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A- t20 | I I 3 120 I 9 -ES'|T.-CPC.
Govemment of India
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Department of Chernicals and Petrochemicals

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.

Dated: I 9th February, 2024
Vacancy Circular

Subjcct: Filling up the two post of Dcputy Industrial Advisor (Gcneral Ccntral Scrvice,
Group-A' Gazetted, Non- ministerial) in thc f)epartment Chemicals and Pctrochemicals in
Levcl 11 of thc Pay Matrix @s67,700-2,08,700) on dcputation (including short tcrm contract)
plus promotion basis.

It is proposed to fill up two post of Deputy Industrial Advisor (General Central Service,
Group-'A' Gazetted, Non-ministerial) in thc scalc of pay of Level I I of the Pay
Matrix (Rs.67,700 -2,08,700) in the Department of Chemical and Petrochemicals on deputation
(including short term contract) plus promotion basis.

2. Eligibility Conditions:

Officers under the Central Government or Statc Governmeuts or Union 1-erritory

administrations or Public Sector Undertakings or Universities or recognised research
Institutions or semi-Governtnent autononous bodics or stattrtory organisation: -

(a) (i) lioldir-rg analogous post on regular basis irr the parent cadre or department;
(ii) with five years' service in thc grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in
posts in Level-l0 (Rs.56,100-1,77,500) in the Pay Matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or

(b) Possessing the following edLrcational qualifi cations and expcrience:

(i) Mastcr's degrec in any branch of Chemistry (but cxcluding bio-chernistry) from a
recognised University or Institution and threc years' cxperience in chemical or petrochernical in a
Central Government or State Govermnents or Union territory Administrations or public sector
undertakings or universities or recognised research institutions or semi
Govcrnment or autonomous bodies or statutory organisations dealing with chernicals or
petrochemicals; or

(ii) Bachelor's degree in chemical engineering or chemical technology frorn a recognised

University or Institute and four ycars' of experieuce in chemical or petrochemical Secl.or
under Central Government or State Governments or Union territory Adrninistrations or prrblic

)'* "'\'-
i€(15Ifi {( 5 }i.!nr"ili*tAl
sector undertakings or universities or recognised research institutions or Semi Government
or autonotnous bodies or statutory organisations dealing with chernicals or petrochernicali.
3. Job l'}rofile: Rendering advice on technical matters relating to growth of Chemicals &
Petrochernicals covering examination of Industrial License approvals, 100% Export oriented
cases, Proposal for foreign collaborations and FDI cases, trade related issues both at National &
International levels, Concessional Rate of Customs Duty under Project Imports, Input-Output
nonns related to Chernicals and Petrochemicals Sectors, AII policy isstres on Iicensing and trade
relating to Plastics Waste, Environment, I{ealth and Safety.

Examination of issues relating to Preferential Trade Agreements / Free Trade Agreements

with difftrent countries. Work related to Good Laboratory Practiccs (GLP), R&D Recognition
applications and visit to fuctories to carry out on the spot assessment on various problems, Inter
Governmental deliberations with various countries for cconomic trade, scientific exchange, Joint
Working Groups on technical cooperation with other countries and for promotion of foleign
investment. Exarnination of Budget proposals covering Customs Duty aspects etc. for Chemicals
& Petrochemicals Sectors, Issues relating to Molasses and Alcohol including Ethanol Blending
programme etc. Assist the Departrnent in developing long term Pcrspective Plan for Chernicals
and Petrochemicals. Identify constraints fbr the growth. i(nowlcdge and understanding of various
sub sectors of the Chemicals and Petrochemicals Industry.

International Conventions such as Chemical Wcapons Convcntion, Rotterdam Convention,

Stockholrn Convention, Montreal Protocol, I(yoto Protocol, issues of Rcsponsible Care etc. Issues
concerning EU legistation on REACI L

4. ftegulation of pay and other terrns of dcputation: - "lhe pay of the selected candidate
will be regulated under the provisions contained in the DoP&T OM No. 6/B/2009-Estt.(Pay II)
dated 17d' June, 2010 as amended from time to time.

5. Age-limit:- The rnaximr.rm age-limit for appointment by deputation (including short teml
contract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date ofreceipt ofapplications.

6. Pcriod of dcputation: - Period of deputation (including short term contract) irrcluding

period of depr.rtation in another ex-cadre post held irnmediately preceding this appointrnent in the
same or some other organization or department of the Ccntral Govcrnment shall ordinarily
exceed four years.

7. Application of eligible candidates whose services can be spared irnrnediately on selection,

may be forwarded in duplicate as per the prescribed proforma (Annexure-l), togctl'rer with the
certificate from the Forwarding Authority as per (Annexure-ll) along r,vith the following

(i) Cadre clearance;

(ii) Integrity certi fi catc
(iii) List of rnajor/ minor penalties imposed if any, on the official during the last l0 years; (if no
penalty has been irnposed a'Nil'certificate should be enclosed).
(iv) Vigilance clearance certifi cate.
(v) Photocopy of the ACARs for the last five yearc attested on each page by an officer not below
the rank of an Under Secretary to the Government of India).

8. Application along with required documents may be forwarded to Smt. Manju Singh, Under
Secretaty (Estt.), Department of Chemicals and Pefiochemicals, Iloom No.434, C Wing, Shastri
Bhawan, Dr. Rajendm Prasad Road, New Delhi-l10001 within 60 days of publication of the
cit'cular in the Ernployment News/ Rozgar Samachar. Application not forwarded through proper
channel or those received without the requisite certificates and necessary documents will not be

9. The candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw thcir candidature

() ,.:--1.-
(Manju Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. No. 23387208

Encl: As above.


1. All Ministrics/ Departments of Government of India. It is reqLrested that thc vacancy may
be given wide publicify in their Office and subordinate and attached offices, public sector
undertakings, l'esearch institutions, statutory bodies, autonornous bodies and semi-
Government organizations under their adur in istrative control.
2. Chief Sccretary of all State Governments.
3. Administrator of all Union'l'erritories.
4. Chief Managing Directors / Managing Directors of all Public Sector Undcrtakings,
5. Vice-Chancellors of all [Jniversities.
6. I-leads of all SemiGovernment/Autonornous and Statr-rtory Organizations/ I{ecognized
Research lnstitutions.
7. PSO to Secretary (C&PC)
B. JS & IrA ,M/o C&F
9. JS (Chcm.)/JS (Admn)/JS (PCy DDG/ilA, C&PC
I0. All Divisions/Section and atrtorromous organizations / I'}SUs under the Department of
1 l. NIC
- for uploading on the Department's r,veb site.
1 2. Facilitation Centre.

Application proforma for thc post of Dcpufv Industrial Advisor in thc Departmcnt of
Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chcmicals and Fertilizcrs.


fattcsted passport sizc photogra

Namc and Addrcss (in Block Lctters) rvi

telephonc nurnber and e-mail addrcss.

2. Date of Birth (in Christian cra)

3. Date of cntry into servicc

4. Datc of retirerncnt under ccntral/statc

Govcrnment li.utrcs.

5. Education qualifi cations

6. Whethcr educational and othcr

qualifications requircd for thc post are
satisficd. (If any qualification has been
treated as equivalent to thc onc prcscribcd

thc rules, statc thc authority for

7. igibility Conditions

alifications/ Experience rcquircd ualification/ cxpcriencc posscssed

a. Ilolding analogous post on rcgular basir

in thc parent cadre or department;

ii) With fivc years' servicc in the

ndcrcd aftcr appointmcnt thcreto o
rcgular basis in posts in Icvcl I
1s.56,100-1,77,500) in thc pay matrix o
uivalcnt in thc parcnt cadrc

b. thc following cducationa

ualifications and expericncc:

i) Master's degree in any branch o

listry (but exclLrding bio-chemistry
from a recognised University or Instituti
three ycars of experience in chemical
petrochemicaI under Central Governmcnt
tate Governments or Union territor
ministrations or public
ndertakings or universitics or recogni
search institutions or serni Government
ous bodies or statutory organisati
ealing with cliernicals or pctrochernicals;

ii) Ilachclor's degrec in chcmica

inccring or chcmical tcchnology from
rccognised University or Institutc a
r ycars of cxpcricncc in chcmical
trochemical under Ccntral Govcrnmcn
r State Governments or Union te
.drninistrations or public sccto
ndertakings or univcrsitics or recogn
rch institutions or Semi Governmen

or autonomous bodics or statutory
organisations dealing with chemicals or

8. Pleasc state clcarly whether in the light ol

entrics made by you abovc, you meet thc
rcquisite Esscntial Qualifications and
cxperience of thc post.

9. Details of Employmcnt, in chronological order. Enclose a scparate shcet duly

authenticated by your signature, if the spacc below is insufficicnt.

Officc/ l'}ost IIeld on Pcriod ofservicc *Pay Band and Gradc Nature o1 Naturc
Organization regular basis pay/pay scale of thc appointmcnt of
post hcld on rcgular lvhcther dutics
basis regular/adhoc/ (in
dcputation tctail)

From Io Pay in Gracle llasic

['ay l'ay pay

*Important: Pay band and Grade pay grantcd undcr MACI'/ACP are pcrsonal to thc ofliccr
and thercforc, should not bc mentioncd. Only pay band and Gradc pay/pay scalc of thc posl
held on rcgular basis to bc rncntioncd. Details of ACI'/MACP with prcscnt pay lland and
Grade pay whcrc such bcnefits havc bccn drawn by the candidatc, may be indicatcd as

Officc/ Pay, Pay Band and Gradc by drarvn undcr From To

Organization ACl'}/MACP schcme

10. Nature of present cmploymcnt i.e. adhoc or
Iemporary or Quasi-pcrmancnt or

l1 [n casc thc prcsent cmploymcnt is hcld on deputation/contract basis, plcasc


The date of initial of appointmcnl Namc of thc parcnt officc, Namc of thc posr
appointment on organization to lyhich thc and pay of thc posl
dcputation/contract applicant bclongs. held in substantivc
capacity in thc

Notc: In casc of officcrs alrcady on dcputation, thc applications of such ofliccrs should br
forwardetl by the parcnt cadrc/ I)epartment along rvith cadrc Clcarancc, Vigilancr
Clearance and Intcgrity certifi cate.

Note: Information undcr in a!tr columns above must bc given in cases wherc a person is
holding a post on dcputation outsirlc thc cadrc/ organization but still maintaining a licn in
his parcnt cadrc/ organization

12. If any post hcld on Dcputation in thc past by

the applicant, date of rcturn from thc lasl
deputation and other details.

state whether working undc
indicatc the name of your employcr agai
c relcvant column.)

) Central Governmcnt

) Statc Govcrnment

) UT Administrations
l) Public Scctor Undertakings

) Universitics
Recognised rcscarch institu tions

Scmi Govcrnmcnt Organisations

) Autonomous Organization

i) Govcrnmcnt Undcrtaking

i) Statutory organisations
state whether you arc worlcing in th
me l)epartmcnt and are in thc
dc or fecder to fccder gradc.

re you in ftcvisecl Scalc of Pay? If yes,

datc frorn which the revision took ptr
nd also indicatc thc prc-reviscd scale.

otal emolumcnts pcr month now dralvn.

I of pay in thc I'ay Matrix. 'otal Brnolumcnts

casc the applicant bclongs to an organization ryhich is not following

tral Govcrnmcnt Pay-Scalcs, the latest salary slip issucd by
nganization shoning the following dctails may bc cncloscd.

Dearncss pay/interim rclief/othcr AIIolva 'otal Emolumcnts

tc., (with break-up dctails)

'' c--''t
) "' -'
pay and ratr

18. I information, if any, relcvant to

you applied for, in support of you
itability for thc post. (This among
ngs may providc information lvith regard
:i) additional acadcmic qualifications (
rofessional training and (iii) work cxper
and abovc prcscribcd in thc Vaca
i rc u Ia r/Ad ve rtiscm en t
otc: Enclosc a scparatc shcct, if thc space

19. Achievcmcnts: The candidates arc requcsted

icate information lvith rcgard to;

L) Rcsearch publications and rcports and

ii) Awards / Scholarships / Offici

ii)Affiliation rnith thc prof'essional bodics

nstitutions / socicties and;

) patents rcgistcrcd in own namc or ach

r thc organization
v) Any rcsearch/ innovativc measure involv
fficial rccognition

vi) any other infbrmation.

otc: Enclosc a separate shect if thc spacc


20. state whether you are applying fo

eputation or short-term contract
Officers undcr Ccntral Govcrnmcnt/Sta

Union tcrritory Administration
lare only eligible for "deputation". Candidates
Non-Govcrnment Organizations arc cligiblc
lonly for Short Term Contract)

2t Whcther the applicant bclongs to SC/ST/OIIC

I lrave carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advcrtiscmcnt and I am lvell aware that
thc information furnishcd in thc Curriculum Vitac duly supportcd by thc documents in
rcspcct of Esscntial Qualifications/ Work Expcricncc submittcd by mc will also bc asscssed
by thc Sclcction Committec at thc tirnc of selcction for thc post. Thc information/dctails
provided by me arc corrcct and truc to the best of l<nowlcdge and no matcrial fact having a
bcaring on my sclection has been supprcsscd/ withheld.

(Signaturc of the candidatc)



//'Er^-,-,^--l?-... L-, +I-,. ^*^l^.'^".\

\t'ur rvar urrrE uJ trlu urrrIrruJUry
Name of officer:
Ilh. No.

Annexure ll

Thc information providcd in thc above application by thc applicant

Shri/Smt./Ms- are truc and correct as per thc details availablc
in thc
on records. I{c/she ffirr", the cclucational qualifications and cxpcriencc mentioncd
vacancy circular. If sclected, he/shc lvill bc relievcd immediately.

2. It is also ccrtificd that;

against shri/
i) Therc is no vigilancc or disciplinary case pcnding/ contemplated

ii) flis/ IIer intcgrity is certificd.

of the APAlls for

iiD His/ Hcr APAR I)ossicr in original is cnclosccl/photocopy
of Undcr Sccrctary to
the last 5 years rluly attcstcd by an officer not belolv thc rank
thc Govcrnment of India or above arc encloscd'

years Or A list of major/ *ino. pcnaltics imposcd on himl her
during the last 10 years
is enclosed (as the case maY be).


(Employcr/ Cadrc Controlling Authority rvith Seal)


Name & l)csignation:

Tclcphonc No:
Fax no.:
C)ffice seal:


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