JP Drain Log

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JP Drain Log

* Instructions for Care:

- There will be 2 x JP drains, one from the breast and one from the axilla (armpit). The drain applies
constant suction and pulls excess fluid out of the wound. Both drains per post-surgical instructions will
be removed when drainage less than 30 ml in a 24 hour period, but please see post-op instructions.

-Both drains need to monitored and emptied every 2 hours or as needed throughout the day and the date,
time, amount in “ml” logged.

- When emptying the drain wash hands before and after. To empty, open the cap on the bulb which will
release the suction, pour the drainage in specimen cup to measure amount in “ml.” After emptying drain
re-establish suction on bulb by squeezing the bulb in the palm of your hands so the walls of the bulb
touch one another and looks concaved in, while maintaining this suction put the cap back on.

-After emptying the drain into the specimen cup, measure “ml” amount and put on log along with the
date and time for both drains. Throw the drainage away by flushing down the toilet and rinsing out the
specimen cup for use again later.

- It is important to “milk/strip” the tubing of the drain twice a day or as needed when it becomes clogged
or not draining properly. To milk/strip gently squeeze the tubing between your thumb and index finger
moving your finger along the tubing towards the bulb.

- Important to monitor and ask for help if you notice:

- If drain becomes removed from incision site

- If drain suddenly stops abruptly and milking/stripping tubing doesn’t work. The drainage
should decrease gradually and not stop abruptly.
-If sudden change in coloring, since drainage should gradually change from blood to straw color
-If there is an increase in redness and swelling around the insertion site.
-If unable to re-establish suction to bulb.

*** Please see next page for JP Drain log

JP Drain #1: Breast

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #2: Axilla (Armpit)

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #1: Breast

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #2: Axilla (Armpit)

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #1: Breast

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #2: Axilla (Armpit)

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #1: Breast

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #2: Axilla (Armpit)

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #1: Breast

Date Time Amount (ml)

JP Drain #2: Axilla (Armpit)

Date Time Amount (ml)

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