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Name Marie Aurea Sol L.

Beduya Class Schedule: MWF 11:30-12:30 Date:11/29/23

After a diligent reading on the content file, you may proceed to Judging and Acting
Activity. May you come to experience this understanding of prophet and our
dialogue partner which will be means to show you the ways to prophetic dialogue.
Read the Gospel reading assigned to you. Answer the questions that follows.
Please read Acts 10: 1-48 - Peter and
Cornelius. Answer the questions that follows.
1. What revelation did the vision bring to Peter upon meeting the three Gentile
men and eventually Cornelius?
In Acts 10:9-16, Peter's vision of a descending sheet with various animals taught him that
he should not consider anything God made as unclean. This vision prepared Peter for a
meeting with Cornelius, a Gentile centurion. When Peter realized that God accepts
Gentiles, he preached the Gospel to them, and the Holy Spirit fell upon them, signaling a
pivotal moment in early Christianity, emphasizing that salvation through Jesus is for
people of all nations.

2. What Good News was heard by the Gentiles as spoken by Peter ?

The Good News heard by the Gentiles, as spoken by Peter in Acts 10:34-43, was the
message that God shows no partiality. Peter emphasized that anyone from any nation who
fears God and does what is right is acceptable to Him. He preached about Jesus Christ,
describing His anointing with the Holy Spirit and power, His ministry of doing good and
healing, His crucifixion, resurrection on the third day, and the forgiveness of sins for all
who believe in Him. This proclamation marked the inclusion of Gentiles in the Gospel
message and the offer of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Please read John 4:1-42 - Jesus and the Samaritan

Woman. Answer the questions that follows.
3. In what way did Jesus proclaim the Kingdom of God to the Samaritan woman as
shown in the gospel reading?
Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God to the Samaritan woman by engaging her in
conversation at Jacob's well in Sychar. Despite cultural barriers, Jesus offered her "living
water," a metaphor for eternal life. He revealed His knowledge of her personal history,
demonstrating His prophetic insight. In discussing worship, Jesus emphasized a shift
from physical locations to spiritual worship in truth. Finally, He disclosed His identity as
the Messiah. The woman's testimony led many Samaritans to believe in Jesus,
recognizing Him as the Savior of the world. Through these interactions, Jesus conveyed
the inclusivity of the Kingdom of God, breaking down barriers and inviting all to believe
in Him.
4. What are these different faith traditions or secular ideologies that you know or
that you have encountered? How can you best relate with them in the light of
prophetic dialogue?

In my experiences, I've encountered a rich tapestry of faith traditions and secular

ideologies, each with its unique beliefs and values. From my interactions with the
Muslims in Oman, where I was touched by their generosity and kindness, I've come to
appreciate the importance of engaging in meaningful dialogue across diverse
Approaching these encounters, I strive to maintain an open mind and genuine respect for
the beliefs and values of others. Actively listening to their experiences and perspectives
has been crucial in fostering empathy and understanding. Understanding the cultural
context within which these beliefs are practiced has also played a significant role in
building connections.
One key aspect of engaging in prophetic dialogue is identifying shared values that
transcend religious or secular boundaries. By focusing on common ground, I've found
opportunities for collaboration and unity. Participating in interfaith and intercultural
events has further enriched my understanding and provided a platform for constructive
Education is a continuous journey for me. I take the initiative to learn about different
faith traditions and secular philosophies, recognizing that informed conversations
contribute to a more harmonious exchange of ideas. In light of prophetic dialogue, I aim
to promote peace and justice collaboratively, addressing common societal issues
alongside individuals from various backgrounds.
Reflecting on the positive encounters with Muslims in Oman, I see the value of building
on the goodwill and generosity experienced. Sharing my own beliefs when appropriate
fosters a reciprocal exchange of ideas, contributing to a broader understanding of diverse
In essence, my approach to different faith traditions and secular ideologies is rooted in
openness, active listening, and a commitment to identifying shared values. Through these
efforts, I strive to contribute to a more interconnected and harmonious global community.

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