Kampong Glam Presentation Script Final

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Slide 2: Long history that goes back to1824

It was completed in 1928, and was designated as National Monument in 1975.
It is also premier mosque in Singapore and a prominent landmark in Kampong
By deed of trust, it is managed under a Board of Trustees of 12 members who
represent 6 ethnic groups namely Malays, Bugis, Javanese, Arabs,
Southern and Northern Indians
Later in 2005, the Mosque Management Board was given the mandate by
Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) to manage the activities of the
mosque with the Board of Trustees being in-charge of the structure and land of
the historical mosque.
The Mosque has a prayer hall which can accommodate up to 5000 people in
mass prayer
Slide 3: About Istana Kampong Glam. It is a former Malay Palace
in Singapore’s Kampong Glam
The palace and compounds were refurbished into the Malay Heritage Centre.
It is also gazetted as a national monument on the eve of Singapore's 50 th year
of independence, on 6 August 2015.
Slide 4: The malay traditional game include Gasing
Five Stones
Sepak Takraw
Slide 5: Marbles is played by two opposing teams. Official games are played
with six people per team
Singles are fine - just follow the same rules with one player per team.
The objective for the team is to knock more marbles outside the ring than the
opposing team.
To begin, the forty-nine marbles are compressed into a circular "pack" at the
middle of the ring.
To decide who starts, the captain of each team "Tolleys off" by holding their
Tolley to the tip of their nose and letting it drop into the ring. The captain of
the Tolley that finishes closest to the edge of the ring without going outside
the ring plays first.
Slide 6: Teh tarik is a hot milk tea beverage which can be commonly found in
restaurants, outdoor stalls and kopitiams within the Southeast Asian countries
of Malaysia and Singapore.
It is made from black tea, condensed milk or evaporated milk
Slide7: Arab Street was the name of a road and neighbourhood in Singapore.
The meaning is that the area was owned by an Arab merchant, Syed Ali bin
Mohamed Al Junied and that it was the site of an Arab kampong, hence the
name Arab Street.
Slide 8: This are the links that we got for this presentation. If u want to go to
the websites, you can copy it down.
Slide 9: Thank u for your kind attention. Do u have any questions?

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