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Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 163 – 168

27th CIRP Design 2017

Model-based design process for the early phases of

manufacturing system planning using SysML
Chantal Steimera,*, Jan Fischerb, Jan C. Auricha
Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Production Systems (FBK), 67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, 81739 München,Germany

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-631-205-3369; fax: +49-631-205-3304. E-mail address: chantal.steimer@mv.uni-kl.de


This paper presents an approach for a model-based planning process for the early phases of manufacturing system planning (MSP). The goals are
a better integration of MSP with product development (PD) in the early design phases and an improvement of the coordination of the MSP-related
planning disciplines. The presented approach is based on model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and is supported by a modeling scheme
which uses the systems modeling language (SysML). The approach consists of a process description of the MSP and of different so called SysML
views which describe the information artifacts of each MSP step. It is divided into four different modeling levels that describe the manufacturing
system’s structure and behavior from different points of view. In order to validate the approach, an exemplary cylinder head production was
modeled. Extractions from this example are shown as SysML-diagrams. To conclude the paper, the advantages and disadvantages of using a
model-based planning approach with SysML for MSP are discussed.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of the cscientific
of the scientifi committeecommittee of the
of the 27th CIRP 27th Conference
Design CIRP Design Conference.

Keywords: Manufacturing; System; Planning; Design; Method; Modelling; MBSE

1. Introduction
2. State of the art
The current demand for manufacturing companies is
characterized by customer specific products with a large In the following, the state of the art of current techniques for
number of variants and shorter product lifecycles that require a MSP is presented and an introduction to MBSE is given.
shortening of the product engineering process in order to reach
a shorter time-to-market [1]. Thus, companies are challenged to 2.1. Manufacturing system planning
start the manufacturing system planning (MSP) at an earlier
stage. In order to meet this challenge, one approach is the MSP is part of factory planning and characterized by strong
utilization of information from the early phases of product interdependencies between the involved planning disciplines,
development (PD). This requires a consistent information base like process-, layout-, or control-planning. For factory planning
for all engineering processes that is not available so far. In order various approaches exist (e.g. [3]-[6]). Despite the large
to reach this information base, within PD, new methods like amount, most of them follow similar development patterns that
model-based systems engineering (MBSE) are used [2]. MBSE can be divided into the five phases of preparation, structure
is a method for designing complex systems using a central planning, detail planning, implementation planning, and
system model that enables an easy data exchange between all execution [7]. Within the preparation phase, preliminary work
design disciplines. Yet, it is mainly used for PD and, so far, no and objectives planning is done. Structure planning provides
approaches are known that use MBSE within MSP. Hence, this the design of conceptual solution variants of ideal and real
paper presents an MBSE-approach for the early phases of MSP layouts for the manufacturing system. After deciding on a
that uses the Systems Modeling Language (SysML). variant, the detail planning finalizes the specification. Within

2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th CIRP Design Conference
164 Chantal Steimer et al. / Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 163 – 168

the implementation planning, the implementation project itself relevant for the manufacturing system, traceability of product
is derived and during the execution it is coordinated until its changes during the development process, or an easier
finalization. [3] In this paper, especially the early phases like coordination between the disciplines based on similar models
preparation and structure planning are focused, as during these and common modeling language [25]. Therefore, especially in
the basic solution of the manufacturing system is derived. the context of MSP, the development of new planning methods
Since for the MSP usually highly detailed information about using MBSE is required. For that reason, a model-based design
the product to be produced is required [3], the development of process for the early phases of MSP is developed that uses the
products and the corresponding manufacturing system is SysML for the modeling of manufacturing systems.
commonly executed sequentially. That means that MSP only
starts at a very late stage of the PD. In addition, the PD and the 3. Model-based design process for the early phases of
MSP are executed by separate departments that are often only manufacturing system planning
poorly connected [8]. This results, e.g. in inefficiencies, costs
for adjustments, media disruptions, and long development The model-based design process for the early phases of MSP
periods [7]. In order to overcome these problems, many is developed as part of an integrated process framework for the
different approaches were proposed like simultaneous design of products and manufacturing systems, targeting a
engineering [9], Digital Factory [10], the design methodology better integration of PD and MSP within early design phases
for mechatronic systems by VDI guideline 2206 [11], the 3- [26]. In the following, the MBSE-approach especially for MSP
cycle-model of product engineering [12], the double helix is described in detail.
development of production systems and products [13] or the
integrated product and manufacturing design by Britton et al. 3.1. Integrated process framework for the design of products
[14], to name but a few. However, so far, their industrial and manufacturing systems
implementation is often limited to a strategic rather than
detailed operational level, as they mostly address the mentioned The MBSE-approach for MSP defines all required tasks for
problems on a high organizational level [15]. Furthermore, the product-integrated design of manufacturing systems. It has
there is a lack of detailed domain-spanning procedures for the a two-part process structure, consisting of the cross-disciplinary
operational process level to properly integrate PD and MSP early system design and the subsequent discipline-specific
contents [15] during the early design phases. Moreover, no design, and is described with an iterative V-model that allows
MBSE-approaches based on the usage of SysML are known, iterations within and between the two parts (Fig. 1).
that target the domain-spanning design of products and The system design includes all tasks that are mainly
manufacturing systems or the MSP itself. executed during the early development phases of a system.
These tasks usually relate to more than one design discipline of
2.2. Model-based systems engineering within the product MSP but are coordinated by the systems engineer. The system
engineering process design is subdivided into four design levels that describe the
system from different points of view e.g. a behavioral or a
MBSE is an approach for the development of complex structural perspective. The results of an iteration of the system
systems by iteratively connecting the development activities of design can either start another iteration or can be used within
all involved disciplines (e.g. mechanics, electronics, IT) with a the subsequent discipline-specific design. The latter is usually
formalized central system model, beginning in the conceptual coordinated by specialized engineers, e.g. the manufacturing
design phase and continuing throughout development and later process engineer or the logistics specialist. They build on
life cycle phases [16]. Thereby, the central system model is the results from the system design in order to develop a technically
basis for an interdisciplinary development and also substitutes specific and implementable solution or several alternatives.
the so far commonly used document-based information As products and manufacturing systems both represent
exchange [17]. Usually, MBSE-models describe a system by technical systems, a mutually used description scheme based on
requirements as well as the system’s behavior and structure the SysML is defined. It is used to build the formalized central
[18]. For this purpose, modeling languages are used for a system model that facilitates a non-redundant synchronization
graphical, consistent, and formal description of the model [19], and cooperation between and within PD and MSP. The
two examples for modeling languages are SysML or OPM [20]. description scheme specifies a process model for the four levels
In contrast to the MSP, within early phases of PD, model- of the system design. For most process steps, one so-called
based methods are already used more frequently. Some SysML view is defined, showing the result of each step in one
examples are the model-based system development [18], the or more SysML diagrams. For this purpose, the preferred
model-based design of cybertronic systems [21], the diagram types and usable elements are defined in the SysML
geometrical constraints modeling for mechatronic design [22], view. In the following, the model-based design process for
the modeling and design of manufacturing machinery [23] or MSP, including its four design levels, is described in detail.
the software design for manufacturing execution systems
(MES) [24]. In order to reach a better integration of PD and 3.2. Model-based manufacturing system planning in early
MSP, it is reasonable to use MBSE for the MSP, as well. design phases
Furthermore, since MSP necessarily requires information about
the products to produce, synergies are to be expected by an The system design for MSP is divided into four levels:
integrated design, e.g. reusability of product information context level, manufacturing technique level, structure &
Chantal Steimer et al. / Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 163 – 168 165

Fig. 1. Iterative V-model of model-based systems engineering approach for manufacturing system planning

control level, and technical solution level (Fig. 1). The sub- (bdd) and available within the central system model. These
levels provide a simultaneous illustration and step-by-step diagrams contain information about the product’s assembly
specification of the manufacturing system by different points of groups, individual parts, and product features (Fig. 2 - step 2a).
view on the same model. They are repeatedly iterated until the This information is especially relevant as most of the MSP
required level of detail is accomplished. processes are directly or indirectly dependent on the product
characteristics. In this context, product features are
3.2.1. The context level characteristics of a product that are relevant for the MSP, such
The context level defines the framework and boundaries of as a hole or a screw joint, and thus require at least one
the manufacturing system (Fig. 2). Here, requirements from manufacturing process for being created. Hence, they describe
corporate management, product development, and other the product from a manufacturing perspective. At the beginning
stakeholders are described, such as products and variants, of the development process, product features are on a low level
proposed target costs, output quantity, supplier conditions, and of detail as they originate from the product’s system design.
statutory regulations. In addition, the use-cases of the However, they are refined within each iteration of the PD
manufacturing system are defined, which describe the product process. In case of non-producible product features, feedback
variants and their respective amounts, i. e. comparable to a in form of change requests is given from MSP to PD. Moreover,
production program (Fig. 2 - step 1a and 1b). MSP can demand additional product features that are e.g.
Afterwards, the information about the product specified by required for executing certain manufacturing processes.
the PD is considered. It is described in model-based product Product features are used to define solution-independent
structure diagrams using SysML block definition diagrams manufacturing processes that describe the activities to create all
product features in an abstract way, such as “add hole” or
“create screw joint”. This solution-independent formulation
allows the later assignment of different manufacturing
techniques and resources to the respective process steps. Some
manufacturing processes may be divided into several sub-
processes if the creation of a product feature requires different
manufacturing processes. Afterwards, all manufacturing
processes are arranged based on their logical sequence of
execution (Fig. 2 - step 2b, 2c, and 2d) using activity or
sequence diagrams (i.e. a preliminary form of a work plan).
In addition to the product related information, the context of
the manufacturing system is described by material-,
information-, and energy flows (Fig. 2 – steps 3a, 3b) and
further requirements are forwarded to the subsequent design
levels (Fig. 2 - step 5).

3.2.2. The manufacturing technique level

On the manufacturing technique level, the manufacturing
processes, which can be divided into primary and secondary
processes, are technically specified and structured in a material
Fig. 2. Activities of context level
166 Chantal Steimer et al. / Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 163 – 168

flow oriented form. Primary processes are all value adding technologies. All selected resources are then arranged within an
processes and secondary processes are mainly logistics ibd and linked to each other based on the possible material flow
processes like transport or material handling. For this purpose, routes, leading to a first manufacturing system structure with
the previously solution-independent manufacturing processes material flows. This illustrates a qualitative and preliminary
are allocated to manufacturing techniques, like the general form of the manufacturing system’s layout (Fig. 4 - step 2a, 2b
technical solution principles for manufacturing, such as drilling and 2c).
or milling, as e.g. specified in DIN 8580 [27]. Each Furthermore, the control logic of the manufacturing system,
manufacturing process can be allocated to one or several in the sense of production planning and control (PPC), is
manufacturing techniques in order to show the possible solution specified. Therefore, in a first step (Fig. 4 - step 3a), all logical
space for the realization of each manufacturing process. In a control techniques are defined in a bdd as well as allocated and
second step, process groups are created by selecting a parameterized (e.g. FIFO, Kanban, negotiation-procedures). In
manufacturing technique for each manufacturing process while a second step, the behavior of these control elements is
also considering the process’ position in the process sequence specified by using behavioral diagrams such as activity,
(compare Fig. 6). Hence, process groups represent a first sequence, or state diagrams (Fig. 4 - step 3b). Especially
abstract form of factory resources. By arranging the process modern types of manufacturing systems that are often
groups within an internal block diagram (ibd) and by controlled by agent based negotiations can be effectively
connecting them by ports representing the object flows between modeled in such a way (Fig. 4 - step 3a and 3b). Based on the
them (structure of primary process groups), interdependencies manufacturing system’s structure and control logic, material
between manufacturing processes regarding material flows flow simulations can be executed in order to evaluate or
become visible (Fig. 3 - step 1, 2, and 3; compare also Fig. 7). optimize different system designs (Fig. 4 -step 5 and 6). For this
Afterwards, secondary manufacturing processes such as purpose, SysML test cases can be defined (Fig. 4 - step 4) and
transport or handling processes are added and concretized in the the results of the simulation runs can be transferred back into
same way as the primary processes (Fig. 3 - steps 4a-7). The the system model (Fig. 4 - step 7).
illustration of the structure of secondary process groups is
comparable to the visualization of material flows e.g. in a value 3.2.4. The technical solution level
stream map. On the technical solution level, all technical sub-systems of
the manufacturing system are identified that need to be further
3.2.3. The structure & control level detailed in the following planning phases. Therefore, three sub-
The structure & control level fulfills two purposes - the system-types are differentiated: (i) sub-systems that require
design of the manufacturing system’s structure and the another iteration of the manufacturing system’s system design
definition of its control logic. For the structural design, the because they are, so far, only considered as a black-box in the
process groups from the manufacturing technique level are current design iteration, (ii) sub-systems that can be described
allocated to resource types that are able to provide the required as products, (e.g. special purpose machines) and therefore have
manufacturing techniques. Thereafter, at least one concrete to be developed within a product development process, starting
resource for each process group is preselected for being utilized with the product’s system design, and (iii) sub-systems whose
in the manufacturing system. Analogous to the manufacturing development is continued in the subsequent discipline-specific
process description at the manufacturing technique level, the design processes of the manufacturing system as e.g. the
resources are specified by manufacturing process capabilities,
thus allowing an automated matching between the required
manufacturing processes and the capabilities of the
manufacturing resources, e.g. by using constraint matching

Fig. 3. Activities of manufacturing technique level Fig. 4. Activities of structure & control level
Chantal Steimer et al. / Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 163 – 168 167

Fig. 6. Simplified extraction of the sequence of manufacturing processes,

depicted in an activity diagram on the context level

manufacturing resources, the building of groups is mainly

based on the position of a process in the process sequence (see
Fig. 6) and the allocated manufacturing techniques (previously
conducted in a bdd or allocation matrix in step 2).
Fig. 5. Activities of technical solution level
technical configuration of the manufacturing system’s control
logic or the logistics system (Fig. 5 - step 2a, 2b, 2c). For each 4.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of using a SysML-based
technical sub-system, requirements and interfaces are specified MBSE-approach
according to the results of the system design.
The SysML-based MBSE-approach provides several
4. Validation benefits for the MSP that can be often related to those that arise
for PD or general technical systems (compare e.g. [19], [2]):
The description scheme was validated based on an (1) Due to the central system model, trace links between
exemplary manufacturing system for cylinder heads. various modeling levels exist, e.g. product-properties, value-
stream/process view, and structural view that allow the direct
interpretation of system or element dependencies, even related
4.1. Modeling examples to the product design. (2) Decisions and conceptual planning
steps during the design process are formally documented, as
Fig. 6 shows a simplified extraction of the required process e.g. the forming of process groups that leads to the selection of
steps to produce and assemble a cylinder head. Those are, as far factory resources. (3) One common non-redundant data basis
as possible, described independent from the technical solution allows the collaboration between several design disciplines and
e.g. “add_hole” and not “drill_hole”. The processes are roles during the design process. (4) SysML provides a
modeled in an activity diagram allowing the description of formalized and visually interpretable description of the
sequential, simultaneous, alternative, or even case dependant manufacturing system, and allows the easy interpretation by
process orders. For the manufacturing of the cylinder head, developers. Furthermore, this supports the extension of the
several sequences of process steps are possible, e.g. the upper presented greenfield approach to the industrially more relevant
chamfer can be added before or after the holes. However, the brownfield case, where legacy systems of an existing factory
production of the cylinder head must be finished before the
assembly can start (e.g. the assembly of glow plugs). In the
previous step on the context level, the processes were allocated
to certain product features of the cylinder head (e.g. a cooling
hole or a plane surface) and thus the dependency to the product
characteristics can be traced. Hence, eventual product changes
during MSP can directly be linked to the related manufacturing
Fig. 7 depicts a simplified extraction of the system model
(process group structure) from the manufacturing technique
level. In this view the manufacturing processes from Fig. 6 are
arranged in process groups (comp. Fig. 3 - step 3) representing
a first, abstract draft of the structure of the manufacturing
system, including the material flow of product components
between the groups. Here, the cylinder head flows from the
drilling to the turning and milling, the screwing, and finally the Fig. 7. Simplified extraction of the material flow between process groups,
testing processes. As process groups represent abstract depicted in an ibd on the manufacturing technique level
168 Chantal Steimer et al. / Procedia CIRP 60 (2017) 163 – 168

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