5.3 Family Law - II

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National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam

B.A., LL.B. (Hons.): III-Year, V-Semester (Academic Year: 2021-22)
Semester End Examination (December, 2021) :: Online Mode
Subject Code: 5.3 Family Law - II
Time: 2:30 Hrs.
Total Marks: 50
1. Read the questions carefully and answer.
2. Unnecessary queries on the Question Paper shall not be entertained.

Answer any five questions from the following. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Critically examine as to why Hindu Joint Family concept is a unique contribution of Hindu

2. Explain in detail the implications and impact of the Amendment of Hindu Succession Act
2005 on the concept of Hindu Joint Family property.

3. Akshay is a member of a Hindu Joint Family which comprises of his father, mother, un-
married elder sister and a deceased brother’s widow. As Akshay has lost his job during the
covid 19 pandemic he is keen on starting a restaurant cum catering servicing business. In
regard to the same, he expressed his unequivocal interest for partition. He was, thus,
separated from the Hindu Joint Family of his father. After three months of Akshay’s
separation by way of partition, a baby boy was born to his deceased brother’s widow.
In the light of the given hypothetical facts and circumstances elaborate the relevant
concepts of Hindu law and judicial opinions, also on the basis of relevant figurative

4. A Hindu female died intestate leaving behind surviving husband, daughter, son, son of a
pre-deceased daughter, daughter of a pre-deceased son’s son, as well as a son from a void
In the light of the given hypothetical facts and circumstances elaborate the relevant
concepts, provisions of law and judicial opinions, also on the basis of relevant figurative

5. “Contrary to popular opinion Muslim law of inheritance is more exhaustive than most of
the other personal laws of inheritance”. Justify the given statement with the help of suitable
illustrations as per Koranic shares.

6. Write notes on:

i) The concept of stridhana
ii) Members of Hindu Joint Family


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