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Restructuring & Insolvency

Asia Pacific

Law of the
People’s Republic of China
on Enterprise Bankruptcy

Overview The bankruptcy regime was a major milestone for China. For the
first time in its history, China now has a unified and comprehensive
On 27 August 2006, the bankruptcy system covering all types of enterprises, including foreign
Standing Committee of investment vehicles and state-owned enterprises.
the 10th National People’s
Similar to many jurisdictions, the bankruptcy regime uses key concepts
Congress of the People’s
such as:
Republic of China (PRC)
promulgated the Law ƒƒ Voluntary and involuntary bankruptcy;
of the People’s Republic ƒƒ An independent administrator;
of China on Enterprise
ƒƒ Involvement of creditors in the administration of the bankruptcy;
Bankruptcy (Bankruptcy
Law), which came into ƒƒ Restructuring and settlement;
force on 1 June 2007. ƒƒ Extraterritoriality, allowing property outside China and certain
foreign proceedings to fall within the regime;
ƒƒ Voidable transactions; and
ƒƒ Ratable distribution.

A significant feature of the legislation relates to the protection of

workers’ rights. The regime ranks employees ahead of other unsecured
creditors but behind secured creditors, who retain their priority over
secured assets.
Applicable legislation The administrator reports to the People’s Court
and is supervised by the creditors’ meeting and
The Bankruptcy Law, which consists of 136
the creditors’ committee. The creditors’ meeting
articles organized into 12 chapters, applies to
has the ability to replace the administrator or
all types of insolvent enterprises, whether
to seek his removal should he fail in performing
state-owned or privately owned, and includes
his duties in a lawful and impartial manner,
foreign investment enterprises and financial
or if the creditors’ meeting deems there
institutions. It does not apply to individual
are circumstances that prevent him from
natural persons.
performing his duties competently.
The legislation only applies to PRC entities
The administrator’s powers and duties include:
although it extends beyond China’s borders
in relation to a debtor’s overseas properties. ƒƒ Taking control of the debtor’s property,
The regime also recognises certain foreign company seals, accounting records,
proceedings that seek to secure assets located documents and other such materials;
in China. ƒƒ Investigating and reporting on the debtor’s
financial status;
Personal bankruptcy ƒƒ Making decisions in relation to the debtor’s
There has been no law passed governing internal management and daily expenditure;
individual bankruptcy in China. ƒƒ Deciding whether to continue or suspend the
debtor’s business operations prior to the first
Corporate restructuring and insolvency creditors’ meeting;

Court-based insolvencies ƒƒ Managing and disposing of the debtor’s

ƒƒ Representing the debtor in litigation,
The regime relies on an insolvency test as a
arbitration or other proceedings;
ground for bankruptcy. An enterprise will qualify
for bankruptcy, restructuring or settlement ƒƒ Proposing the holding of creditors’ meetings;
under the Bankruptcy Law if the enterprise is and
not able to meet its obligations to repay its ƒƒ Performing other functions that may be
debts and its assets are less than its liabilities or required by the court.
it is obviously incapable of paying off its debts.
An administrator who fails to act with due
APPLICATION TO COURT diligence and care and to faithfully perform
Bankruptcy proceedings are commenced in his duties could face a fine or personal liability
the People’s Court in which the enterprise is if found to have caused loss to a creditor, the
domiciled and can be initiated by either the debtor or a third party.
debtor or its creditors. If the debtor is a financial
institution, the court application shall be filed CREDITORS’ CLAIMS
by the relevant regulatory authorities under the Creditors are required to file their claims
State Council. within a time period stipulated by the People’s
Court. Such period commences from the
APPOINTMENT OF AN ADMINISTRATOR date of publication by the People’s Court of
Upon acceptance of the bankruptcy application, the announcement of its acceptance of the
the court appoints a bankruptcy administrator bankruptcy petition and runs for a minimum of
who may be a member of recognised legal, 30 days and a maximum of three months.
accounting or specialist bankruptcy firms,
Major eligible claims include:
or possess relevant professional expertise
and qualifications. The mode of selecting ƒƒ Debts that exist at the time of the court’s
an administrator and his remuneration is acceptance of the application for bankruptcy;
determined by the Supreme People’s Court. ƒƒ Unmatured debts;
ƒƒ Conditional debts or debts subject to time CREDITORS’ COMMITTEE
limits; The creditors’ meeting may establish a
ƒƒ Claims pending litigation or arbitration; creditors’ committee that comprises creditor
representatives elected by the creditors’
ƒƒ Debts owed to joint creditors;
meeting. The composition of the creditors’
ƒƒ Indemnity obligations owed to a guarantor committee, which totals not more than nine
of the debtor or to another joint debtor who people and must include a representative of
has discharged a debt on the behalf of the the debtor’s employees or a representative of
debtor; and its trade union, is subject to the approval of
the People’s Court in writing. The creditors’
ƒƒ Damages under a contract terminated by
committee is responsible for supervising the
the administrator or the debtor under the
management, disposal and distribution of the
provisions of the Bankruptcy Law.
debtor’s property, proposing the convening of
CREDITORS’ MEETINGS creditors’ meetings and such other duties as
may be delegated by the creditors’ meeting.
Creditors may participate in the bankruptcy
process through creditors’ meetings and the CREDITORS’ RIGHT TO SET-OFF
creditors’ committee.
Creditors who incurred debts to the debtor prior
A creditor who has submitted a claim in the to the court’s acceptance of the bankruptcy
bankruptcy is entitled to attend and vote application may request the administrator
at the creditors’ meeting (save for secured to set off their debts against their claims.
creditors who cannot vote on the adoption of However, set-off is not permitted if the creditor
a settlement plan or distribution plan of the incurred the debt with knowledge of the
debtor’s assets unless they have waived their debtor’s inability to repay its debts unless the
right to priority). However, a creditor whose debt was incurred more than one year prior
claim has not been determined may not exercise to the application for bankruptcy or is due by
voting rights except that the People’s Court operation of law.
can provisionally determine the amount of his
claim for the purpose of allowing him to vote. COUNTERPARTIES TO CONTRACTS
Generally, a resolution of the creditors’ meeting Contracts entered into before the acceptance
is passed by a simple majority of the creditors of the bankruptcy application but not yet fully
with voting rights present at the meeting and a performed can be terminated or continued
majority representing 50% or more of the value by the administrator. The administrator is
of the debtor’s unsecured debt. required to notify the counterparty of his
decision within two months of the acceptance
The creditors’ meeting may:
of the bankruptcy application or 30 days after
ƒƒ Verify creditors’ claims; receiving a reminder from the counterparty.
Failure to do so deems the contract to be
ƒƒ Apply with the court to replace or remove
terminated. If the administrator decides to
the administrator;
continue a contract, the counterparty is entitled
ƒƒ Supervise the administrator; to request the administrator to provide a
ƒƒ Select members of the creditors’ committee; guarantee. A failure to provide the guarantee
also deems the contract to be terminated. If a
ƒƒ Determine whether to continue or suspend
contract is terminated in accordance with the
the debtor’s business operations;
legislation, the counterparty may file its claim
ƒƒ Approve restructuring plans and settlement on the basis of its right to claim damages as a
agreements; result of the termination.
ƒƒ Approve plans to manage, realize and
distribute the debtor’s property; or
ƒƒ Perform other functions that the court
PRIORITY AND RANKING OF DEBTS Creditors are classified into the following
The Bankruptcy Law sets out a hierarchy of debts to voting groups:
determine priority of payment, which must be made ƒƒ Creditors with secured claims over specific
in the following order: properties of the debtor;
ƒƒ Bankruptcy expenses; ƒƒ Employees with claims on salaries, medical
ƒƒ Common interest debts (i.e. certain debts incurred and disability subsidies, basic old-age
after the court accepts the bankruptcy petition); and medical insurance premiums, and
compensation payable into the individual
ƒƒ Employee claims, including unpaid salaries,
accounts of employees in accordance with
medical and disability subsidies, basic old-age and
PRC law;
medical insurance premiums, and compensation
in accordance with PRC law; ƒƒ Claims on outstanding taxes; and

ƒƒ Social insurance premiums and outstanding tax; ƒƒ Common (unsecured) claims.

Upon receipt of the draft restructuring plan,
ƒƒ Common (unsecured) claims in bankruptcy. the court convenes a creditors’ meeting within
30 days to vote on the draft plan. The draft
If the property in bankruptcy is insufficient to
plan must be approved by a majority of the
satisfy the discharge requirements of a certain
number of creditors in each voting group, and
rank of debts, the distribution to such rank shall be
the amount of claims they represent must
effected on a pro rata basis.
account for at least two-thirds of the total
Secured creditors generally have priority to the amount of claims in that group. If the draft
extent of the value of their secured properties while restructuring plan is not approved by all of the
any shortfall is to be treated as an unsecured claim. voting groups, the debtor or the administrator
However, employee claims accrued prior to the can still apply with the court for approval
promulgation of the Bankruptcy Law on 27 August if certain conditions are satisfied. If the
2006 will continue to enjoy their right (under the restructuring plan is not approved, the court
previous law) to priority over secured creditors. terminates the restructuring and declares the
debtor bankrupt.
Restructuring and Settlement
The debtor is responsible for the
An important feature of the regime is the availability implementation of the restructuring plan.
of rescue options within the formal process to A supervision period is imposed by the
restructure or rehabilitate viable businesses. court, during which time the administrator
Although the court may have accepted a bankruptcy is required to supervise the implementation
application, the Bankruptcy Law allows a debtor or process and the debtor must report to the
its creditors the opportunity prior to an enterprise administrator. If the debtor is unable or fails
being declared bankrupt to apply with the court to implement the restructuring plan, the court
for restructuring or Reorganization of its business. terminates the restructuring plan and declares
The legislation also allows a debtor to apply for the debtor bankrupt upon petition from the
a compromise or settlement of its debts with its administrator or a materially interested party.
During the restructuring period, the court
RESTRUCTURING PROCEDURE has additional powers to terminate the
Prior to the enterprise being declared bankrupt, the restructuring plan and declare the debtor
debtor or its creditors can apply with the People’s bankrupt if:
Court for restructuring. The debtor or administrator
ƒƒ The debtor’s business operation or financial
must submit a draft restructuring plan to the court
status continues to deteriorate and cannot
and the creditors’ meeting within six months (with
be salvaged;
an extension of three months if approved by the
court) of the court’s ruling for restructuring. During ƒƒ The debtor has acted fraudulently,
the restructuring period, the debtor can apply for diminishes its assets in bad faith or has
court approval to continue to manage its properties acted in a way adverse to the creditors; or
and business under the administrator’s supervision.
ƒƒ The administrator is unable to perform Asset recovery
his duties and functions as a result of the
debtor’s actions. Secured creditors’ rights
over pledged assets are suspended during A moratorium is imposed on the debtor’s
the restructuring period. If there is a risk of assets upon acceptance of the bankruptcy
damage to the secured asset or of significant application by the court. Upon acceptance of
diminution in its value such that the secured the bankruptcy application, all preservation
creditors’ rights are prejudiced, the secured measures against the debtor’s property are
creditor may apply with the People’s Court to lifted and all enforcement actions suspended.
enforce its rights. Once the restructuring plan Civil actions or arbitration procedures that
is approved by the court, it is binding on the have commenced against the debtor but not
debtor and all of the creditors. completed are stayed. Any repayment of debts
to a creditor during this period is deemed
Settlement allows the debtor to compromise
its debts directly with its creditors after the Collection and realization of assets
bankruptcy proceedings have commenced. The debtor is obliged to deliver up its property
It requires an application by the debtor to the administrator after the court accepts the
accompanied by a draft settlement agreement. bankruptcy application. The administrator has
If the court approves the settlement application, a duty to get in all the property of the debtor
it will make an announcement and convene and to prepare asset realisation and distribution
a creditors’ meeting. Secured creditors may plans that are submitted at the creditors’
exercise their security rights from the date the meeting for approval. Unless resolved otherwise
court approves the settlement. at the creditors’ meeting, the administrator is
Once the settlement plan is approved by obliged to dispose of the debtor’s property in
the creditors’ meeting and the court, the the bankruptcy by way of auction. Property that
administrator is obliged to transfer the business cannot be auctioned off or whose transfer is
and assets to the debtor. For the plan to become restricted by state regulations shall be disposed
effective, it must be approved by more than of by those state regulations.
half of the creditors with voting rights present
Voidable transactions
at the meeting. The claims represented by such
creditors must account for at least two-thirds The administrator has the power to investigate
of the total amount of unsecured claims. If the and claw back questionable transactions.
settlement plan is rejected at the creditors’
The administrator is able to petition the People’s
meeting or by the court, the court will declare
Court to revoke transactions entered into within
the debtor bankrupt.
one year preceding the court’s acceptance of the
A settlement agreement that has been bankruptcy application as follows:
approved is binding upon the debtor and the
ƒƒ Transfers of property for no consideration;
creditors covered by the settlement, i.e. the
creditors who held an unsecured claim against ƒƒ Transactions carried out at markedly
the debtor at the time the court accepted the unreasonable prices;
bankruptcy petition. If the debtor is unable or ƒƒ Provision of security for unsecured debts;
fails to implement the settlement agreement,
ƒƒ Premature settlement of undue debts; and
the court, upon the request of a creditor
covered by the settlement, terminates the ƒƒ Renouncement of creditors’ claims.
implementation of the settlement agreement
Likewise, the administrator can recover debts
and declares the debtor bankrupt.
that have been repaid to individual creditors
within six months prior to the acceptance of the
bankruptcy petition except where the debtor
has benefited from such a repayment.
Any transactions that conceal or transfer assets for the purpose of avoiding liabilities,
or which fabricate debts or acknowledge a fictitious debt, are deemed invalid by the
Bankruptcy Law.


The administrator is able to recover any irregular income or assets misappropriated from
the debtor by its directors, supervisors or senior management using their authority.
Directors and officers may also face civil liability if breach of their duties of honesty and
diligence resulted in the debtor’s bankruptcy. After bankruptcy proceedings are finished,
if they are found to be liable, they will be disqualified from being an office-holder of
any enterprise for three years.

Cross-border insolvency
Bankruptcy proceedings commenced in the PRC pursuant to the Bankruptcy Law
cover not only the debtor’s assets in the PRC but also extend to its overseas assets.
The legislation also recognises foreign bankruptcy proceedings involving assets in the
PRC so as to allow execution in the PRC provided:
ƒƒ There are relevant reciprocal treaties between the PRC and the foreign country;
ƒƒ The foreign bankruptcy proceedings do not contravene the laws, sovereignty,
security, social and public interests of the PRC; and
ƒƒ The legal interests of creditors in the PRC are not prejudiced.
Out-of-Court mechanisms
Although the legislation lays down a framework
for restructuring and settlement within the formal Contacts
bankruptcy process, it is possible for entities to adopt
Kwun Yee Cheung
informal measures not involving the court. Informal
Partner, Hong Kong
work-outs or similar options may be an alternative to
+85 2 2846 1683
those parties seeking greater control of the restructuring
process and not wishing to be restricted by the kwun.yee.chung@

requirements under the legislation.

In the past, when business enterprises were largely Haifeng Li

state-owned, the rehabilitation of ailing businesses was Partner, Beijing
a process directed by the state. As businesses evolved to +86 10 6535 3867
include private and foreign interests, the restructuring of
an enterprise would have required the approval of, and
coordination between, the relevant stakeholders.

Accordingly, as in other jurisdictions, the success of an

informal rescue plan in China depends much upon the
agreement and cooperation between the various factions
that, in the case of China, may involve state interests.

Conclusions and additional observations

China’s bankruptcy legislation encapsulates many
concepts familiar to other jurisdictions.

While the current framework of the Bankruptcy Law

requires refinement, the law is considered to be a major
development for China and provides investors with a
unified and comprehensive insolvency regime.
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