feel the man hesitating for a moment.

“You mean Keith Knight Pittman from P Entertainment?”

Say one other in a small whisper. And then I lost consciousness again. The man
tried to wake me hastily, but he couldn’t open his eyes anymore.


When I regained consciousness, it was an incomparable silence. I tried to open my

eyes, but soon failed.


A groan came out of my mouth.

Suddenly the silence disappeared and I heard someone move.

“Yeonwoo, are you okay? Have you come to your senses?”

I gasped from a series of headaches, then raised my heavy eyelids with difficulty.
At first, the wrong approach was hardly achieved with some effort. It was Charles
who looked at me. I moved my dry lips, but there was no sound. I tried to yell out
Charles’s name, but I could only gesture with my mouth and he brought me water as
if he understood. Because he held my shoulder and half of my body up, he allowed me
to drink water and was able to moisten my lips.

“What happened … am I in the hospital?”

“Yes. ” Charles responded with a pale face than usual . “You had a robbery.

I delayed answering for a moment. It was partly due to the fact that my head wasn’t
moving properly, but even if it had, I would have pretended not to know. Charles
was fooled by me and opened his mouth.

“Looks like he was trying to steal the car. He took your cell phone and all your
belongings. If you remember the face of the thief please tell me … we also did rape

I looked at him without understanding the words added. Charles spoke with an
indecently puzzled look.

“You had saliva and semen on your body … fortunately, he was caught in the middle
of the crime, but he got away. We have delivered the evidence. We will catch him
soon …”
I accidentally distorted my face. First, the deal was to steal the car and hit me
in the face. The man seemed to have failed after trying an unexpected bonus. It was
obvious it would end like this, rushing to get a gangster online. In fact, I had
thought he might change his mind or want more money, but he had his own goal. It
was a mistake, I didn’t expect him to do that to my body, but the man couldn’t get
his bonus and I got the desired result anyway. However, this accelerated my plans.
If the thief was arrested, it was clear that he would confess to the deal. Then all
my plans would end. Before that, I have to finish everything.

“How did you know …? If he took my cell phone …”

I responded to Charles trying to relive my last memory.

“Fortunately the paramedic contacted Mr. Pittman, he himself came to the hospital
to do the search.”

“… Sr. Pittman?”

But he was not in the hospital room. Charles said as he looked around

“He went out to an important meeting and had to go back to work. As Yeonwoo knows,
today’s meeting was not an ordinary meeting, so we shouldn’t have interrupted him,
but if you had called me, I would have come and he wouldn’t have to …”

Charles blurted out the end of his words and closed his mouth.

” … That’s it.”

That’s all I could tell him.


I couldn’t sleep at all, the flickering consciousness didn’t go away.

Maybe I lost consciousness from the pain. Maybe it was from a head injury.

The reason I regained blurred consciousness was because I heard the sound of the
door opening. I blinked slowly while lying down. As expected it was Keith who
entered. He turned around, looked me in the eye, and stopped.

” … Did you wake up?”

Keith walked over to the bed and asked in a low voice.

While I was still lying down, I looked at him. It approached step by step.

“How do you feel?”

He raised his hand and brought it to my bandaged head. His cold hands rested for a
while on the thick gauze. Keith looked very tired.

Is it because of the company or something else? I needed to check it out.

“Sorry to bother you … I shouldn’t have said Mr. Pittman’s name.”

” What are you talking about?”

Keith frowned.

Speak softly.

“When the accident happened … Someone asked me this and that, and I think I made a
mistake. Sorry, I was in an important meeting …”

“It’s not something you should care about.”

“But …”

“I’ll take care of it! I didn’t tell you to take responsibility, damn it!”

Finally, Keith spat out a curse.

I hastily apologized and said:

“I’m sorry.”

Then he screwed up his face.

“Don’t apologize.”

We looked at each other in silence, he sighed and sat down next to the bed.

“How are you?”

“I’m fine …”

“Tell me the truth, don’t lie.” Keith said with a serious face.

Suddenly I thought. So what can I tell you? I’ve been lying to you all this time.
For the moment, I managed to swallow a nervous smile that reached the tip of my
tongue and I replied:

“I’m a little dizzy. And the body hurts here and there …”

” Of course you do, ” Keith spat nervously.

Suddenly I realized that he wanted to smoke. I was going to tell him it was okay if
he wanted to go smoke, but Keith opened his mouth first.

“Did you see his face?”

I shook my head silently.

“… Do you remember what happened?”

After a short interval, Keith asked. This time I was silent again. It meant I
couldn’t remember, but I bit mt lip as if swallowing bad words. I could see that
Keith was thinking, but it didn’t matter. He was still silent.

“Forget what happened” said Keith rasped . “I’ll catch him and make him pay a few
times, no, I’ll make him pay dozens of times. I’ll kill him over and over …”
repeated the same thing several times and gritted his teeth.

He seemed almost crazy. I felt joy and fear. I was driving this man crazy.

Will this man ever remember what he said? You despised me for making such a fuss,
but look, how do you look now? It’s like you really love me

“I’ll buy you a car again.” Keith opened his mouth. “Don’t drive from now on, I’ll
get you a bodyguard, don’t walk alone … Damn, that son of a bitch.”

He clenched and unfolded his fist and clenched again as if trying to contain his
anger. I saw him look surprisingly cool.

I silently extended my hand. Keith turned his head. Our eyes met as he gently
stroked his cheek with his fingertips, he soon took my hand and kissed my palm. The
lips moved to the wrist and lingered for a long time as if they were etching a
mark. When Keith looked up, I knew he would kiss me. But I didn’t avoid it, I
preferred to close my eyes.


Our lips touched and his eager tongue entered my mouth. Our tongues mingled as he
caressed the interior so naturally. I convinced myself. This man is completely
fooled by me.


“You’ve already been discharged from the hospital. You’re good?”

Charles, who came to check in, asked anxiously.

It’s only been a day since the accident. But I didn’t have time to hesitate. Not
when the criminal will be caught. Also, it was unclear when the DNA of the Omega
that left the mark on Keith would be revealed to be mine.

My body tensed. I did not hide my tracks because I decided that the facts would be
revealed and that I would run anyway. It won’t take long for my cell phone to be
found to arrest the man or to find innumerable clues that reveal all my plans.

I responded by putting on the clothes I had brought with my innermost thoughts


“It’s okay … The memories of the accident are still unclear, and I think it’s
better to rest at home.”

Charles expressed his feelings again.

“I’m afraid Mr. Pittman will think differently.”

I buttoned the last button on my shirt and looked at it.

“I have something to tell you after work and I’ll tell you directly. I will not
disturb others.”

Charles was still making a nasty face, but I wasn’t about to hold back any longer.
Anyway, you may think it is useless.

After we finished the rest of the procedure, we drove to the mansion together.
Other times, stunned, I would have seen the landscape pass by, but today it was
different. I knew the password to the door, the location of the car keys, the
bodyguards’ shift, and the employee’s break time at the mansion. All that was left
was execution. The waiting time was endless. But I endured it as long as I could.
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. And finally, at the end of the day, he
returned home.
As I got ready for lunch, my heart was pounding like crazy. In my head, I went
through the plan many times, but wasn’t sure if it would turn out as expected. It
was the first time I was going to seduce someone. Furthermore, the person I was
going to seduce was a man who was surely exhausted. Will my clumsy provocation
really work on him? What if Keith isn’t as obsessed with me as I think ? I have to
do it. I can’t run anymore. Sooner or later, if everything is revealed, it will be
over anyway. I looked at myself in the mirror and reflected on my resolve. You can
do it! I can do it!


After taking a deep breath, I left the room.

The wide corridor seemed endless. I finally opened the door to the dining room,
multiplying my confidence with every step. Keith went down first and was waiting.
The moment I saw him sitting on a chair I almost ran away without realizing it.
When he stood up, I barely clenched my legs and kept going. He waited for me to sit
down and then he sat down in his seat. He spoke only after Charles left.

“What were you thinking when you left the hospital without saying a word?”

“Because I don’t have to be there.”

Fortunately, the voice came out as usual. And I went on before Keith could say
anything else.

“There is something I would like to say to Mr. Pittman.”


“No, rather, it’s something I want to do.”

Keith looked at me without even blinking. Charles broke the silence and entered.
After placing a plate in front of us one by one, he served Keith wine and fruit
juice for me.

“Thank you.”

Charles nodded briefly as Keith spoke his words of gratitude. Soon he was gone.
Keith and I were alone again. For a moment, only a small sound of crockery clashing
rang out from the dining room. When I saw Keith drinking wine, I spoke casually in
a voice loud enough to be heard by him.

“If I wasn’t pregnant, I could have drunk.”

Keith looked at me and laughed briefly.

“I’m sorry.”

“Isn’t it really unfair? Having children is the responsibility of both parties, but
only one has to bear the inconvenience,” I said casually with a small grunt.

“Life is inherently unfair,” Keith added, raising the wine to his mouth as if it
were blatant. “Everything in the world is like this.”

I deliberately added sarcastic:

“How if an unknown Omega will leave a mark on your ear and disappear?”
Keith stopped. He only frowned slightly, but it was clear that he was very upset.

I raised the glass of juice to toast.

“Everything in the world is like that.”

Keith didn’t say anything. The meal continued. I felt bad, maybe because I was
nervous. I did a careful calculation of the speed of chewing and eating.

“What happened to finding the Omega? I heard you got the DNA.”

Keith laughed when I asked, as if nothing had happened.

“It won’t take long. No matter where he is hiding in the world, I will find him.”

I looked at it still.


Keith stared at me and raised the glass to his mouth. I opened my mouth as I looked
at the red liquid tilted to the side.

“What does it taste like?”

“Curious?” Keith asked, lowering his glass.

I looked at the empty glass, reached out and stroked it slowly. I reached the
surface where Keith’s lips touched. I slowly swept the rim of the glass, the
remaining moisture permeating my fingers, I brought them to my lips with a downcast
gaze, I knew Keith was looking at me the whole time. I stuck out my tongue and
licked, the taste barely palpable. I slowly lowered my wet finger and pressed the
tender flesh to my lips. The saliva touched the finger that had swept the glass and
the tip was slightly wet. Our eyes met.

Ah , with a sigh I put my finger down. There was a screech of the chair backing
away. I got up slowly and walked towards him. Keith stared, motionless, until I got
closer. Nor did I avoid looking. When I finally stood in front of him, he pulled me
up and held me. I fell into his arms as if I was falling apart, our lips
overlapping. I closed my eyes, licked and rubbed his tongue that passed my mouth.


Keith got up with me in his arms and laid me on the table. I went to bed with a
short exclamation, like a squeak, without realizing it. Keith’s face, looking down
from below as he lay down, was unfamiliar. A slightly flushed face. I was full of
desire. I have to reward a man who loves me so much …

Without hesitation, I reached out and covered his face. I pulled without much
effort and kissed him. Keith’s hand touching my waist pulled up my shirt and
stroked my bare skin. I felt like he was going to sweep my skin, but his fingers
got stuck on my nipple. He grabbed the small nipple with his thumb and forefinger,
twisted it. It didn’t hurt at all, but I frowned, like I was in pain. Keith bit my
neck, laughing quietly, like he knew everything. This time he pinched my nipple and
I felt a lot of pain. I stiffened in surprise, but he soon stroked the nipple with
the tip of his thumb. He seemed to be playing with my body, as he was playing with
my heart.

Keith lowered his lips and placed them on my nipples. He clenched them between his
teeth and licked with his tongue. I spit out a moan of excitement without knowing
it. My insides got wet.

“Yes Yes.”

Even though he licked and sucked gently, he sometimes bit painfully, surprised me,
and I briefly screamed. But Keith smiled with joy every time he did and rubbed my
nipples with his lips. He kissed me all over the body, rubbed my lips and took a
deep breath as if checking my scent from time to time. The scent of the pheromones
would probably come out soon because, even if I took the medicine in the morning,
because it was a lower dose than usual, perhaps the smell would end up coming out
at any moment. Keith soon realized there was no smell because he had a disappointed
expression on his face.

Instead, I moved my hands to unzip and remove my pants. Keith seemed surprised for
a moment when my parts were exposed. I was not wearing underwear, as he had asked
before. And he gave the same reaction that I expected, he kissed me with a smile
full of satisfaction. A noise came from below, it was the sound of him unscrewing
the belt of his pants. Keith was too hasty, but I didn’t bother to stop him. The
night was long and I thought I would pay a lot for it.

“Ah …”

A moan flowed from inside my throat due to the pressure I felt after so long. The
forgotten body of man, entered me. I hugged Keith’s neck and spread my legs so it
was easy for him to enter. Keith kissed me and moved. Whenever he stepped back and
entered, he didn’t hesitate to dig deeper. I wanted to leave, but he slammed in
again and then came back in. Keith patted me and bit my lower lip. The taste of
blood spilled into my mouth, as he rubbed and licked my lips. A sensation of weight
deeper than subtle pain spread from below. Keith entered deep and rubbed my inside
with his penis. The coarse hairs on his body rubbed against my soft flesh, making
my butt get hotter.

“Uh, yeah. Ugh.”

There was a groan of pain coming from inside my neck.

I felt around on the table, but had nothing to grasp. I was forced to hug Keith’s
shoulders and lift my legs to encircle his waist. When I squeezed inside, Keith
twisted his forehead, slid back and inserted himself directly into me. Somehow I
wanted to reach deeper inside, so I lifted my hips and shook myself. The
interlocking area splattered around the hole. My butt was opened wide and Keith
pushed his thick genitals inside me. His hand grabbed me around the waist and he
immediately pulled himself inside. I curved my back, stifling a cry. My hole, which
had been opened to the limit, swallowed Keith’s penis to the root.

“Ah, ah …”

Keith’s heavy breathing broke in my ear.

My insides were as hot as fire. His member that entered deeply and recoiled, seemed
to go crazy. Keith’s movement became more urgent as the inner wall absorbed him
most deeply. Every time it hit fast, there was a screeching sound coming from
inside from the overflowing fluid. Keith exhaled through ragged breaths.

“My God, you’re so … Damn!”

Suddenly he picked me up and hugged me. I hugged him with my whole body, sitting at
the end of the table. Keith entered frantically and muttered as if he were crazy.
“You’re mine, right? Tell me that you are mine.”

I did what he wanted. What is all this nonsense? You’re mocking me?

“I’m yours.”

Keith smirked. He overlapped his lips behind a brief smile and slammed his cock
inside me.


I panicked for a moment like back then, Keith inflated the ending. Fear came to me
through the expanding penis inside me. Unknowingly, I tried to push him away, but
Keith gripped my waist tightly and pulled himself inside.

“Ah, stop, it hurts!” I yelled quickly.

I struggled to get away, but Keith didn’t let go of me, rather, he comforted me
with a series of kisses on my cheeks and lips.

“Wait, relax!”

I tried to get him out of my body in a hurry, but he wouldn’t let me. I just
hardened. Keith continued to kiss my entire face as he whispered sweetly,
reassuring me, he never tried to pull his penis out of me.

“Aaah …”

Keith ejaculated on me with a deep groan. He shuddered slightly and poured out his
semen, but nothing was wasted. The memory of that day came to mind, even then,
Keith ejaculated on me. After filling my stomach like this, all the semen that
hadn’t spilled was still inside.

And the child…?

“Uh, ahh …”

Tears welled up from the pain, but despite it, Keith did it to the end. Although it
was finally finished, it did not attempt to downsize. He kissed my temple and my
mouth, but I turned my head and refused. While looking at me with resentful eyes,
he unexpectedly made a bitter smile. He kissed me again and whispered on my lips.

“You wanted it too.” I looked at Keith with tear-streaked eyes. He rubbed my lips
and said over and over, “Right? You wanted it too.”

That’s right. I was the one who attracted him. It was me who wanted it.

“Yes,” I whispered under my breath. “I wanted it.”

It is me who will abandon this man.

Keith wanted to laugh and then deeply overlapped his lips. His cock didn’t shrink
at all, even as he mixed his tongue and licked my lips. It seemed to me that he
kept his shape in my stomach to fill me with his footprints.

When Keith finished removing my pants and hugged me to lead me to the bedroom. He
carried me in his arms, wearing only a shirt and with the bottom exposed. He was in
such a hurry that he wouldn’t let me put my pants back on. As we went straight to
his room I whispered to him:

“I can’t bear it, let’s go to my room …”

Keith followed me without hesitation. It was also as expected, his room was further
away than mine. Keith immediately left me on the bed and climbed on top of me. As
he brought his hand to my entrance, he stroked my soaked hole and hesitated. His
semen mixed with my body fluids and wet his hand. Immediately after reviewing it
thoroughly, he frowned. The semen that had poured into my still open hole leaked
out little by little every time I breathed. Seeing him, he headed straight for me.

Keith again left me with no time to prepare. I woke up scared and surprised, but
again his penis was firmly fixed inside me. On the verge of tears, he kissed me
again. Soon after, he began to move. It was a deep movement trying to reach the
limit of my interior, however, it was already approaching deeply. I bit my lip and
endured the pain, because I knew he wouldn’t listen to me, even if I said that
Keith again left me with no time to prepare. I woke up scared and surprised, but
again his penis was firmly fixed inside me. On the verge of tears, he kissed me
again. Soon after, he began to move. It was a deep movement trying to reach the
limit of my interior, however, it was already approaching deeply. I bit my lip and
endured the pain.

Is this good? Even when I was unconscious he made a mess in my stomach. Now I am
conscious, so …

“… Why are you doing this?”

When Keith reached the second ejaculation with his penis inside me, I finally asked
him impatiently. I was full of tears and it was hard to breathe. Panting with
exhaustion, he paused for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“Because I can’t mark you.”

Is this man trying to make a mark on my stomach just when I had left a mark on his
ear? I was speechless.

Keith whispered, looking at me in surprise.

“If it weren’t for the brand, I would have made you mine.”

And kissed my ear.

My whole body stiffened at that moment. If this man bites me now, he’ll know right
away. No! I squeezed my hole urgently . At the same time, a terrible pain shot
through my stomach and Keith let out a deep groan. I heard a spontaneous murmur of

“Uh, Ugh…”

I shook my whole body and grabbed his arm. Keith’s gaze returned to my face.

“You will break up, of course …”


“… with that man.”

His voice mixed with harsh breaths, he whispered quietly to what I pointed out
coldly, as if to resist the temptation.
“We’re not dating, you said we were just having sex.”

It was strange that it still hurt so much to repeat it with my mouth. I had already
given up on everything … But Keith got it wrong, frowned and looked down. I
followed the direction of his gaze and he caressed my stomach.

“This is why?” I was stunned by the murmur. Keith was still looking down at my
belly and said, “Would it be okay if you didn’t have this?”

His eyes went cold in an instant. The cynical face was something he had seen well
before, of course not in bed. I grabbed his arm without realizing it, but Keith
didn’t move.

I spoke in a trembling voice:

“You said we would raise him together.”

Keith laughed briefly at my protest.

“Yeah, but if he gets in the way, you can get rid of him.”

“For you, there is a brand … from another Omega.”

Keith kissed me sighing.

“Okay,” he whispered comfortingly. “After I kill that Omega, the mark will
disappear too … Then you will be mine completely.” He kissed me over and over
again. “At that time, even if you don’t want it, I will put a mark here and you
will be completely mine.”

Keith brought his lips to my ear and left a kiss. I just looked at his face,
smiling sweetly, not saying a word.

“What if … if I say I won’t break up with him …?” Keith angrily stared at me.
Unexpectedly, he laughed.

“Do you want me to kill that man too?”

With a soft whisper he caressed my cheek. I got goose bumps. I was so scared. Can I
really handle this man? While I couldn’t say anything, Keith came to his own

“Fix it and you’ll be my Omega.” He looked at my belly and said, “And I’ll take
care of this child too …”


“… As if he was my child.”

I wanted to laugh, but couldn’t do it at all. He had already left the starting
point and had only to run towards the goal. It’s too late to go back. I swallowed
dry saliva and opened my mouth.

“I’m thirsty…”

Keith didn’t move for an instant. He hesitated as if he didn’t want to get out of
me, but before long he sighed and got up. When his penis, which was so tight,
slipped, I felt a sudden loss of strength and a stomach ache . Will the child be
okay? Unconsciously I came to myself. He was worried about the child, even when I
had denied his existence. I was embarrassed, but this was not the time to take my
time. I did my job while Keith turned his back to me and asked for the water. I
found the things that I had hidden in advance under the pillow, went through them
and waited for him.

“How about wine?”

Keith, who was about to hang up, frowned at my question.

“Can’t you drink?”

“Then drink in my place.”

Deliberately trying to soften the limits of his patience, I smiled. Keith looked at
me motionless then, and soon shrugged, ordering wine to be brought. He also added
fruit juice to my drink.

“Is there anything else you need?”

I shook my head. Keith hung up and went back to bed. I let him kiss me. Keith came
naturally between my legs, grabbed my thighs and spread my crotch wide. I spread my
legs as he wanted and I accepted it. Keith seemed to like very much that I was
obedient. Several times he kissed me, I called his name, I touched his body and he
ejaculated inside me again. Every time he ejaculated it hurt me, even so, I held on
to the end. This is the last time , I thought.

“Toc, toc”

Keith was kissing me all over my body when he heard the blow.

After a while it was Charles who opened the door and entered. Keith, who was still
inside me, began to move. It wasn’t easy to concentrate. I was exposed and naked
before another man. I was ashamed to die. But Charles, who was a professional,
placed the drinks he had brought on the table without looking at the side of the
bed, turned around, and left the room. It was only after the door was closed that I
was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Then Keith spoke:

“If you look at another man in front of me in the future, I will kill him, whoever
he is.”

I looked at him for a moment without understanding. Keith’s voice was calm, but his
face was more serious than ever. I was serious. I hesitated and nodded, but
revealed an unconvincing look, Keith threatened me with a grimace.

“The same will happen with women.”


I kissed him instead of trying to convince him. Keith licked and rubbed my lips and
began to move slowly. The semen in my stomach made me feel sick every time I moved.

“Why don’t you … don’t take a break …?”

It seemed that if he did this one more time, the plan could not be executed. I was
wondering if I could still walk. When I remembered that day when I couldn’t even
get up, I thought that today would be no different. I looked at him desperately
“Please, won’t we continue better tomorrow …? I’ll do what you tell me, so let me
rest for a while …”

In silence, Keith looked at me pleading. I was afraid he would ignore me and start
over, like he always had. However, he unexpectedly heaved a short sigh, kissed my
forehead, and got out of bed. I managed to move my body that was all asleep. Keith
opened the bathroom door and disappeared inside.

Meanwhile I took out the medicine I had hidden and held it in my hand. Shortly
after leaving the room, Keith returned wearing a bathrobe. Somehow it seemed
strange to me to see that the robe, which was my size, was a bit short for him. He
deftly removed the cork from the wine bottle, as if remembering what I had said.
Afterwards, the wine was thinly poured like a thin thread and transferred to the
glass. I was temporarily stunned by the aroma of the rich wine spreading through
the room.

“Do you want to drink?”

When I suddenly blinked at the voice I’d heard, Keith was looking at me and
laughing. I was hypnotized again. I will never see you again.

“What’s going on?” Keith asked, but strangely, at the moment, my state of mind
couldn’t be expressed in any language. I didn’t understand why I was feeling so
confused. It was Keith’s words that brought me to my senses. The trivial words that
had been accumulating in me for a long time, reminded me of my will. And when I
remembered the last words that hurt me the most, I soon felt very cold. I won’t let
this man hurt me anymore.

Again, I smiled casually.

“It smells good, but I can’t drink it.”

“That’s too bad. But it won’t be long. Now that I think about it, how long have you
been pregnant?”

I quickly calculated the number of months and lied:

“I’m less than three months old.”

“… For real?” Keith murmured, leaving an unwanted silence between us.

Soon he put down the bottle of wine and served juice this time. It is for me . I
opened my mouth pretending not to know.

“I also want to eat pudding.”

Keith laughed.

“My God, why don’t you put pudding on the child?”

I said without any pretense:

“Not bad. Milk for a girl, chocolate for a boy.”

He smiled and opened the refrigerator door.

“What would you like?”

I thought for a moment and replied:


Keith took the spoon with the pudding and handed it to me.

“… Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said and kissed me.

Soon Keith turned and poured the wine from the jug into a glass. I waited for him
to come back with the glass and then, I dropped the pudding on the bed pretending
it was a mistake.


He momentarily gave a rather unusual exclamation.

Although I was nervous inside, Keith seemed to have no doubts. Rather, he casually
fixed the pudding I dropped and asked:

“Do you want me to bring you another one?”

I nodded my head, pretending to regret the question I’d been waiting for.

“Yes thanks.”

He stroked my head with a smile.

The more I thought of that man who was smiling so kindly, the stranger I felt, a
momentary daze overcame me. I poured the medicine from my hand into the wine glass
on the side table while he opened the refrigerator door and rummaged. The effect of
the drug was certain. I asked the pharmacy manager and he gave me the answer I
wanted. I had studied the effects of this drug and explained that it worked best
when taken with wine, but added as a warning:

“You have to be careful because it is deadly for ordinary people”

When I told my doctor that I had been prescribed this medication, he told me never
to drink alcohol at the same time. Of course I promised him, in fact it wasn’t the
medicine I was supposed to take in the first place.

There were only two caramel puddings. I had purposely hidden one in the bottom of
the refrigerator. Thanks to that, it took him time to find it. When he closed the
refrigerator door, the capsule had already melted into the wine and disappeared
without a trace.

Keith, who handed me the pudding, quickly took his glass of wine and raised it to
his mouth. I looked at him, pretending to eat pudding. Keith, who had tipped his
glass without much thought, hesitated. He will know? He tilted his head like he was

“What happens? Is there a problem?”

The way I spoke naturally became difficult.

Keith opened his mouth nonchalantly.

“It tastes strange, but I think it’s rusty. Will there be a problem with the
storage? The smell was fine, but …”
He stared at the glass for a moment, still unconvinced, and soon shrugged. I
glanced around like I didn’t know Keith was putting the wine glasses on the side
table. The effect of the sleeping pill, prescribed by the doctor, lasted three
days. Although they say that Dominant Alphas’ resistance to drugs is stronger than
that of ordinary people, Keith would be affected if he drinks it even with alcohol.
All that was left was to wait.

Suddenly, he jumped on the bed and took the pudding from me. When I lost my half-
eaten pudding, I blinked in embarrassment. Keith added with a smile:

“You should have eaten faster.”

He immediately superimposed his lips on mine and I backed away. I was afraid it
would start over, but unexpectedly he didn’t try to shove it into me. He just
kissed me on the lips, on the forehead, on the cheek, everywhere … The face that
smiled at me seemed genuinely adorable. Once again, I could feel a prick in my
trembling heart. Then Keith, who had his nose on my neck, hesitated.

” …?”

He raised his head and frowned. As I held my breath, Keith casually bent his head
and brought his nose to my collarbone. I could hear a deep breath. He muttered to
himself, stiff and confused:

“Smell, I think … there’s a smell.”

His tone was visibly subdued.

Keith raised his head and shook it quickly from side to side, like a dog.

“… What’s wrong with this?” He murmured strangely.

But I knew why. The medicinal effects were immediate. It was a wonderful moment. If
it had come a little later, I would have fallen in love with this man again. Keith
continued to lose consciousness. The symptoms worsened until he was completely
unconscious. I got up from under him. Keith collapsed beside me and leaned back. I
climbed on top of his body with my heart trembling. Occupying the top of him was
something I couldn’t normally do. I couldn’t have dared to imagine it unless I was
going crazy for sex.


I called out to him in a low voice. Keith blinked half gone.

Can you understand me? You remember? I thought inwardly and asked:

“Why does this happen? Are you drunk on rusty wine?”

Keith shook his head slowly, muttering:

“Strange. Until now … I’ve never been drunk, but I’m not.”

I readily accepted.

“I put medicine there.”

“… What?” Keith didn’t immediately understand the words. With blinking eyes, he
asked, “Why?”
“Because …” I managed to suppress a laugh. “… Because I wanted to make you pay.”

Keith looked at me blankly. His expression revealed a feeling of confusion.

“… What?” He repeated the same question.

My head seemed to spin. I couldn’t stop laughing. The nervous laugh rang out
harshly. Keith looked at me stunned. For him, this situation did not make any
sense. The fact that he was lying like this, that I looked at him with contempt,
that I dared to drug him … I stopped laughing and stared at him.

I have to tell him everything before he falls asleep. This way, when you wake up,
you will know a little about what humiliation is.

I reached out my hand and stroked his ear slowly. I felt the mark on the tip of my

“How was the sex today? You like me?”

Keith didn’t reply. He just looked at me. I did not expect an answer.

“I’m sure it was good, since it will be the last time you will have sex with the
Omega who marked you.”

He opened his mouth. The sound came after a few seconds of emptiness.

“… What?”

Keith just repeated that. I brought up what I had carefully prepared.

“That day you left me pregnant.”


“And you forgot everything.”

I laughed again.

Keith’s lips were sweet, but they couldn’t make a sound. I watched with my own eyes
as his consciousness gradually faded. I leaned down and whispered in his ear:

“I warned you, I wouldn’t stand still if you used your pheromones again.” My voice
sounded weak as if it were someone else’s. I kept talking, “But you sprayed them on
me again.”

The hand, which was caressing the ear, stopped by itself. I forced myself to smile.

“This is the price.”

For a moment he didn’t understand me. This time it wasn’t just about the drugs.
Moving my lips and kissing his cheek, I confessed:

“I’m going to erase this child. You will not have children with anyone unless I
die. You will never have your own Omega.”

I looked at his face and smiled completely.

He let out a whisper as small as breath.

“Don’t be so unfair … We have given and received fairly.”

Keith looked at me dumbfounded.

How he tried to hold on to the consciousness that kept disappearing. It was so

noticeable to my eyes, but it was a useless act. Keith raised his hand, his cold
fingers rubbing my cheek, but that was it. Soon he completely lost his mind.

After checking on Keith’s condition, I staggered, dressed, packed my luggage, and

left the room. It was more difficult to leave the mansion than to cheat on Keith,
which seemed the hardest. I almost fell over several times while walking down the
hall. When I had barely stepped into the elevator and leaned against the wall, I

I didn’t see anyone on my way to the front door. I left the mansion anxious not to
meet Charles. And when I finally opened the front door and stepped out into the
garden, I finally let out a long sigh of relief. It was in front of the garage that
I suddenly ran into a person.

“Uh, Yeonwoo. What are you doing here at this hour?”

The bodyguard, who was watching around, found me and came to speak to me.

I was very surprised, but I tried to say hello like nothing.

“I have to go out for a moment to do something. Everything okay then?”

“Yes of course. But what? do you want to go now? You don’t look very good either. I
thought I saw you limp.”

I tried to laugh and lie.

“I went out and it was dark, I hit something … I couldn’t see well.”

“Really? Charles always leaves the lights on in the hallway …”

“I have something to take home, so I’d like to use the car.”

He did not doubt what I said, but he showed unnecessary kindness.

“Would you like me to accompany you? It hasn’t been long since the accident
happened, has it? Mr. Pittman told me not to leave Yeonwoo alone …”

Everyone thought I had met a thief. Of course, this illusion will be shattered in
three days at the most. Maybe everyone knows it the moment Keith opens his eyes ,
thinking to myself, I shook my head.

“It’s okay. I’ll be right back … I feel more comfortable alone.”

I intentionally added the last word. For a moment, he stroked his chin with his
serious face. He seemed to be concerned about Keith’s orders. So I hastily added:

“They haven’t even hired an additional bodyguard yet, but isn’t there a limit to
the number of guards in the mansion? It is night, so everyone will go to rest …
I’ll go visit my house for a moment to check that there is no danger. The accident
happened because I took a wrong path …”

Did I talk too much? I looked at him with inner anxiety. The bodyguard still seemed
to be lost in thought, but in the end he sighed.


I smiled awkwardly after a moment of glee. He took a step back and no longer
interfered with me. The night was short and I was in a hurry. The garage was full
of Keith-scented luxury sedans. After looking around the room once more, I chose a
car that seemed easy to drive. It was quite difficult to sit in the driver’s seat.
I had to bite my lip to contain the moans. When I finally sat up, I breathed a sigh
of relief.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

I nodded to the bodyguard who looked at me pityingly.

“I’m going to work from home tomorrow. It’s been a while so I have to clean up a
bit …”

I settled into the driver’s seat, started the engine, and the bodyguard spoke while
I nodded as if I understood.

“I’ll report to Charles in the morning. Drive carefully.”

After adding those words, the bodyguard stepped back. I started the car immediately
and could see it drive away in an instant through the rearview mirror.

Anyway, I can’t go very far with this car. I thought as soon as I got through the
door and drove down the road. I had already made plans for the future and had
prepared some cash. Even if the thief hadn’t taken my phone, it wouldn’t have been
useful anyway.

I will have to discard everything that leaves a trace, including the card.

There was no immediate need for a new cell phone, as well as a prepaid phone.

When will Keith wake up?

The drug will not last longer than an average person. I had to drive as far as I
could. Thus, I stepped on the accelerator at full speed, on that road where there
was not a single car.

I had my head stuck in the bathroom with a bout of repeated nausea and vomiting,
but the only thing that came out was bitter gastric juice. So, I just sat there,
breathing heavily, until the dizziness subsided.

It’s been two weeks since I ran away from Keith. Meanwhile, I’ve been moving around
cheap motels and avoiding other people’s eyes. After driving an endless distance
that day, I stopped the car at the airport and took an Uber. I bought several
tickets in my name, so they’ll probably think I’m out of state.
They will soon find out whether or not I really got on board, but it was enough to
buy me some time. I’m not very anxious because Keith, thankfully, seemed to have
woken up in less than a day. Daily newspaper articles, which appeared day by day
for the past two weeks, showed Keith’s recent status. I did not know how much truth
was in them. Some of them were surely false, and others seemed so plausible that
even I thought they were right.

I told him to stop all these reports.

It was a shame, but I couldn’t help it. Emma will now be in a rush to lead the
team. It must be too much for her. She will soon get used to it and go through the
famous “trial and error,” which is an established step. Above all, I had no right
to do this or that after I suddenly quit my job. Also, it was beneficial to be
getting information on Keith.

I’m dizzy…

I leaned against the wall and gasped for a while.


I must have fell asleep. I was surprised to hear a sudden scream outside. For a
moment I rolled my eyes in the dark, anxiously. When I listened carefully and out
of breath, it seemed that there was a fight between drunks. I got up slowly after a
sigh. The medicine I brought was almost running out. I looked at the prescribed
inhibitor and poured it into my mouth. There was nothing good about being caught
like an Omega in a place like this. What if you run into an Alpha and he gets
tough? I don’t want to be crushed by pheromones again … I rubbed my arm at the
creepy idea and headed for the bed.

Outside, the flashing neon signs disturb my sleep every day. It was a completely
different environment than Keith’s mansion, which was always silent. Of course it
is. Can it be compared? I scolded myself . I can’t help it right now . I have to
get a decent job and then get a room . Sooner or later I may not be able to stay
longer at this motel. Without realizing it, I brought my hand to my belly. The
delay in the appointment made me nervous. I can miss the deadline. How long will
the surgery take? If I waste my time …? Anxious as I was, I fell asleep.


“My God, Yeonwoo!”

Josh spat out harsh exclamations as soon as he saw me.

I got up from my seat. Walking through the cafe with his long legs, he sat in front
of me and quickly spoke:

“Emma told me. What happened? Suddenly you said you were leaving the company. They
can’t locate you. Jesus, look at this. Is that a wig? I hardly recognize you! And
what is this number?”

I told him I was going to dress up, but he didn’t seem to like it very much. As I
smiled awkwardly and prepared to respond, Josh scowled and continued speaking:

“I thought you were Spam, so I tried not to reply.”

“I’m sorry.”

I apologized with a bitter smile. He soon shook his head.

“No, this isn’t something to apologize for … Well, you suddenly made me impromptu
leave work.”

Josh said to himself as he stroked his chin. I realized it and opened my mouth.

“Well, you didn’t tell anyone that you would meet me …”

“Oh, of course I didn’t tell anyone. You trust me, right? Don’t worry, I’m not that
lazy mouth.”
Of course, I didn’t think Josh was in that class. Just as I was about to ask for
him, the waitress came over.

“Would you like to order?”

He alternately turned his gaze to me and Josh, grinning at us, lingering a bit
longer on Josh. This one, without even looking at the menu, ordered his order.

“A hot cake and a coffee. What about you Yeonwoo?” I ordered first, he nodded at
me, and quickly returned the menu book. “Thanks, Stella.”

His face smiled as he said the name on the tag. Naturally, I thought: Is this what
it’s like to be a natural womanizer? As expected, the waitress smiled brightly as
well and turned around after receiving the menu book. A handsome man … is even so


Josh asked as if my gaze was strange.

I answered frankly:

“I thought Josh would have been popular, if he had expressed himself as an Alpha.”

“Do I look like an Alpha?”

He blinked at me. It was such a pure reaction that I felt quite ashamed. Josh spoke

“I rather like it, because I have more options. I can meet someone who doesn’t want
to have a baby. Well or maybe I can meet a nice Alpha.”

His smiling face was full of confidence. It was a relaxed smile, from a man who had
never been rejected in his life.

Just in time, the waitress came up to me and placed each drink in front of us. She
winked slightly at Josh as she pulled a cream dispenser from his apron, who had
ordered coffee. Then Josh laughed.

Watching her figure silently, I casually muttered:

“I envy you, I’ve never been very popular …”

Josh, who was raising his coffee to his mouth, hesitated. I was embarrassed by the
green eyes looking at me.

“Why…? Did you make a mistake?”

“… No, I don’t think I was very popular, but I think it was strange.”

Josh muttered to himself as if he were speaking to himself, and soon said:

“Aaah …! Didn’t you know that? An Omega cannot be unpopular.”

“Oh no. I am a mutant case. I was Beta before that … I didn’t hang out normally in
my teens. I became an Omega after a while …”

“Weren’t you popular when you were a Beta …? Even if you changed, your face remains
the same.”

Josh still asked suspiciously. I answered yes.

“Before the gender change … I had two girlfriends, but it didn’t work out. Everyone
has a past.”

Josh, who was looking at me with a bitter smile, suddenly sighed and said his
sister’s name again.

“Emma … Emma.” I was puzzled, but he went on easily. “Anyway, do you have a place
to stay? Why did you suddenly leave? Did you fight with your boss?”

“Yeah … Hmm it was unexpected.”

I ignored the point-blank questions and spoke to him about my current situation.

“I’m staying at a nearby motel right now. Well, I haven’t heard from Emma yet, but
… did you hear anything about the company?”

“Well, did the boss go crazy and angry?” Josh shrugged and continued, “You’ll get a
rough idea of the atmosphere just by looking at the newspaper article.”

“Yes …” I added awkwardly. “I was wondering if there is something else not listed
in the article.”

“Well, I don’t go home often either, so I don’t get a chance to hear about that
from Emma. I’m always busy playing with Pete.” He shook his head and added, “I have
to repair the house, I have to mow the lawn … My house is old and I have to touch
it up every time I go. I have to finish fixing the roof again. I don’t have time to
chat with Emma, sorry. We don’t talk much.”

“No, it’s obvious … I’m sorry.”

It was fortunate that Emma and Josh didn’t have time to talk about me. I was
concerned that the conversation would leak, so I apologized several times. Then
Josh added:

“Ah. I heard they are looking for you a lot.”


“I do not know why.”

Just in time, the waitress brought us our food. Once more she greeted Josh and
disappeared. Each of us started our own meal.

“How can I help you?”

I raised my head to Josh’s question. He had already eaten more than half the
horseradish. I opened my mouth with difficulty:

“The hospital you recommended last time, I lost my cell phone … Can you tell me

Josh whistled briefly.

“You managed not to forget my number.”

I laughed shyly. “I saved your number separately, temporarily.”

“It’s good to be prepared.”

Josh casually complimented me. After he had pulled out his cell phone and checked
something, he seemed to be pondering for a moment, then said, putting the phone
back in his pocket:

“I’ll go with you, because it’s time.”


He bowed his head when I asked.

“Yeah, someone is supposed to go with you.”

“No, there is no one like that. But why? Suddenly…”

Josh looked at me silently.

“It’s pretty scary going to the hospital alone.”

I blinked in surprise.

I did not expect those words to come from this man. He smiled bitterly as if my
thoughts were read in my expression.

“That’s right. People like me think it’s better to go alone, but people like
Yeonwoo …”

“… Someone like me? And what does that mean?”

I stared at him, while Josh looked thoughtful, like he was choosing his words.

“Well … someone who needs help … who seems to be in danger and helpless?”


“You can also call it protective instinct,” he said, a relaxed look on his face,
but I couldn’t smile.

“I’ve only done well so far.”

Josh nodded when I spoke in a rather stiff tone.

“Of course yes. Emma told me that you are very competent. I even heard that Pittman
was trying to give you a stake in the company.”

I wondered if it was necessary to talk about it, but I kept my mouth shut. Josh
gave a sour smile.

“But being capable and looking like this is a different matter.” I didn’t say
anything and Josh added, “I’m free today anyway, so I’ll go with you if you want.
It is mandatory to make an appointment, but it is your first day … so if you come
with me, they will let it pass. What do you say?”


The choice fell on me. Josh’s suggestion was very tempting. Going to the hospital
for the first time and doing it alone was very scary. Also, it was not known when
the appointment would be made. I squeezed my hand in a hurry, after repeating this
action a couple of times, I opened my mouth:

“Yes … If you don’t mind, please.”

“Then I’ll do it. You have a car? If not, I have one?”

I was glad.

“Thanks, I was thinking of calling an Uber.”

“You don’t have a car?”

Josh asked in surprise.

I told the truth.

“I bought a used car, but took a cab today because I wasn’t feeling well.”

After a long time, Josh smiled casually and took the money out of his pocket. When
I saw him giving my share of tips, I tried to refuse, but Josh shook my hand like
it was enough and just stood up. I just raised the price of the food and followed

“Thanks anyway. I was also a little nervous going alone.”

Josh, still smiling, looked at me and moved on. He did not forget to greet the
waitress when he left.

“Come in.”

He, who had been using his employer’s car, opened the door of the Lamborghini. I
blinked in surprise. Now that I think about it, he must be a bodyguard for someone
quite famous from that party. Is it okay for me to let him drive this freely? He
must be pretty close to his boss. Sometimes there are employers who share personal
relationships with their employees and Josh seems to be the case.

He is such a handsome man who is so friendly , I thought to myself, as I sat in the

passenger seat following him. He checked me to buckle my seat belt and then got in
the car. From that moment, we were talking about common themes. Starting with the
weather, the wildfires and the killings in the East.

“There are too many wildfires in this area. It should rain a little,”Josh said

It suddenly reminded me of that day. In a rainy day. That day my life changed for
Keith. If he hadn’t done it, if he hadn’t come to see me that day, if it hadn’t
rained, if he hadn’t recorded the mark … I wonder what would have happened. I had
an idle imagination and soon I smiled bitterly. What good is all this thinking now?
Suddenly I could feel Josh looking at me, I saw him and our eyes immediately met.

” …?”

“Is there something you want to say?”

When I asked him, puzzled, he looked at me with his arm resting on the windowsill
and shrugged. He was puzzled, but soon turned his eyes to the front, which made
asking more ambiguous. Finally, I made it to the hospital without further

“Wait a minute.”

As he got out of the car, Josh took something out of his pocket.


With the fact that they were headphones, I confirmed that Josh was covering his
ears with them, and the mark on his ear was disappearing under them. Is it the mark
left by the child’s other parent? Josh’s faint odor may not be due to him taking
the medication, but rather his signature. I guess, because he’s a bodyguard, he
hides his ears with headphones. An Omega must have a lot of work to do when
protecting someone.

Maybe that’s okay, because if there is a brand, he will be less influenced by other
Alphas. At the same time I thought: What happened to having a baby only when there
is a mark? Of course I couldn’t ask. Everyone has their own reasons. The same goes
for Josh and me.

“Yeonwoo, Get down.”

He told me, opening the door and going downstairs. This was no time to worry about
him. Because right now, my problem came first.


The hospital was located in a quiet neighborhood, quite far from the main street.
The streets, where various shops were grouped, were as deserted as anywhere else.
Every now and then, some people would take a few steps to get into their parked
cars and disappear in an instant. I followed Josh to the gynecology clinic, which
had an old sign hanging up.

“Oh, Josh. What are you doing here? Maybe the second?”

The staff sitting at the reception desk greeted Josh with delight and asked a
flurry of questions. A rather fleshy Latin woman did not hide her affection for
Josh. He gave her a seemingly insignificant hug, as if this reaction were common.

“How have you been? Unfortunately, it’s not my problem , but I’m here to introduce
you to my friend. I couldn’t make an appointment. What can be done?”

And smiled sweetly.

Even me, that wonderful smile made my heart beat. As expected, the employee
responded with a bright smile.

“I can’t help it if it’s Josh’s request. Could you fill out this form? Then you
will have an appointment and have to wait about half an hour.”

“Thank you, Kate,” he said, and soon took the papers.

Sitting on the sofa, I filled in the blanks of the papers she had handed me with a

“Write your name different,” Josh whispered, giving me a quick tip.

Almost accidentally I had written my real name and stopped the pen. After thinking
about it for a while, I saw an ad on television and wrote the name of the product
changing the spelling. Josh, who was watching, suddenly laughed.

“What is Xylie Tol?”

My face was burning, but I pretended not to know and kept writing silently.
Suddenly, I could feel Josh staring at my profile. My face got hotter. Josh
collected all the papers and brought them to the front desk himself. All that was
left was to wait.

“Don’t get too nervous,” Josh said, and I nodded.

He was correct. It would have been difficult to bear this tension if I had come

“Thanks for coming with me.”

Josh shrugged to the side, like it was nothing. And after 40 minutes, they finally
called my name at the front desk.


There was nothing special during the exam. The doctor that Josh introduced me to
was very kind and taught me many things. However, she seemed perplexed by the
surgery. The reason was that it was already many months. After her expression
hardened, she stroked her chin in agony and sighed.

“I wish you had made the decision earlier … If you had surgery now, it could be
very dangerous for you too. You’re good?”

I swallowed dry saliva.

“However, I can’t give birth.”


She sighed deeply and searched the calendar. The doctor, who was dying for the
short time, assigned me a date.

“I can’t give you a date before this day. The earliest day is this … If possible,
it would be nice to find another hospital.”

“No, please, Doctor.”

I couldn’t afford to search for new places. It is an urgent situation. The doctor
looked bitter.

“I know it’s a difficult decision in many ways, take care.”

She said something that was not clear if she meant it or not. I was wondering how
she knew my mind, but I just said yes.

After leaving the hospital with Josh, it was late enough and the sun was getting
ready to set.

“How are you? Can you come alone?”

I nodded at Josh’s question.

“Yes, the doctor is kind. Thank you for introducing me to a good person.”
“No problem. I’m glad you liked it, “Josh said with a smile.

He no longer asked questions like: “What will you do with the child?”, “Will you
continue to do this?” or “have you thought about what will happen in the future?” .
All he asked was the address of the motel I was staying at. I hesitated and opened
my mouth.

“Maybe I’m fleeing a crime, but you aren’t asking me anything?”

Josh looked directly at me again.

“It’s rude, but to be honest, Yeonwoo doesn’t seem like someone who would commit a

Because it was true, I had nothing to refute. I just made a bitter smile. How will
this man react when he finds out that I ran away leaving a mark on Keith’s ear? It
was when I bitterly remembered what Keith told me one day, that I was “boring . ”
Because I am that type of person, of course. How did I get here so far on this

“If Yeonwoo hadn’t been pregnant, I wouldn’t have helped him here either.”


“Well, it’s a complication,” he added to himself.

I wanted to cry for some reason, so I mumbled, “Thank you.” And we don’t talk

Josh, who had been quiet the entire time, frowned at the appearance of the motel
when we reached our destination.

“Are you sure?”

I made an excuse, embarrassed by his reaction.

“It’s a temporary stay … I’ll be moving soon.”

“You better do it quickly. God, I think there are more drunkards here than I’ve
ever seen in my entire life.”

As he said, several men were soon noticed sitting on the side of the road drinking
alcohol. At a glance, the quality seemed poor. I added a thank you and was about to
get out of the car.

“It’s hard to raise a child alone, think about it … because you don’t have much
time left.”

I hesitated and opened my mouth.

“Well, Emma …”

“I don’t have time to talk.”

Josh shook my hand like he was upset. I stopped smiling.

“Thank you.”
I said goodbye and Josh quickly started the car. As I watched the Lamborghini drive
away, then I turned around and headed for the room.

The hisses and curses of the men came from behind, but I ignored them. As soon as I
entered the room, I was relieved only after having closed all the locks and
shackles; and blocked the door with a chair. Many thoughts occupied my mind after
lying on a slightly moldy bed.

” Stop the inhibitor right now.” Said the doctor with a serious face. In other
words, the prescription is also fatal to the body. “It’s not good for a child … I
don’t care if you don’t want to give birth.”

The words she added kept floating in my head. I closed my eyes with my mind still
confused. I said I wouldn’t have Keith’s kids. I’ve already set a date. But, I was

I bit my lips and calmly touched my stomach. The desire to have a baby and the
desire not to have one were at odds. I took off my wig and erased the makeup from
my face. I also changed clothes that were larger than my original size for more
comfortable clothes.

I have to get out of here tomorrow. Let’s fill up the fuel tank and get an extra
tire. As I thought about what to do tomorrow, I tried not to think about the baby.
Even on this day, with my complicated mind, I couldn’t help but fall for a nap.

I opened my eyes, leaned back for a moment and looked around with a roll of my
eyes. Nothing had changed at all since before I fell asleep. But why do I feel so
uncomfortable? I was not thinking about anything, when suddenly I realized that the
light coming through the window was different. The old motel sign had several
severed wires and was not working properly. For that reason, the letter “MOTEL”
read as “MT I”, but today the sign was completely off, making the black letter look
gloomy. However, the strange thing was that it was still bright outside. All the
letters on the sign were read with the lights off. I got out of bed wondering:
What’s going on out there?

Standing by the window and looking out, I hesitated in amazement. There were
several luxury sedans, inappropriate for this cheap Motel. And among them, I found
a face that I knew well.

Whittaker . How did he know?

Immediately, I felt dizzy, but avoided falling through the window frame. I knew it
wouldn’t take long to find me, even though it had only been two days since I moved
out of the motel. Furthermore, it was the first time they had made such a

Let’s think about it later .

I packed my things in a hurry. There were already a lot of people around the Motel.
Maybe soon they will come to my room . I ran out into the hall. But before I could
walk a few steps, I first heard a voice coming from below. Whittaker’s voice
mingled. I hurriedly turned around and went back up. I looked around, but there was
nowhere to go.

What do I do?

“Oh, this way.”

The men’s steps gradually approached. There was no room for more hesitation. I
quickly turned the handle on the nearest door. Got it on the third try. In the
locked room, a drunk man slept, lying on the floor, unable to lie down on his bed.
I hastily closed the door behind me.

The strong footsteps were fast approaching, but soon they were moving away. I stood
there, holding my breath and straining my whole body. Only my eyes moved around,
looking for a place to flee. Unfortunately, there was nowhere to go out.

There was a knock on the door. Whittaker’s reassuring voice called my name, but it
wasn’t for long either. A moment later, I felt a loud noise, as if the door had
been forced open, and a commotion erupted.

“No? Look carefully!”

“Yeonwoo, I’m not trying to hurt you. Come out and talk to us!”

“Look inside the ventilation shaft … Of course we can’t fit, but Yeonwoo is thin,
so it’s possible. Take it off and stick your head in. He’s there?”

“Not here.”

“Look again!”

The voices of the clamoring men awakened one by one the drunks who had fallen
asleep in their rooms. I looked at the owner of the room lying on the floor, in
suspense, but he was snoring loudly and not even moving. Outside, however, there
were harsh protests from awakened guests.

“What the hell? Damn bastards. They don’t even sleep?”

“Are you looking for your mother? She is selling herself, go ask her for yourself!”

“Hahahaha Come in and suck my penis!”

“Why the hell are you so mean to me? Do you want me to die? I’m going to sue you

Drunkards were furious all over the place. Whittaker may not have experienced a
simulated situation before. When I opened the door and looked outside, the
bodyguards were confused and embarrassed. I crawled on tiptoe, not missing an
opportunity. I managed to get to the bottom of the stairs. I was lucky until I ran
down in a hurry. But that was it.

“Yeonwoo!” Shouted one of the bodyguards who found me crossing the parking lot of
the Motel.

When I inadvertently turned around, the bodyguards wandering the Motel screamed and
ran. They were also seen running from the second floor. I tried to run away in a
hurry, but there were already guards there. I had no choice but to leave my car and
start running.

The Motel, wide open on the side of the road, had no place to hide. I ran with all
my might and finally jumped onto the grass on the other side of the street. They
were after me. I looked for a place to hide my body as low as possible. Luckily, I
found a little rabbit hole. Immediately, I crawled inside and hid in the dark.


“Yeonwoo, come out. Please!”

“Let’s talk, damn it. Why are you giving me so much shit?”

The bodyguards alternately yelled, but I ducked even lower, growing smaller.

I was afraid to even breathe, so I held my breath as long as I could. The night air
was cold and damp. I wanted to rub my arms, but I gritted my teeth and held on.
Although at that time …


I almost screamed inadvertently from a sudden stomach ache. I barely bit my lip and
took a deep breath. Suddenly, I felt an odor on my body. It was my Omega scent. At
a time like this.

A cold sweat broke out behind my back. It was lucky that the bodyguards were Gamma
and couldn’t smell the scent. However, once I got out, I would have to find another
hiding place, because it was not good for the smell to overflow like that. What I
most feared was the act of wandering with Alphas easily abducting and luring
Omegas. It wasn’t common, but it could happen to anyone with bad luck. And I’ve
never been so unlucky in my life.


I barely swallowed a moan that escaped my mouth.

My stomach was in constant pain. What about the child? The doctor’s words floated
through my head.

“No more inhibitors.”

But what can I do? Let’s go to the hospital, I’ll see her as soon as daylight … No,
I can take medicine, this baby will go away. So then …

I suddenly opened my eyes. It took me a moment to realize the reality. In that

state, holding my breath, I realized that there was silence everywhere. Did they
give up and leave?

“… Oh.”

When I moved, my stomach hurt again, but it wasn’t as excruciating as before. I

couldn’t move due to the rigidity of my stomach. The whole body seemed to creak and
make noises.


I managed to exhale a blocked breath. Just as I was about to get up, suddenly
someone yelled:

“There is something there!”

“What? Where?”

For a moment I closed my mouth. Without realizing it, my heart was beating like
crazy. I waited for them to disperse. When I realized it, I had goose bumps all
over my body. What did they follow by mistake? A rabbit? A coyote? Anyway, it was
lucky for me. If my stomach didn’t hurt at that moment … Without knowing it, I
looked down at my belly. At that time, many emotions happened to me in a
complicated way.
I ducked further into the cave. I waited for the sound to go away and then ran as
quietly as possible in the opposite direction. It was time for the sun to rise. The
sky was bright and soon after, I was able to stretch my body and stand on my feet,
convinced that I had managed to keep them away.


I sighed deeply after swallowing my dry saliva. In the bright sun, I carefully
checked the surroundings, but as expected, I couldn’t see them. When I confirmed
that I had escaped safely, I was relieved and relaxed. I staggered step by step and
out of the forest. How did they find out where I was? Just in case, I kept walking
in the opposite direction from the motel.

I remembered that I still had to stay a week to leave the Federated State. What can
I do? I thought nervously. I may have known about it for a long time. In this way,
it was only a matter of time before I was captured. I almost spat a curse. Nothing
worked as scheduled. I stopped walking and closed my eyes with a deep sigh.

At first, I planned to sequentially leave the company and move to a stable company,
even if my income was small, and hide quietly. However, to make matters worse, I
had to flee in a hurry due to the discovery of DNA. Keith’s expression at that
moment was still in front of me. What is he thinking now?

He gritted his teeth for wanting to kill the Omega that left a mark on him, but it
was me, so he won’t kill me. The idea made me laugh dumbfounded. From the
beginning, the idea of hiding forever, without him knowing it, was a fantasy. I
gave myself a cold reprimand. Now the plan that I envisioned as the next best
option was also impressive.

I’ll try to cross the border into Mexico or Canada, but Canada was too far away.
The next viable option was Mexico. After that, I may decide to go back to Korea or
go to a third country. The most necessary, right now, was a car. I felt sorry for
the car that I left behind, but couldn’t go back.

First of all, I have to buy a new used car and make a fake passport. I was supposed
to meet a smuggler at the motel where I was staying, but it all went wrong. I’ll
have to contact him again … The deal could have ended anyway, because the
appointment was broken. Everything has failed. I wanted to cry.

I was exhausted after wandering through the woods all night. If there was a Motel
nearby, I would have walked in recklessly, but I didn’t even find a gas station. I
walked without energy. I checked my cell phone, but there was no signal. Is this
what a dilemma is? I walked stumbling down that endless road.


The terrible sun had been shining for hours. I kept walking and feeling like I was
in the middle of the desert. If I stopped for a moment, I could never lift my foot

“Ah, ah.”

The dizziness became so severe that I exhaled with difficulty. I’m thirsty . The
inside of my mouth was burning and every time I breathed in, it hurt like my throat
was going to rip. If I walk straight like this, will I get to Mexico? I thought in
my confused mind.

One day, I saw an article about a business owner who was transporting smugglers in
a van. Are there such cases? Of course you do, right? I will try to do that too. I
need to call the smuggler again. If I go to Mexico, they won’t chase me like that.

Mexico. Yes, Mexico. Suddenly it seemed like a paradise on earth. When I arrived in
Mexico, it seemed that everything was going to be solved. Without any problem.

I was thirsty. I forced myself to produce saliva, but it didn’t work. Blinking
blurry eyes, I forced myself to continue.

How long did I walk? What time is it? Mobile phone, not yet …?

I raised my weak hand and checked for a signal, but couldn’t make the call. Wish
there was some shade . I kept walking and thinking. If I had known I was going to
do this ridiculous race, I would have increased my stamina.

Yes, I do. I blinked my cloudy eyes. Oh, if I had.

♬ ♬ …

… I didn’t hear the sound at first. I was hearing it but didn’t realize what it
was. When I belatedly learned that it was my cell phone ringtone, this time my
reaction slowed in surprise. I pulled it out, checked it, and as expected the phone
was ringing. It was Josh’s number. I pushed the button hastily, but it ended there.
I thought the call would connect again, but soon it was cut off again.

Although embarrassed, hope immediately arose, the phone was working. There seemed
to be a nearby base station. It gave me unthinkable strength. My weary steps
quickened before I knew it. Anyone is good, so I wanted to meet whoever it was. I
thought it didn’t matter which store, if I can call, if I can drink water.


When in the distance, I finally found the gas station and the restaurant, I almost
fell into that very spot.



When I opened the door and walked in, the waitress, who greeted me warmly, was
startled. But I just couldn’t allow myself to care. Staggering, I barely sat
anywhere and waited for her out of breath. The clerk, indecisive, brought the menu
and placed it in front of me. But all I wanted was a glass of cold water.

I watched in amazement as the waitress put the glass on the table and served the
water, as soon as it was full of water, I picked it up and drank it all. As I drank
water, the inside of my neck kept shaking and showed little sign of loosening. It
was only after the surprised waitress refilled it with water and I drank three
glasses in a row that I regained my consciousness a bit.

“Are you okay, sir?” The waitress asked anxiously.

I put down the empty glass and barely replied:

“… Yes thanks.”

She smiled awkwardly and turned around after pushing the menu in front of me.
Tired, but to some extent staying right, I took a deep breath and pulled out my
cell phone. Clearly a signal was being picked up. I tried not to cry with relief
and dialed the number. As I waited for Josh to answer the phone, I inadvertently
turned my eyes to the television in front of me. The news was in the air. After a
while, the doorbell stopped ringing and the voice I’d been waiting for came out.


“Josh,” I yelled his name like I was exhaling a blocked breath.

I was going to give him a short account of what’s been going on, but Josh
interrupted me first.

“Where are you now? You’re good?”

“What? Oh … Yes, for now. Sorry, I have no one else to ask for help …”

I was embarrassed because I seemed to be bothering Josh. I would have apologized

for making a phone call while he was working, but Josh did it first so that’s okay.
And I will always be indebted to him for taking care of me this time.

Check it out. Fortunately, the store was empty and there were few customers. It was
about watching TV and drinking coffee for an old man with little hair left, seeing
the employees chatting quietly … I was going to talk about what had happened, but
Josh spoke again.

“Let’s talk somewhere now. First of all … Oh no. I can’t go out anymore. First of
all, tell me … Where are you? Are there many people around you?”

“No, there is not…”

It was a series of strange questions. I was puzzled and first I gave him the name
and phone number of the store on the menu. Josh seemed to take notes, but
immediately said seriously:

“Okay, it’s good not to have guests there. Stay where you are. Sit in the corner,
as much as possible.”

“Why are you doing this? What the hell…?”

It was then that I accidentally looked at the television, my eyes just stopped. I
couldn’t believe what I had just seen.

Josh’s voice flowed into my ear when I opened my eyes too wide.

“Keith Pittman, that son of a bitch, is offering a reward for finding you. There is
a great prize at stake for you. Do you get it? The whole country is going crazy
looking for you. Now Yeonwoo is more famous than the Super Bowl. I turn on the TV
and you appear on it from time to time. You will only see photos of yourself on the
Internet. At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before you get caught. They say
that if they find you, they can win more money than they could win in the
Powerball. I do not know what is happening. What the hell did you do to Pittman?”

With an unfortunate ending to himself, Josh hung up. I couldn’t even remember what
I answered him. I just sat there uncomprehending, staring at the television. The
image was already gone, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away.


I woke up to the noise of the place. I must have fell asleep while waiting. Sitting
alone in the inner corner of the tent, I looked around carefully. Before I knew it,
the restaurant was full of people. It was time to eat. Outside the store, I could
see several trucks running long distances. Truckers, returning to the road after an
early dinner and a short break, occupied the store.

I crouched down to be as careful as possible that they didn’t see me until they
left their seats. However, the small movement did not fail to attract attention. A
burly man, who was looking around to call a waitress, suddenly looked me in the
eye. I quickly avoided his gaze, but didn’t have a good feeling about it. I didn’t
know if this man would just let it go.

Once again, I saw a man talking to another guy sitting across from him. He turned
his head and looked at me. My heart began to beat violently. Josh’s words came
alive again.

“They say if they find you, they can win more money than they would on the

A cold sweat broke out behind my back. I hesitated and started packing my things
one by one. I was going to hide in the bathroom for the time being. When will Josh
be here? I looked at the clock on the wall and it had been more than two hours
since I spoke to him on the phone. I was nervous looking around. The men were still
looking at me. It seemed like everyone was looking at me from all directions. I
couldn’t bear it and finally got up from my seat. Then immediately the men got up
and stood in front of me.

“Wait a minute.”

I hesitated in amazement for a moment. Two great common men looked unusually
intimidating in the current circumstances. I opened my mouth and tried to be as
cold as I could.

“Could you move?”

“Hey, what’s the rush? Let’s talk for a minute. You are alone?”

I looked around in a hurry, but found no signs of help, it just seemed like
everyone was watching. I tried to pretend nothing was wrong.

“No, he will come soon.”

Then the man smiled.

“When? You’ve been alone for a while.”

The English-speaking man with a southern accent was tough-looking and appeared to
have been drinking until dawn after hours behind the wheel. Another man with a
shaggy beard smiled and said:

“We’re going to have an informal chat over lunch. You’re bored, aren’t you?”

“I’m not well…”

“Sit down.”

He quickly grabbed one of my arms and forced me to sit on the seat. I tried to get
up, but immediately the men stopped in the way.

“What’s wrong? Why are you nervous? Do you really think we’ll do something?”
I did not answer. I looked seriously at the passing waitress, but she turned her
head deeply, as if this didn’t happen. The man calmly pushed me by the shoulders. I
collapsed on the chair as if falling without a pulse. He looked up hunched over.
That man could smell my essence without having to approach. While sniffing, he
immediately looked back.

“You’re an Omega, you little bastard!” Said the other man, laughing, taking it for
granted. “It’s strange pheromones overflow like this. Is it your heat cycle? It
smells so good. Your scent is all over the store.” He narrowed his eyes and looked
at me. “This is you?”

My face was on the crumpled paper that one of the men pulled out of the back of his
pants. The bounty with countless “0’s” also caught my attention. My whole body
stiffened with fear.

If it didn’t smell, wouldn’t I have been discovered?

I would never know, but it was a fact I had to get out of there anyway. I tried to
get up hurriedly, but the man didn’t hesitate to grab my shoulder and push me

“Where are you going?”

The man smiled at me.

Fear gave me goose bumps all over my body. This was not the end. The other men
intervened in the little disturbance.

“What? What happens?”

“What are you doing?”

At those words, they got up one by one. I fully opened my eyes. A man, who had cast
his gaze behind the man who was holding me, was surprised.

“Motherfucker. Isn’t that the guy with the reward? Right? The payoff is huge.”

“Really? That Powerball?”

Other men spoke often. Those who had caught me for the first time got angry.

“Get lost, you bastard. We have it! What are you doing? Let’s go. Let’s call

I was not a person for them. It was just a check with a “0” stamped countless
times. I was scared in that noisy environment. The man who had snatched the cell
phone from another man, who was pressing the number hastily, looked at me.

“Hey, with all the money there is and are you trying to eat it alone?”

“You should share the good things, right?”

He nodded here and there and exchanged glances. The men who caught me looked at
each other in shame.

“You should have waited before calling.”

One party got angry when the other party attacked him
Tilt your head down.”

Suddenly, at the man’s words, I reflexively collapsed. Soon after, the cars raced
to the other side of the road with a strange sound of wind. After holding my breath
for a while, I carefully looked up and noticed the back of the car pulling away. To
be sure, Whitaker and his men drove several of the sedans that were familiar to me.
It was impressive. Dane beside me, breathed a sigh of relief. After that he didn’t
react to anything.I got scared and looked at him. While driving the car, the man
hardly spoke. He was a completely different guy than Josh, who could easily talk to
anyone and lead a conversation. The gum-chewing man made a noise. Sitting in the
passenger seat, I looked closely, but he didn’t care at all. I suddenly remembered
what had happened before.
The man who introduced himself as Dane Striker said he was a firefighter. It was
also correct that he was the cover template for the calendar. At that moment, the
secretariat staff hung up the calendar in the office and reacted quite
enthusiastically, and it was strange to see the protagonist of the image, which
took almost a year, although it took me a glance to recognize him. Also, he and
Josh were acquaintances. When the man talked about the cover that decorated the
calendar, he said, still upset.

“I took that photo a long time ago.” He seemed to say, “I’m just as tired of
children as you . “

That scared me. It was like being a hooligan who met a famous player.

“Thanks for your help.”

When I belatedly thanked him, Dane said, after chewing gum aloud:

“I’m glad. I just paid my debts to Josh.” Then he put on his sunglasses and spoke
to himself, “That son of a bitch is such a nice guy. I owe him my life.”


When I looked at him in surprise, Dane continued, staring straight ahead.

“I was in the same unit as him. A grenade went off and he saved me, “he said
casually, though I got a lot of information.

“You and Josh were in the army?”

“Yeah, after being discharged, he became a bodyguard and I became a firefighter,

doing this and that.” Dane, who said that, suddenly looked at me. “Why don’t you
shut your mouth now that you’ve dug this far? I hate talking nonsense around the

“… Yes.”

He was a tough guy who couldn’t be considered friends with Josh. I shut up in a
hurry and didn’t say a word after that.


Dane’s house was not far from the center of the town. The houses said to be over
100 years old were old one-story houses that can often be seen along the way. He
put the car in the garage and immediately opened the door that was connected to it
and entered the house. I stepped behind him carefully.

“Wait a minute.” Suddenly he stopped me. Looking up hesitantly, Dane said blankly,
“Are you allergic to cats?”

“…? No I dont think so.”

“Then come in. It doesn’t matter if you are allergic.”

Dane quickly spat and turned around. I walked in wondering why, but I soon found


Unexpectedly, Dane grinned happily and hugged the cat lying on the couch.

With a smile on his beautiful face, the shock was enormous. OMG! If you and Josh,
if you two walked down the street, the girls would rush like a swarm. I really
thought about it. Furthermore, even the men seemed not to let them go. Staring at
me blankly, Dane turned around with the cat in his arms.

“This is Darling. When I’m away, you have to take care of this child. That is the
condition that you stay here.”

He warned me in a very cold tone that was quite different from the way he spoke to
the cat.

Dane was undoubtedly sincere. I said yes and nodded. He looked at me for a moment,
then soon began to turn around and guide me through the house. It had a bedroom and
the other room was used as a storage room and study. Fortunately, there were two
bathrooms. He allowed me to use the bathroom and toilet outside. To one side was
Darling’s litter box.

“The sand is here, then I change it.”

He had more caveats for Darling than for me. Oddly, Darling never cried and Dane
hugged her silently. She wasn’t even curious. The reason was discovered later.

“Darling is deaf and can’t see with one eye, you have to take care of her”

I answered yes again. He guided me roughly, but I wasn’t sure where I would sleep.
Dane was sarcastic when he noticed me hesitating, not knowing how to ask.

“I told you I’m a firefighter, rest assured I’ll give you permission to live here,
but I hope you’re not so shameless.”

I shook my head hastily.

“Of course not. I just don’t know where to sleep …”

He looked at the sofa. It was a cheap old sofa that looked uncomfortable to look
at. But for me, even that was sensible.

“Thank you…”

“Good. You no longer take inhibitors?”

My face stiffened when I remembered the incident at the restaurant. I answered with

“The doctor said it was better not to take any more inhibitors … for the child.”
What is this boy?A Beta? Very late I became anxious. He looked like a Beta when I
saw that there was no smell. I couldn’t imagine this man being Omega. But Josh was
also an Omega. Also, he gave birth to a boy. I couldn’t understand what this man
was, so I frowned. He was bigger than Josh and generally slimmer, but quite
muscular. Furthermore, he was a man of great strength, enough to knock out only a
few great truckers. Suspicions were raised about the man’s strong body, which
appeared to have less than 1% body fat. However, Dane gave no further explanation
and put Darling back on the couch. It was the sofa that he gave me instead of a
bed. The cat lying comfortably in the middle of the sofa and slowly wagging its
tail, I was embarrassed

He entered the room, took out the bedding, put it on the floor for me, without
saying a word, and went back to his room. After a while, there was a sound of
water. He seemed to be taking a shower. Darling raised her head as if she had
noticed something. Darling, who jumped off the couch, immediately entered Dane’s
bedroom. I managed to lean against the empty sofa. I lay down where Darling was
sitting and closed my eyes.

“… Ay.”

My stomach hurt again. But now I was not as nervous as before. I just thought that
I should go to the hospital sooner or later … After all, this child cannot be born.
With a confused mind, I made difficult decisions. I’m sorry but I can not. Sorry .
I repeated and closed my eyes. I know it’s not fair to you. But the world is like
that. As I made excuses, I knew I was a coward. But I pretended not to know.


A few days passed without even leaving the house. When I turned on the television,
I couldn’t even watch it without seeing my face. At first, I was just inside the
house as if I had been imprisoned, but after a few days, I was encouraged to go out
to the backyard. Of course, after several days of observation, I chose a time when
no one was outside and made an attempt to get out. When I opened the kitchen door
and went out, there was a small garden. There was a linden tree there, and Dane
complained that they produced few berries each year.

Darling had little interest in the arrival of a new person. Even if she couldn’t
hear or see, she could smell me, but she kept a certain distance without being
particularly cautious of me or clinging to me. But it was because I was a stranger
to her.

One day, Dane, drunk, told me that Darling was a cat rescued from the scene of a
fire, and that she was later adopted and raised by a disabled man. Thanks to this,
their special bond was so easy to understand. Another day when I saw Darling
rolling and sleeping on Dane’s belly asleep, I thought she was the only one that
Dane opened his heart to. Occasionally he would bring women or men home, most of
which seemed to be light overnight stays. He seemed to go to clubs from time to
time, to find his partner without having a specific lover. There were times when
the face I saw reappeared. Still, Dane made a light breakfast and walked him to the
door. There was no special treatment.

Dane told me not to ask about him, yet he didn’t seem interested in others. He
didn’t ask anything about me, thanks to that I felt very comfortable to stay.
Although, I tried to avoid showing my face when bringing his companions. I was
afraid of being recognized, but there wasn’t much to worry about. They were always
intoxicated and so was Dane. Those days they used to scream and have sex all night

The next morning, Dane would search the refrigerator with a weary face, with old
pajamas on the bottom and naked on top. Those days I also had a bad breakfast;
fried egg and bacon, he took two servings into the bedroom, shared it well, then
dismissed them on the porch and finished. Sometimes I called an Uber.

He was a unique person in many ways. Sometimes he smoked, but it wasn’t a headache,
and once he was drunk he became haughty, but he never drove drunk.

“Josh said to come with you,” Dane said, awkwardly scratching his reddish blonde
hair shortly after he woke up.

He gave me a moment to respond to the sudden comment.

“Yes … Yes, it’s fine, come with me … please. The situation is not good.”

Calling an Uber scared me too. Dane replied calmly.

“Of course it isn’t. Your face is all over North America. The president will be
less famous than you.”

I couldn’t tell if it was a joke or something, but I couldn’t laugh anyway. He

added after asking when I would go to the hospital.

“So what are you going to do with the child? If you are sure that you are going to
get rid of him, you will have to include the time you have spent with him.”

I swallowed my dry saliva. It took me time to respond to Dane’s words, although I

was going to.

“Include the time … you spend with him.”

“Well,” Dane replied, not listening to me until the end, and soon began rummaging
through the refrigerator.

The date was two days later. If there is nothing special in the hospital, I will
have surgery that day. My mouth was dry and my palms were sweaty, so I took a few
deep breaths.


That day was as sunny as usual. Without realizing that I was heading to the
hospital, I opened my eyes and spent my time as usual, before leaving.

Dane wore dark red knitwear, jeans, and sneakers. I was wearing knitwear the same
color as him and he also bought me jeans. Dane glanced over while he waited and
said briefly:

“That looks good on you.”

He jumped to the side at the end of the sentence. I ran after Dane and got in the
car. The day before, he came home early and said something unexpected:

“Do you want to dye your hair?” .

He had a dye in his hand as if he had bought it himself. Dane, surprised, said

“Shouldn’t you at least change the color of your hair? I heard that someone I know
can help me with a special makeup. “
He was puzzled because he didn’t know that he would take care of these things.

“Oh thank you. But dyed … “.

I casually touched my belly and Dane said calmly:

“Anyway, tomorrow you’ll get rid of him.”

I stopped for a moment. His words were true, but everything was gone when tomorrow
came. Although I knew it, I couldn’t answer easily. Seeing me hesitate, Dane put
the dye on the couch and shrugged, hinting if he had a better idea. The next
morning, when he saw me with black hair, he didn’t react much. It was as if he had
already expected it. He was trying to get the shopping bags out, as usual. Inside
were clothes and wigs.

“Pretending to be a couple will attract less attention.”

“Oh thank you”.

I was puzzled because I didn’t expect him to do such a favor.

Then Dane and I headed to the OB / GYN department in pairs. Anyone could see a
happy couple, waiting for the second generation. Dane was right, that way, there
would be a lot less people looking at me. Also, he put a thin scarf on me to cover
more than half of my face and I even wore a wig and glasses. The hour was the last.
It was even confirmed that they had no more patients after us. I used a pseudonym
from the beginning and I dressed up, so it will be difficult to recognize myself ,
I thought. Also, the receptionist was much more interested in Josh than I was, so
he may not remember my face at all. Also, today I paid more attention than before.

I appreciated Dane’s consideration, until he gave me the receipt. It contained the

exact cost of the dye, clothing, and all expenses used on the little costume.
Including the tax.

“… I’ll come back and pay you.”

I was wondering if there was anything he didn’t charge me like electricity or other
miscellaneous expenses. Anyway, I was using his house for free, even in part. While
the car was stuck in the stoplight, out of habit, Dane took out a piece of gum and
popped it into his mouth.


“Let’s go…”

The hospital was quiet as expected. While humming and looking at the cell phone,
the receptionist greeted me even though I was in costume. He tilted his head as if
he couldn’t quite remember my face and was soon curious when he saw a tall,
handsome man walk in with me.

“Is this your partner?”

He asked me if he was the father of my child.

I replaced the answer by vaguely avoiding eye contact. He soon realized and asked
no more questions.

“You arrived earlier than scheduled. You’ve heard all the precautions, right? Is
there anything else you would like to know?”

I was nervous and I only said one word and I shut up. She sat me in a chair without
much response, because this was common.

“I’ll just check your vital signs. Don’t be so nervous, it will be over soon.”

She smiled, as if trying to cheer me up. Again, I just said yes . I did not ask
what the procedure would be like. I just said to pray that everything went well.
Time passed very slowly. While waiting, I kept staring at the door without knowing
it. I felt like I’d get up and run away, so I put my hands together. It will all be
over soon. I convinced myself … It will all be over in a while.

It was when I breathed out a shaky breath that I suddenly had a strange feeling in
my belly. I opened my eyes in amazement. Meanwhile, something moved again. I held
my breath. This time I could feel it clearly. It was completely different from the
abdominal pain I had felt so far. The child moved . I could not believe it. Why a
child, who had never moved before? Why at this time? You are there, you exist in


Dane spoke to me suddenly.

When I looked up in surprise, the clerk was looking at me. He said with a soft

“Are you ready? Let’s go in now.”

I got up from the place. As I walked down the narrow hallway behind him, my head
seemed empty. There was no clear sense of reality. I no longer felt the child move.
In fact, I wasn’t even sure if it was the child’s movement. But it still wasn’t
that big. It may have been my mistake. The continuous abdominal pain could come
this time, in a different way. But…

“Come on, get in here.” When I followed the instructions in the locker room, she
found the clothes and handed them to me. “Dress well. I’ll be waiting for you

Soon after, I was left alone.

My abdomen came into my field of vision, it was no different than before. They told
me that the Omegas didn’t have much belly. So sometimes you don’t even notice it
until the end of the pregnancy.

Heel, heel.

“You have finished?” Asked the waiting employee, imitating the sound of the blows.

I started changing clothes late. After a while, when I came out, he soon led me to
the room across the hall. It was probably an operating room. I stopped in the
hallway, I couldn’t move.

Now take one more step and everything will be over. The abdominal pain, nausea, and
dizziness that were so painful will be gone. And with that, all my revenge will
end. Keith will never have children now. He will always be alone, like me. I had
decided that I would do it this way … But can I do this to this child?
For an instant, I took a step back without knowing it. The staff blinked in

“You’re good?” He asked, but I couldn’t answer.

My heart was pounding and my eyes were blurry. My breath ran out next to my chest.
He panicked and grabbed my arm.

“Oh come on, get a hold of yourself. Look at this … Lord!”

I heard an urgent call from a doctor.

The sound of someone’s footsteps followed, but I couldn’t regain consciousness. I

hugged my stomach unconsciously. My whole body trembled. The doctor asked me,
surprised to see me sitting still.

“Hey, are you okay? Nurse, first check the vital signs here. Bring me a

The staff moved quickly following instructions. While I was crouching down and
panting, the doctor spoke to me:

“Calm down, it’s okay. It’s because you’re so nervous. If you think it will be
difficult today, you can reschedule the surgery for next time …”

The doctor’s words gradually faded.

Only my breath rang harshly in my ears. A dull beat continued, like that of a
heart. Whose heart is this? My eyes clouded for a moment.

“Doctor.”I managed to open my mouth. I choked and couldn’t hear the sound properly.
“Stop him … I don’t want to give up on this kid … I won’t, I won’t.”

It wasn’t until I spit out my words that I realized it.

“I’m going to have the baby …”

Only then did I know the words that came out of my mouth.

I cannot give up on this child.

Dane didn’t say a word on the way home. He was originally a man who didn’t talk
much, so there was nothing special. I sat staring out the window. I touched my
stomach, although it was unrealistic that I would decide to give birth to this
child, and now the fact was that this child would be with me, in my life. The car
slowed slowly, Dane shoved it into the garage and went straight into the house.
Darling was prostrate on the couch, as always. Dane, who easily held the cat in his
arms, opened his mouth for the first time.

“Let’s eat something?”

Except for the morning after bringing his companions, he did not do anything at
home. After setting Darling down on the couch, Dane quickly went through the
refrigerator, pulled out the ingredients, and began making sandwiches. As I looked
around the kitchen wondering if there was anything I could do to help, he looked
behind me and said:

“Give me Darling’s sandwiches.”

Like he said, I opened the can and dropped it on a plate. When I put it down,
Darling, who had been quietly wagging her tail until then, looked around. Thought
she was smelling it, she got off the couch and found the plate. As I watched
Darling silently eat chicken with a small sound, Dane, who quickly completed the
sandwich, put the plates on the table. And for him, he put beer and juice in front
of me.

“Thank you.”

Dane just raised his hand as if to eat.

The sandwich was delicious, although it didn’t have much content. I silently
devoured everything with the juice. So far, Dane had only been drinking beer and
never touched his sandwich. He took a look at my empty plate and jumped to his
feet, then went to the kitchen without asking me and quickly made another.

“Thank you.”

I took the sandwich in my hands, feeling embarrassed. This time I ate it quickly.
Perhaps because I was relaxed, I was hungry. Finally, I ate three sandwiches and
Dane didn’t even touch his. Only after being somewhat full was I belatedly
embarrassed. Also, Dane didn’t help by speaking a few words casually.

“You’re so skinny and you eat a lot.” I couldn’t answer and took a sip of juice.
Dane asked, in a tone still insensitive, “Are you really going to give birth and
raise the child?”

Frankly speaking, I wasn’t sure. But the truth was, I couldn’t give up.

“Are you sure you won’t regret it later?” Dane asked once more, glancing at me
casually. “Are you sure you will not feel resentful towards the child?”

I couldn’t answer easily. I didn’t know what was coming. Feelings towards people
cannot always be the same. Even if you are in love, other emotions can be created.
But of one thing he could be sure.

“I’ll do my best, whatever the circumstances.”

Dane looked at me. A beautiful smile came to his cold expression.

“Well, can an Omega be trusted?”

I was surprised by the unexpected comment. It’s not that he doesn’t believe me,
it’s that he doesn’t believe in Omegas . But he got up from his seat, without
speaking further. Leaving the sandwich intact in place, Dane entered the bedroom. I
was stunned for a moment and started cleaning every part of the table.


The next day, Dane behaved as usual. As always, he kissed Darling and stroked her
body before going to work without even giving me a special look.

Alone in the house, I started cleaning. I walked into Dane’s room and roughly
organized it, that’s when the mail on the desk stood out. Heard it was ready to
ship. I hesitated for a moment and then called Dane. After a couple of rings, he
answered the phone.

“What happened to Darling?”

When he asked a random question, I quickly denied it.

“No, it’s not a big deal. I found the mail while cleaning … Should I put it in the

“Did you just call for that?”

Dane was shockingly irritated. I answered calmly:

“If I sent a message and you checked it late, the collection time will pass.”

Dane sighed in vain and hung up the phone, saying: “Do it . “

First I sorted things out to send and save on the desktop. There was still time
before the postman arrived. Also, at this hour the streets looked empty. The moment
was very good. I hurried out with some envelopes. The residential area was
deserted. It was always a quiet neighborhood, especially at this time of the year.
I left the front door and went straight to the mailbox; I put an envelope, raised
the flag and turned around. I saw a newspaper thrown around the front door at
random, picked it up and went back to the house, folded it and put it on Dane’s

Suddenly a slight nostalgia came to mind. My busy life, my days of running around
on Keith’s whim, my other secretaries complaining, organizing meeting materials,
checking schedules… I belatedly realized that I was enjoying life a lot. I liked
being around Keith, I loved my job so much. Looking back, I felt that I adapted
very well to the job of secretary. It was often said that I was shy but competent,
and that I was quite prepared for the occasion. I wish I could go back to work .

I was stunned for a moment and belatedly regained consciousness. I couldn’t be so

indebted to Dane forever. I have to think of a way anyway. Won’t they find me if I
hide in a distant and unknown town?

Because I could learn to work quickly, I liked small law firms or small office jobs
in small businesses. Of course,I couldn’t expect a more dynamic daily life than
when I was Keith’s secretary.

Suddenly my motivation arose. I quickly turned on the computer. Dane said it was
okay to do anything after the housework was done. Of course, it allowed me to use
the computer, the condition was not to touch all its data, but it did not matter
because it was mainly on the Internet anyway. Filled with the desire to find a job,
I quickly searched the screen. The smaller the city, the better . I thought it
would be better to have a child and raise it. It may be difficult to go to the
hospital so … Would it be better to give birth here? How long will Dane let me
stay? I think I should prepare something in case Dane asks me to leave. How much
money do I have left?


I accidentally clicked so I opened the wrong screen. As I tried to quickly close it

and reopen the previous screen, I paused for a moment. My surprised eyes were
frozen. I stared at the screen without understanding. There was a photo of Keith.
However, after a long time, he was not alone. He was the first man I had seen with
Keith. The silver-haired man was smaller and slimmer than Keith. The waistline,
which was so extravagant as to fit directly on Keith’s arm, was tempting enough to
attract attention. However, there was another reason to attract attention.
Surprisingly, the man was kissing Keith, with his arms around his neck. The date of
the article was yesterday .

Darling paced, letting out little moans. I hugged my knees and sat on the couch
staring at Darling blankly. I have to move. Darling seemed nervous because I was
sitting in his seat. Maybe that deaf cat is protesting now. Maybe she’s looking for
the opportunity to scratch the back of my hand. Stupidly, Darling was just eating
sandwiches. I didn’t really move my body even though I felt pathetic with myself.
Now that I think about it, I seemed to have been sitting like this for quite some
time. When was the last time I saw the article? 12 o’clock? What time is it right
now?. It was dark outside the window and it was already dark inside the house. But
I still stood still without turning on the lights. The content of the article was
floating casually in my head. An article about Keith, which appeared in a famous
jewelry store, did not mention who was with him. However, since he did when he went
with me, I was pretty sure the speculation that he had bought almost all the
jewelry in the store for the man he was with that day was true. The evidence showed
clear images of staff and bodyguards loading merchandise into the car, and the man
kissed Keith with them in the background.

Did he finally find a new partner? I thought without understanding. Looking back,
it was strange that he was so obsessed with me. He only liked me in bed, it was
normal, one day he would find a better partner than me and it would break my heart.

It was the first time I felt like this. It wasn’t heartbreaking, it was in vain. I
felt empty as if a corner of my heart had been pierced and my head was blank.
Perhaps that man was not very interested in the fact that he was alone and having
or not having his own Omega, his life is no different from before. I am the only
one who felt loneliness . Still, Keith was fine, without me . It was so obvious .
Suddenly, a bitter smile came out and then disappeared. What is this feeling? I
wondered if my mind would be emptied like that, so that nothing would be left. Is
this just the process? .

I could faintly hear the car’s engine. It seemed to be coming, but stopped nearby.
The garage door opened and the car’s engine started up again. Then again the garage
was closed.

“… What is …?!” Shouted Dane, who entered the house through the garage.

A sudden burst of fire distorted my face. It took time for the view, which had been
used to the dark, to properly capture things. Blinking uncomprehendingly, Dane
approached me, clicking his tongue.

“Darling, you’ve lost your place.” He, holding the cat, of course, quickly sat down
next to me. “What are you doing? Something happened?”

It was strange that he asked me that. I replied: “No” .

All I did all day was keep my mouth shut, and I couldn’t make the sound properly.
Dane frowned at my reaction.

“Wait a minute.” He suddenly put his hand on my forehead and was startled. “Oh my
God … You have a fever!” Dane, hastily swallowing the curse, leaped to his feet.
“If you catch a cold, you have to take medicine. Because you do that? Oh my gosh,
you’ve got a high temperature! Not sure if you have a fever or not?”

“… Fever?” I murmured without understanding and touched my forehead.

Unexpectedly, my hands were very cold. When the coldness touched my skin, the
feeling was nice, Dane stopped trying to say anything. After resting for a bit, he
“Stop and lie down, your hands are cold because you have a fever.”

Is that so? I was dizzy and lay down on the couch like he told me. Dane covered me
with a blanket, then turned around and headed somewhere. When he returned, he was
carrying a cold medicine.

“Take it.”

I took the cold medicine as he told me, and I laughed casually.

“Why?” Dane asked irritably.

I replied without energy:

“It’s only taken during the day,” I said. Surprised as if he had suddenly realized
it. I laughed casually. “It is strange to get confused between those that are taken
during the day and those that are taken at night even though the color of the
envelope is different.”


Dane spat violently and took the medicine from me. I tried to tell him that I was
fine, but he was already gone. For a moment I heard a rattle. This time it took
longer than before. Again, he still had the first medicine in hand.

“There is nothing to eat at night.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I spoke weakly and took the medicine. I tried to tear the paper, but it was
difficult. The tips of my fingers were numb and I had no strength. Watching me fail
over and over, Dane took the medicine with a pathetic look.


Dane, who tore the envelope in front of my eyes, poured the medicine himself into
the water. He quickly shook it to melt the medicine and soon handed me a cup. I
said “Thank you” and put it in my mouth.

Dane said, looking at me like that.

“Tell me if it’s hard to eat.”

I answer with curiosity.

“It’s difficult to eat.”

Dane thought for a moment and replied:

“I’m sorry.”

I laughed out loud and started coughing.

While hastily coughing, Dane briefly clicked his tongue. I tried taking the
medicine late, but doubted again.

“What’s wrong again?”

I hesitated to answer the irritating question.

“Well, because of the pregnancy … I don’t think I should take it.”

For the first time, Dane had a stupid look. I could hardly bear the laugh breaking
out again. Instead, I returned the mug and said:

“I’m sorry.”

Dane frowned and took the mug from me. I heard the sound of him pouring out the
water and washing the cup. When he returned, he brought warm water.

“Thank you.”

I thanked him hoarsely. When I finished drinking, Dane laid me down.

“Now sleep.”

I nodded. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but unexpectedly, I couldn’t feel
anything special. While I waited for Dane to enter the room, I stood still for a
while and gently opened my eyes. I made eye contact with him immediately. Dane,
looking at me, sat with his ass on the table. I looked at him silently and opened
my mouth.

“… Why?”

Dane didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he raised his hand and swept the hair
that was sticking to my forehead.

A hot sigh came out of her mouth.

I blinked slowly, my eyes half closed.

Dane frowned. My half-open eyes blinked slowly, and suddenly …

“A guy like you has the worst quality …”

The sudden comment surprised me. Just looking at me, Dane muttered to himself:

“That face you look at me with so desperately … it melted even Pittman.”

I couldn’t understand what he meant. I opened my mouth, but Dane stood up suddenly
and I missed the opportunity.

“I can’t believe you left this to me, you son of a bitch.”

He just went straight to his room and slammed the door. After a while I heard the
sound of water. It was to take a shower after coming home, as usual.

I was stumped, but it didn’t last long. Before long I was fast asleep.


I woke up to the cool touch. As I slowly raised my eyelids, a familiar face was
watching me.


I opened my lips and said his name. Dane opened his mouth carelessly.
“How do you feel?”

I smiled. His cold hands felt good. Dane asked, while I kept my eyes closed.

“Did you eat anything during the day?”

I opened my eyes again, but couldn’t answer.

He asked the question again, looking only at me.

“What do you want to eat?”

He wasn’t very hungry, but he seemed to want to give me something to eat. I thought
for a moment and opened my mouth.



Dane, who read the shape of my mouth, frowned. I smiled weakly and nodded.

“Sweet “

“Sweet?” He repeated my words again. As he nodded, Dane asked again, “You mean the
caramel pudding?”

Instead of answering, I stared at him. I understood Dane’s bewilderment so much

that I laughed again without realizing it. Dane was silent for a moment. He didn’t
seem to know if I was joking or being serious. I pursed my lips again.

“… Is that what you want to eat?”

I repeated the same thing again: “Caramel pudding”

Dane, who was watching me silently, sighed shortly after.

“I’m tired.”

I stared as he jumped. I had no idea, but he meant it.

After a while, the car’s engine could be heard and soon it was gone. I was stumped.
Did he go to buy it? It hasn’t been long since he got off work. He took a shower
and came out again because of me. The sudden kindness of Dane, who was generally
tough and sarcastic, made me feel ashamed and sorry. I never thought he would
actually go out and buy it.

He must be tired … I thought and closed my eyes. My head heavy, it rarely cooled
down. I took a deep breath and went back to sleep again.



I was suddenly awakened by the screeching sound of a bell. I sat up and blinked
without understanding. There was a sound again. This time, I was able to tell what
it was. It was the hood on the porch. The ringtone went on and on throughout the
procrastination. They seemed to be in a hurry somewhere.
Is it Dane?

I tripped over the sofa. As I walked to the front door, he kept ringing the bell.
Why don’t he stop by the garage? Suddenly I thought about it, but it was too late,
I was already opening the door.

“What’s going on…?”

As he spoke, I hardened. The man standing by the open door was a complete stranger.
As always, with well-groomed hair, he wore a tailored dark blue suit. As always, he
was dressed in a perfect suit, one of the best. A man who is unlikely to ever wear
loafers, but who has never tied his own shoelaces.


I repeated his name without making a sound.

Translator/Editor : Léabyss

My body moved sooner than I thought. Without realizing it, I took a step back and
immediately tried to turn around and run. Keith didn’t bother to catch me. He was
just looking. It may not have been necessary. I was panicking and trying to get
away, but I couldn’t even take a few steps and just rolled on the ground. Keith was
in no rush. He was just looking at my ridiculous figure. I tried to escape again.
As soon as I was about to get up in a hurry, the sweet smell that I had forgotten
surrounded me.


” …!”

For a moment my eyes widened. It was Keith’s pheromone. He was putting pheromones
on me again. I tried to get out of it somehow. However, it was difficult to move,
even stand up under the pressure of the fragrance. Finally Keith moved and looked
at me gasping. The regular sound of his footfalls echoed on the floor. My heart
quickly rebounded accordingly. Still, I wouldn’t give up. Keith leaned over me,
twisting me to escape somehow, clinging to the ground.

“Where are you going again?” He whispered, as sweet as the fragrance.

I looked up in fear and Keith smiled at me. I was suffocating and was having
trouble breathing.

“Again … Pheromones, don’t use it. I told you.”

I couldn’t even speak because I kept losing my breath. Looking at me like that,
Keith became cynical.

“Yeah, but now you’re the only one reacting to my pheromones.”


“So what’s the problem with me using them? You left a mark on me without any
consent and then you ran away. Is there a reason why I should worry about you?”

I could not answer. I felt like I had used all my energy to breathe. But somehow I
had to get out of that situation. I have to run again.

I tried really hard and looked at it. But there was no sound. At best, it was all
about panting and barely drawing oxygen. With each breath pheromones entered. I
couldn’t use my strength. Keith opened his mouth, looking at me, gradually drained
of energy.

“Isn’t he my child?”

His gaze turned to my belly. He had a crooked mouth and a cynical look .

“You pretended you weren’t the one who left the mark.”

Keith grabbed my hair and yanked it violently. I screamed and walked away. I had no
choice but to face it. Keith opened his eyes slightly and whispered:


He was accusing me of fraud. I didn’t deny it because it was true. But Keith didn’t
seem to like my silence.

“Tell me anything, I’m looking forward to hearing what other lie you’ll make up
this time.”

I gasped hard and opened my mouth.

“Oh, how could you… here?”

He gave a short laugh, as if amazed, of course, it was never a pleasant laugh.

“Did you think I wouldn’t know if you changed hospitals?”

His cold face was reflected in my blurry vision. Keith went on to say:

“The guy you talked about, is that boy?”

Keith narrowed his eyes at me intently and I couldn’t say anything. This situation
would convince him even more with his theory that Dane and I are in this kind of

“Did you get involved and went with that boy because you were in need of sex?”

There was a great deal of anger lurking in the voice. His hand grabbed my hair and
I screamed without realizing it. But Keith didn’t seem capable of getting that

“Did you have sex with my child here? You fucked me, you ran away. You played with
him, right? That must be very refreshing! But it’s over, I found you. You can’t run
anymore. You are mine now, my Omega!”

As he spoke, he gradually became more and more angry. The pupils of his eyes slowly
turned golden. Unable to control his emotions, the pheromones poured out like a
waterfall. I couldn’t say anything. At that rate, it seemed like the heat cycle
would come. I couldn’t stand his pheromones. Keith opened his mouth as he looked at
my shaking and panting.

“I’m going to kill that fucking son of a bitch.”

The low whisper was filled with anger. But somehow I felt bitter and relieved. This
man is alone. As much as it used to be. But I am no longer alone because I have a
child. The child of this man.

My eyes suddenly became hot. I stared at Keith’s face. I didn’t know if he still
loved this man or hated him. And I’m even worried about this guy . I just looked at
him. That was all I wanted now. Just look at this man’s face.

Keith’s expression softened a bit. He looked at my face without saying a word. The
sweet pheromones kept wandering around me with a mixture of hatred, sadness and
anger, it made me feel sorry. When I bowed my head, I had no idea what would happen

“… Ah!”

A scream came out of my mouth at that moment. Keith bit my ear hard. He violently
tore the flesh and sucked the blood. He poured pheromones on me and tried to make a
mark on me to make me his own. I clung tightly and buried my whole body in his
arms, falling limply.


I couldn’t think of anything. I could only feel the burning pain in my ear
painfully spread throughout my body.

After some time, Keith raised his head and looked at my ear. Somehow his expression
seemed as if his mind was blank. He also looked like he was in shock. I just
blinked and looked at him.

“… Why?”

After a moment, Keith opened his mouth.

“Why doesn’t the brand stay …?”

His vague murmur felt like he had panicked. Keith looked genuinely surprised. But I
couldn’t answer question either.

The mark of the Alphas means nothing to the Omegas. I suddenly remembered what
Grayson had said:

“Omegas are really cruel. Isn’t it unfair to monopolize your partner forever with
just one brand? “

He was correct. Keith’s ear was clearly marked by me. Anyone could see that this
man was mine, and no one could absorb this man’s pheromones. Only I can do it .
That man belonged to me forever. But Keith couldn’t even make his mark on me. That
contemplative face was the proof. I will never be his. Even if he marks me, I may
or may not be his own Omega. I can undo any mark that was etched by an Alpha. I
isolated this man from everyone.

“It’s not fair”

Grayson’s words echoed strangely in my ears.


“… Get up.”

After a while, Keith opened his mouth, as if the impact had barely lessened. His
voice sounded cracked and weak. He grabbed my arm and pulled it away, not waiting
to collect myself. I staggered, but immediately he held me in his arms. I didn’t
even have the strength to object, so I was just stretched out. Keith stopped trying
to move. He looked at me with a strange expression. I felt like he was thinking of
something, he seemed puzzled. Soon the reason was revealed.

“… You have a cold?”

I just blinked at the sudden question. Keith continued:

“Is your body hot? Is it a cold? Or is there another reason?”

I had a similar experience one day. At the time, he just ignored whether I had a
cold or not, and now what do I have to do? Why was he asking this question? He
kissed another woman because he couldn’t hold it. A bitter memory leapt into my
mind and I casually opened my mouth.

“Why not catch a cold? So you will go to bed with anyone. You go to parties, go out
and play with women, just like you did before because you are that kind of person.”

At that moment, Keith stopped. He looked at me and opened his mouth.

“You are my Omega.”

All I could do was laugh briefly.

“So you mean you haven’t slept with anyone since I ran away? Do you think I’ll
believe it?”

An angry voice came out of my mouth. Meanwhile, Keith spoke in a low, muffled

“It’s true, believe it or not.”

“You couldn’t do it because of the brand. Before that…”

“I did not do it.”

Suddenly Keith intercepted me, as if he didn’t want to hear it. Soon, I speak as if
I am tired.

“I went to the party, what you’re thinking is true. I wanted to check if you are
special, because it is just you or if all male Omegas were like that.”


“I was just a little curious.”

Haa … A blocked sigh flowed out. Is this guy smarter than I thought? Or is he just
making fun of me? You still think I’m going to fall for this. Who do you think I

I closed my mouth without saying a word. Keith looked at me and took a step back.
The bodyguards were waiting outside, including Whitaker.

Exhausted, I closed my eyes and laid my head on Keith’s shoulder. Keith left me in
the back seat of the car without saying anything. When I regained consciousness,
the sound of a car engine was heard. Suddenly it hit me. Dane was back.

“What are they doing in front of someone else’s house?”

Dane asked as soon as he got out of his car. He was more irritated than usual.

I had to tell Dane that I was sorry and thank him, but I was so tired. I was barely
able to move my lips, I was just falling limply, and Dane saw me. Then he turned to
Keith, as soon as he recognized him his face distorted as if he were booing.

“Are you kidnapping him?”

“I’m just taking what belongs to me,” Keith said coldly. “If you want to compare it
to a crime, then you are a thief, since you stole what is mine.”

“Was he just helping a poor Omega who got away from the villain?” Dane replied,
obviously being sarcastic.

Keith was silent for a minute. Then he opened his mouth and in a low voice, as if
trying to contain his anger, said:

“This guy ran away with my child in his womb.”

Faced with that comment, Dane said:

“Oh!” And then he booed, “I guess he didn’t like you being the father of his

Keith was silent again. The pheromone smell thickened. Dane said deeply, regardless
of his anger. As if it’s worth it.

“Most people are not good at admitting the truth.”

Keith clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth loudly as if he was about to spit them
out. He clenched his fists several times.

“You should be grateful I didn’t kill you.”

“Wow, I’m so scared I’m going to piss.” Dane was sarcastic until he couldn’t and
added, “Why not? My neck is here and the heart is right here.”

Dane was teasing Keith without any fear. However, unexpectedly, the thick
pheromones soon disappeared. I was glad about that, as my breathing became easier.
Keith, who looked at me, closed the car door and shifted his steps to the other
side. When Whitaker opened the car door, Dane called out from behind:

“You are also a coward and a braggart.”

Keith stopped getting into the car and looked at him. His pheromones flowed to me
more steadily. I couldn’t help but be surprised that Keith was reasonable despite
the situation. He opened his mouth calmly.

“If I kill you, I won’t be able to convince Yeonwoo.” Keith laughed briefly, but it
was never a sincere laugh. “Please take care of yourself, Dane Striker.”

“You will be grateful your Gamma bodyguards are here.”

At Dane’s words, Keith turned to him again. Dane booed casually:

“If they weren’t here I’d kick your ass.”

“… It’s a real shame for both of you.”

“I agree.”

Keith, who glared at him, finally got into the car. After closing the door, the
driver started the car. Until then, I just sat stunned and staring out the window.
It made it sound like it was persuasion, but it was actually a threat. It is a
warning to me. If I escape again, he won’t leave anyone around me alone. I looked
out the window in silence. As the car took a U-turn I could see Dane, who was
staring at the car with a blank face. But I couldn’t even wave my hand. All I could
do was sigh bitterly seeing him disappear in an instant. Keith opened his mouth
only after the car hit the road.

“How long have you been with that guy?”

I opened my eyes to the sudden question. I turned my head and asked:

“When did I meet him? Or when do we start going to his bed?”

Keith instantly clenched his fist. He slowly loosened his hand, the joints white
from the force exerted. Soon, he said in a low voice as usual:

“When did you start going to bed?”

Without thinking, I looked away and replied:

“What does it matter? Have I ever asked Mr. Pittman with whom and for how long he
slept with someone?”

Keith was silent for a moment. Of course he has nothing to say about that.

“… What did he ask in exchange for hiding you?”

He turned around and said in a calm voice. Then notice what he had in mind. Keith
was looking at me coldly.

“Was that the only place to go? After running away so intensely … Did you end up at
that guy’s house in the end?”

“Thanks to someone, I was wanted all over the country.” I was sarcastic and
scowled. “Since when did you know about Dane? Did you do a verification yourself?”

“Didn’t you think I’d be the first to find out about him as soon as I knew where
you were staying?” Keith became cynical and went on. “He’s a rake. Do you sleep
with different people every day? Was he sleeping with others in front of you, even
though you were there? Or did you have threesomes?”

I was speechless because it was absurd. Now you’re gossiping about Dane in front of
me? I just let out a heavy sigh and went back to being sarcastic.

“Even if Dane is sleeping with someone else in front of me, what does it matter? It
is not the first time I have gone through that.”

“Are you defending that son of a bitch and blaming me?”

It seemed like he was asking, because he was mad at himself instead of at Dane. I
was furious.
“Dane is someone I don’t have in my heart to begin with!”

“… I said something that you did not like?”

“It’s not like that?”

Keith was silent, but I continued:

“Who the hell is calling someone else rake? Mr. Pittman, did you forget that I was
in charge of your schedule? Well, you say you can’t remember anything because the
pheromones pile up. Right?! That is really convenient! How impressive is the head
of a dominant Alpha! I saw you kissing and touching someone else in front of my
eyes, but if you says you don’t remember … It’s over, problem solved!”

I don’t know why I keep talking and digging my own grave. Well, he is a man who did
not know what kind of life he was leading until now. I thought maliciously. If I’d
looked back a bit, I’d say silence is golden. There was silence. I didn’t say
anything else. Keith stared out the window for a while and finally opened his

“I thought if I slept with someone else, things about you would get cold, I thought
it would be nothing.”

“So if you kept going to bed. Why did you chase me?”

Would I be less hurt if he hadn’t? As I was suddenly thinking about this, Keith
sighed as if he was fed up.

“I don’t know, I can’t get an erection.”

“… What did you say?”

I didn’t know what to say and asked without thinking. Keith looked up at the
ceiling once.

“I couldn’t get it up, so I was wondering whether or not I should do it until the
end. I wondered if it was because I had endured so long without doing it, but as
soon as I saw you I stopped immediately.” Keith said that and was suddenly
irritated. “Shit. Why should I be explaining this?”

Enraged, he pounded on the car door with his fist. For a moment his face was lined
with anger. We both shut up. But I didn’t believe his words at all. That was even
before I left the mark. But do you want me to believe that you can’t get an
erection without me? Not to mention that when pheromones accumulate, Alphas become
more promiscuous than animals. As if nothing, I suddenly accepted reality. What
does all this matter now? What does it matter if this man had sex with someone else
or not? Words that hurt me won’t go away And they will return from time to time
throughout my life to haunt me.

I looked out the window again without saying anything else. The way back to the
mansion was endless. I didn’t say anything, just laid my head on the car window. My
face reflected in the glass was madly devastated. We were just going a long way on
the highway, but suddenly the driver spoke into the microphone.

“Mr. Pittman, we’re at emergency roadblock due to a wildfire. It seems that it will
be difficult to return to the mansion at this time. What should I do? If we take a
detour, we won’t get there until tomorrow morning …”

I could see black smoke rising through the dark night sky. Another wildfire, I was
wondering if Dane was watching the news at home because he left work. He will be
sitting on the couch holding Darling and drinking a beer. The image in my mind came
so natural that I let out a small smile. But that was it. The expression
disappeared from my face and again I could see the reflection of my face in the car
window. Soon, I heard Keith’s voice.

“Go to the hotel near here. Tell Whittaker to get a room right away. We will take a
break and leave tomorrow morning.”

“It’s okay.”

Soon, he turned off his speakers.

Suddenly, I remembered that there was a room in the hotel that was empty all year
long. The room, of which Keith always renewed the contract, every year. That room
was used solely for sex. Keith would call his lovers to meet there and have sex
before returning home. Are we going to this hotel this time? After a few moments,
the driver turned the speaker back on and spoke:

“It’s difficult to book multiple rooms at once due to high season. Instead, you can
use the room you’ve always been using. What should I do?”

Keith gave the order without deep thought.

“Do it.”


Soon, the car changed lanes and took another road. I let out a little sigh.


That was it.

“Welcome, Mr. Pittman.”

The hotel manager, who had been contacted in advance, with a professional smile on
his face, welcomed Keith as soon as he got out of the car. Keith quickly took me in
his arms and walked nonchalantly. The manager caught up with him immediately and
guided him straight to the elevator.

“The room was prepared as indicated. We also prepared additional rooms for your
bodyguards to stay in, but unfortunately there were no vacancies on the same floor,
so we located them downstairs. I hope you don’t mind.”

The place Keith used was a Penthouse with only two rooms. The form consisted of 2
rooms, one facing the other divided by a corridor. Perhaps it was natural that
there was no room. Keith nodded briefly without much reaction.

Then he held me in his arms until we reached the room. The amount of pheromones he
gave off was much lower, but I didn’t say anything because I was completely weak
from the fever. When Whitaker swiped the card to open the bedroom door, I suddenly
remembered and muttered:

“I must be heavy …”

Keith looked down at the faint whisper.

“Are you kidding?”

I didn’t respond any more to his annoying snort. Keith stepped forward and headed
straight for the bedroom. As if he already knew the structure perfectly, he did not
hesitate for a moment.

Sure you do … I thought bitterly. I’m sure you’ve grown tired of this room by now.
Keith used to arrange meetings in that hotel to have sex and implemented various
changes in case he was not comfortable with something. Similarly, this hotel has
been used for years. Other than that, he relies on the hotel’s service because it
seems to keep up with his hard-to-please tastes. He has a lot of money and can be
treated in a very special way and besides, he is a dominant Alpha. As I was
thinking about that, Keith laid me down on the bed, and his eyes stared intently at
me for a moment.

Oh , there I realized.

“… What are you doing?”

Keith frowned as I removed my shirt. I spoke terribly exhausted from the fever.

“… It’s what you want to do, right?”


“I think it’s possible for you to do it twice, so get on top of me. Instead, I’m
not going to do anything.”

Keith stared at me blankly as I spoke to him without energy. I kept taking off my
clothes and he finally asked with a sigh:

“When did I ask to have sex?”

“So what is the reason you brought me here?” I asked, my voice cracking with fever.
“Whenever you want, I can just spread my legs, right? What other use can I have for

For a moment, Keith was silent. He was just looking at me with a depressed
expression and soon he let out a sigh.

“Oh my God…! I already told you, I won’t touch you while you’re sick!”

“If you think about holding on and running off looking for another lover to do it,
then you better do it now. Or give me up completely.”

Keith was puzzled. Like I’m talking nonsense. But what else does this man want from
me besides sex? He opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him.

“If you’re going to talk nonsense, like you love me or something like that, you
better leave it.”

For a moment, Keith stopped. I nervously laughed at him because it seemed like he
was at a loss for words.

“You’re telling me you won’t touch me. Are you serious?”

“I’m serious.” Keith’s complexion turned pale. “You may not believe it, but I
haven’t slept with anyone since the first time I slept with you.”

“Your lover would be so happy to hear that!”

When I yelled he frowned and said:

“What do you mean lover? Did you already forget that you dialed me?”

I was angry, but I didn’t stop and kept talking:

“I saw you kissing.”

Keith sighed and ran his hand roughly through his hair.

“What the hell are you talking about? Speak clearly so I can understand you!”

At last his voice rose. Without hesitation, I spilled all the words that had
accumulated within me.

“There were several scandalous articles going around here and there. They said that
you raided all the jewelry stores and that, although you did not sleep with men
before it seemed that your dislike has disappeared. Or is it that you are not happy
with sex because it is a Beta boy? Is that why you want to sleep with me now? They
say that sex with the marked partner is incomparable. Body and mind separately. In
that case you can do whatever you want, “rape” is your hobby. No?! Use those damn
pheromones and do whatever you want, like you have done so far!”

Unexpectedly, Keith’s reaction was calm. After spilling all my feelings, I fell
apart. When my heavy breathing calmed, Keith opened his mouth.

“That was Angel.”

Unexpectedly, he looked very tired. He raised his hands and lowered them again,

“OMG! I would never in my life do something like this with him! Most of all, his
lovers would try to kill me first … Oh my God! That’s ridiculous…!” Keith exclaimed
again. “God!”

His reaction was so vivid that it was impossible to regard it as false. But on the
other hand, it was still hard to believe him. Is it the Omega that gave birth to
Keith? For real?

“I told him to choose jewelry for him …” Keith continued desperately. “… It seems
there was something that offended Angel. I was in a situation where everyone had to
ease my mood, but unfortunately, I stuck with it.”

He shook his head and gritted his teeth.

“Hell, I wasn’t sane and in no condition to look for you, but yes I had to.”

When I didn’t answer anything, Keith muttered to himself:

“Even if I wasn’t, I told Emma to impose sanctions on those outlets because there
were so many unnecessary and ridiculous articles lately.”

Well, Keith evaluates a person for himself, he never compares one person to the
other . I remembered one of his strengths. Keith sighed briefly, rubbing his brows
like they hurt.

“Now that Angel’s photo has been published, there will be another mess.” I said
nothing. Keith looked at me. “Did you already say everything? Any other question?”
For a moment I was concerned. Whether to apologize or not. The bottom line was to
keep my mouth shut. I reasoned that this is nothing compared to all the
misunderstandings or rude comments he has made to me. Keith closed my shirt without
saying anything.

“What should I do if you have a cold? Should I take a bath to keep you warm?”
Suddenly he frowned. “Would that give you even more fever? I should bring ice to
cool you down.”

Following the basic principles of the subject. Keith would be correct, but I was
human so it was different . I gave him a hint under my breath.

“Let’s search on internet.”


Things like this have always been sought out and organized for him by me and other
people. When Keith was curious or needed to know about something he just had to say
“look it up” or “bring it up.” Then all the information and answers he wanted would
appear in front of Keith. And all in less than an hour. Suddenly, I wondered if
this man knew how to surf the Internet. I think not so much. I kindly added a
comment while he was still silent.

“If you enter your search term in the browser and press forward , related search
terms will appear.”


I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, Keith was sitting in a chair by the bed. The
room was almost dark, only a few small lights were on. Although it wasn’t bright
enough to read, he was doing something on his tablet. I watched him silently. Keith
didn’t seem to have changed much since I last saw him, but something about him was
different. Above all, he looked slimmer than before. This attractive, muscular and
robust man, now the bones of his cheeks were more marked and made his face look
more elegant and prominent than before. Thanks to this, his usual cold expression
turned somewhat sour. The lashes that swayed with each slow blink, cast a deep
shadow on his face. Seeing his face like that made me feel uncomfortable. Keith,
suddenly noticed that I was watching him and raised his head. Moments after our
eyes met, he set his tablet on the nightstand.

“Is there something you need?”

“…You’re not occupated?” I asked weakly.

He replied in a low voice:

“Drink plenty of fluids, stay cool when the fever rises and warm your body when the
temperature drops, stay clean and eat light meals slowly and frequently. In case
you are pregnant, be sure to consult a doctor before getting a prescription.”


“Is there anything else I need to know?”

I blinked in confusion and asked:

“Were you finding out until now?”

“You told me to do it.” Keith replied nonchalantly and soon changed the subject.
“It seems that the fever goes down.”

Shortly after, Keith pulled the thermometer off the end table. The electronic
thermometer inserted into my ear instantly beeped. Keith, who checked the numbers,

“You no longer have a fever, can you take a bath? Or is it better to eat something
first? “I wasn’t thinking of eating something because my mouth was so dry. Keith
asked me again in a low voice. “Is there something you want to eat? It won’t be
difficult to eat right away, right?”

He soon narrowed his eyes a little and laughed playfully.

“How about a pudding?”

It was the first time I saw Keith’s face like that. I was fascinated. He kept
smiling while his hand swept the hair off my forehead.

“I’m going to bring it for you.”

He got up quickly and left the bedroom.

When he returned, after a while, he brought a pudding and a spoon. I sat down with
his help, but he didn’t actually hand me the pudding. Keith sat by the bed and
opened the lid himself. That was not the end. To my surprise, he scooped up some of
the pudding and held out his hand.

“… I can eat it alone,” I said quietly and he laughed shortly.

“I want to do it.”

With his hand reaching out, I opened my mouth. The soft pudding melted on my
palate. Suddenly Dane came to mind. I couldn’t even thank him for taking care of
me. Someday, I’ll show my gratitude to Josh too. At least I will invite them to

“What happen?”

Keith already asked me to disconnect for a moment. I quickly came back to reality
and opened my mouth.

“I’ve never seen a hotel with pudding in a refrigerator.”

Then Keith said quietly:

“It’s because I told the manager to fill it out.”At that moment I remembered the
refrigerator in the mansion. He replied indifferently. If not, it would be
necessary in the refrigerator.

For a while I had a hard time figuring out how to react to all of that, so I just
looked at him. Was this man such a delicate person? Also, I couldn’t understand all
the actions that he performed since he brought me here. He was acting like he
really cared about me.

Keith notices? Does he know what he says and what he does? And how others can
perceive those actions . I changed the subject before it broke my heart again.

“… What happened to your RUT?”

The answer to that question was obvious. He would surely restore my reason with his
arrogant words. Ask again with confidence:

“I’m sure it didn’t come, but … I don’t care if you hugged someone during that

Pretending to be generous, I was silent for a moment. I looked to the side and my
mind went to a shadowy corner of my heart. Okay, it won’t hurt me when you hear it.
Because this man was originally like that . It is just to confirm that he is an
untrustworthy man.

“I came 2 times.”

Keith smiled bitterly in an unexpected way. I was nervous and grabbed the sheet
without realizing it. Keith said insignificantly:

“I waited a long time to be okay, but I felt guilty. Unfortunately I was alone on
the island.”

“…An island?”

I asked him again at his unexpected answer.

“Yes.” And he laughed briefly again. “That way I wouldn’t sleep with anybody to get
him pregnant … Unless I fucked a lizard that was basking in the sun on the rocks.”

And he added in a low voice, as if saying it to himself.

“I don’t think I can make anyone else conceive, not anymore.”

Then I thought to myself. It’s impossible, unless it’s me . But I still couldn’t
believe it, so I asked suspiciously:

“Both times?”

“Both times.”

Still, Keith’s response was grim. I looked at him for answers.


He won’t say it was a coincidence. The hard-won response surprised me again.

“I was there in advance because I thought my RUT was coming. I didn’t let anyone
contact or visit me until it was over.”

“Likewise, none of the islands you have is so uninhabited …”

“Oh, I bought one. Due to the rush, I only built a facility that would allow me to
stay for a couple of days.”

He responded so insignificantly, as if he had bought an ice cream, taking a walk.

Of course that was nothing to this guy. But why do you have to go so far? He still
couldn’t process all the information.

“Fortunately, I never lost my memory. Steward said that the brand stabilizes the
pheromones, so the RUT passes more lightly.”
“But that must have been painful.”

“Yes, it was,” Keith said and continued, “I thought if I could hold you in my arms
… I really would have nothing more to wish for.”

He smiled slightly, as if he was remembering the past. But soon the smile
disappeared and Keith stared at me.

“… More like,” he muttered under his breath as if to himself. “I wish I had gone
crazy.” Suddenly, he smiled bitterly. “I can’t even go crazy now.”

His pheromones won’t accumulate anymore. As long as I don’t die and my brand
persists. His pheromones will no longer be a danger to him. But why does he have
that expression on his face?

“… Why are you suffering?” I asked because I couldn’t understand the reason.

“Because …” Keith raised his hand and placed the tip of his finger on my ear,
opened his mouth and said looking at my injured ear “… You don’t love me anymore.”

I did not reply. He really seemed to be crying. Have I ever seen Keith with an
expression like that? And I had seen their various faces: smiling, cheerful,
irritable, ridiculous, loving. But I didn’t see any like the expression right now.
Above all, Keith was crying, that couldn’t be possible. It’s just because he
couldn’t mark me.

“How important is what is in my heart to you?” I replied desperately. “It was you
who said you didn’t need it.”

Keith didn’t answer for a moment. His hands fell without energy.


He smiled bitterly.

Still with a distorted face he said:

“Why did I do that?”

“It was just because you didn’t need it,” I answered honestly.

Keith didn’t say anything for a moment. For a long time he just stared at my face.
I thought about saying something, but didn’t. Maybe I couldn’t. Leave it like that,
just to yourself.

“… That day … did I visit you?”

He didn’t say exactly what day he meant, but I could tell.

“Yes,” I answered briefly.

Keith buried his face in his hands and sighed deeply.

“Why didn’t you rebel?”

He didn’t say it like he was trying to blame me. I was unfamiliar with that voice
full of anguish and resentment, but I responded calmly.

“It was impossible because of the pheromones.”

Keith stopped breathing. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I didn’t ask. Just
kindly add:

“So I did the only thing I could. I put a mark on your ear.” He removed his hands
from his face and slowly raised his head. Keith looked me in the eye and I smiled
coldly. ‘Didn’t I warn you that if you used your pheromones on me again, I wouldn’t
stay put?”

“… So you left a mark on me.”

Do you think it is unfair? I tried to guess, but I was wrong. Keith distorted his
eyebrows and asked:

“You can’t mark anyone anymore.”

“Yes,” I said calmly and convinced. “What do you care .For you, I am the only
Omega, but you are not the only Alpha for me.”

Oh, this was my true revenge . For the first time I realized. Until now, all the
revenge I had, I thought was false. The expression that Keith wore at this moment
was the result of the revenge I wanted so much. That was the fruit .

Suddenly I felt tears sliding down my cheeks. Why is this so vain?


When I opened my eyes the next day, I felt so much lighter. I sat on the bed, ate
the soup and pudding that were on the tray on the bed.

Whittaker arrived and announced that he was ready to go. Keith took me in his arms
willingly and left the room. I stop insisting that I could walk on my own. There
had been no point in contradicting. I resigned myself. Anyway, I’m going to end up
doing whatever this man wants.

I heard that the forest fires of the day before were extinguished, but the road
control continued, so the car had to take another route. Fortunately, there weren’t
many cars on the road because it was still early. I watched the cars coming and
going, leaning my head against the car window. It was then that I noticed unusual
black smoke. A thin trace of smoke could be seen from a distance. What is that?
Suddenly I had a bad feeling. I looked out the window carefully. We had just passed
a traffic sign. Without telling Keith, I pressed the button and asked the driver:

“Excuse me, won’t it be possible to go on Route 8?”

He responded in a very short interval.

“Yes, because the current route is controlled. I’ll take route 24.”

I hit the button to block the sound and then spoke to Keith, gesturing with my lips
but not letting the sound out.

” It’s a lie. Perhaps this is a wiretapping device.”

As I pointed my finger at the driver’s seat, which was blocked by a partition,

mimicking me, Keith asked silently:

I replied:

“Look over there.”

Pointing at the black smoke in the distance, I continued. Still not making noise.

“If we continue on Route 24 we’ll run into flames. We should go for number 8.”

Keith stiffened. I kept whispering:

“Just tell him to stop, using any excuse.”


A strange smile appeared on his face. I got nervous and called him gesturing. Keith
then shrugged and pressed the button.

“Stop the car.”

“Why … why, why?” He stammered noticeably.

Keith replied after a brief moment.

“Since Yeonwoo is in a bad mood, let’s take a break.”

The driver did not respond immediately. It was obvious that he was embarrassed. I
was nervously awaiting his answer. Suddenly he spoke:

“I’m almost there. Please, be patient.”

I was nervous for a moment. I swallowed hard and looked to the side, but Keith
didn’t change much.

“Stop the car.”

“No.” He scoffed at us and added, “If you want, get down. You can not do that?
There is nothing, that you cannot do.”

Soon there was the sound of the microphone turning off. As expected, the car door
was closed. Furthermore, he was driving at tremendous speed. What can I do? I was
nervous and the tips of my fingers tingled. Are we being kidnapped? What the hell
is happening here? I couldn’t understand why the driver, who was always quiet and
sincere, suddenly did this.

When I turned around, I looked at Keith who was upset. Suddenly the ground vibrated
with a loud sound and the car shook violently. At that moment I yelled in surprise.
It looked like there was a landslide somewhere due to the growing forest fire.
Immediately my hands reached out and Keith hugged me. He whispered to me with wide

“Everything will be fine.”

His calm voice reassured me more than ever. My heart that was beating like crazy
began to slowly calm down. He kept whispering over my head over and over.

“Okay do not worry.”

I was worried. I thought I should get away from him, but all I did was take a deep
breath. I kept hearing Keith’s heartbeat, and suddenly he muttered to himself:
“Whitaker’s car is gone.”

Keith added more strength to the arm he was holding me with. My heart started
racing again with anxiety. The disappearance of Whitaker’s car, which always
followed Keith’s car, meant the same thing happened to the security vehicle behind
us. What happened to the security vehicle in front? When I thought about it, Keith

“The fire is growing again.”

What? I raised my head unconsciously. Keith looked at me, our eyes meeting. He
smiled as if to reassure me. He held me with one arm and led the other to the car
door. Of course it was closed. At some point he stamped his fingerprint somewhere
on the door. Then all of a sudden a small crack was heard. I didn’t even know what
was causing the little noise, and soon after the gun appeared. I was surprised by

When did you put that kind of device in the car? I had never heard of an order to
do something like that. Before I could ask what had happened, Keith grabbed my head
and pressed his hand against his chest.

As if there was a problem with the road, the car slowed down and changed lanes.
Caught in Keith’s arms, I bit my lip to fight dizziness. A large hand wrapped
around my exposed ear and I soon pulled the trigger. A sequence of loud gunfire was
heard. I swallowed my breath and unconsciously shrugged. Keith raised his leg and
kicked the car door that had a hole in it. The car door fell onto the road with a
rattling sound. The driver, who noticed the situation, hastily pulled the steering
wheel. It was an attempt to stop us, but Keith showed no sign of hesitation.

Is this man not afraid of anything? Keith fluttered, didn’t hesitate for a second
as he held me in his arms. My heart seemed to stop at the sight of the rapidly
passing landscape.

” …!”


I stopped screaming and closed my eyes. There was a dull, echoing sound throughout
my body. Soon after, I rolled on the floor. My mind was blank, but one thing I was
sure of was the fact that Keith was holding me tight.


I gasped for a moment. Keith asked over my head, while I was terrified and taken
aback by the sudden impact of my body.

“You’re good?”

I raised my head, embarrassed because he asked so calmly. At that moment, my whole

body creaked and I screamed for a short

Kiss me, Liar Volume 4 – Chapter 6

I could feel the vibration throughout my body. I groaned and coughed like I was
sick. But it was just thought, actually, I couldn’t even lift a finger. As soon as
I managed to lift my eyelids a little, a bright light flowed into my eyes. Someone
yelled at me, prompting me to close them immediately.
“Yeonwoo, wake up! Open your eyes!”


When I managed to open my eyes again in response to the repeated screams, I saw
Keith’s face, he was looking at me. People in medical uniforms were hastily
dragging the stretcher. I wanted to reach it, but I couldn’t move.

“You’re good?” I asked, barely moving my lips. Keith looked at me with a

penetrating gaze. I whispered again. “You’re good?”

“Damn it … it’s you who got hurt, not me!” Keith yelled. But I smiled slightly.
That is a relief .

The bed shook again and again, which made the vertigo even more tense. Keith took
my hand hastily. Asked:

“Where we go?”

“You need to get tested, check where you got hurt and get treatment… Okay,
everything is going to be fine .”

“The baby.”

I pressed my lips together. Keith hesitated and replied after a time interval:

“It’s going to be OK.”

Shortly after the gurney passed a door, Keith could no longer follow me. I passed
out again after seeing his pale face drift away.


My body ached to death. My vision was distorted and my breathing became harsh. I
barely regained consciousness with a groan. I was confused at the sight. I wanted
to call someone, but there was no sound. Perhaps due to anxiety, my breathing
hitched and a machine started beeping. Then after a moment the nurse appeared.

“Oh, you opened your eyes. How do you feel?” She asked kindly, but I couldn’t
answer right away.

Every time I opened and closed my eyes, I felt my consciousness go back and forth.
At that point the pain also came back to me again. When I moaned weakly and became
sad, she looked at me and said:

“Get some more sleep, it’ll make you feel better .”

No sound came out, so I stopped her only with the gesture of my lips. The nurse
stopped and leaned over me, trying to hear what I was trying to say.

When I asked breathlessly she smiled.

“Mr. Pittman is out of the woods, so don’t worry. He will be very happy when he
hears that Yeonwoo is awake. Actually, he was so worried that I forbade him to
visit you for now. He was very reluctant to leave your side all the time.”


“The baby is healthy too.” With a deep sigh of relief the nurse spoke again. “He’s
a very strong baby. He was in danger, but he made it. It is not yet time to feel
relief, although the crisis is over.” The nurse smiled and added, “Because Yeonwoo
didn’t give up, the baby was able to get stronger.”

Guilt and sadness stirred my heart, then I responded weakly. The nurse swept the
hair from my face, as if trying to comfort me.

“Yeonwoo’s condition has improved considerably. When you first came here, I was
more worried about the pneumonia than the trauma, but fortunately you overcame the
crisis well, “she said with a sad expression. “Now don’t worry and rest.”

The nurse grabbed the syringe and inserted it into the IV that was connected to my
arm. After a moment, a cold sensation enveloped me and soon my body fell.


I woke up feeling a dull ache that I had grown used to. I was very thirsty.


I moaned slightly and distorted my face. I immediately felt someone move. As soon
as I managed to open my eyes, I could see how he approached the edge of the bed. It
was difficult for me to recognize the figure because my vision was still cloudy and
the place was dark. Meanwhile, the person looked at me and said nothing. I was very
anxious about this person’s behavior but suddenly realized who Keith was .


He just looked at me without saying anything. It was impossible to decipher the

expression on his face as he stood with a dim light behind his back. I tried to
examine his grim face, but, unexpectedly, he let out a deep sigh. I felt like he
was going to say something, but that was it. Again Keith closed his mouth.

What are you thinking? I soon became curious. Since when…? Were you watching me?
Have you been lamenting that the brand didn’t disappear? Several thoughts wrapped
my head. Likewise, Keith was still silent as a moment ago.

He finally spoke, but it took him a little longer to make a sound.

“… Does it hurt a lot?”

His voice trembled slightly. I replied.

I still did not make a sound, all that was heard was a mixture of breaths. Keith
watched me silently. His expression was vague, as if he was lost. I could see his
face. He looked very tired. The shadows were much more noticeable on his pale face
due to the dark circles under his eyes.

Furthermore, seeing his expression, he looked exhausted. It seemed as if he was ill

for several days. As evidence, Keith slowly swept through his hair, much slower
than usual. His hair had lost its original and perfect shape, as if it had already
been done several times.

Just look at Keith. It felt like I was watching him in that moment, when he came to
Dane’s house looking for me. It seemed as if a corner of my heart was opening. I
hated this man so much, but now I thought that no longer mattered. I was sorry.
That was all.
As I tried to hide the discomfort, I finally noticed a glass on the table.

“… What?”

Keith asked noticing my gaze. Instead of responding, I point my finger at the

container. Keith walked as if realizing it after a moment. Suddenly a memory came
to my mind about earlier, when he brought me the water in the same way. When he
returned, he tucked his arm under my shoulder and half sat me down. After drinking
water with their help, I managed to make a sound.

“Thank you.”

As he smiled slightly Keith’s face suddenly distorted. He laid me back down and
walked over to the table. He lowered his glass and looked up at the ceiling. As if
trying to tolerate several emotions at once, Keith was silent for a moment. I
wondered what he was thinking. His shoulders shook as if he were taking a deep
breath and he finally opened his mouth.

“…Do not do that again.”

I just blinked and suddenly started coughing. Keith turned to me. I waved my hand
in front of his face that suddenly stiffened, a sign that he was okay. Luckily the
cough stopped. Keith who stared at me for a good moment suddenly spat:

“Say it. You will never do it again.”



I was forced to respond to the low voice that came out as if it were a threat.

“I do not know. My body moved on its own back then.”

This time Keith was silent. I hastily said:

“Maybe next time.”


Keith gritted his teeth. He got mad when I didn’t do what he wanted. I said
stubbornly, anyway, there was nothing to lose.

“You just don’t have to be in danger.”


Keith stared at me silently for a while, let out a fierce sigh, and rubbed his face
with both hands. I looked at him in silence. Keith was there as if holding back
emotions. Finally he opened his mouth.

“What the hell do you want from me?”

“I want nothing.”

“Tell me! Curse!”

Keith screamed. As I looked into his bloodshot eyes, I thought: What should I say
to ease this man? I felt sad for some reason so I responded. Just this once, be

“It’s okay.”


Keith exhaled heavily. His purple eyes were trembling anxiously and staring at me.
He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, until finally he made a sound. With a
completely overwhelmed voice.

“… Please.”


“Please no more, don’t do anything for me. It’s a favor, I beg you!”

He spat violently as if letting all the resentment flow and after that, he left the
room. Right away, I could see men in black suits through the door that slammed


When I opened my eyes again, of course, I was alone in the hospital room. While I
was sleeping, it seemed that a lot of people came and went, but strangely now there
was no one. The nurse also told me that there were several bodyguards outside the
door on 24-hour watch.

Charles, who came to the hospital the next day, told me several things. The driver
who tried to kidnap us belonged to a pseudo-religious group that the man who
previously attacked Keith belonged to.

It was a group that defined dominant Alphas as demons and unleashed attacks on them
from time to time. However, the man who ran to Keith was arrested, without much
progress, leaving only a cut on his arm. After that, I heard that he committed
suicide in prison while exercising his right to remain silent no matter what he was
told. Nonetheless, it was a suspicious death in many ways. Whitaker, who broke the
news at the time, said with a face, that he had doubts. Since then, time has passed
with no further interest in the incident. At that time, it would have been good, to
be more careful and investigate more. I’m sorry, but it was too late.

After the arrest, the driver confessed everything. He deliberately lied that the
road was closed and induced him to stay at the hotel for the day. Perhaps he took
the time to brief his superiors and made detailed plans overnight. Charles was most
shocked by the incident. He was generally famous for his demanding hiring.

Any newly hired employee couldn’t even get close to Keith. Room cleaning was also
possible after years of employment and some confidence. I heard that the driver had
also worked for almost 10 years. However, hearing that he nearly took the life of
his employer, of course, I was shocked.

“He’s been in the religion since his daughter got sick,” Charles said seriously.
“I’ve been visiting him.”

It wasn’t like that from the start, and since it happened along the way, it seemed
like a subtle plea that it wasn’t his responsibility. Of course I thought so too.

“I didn’t know there was such a device in the car, but I’m glad nothing happened,
thanks to that .”
Charles responded with a blank face and a slight sense of pride.

“After the last terrorist attack, I asked Mr. Pittman to place a secret device in
the car. I’m glad it was helpful .”

When I thanked him, he smiled for the first time. Charles, who was about to return,
suddenly added:

“Oh, Mr. Pittman will be away for a few days on an urgent business trip.”

“… How many days?”

He nodded when I asked casually.

“I don’t know the exact time he’ll be back after the job is done.”

I had to say okay . Charles said his goodbyes briefly and left the room. I spent
time pretending to be okay and not knowing why I felt empty.


Emma’s visit was two days later. Except for the occasional ache throughout my body,
I was bored, mindlessly filling up time. That day, too, I passed the television
channels and looked at the clock. Suddenly I heard a knock and Emma walked in.



She hurried over and shared a hug with me.

When she loosened her arms and looked at me, she quickly distorted her face like
she was crying. If she had seen me when I was first hurt, she might have passed out
, I thought.

Even though the IVs didn’t fit anymore and all I had to do was give myself a shot
of pain killers before going to bed, Emma’s eyes still saw me as a critically ill
patient. Perhaps due to scratches and wounds, plasters and bandages were

“Oh my God, I heard you got hurt a lot, but …”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds. Besides, I’m much better now, Emma.”

I said it with a smile, trying to act calm. At the same time, my ribs ached.


Emma hurriedly turned her head and looked at me after sobbing. There was a smile on
her face. She regretted being late , and continued speaking.

She said she took a day off today to go to the hospital with his mother. Meanwhile,
she went to the visit she had been trying to make for a long time.

“I was so distracted by a number of unimaginable things.” Emma pulled up a chair

and sat down. “After Yeonwoo quit, the company is a mess. Everyone is working hard,
but the new recruits weren’t very helpful and everyone was hoping that you could
improve and work again.”
She looked at me once and sighed.

“I’ll have to wait a little longer.”

“Emma is doing quite well.”

Emma shook her head when I encouraged her.

“Not really… I’m just barely holding on.”


When I called her name seriously, Emma looked me in the face. I said, looking her
straight in the eye.

“If I left it to you, Emma, it’s because I thought you would be capable enough.
Don’t tell me I was wrong .”

Emma’s cheeks flushed slightly at the comment.

“I am sorry, thanks.”

She, who alternately spoke contradictory words, quickly changed the subject.

“It is true that there is more work. After Yeonwoo disappeared, Mr. Pittman was
crazy. I thought the company was going to fail.”

“No way.”

Emma continued seriously:

“He often canceled meetings when he couldn’t focus on them, and some days he didn’t
go to work, so he checked his status and couldn’t even get up, because he was
drunk. I had a really bad time because his whole body smelled like alcohol.”

It was new to me and unexpected, I looked at her in surprise.

‘Dominant Alpha didn’t get drunk easily …

Is it something different when the brand is engraved? Emma shook her head at me
when she thought about it.

“So how much do you think he’s drunk? It was enough for Charles to complain to me
later. He says he has hidden some of the premium wines, before he used up
everything Pittman has stored. Also, it seems that he drank a lot of vodka,


“Jane thought he would be the first Dominant Alpha to die of alcoholism.”

Suddenly it occurred to me that when he came to see me, he had lost a lot of weight
and looked haggard. Although he is better than then, he still looks less handsome
than before.

She shook her head again and murmured:

“Oh my God! I’ve worked for years, but I’ve never seen Mr. Pittman so shattered. I
have always seen him in perfect condition. There were times when he was drunk and
came to work without a tie or his hair was all tangled up .”

I didn’t say anything to Emma, who sighed. I could not believe it. Keith went to
work with disheveled hair and no tie? Maybe Emma didn’t dream it. It is true that
they all had the same experience. But Keith has never shown such a face in front of
me. Even before I ran away, even after I came back, he was always perfect. Emma
continued to complain, unaware of my confused mind.

“It was during a meeting at the company … How could I say that? He made a couple of
bad decisions and the movie was almost canceled, and I heard he lost a lot of
money. I thought we were going bankrupt.” She shook her head and continued, without
thinking. “I’m glad I’m doing some work these days. Everyone thinks this movie is
really the last chance. I’ve been looking forward to it lately, but… Everyone is
trying their best because I think we can win a few times more than we have lost, so
far. On the other hand, if it fails, everything is over. We have invested so much.”

What was the movie that was released this time? Emma gave me the title as I
searched my memory.

Oh , and I soon remembered. It was a movie starring Chase Miller. It is said that
the film of the last contract that canceled and caused problems is being filmed …
The film was also quite an adventure, but the victory or loss of said film that
would be released this time, was more urgent than if the experiment of change the
roles to the film, with all kinds of damages and annoyances succeeded. There was
also the lead role of Chase Miller, so it would guarantee some degree of box office
success. But he needed a “big hit” not a “to a certain extent”.

“It will work,” I said emphatically.

It had to be okay.

Emma also nodded with a serious look.

“It has to work.” She soon changed the subject. “There is still a lot of work, but
many things Mr. Pittman runs personally. He bought a piece of land, he asked
someone to do the construction, I am busy handling those demands. And he is busy
doing construction and always gets off work on time.”

Emma quickly pursed her lips.

“Then we have to stay and fix everything so we can review it and take care of it
the next day as soon as we get to work. Of course there are additional benefits,
but I want to find my life before money. It’s very busy and the new recruit doesn’t
help at all and even if you try to recruit more people you can’t do this or that,
because it takes time to teach anyway.”

It was so natural for her to complain. Even though I was hurt, I felt sorry for
myself, for lying in the hospital.

“The rookie is that bad at work?”

When I asked anxiously, she shook her head sickly.

“It wasn’t very good when we first had the interview. He looked a bit stupid,
stuttering no matter what I asked him, and even bumping into the door while
greeting me as I left. So I was wondering if I could work for Mr. Pittman, but Jane
and Rachel said they were fine and surprisingly, he seemed to have enjoyed the
interview with Mr. Pittman … Well, was Mr. Pittman crazy in that moment? If I had
another interview now, I would decline it immediately.”

Seeing her shake her head again, I felt something strange.

“Is the new hire a Beta?”

“He’s a man and he’s Alpha. As for the application documents, his career was good
and he looked quite competent, but how he hits the back of his neck like that with
the door.”

She clenched her fists resentfully. Oh my gosh, and I thought deeply. But the
strange feeling did not go away. When I asked her about her work at the company, I
added some questions about the newcomers. And after hearing Emma’s response, the
conclusion that came out was:

“Hasn’t he fall in love with Emma at first sight?”


“I think it’s a possible story. Isn’t he falling in love with Emma and making
mistakes and stuttering? Do you hate him so much?”

“Not bad. As Yeonwoo knows, Alfas and Omegas are mostly handsome.”

Yes, and I agreed. This is because there are many cases where the appearance
changes after expression or due to the original Alpha or Omega traits, the
appearance is excellent from birth. Except for me, who had mutated from Beta to

Emma continued:

“He’s just a stupid man. I can’t believe he fell in love with me.”

“Why do you think that?”

I was surprised because Emma replied:

“There is no reason for that.”

“…? Oh What are you talking about? You don’t mean it .”

Emma blinked. She seemed to mean it. I laughed a lot.

“Emma is beautiful enough, but I don’t know why she thinks that way.”

” Beauty? Me?”

“Of course. Josh is so handsome too, right? Is it the blood?”

“Josh is handsome, but I’m not …”

Unexpectedly, she didn’t seem very sure. She was so beautiful and strange. When she
bowed her head, Emma managed to keep her words up.

“I’ve been compared to Josh a lot since I was a child. Josh is a handsome boy, but
I’m simple, so …”

“If Josh was born a woman, he would have your face, Emma,” I said firmly. Emma
blinked surprised eyes. I confidently added to a dubious woman, “Of course you are
a beauty.”

She looked at me puzzled and soon smiled bitterly.

“Don’t make me feel excited because you’re not going to be my man.”

There was nothing to reply to that comment. When she smiled awkwardly, Emma said

“People didn’t like me. I always liked him. I have had a couple of confessions, but
they were muscular guys and I don’t like athletes that much… Someday someone will
show up that suits me .”

Later, seeing her sigh, I hastened to change the subject.

“Mr. Pittman must be busy on a business trip. Who followed you on this business
trip? Rachel or Jane?”

Seeing Emma’s remaining work, which was normally not late, was that I thought that
when she came out I would help her, if I felt better, Emma bowed her head and said:

“Mr. Pittman is on vacation.”

“What do you mean by vacation?” I asked, surprised by the unexpected words.

“Charles says he’s on a business trip … isn’t he? Is it vacation?”

My heart suddenly beat. The hateful memories revived and my palms got wet. Emma
blinked, embarrassed, because my agitation had come to light.

“Uh … No … He’s not on a business trip. I am taking care of the company. It’s a
vacation, and all of a sudden, Charles called and the entire office panicked. Also,
he will be away for at least a week, so they don’t know how to proceed …”

I looked at her face without understanding. Emma looked at me and asked carefully:

“Well, whatever mistakes I made …”

No, I should have said it was fine , but my lips didn’t move. My head was a mess.
Finally, I remembered Keith, who was yelling at me. What the hell is happening

“… Charles.”

I managed to open my mouth.

“Will you contact Charles …? I… Hey, I want to see him. Right now.”


“Right now.”

Emma called Charles’s cell phone, embarrassed.


Charles arrived at the hospital in less than two hours. Emma hurried back after
saying goodbye. Alone, waiting for him to come, I was very nervous when Charles
“What’s going on, Yeonwoo? Is there anything you need?”

His unusual attitude made me think that Emma might have been wrong about something.
Charles’s face looking at me showed no signs of reluctance or hiding something. But
it was always like this. When I remembered Charles’s face, which had barely
revealed his expression, late, I asked without raising doubts:

“I heard Mr. Pittman is away on business, right?”

“That’s right,” he answered again without hesitation. But I felt a strange sense of

“How many days? I don’t you the exact schedule.”

“Yes. You will receive a call when he is done. I don’t know how long it will take
now .”

I asked suspiciously:

“The secretarial office said he went on vacation”

“I do not know. Emma often makes mistakes.”

“Does it make sense that the secretary who manages the employer’s schedule can’t
differentiate between vacations and business trips?”

Charles was silent for the first time. There was no change in his expression, but
he did not miss the cold sweat that flowed down the side of his forehead.

“It’s okay if Mr. Pittman has a new partner.”


Half desperate, Charles immediately denied it. But I didn’t give up and made
another move.

“It would be better if Mr. Pittman went to see someone else. I want to see someone
too, so… Could you get in touch? I don’t have a cell phone.”

Speaking quite bravely, he looked me in the face for a moment. I was suspicious if
he was lying, but I even smiled cheekily. Charles, who had nothing to say, finally
confessed the truth.

“Yeonwoo, don’t do that. Mr. Pittman is not dating anyone … It’s just that his RUT
has arrived.”

I couldn’t react immediately.

“… RUT?”

“Yes.” Charles went on seriously. “He went to the island. There is an uninhabited
island that he goes to at times like this …”

“I’ve heard of that. So why did he leave?”

Charles replied as if it were obvious:

“Because there is no other way to pass the time .”

I was stunned at the time.

Why did he avoid me? Charles gave me a half-confident look and added

“It’s okay. It’s not the first time, it’s already been two …”

I hesitated at the unexpected comment.

Yes, he said he bought an island. He had two RUT, without me .

I got dizzy for a moment and blinked hastily. No matter how marked the dominant
Alpha is, if you continue to pass the RUT just this way, it will surely break
somewhere. Why did he not tell me? Why did he go alone? If he had told me … I
suddenly thought. What if he had?


Charles spoke up, asking me.

But I couldn’t answer easily. It’s easy to pretend you don’t know. All you have to
do is wait for it. Maybe that’s what Keith wants. Didn’t you expect that too? Maybe
you knew it from the moment you dialed it? You knew Keith would be completely
alone. What the hell do you want from me? The moment I remembered Keith’s scream, I
realized what he wanted now .

“Where is the island?” Charles blinked in surprise at my question. I took him by

the arm with a serious look on my face. “I’ll be on my way right now, please get

Kiss me, Liar Volume 4 – Chapter 7

The island was completely calm. There was no other sound than the waves. It really
was a completely isolated place. How did you find an island like that? I was very
curious. On the other hand, I realized that there are innumerable desert islands in
the world and also innumerable abandoned people. All alone.

“Isn’t this island dangerous in the event of a typhoon or disaster?”

Charles replied:

“The weather will stay clear for at least a month. It is not an earthquake zone and
there is almost no risk of natural disasters. So far nothing has happened.”

I assumed Keith wouldn’t buy just any island. I nodded and said:

“So … Please come back the day after tomorrow. Most of the pheromones will be
depleted within 2 days so you will be able to return to the mansion after that

Charles bowed his head as if he had some suspicion, but finally said:

“I will do it.”

Surprisingly, the little island was equipped with everything. The place to land the
helicopters was built on the roof of the house. When I got off the helicopter and
started down the stairs, the helicopter took off.

Now really, only Keith and I are left on this island.

“Aahh …”

I stopped walking and twisted my face. Every now and then my body ached, probably
because the bruises hadn’t fully healed yet. I was breathing hard and moving slowly
just touching the ground.

The spiral staircase connected to a small garden. When I went around a nice pool, I
could see inside the house. The door was wide open. The weather was unbelievably
good. This small island with an infinite blue sky was truly a paradise. For a
moment I thought it would be nice to live the rest of my life in such a place. Of
course this would be boring, I thought coldly. I was obsessed with urban life more
than I thought, so I couldn’t live without the benefits of civilization and social
interaction. It doesn’t matter that there is everything here, one cannot just keep
looking at the waves .

I walked into the house, but I couldn’t see Keith anywhere. The spacious living
room with a wooden floor guaranteed an excellent view from anywhere. Multiple
sliding doors were wide open so the cool breeze blew in from all sides. I walked
through the living room that had nothing but a tea table and made my way to the
second floor. There will probably be a bedroom and Keith will be there . When I
went upstairs I found another living room. Half of my suspicion was wrong and the
other half was correct.


Swallow dry. He was turning his back to me, sitting in a chair, looking out at the
vast sea. I looked at the bottle of wine and a half-finished glass on the table, it
looked like he was drinking alone. He must have heard the helicopter, but Keith
wasn’t saying anything. He didn’t seem interested in someone coming. Of course it
did not even cross his mind that it would be me, if someone wanted to kill him it
couldn’t be easier. Suddenly terror came to my mind and a chill went through my
spine. I breathed silently. The scent of the pheromones was thicker than normal,
but still not as dangerous.

Were you here alone like a crab waiting for your RUT to arrive? How many days did
you have to endure alone each time? I felt weird. Should I rejoice and laugh at him
at such a time? Should I feel this sad feeling?

Keith stopped trying to fill the wine glass and suddenly turned around. Our eyes
met without any warning. I was ashamed, but it seemed like Keith was even more
ashamed than I was. Suddenly the chair fell back with a loud crash. He stood up

“… How is that you are here?”

Keith’s voice trembled slightly. At that moment my mind, which was lost, found its

“… Charles brought me. Didn’t you hear the helicopter?”

I jokingly added and he muttered without understanding:

“Okay … what about Charles?”

“He’s gone.”

“I insisted and said I’d come. Don’t blame Charles,” I said quietly. Keith still
wasn’t responding so I joked intentionally, “Having your own Omega, you’re the only
Alpha passing his RUT alone.”

Keith immediately said:

“I am a dominant Alpha.”

Isn’t this even more miserable, just because you’re a dominant Alpha? I thought
about it, but didn’t dare to say it out loud.

“Anyway …” I changed the subject. ” … Why did you come here alone? You’re not even
going to tell me?”

“Better you … How did you know?”

This was Keith’s first time stuttering. I laughed because it was fascinating and

“Since Charles was trying to cover you, I told him I wanted to meet another man.
Then he told me not to do that.”

Surprise!! I wanted to scream, but barely held back. Keith’s face looked surprised,
but gradually began to distort. He didn’t seem angry, but after thinking he began
to grind his teeth.

“Did you plan to meet another man?”


I responded naturally to Keith who repeated my words. Keith paused for a moment and
soon frowned and narrowed his eyes.

“… For real?”


Again I nodded delicately.

Keith exhaled loudly. I thought it was bad, but it’s over. If a person has nothing
left, then he need not fear . That was exactly what I did.

“All the lies I told have piled up like a huge truck. What difference will one more
lie make?”

Keith was absolutely speechless. He shook his head and his mind flew again. He
opened and closed his mouth, raised and lowered his hands, looked up at the sky and
down. Suddenly he grabbed the bottle of wine. I watched in silence as he drank the
wine poured into the glass in one gulp, as if it were a beer. I said in a low

“You don’t have to hide in a place like this … And drink these amounts.”

Keith turned and looked at me with a sharp gaze.

“I heard it from other people.” He looked away and said in a low voice, “This is
the past.”

“But you keep drinking.”


Keith tried to say something, but held back. Suddenly I noticed that I swallowed

“Is it excruciatingly painful if you’re not drunk?”

He didn’t say anything else again. Suddenly, I felt pain in a corner of my heart.

“It’s so stupid to put up with it alone.”

Keith ran his hair and sighed heavily. Suddenly he looked horribly tired.

“So should I pour my pheromones on you and make you cry again?”

I was surprised by those unexpected words. Keith continued to be sarcastic:

“What if you fuck me and then escape again? It wouldn’t be so bad, wouldn’t it?”

Oh I suddenly realized … Is this man afraid of something? It was an emotion I’d

never felt coming from Keith, until now. He was always a man who laughed at others,
did not hide his contempt, was sarcastic and trampled on others with indifference.

” … If I had hated you so much I wouldn’t have gotten here.”

At my calm tone, he laughed cynically.

“And you will abandon me again.”

“What’s the point in saying that? Shouldn’t I be the one to worry about that? It
was you who left me first.”

I frowned and Keith paused silently. The regular sound of the waves echoed in my
ears. Keith opened his mouth. At that precise moment a great wave hit the rock
below the mansion. After that, his muffled voice reached my ears.

“I didn’t abandon you.”


“Although I just didn’t admit… that you weren’t just a sexual partner.” Keith
sighed and continued, “Am I being punished?”

Keith smiled bitterly and looked at me with wide eyes. As if I already knew

“I couldn’t even dial you.”


“You can always change your mind and then leave me.”

It was getting quite a bummer. What will happen to Keith if I leave him alone? Will
he stay alone forever and go crazy, just like what happened to me? I opened my

” Yes, I hated you to death,” I said in a low voice, he didn’t answer anything so I
continued speaking: “There were times when I wanted to end everything and many
times I cried because I hated you. I was so hurt that I thought I never wanted to
see you again. I told myself that it was better to be alone, instead of continuing
to hurt my heart in that way.”

I stared at Keith’s face.

“Then what?”

Keith stopped and I added quietly:

“That’s love.”

It was still silent. The sound of the waves kept fading.

“This hurts, hurts, hurts, hurts. Kiss and make up. To confess the feelings again
and hug each other so as not to feel alone.”


“If this isn’t love, then what is?”


“What the hell are you afraid of?” My voice trembled slightly. “Even though I was
so hurt and distraught. This love never stopped.” I spat in a voice full of
emotions, “Why are you trying to run away like that?”

Keith bit his lip. The moment he released his lips, he immediately let out a
whisper. He tried to say something, but stopped. I kept waiting in silence.
Finally, Keith confessed:

“I love you.”

Keith’s face distorted. I felt as if he was about to cry, as that day happened.

“The only thing I can do to prove it is by using the money… But I can’t express how
much I feel with that.” He eventually covered his face with both hands. “My God,
I’m so scared that you won’t love me again …”

I was just looking at him. Keith’s overflowing emotions washed over me. He and I
were completely alone. Even being together, the loneliness could not be filled. The
reason was one. I moved my feet, approached him, step by step. In order not to be
lonely anymore, I silently grabbed his hand. Surely he realized that I was getting
closer. He sure felt my scent.

“Do you want me to trust you?”

Keith’s eyes trembled. I whispered silently:

“Then leave your mark on me.” I felt his hand stiffen as he held it. I kept
talking. “If you really love me, try it, bookmark me over and over again. Until the
mark is fixed.”

I looked at him with a cynical smile as he remained silent.

“Or are you a coward?”

Keith’s expression immediately turned grim.

“Don’t ever tell me I’m a coward.”

“So prove it.”

I provoked him, but he still couldn’t touch me. I opened my mouth slightly as he
looked at my ears, with an expression full of longing and fear.

“I don’t care if you don’t love me.”


“It doesn’t matter now.” Suddenly my eyes grew hot. I barely exhaled and confessed,
“Because I do love you.”

Keith was silent for a time. He just looked at me and opened his mouth. He released
a shaky voice that I heard for the first time in my life.

“What must I do to make you believe me?” His face twisted in despair. “God, I can
do anything as long as you love me again.”

Looking into his red eyes, I said:


The soft voice was disturbed by breath.

“Just love me.” Sweeping his eyes, I silently whispered, “My Alpha.”

Keith ran his harsh breath over my lips. I closed my eyes and hugged him with all
my might.


Keith whispered my name and overlapped his lips on mine. I rub them, bite, suck. It
wasn’t enough just to hug him so I pulled up his shirt and stroked his naked body
like crazy. Keith pushed me and we both fell to the ground, like dead weight. A
groan escaped from the depths of my throat. His pheromones spilled all over my
body. Its sweet scent ran through my veins like a happy love song. My lower part
began to get wet, all my cells wanted this man. I hurriedly pushed him and climbed
on top of him. He kissed my neck and collarbone, inhaling the scent.

As the brain became increasingly immersed in the pheromones, the pleasure grew more
intense. Instantly his eyes turned gold, to turn purple again. His RUT was coming.
I couldn’t hold it and ran my tongue over his eyelids. Keith tasted bitter, but I
didn’t stop.

“Ah ah ah ah…”

The moans and heavy breathing mixed and flowed wildly. My heart was racing. He
moved his tongue and directed it towards my cheeks, ears and mouth. Soon, our lips
hooked and I slid my tongue into his mouth. As I moved on top of Keith, I took off
my pants. All I had to do was show my buttocks and Keith instantly grabbed my flesh
and his fingers wandered for a hole.


Finally, his thick finger pressed my entrance, penetrated the throbbing hole and
stroked it for a long time.
“Yeonwoo!” He yelled my name and rubbed his lips.

His breathing was fast and intense. The pheromones became thicker and completely
filled the air and the environment. Keith’s reasoning gradually faded. I wondered
if the time when his eyes turned gold lengthened and suddenly a brilliant gold
sparkled like flames. Keith grabbed both sides of my hips and opened the doorway
with his fingers.

Thick fingers entered me and shook my soaked inner wall. The liquid spilled onto
his hands, wrists and was dripping onto his abdomen. Every time Keith’s fingers
reached out, the pressure intensified, but I soon had enough. His face quickly

“… Ugh.”

Keith groaned viciously, showing his sharp teeth. While I was nervous about the
penetration, his erect penis touched me.

“Ah … Ahh!” I yelled sincerely, without realizing it.

His heavy cock entered me, spreading my insides savagely as if he was about to
break me. I took a deep breath, but couldn’t calm myself. My entire body seemed to
burn. My stomach was boiling and my whole body was shaking, I couldn’t get over the
passion. Oh what should I do!

I found Keith’s lips, whispered, and rubbed them like crazy. My zeal also came.
This was not due to their pheromones.

It’s because I’m so excited, I want so much to have this man, I want to swallow him
deeper into me, deeper .

My whole body melted with pheromones. My lower part was completely soaked and my
whole body burned only for Keith.

I want us to be connected more deeply. I want to completely devour this man .

“Ah, ahh, aaah…!”

I groaned as if he haw slicing me in half and patted his back lightly. I shook my
whole body up and down and swallowed his penis completely.

“Oh my God! Dammit!”

Keith pushed me, spitting insults. The position shifted and he hit the bottom

Convulsed with a high-pitched scream, I think I lost my mind for a while. When I
opened my eyes, Keith was on me. Dark pheromones were everywhere.

Oh those golden eyes.

I reached out my hand and circled his cheek. There was no reason left for Keith. It
was just one hit, another hit, and another. He inflated his penis like he did that
day. The stomach swelled to the point of breaking. But I bit back a groan and
hugged him tighter.

I have to spread it more. I have to swallow this man deeper, more.

I leaned in and took a deep breath to help with the insertion. The genitalia, which
had reached the root, snarled violently, as if sad that they could not enter

Maybe this man would eat my stomach if he could.

He bit my lips, my neck, my shoulders and ate my nipples. There was nowhere on my
entire body where I wouldn’t bite and lick, except for one, the ear. Keith didn’t
touch my ear even though he lost his mind. As if instinctively trying to avoid it,
I bit his ear in revenge. Keith was so excited that he stopped breathing when I put
my teeth on the mark I left.

“Ah, ah, ah!”

Soon after, his insertion turned violent. Every time Keith attacked my belly, I
moaned as much as I breathed. It was too fast, too deep, too big. A hot penis
thrust into the stomach, pounding violently. It was just hovering. The bottom was
hot and sore, but the stomach kept asking for more.

Have you ever yearned so greedily?

I hugged him with all my might. It was when Keith turned his head and rubbed his
lips on my cheek. He opened his mouth and bit my ear roughly.


The heat spread throughout my body. I opened my mouth wide, but couldn’t really
make a sound. My mind went blank in an instant and vanished. The scent that I
smelled for the first time spread to the tip of my nose. Even before ejaculation, a
similar feeling of weakness spread throughout the body. When I opened my eyes a
little, Keith was looking at me. He was looking precisely at my ears. By his gaze I
could see everything.

Keith, who had tried to say something, opened his mouth, but gave up, repeatedly
tried to say it, and finally confessed:

“I love you.” Keith’s eyes moistened. “… I’ve been in love for a long time.”

I smiled slightly and extended my hand. I lightly touched his cheek, caressed him
and whispered:

“My Alpha.”

His lips caressed my cheeks, my forehead, and he sucked my ears. Wow , a painful
biting sound echoed in my ear. He trembled and ejaculated on me.


I heard the sound of the waves in the distance. It was suddenly cold and I snuggled
up to warm myself. I felt a warm temperature, I hugged myself immediately. I could
smell a sweet scent, comfortably. I smelled and smelled. The smell so soft and
sweet made me feel relieved. I woke up belatedly, reaching out and hugging the
man’s firm body.


When I languidly opened my eyes, an unfamiliar scene appeared. A wooden railing, a

horizontal line in the distance, occasional splashes of water, the endless sound of
the waves, and the man sleeping next to me. Keith .
The man who shed pheromones for just two days fell asleep immediately after his RUT
ended. Unexpectedly, I looked at his face for a moment, exhaling a deep, calm

Now that I think about it. Suddenly a smile came to my mind as I remembered the

A man who never sleeps with other people after sex, falls asleep so soundly next to

It was trivial, but it gave me a fullness that I couldn’t deny. I looked at him and
carefully bowed my head. I touched his lips to mine, making a nice sound. Keith
didn’t wake up. I thought I had to get up and eat something, but I was tired to

My lower body tingled and burned. It wasn’t difficult to imagine the place being
bloated. Because the speed of the thrusts was very high, here and there. The large
amount of semen that Keith poured down my hole, still open, mixed and came out
little by little every time I breathed. I was embarrassed and happy at the
sensation of dripping from the inside of my butt.

I hugged Keith again and silently brought my ears to his chest. The sound of his
heart beating regularly was as loud as the sound of the waves.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

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