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Instruction and Information Literacy Program, M.D. created.

This document is important to articulate the

Anderson Library, University of Houston, Houston, project objectives and present documents needed to
TX 77204-2000, USA <>. justify decisions made. The author describes the docu-
ment brief as the single most important document in
doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2009.04.013 the design process. This document can help shape the
success or failure of the new library.
The author discusses the importance of design qua-
lity, how the building fits within its physical envi-
Better by Design: An Introduction to Planning and ronment and how the interior accomplishes the goals
Designing a New Library Building, by Ayub Khan. set out for the library. Space planning and access is
London: Facet Publishing, 20 09. 224p. £44.95. ISBN also discussed. This includes the physical layout of the
978-1-85604-650-3. library interior, which plays an important part in the
library's goal to meet the needs of all its potential users.
The book ends by discussing the stage of occupancy
The construction of a new library building is at once a and post-occupancy evaluation. At this point the pro-
daunting task and a great opportunity. In his book, Better cess of planning and designing a new library comes to
by Design: An Introduction to Planning and Designing a an end.
New Library Building, author Ayub Khan describes the The book is well organized and contains an ex-
philosophical shift in library space and function for the tensive bibliography. There are several appendices,
21st century library and the practical considerations including a glossary of terms, a checklist and top-ten
necessary to approach the task of planning and de- tips for ensuring that communities and individuals
signing a new library competently. This book will be of engage with new library spaces. The information in the
interest to both the casual reader curious about the book should appeal to practically any library, regard-
trends in 21st century library services and building less of location.
construction and the professional librarian engaging in Although it is difficult for any book to provide a
the process of building a new library. comprehensive discussion of the process of planning
The first section of the book offers a discussion of the and designing a new library, this book gives a detailed
place of the library in the 21st century. According to and accessible introduction to all aspects of the process.
the author, 21st century libraries represent a dramatic It should appeal to librarians who need guidance as well
shift from the libraries that preceded them. Libraries as anyone interested in the trends in new library design
once focused on print holdings as the primary me- and use.—Robert D. Laws, Digital and Access Services
dium of interaction between the library and its patrons. Librarian, SFS-Qatar Library, Georgetown University,
Libraries also presented themselves as btemples of Doha, Qatar <>.
knowledgeQ and places of quiet and solitary activity. By
contrast, libraries in the 21st century have begun to doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2009.04.014
reverse many of these traits. Libraries no longer focus on
the book as the primary medium of accessing knowledge
within the library. Today, the library offers an increasing
array of information and communication technology Checklist of Library Building Design Considerations,
(ICT) to library patrons. People are more accustomed to by William H. Sannwald. 5th edition. Chicago: Ame-
accessing information through various technologies and rican Library Association , 20 09. 224p. $55.0 0. ISBN
no longer need librarians to the sole allocators of 978-0-8389-0978-2.
information. Likewise, today's library encourages more
social interactions within the library and offers a range of
group and children space. These changes in library use The Checklist of Library Building Design Considerations,
have forced librarians to rethink their approach to the by William H. Sannwald, presents itself as an essential
planning and design of the library building. and comprehensive tool for libraries engaged in the
With the new considerations of the 21st century process of building a new library. The book consists of
library in mind, the process of planning and designing a a series of checklists grouped by a discreet sequential
new library can begin. Although it would be ideal to plan part of the process of planning and building a library.
and design a new library to delivery something for Libraries should find this book an invaluable tool to
everybody the realities of today's economic climate cover practically every aspect they may encounter in the
require the development of a solid business plan and a process of building a new library.
workable project plan to do more with less funding and The book is divided into sections. For example, there
still meet the needs of the community. To this end, is a section on building planning and architecture, inte-
intelligent planning is necessary, including developing a rior organization of library buildings, and telecom-
business case, putting in place good project manage- munications, electrical, and miscellaneous equipment,
ment, and selecting the best architect for the needs of and several other sections regarding the planning and
the library. It is also necessary to take into account building process.
partnerships and engagement with the community. Each checklist asks the reader a question or set of
Once the planning phase of the new library has been questions regarding an aspect within the section. For
completed a document called the design brief can be example, in the section on compliance with ADA acces-

July 2009 389

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