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1st Quarter Examination

Science 10

First Quarterly Assessment

SY 2023-2024
Science 10
Name: ________________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Teacher ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
___1. The diagram shows sea-floor spreading. Circle the letter of the two arrows that show the directions in which the sea
floor is spreading.

A and B C. B and C

A and C D. none of the above

___2.The inside of the Earth consists of four layers. Movement as shown in the figure below, in which layer causes the
movements of the continents?
A.crust B. mantle C. inner core D. outer core

___3.The crust and upper mantle make up Earth's ____.

A. lithosphere B. core C. asthenosphere D. continents
___4. Scientists have observed that the continents move apart or come together at speeds of a few centimeters per ____.
A. year ` B. decade C. day d. century

___5.Plate of the lithosphere float on the _______.

A. crust B. asthenosphere C. core D. atmosphere
___6. The result of plate movement can be seen at _________.
A. Abyssal plains B. plate boundaries C. plate centers D. ocean margins
___7. The hypothesis that continents have slowly moved to their current locations is called ________.
A. magnetic reversal B.continental slope C. continental drift D. convection
___8. Plated move apart at _______________ boundaries as shown in the figure below.

Convergent C. Divergent

Stable D. transform

___9. Plates slide past one another at _________ as shown in the figure below.

Subduction zones C. convection currents

Divergent boundaries D. transform boundaries

___10. The boundary between two plates moving together is called ______ as shown in the figure below.
Divergent boundary C. transform boundary

B. Lithosphere D. convergent boundary

___11. Seafloor spreading occurs because _______________.

A. new material is being added to the asthenosphere
B. sediments accumulate at the area of spreading
C. Earthquakes break apart the ocean floor
D. molten material beneath Earth’s crust rises to the surface
___12. Continental drift states that the continents have moved ___________ to their current location.
A. Vertically B. horizontally C. quickly D. slowly
___13. Wegener believed that the continents were assembled as part of a supercontinent about ____ years ago.
A. 250 million B. 350 million C. 450 million D. 650 million
___14.______________ currents inside Earth might drive plate motion. A
A. Vertical B. Convection C. Horizontal D. none of the above
___15. Scientist believe that differences in _____ cause hot, plasticlike rock in the asthenosphere to rise toward Earth’s
A. weight B. magnetism C. density D. composition
___16. In order to complete a convection current, the rising material must eventually ____ Earth.
A. stop inside B. freeze C. warm D. sink back into
___17. The East African Rift is an example of a ________.
A. mid- ocean ridge B. divergent boundary C. convergent boundary D. transform boundary
___18.The Sierra Madre mountain range in Luzon was formed at a _______.
A. divergent boundary B. convergent boundary C. hot spot D. transform boundary
___19.___________________are formed when two continental plates collide.
A. Volcanoes B. Mountain ranges C. Trenches D. Rift Valleys
___20._________ is (are) an example of a transform boundary.
A. Sierra Madre Mountains B. San Andreas Fault C. Mid-Atlantic Ride D. Himalayas

Refer to figure above for number 21 and 22.

___21.What type of plate boundary occurs between the North American Plate and Eurasian Plate?
A. divergent boundary C. convergent oceanic-continental plate boundary
B. transform boundary D. convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundary
___22. What type of plate boundary occurs between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate?
A. convergent oceanic-continental plate boundary C. convergent continental-continental plate
B. convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundary D. transform boundary
___23. The youngest part of the ocean floor is found _________.
A. along deep sea trenches C. near ocean ridges
B. where ocean sediments are thickest D. where Earth’s magnetic field changes polarity
___24. At an ocean-ocean convergent plate boundary, __________.
A. new crust is created C. the older crust is recycled by subduction
B. the crust separates D. plates side past one another
___25. The downward part of a convection current causes a sinking force that ____.
A. .pulls tectonic plates toward one another C. lifts and splits the lithosphere
B. moves plates apart from one another D. creates a divergent boundary
___26. Features found at divergent plate boundaries include ____.
A. mid-ocean ridges B. deep-sea trenches C. crumpled mountains D. island arc volcanoes
___27. Crust is neither destroyed nor formed along which of the following boundaries?
A. convergent B. divergent C. magnetic D. transform
___28. The driving forces of tectonic plates are related to convection currents in Earth’s ____.
A. crust B. outer core C. outer core D. mantle
___29. Seismic waves reveal information about Earth’s interior because they travel ___________.
A. at different speeds through different materials C. at the same speed as sound.
B. only through liquids and gases D. only in straight lines.
___30. Earth’s layers differ from one another in __________.
A. chemical make up B. state of matter C. temperature D. all of the above
___31. Earth’s magnetic field is created by movements in Earth’s _______.
A. inner core B. outer core C. mantle D. crust
___32. Plates move over Earth’s surface because of ________.
A. conduction within the crust. C. subduction in the outer core.
B. radiation from the inner core. D. convection within the mantle.
___33. Plate tectonics helps to explain __________________
A. how mountains form. C. where new seafloor is created.
B. why earthquakes occur where they do. D.all of the above
___34. Magma from the mantle rises up through Earth’s crust at
A. deep-sea trenches. B. hot spots. C. mid-ocean ridges. D. all of the above
___35. The edge of a plate sinks into the mantle
A. where two plates diverge. C. at a subduction zone.
B. at a transform boundary. D. none of the above
___36. Continental plates do not subduct because they
A. are very thick and low in density. C. do not collide with other plates.
B. have only intraplate activity. D. two of the above
___37. Body waves emanate spherically from the focus traveling _______________.
A. entirely within the interior of the Earth C. within the worlds oceans
B. along the surface of the Earth D. into space
___38. P-waves produce a series of ____________ .
A. shearing motions that are at right angles to the direction of wave propagation
B. contractions and expansions that are in the direction of wave propagation
C. circular motions like an ocean wave
D. snake-like motions parallel to the Earth's surface
___39. S-waves produce a series of _____________.
A. contractions and expansions that are in the direction of wave propagation
B. snake-like motions parallel to the Earth's surface
C. circular motions like an ocean wave
D. shearing motions that are at right angles to the direction of wave propagation

___40. The puzzle-like fit of continents, the correlation of rocks and minerals, the correlation of fossils and the
paleoclimatic data are evidence of the ______________.
A. Continental Drift B. Seafloor Spreading C. Plate Tectonics D. Big Bang
___41.The idea that the Earth’s outer core is liquid is best supported by the statement that the outer core ____________.
A. is the source of volcanic material C. does not transmit S waves
B. is composed of metamorphic rocks D. Transmit S waves faster than P waves
___42. Which of these is not true about the Philippine Islands?
A. Most are part if the Philippine Mobile Belt except for Palawan, Mindoro, and Zamboanga.
B. It is formed because of the convergence of the Philippine plate and the Pacific plate.
C. Originated geologically in an oceanic-oceanic convergence.
D. Some are products of subduction process.
____ 43. P -waves produce a series of _____________.
A. contractions and expansions that are in the direction of wave propagation
B. snake-like motions parallel to the Earth's surface
C. circular motions like an ocean wave
D. shearing motions that are at right angles to the direction of wave propagation

For items 44-47, refer to the figure on the right side.

____44. What feature of the ocean floor shown at A?

Ocean Trench C. Mid-Ocean
Subduction Zone D. Rift Valley
___45. What process shown occurring at B?
Sea floor spreading C. Melting
Subduction D. Rifting

___46.The arrows on the figure show the ocean floor spreading from the ridge. Which of the following is excluded as
evidence of the scientists have found to support the natural occurrence?
A. Magnetic Strips B. Rock formation C. The age of the rocks D. The behavior of the S wave.
__47. What process is shown occurring at C, and why does it occur?
A. Subduction process which oceanic plate slips under the continental plate due to density differences.
B. Sea floor spreading which magma rises at the mid-ocean ridge.
C. Folding which is bending away from a flat surface.
D. Faulting which is the breaking in the rock layer.

For Number 48-50, Refer to the figure on the right side.

___48. Point A represents the earthquake’s ______________.

A. Dip B. epicenter C. fault D. focus

___49. Point B represents the earthquake’s ____________.

A. Dip B. epicenter C. fault D. focus

___50. Point C is called the ________________.

A. Epicenter B. fault C. seismic wave D. focus

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