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Name : Zidan Gusna Pratama

Nim : 210407059
Class : TL-D

1. Imagine that you are a factory manager of a company. Your R & D (Research &
Development) department tells you that it would be possible for your production process
to be changed so that it would not damage the environment. However, it would raise your
product price, making it more expensive than the competition. What possible actions could
you take? What would be the advantages, disadvantages and consequences of these
actions? Now, try to elaborate and justify your answer from Environmental Engineering
points of view.
Answer :
As a factory manager considering the environmental impact of the production process,
there are several actions I could take:
a. Implement the Environmentally Friendly Process.
- Advantages: Reducing environmental damage, aligning with sustainability goals,
and potentially attracting environmentally conscious consumers.
- Disadvantages: Increased production costs leading to a higher product price
compared to competitors.
- Consequences: Positive impact on the environment, potential market
differentiation, but potential loss of price-sensitive customers.
b. Market the Environmental Benefits.
- Advantages: Emphasizing the positive environmental impact may attract a
segment of consumers willing to pay a premium for eco-friendly products.
- Disadvantages: Some consumers may still prioritize lower prices over
environmental considerations.
- Consequences: Potential increased sales to environmentally conscious consumers,
but a risk of losing price-sensitive customers.
c. Seek Subsidies or Incentives.
- Advantages: Explore government incentives or subsidies for eco-friendly
practices to offset increased production costs.
- Disadvantages: Dependency on external factors such as government policies,
which may change.
- Consequences: Cost mitigation, making eco-friendly practices more financially

From an environmental engineering perspective:

- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Assess the entire life cycle of the product,
considering resource extraction, manufacturing, distribution, use, and disposal.
The environmentally friendly process may be more justified when considering the
overall impact.
- Environmental Regulations: Compliance with or even surpassing environmental
regulations can enhance the company's reputation and minimize legal risks.
- Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluate the long-term benefits of the environmentally
friendly process against the short-term costs. This analysis should consider not
only direct financial impacts but also potential savings from improved resource
efficiency and waste reduction.

2. Imagine that your company, a leader in the construction industry uses hardwood which is
imported from a developing country as a disposable ingredient of the building process.
You know that: (1) the forests which are cut down are not replanted and that ultimately
you will have to look elsewhere for your supply; (2) the long term impact on the
environment and people of the exporting country is detrimental despite the short term
economic advantage that they are experiencing. What do you do? Now, try to elaborate
and justify your answer from Environmental Engineering points of view.
Answer :
1. Source Sustainable Materials:
- Environmental Justification: Transition to certified sustainable and responsibly
sourced hardwood or explore alternative materials that have a lower environmental
- Engineering Consideration: Assess the technical feasibility and structural
properties of alternative materials to ensure they meet construction requirements.
2. Implement Forest Management Practices:
- Environmental Justification: Collaborate with suppliers and local authorities to
enforce responsible forest management practices, including replanting and
sustainable harvesting.
- Engineering Consideration: Ensure that the sourced hardwood meets engineering
standards and certifications while promoting sustainable practices.
3. Explore Local Alternatives:
- Environmental Justification: Consider sourcing materials locally to reduce the
environmental footprint associated with transportation and support local
- Engineering Consideration: Evaluate the availability and suitability of local
materials for construction purposes, ensuring they meet required standards.
4. Invest in Research and Development:
- Environmental Justification: Allocate resources to research and develop
innovative construction materials that are eco-friendly and have minimal impact
on ecosystems.
- Engineering Consideration: Collaborate with researchers and experts to develop
new materials that align with environmental sustainability goals while meeting
construction industry standards.
5. Engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
- Environmental Justification: Implement CSR initiatives that contribute to
reforestation efforts and community development in the exporting country.
- Engineering Consideration: Assess the feasibility of investing in local projects
aimed at environmental conservation and sustainable development.

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