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Development of the Quantum Mechanical Model of the

Atom: A Timeline
The quantum mechanical model of the atom emerged from several key discoveries that
challenged the Bohr model. Here's a timeline highlighting these contributions:

Year Scientist(s) Discovery/Contribution

Proposed the concept of quantized energy, stating that energy is

1900 Max Planck
emitted or absorbed in discrete packets called quanta.

Albert Explained the photoelectric effect using Planck's quantum theory,

Einstein further solidifying the idea of wave-particle duality for light.

Louis de Proposed the wave-particle duality of matter, suggesting that

Broglie electrons could exhibit both wave and particle properties.

Developed the Schrödinger equation, a mathematical equation

1926 describing the wavefunction of an electron in an atom. This equation
laid the foundation for the quantum mechanical model.

Werner Developed matrix mechanics, another approach to describe the

Heisenberg wavefunction and energy levels of electrons in atoms.

Interpreted the wavefunction from Schrödinger's equation as a

probability density function, meaning it describes the probability of

1927 Max Born
finding an electron in a particular region around the nucleus, not its

exact path.

Combined Schrödinger's wave mechanics and Heisenberg's matrix

1927 Paul Dirac
mechanics into a unified theory of quantum mechanics.

Ongoing refinement of the quantum mechanical model to explain

Ongoing complex atomic behavior, including multi-electron atoms, electron
spin, and quantum interactions.

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Note: This timeline focuses on key developments. The quantum mechanical model is a
complex theory built upon the work of many scientists.

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