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Quantitative Methods Exam 2022 Total points 24/25

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Definition: Descriptive and question are better because it has statistical *1/1

Term: The web of research



a collection of observations produced by sorting observations into classes 1/1

and showing their frequency of occurrences in each class (basically
dividing stuff up into different categories)


line series


frequency distribution needs to be submitted according to ethical standards 1/1
2. is it concrete and/or abstract?
3. is your data pertinent to your research question?
4. make sure your data fits with the hypothesis and actually answers your

Things needed in making histogram

Things needed for making a budget

Things needed for making a matrix

Things needs to be considered in collection of data

1. it gives percents and factors 1/1

2. assigns a cost to each part/task of the research

Things needed in making histogram

Things a budget will tell you

Things needed for making a matrix

Things needs to be considered in collection of data

the variable that is measured 1/1

Dependent variable

Independent variable


Independence day

Definition: Histogram * 1/1

frequency polygon
stem and leaf

Term: name the 3 graphs for quantitative data



Definition: a general characteristic being measured that may take on *1/1

different values

Term: definition of variable


Definition: observed results solely due to the experimental manipulation * 2/2
Term: definition of reliability



Definition: *6/6
1. purpose
2. methods
3. timing
4. budget
5. delivery
6. legal contract

Term: What 6 things do you need to consider when proposing the



Select the correct term * 0/1

1 guide the direction of the study
2 identify relevant facts
3 suggest the most appropriate research design
4 provide a framework for organizing the resulting conclusions

Frequency polygon

Mediating variable

role of hypothesis

Web of research design

Correct answer

role of hypothesis
Select the correct term * 1/1

for a symmetrical bell shaped frequency distribution
- 68% lie w/i the standard deviation of the mean
- 95% lie w/i 2 standard deviations of the mean
- almost all lie within 3 standard deviations of the mean

Grouped data

stem and leaf display

empirical rule

frequency polygon

Select the correct term *1/1

the science of collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and
presenting data

Level of measurement


moderating variable

Lab studies
* 1/1
3 (sample mean- median/ sample standard deviation)

you will get a number between -3 and 3

0= normal distribution
-3= negatively skewed
3= positively skewed

clarifying research question


random sampling methods

ordinal level data

qualitative: non-probability (might be bias), purposive, small sample

quantitative: probability, large sample, a non bias representation of the


Steps for finding the frequency distribution of data

experimental statistics

differences in turnaround between quali and quantitaive data

differences in sample design and size between qualitative and quantitative data
Characteristics that can only take one value

constant variable

important in surveys

external validity

threats to external validity

web of research design

observed results are likely to hold beyond experimental setting

constant variable

important in surveys

external validity

threats to external validity

web of research design

the more points/options available the more reliable the indicator is i.e . 1/1
want to have
+/- 7
avoid leading, complicated, double barreled and one sided questions

constant variable

important in surveys

external validity

threats to external validity

web of research design

research design 1/1

exploratory descriptive experimental

lab field

constant variable

important in surveys

external validity

threats to external validity

web of research design

1. reactive bias 1/1
2. a non representative sample bias

constant variable

important in surveys

external validity

threats to external validity

web of research design

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