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Based on Article 35, paragraph 2 of the Law on Planning and Construction
("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10 - US, 24/11,
121/12, 42/13 - US, 50/13 - US, 98/13 - US, 132/14, 145/14, 83/18, 31/19,
37/19 - other laws, 9/20 and 52/21) and Article 17. paragraph 1 and Article 42
paragraph 1 of the Law on Government ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 55/05,
71/05 - correction, 101/07, 65/08, 16/11, 68/12 - US, 72/12, 7/14 - US, 44/14
and 30/18 - other laws),
The government brings


on determining the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the

"Đerdap" National Park

"Official Gazette of RS", number 117 of October 26, 2022.

Article 1.
The Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the "Đerdap" National Park
(hereinafter: Spatial Plan) is established, which is printed with this regulation
and is an integral part of it.

Article 2.
The spatial plan provides a planning basis for the use, arrangement and
protection of the area of the "Đerdap" National Park in parts of the territories of
the municipalities of Golubac, Majdanpek, Kladovo and Negotin.

Article 3.
The spatial plan consists of a textual part and graphic representations.
The textual part of the Spatial Plan is published in the "Official Gazette of the
Republic of Serbia".
The graphics are:
1) Reference map 1. "Special use of space", made on a scale of 1:100,000;
2) Reference map 2. "Network of settlements and infrastructure systems", made
at a scale of 1:100,000;
3) Reference map 3. "Natural resources, tourism, protection of the environment
and natural and cultural assets", made on a scale of 1:100,000;
4) Reference map 4. "Implementation of the spatial plan", made on a scale of
5) maps of detailed elaboration, namely:
- Map of detailed elaboration 1. "Boundary of detailed elaboration and existing
purpose", made on a scale of 1:1000;
- Map of detailed elaboration 2. "Plan of purpose with elements of regulation and
leveling" made on a scale of 1:1000;
- Map of detailed development 3. "Synchronous plan" made on a scale of
The graphic representations referred to in paragraph 3 of this article, made in
ten copies, are certified by the authorized person of the authority responsible for
spatial planning.

Article 4.
The Spatial Plan will be implemented directly and indirectly in the manner
determined by the Spatial Plan. Arrangement, construction, use and protection
of special purpose areas will be carried out in accordance with the decisions from
the Spatial Plan.

Article 5.
Graphic representations from Article 3, paragraph 3. and 4. of this regulation are
kept permanently in the Government (one set), the Ministry of Construction,
Transport and Infrastructure (two sets), the Ministry of Environmental Protection
(one set), the Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia (one set), the Public
Enterprise "Djerdap National Park" (one set) and the municipalities of Golubac
(one set), Majdanpek (one set), Kladovo (one set) and Negotin (one set).

Article 6.
The documentation base of the Spatial Plan is created in two copies (in analog
and digital format) and is permanently kept in the ministry responsible for
spatial planning.

Article 7.
The spatial plan is available to interested parties, in electronic form, through the
Central Register of Planning Documents, which is managed by the authority
responsible for state surveying and cadastre.

Article 8.
On the date of entry into force of this regulation, the Regulation on determining
the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the "Đerdap" National Park
("Official Gazette of RS", number 43/13) ceases to be valid.

Article 9.
This decree enters into force on the eighth day from the day of its publication in
the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia".
05 number 110-8239/2022
In Belgrade, October 20, 2022
Ana Brnabić,s.r.

Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the "Đerdap" National Park

The creation of the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the "Đerdap"
National Park (hereinafter: Spatial Plan) was started on the basis of the Decision
on the Creation of the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the "Đerdap"
National Park ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 114/20) and the Decision on the
preparation of the Strategic Assessment of the impact of the Spatial Plan of the
Special Purpose Area of the "Đerdap" National Park on the environment ("Official
Gazette of the RS", number 97/20).
The spatial plan was created based on the principles and principles of planning,
use, arrangement and protection of space established by Article 3 of the Law on
Planning and Construction ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 72/09, 81/09 -
correction, 64/10 - US , 24/11, 121/12, 42/13 – US, 50/13 – US, 98/13 – US,
132/14, 145/14, 83/18, 31/19, 37/19 – etc. law , 9/20 and 52/21) and the
principles of protection and sustainable use of natural resources, values and
assets established by Article 5 of the Law on Nature Protection ("Official Gazette
of the RS", no. 36/09, 88/10, 91/10 - correction and 14/16, 95/18 - other law
and 71/21).
The provisions of other laws and by-laws of the Republic of Serbia that directly
or indirectly relate to spatial planning, nature protection, cultural assets, tourism
and sustainable development of the Spatial Plan area are also important for the
formulation and determination of planning solutions, and in particular: the Law
on the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2010 to 2020 ("Official Gazette
of the RS", No. 88/10), the Law on National Parks ("Official Gazette of the RS",
No. 84/15 and 95/18 - other laws), the Law on Cultural Properties ("Official
Gazette of the RS", No. 71/94, 52/11 - Dr. Law, 99/11 - Dr. Law, 6/20 - Dr. Law
and 35/21 - Dr. Law), of the Law on Cultural Heritage ("Official Gazette of RS",
No. 129/21), Law on Tourism ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 17/19), Law on
Environmental Protection ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 135/04, 36/09 , 36/09 -
Dr. Law, 43/11 - US, 76/18 - Dr. Law), of the Law on Strategic Environmental
Impact Assessment (" Official Gazette of the RS", no. 135/04 and 88/10), of the
Rulebook on the content, method and procedure of drafting spatial and urban
planning documents ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 32/19) and other
regulations and acts related to preparation of the Spatial Plan.
The development of the Spatial Plan represents the provision of conditions for
the realization of national interests based on the principles of sustainable
development in the area of protection of natural and cultural values of the
National Park "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap" in accordance with the provisions
of the Law on National Parks and the Law on Nature Protection and Tourism
Development in accordance with provisions of the Law on the Spatial Plan of the
Republic of Serbia from 2010 to 2020, as well as other planning documents valid
in the area of the Spatial Plan. Harmonization and integration of the protection
of natural and cultural values and their presentation in the function of tourism
development, especially those types of tourism based on the overall values of
Geopark "Đerdap", will have positive effects on raising the level of
competitiveness of the area, the development of local communities and the
dynamics of future development in the wider environment, including and cross-
border cooperation.
The spatial plan contains elements of detailed regulation for sports and
recreational facilities within the Youth Sports Camp "Karataš" (based on the
request of the Ministry of Youth and Sports No. 350-01-14/2020-03, dated
February 25, 2021). For this unit, direct implementation is ensured, in
accordance with the Law on Planning and Construction. The Spatial Plan will also
be implemented indirectly, through detailed regulation plans and urban projects
in accordance with the law, for units defined by the Spatial Plan.
The spatial plan is the third spatial plan of the special purpose area adopted for
the area of the "Đerdap" National Park, after its proclamation in 1974. It was
previously adopted in 1989 (Spatial plan of the area of the National Park
"Đerdap", "Official Gazette of the RS", number 34/89) and in 2013 (Decree on
establishing the Spatial Plan of the area of the National Park "Đerdap", "Official
Gazette of the RS", number 43/13). The Spatial Plan contains the solutions of
the previous Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the "Đerdap" National
Park from 2013, which were corrected in terms of the scope of spatial units with
nature protection regimes and nature protection measures in accordance with
the new Law on National Parks and other documents in the field of protection
nature. In addition to this, the scope of the Spatial Plan was significantly
expanded to include the area of Geopark "Đerdap", which necessitated the
addition and innovation of data for all planning solutions relevant to the special
purpose area.
The following documents were of particular importance for the formation of
planning solutions: "Expert basis for drafting the Law on the National Park
"Đerdap" (Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia, 2011); Benefits of the
ecosystem services of the Đerdap National Park for local communities (Public
Enterprise National Park Đerdap, hereinafter: JP "National Park Đerdap" and the
Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia, 2014); Đerdap National Park
management plan for the period 2020–2029. year (JP "National Park Đerdap",
year 2019); application document of Geopark "Đerdap" - Application Dossier for
Membership in UNESCO Global Geoparks Network (group of authors, 2017);
publication The role of geoheritage objects in the tourism of the Danube region
of Serbia (D. Lukić and M. D. Petrović, GI "Jovan Cvijić", SANU, 2020).
The spatial plan was created in the geographic information system and contains
a textual part and graphic representations. The textual part includes: I. Basic
principles, II. Principles, goals and general concept of spatial development of
special purpose areas, III. Spatial development planning solutions, IV. Rules for
land use, development and construction, V. Implementation of the Spatial Plan;
The graphics are reference maps at a scale of 1:100,000, namely:
- Reference map 1. "Special use of space";
- Reference map 2. "Network of settlements and infrastructure systems";
- Reference map 3. "Natural resources, tourism, protection of the environment
and natural and cultural assets";
- Reference map 4. "Implementation of the spatial plan";
- maps of detailed development in a scale of 1:1000: Map of detailed
development 1. "Boundary of detailed development and existing purpose"; Map
of detailed elaboration 2. "Plan of use with elements of regulation and leveling";
Map of detailed elaboration 3. "Synchronous Plan".
The report on the strategic assessment of the impact of the Spatial Plan on the
environment is an integral part of the documentation base of the Spatial Plan.





The spatial plan includes parts of the territories of the municipalities of Golubac
(Braničevo administrative district) and the municipalities of Majdanpek, Kladovo
and Negotin (Bor administrative district) with a total area of about 1727 km². It
includes 37 entire cadastral municipalities (hereinafter: KO) and 37 settlements
in which about 41,600 inhabitants lived (Census 2011). The area stretches in the
west-east direction, in a physical-geographical sense it includes the hilly-
mountainous area of the Djerdap Gorge with part of the Djerdap Lake and the
mountain massifs of Šomrda, Liškovec and Miroč, in altitude zones from about
40 (east of Kladovo) to about 930 m a.s.l. c. (on top of Garvan, southwest of
Rudna Glava).
The area of the Spatial Plan includes natural values of national and international
importance, namely:
- "Đerdap" National Park (hereinafter: "Đerdap" National Park, with an area of
about 638 km²), the boundaries of which are determined by the Law on National
- UNESCO Geopark "Đerdap" (hereinafter: Geopark "Đerdap", area of about
1330 km²), the first geopark in the Republic of Serbia declared in 2020, which
entirely includes the area of National Park "Đerdap" and about 693 km² outside
the area of National Park "Đerdap" ".
In addition to the above, in accordance with the Rulebook on the content,
manner and procedure of drafting documents of spatial and urban planning,
according to which the boundaries of the Spatial Plan are determined by the
boundaries of the KO, the area of the Spatial Plan includes about 397 km²
outside the area of NP "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap".


The area of the Spatial Plan covers an area of about 1727 km² in parts of the
territory (Table 1):
- municipalities of Golubac (8 KOs): entire KOs Vinci, Usje, Radoševac, Golubac,
Brnjica, Dobra, Dvorište and Snegotin;
– municipalities of Majdanpek (10 KO): entire KO Boljetin, Golubinje, Donji
Milanovac, Klokočevac, Majdanpek, Miroč, Mosna, Rudna Glava, Topolnica and
- municipalities of Kladovo (15 municipalities): entire municipalities of Tekija,
Novi Sip, Davidovac, Kladušnica, Kladovo, Petrovo Selo, Manastirica, Podvrška,
Velika Kamenica, Kostol, Velika Vrbica, Mala Vrbica, Reka, Grabovica and Brza
- Negotin municipalities (4 KO): entire KOs of Urovica and Vratna, Jabukovac,
Štubik I and Plavna.
Table 1. Spatial scope of the area of the Spatial Plan

Area of
Area of the National Geopark area
Local Self- National
covered Park Area
Government Park "Đerdap"
part of the "Đerdap" on outside
Unit "Đerdap" in total/outside
territory of part of the protected
(hereinafter: part of the NP territory,
the LGU, territory of areas
LGU) territory of km²
km² the LGU,
LGU, km²

Pigeon 253.8 180.9 28.4 253.8 / 72.9 0.0

Majdanpek 748.6 296.5 46.5 601.6 / 305.1 147.0

Kladovo 499.2 159.9 25.1 391.6 / 231.7 107.6

Negotin 225.8 0.0 0.0 83.3 / 83.3 142.5

1330.3 /
In total: 1727.4 637.3 100.0 397.1


The boundaries of the Spatial Plan, i.e. special purpose areas with zones I, II
and III of the protection level of the National Park "Đerdap", as well as the
Geopark "Đerdap" are determined on the reference maps of the Spatial Plan and
descriptively, according to the situation on the topographic maps (TK50: sheets
Veliko Gradište 432 -3 and 432-4, Oršava 433-3 and 433-4, Kladovo 434-3,
Žagubica 482-1 and 482-2, Bor 483-1 and 483-2, and Negotin 484-1; and TK25:
Veliko Gradište 432-3-2, 432-3-4, 432-4-1, 432-4-2, 432-4-3 and 432-4-4;
Oršava 433-3-3, 433-3-4, 433 -4-1, 433-4-3 and 433-4-4; Kladovo 434-3-1 and
434-3-3, Žagubica 482-2-1 and 482-2-2; Bor 483-1-1, 483-1-2, 483-2-1 and
483-2-2), according to the data of the digital real estate cadastre and according
to the division of economic units of the forest base of NP "Đerdap".
Graphic attachment 1. Scope of the Spatial Plan with Geopark "Đerdap" and
National Park "Đerdap"
The border of the area of the Spatial Plan is defined by the borders of the entire
KO and the state border of the Republic of Serbia on the Danube water area, and
is shown graphically and descriptively (Graphical attachment 1 and Table 1).
The boundary of the Spatial Plan is:
- northern border: from the intersection of the state border between the
Republic of Serbia and Romania with the border of the municipality of Golubac
(in the west), it goes to the east along the state border of the Republic of Serbia
and Romania (downstream of the Danube), i.e. the outer borders of KO Vinci,
Usie, Radoševac, Golubac, Brnjica and Dobra (municipality of Golubac), Boljetin,
Donji Milanovac and Golubinje (municipality of Majdanpek), Tekija, Sip,
Davidovac, Kladušnica, Kladovo, Kostol, Mala and Velika Vrbica (municipality of
Kladovo), to the intersection of the state border between the Republic of Serbia
and Romania with the border of the municipality of Kladovo (on the east);
- southern border: from the intersection of the state border between the
Republic of Serbia and Romania with the outer border of the municipality of
Golubac (on the Danube), it goes south/southeast through the outer borders of
KO Dvorište and Snegotin (municipality of Golubac), Majdanpek, Rudna Glava
and Crnajka (municipality of Majdanpek), to the intersection with the border of
the Negotin municipality, it continues to the east with the outer borders of KO
Plavna and Štubik, and to the north/northwest with the outer borders of
Jabukovac and Vratna (Negotin municipality). It continues along the eastern
outer borders of the Golubinje and Miroč Municipalities (Majdanpek Municipality),
and then to the border of the Kladovo Municipality, including the Brza Palanka
and Grabovica Municipalities, i.e. to the intersection of the state border between
the Republic of Serbia and Romania with the border of the Kladovo Municipality
(on the Danube).


1.4.1. Boundaries of NP "Đerdap"

The key unit for determining the planning solutions of the Spatial Plan are the
areas within the NP "Đerdap" with the appropriate nature protection regime.
The territory of NP "Đerdap" extends over the territory of the municipalities of
Golubac, Majdanpek and Kladovo, within 17 municipalities: Golubac, Brnjica,
Dobra, Boljetin, Majdanpek, Donji Milanovac, Mosna, Topolnica, Golubinje, Miroč,
Petrovo Selo, Tekija, Novi Sip, Davidovac, Manastirica, Kladušnica and Podvrška.
The Law on National Parks defines the borders of the "Đerdap" National Park,
whose description is as follows: The description of the border starts from the
third border floor. parc. no. 772/4, 772/3 and 5862/1 (Danube River) in KO
Golubac. From there, the border stretches in a southerly direction, intersects the
Golubac-Donji Milanovac road (cat. parcel no. 5766) and continues along the
eastern side of cat. parc. no. 850/1, passing between cat. parc. no. 850/27,
850/25 and 850/26. It continues on the south side of the floor. parc. no. 850/26
and cuts the road cat. parc. no. 5775. It goes in a southerly direction via cat.
parc. no. 5775 to the three-border road cat. parc. no. 5775, 896 and 893
between which it continues in the direction of the south, and further between
cat. parc. no. 895 and 894. The border goes to road cat. parc. no. 5773 which
he cuts and cuts with a straight line cat. parc. no. 883/1 in the direction of road
cat. parc. no. 5776. Continues in a southeasterly direction via cat. parc. no.
5767, passing by cat. parc. no. 883/1, 3859, 3836, 4108, 4106, 5772, 4103,
4102, 4095, 4094, 4093, 4085, 4325, 4326, 4327, 4328, 4332/1, 4333, 4340,
4341, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4346, 4350, 4349, 4348, 4347, 4478, 4477, 4476,
4474, 4473, 4472, 4471, 4470, 4468, 4467, 4464, 4463, 4462, 4460, 4459
56/2, 4456/1, 4542, 4539, 4538/1, 4538/3 and 4537. It reaches the road cat.
parc. no. 5845 which he follows in the southeast direction until the border of KO
Golubac and KO Dvorište. From there, the border runs along the border of KO
Golubac and KO Dvorište, and then along the border of KO Golubac and KO
Krivača, KO Golubac and KO Radenka to the three-border KO Golubac, KO
Radenka and KO Brnjica. In the east direction, the border goes along the border
of KO Brnjica and KO Radenka, then KO Radenka and KO Dobra, further along
the border of KO Dobra and KO Voluja and comes to the triple border of KO
Voluja, KO Dobra and KO Boljetin. The border from there goes in a southerly
direction, following the border of KO Voluja and Boletin, and then the border of
KO Voluja and KO Majdanpek to a place called "Under Choka Frasen". From
there, the border goes eastward through KO Majdanpek along the southern side
of the "Boljetinska Reka" GJ (cut cat. plot no. 562/1) to cat. parc. no. 616 and
the northern sides cat. parc. no. 603, 602, 599, 598 and 527 where it exits to
the street cat. parc. no. 578 whom he follows to a place called "Capetanska
Station" omitting cat. parc. no. 691 exits on the road Majdanpek - Donji
Milanovac cat. parc. no. 1513 and following it you will reach the intersection with
road cat. parc. no. 700 which continues in a southerly direction towards the
place called "Liškovac" to the place called "Veliki Šopot" where it comes to the
border of KO Rudna Glava and KO Majdanpek. The border goes along the border
of KO Majdanpek and KO Rudna Glava, then KO Majdanpek and KO Topolnica,
further KO Mosna and KO Topolnica to a place called "Kraku Petri". From there,
the border goes through KO Topolnica in the direction of the place called "Kraku
Trifej" from the triple border floor. parc. no. 216, 150 and the Kosovica stream
(cat. parc. no. 5086) between cat. parc. no. 150 and 216, 152 and 198, 199 and
151 to road cat. parc. no. 5098. Follow the road cat. parc. no. 5098 in the east
direction to the intersection with road cat. parc. no. 3427 with which it continues
to the third border cat. parc. no. 3428/2, 3428/4 and times 3427. The border
continues between cat. parc. no. 3428/4 and 3428/2, 3428/4 and 1906/2,
1906/2 and 1913/1, 1906/2 and 1913/2,1913/2 and 3444, 1913/2 and 3447/1,
1911/2 and 3451/1 and 1911/3 and 3452/1. From the three-border floor. parc.
no. 1911/3, 3452/1 and 5085/3 (Porečka reka) intersect the Porečka reka in the
direction of the three borders cat. parc. no. 5085/3 (Porečka river), 1657/1 and
the Količan stream (cat. parcel no. 1663). It goes further between the floors.
parc. no. 1657/1 and 1660/2, 1657/1 and 1656/2, 1655/2 and 1656/2, 1656/1
and 1656/2, then intersects the Donji Milanovac - Negotin road. parc. no.
5102/1 and continues on the south side of floor no. parc. no. 1647/1, 1644 and
1643. It goes beyond the boundaries of cat. parc. no. 1601/4 and 3824/3, 1609
and 3837/2, 1601/5 and 3814/1, 1601/5 and 3845, 1608 and 3845, 1606 and
3850, 3850 and 3856 and 3855 and 3856 where it exits on road 5105. the road
goes in the east direction to KO Vratna, and then continues in a northerly
direction through the place called "Cigansko groblje" by the border of KO
Topolnica and KO Vratna, then to the border of KO Topolnica and KO Urovica. It
reaches KO Mosna and continues in a northerly direction along the border of KO
Mosna and KO Urovica, then along the border of KO Mosna and KO Miroč, to the
border of KO Golubinje and KO Miroč. At the place called "Šupaljka" it separates
from the border of KO Golubinje and continues through KO Miroč along the road
Donji Milanovac - Brza Palanka towards the village of Miroč. It reaches the
village by a road, and then it separates from the road on a three-level floor.
parc. no. 869/2, 932/1, 932/17 and goes north along the eastern side of cat.
parc. no. 932/1 to the border with KO Golubinje, which it follows to the
northernmost point cat. parc. no. 932/2, and then moved to KO Golubinje. In KO
Golubinje, the border goes in the direction of the road floor. parc. no. 5673
between cat. parc. no. 4170 and 4168, 4171 and 4169. Follow the road in a
northerly direction, passing by the place called "Beljevine" until the place called
"Golubinjska glavica" where the border crosses at a sharp angle to the road cat.
parc. no. 5645 going around cat. parc. no. 3557. In the direction of the east,
and then the north, it goes along the road cat. parc. no. 5645 to the intersection
with road cat. parc. no. 5658. The border continues along road no. parc. no.
5658 in the direction of the east and then it is separated by cat. parc. no. 5654,
to road cat. parc. no. 5644 which it cuts and continues along road cat. parc. no.
2020 to the intersection with road cat. parc. no. 933 which continues to the
border of cat. parc. no. 935 and 934 between which it goes in the northwest
direction. The border continues in a northerly direction, following the eastern
side of the floor. parc. no. 958 to a place called "Mali vis" where you reach the
road cat. parc. no. 925 which he follows and then via cat. parc. no. 5640 to cat.
parc. no. 3/1 where it changes direction to the north and goes along the west
side of the floor. parc. no. 3/1 to road cat. parc. no. 907. Continues north along
the west side of cat. parc. no. 3/1 to the place called "Kalanfirov chukar" where
from the trigonometer no. 191 cuts cat. parc. no. 3/1 in the direction of the east
along the south side of the "Štrbačko korito" GJ to the border with the Petrovo
Selo community center. It continues in the east direction through KO Petrovo
selo through the "Štrbac" locality, following the southern side of the "Štrbacko
Korito" GJ and cutting floor. parc. no. 978/1 to road cat. parc. no. 3432, which is
also the border with KO Velika Kamenica. It continues along that border and
then along the border of KO Petrovo selo and KO Podvrška to the boundary floor.
parc. no. 269 and 481/2 in KO Podrvška.In KO Podvrška, the border goes
around from the inside of the floor. parc. no. 269 and exits again to the border
of KO Podvrška and KO Petrovo selo which leads to the boundary floor. parc. no.
59 and 42. From there, the border goes in the direction of the east, passing
between cat. parc. no. 59 and 42, 59 and 46, 46 and 47/1, 45 and 47/2, 45 and
47/3, 44 and 58 to the boundary stone no. 1, from where the Petrovo selo-
Kladovo road intersects in the east direction. parc. no. 5479, and exits to the
border of KO Manastirica. The border passes through KO Manastirica by road no.
parc. no. 2158/2 to the place called "Kalfa", where it separates from the road
and passes between floor parc. no. 2 and 6, then 3 and 6 and goes to the border
with KO Kladušnica. The border passes through KO Kladušnica via cat. parc. no.
4 and comes to KO Davidovac. Continues via cat. parc. no. 1939 through KO
Davidovac, from which it is separated on the third floor. parc. no. 1039, 1365
and times cat. parc. no. 1939. From the triple border, it goes in the direction of
the north and then the east, following the eastern and then the southern side of
the floor. parc. no. 1039 to the place called "Kiseljača", that is, three-border cat.
parc. no. 1039, 867/2 and 867/1. The border stretches southeast between the
floor. parc. no. 867/1 and 867/2, 867/1 and 869, 867/1 and 870, 867/1 and 866
and 868 and 866 to road cat. parc. no. 1935 which goes in the direction of the
east to the third border cat. parc. no. 518, 515/4 and road cat. parc. no. 1935.
It continues along the southeast side of cat. parc. no. 515/4, cuts the road and
goes around the floor. parc. no. 375 and 373 on the north side and continues
along the border of KO Davidovac and KO Sip to floor no. parc. no. 1692 in KO
Sip. Through KO Sip the border goes between cat. parc. no. 1692 and 1797, cuts
the road cat. parc. no. 1627 from between cat. parc. no. 1797 and 1798 in the
direction between cat. parc. no. 1698 and 1693. Border between cat. parc. no.
In 1697 and 1693, 1697 and 1695 he reached the street cat. parc. no. 2122,
which intersects the three-border street, cat. parc. no. 2122, 1697 and 1697, in
the direction of Tromeđe Street, cat. parc. no. 2122, 1728 and 1727/1. From
that triple border, with a straight line, the border cuts the floor. parc. no. 1727/1
and the main road Golubac-Kladovo cat. parc. no. 2121, in the direction of the
tri-border highway cat. parc. no. 2121, 1609 and 1608. The border goes
southeast along the main road cat. parc. no. 2121 all the way to road cat. parc.
no. 1726, which also represents the border with KO Davidovac. The border
changes its direction to the north and goes along the border of KO Davidovac to
the state border with Romania. It goes upstream of the Danube, following the
state border all the way to the starting point of the border 4 and
comes to KO Davidovac. Continues via cat. parc. no. 1939 through KO
Davidovac, from which it is separated on the third floor. parc. no. 1039, 1365
and times cat. parc. no. 1939. From the triple border, it goes in the direction of
the north and then the east, following the eastern and then the southern side of
the floor. parc. no. 1039 to the place called "Kiseljača", that is, three-border cat.
parc. no. 1039, 867/2 and 867/1. The border stretches southeast between the
floor. parc. no. 867/1 and 867/2, 867/1 and 869, 867/1 and 870, 867/1 and 866
and 868 and 866 to road cat. parc. no. 1935 which goes in the direction of the
east to the third border cat. parc. no. 518, 515/4 and road cat. parc. no. 1935.
It continues along the southeast side of cat. parc. no. 515/4, cuts the road and
goes around the floor. parc. no. 375 and 373 on the north side and continues
along the border of KO Davidovac and KO Sip to floor no. parc. no. 1692 in KO
Sip. Through KO Sip the border goes between cat. parc. no. 1692 and 1797, cuts
the road cat. parc. no. 1627 from between cat. parc. no. 1797 and 1798 in the
direction between cat. parc. no. 1698 and 1693. Border between cat. parc. no.
In 1697 and 1693, 1697 and 1695 he reached the street cat. parc. no. 2122,
which intersects the three-border street, cat. parc. no. 2122, 1697 and 1697, in
the direction of Tromeđe Street, cat. parc. no. 2122, 1728 and 1727/1. From
that triple border, with a straight line, the border cuts the floor. parc. no. 1727/1
and the main road Golubac-Kladovo cat. parc. no. 2121, in the direction of the
tri-border highway cat. parc. no. 2121, 1609 and 1608. The border goes
southeast along the main road cat. parc. no. 2121 all the way to road cat. parc.
no. 1726, which also represents the border with KO Davidovac. The border
changes its direction to the north and goes along the border of KO Davidovac to
the state border with Romania. It goes upstream of the Danube, following the
state border all the way to the starting point of the border 4 and
comes to KO Davidovac. Continues via cat. parc. no. 1939 through KO
Davidovac, from which it is separated on the third floor. parc. no. 1039, 1365
and times cat. parc. no. 1939. From the triple border, it goes in the direction of
the north and then the east, following the eastern and then the southern side of
the floor. parc. no. 1039 to the place called "Kiseljača", that is, three-border cat.
parc. no. 1039, 867/2 and 867/1. The border stretches southeast between the
floor. parc. no. 867/1 and 867/2, 867/1 and 869, 867/1 and 870, 867/1 and 866
and 868 and 866 to road cat. parc. no. 1935 which goes in the direction of the
east to the third border cat. parc. no. 518, 515/4 and road cat. parc. no. 1935.
It continues along the southeast side of cat. parc. no. 515/4, cuts the road and
goes around the floor. parc. no. 375 and 373 on the north side and continues
along the border of KO Davidovac and KO Sip to floor no. parc. no. 1692 in KO
Sip. Through KO Sip the border goes between cat. parc. no. 1692 and 1797, cuts
the road cat. parc. no. 1627 from between cat. parc. no. 1797 and 1798 in the
direction between cat. parc. no. 1698 and 1693. Border between cat. parc. no.
In 1697 and 1693, 1697 and 1695 he reached the street cat. parc. no. 2122,
which intersects the three-border street, cat. parc. no. 2122, 1697 and 1697, in
the direction of Tromeđe Street, cat. parc. no. 2122, 1728 and 1727/1. From
that triple border, with a straight line, the border cuts the floor. parc. no. 1727/1
and the main road Golubac-Kladovo cat. parc. no. 2121, in the direction of the
tri-border highway cat. parc. no. 2121, 1609 and 1608. The border goes
southeast along the main road cat. parc. no. 2121 all the way to road cat. parc.
no. 1726, which also represents the border with KO Davidovac. The border
changes its direction to the north and goes along the border of KO Davidovac to
the state border with Romania. It goes upstream of the Danube, following the
state border all the way to the starting point of the border description.1609 and
1608. The border goes southeast along the main road cat. parc. no. 2121 all the
way to road cat. parc. no. 1726, which also represents the border with KO
Davidovac. The border changes its direction to the north and goes along the
border of KO Davidovac to the state border with Romania. It goes upstream of
the Danube, following the state border all the way to the starting point of the
border description.1609 and 1608. The border goes southeast along the main
road cat. parc. no. 2121 all the way to road cat. parc. no. 1726, which also
represents the border with KO Davidovac. The border changes its direction to
the north and goes along the border of KO Davidovac to the state border with
Romania. It goes upstream of the Danube, following the state border all the way
to the starting point of the border description.
In the event of a discrepancy between the border of the NP "Đerdap" shown on
the reference maps and the description given in the text part of the Spatial Plan,
the description of the border of the NP "Đerdap" given in the text part of the
Spatial Plan, which is taken from the Law on National Parks, is authoritative and
applies. This law also determined the boundaries of the areas with the I and II
degree protection regime.

Surfaces with level I protection regime

The total area with the protection regime of the first degree is about 5,106.27
ha, i.e. 8.01% of the total area of NP "Đerdap" and consists of 14 spatial units -
localities (according to the Law on National Parks):
- 1.1. The locality "Golubački grad", with an area of 86.86 ha, is located on the
territory of the Municipality of Golubac, KO Golubac and includes sections: part
96a, 96b, 96c and part 96d GJ "Čezava". The description of the boundary of the
locality begins in KO Golubac, from the eastern point cat. parc. no. 112/4, i.e.
the Old Town of Golubac. The border goes through cat. parc. no. 5766/3 Veliko
Gradište – Donji Milanovac, and it is separated from it by floor no. parc. no. 770
and 769/1. It goes further between the floors. parc. no. 771/1 east, and
changes direction to the south following the east side of cat. parc. no. 764.
Walks from the north side cat. parc. no. 763/1, then 746 and you reach the road
cat. parc. no. 5770. It goes in a southerly direction along the road, then cuts it
at a right angle and comes out on the middle floor. parc. no. 640/39 and 640/1.
The border then continues along the floor. parc. no. 640/1 and the following
floors. parc. no. 640/29, 649/28, 640/34, 640/33, 640/32, 640/25, 640/23,
640/22, 640/21, 640/20, 640/19, 640/30, 640/ 26, 640/24 and 640/8. He goes
out again on the Veliko Gradište-Donji Milanovac road, which he follows to the
third road junction, cat. parc. no. 640/2 and 640/40. It continues in the direction
of the south and then west, following between the floors. parc. no. 640/2 from
the eastern and then the southern side. The border keeps the direction of the
west and passes along the southern side of the floor. parc. no. 640/1 and 745/1,
it comes to the road cat. parc. no. 5769/1, cuts it and changes direction to the
northwest, moving along the west side of cat. parc. no. 744. Further follows the
boundaries of cat. parc. no. 763/1 and 761, 763/1 and 762/1, 771/3 and 762/1,
and then between cat. parc. no. 771/1 passes from the west side of cat. parc.
no. 762/1, 761, 760, 759 and 758. The border further cuts the road cat. parc.
no. 5769/1, includes the entire floor. parc. no. 774, again cuts the road cat.
parc. no. 5769/1 and continues westward cat. parc. no. 771/1 to a place called
"Livazujka". Further, the border includes the entire floor. parc. no. 851/1, then
intersects the road cat. parc. no. 5769/1 and follows among cat. parc. no. 771/1
and 771/2 and then 772/1 and 771/1 comes to the starting point of the
- 1.2. The locality "Bojana", with an area of 98.14 ha, is located on the territory
of the municipality of Golubac, KO Golubac and includes sections 90a, 90b, 90c,
90d, 91i, 91j, 94a, 94d, part 94c, 95a, 95b, 95c and 95d in GJ "Čezava". The
description of the boundary of the locality begins at the three-way street, floor
no. parc. no. 5766/3 Veliko Gradište – Donji Milanovac and cat. parc. no. 609/2
and 609/39. From the starting point, the border goes in the southwest direction,
following between floor parc. no. 609/2, 609/39 and 609/5, comes to cat. parc.
no. 680, and continues in a southerly direction between floor parc. no. 609/5,
and then 609/1 to the triple border cat. parc. no. 609/1, 3974 and 3975. At the
triple border, the border goes through cat. parc. no. 609/1 and 609/40 by the
boundaries of departments 95d, 95a, 90a, 91i, 94a, 94d, 91j, 90b and 90c GJ
"Čezava" and exits onto the road Veliko Gradište - Donji Milanovac, which it
follows in a northwesterly direction. . parc. no. 609/38, 619/1, 620 and 617/1,
leaving them out of the first degree protection regime. The border in the
direction of the south goes along the road cat. parc. no. 5768, cuts it at a right
angle and exits at the southernmost point cat. parc. no. 609/26. It continues on
the west side of the floor. parc. no. 609/26, 609/25, 609/17 and 609/15 to the
triple border cat. parc. no. 609/15, 609/14 and 609/1. From the border of the
three borders, it goes west, intersects the floor. parc. no. 609/1 and follows the
southern side of cat. parc. no. 609/12, 609/11, 609/10, 609/9, 609/16 and
609/24, tours around cat. parc. no. 609/3 and comes to the road cat. parc. no.
609/4 which he follows to cat. parc. no. 609/18. The border follows the western
side of the floor. parc. no. 609/18, the shortest route leads to cat. parc. no.
609/31, which it goes around and continues in the northeast direction along the
northern side of cat. parc. no. 609/31, 609/30, 609/29, 609/28, 609/27,
609/22, 609/23 and 609/33. The border exits on the road Veliko Gradište - Donji
Milanovac and follows it, in the northwest direction to the starting point of the
description. Outside the first degree protection regime, there are cat. plots on
the "Livadica" stretch. The border is defined between cat. parc. no. 609/1 and
the following floors. plot no. 623, 627, 628, 629, 630, 638, 639, 4621, 636,
4624, 4627, 4628, 4633, 633, 621, 622, 625, parts of the road 5768 and 624.
- 1.3. The locality "Klisura reke Brnjica", with an area of 693.74 ha, is located in
the municipality of Golubac, and according to the forest division, it is part of the
GJ "Čezava" and includes sections 71, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, part 83a, 83b,
83/1, 83/2, 84a, 84b, 84c and 84d. The description of the boundary of the
locality begins at the three-corner of KO Dvorište, KO Golubac and road cat.
parc. no. 5847 (KO Golubac). The border follows the outer border of NP
"Đerdap", i.e., the border of KO Golubac and KO Dvorište, KO Krivača and KO
Radenka up to the boundary stone no. 11, cat. parc. no. 1 in KO Radenko. From
there, the border goes in the direction of the west, cutting floor. parc. no. 4717
(KO Golubac) by the boundaries of departments 78, 77, 76 and 71 GJ "Čezava"
and reaches the border of KO Golubac and KO Brnjica, follow it in a northerly
direction to road cat. parc. no. 5847. Follow the road cat. parc. no. 5847 in a
westerly direction and reaches the starting point of the description.
- 1.4. The locality "Tatarski vis", with an area of 34.01 ha, is located in the
municipality of Golubac, and according to the forest division, it is located in the
GJ "Leva reka", including sections 51c, 51d, 52b, 53b, 54b, 54c and 54d and
includes part of the floor . parc. no. 3880, KO Good. The description of the
locality boundary begins at the triple border of KO Dobra, KO Duboka and KO
Boljetin. The border from the starting point goes northeast, along the border of
KO Dobra and KO Boljetin, and then intersects the floor. parc. no. 3880 passing
through the border of sections 51c, 51d, 52b, 53b, 54b, 54c and 54d GJ "Leva
reka" and reaching the outer border of NP "Đerdap", i.e. KO Dobra and KO
Duboka, which it follows to the starting point of the description.
- 1.5. The "Šomrda" locality, with an area of 20.34 ha, is located in the
municipality of Majdanpek and includes part of the cadastral plot (hereinafter:
cadastral plot) number 710, KO Boljetin. It is located within the natural area unit
of the same name and includes department 128 GJ "Boljetinska reka". The
boundary of the locality coincides with the outer boundary of department 128 GJ
"Boljetinska reka".
- 1.6. The locality "Tilva Toma", with an area of 231.90 ha, is located in the
municipality of Majdanpek, and according to the forest division, the locality is
part of the GJ "Boljetinska reka" and includes sections 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88
and 89. and includes part of floor parc. number 562/1, KO Majdanpek. The
description of the boundary of the locality begins at the outer border of NP
"Đerdap", i.e. the border of KO Majdanpek and KO Voluja, at the place called
"Čoka Grljaj" and polygon point no. 317. The border follows the outer border of
NP "Đerdap" in a southerly direction, passing by the path "Tilva Tome", east by
"Ispod Čoka Frasen" to the border of ward 82, from there it goes north and cuts
floor. parc. no. 562/1 (KO Majdanpek), following the eastern side of section 82
GJ "Boljetinska reka", comes to the Isenja stream, goes west along the stream,
and then cuts floor parc. no. 561/1 by the boundaries of department 89 GJ
"Boljetinska reka" and reaches the starting point of the description.
- 1.7. The locality "Ciganski potok", with an area of 206.69 ha, is located in the
municipality of Majdanpek, and according to the valid forest division, the locality
is part of the GJ "Boljetinka" and includes sections 51, 52, 53, 57a, 57b, part
57c, 57d , 57e, 57(1–6) and 60. The description of the boundary of the locality
begins in KO Boljetin, on the third floor. parc. no. 724, 696/1 and road cat. parc.
no. 3397. The border goes in the direction of the place called "Kameniti rt",
following between cat. parc. no. 696/1 to the southernmost point cat. parc. no.
729/2 where it intersects cat. parc. no. 696/1 on the west side of department 60
GJ "Boljetinka", and then intersects Ciganski potok and cat. parc. no. 862/1. The
border further follows the floor. parc. no. 862/1 from the south side in the
direction of the east, including cat. parc. no. 862/2 and exits to the street cat.
parc. no. 3398, cuts it and continues in the direction of the west, on the
southern sides of cat. parc. no. 858, 859, 857, 856, 853/3, 696/97, 696/96,
696/95, 696/94, then exits to the street cat. parc. no. 3398 and follows it to the
border with ward 57, then goes south along the western sides of ward 57 and 53
GJ "Boljetinka" and exits onto the road cat. parc. no. 3399. The border continues
along the road, and then along the northern sides of cat. parc. no. 696/32,
696/132, 696/133, 696/134, 1633, 1632/2, 1632/1, 1631/2, intersects the road
cat. parc. no. 6969/138 goes around cat. parc. no. 696/139, 1629/1, 1628,
696/140, 696/141, 696/142, 696/143. Further, the border continues between
the floor. parc. no. 865/1, including cat. parc. no. 1622 and 865/10. The border
goes to the floor. parc. no. 865/1 and 867/1, then the border continues along
the eastern side of department 51 GJ "Boljetinka" and intersects floor no. parc.
no. 867/1 and 866 and road cat. parc. no. 3400. Continues between cat. parc.
no. 865/1, 819/2 and 819/1, and then via cat. parc. no. 815 to the three-border
road cat. parc. no. 815, 825 and 696/1. From there it goes along the western
sides of the floor. parc. no. 825, 829/1, 829/2, 3420, 846, 844 where it opens
onto the road cat. parc. no. 3421, intersects it and goes along the eastern side
of cat. parc. no. 696/1 and then cuts cat. parc. no. 696/1 along the border of
department 60 GJ Boljetinka and follows the southern side of cat. parc. no.
696/44, 745/2, 744, tours around cat. parc. no. 696/50, 742, 741/1, and then
between cat. parc. no. 740 and 745/1 exits to the road cat. parc. no. 3397 and
follows it in a westerly direction to the starting point of the description.
- 1.8. The locality "Bosman-Sokolovac", with an area of 266.87 ha, is located in
the municipality of Golubac, and according to the forest division, the locality is
located in the GJ "Kožica". It includes divisions 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 9/2, 9/3, 10a,
10b, 10c, 10/1, 10/2, 11a, 12a, 14a, 14b and 15a. The location is located at KO
Dobra and includes the following floor. parc.: 2941/1deo, 4480, 4481, 4476,
4432, 3030. The starting point of the description of the site boundary is located
on the third floor. parc. no. 2882/1, road Golubac-Donji Milanovac, cat. parc. no.
5737/2 and cat. parc. no. 2941/1 in KO Dobra. The border goes along the west
side of the floor. parc. no. 2941/1 and passes between cat. parc. no. 2882/1,
2942, 2943, 2944, 2889/1, road cat. parc. no. 4698, 2955/2, 2956, 2959, 2960,
2967, 2976/1, 2977, 2978, 2979, 2980, 2981, road cat. parc. no. 4698, 2993,
2994, 2998, 3000, 3004, 3006, 3005, 3011, 3007, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3012,
3013, 3014, 3020 and 3029. The border includes cat. parc. no. 3030 and
continues between cat. parc. no. 4432 and 4433, and then comes out again with
cat. parc. no. 2941/1 and goes south passing around cat. parc. no. 4433, 4434,
4435, 4484, 4485, 4484, 4483, 4482 exits to the road cat. parc. no. 4658. In
the south direction, the border goes along cat. parc. no. 4658, and then turns
east along the northern side of cat. parc. no. 4479. Changes the direction to the
south and goes along the west side of cat. parc. no. 4180 and goes out again to
the floor. parc. no. 2941/1, which descends south to the border of KO Dobra and
KO Boljetin. It changes direction to the northeast and along the Pesača River,
which is also the border of KO Dobra and KO Boljetin, goes to the road Golubac -
Donji Milanovac. It goes in a northwesterly direction along the road and then
intersects the floor. parc. no. 2941/1 at the site of the first and second tunnels.
When entering the third tunnel, it follows the border of department 11 G.J
".Kožica", and then exits again on the road Golubac - Donji Milanovac, which it
follows to the starting point of the description.
- 1.9. The locality "Čoka Njalta sa Pesač", with an area of 628.98 ha, is located
in the municipality of Majdanpek, and belongs to the GJ "Boljetinka" and
includes departments 69a, 69b, 69c, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 , 78, part
79a, 79b, 79c and 79 (1–6). The starting point of the description of the site
boundary is located in KO Boljetin, on the third floor. parc. no. 156, times
3391/6 and 164/1. From the triple border, the border moves north between the
floors. parc. no. 164/1 and goes around cat. parc. no. 156, 149/1, 149/4, 160,
159, 148, 147 and 145. The border continues along the northern side of cat.
parc. no. 137 and then between cat. parc. no. 164/3 and 164/4 again exits to
the floor. parc. no. 164/1. Follow the west side of the floor in a southerly
direction. parc. no. 164/1 to a place called "Štrbin" where it bends towards the
east, following further between cat. parc. no. 164/1, then comes to road cat.
parc. no. 200, which it cuts at a right angle, exiting to the middle floor. parc. no.
205/1 and 212/1. Following the west side of the floor. parc. no. 212/1 reaches
the locality "Košo brdo" where it intersects floor parc. no. 212/1 along the
southern side of department 69 GJ "Boljetinka" and exits to the bank of the
Danube river. It continues along the coast in a northwesterly direction to the
Pesača River, i.e. the border of K.O Boljetin and K.O. Dobra. The border further
follows the border of KO Dobra and KO Boljetin, i.e. the river Pesača to the
bridge, where it is separated by the road cat. parc. no. 1103 to the border of
ward 79 and cuts cat. parc. no. 20/1 on the south side of department 79 GJ
"Boljetinka". Continues between cat. parc. no. 20/1 and 75, 20/1 and 73/1, 62
and 73/1, again 20/1 and 73/1, 20/1 and 66, 66 and 48, 48 and 73/1, 48 and
54, 48 and 53, 48 and 52, 48 and 51, 48 and 50, 48 and 49, 49 and 42, where it
intersects road 3391/6, and then follows it in a southeasterly direction to the
boundary line cat. parc. no. 156 and 164/1, which is the starting point of the
- 1.10. The locality "Lepenski vir", with an area of 62.06 ha, is located in the
municipality of Majdanpek and includes the 68th ward of the GJ "Boljetinka". The
beginning of the description of the boundary of the locality begins in KO Boljetin,
at the intersection of the road, cat. parc. no. 3402/2, 966 and 212/1. The border
goes in a northerly direction, along the banks of the Danube river, i.e. the
eastern sides of cat. parc. no. 212/1, 948/1 and 212/12. The border exits on the
east side of the road floor. parc. no. 212/19 and follows it in a northerly
direction, and then along the eastern side of cat. parc. no. 212/18 to between
floor no. parc. no. 212/4 and 956/4 where it bends to the east and exits to the
bank of the Danube river. The border continues in a northerly direction following
the bank of the Danube River to the border of ward 68, follows it from the north
side, and then changes direction to the south, following the west side of the
floor. parc. no. 212/1. On the southern part of the floor. parc. no. 212/1
changes its direction to the east and goes around the road 212/20, goes around
it when entering the tunnel, passing between floors. parc. no. 992. The border
continues to move between cat. parc. no. 212/1 and via cat. parc. no. 212/20,
212/1 and 987, 212/1 and 991/3 and 212/1 and via 3402/3 which leads to the
starting point of the description. Floor 1 is exempted from the first degree of
protection in this locality. parc. no. 216/2 as a whole.
- 1.11. The locality "Canyon of the Boljetinska River with the Ridge", with an
area of 102.48 ha, is located in the municipality of Majdanpek, and according to
the forest division, it is part of the GJ "Boljetinka" and includes sections 67a,
67b, 67c, 67e, 1, 2 and 3. Home point of description of the border, the locality is
the triple border of the Danube River and the border of the Boljetin KO and the
Donji Milanovac KO. The border goes upstream, along the coastline of the
Danube River through KO Boljetin, in the northwest direction to the triple border
of the Danube River and floor. parc. no. 1132/1 and 1136. Accompanying cat.
parc. no. 1132/1 goes around cat. parc. no. 1136, 1135 and 1134 where it again
exits to the bank of the Danube river, along which it continues in the northwest
direction to a place called "Lepena" where it follows the border cat. parc. no.
1099. In the direction of the west, it goes along the northern side of the floor.
parc. no. 1100/1 and exits to road 3402/1. The border goes through cat. parc.
no. 3402/1 to the road junction and cat. parc. no. 1018 and 1101 and then
follows the border of cat. parc. no. 1101 through the locality "Košo brdo" to cat.
parc. no. 3422/1. The border is floor parc. no. 3422/1 goes south to the bridge
and floor parc. no. 1104/2, and then in the direction of the east it cuts cat. parc.
no. 1104/2 in the direction of the border, floor no. parc. no. 1104/2, 1132/14
and 1132/13. Further, the border moves between the floor. parc. no. 1132/13
and 1132/14, then cuts cat. parc. no. 1132/13 at right angles, then 1132/13 and
1132/1, 1132/13 and 1131, and again 1132/13 and 1132/1. The border
continues along the floor. parc. no. 132/1 in the southeast direction, goes
around cat. parc. no. 2798, and then along the border of department 1 GJ
"Boljetinka" to the starting point of the description.
- 1.12. The "Kovilovo" locality, with an area of 365.98 ha, is located in the
municipality of Majdanpek, and according to the current forest division,
"Kovilovo" is part of the "Porečka Forest" GJ and includes sections 55, 56, 57,
58, 59, 60a, 60b, 60c, 60d, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. The starting point of the
description of the boundary of the locality is the triple border of KO Boljetin and
cat. parc. no. 861 and 872/1 (KO Donji Milanovac). The border extends along
the northern side of the floor. parc. no. 872/1 comes to the road Boljetin-Donji
Milanovac cat. parc. no. 3055/5. It follows the road in the direction of the east
excluding the floor. parc. no. 336/1 and 3363/2 to cat. parc. no. 872/19, and
then in a southerly direction follow cat. parc. no. 872/1, intersects road 3060,
continues along road 1201, then descends in a southerly direction, cat. parc. no.
1127/1 to the southern side of sections 56 and 55 GJ "Porečke šume" to the
triple border of roads 3060, 1241 and 1127/1. Then by the border of floor parc.
no. 872/1, and then to departments 58, 59, 60, 64 and 65 of the Poreč Forests
to the border with Boljetin. The border moves in the north direction, on the west
side of the floor. parc. no. 3184/2, and then cat. parc. no. 872/1, passing
between cat. parc. no. 3184/1, 869, 871, 870, 869, 868/1, 868/2867, 866, 865,
864, 863, 862 and 3258. The border starts at the border with KO Boljetin and
follows it in the northeast direction to the starting point of the description.
- 1.13. The locality "Gradašnica", with an area of 354.38 ha, is located in the
municipality of Majdanpek, and according to the current forest division,
"Gradašnica" is part of the GJ "Crni vrh" and includes sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. The description of the boundary of the locality
begins at the border of KO Mosna and KO Golubinje and the road Negotin - Donji
Milanovac. The border passes through KO Mosna, over the bridge on the
Gradašnica river and goes south to the north side of the floor. parc. no. 158/2.
The border follows to the south side of the floor. parc. no. 27 and goes in the
direction of the east, including in its entirety the floor. parc. no. 1339, 1350 and
1351, up to the border of department 17 GJ "Crni vrh", follow it and go north
and come out on the border of KO Mosna and KO Golubinje, i.e. the river
Gradašnica. It goes upstream along the Gradašnica river in the northeast
direction, crosses the river and continues through KO Golubinje, following the
northeast side of the floor. parc. no. 5375/1 to road 5690. The border continues
along cat. parc. no. 5690. to the border with cat. parc. no. 5375/2. Furthermore,
the border follows between cat. parc. no. 5375/2 all the way to road cat. parc.
no. 5622, continues along the road, and then cuts it at a right angle in the
direction of the three-border floor. parc. no. 5513/1, 5234 and times. The border
goes east along the south side of the floor. parc. no. 5234 all the way to the
border of department 7 GJ "Crni vrh", cut cat. parc. no. 5234 along the border of
the department and goes northwest, then continues along the southern side of
cat. parc. no. 5523 and 5524. The border continues on the northern side of cat.
parc. no. 5541 in the west direction and exits to Reka Gradašnica and between
floor. parc. no. 5589/10, and then by a bridge over the river Gradašnica, it
comes to the starting point of the description.
- 1.14. The site "Veliki and Mali Štrbac with Trajan's Tablet", with an area of
1953.83 ha, extends in the municipalities of Majdanpek and Kladovo, and
includes sections 41 (part 41a), 42 (part 42a), 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70
GJ "Strbačko korito" . The description of the boundary of the locality begins in
KO Tekija, on the third floor. parc. no. 2595, 2594 and 2702/1. The border
intersects the floor. parc. no. 2702/1 on the eastern sides of sections 45, 46, 50
and 51 of the "Strbačko Korito" GJ in the south direction and reaches the border
of KO Tekija and KO Golubinje. It follows the border of KO in the southeast
direction, then follows the border of KO Golubinje and KO Petrovo selo in the
same direction. The border continues through KO Golubinje, crossing the floor.
parc. no. 3/1 along the boundaries of sections 60, 61, 62, 63 and 70 and comes
to the place called "Jenjić" on the middle floor. parc. no. 3/1 at the location point
no. 1649. From there, the border goes west, following the southern side of cat.
parc. no. 3/1, to the road floor parc. no. 5629, intersects it and follows the
southern side of cat. parc. no. 2/1, and then cat. parc. no. 19/2 to road cat.
parc. no. 5699/1. The border follows the road in the northeast direction until the
border with KO Tekija, from where it continues through KO Tekija, the borders of
departments 59 and 55 GJ "Štrbačko Korito". The border further follows the
bank of the Danube river, goes in the direction of the northeast, downstream
until the border of department 41 GJ "Štrbačko korito" where it crosses the floor.
parc. no. 1201/1, which he follows in a southwesterly direction from its southern
side. On the middle floor. parc. no. 1201/1 border meets polygon point no. 2263
from where it crosses the road cat. parc. no. 2745/5 in the direction between
cat. parc. no. 2674/1 and 2671/1. The border continues along the northern side
of the floor. parc. no. 2674/1 in the east direction and reaches floor no. parc. no.
2702/1. Further, the border follows the floor. parc. no. 2702/1 in a north-
easterly direction to the starting point of the description.

Surfaces with level II protection regime

The total area with the II degree protection regime is 13,715.39 ha, i.e. 21.50%
of the total area of NP "Đerdap" and consists of 10 spatial units - localities:
- 2.1. The "Golubačka Klisura" locality, with an area of 197.77 ha, in the
municipality of Golubac, includes sections 96e, 96f, 96g and 96h of the "Čezava"
GJ. The description of the boundary of the locality begins on the third floor. parc.
no. 4344, 4345 and road cat. parc. no. 5767, on the outer border of NP
"Đerdap" in KO Golubac. The border goes in a northerly direction, passing
between the floors. parc. no. 4344 and 4345, 4481 and 4339, 4481 and 4338,
4481 and 4482, and then goes out onto the road cat. parc. no. 4475, follow it to
the north and come out onto road no. parc. no. 5772. At the intersection with
road cat. parc. no. 5834, the border bends to the east, goes along the road cat.
parc. no. 5834, and then via cat. parc. no. 5833. The border breaks along the
eastern side of cat. parc. no. 3972, and then the southern side cat. parc. no.
3973 and 3974. In the north direction, the border follows the western side of
cat. parc. no. 609/1 and 609/5, and then on the eastern side, cat. parc. no.
609/2 exits the Veliko Gradište–Donji Milanovac road. Then the road goes in the
northwest direction, it separates from the road between floors. parc. no. 640/40
and 640/2, follows the southern side of cat. parc. no. 640/2, 640/1 and 745/1,
then on the west side cat. parc. no. 744 and 763/1. It descends in the direction
of the south on the west side of the floor. parc. no. 762/1, 761, 760, 759 and
758, then crosses the road and goes around cat. parc. no. 774, intersects the
road cat. parc. no. 5769 and includes cat. parc. no. 775 and 842. The border
goes in the direction of the west via cat. parc. no. 5769, separates from the road
on the north side, cat. parc. no. 848. The border changes direction to the south,
crosses the road cat. parc. no. 5769 and exits to the middle floor. parc. no. 851,
follows its southern side to the outer border of NP "Đerdap", i.e. the three-
border floor. parc. no. 851, 893 and 892. In the south direction, the border runs
between cat. parc. no. 896 and 893, 895 and 894 and exits to the street cat.
parc. no. 5767 whom he follows to the starting point of the description.
- 2.2. The locality "Kukurek", with an area of 422.67 ha, in the municipality of
Golubac, includes sections 73, 74, 75, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, part 93a, 93b and
93c of the "Čezava" GJ. The description of the boundary of the locality begins in
KO Golubac, at the triple border of KO Golubac, KO Dvorište and road cat. parc.
no. 5847 and goes east along the road to the border with K.O Brnjica. Through
KO Brnjica, the border goes along road no. parc. no. 1958, it is separated from it
between cat. parc. no. 795 and 808/2 and follows the north-western side of cat.
parc. no. 810, west side cat. parc. no. 833/4, south side cat. parc. no. 833/6.
The border goes to the road floor. parc. no. 1955/1 including cat. parc. no. 741,
moves along road 1955/1 in the direction of the east, separates from the road
on the south side of cat. parc. no. 724, 40/1 and 40/5, and then on the eastern
side cat. parc. no. 40/1 comes to the Golubac-Donji Milanovac road, which it
follows in the west direction, exits from KO Brnjica and enters KO Golubac. The
border continues on the same road through KO Golubac, separated from it by
the outer side of the floor. parc. no. 608/8 and 608/6, cuts cat. parc. no. 4712
and continues with the outer side cat. parc. no. 608/7 to road cat. parc. no.
5767, cuts it on the western sides, cat. parc. no. 609/43 and 609/42, exits on
the Golubac-Donji Milanovac road, which it continues to the border of ward 89
GJ Čezava, then follows the western side of ward 89 and 88 and cuts floor. parc.
no. 609/40 and 609/1 in the direction of the south, then west and reach floor
no. parc. no. 4643. The border continues in the direction of the south between
floor parc. no. 609/1 via the road "Kukurek", then you reach the road cat. parc.
no. 5767 and follow it in the west direction to the border of the floor. parc. no.
4639 and 608/1. The border further follows the western side of the floor. parc.
no. 608/1 up to the starting point of the description.
- 2.3. Locality "Ljubkovska kotlina", area of 580.39 ha, in Golubac municipality,
includes sections 40, part 41, part 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and part 48 of GJ
"Čezava". The description of the boundary of the locality begins in KO Brnjica,
near the road "Selo", at the intersection of the road Golubac - Donji Milanovac,
cat. parc. no. 175/1 and 177/5. The border goes south following the west side of
the floor. parc. no. 175/1, then bends to the east and goes along the south side
of floor no. parc. no. 174/1. He goes upstairs again. parc. no. 175/1 and follows
its southern side in the direction of the east, and then continues along the
southern side of the floor. parc. no. 224/1. Between floor parc. no. 241/1 and
224/3 exits to the street cat. parc. no. 1946. Continues via cat. parc. no. 1946
until the three-border road, cat. parc. no. 1426 and KO Dobra. The border bends
in the southeast direction, follows the border with KO Dobra, including the floor.
parc. no. 1476 (KO Brnjica). It goes along the KO border to the north side of the
floor. parc. no. 1528 and trigonometer 202, enters KO Dobra and cuts cat. parc.
no. 1661/1 along the border of ward 42 (east side) GJ "Čezava", exits onto the
road cat. parc. no. 4643, and then continues north, following between cat. parc.
no. 1661/1. The border changes its direction to the east and continues on the
south side of the floor. parc. no. 1651/1 and reaches the road Golubac - Donji
Milanovac. The border still continues to follow the floor. parc. no. 1651/1, but
now on the north side and passes between cat. parc. no. 1651/8, 1651/7,
1651/6, 1651/5, 1651/4, 1651/3 and 1651/2, where it continues along the
Golubac-Donji Milanovac road in the direction of the west, exits from KO Dobra
and enters KO Brnjica, further continues on the road to the place called "Velika
Orlova" where it separates from the road and goes along the west side of the
floor. parc. no. 308/1. The border crosses the stream Velika Orlova cat. parc. no.
996 at a right angle and exits to the middle floor. parc. no. 307/8 and 309/1,
and then in a northerly direction extends the floor. parc. no. 309/1, makes a
turn and goes between cat. parc. no. 301/1 from the south side. Across the
"Velika Orlova" locality, the border runs along the northern side of the floor.
parc. no. 241/1 and 224/1 up to the starting point of the description.
- 2.4. The locality "Crni vrh", with an area of 166.54 ha, in the municipality of
Golubac, includes part of floor parc. No. 4717 at KO Golubac and departments
72a, 72b, 72c, 72d, part 72e, 73, 74 and 75 GJ "Čezava". The border of this
locality runs along the outer border of departments 72, 73, 74 and 75 of the
"Česava" GJ.
- 2.5. The locality "Tatarski vis-Šomrda-Tilva Toma", with an area of 6,070.67
ha, in the municipalities of Golubac and Majdanpek, includes sections: 4, 5, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51,
52, 55 and 56 GJ "Desna reka"; 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51(a, b), 52a,
53a, 54a, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 , 70, 71, 72,
73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93
and 94 GJ Left River"; 1, 2, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49 GJ "Kožica"; 82,
83 and 84 GJ "Boljetinka" and 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
129, 130, 131, 132, 133 4 GJ "Boljetin River". The boundary of the locality starts
from the intersection of the outer border of NP "Đerdap" and department 45 GJ
"Desna reka", continues with the outer border of departments 45, 48, 52, 51,
53, 56, 10, 11 and 5 GJ "Desna reka"; departments 93, 94, 91 and 90 GJ "Leva
reka"; departments 13, 16, 23, 22, 50, 46, 43, 42 and 3 of the "Kožica" GJ,
department 82 of the "Boljetinka" GJ; department 43 GJ "Leva Reka"; sections
127, 130, 133, 134, 112, 111, 110, 6, 65, 58, 57, 56, 60 and 75 GJ "Boljetinska
reka" to the intersection with the outer border of NP "Đerdap" and further to the
starting point.
- 2.6. The locality "Bosman", with an area of 1,056.94 ha, in the municipality of
Golubac, includes sections 6, 7, 13, part 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
25, 26, 27, part 28, part 29, part 30 and part 31 of GJ "Kožica". The beginning
of the border description is the triple border of the Kožica stream, cat. parc. no.
4693/1, 2787 and 2772/1 in KO Dobra, on the stretch "Kožica". The border of
the locality moves south, along the stream cat. parc. no. 4693/1, then goes to
road cat. parc. no. 4656, then on floor no. parc. no. 4665, where it exits to the
west side of the floor. parc. no. 3220 and continues south along the western
sides of cat. parc. no. 3268 and 3299. The border goes through cat. parc. no.
4666, then follows the western side of cat. parc. no. 4349, 4344, 4359/1 and
4359/2. The border intersects the road and on the west side of the floor. parc.
no. 3880 goes to the southernmost point cat. parc. no. 4334 from where it cuts
cat. parc. no. 3880 and exits at the intermediate point cat. parc. no. 4375 on its
northern side. The border goes east, following the center line of floor. parc. no.
3880, and then bends south across the "Mali Sechinski" route, to the
southernmost point cat. parc. no. 4379 from where it continues along the
western border of sections 29b, 29a, 30b, 30a, 31a, 31b, 31c, 7 and 6 GJ Kožica
and cuts cat. parc. no. 3880, then crosses the river Pesača, enters KO Boljetin
and exits to road cat. parc. no. 1103 in KO Boljetin on the route "Pesača". The
border in the north direction goes along the road, crosses the bridge and
continues along the river Pesača, which is also the border of KO Boljetin and KO
Dobra. The border reaches the floor. parc. no. 2941/1 in KO Dobra and follows
its western side over the stretch "Hladna voda", between cat. parc. no. 4480 and
4478 and 4480 and 4479, where it returns again to the west side of cat. parc.
no. 2941/1 up to the road Golubac-Donji Milanovac and excluding floor parc. no.
4432 and 3030 (in first degree protection mode). Along the Golubac–Donji
Milanovac road, the border goes in the west direction and separates from the
road by going around the floor. parc. no. 2771 (outside the second degree
protection regime) and between cat. parc. no. 2788 and 2772/1 up to the
starting point of the description on the route "Kožica".
- 2.7. The locality "Pesača", with an area of 194.39 ha, in the municipality of
Majdanpek, includes sections part 67, part 68 and part 80 of GJ "Boljetinka". The
site consists of two parts. The description of the locality boundary of the area
around Pesača begins at KO Boljetin, at the border of the first degree protection
regime, on the triple border floor. parc. no. 20/1, 48 and 66. The border follows
the border of the regime of the first degree and goes along the southern and
then the eastern side of cat. parc. no. 48, then between cat. parc. no. 42 and
49, intersects the road cat. parc. no. 3391/6 and follow it in the southeast
direction to the border of the floor. parc. no. 164/1 and 156. The border
separates from the road and goes between cat. parc. no. 164/1 and passes by
floor no. parc. no. 156, 149/1, 149/2, 160, 159, 148, 147 and 145, then
includes cat. parc. no. 164/3 and 164/2, continues next to cat. parc. no. 164/4,
138, 139, 140, 133, 164/5, 125/1, 164/6, 164/7, 164/8, 125/1 and 126 south
side cat. parc. no. 125/1, comes to road cat. parc. no. 1103. It follows the road
in a northwesterly direction until the locality "Pesača" where it separates from
the road and follows the border of the protection regime of the first degree, i.e.
it goes along the southern side of the border of department 79 GJ "Kožica" and
cuts floor. parc. no. 20/1. The border continues between the floor. parc. no.
20/1 and 75, 20/1 and 79/1, 62 and 79/1, 20/1 and 79/1, 20/1 and 66 and
comes to the starting point of the description. The starting point of the
description of the boundary of the area around Lepenski vir is located in KO
Boljetin, on the stretch "Štrbin" on the third floor. parc. no. 164/1 and 164/9
and road Donji Milanovac - Dobra, cat. parc. no. 1103. The border stretches in a
southerly direction, following the road Donji Milanovac-Dobra kat. parc. no.
1103, all the way to the place called "Košo brdo" where the eastern side of cat.
parc. no. 1080 separates from the road, cuts the road cat. parc. no. 3391/1 and
reaches the border of the first level protection regime, which it follows further.
The border runs along the western and then the northern side of the floor. parc.
no. 1101 and via 3402/1, and then between cat. parc. no. 1101/1 and moves to
intermediate floor. parc. no. 1099 which he follows to the locality "Lepena", i.e.
the bank of the Danube river. The border follows the bank of the Danube river in
a northerly direction, up to the border of the first level protection regime, that is,
the northernmost point of cat. parc. no. 966, then makes a sharp turn and goes
between cat. parc. no. 212/1 and next to cat. parc. no. 966, 3402/3, 991/3,
982/1 and 987 and comes to the road cat. parc. no. 212/20, goes around the
entrance to the tunnel, and then continues between cat. parc. no. 212/1 to the
road "Štrbin" and road cat. parc. no. 200 and cuts it. The border then continues
in the west direction, following the southern side of the floor. parc. no. 164/1 up
to the starting point of the description.
- 2.8. The "Greben" locality, with an area of 192.93 ha, in the municipality of
Majdanpek, includes the department, part of the 43rd GJ "Boljetinka" and the
68th GJ "Porečke šume". The description of the boundary of the locality begins in
KO Boljetin, on the third floor. parc. no. 1260, 1250 and times cat. parc. no.
1328. The border follows the road from the north side and goes in a southeast
direction over the stretch of "Boljetinsko brdo" to the intersection with road cat.
parc. no. 3403/1, goes to it, and then to road cat. parc. no. 2396. Via cat. parc.
no. 2396 goes in the direction of the south and separates between floor. parc.
no. 2405/3 and 2405/2 and exits on the north side of the road cat. parc. no.
3413, follows it in the southeast direction, and then crosses to road cat. parc.
no. 2695. Follow the road cat. parc. no. 2695 to Dema's stream, crosses it and
continues on the west side, cat. parc. no. 2861 to the border with KO Donji
Milanovac. The border continues along the boundary of KO Boljetin and KO
Milanovac in the southwest direction to the road Donji Milanovac - Dobra. The
border road goes through KO Donji Milanovac, and separates from it at the
westernmost point, floor. parc. no. 530/1, makes a sharp turn and goes between
cat. parc. no. 530/1 and 530/17, 530/1 and 530/20, 530/20 and 530/22,
530/22 and 530/12, 530/22 and 530/6, 530/1 and 530/6, 530/ 15 and 530/6,
then intersects road 3055/2 and follows the eastern side of cat. parc. no. 551/1,
528 and 529 and again comes to the border of KO Boljetin and KO Donji
Milanovac. It follows the boundary of KO in the direction of the northeast, and
then goes floor. parc. no. 480/1 over the stretch "Boljetinski greben" to the
border of KO Boljetin and KO Donji Milanovac. The border again passes through
KO Boljeta's next floor. parc. no. 1132/1 from its southwest side, across the
ridge "Greben", then "Boljetinsko brdo" all the way to the junction on the road
Golubac - Donji Milanovac. The border goes around the loop, following the inter
floor. parc. no. 1132/1, then crosses the Golubac - Donji Milanovac road at the
beginning of the bridge (from the south side), and then follows floor parc. no.
1132/4 from the west side. The border further crosses the floor. parc. no.
1104/2 in the direction of the west, then crosses over the Boljetinska river with
a bridge and makes a turn to the south and continues along the Boljetinska river
on the western side. The border again cuts the Boljetinska River at a right angle,
exiting to the third floor. parc. no. 3404/2, street cat. parc. no. 1291/1 and the
Boljetin River. The border continues along the road cat. parc. no. 1291/1, and
then goes to road cat. parc. no. 1288. Via cat. parc. no. 1288 the border reaches
the road Dobra - Donji Milanovac, it crosses it in the direction between floor.
parc. no. 1269/2 and 1265/2, goes along that border and reaches the Golubac-
Donji Milanovac road, intersects it in the direction of the border between floors.
parc. no. 1269/1 and 1265/1. The border goes in the direction of the northeast
along the southeast sides of cat. parc. no. 1262 and 1261, intersects the road
cat. parc. no. 1328, and comes to the starting point of the description.
- 2.9. The locality "Štrpsko korito", with an area of 4,831.93 ha, in the
municipalities of Majdanpek and Kladovo, includes sections 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12 and 14GJ "Pecka bara"; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36,
37, 38, 39 and 40 GJ "Strbačko korito" and part 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93 and 94
GJ "Đerdap" ". The starting point of the description of the locality boundary is
located at the outer border of NP "Đerdap", at the intersection of roads cat. parc.
no. 5645 and 5658 and cat. parc. no. 2532 in KO Golubinje, follows the outer
border of NP "Đerdap" through KO Golubinje, then continues through KO Petrovo
selo to a place called "Štrbac". The border is separated from the outer border of
NP "Đerdap" and follows between floor parc. no. 978/1 and passes by cat. parc.
no. 3163, 3164, 3165, 988 and 3166. In the northern direction, the border
intersects cat. parc. no. 978/1 on the eastern side of the border of department
11 GJ "Štrbačko korito", then follow the western sides cat. parc. no. 3112/7,
3112/8 and 3112/4. The border continues in the direction of the east, and then
the southeast, following between the floors. parc. no. 978/1 and passes by cat.
parc. no. 3112/4, 3112/5, 3108, 3000, 3001, 2991, 2974/3, 2974/2 and
2974/1, bends sharply to the west and further by cat. parc. no. 2932, 2933/1,
2933/2, 2935/1 and 2936, tours around cat. parc. no. 987/2, 2964, 2966, 2965,
2964, 978/2, 2937, 2938, 2939, 2940, 2948, 2954, 2952, 2953, 2952, 2951,
2950, 2951, 2949, 2946, 2945, 2944, 2943, 2939, 2938, 2936, 2927, 2923,
1040, 1039 and 1038, includes cat. parc. no. 992 (between cat. parc. no. 1037),
1036, 1033 and 1020. The border continues in the northwest direction along the
northern side of section 90 GJ "Strbačko Korito" and intersects cat. parc. no.
978/1, exits to the south side of the floor. parc. no. 1018 and follows its
southern side, then intersects the road cat. parc. no. 3406 and in the north
direction follows the west side of cat. parc. no. 973. Continues on the south side
of cat. parc. no. 963/8 to its westernmost point, from where it goes along the
northern side of the boundary of department 88 GJ "Štrbačko korito" and cuts
floor parc. no. 963/1, 963/3, 963/6 and 963/5. The border follows from the
south and then the west side of the floor. parc. no. 965/1, 965/3 and 965/2, and
then continues along the border of department 87 GJ "Strbačko Korito" and cuts
cat. parc. no. 963. The border continues through KO Tekija and further following
the boundaries of department 87 GJ "Štrbačko korito" and intersects floor parc.
no. 1422/1 and exits on its northern side. Further west, follow the north side of
the floor. parc. no. 1422/1, includes cat. parc. no. 1422/13, continues on the
northern side of cat. parc. no. 2702/1 and includes cat. parc. no. 2578 in full. On
the third floor. parc. no. 2595, 2594 and 2702/1, the border is broken in the
direction of the south by the borders of departments 30, 3, 6, 16 and 17 GJ
"Štrbačko korito", following the border of the first degree protection regime,
cutting cat. parc. no. 2702/1 to the border with KO Golubinje. The border
continues following the border of KO Golubinje and KO Petrovo selo, separates
on the northern side of the border of sections 29, 30, 31 and 32 of the "Štrbačko
Korito" GJ and intersects the floor. parc. no. 3/1 to the polygon point 1649 and
between cat. parc. no. 78,where it changes direction to the west and follows the
north side of the floor. parc. no. 78, 63 and 59, intersects road 5629, and goes
along the southern side of cat. parc. no. 2/1, it is cut along the border of
department 69 GJ "Štrbačko korito" and the northern side of floor parc. no. 19/1
reaches the road and follows it in a southerly direction. It is separated from the
road on the north side of the floor. parc. no. 256 and then on the eastern side of
floor parc. no. 258, 257, 259/2, 259/1 and 259/3 where it rejoins the road and
follows it in a southerly direction. The border is separated from the road between
the floors. parc. no. 275/1 and 280, makes a turn and goes along the eastern
side of cat. parc. no. 275/1, 275/2 and 272/1, then follow road cat. parc. no.
267, 312/1 and 5629. From road cat. parc. no. 5629, the border is separated
between cat. parc. no. 219 and 220, 219 and 368 and exits to the street cat.
parc. no. 397, follow it in a southerly direction, then cross onto road no. parc.
no. 5637, then to road cat. parc. no. 5638, road cat. parc. no. 707 to the
"Lamuri" port. The border goes south and moves along the west side of the
floor. parc. no. 698, 713, 726, 706, 705 and 698. At the path "Chisti rt" the
border follows the southern and then the western side of cat. parc. no. 734/2
and exits to the street cat. parc. no. 736, and then goes to road cat. parc. no.
5638 and follows it in a southerly direction. The border continues along the road
no. parc. no. 5645 and follows it in a southerly direction until the starting point
of the description.
- 2.10. The "Velika Peštera" locality, with an area of 1.18 ha, in the municipality
of Kladovo, includes parts of floor parc. no. 2736 and 2224 at KO Tekija and part
of cat. parc. no. 54 on KO Petrovo selo.

Surfaces with level III protection regime

The III degree protection zone includes the area in the NP "Đerdap" that is not
included in the I and II degree protection zones.

1.4.2. Boundaries of Geopark "Đerdap"

The area of Geopark "Đerdap" includes parts of the territories of the four
municipalities of Golubac, Majdanpek, Negotin and Kladovo, within 37 KOs,
- Municipality of Golubac, KO: Golubac, Brnjica, Dobra, Vinci, Usje, Radoševac,
Dvorište and Snegotin;
– Municipality of Majdanpek, KO: Boljetin, Donji Milanovac, Majdanpek, Mosna,
Miroč, Golubinje, Topolnica, Rudna Glava, Crnajka and Klokočevac;
– municipality of Neotina, KO: Plavna, Štubik I, Jabukovac and Vratna;
- municipality of Kladovo, KO: Petrovo selo, Tekija, Sip, Davidovac, Manastirica,
Kladušnica, Podvrška, Brza Palanka, Reka, Grabovica, Velika Kamenica, Kladovo,
Kostol, Mala Vrbica and Velika Vrbica.
The boundary of the "Đerdap" Geopark follows the borders of the KO, except for
the part within the KO Majdanpek, and it is given on the reference maps of the
Spatial Plan. The border was determined based on the proposal of the Working
Team for the establishment of the "Đerdap" Geopark, and accepted by the
signatories of the Agreement on Cooperation on the Preservation, Protection and
Sustainable Use of Geodiversity, the Formation of the "Đerdap" Geopark and its
inclusion in the European and World Geopark Network, from 2015. year, at the
then ministry in charge of environmental protection affairs. The signatories of
this agreement are the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, the
Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia and the municipalities of Golubac,
Majdanpek, Kladovo and Negotin. The boundary of the "Đerdap" Geopark was
determined based on knowledge of protected areas outside the boundaries of
the "Đerdap" National Park, planned areas for the declaration of a Ramsar site,
near Golupac (west - Vince et al.) and Kladovo (east - area of Mala and Velika
Vrbica), facilities geoheritage outside the borders of NP "Đerdap" (in the area of
Miroč, a significant part with speleological objects), as well as cultural and
historical objects (Tumane monastery, Vratna monastery, Rudna Glava
archaeological site, etc.).
Within the boundaries of the "Đerdap" Geopark is the National Park "Đerdap", as
well as the natural monuments (hereinafter: SP) "Overgrowth in the Vratna
Canyon, "Suplja Stena Overgrowth", "Blederija", "Tunnel Cave Overgrowth in the
Zamna Canyon", "Bigrena reservoir near Tumane monastery", "Bigrena reservoir
Beli Izvorac", in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Nature Protection,
according to which the territory of the geopark can include protected areas with
different established protection regimes.


The special purpose of the area of the Spatial Plan, which is crucial for the
determination of planning solutions, is the protected area of NP "Đerdap" with
multiple national and international importance, which includes: EMERALD,
Ramsar, IBA, IPA and PBA area. In addition to the above, the area of NP
"Đerdap" is on the Preliminary UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List
and on the list of Carpathian areas (Framework Convention on the Protection
and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians, BioREGIO Carpathians project
and others) and is a potential biosphere reserve.
The area of NP "Đerdap" and its wider surroundings, with a total area of about
1,330 km², was declared the first geopark in the Republic of Serbia in 2020,
under the name UNESCO Geopark "Đerdap" (Djerdap UNESCO Global
Geopark1), thus becoming part of the world network of geoparks. Geopark
"Đerdap" is an area whose functions are highly compatible with the functions of
nature protection and is an area of special importance for the study of the
development of the Earth's crust, considering that it has a distinct set of diverse
phenomena and geodiversity processes of national and international importance.
These key values are complemented by diverse biodiversity, as well as cultural,
historical, ethnological, archaeological and tourist facilities. The basic meaning
and goal of the "Đerdap" Geopark is the evaluation, protection, preservation,
presentation, promotion, management and sustainable use of nature and natural
resources, as well as the education of as many people from local communities as
possible for the sustainable development of such territories.
1 At the session of the UNESCO Executive Council in Paris in July 2020, the
designation of 15 new areas from 12 countries of the international collaborative
mechanism UNESCO Global Geoparks was approved, including Geopark
"Đerdap". With that, Đerdap became a member of the World Geoparks Network,
which now consists of 161 areas from 44 countries, that is, the European
Geoparks Network (EGN) with 81 geoparks from 26 countries. This recognized
the exceptional international natural (geodiversity and biodiversity) and cultural
(historical, ethnological, archaeological, etc.) values of the geoheritage of the
wider area of Djerdapa.
Outside the boundaries of the National Park "Đerdap" (and within the Geopark
"Đerdap"), on the basis of the Law on Nature Protection, six natural monuments
have been declared ("Prerast in Vratna Canyon", "Suplja Stena Prerast",
"Blederija", "Prerast Tunnel Cave in the Zamna canyon", "Bigrena reservoir near
the Tumane monastery" and "Bigrena reservoir Beli Izvorac"), with a total area
of 605 ha (of which 460 ha is under the protection regime of the II degree, and
the rest is under the regime of the III degree), and the spatial complex of
Rajkova Pečina near Majdanpek, for a tourist visit of an arranged speleological
object, it has been proposed for protection as a natural monument, with an area
of 138 ha.
With the property of geoarchaeological-metallurgical heritage of the object,
outside the boundaries of NP "Đerdap" (and within Geopark "Đerdap"), there is
an archaeometallurgical complex of mining works at Rudna glava site. The early
Eneolithic Rudna Glava mine, an archaeological site of exceptional importance, is
an example of the oldest known copper production technology. The locality
belongs to the Vinča culture and represents the center of the earliest copper
mining in the central Balkans, that is, in Southeastern Europe, with significant
production of copper carbonate minerals, malachite and azurite.
Other special purposes, determined by planning and strategic documents at the
national level, in the area of the Spatial Plan are:
- various cultural values of international importance and importance for the
Danube countries and the Republic of Serbia (archaeological sites from the
Neolithic period, the Roman road and bridge in Djerdap and Roman fortifications,
medieval fortifications and monasteries, remains of mining from prehistoric and
Roman periods, preserved units and objects of national buildings and other
tangible and intangible cultural heritage);
– section of the Pan-European Transport Corridor VII, with significant, but still
underutilized nautical potential of the international waterway E-80 - Danube;
- water management infrastructure, which relies on the hydropower potential of
the Danube, with two existing hydropower plants (hereinafter: HPP), "Đerdap 1"
(in the scope of the Spatial Plan) and "Đerdap 2" (outside the area of the Spatial
Plan), as well as systems and facilities for water protection and water quality
protection, water sources, etc.;
- the most attractive part of the priority tourist destination of Donje Podunavlje;
- zones of exploitation and significant reserves of mineral raw materials (part of
the Majdanpeč-Bor basin of exploitation of copper and precious metals, zones of
exploitation of limestone and building stone);
- the border strip towards Romania in the length of about 140 km with existing
and planned border crossings.




Law on the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2010 to 2020
The area of the Spatial Plan, according to its characteristic geographical,
historical, functional and cultural characteristics, belongs to the spatial whole of
Eastern Serbia as a whole of exceptional natural and cultural features, but
severely threatened demographic potential, with a significant problem of
restoring the demographic structure, rich biological and cultural diversity, with
significant hydro potential of rivers .
It belongs to the Danube development axis of primary national importance, i.e. a
wider area that is functionally referred to or connected to the Danube river, with
opportunities for cross-border cooperation with Romania in the field of natural
and cultural property protection. The regional centers of Požarevac and Zaječar
are located in the area of the Spatial Plan. The area of the spatial plan is located
outside the existing functional urban areas.
Donje Podunavlje is defined as a priority tourist destination with a smaller share
of the year-round offer. The touring direction of the Danube corridor is classified
as a priority, which includes: road touring routes (cultural, cycling and other
routes); navigable touring routes in the function of nautical tourism (the
construction of marinas and piers is foreseen) and others.
Corridor VII, the international waterway on the Danube, represents the potential
for transnational cooperation of the Republic of Serbia through numerous
initiatives that deal with strategic topics of protection and development in the
area of the Danube region and the Euroregion. Spatial integration and functional
connection of regional entities is necessary for achieving greater territorial
cohesion and for strengthening development capacities. Priority is given to the
definition of the Eurovelo 6 cycling route, as well as the development of traffic
infrastructure: the first grade state road Golubac - Đerdap 1, the construction of
the bypasses of Golupac, Majdanpek and Kladovo and the reconstruction of the
locks on Đerdap.
Among the strategic priorities, special attention is given to the increase of the
installed power at the existing HE "Đerdap 1" and HE "Đerdap 2", the
reconstruction of power plants and transmission lines (DV), as well as the
construction of DV 110 kV Majdanpek 2 - Mosna and TS 110/h kV Mosna.
Prospective needs for strengthening the energy capacities of the Republic of
Serbia using hydro potential indicate the possibility of building a reversible HPP
"Đerdap 3". By the conclusion of the Government (05 Number: 351-8703/2021-
1 of September 30, 2021), approval was given for the construction of HPP
"Đerdap 3" as a project of public and general interest, i.e. of special importance
for the Republic of Serbia.
The largest part of the area of the Spatial Plan is classified as areas of high
quality environment. The urban area of Majdanpek is classified as a polluted and
degraded environment, and the river docks on the Danube are classified as an
endangered environment. Transboundary pollution has an impact on the
pollution of the waters of the Danube and the water quality of the Đerdap lake.
The strategic priority is the improvement of the quality of surface and
underground water, the implementation of a wastewater treatment plant
(hereinafter: WWTP) in Majdanpek, ensuring the rational use of water in industry
and energy by introducing new technologies and recirculation.
In order to acquire the international status of nature protection, NP "Đerdap" is
proposed for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Biosphere Reserves and the
UNESCO List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. In order to strengthen the
cross-border cooperation of the Republic of Serbia in the field of nature
protection, Đerdap is of particular importance in the planning period. The banks
of the Danube with prehistoric sites, Roman limes and medieval fortresses
(Golubac, Lepenski Vir, Diana, Pontes) are classified as priority cultural areas
that should enjoy special protection treatment.

Regulation on establishing the Regional Spatial Plan of Timočka Krajina ("Official

Gazette of RS", number 51/11)
For the area of this spatial plan, the following provisions of the Regulation on
Establishing the Regional Spatial Plan of Timočka Krajina are particularly
- the necessity of preserving the natural resources of the "Đerdap" National Park
and sustainable development, will be implemented by the protection regimes of
the "Đerdap" National Park, preserving the diversity and image of the landscape
and improving the arrangement;
- implementation of priority rehabilitation and recultivation activities of degraded
areas due to the exploitation of mineral raw materials.
- improvement of: environment, as well as protection, arrangement and
sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage in NP "Đerdap" and outside it;
the state of existing forests and the increase of areas under forests;
development of agriculture (vine-growing and polymorphic regions, as well as
pasture livestock);
- consolidation and functional integration of the existing tourist offer in the area,
arranging and organizing the presentation of immovable cultural property
objects (hereinafter: NKD); realization of nautical-tourism infrastructure on the
Danube: marina (Donji Milanovac, Kladovo, Poreč Bay), pier (Golubac, Lepenski
Vir, Tekija, Mihajlovac) and other facilities for tourists (visitor centers in Lepenski
Vir and Donji Milanovac, nautical center in Poreč Bay etc.);
- the development of the spatial structure of the economy, in which the existing
economic-industrial zones of urban centers and zones of the mining-energy-
industrial complex (Majdanpek and Kladovo), as well as settlements with the
nucleus of production-processing activities and initial forms of entrepreneurship
and small and medium-sized enterprises, will play a leading role (Majdanpek -
Mosna, Kladovo - Sip);
- spatial-functional integration and cross-border connection, improvement of
traffic infrastructure (especially road and telecommunications) and increase of
traffic efficiency;
- it is planned to achieve a greater degree of functional integration, both within
the area of the Timok Krajina, the republic area (with neighboring functional
areas) and with the international environment;
- international cooperation regarding the development of infrastructure systems
(development of hydro-energy systems "Đerdap 1", "Đerdap 2" and the planned
"Đerdap 3", as well as the waterway E80) and others.

Regulation on establishing the Regional Spatial Plan for the area of the Danube
and Braničevo administrative districts ("Official Gazette of RS", number 8/15)
The conceptual assumptions and determinations of the development of the field
of nature protection are directed towards the sustainable use of existing natural
resources of abiotic and biotic origin. In accordance with the stated conceptual
settings and determinations, it is necessary to ensure the controlled exploitation
of resources and at the same time prevent the appearance of conflicts of interest
between the sector of protection of natural values and other areas. In the area
of the Regional Spatial Plan for the area of the Danube and Braničevo
Administrative Districts, NP "Đerdap" has been identified as an area of greatest
The following provisions and objectives of the Regional Spatial Plan for the area
of the Danube and Braničevo administrative districts are particularly relevant for
the area of this spatial plan:
- in the field of tourism development, it is necessary to integrate the tourist offer
of the cities of Požarevac and Smederevo and the municipalities of Veliko
Gradište, Golubac, Žabari, Petrovac na Mlavi, Smederevska Palanka, Žagubica,
Malo Crniće, Kučevo and Velika Plana, with the offer of the regional environment
and the development of tourist products according to the requirements tourist
- in the field of transport infrastructure development, a special goal is the
development of river traffic on the Danube by increasing the efficiency and
improving technology in the transportation of goods and passengers, increasing
the volume of traffic, connecting it with the road and railway network and
harmonizing it with the needs of the development of the economy and
settlements near the waterway;
- in the area of protection of natural values, increasing the area of protected
natural assets, increasing the area under protected natural assets of greater
spatial extent, qualitatively improving the state of biological diversity, especially
the state of populations of rare and endangered species; at the same time, it is
necessary to continuously monitor the quality of the state of geoheritage
- establishment of not only nominal, but functional ecological corridors and
networks at the national and international level, nomination and declaration of
certain protected areas with special natural and other values of international
importance (the area of NP "Đerdap" is of particular importance).


The border of the Spatial Plan overlaps or overlaps with the following spatial
plans of special purpose areas whose planning solutions have a certain influence
on the special purpose itself, namely: Regulation on establishing the Spatial Plan
of the special purpose area of the international waterway E-80 - Danube (Pan-
European Corridor VII), ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 14/15 and 85/15 -
other regulations); Regulation on the determination of the Spatial Plan of the
special purpose area of the infrastructural corridor of the IB state road, Highway
E-75 Belgrade-Niš (loop "Požarevac") - Požarevac (bypass) - Veliko Gradište -
Golubac ("Official Gazette of the RS", number 7/21) .
Within the scope of the spatial plan, the following local planning documents are
in force:
1. On the territory of the municipality of Golubac: Spatial plan of the
municipality of Golubac ("Official gazette of the municipality of Golubac", number
3/11); Plan of general regulation of the Golubac urban settlement ("Official
Gazette of the Municipality of Golubac", number 6/13); The first amendment and
supplement to the detailed regulation plan for the area of the wind farm
"Krivača" (on the territory of the municipality of Golubac) ("Official Gazette of
the Municipality of Golubac", number 9/19); Detailed regulation plan for the area
of the "Krivača" wind farm in the territory of the municipality of Golubac
("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Golubac", number 6/13); Plan of detailed
regulation of the "Jelenska stena" surface mine ("Official Gazette of the
Municipality of Golubac", number 1/12); Plan of detailed regulation for the
revitalization of the fortress "Golubački Grad" ("Official Gazette of the
Municipality of Golubac", number 3/10) and Plan of detailed regulation of the
banks of the Danube, from the tourist settlement Vinci-Usije to the fortress
"Golubački Grad" ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Golubac", number 30-
2. On the territory of the municipality of Majdanpek: Spatial plan of the
municipality of Majdanpek ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Majdanpek",
number 9/12); General regulation plan for the settlement of Donji Milanovac
("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Majdanpek", number 27/21); Detailed
regulation plan of the 110 kV transmission line corridor between TS 110/35 kV
"Mosna" and TS 110/35 kV "Nikine Voda", a section on the territory of the
municipality of Majdanpek ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Majdanpek",
number 26/15); Plan of detailed regulation of transmission line corridor 110 kV
TS "Majdanpek 2" - TS 110/35 kV "Mosna" ("Official Gazette of the Municipality
of Majdanpek", number 13/07); Detailed regulation plan for TS 110/35 kV
"Mosna" and transmission line 35 kV between TS 110/35 kV "Mosna" and 35/10
kV "Mosna" Detailed regulation plan for the construction of the sewerage
network of the settlement of Golubinje ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of
Majdanpek", no. 20/16); Detailed regulation plan for the "Rudna Glava"
archaeological site, March 2021; Detailed regulation plan of the protected area
"Archaeological site - Lepenski Vir" ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of
Majdanpek", number 28/21).
3. On the territory of the municipality of Kladovo: Spatial plan of the
municipality of Kladovo ("Official Gazette of the municipality of Kladovo",
number 1/12); Amendments to the General Regulation Plan of Kladovo ("Official
Gazette of the Municipality of Kladovo", number 15/18); Plan of detailed
regulation of "Tekije Settlement" ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of
Kladovo", number 3/15); Detailed regulation plan of the "Privredna zone
Kladovo" complex ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Kladovo", number
3/15); Detailed regulation plan of the economic zone "Davidovac-Kladušnica"
("Official Gazette of the municipality of Kladovo", number 4/09); Detailed
regulation plan for the needs of the solar park in Kladovo ("Official Gazette of
the Municipality of Kladovo", number 1/12).
4. On the territory of the municipality of Negotin: Spatial plan of the municipality
of Negotin ("Official Gazette of the municipality of Negotin", number 16/11).



3.1.1. Protection of nature and natural values

The area of the spatial plan represents parts of the Carpathian-Balkan mountain
arc in eastern Serbia, that is, the northern Alpine orogenic tree that was formed
under different geological conditions. In addition to tectonic movements,
different types of erosion took part in the formation of this area, with a
pronounced karstification of the terrain. Several geological entities can be
distinguished in this area, each with a complex tectonic structure and lithology.
The oldest rocks are Precambrian amphibolites. Paleozoic rocks are represented
by Lower Cambrian igneous-sedimentary rocks, Ordovician schists, marine and
continental deposits of Carboniferous age and Permian red sandstones and
spilites. These rocks were greatly disturbed and metamorphosed during the
tectonic movements of the Variscan orogeny. During the Jurassic period, the
entire terrain was under sea water, where sedimentation took place until the
beginning of the Upper Cretaceous. Jurassic limestones, marls and cherts, Lower
Cretaceous clays, marls, sandstones and limestones, Upper Cretaceous
conglomerate limestones, sandstones and clays come from that time. The
deposition of Upper Cretaceous rocks was accompanied by multiphase
magmatism that produced a huge volcanic-sedimentary series over 2000 m
thick. During the Paleogene, surface igneous rocks were formed as part of the
evolution of the Carpathian Orogen. In the Oligocene, several freshwater basins
existed along the main faults. In the Miocene, Baden marine sediments were
deposited in the Transcarpathian system that connected the Pannonian and
Dacian-Black Sea basins. During the Quaternary, fluvial, eolian and karst
accumulations of material of different composition were formed.
One of the most prominent examples of the geological values of Djerdap are the
rock layers in the section of the Greben hill and the canyon of the Boljetinska
river and the Pesač stream, rich in fossil remains of ammonites and other extinct
marine fauna, which illustrate the continuous stratigraphic development of the
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous periods, i.e. the period in geological evolution
that lasted about 80 million years.
The primary geomorphological determinant of the area is the 100 km long
Đerdap Gorge, from the Golubac fortress to the island of Gura Vai near Sipa, as
a composite (with four narrowings and three basin expansions), polygenetic,
polyphasic and antecedent valley. Karst and fluviokarst landforms are present on
limestone terrains (bays, sinkholes, dry and abyssal blind valleys, overgrowths,
caves, bigren waterfalls). With numerous sinkholes that give the terrain a divine
appearance, bays, tangles of karstified (dry, abyssal and hanging) valleys and
caves of considerable length and interesting morphology, the Miročka surface is
one of the most distinct karst landscapes of the Republic of Serbia. The total
length of the channels of speleological objects in Miroč that have been examined
so far is over 13 km (without the Dževrinska greda), and among them the
largest are Nemacki ponor (about 3,500 m) and Buronov ponor (about 3,000
m), while the highest level difference (303 m) is Raka ponor , which is also the
deepest speleological object in the Republic of Serbia. Of the caves outside the
karst oasis of Miroča, the most important are Gradašnica (about 550 m long) in
the source amphitheater of the Velika Gradašnica river, the right tributary of
Djerdap Lake in the Poreč Bay and the Rajkova Cave near Majdanpek, arranged
for a tourist visit, whose length is about 2,800 m, together with the channels of
Jankova and Paskova caves with which it represents a unique morphogenetic
system, and then the Drenjar system with over 3,700 m of canals, Dubočka
cave, Ravništarka, Ududo and others. In the area of the plan, there are also the
most famous overgrowths in the Republic of Serbia, i.e. limestone natural
bridges: three of them are in the Vratna valley (Suva, Mala and Velika prerast),
one is in the Valja prerast valley (Suplja stena), a tributary of the Šaška in the
Porečka basin rivers. The tunnel caves, which represent overgrowths in creation,
are located in the Zamna gorge near the village of Plavna and in Petrovo Selo
(Velika peshtera), in the basin of the Kašajna river. There are also several bigren
reservoirs in the area (Blederija, Tumane), and the most famous and largest is
the Beli Izvorac, with a waterfall and cascades built by this cave spring, in the
northern section of Krša, in the Šaška basin.
The main hydrographic phenomenon is the Danube, the second largest and most
famous European river, the area of the basin (on the profile at the mouth of the
Timok) is about 580,000 km², the average multi-year flow is about 5,500 m³/s,
the calculated hundred-year maximum flow is 16,200 m³/s and the hundred-
year minimum is 1,000 m³/s. The Danube in Gospodina Vir in the Đerdap Gorge
had a depth of 82 m before the formation of the reservoir, which was the
deepest river in Europe.
There is no doubt that this great river has been a major factor or cause for many
extremely significant human activities in the past. The formerly untamed mighty
water mass of the Danube, narrowed in gorges to only 140-150 m, in other
places, on rocky underwater thresholds, shallowly but wildly, violently
overflowed, was for centuries, from Roman times until 50 years ago, an
exceptional challenge for navigation and unique methods of fishing . For the
sake of navigation, a series of riverbeds were regulated, and paths and roads
were cut through the rocky coast that were used for towing ships (vessels), as
well as for the movement of units on that part of the Roman limes. Also, in the
Djerdap expansions, thanks to the favorable microclimate, conditioned by the
influence of river water, the richness and diversity of flora and fauna, especially
fish, which could be used for food and other human needs, next to the Danube
in Djerdap was formed in the Mesolithic and Neolithic (beginning from 9,000
years ago) several occasional or permanent settlements, the richest and longest-
lived of which was the one at the site of the spectacular, world-famous
archaeological site Lepenski Vir discovered in 1965.
The largest tributary of the Danube in the area of the spatial plan is the Porečka
river, and other important tributaries are the Brnjička reka, Velika Čezava,
Pesača, Boljetinska reka and Kosovica. The river Pek flows along the
southwestern edge of the area, which flows into the Danube near Veliki Gradište.
The considerable density of the hydrographic network in non-carbonate terrains
of 1.5 km/km² is due to the even, gradual dissection of the relief, while on the
karstified Miroč surface the network of valleys is less dense and the surface
hydrography is represented only by short, water-scarce sinkholes. Of the
morpho-hydrographic phenomena, which have the property of geoheritage
objects, the Beg Bunar spring and waterfall in the Golubačka gorge, the
waterfalls and waterfall in the valley of the Kamenica stream near the Tumane
monastery, the Beli Izvorac spring with waterfalls and waterfalls, the Blederia
spring with three cold and one subthermal springs stand out. a source of a total
yield of over 30 l/s and the lake Balta alu Šontu (Šontina Bara) formed by the
sliding of the terrain and the damming of the valley of the Paprenica stream near
Donji Milanovac. Special objects of geoheritage are submerged morphological
elements of the Danube bed: giant pots (in the gorges of Gospodgin vir, Mali
and Veliki kazan) with former depths greater than 80 m, the famous Djerdap
rapids (cataracts), rocky thresholds and lonely underwater rocks (Babakaj,
Bivoli, Kozle , Dojke, Izlaz, Tahtalija, Joc, Pregrada) and submerged river islands
(Adakale, Porečka ada, etc.).
The living world is characterized by a high degree of species and ecosystem
diversity. The flora is represented by about 1,100 taxa (species and subspecies)
of higher plants, among which relict, endemic, rare and endangered species of
dendro and herbaceous flora are of particular importance: witch hazel (Corylus
colurna), walnut (Juglans regia), lilac (Syringa vulgaris ), linden (Acer
monsessulanum), linden (Acer intermedium), nettle (Celtis australis), linden
(Ilex aqufolium), linden (Ruscus aculeatus), yew (Taxus baccata), Caucasian
linden (Tilia caucasia), silver linden (Tilia argentea), bay jerusalem (Daphne
laureola), Portuguese chervil (Parietaria lusitanica), Tatar cabbage (Crambe
tataria), lady's spider (Cypripedium calceolus), white bun (Scopolia carniolica),
Kladof carnation (Dinathus giganteiformis), combed yarrow (Achillea ochroleuca
), wild garufalić (Dinathus diutinus), pomace (Elatine triandra), sand immortelle
(Helchrisum arenarium), water gorse (Hottonia palustris). A significant
concentration of the aforementioned herbaceous plants, which are extremely
endangered in the Republic of Serbia, is found on the sands around Kladovo.
Some species of plants, whose habitats were in the Djerdap Gorge and its
hinterland (Banat saffron, flat-eared saffron, Bachofen's nightshade), have
disappeared from the Republic of Serbia in the last 50 years, some of them due
to submergence of habitats by the Djerdap reservoir. Among the extinct species
is the well-known Djerdap or Hungarian tulip (Tulipa hungarica), a strict endemic
of the Djerdap gorge, whose small subpopulation has been preserved in Romania
and can provide material for reintroduction. Vegetation is represented by 70
plant communities, of which over 50 are forest and shrub associations, and
among them 35 are relict type, while 15 of them represent relict polydominant
communities with a rich floristic composition. With these plant communities
classified into five development series, the Đerdap gorge is a unique refugium of
the relict vegetation of the oak belt of the Republic of Serbia. Based on floristic
values, parts of the planning area are included in the list of internationally
important plant areas (IPA).
In the animal world fund, the richest bird fauna is represented by about 170
species, of which 110 are nesting birds. Particularly significant are: tufted grebe,
great crow, little crow, humpback swan, mallard, red-headed duck, tufted duck,
mallard duck, little grebe, wasp, white-tailed godwit, buzzard, eagle, bald eagle,
pygmy eagle, peregrine falcon, buzzard. . russet magpie, gray magpie.
Theriofauna, i.e. mammal fauna, is represented by 30 species, among which as
natural rarities or endangered species we can single out the golden marten and
white marten, shrew, ermine, gray down and hazel grouse, red vole, otter, lynx,
wild cat, ten species bats. The mammalian fauna consists of several species of
game (rabbit, deer, roe deer, wild boar, etc.), among them the chamois, which
was successfully recolonized in the Djerdap Gorge about thirty years ago, and
the mouflon, which was introduced to the fenced hunting ground near Vratna.
The herpetofauna includes a total of about 20 species of reptiles (steppe lizard,
forest and pond turtle, green turtle, several types of snakes, etc.) and
amphibians (marmot, salamander, wood frog, red-bellied and green frog, etc.).
The fish fauna is very rich and diverse and numbers about 65 species, most of
which live in the Djerdap lake and the Danube (babushka, kesiga, bream, black-
eyed bream, bream, bream, barbel, carp, chub, several species of bream, eel,
Danube herring ) Known migratory sturgeon species (Danube sturgeon, Atlantic
sturgeon, sim, trout and moruna), which before the formation of the Djerdap
reservoir reached upstream the Danube to Hungary and Slovakia, today are
extremely rare in the lake, and their numbers have greatly decreased in the
Danube sector as well between HPP "Đerdap 1" and HPP "Đerdap 2". The
ichthyofauna of the planning area has a large number of strictly protected and
protected species (Black Sea and Danube herring, white sturgeon, both types of
sturgeon, trout, small and large dragonfly, golden crucian carp, crucian carp,
etc.), but also introduced and domesticated fish (white carp, gray and white
walleye, American catfish). Danube fish are the basis of economic activities
(commercial fishing, artificial breeding in ponds), recreation and tourism
(widespread sport/recreational fishing, fishing events - "Golden Bućka", etc.).
Of the insects, the fauna of diurnal butterflies is the best researched, numbering
over 100 species. Investigations of the endogean insect fauna, especially the
troglobiont fauna of speleological objects are very promising, considering the
number, length of the channels and the diversity of the habitat conditions of the

Protected natural values in the area of the Spatial Plan

Based on national regulations in the field of nature protection, international
conventions and programs and other documents, natural values in the area of
the Spatial Plan acquired the status of protected natural assets, as protected
areas and protected species of wild flora and fauna and/or the status of areas
and species of international importance for nature protection.
Protected areas are:
- National Park "Đerdap", with an area of 63,786 ha, on the territory of the
municipalities of Golubac, Majdanpek and Kladovo, was declared for the first
time by a special law in 1974, then by a new law in 1983, when its boundaries
were determined, and by the Law on National Parks in 1993, which the previous
borders were confirmed and described in detail and the current management
system of that area was based on the Law on National Parks of 2015, which
carried out the zoning of the NP "Đerdap" area according to the protection
regimes and established the specified area.
- The nature monument "Overgrowth in the Vratna Canyon" (hereinafter: SP
"Vratna"), area of 145 ha, Negotin municipality, includes three overgrowths, i.e.
natural limestone bridges (Big, Small and Dry overgrowth) in the Vratna river
gorge, represents a typical and an outstanding example of fluvio-karst relief,
established for the first time by the decision of the Institute for Nature Protection
of Serbia in 1957, declared a protected area of exceptional importance, in the
protection regime of the II degree (outside the National Park "Đerdap"), by the
Decree on the Proclamation of the Nature Monument "Grow in the Canyon"
Vratne" ("Official Gazette of RS", number 99/14);
- Natural monument "Prerast Šuplja stena" (in the following text: SP "Suplja
stena", area of 8 ha, municipality of Majdanpek, includes the natural stone
bridge (overgrowth) of the same name on the river Valja Prerast, a tributary of
Šaška, in the Porečka river basin, established by the decision of the Institute for
the protection of nature in 1959, in the protection regime of the II degree,
declared by the Decree on the Proclamation of the Nature Monument "Hollow
Rock Overgrowth", ("Služben i glasnik RS", number 36/19) as a protected area
of category I, that is, from exceptional ) of importance (outside the National
Park "Đerdap");
- Natural monument "Blederija" with an area of 399 ha, municipality of Kladovo,
includes the spring of the same name with several hot springs and large
waterfalls, in the protection regime of the II degree, declared a protected area of
the II category, i.e. of great (regional) importance (outside the National Park
"Đerdap"), Decree on the declaration of the Natural Monument "Blederija"
("Official Gazette of RS", number 93/19);
- The nature monument "Tunnel cave Prerast u Zamna canyon" (hereinafter: SP
"Zamna"), area of 40 ha, Negotin municipality, represents a short tunnel cave -
an overgrowth in the Zamna gorge, a tributary of the Danube, established for
the first time by the decision of the Institute for nature protection of Serbia in
1957 in the II degree protection regime, declared a protected area of the I
category, i.e. of exceptional (international and national) importance (outside the
National Park "Đerdap"), by the Decree on the Proclamation of the Natural
Monument "Tunel Cave Prerast in the Zamna Canyon" (" Official Gazette of the
RS", No. 81/20);
- The nature monument "Bigrena accumulation near Tumana monastery"
(hereinafter referred to as "Tumanski bigar"), area of 6 ha, Golubac municipality,
represents representative deposits of bigra with a waterfall, waterfalls and
bigrain tubs in the valley of the Kamenica stream, a tributary of the tributary of
the Tumanska river, in the regime II degree of protection, declared a protected
area of category III, i.e. of local importance (outside NP "Đerdap"), by the
Decision on the Protection of the Natural Monument "Bigrena Accumulation near
Tumane Monastery" ("Official Gazette of Golubac Municipality", number 2/09);
- Natural monument "Bigrena reservoir Beli Izvorac" (hereinafter: SP Beli
Izvorac), area of 6 ha, municipality of Majdanpek, includes the spring and
watercourse of Beli Izvorac with powerful bigr deposits, in protection mode II
(about 0.10 ha) and III (about 5.90 ha) degree, declared a protected area of
category III, i.e. of local importance (outside NP "Đerdap"), by the Decision on
the Protection of the Natural Monument "Bigrena Accumulation Beli Izvorac"
("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Majdanpek", number 29/06) .
Protected species are:
- species of wild flora and fauna determined by the Rulebook on the
Proclamation and Protection of Strictly Protected and Protected Wild Species of
Plants, Animals and Mushrooms ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 5/10 and 47/11).
Wild species of plants, animals and fungi that have disappeared from the
territory of the Republic of Serbia and which have been returned to
reintroduction programs are strictly protected, extremely endangered,
endangered, relict, locally endemic, endemic, internationally important and
protected wild species of special importance for the preservation of the biological
diversity of the Republic of Serbia. In the area of the Spatial Plan, there are a
total of about 250 species of plants (as well as fungi, lichens and mosses) and
animals from the aforementioned regulations, most of which are birds (over 100
species), followed by fish (over 20 species) and mammals (about 20 species),
while for insects whose fauna is not sufficiently researched and known, it is
difficult to determine which species from the list inhabit this area. Their
protection is carried out by prohibiting the use, destruction and undertaking of
activities that may threaten these species and their habitats, as well as by
undertaking measures to manage populations. Exceptionally, these species can
be used under the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the Law on
Nature Protection and based on the permission of the ministry responsible for
nature protection. Vulnerable, endemic, indicator, key and umbrella species,
relict, internationally important and protected wild species, as well as species
that are not endangered, but due to their appearance can be easily confused
with strictly protected species, are also protected. Protected species can be used
under the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the Law on Nature
Protection based on the permission of the competent ministry, and protected
wild species of the fish stock and hunting game in accordance with the
regulations in the field of hunting and fishing;
- controlled species determined by the Decree on placing under control the use
and circulation of wild flora and fauna ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 31/05,
45/05 - correction, 22/07, 38/08, 9/10, 69/11 , 95/18 - Dr. Law), of which there
are about 80 species of plants, ten species of fungi, several species of lichens
and five representatives of fauna in the area of the Spatial Plan;
- types of game and fish, the use of which is prohibited or restricted based on
the Law on Game and Hunting ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 18/10 and 95/18 -
other law) - a larger number of species of mammals and game birds under
permanent protection of hunting or under hunting conditions and the Law on the
Protection and Sustainable Use of the Fish Stock ("Official Gazette of the RS",
no. 128/14 and 95/18 - other laws) - seasonal or permanent ban on fishing, ban
on fishing below the prescribed size, i.e. regulations adopted on the basis of
those laws.
Ecologically significant areas, as part of the ecological network (hereinafter: EM)
of the Republic of Serbia, based on the Regulation on the Ecological Network
("Official Gazette of RS", number 102/10) or as potential parts of the new,
revised ecological network are:
- internationally significant areas for birds - IBA areas (Important Bird Areas),
established under the BirdLife International program earlier and included in the
EM: Đerdap area, which includes the area of NP "Đerdap" (with 170 recorded
and about 200 presumed species - species of international importance the areas
for nomination are: little vranac, kliktash eagle and pygmy eagle) and the area
"Mala Vrbica", which includes moors, loess sections and a pond between
Kladovo, Kostol and Mala Vrbica within the scope of the Spatial Plan (with 120
recorded and about 170 presumed species - species of international rank
important for the nomination of the area are: white-bearded tern and bee-
eater), as well as IBA areas established in 2020 that are not yet formal members
of the EM: parts of the Veliki karst and Stol areas, Negotinske Krajina and
Srebrno jezero - Golubac;
- internationally important plant areas - IPA areas (Important Plant Areas),
established under the Plantlife International - PlantEuropa program, included in
the EM: Đerdap area, part of the Kladovo-Radujevac area (which also includes
the surroundings of the Mala Vrbica pond) and part of the Veliki and Mali karst
areas and Stol (in the Mali Karst area);
- selected areas for diurnal butterflies - PBA areas (Prime Butterfly Areas)
established under the Butterfly Conservation Europe program included in the
EM: Đerdap (with a total of 104 species and eight target species) and parts of
the Mali Krs area (86 species and seven target species) and Deli Jovan (67
species and four target species);
- selected (priority) areas for hoverflies - PHA (Prime Hoverfly Area),
preliminarily established and proposed for inclusion in EM: Đerdap (covers the
area of the national park), Klokočevac, parts of Milutinovac and Debeli Lug;
- Ramsar area, established on the basis of the Convention on Wetlands of
International Importance, especially as a habitat for wetland birds,
established/proclaimed in December 2020 under the name Đerdap (that is,
entered in the List of Wetlands of International Importance of the Convention on
Wetlands), including on the surface of 66,525 ha, the "Đerdap" NP area, the
Mala Vrbica IBA area (outside the national park) and the narrow belt along the
Danube that connects them2;
- EMERALD area identified/established under the name NP "Đerdap" as part of
the Emerald Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (AsCI) significant
from the point of view of the application of the Convention on the Conservation
of European Wild Flora and Fauna and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) in the
Republic of Serbia ; The IBA and EMERALD areas represent potential areas of the
European ecological network NATURA 2000, through which the key acts of the
European Union in the field of nature protection are implemented - the Habitats
Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of
natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora) - on the basis of which the so-called
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and the Birds Directive (Council Directive
79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds) - on the basis of
which the so-called Special Protection Areas (SPAs).
Internationally significant areas, established or planned for declaration on
another basis:
- Geopark Đerdap, the area of NP "Đerdap" and its immediate hinterland, with a
total area of about 1,330 km², as the first geopark from the Republic of Serbia,
was established in 2020 as a UNESCO Global Geopark (UNESCO Global Geoparks
- UGG) under the name Đerdap. Đerdap became a member of the global
network of geoparks (Global Geoparks Network - GGN3), which in 2021
consisted of 169 areas from 44 countries, that is, the regional European network
(European Geoparks Network - EGN4) with 88 geoparks from 26 countries. This
recognized the exceptional international geoheritage values of the wider area of
Djerdap, the backbone of which is: a) Djerdap gorge, over 100 km long,
breakthrough, composite, polyphase and antecedent Danube valley in which,
among other things, the formation of hydroaccumulation submerged and
archived/conserved the greatest river depths Europe (in the giant pots of
Gospodjina Vir, Greben and Kazan) wild, visually and sonically fascinating rapids
of the Danube and naturally and culturally and historically significant localities
(with the relocation of Trajan's Tablet and Lepenski Vir); b) places with
exceptional features of geological history, above all stratigraphic and
paleontological profiles and localities of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods with
an abundance of significant fossil finds; c) forms of karst and fluvio-karst relief,
primarily caves and pits, of great length and depth, interesting morphologies and
morphogenesis, morphohydrological complexes of karst springs and bigrene
accumulations and overgrowths, extremely interesting and attractive natural
limestone stone bridges, among which is the famous series The gates of
Vratnjan are made up of three overgrowths. 63 different geoheritage objects
were identified in the documentation for the establishment of the geopark
(application file). Proposals for the evaluation of the area for establishment
of the geopark also recommend the establishment of a link between geoheritage
and other natural landmarks and cultural-historical heritage, in which the Đerdap
gorge ranks among the highest national and, to a large extent, globally
significant assets of integral (natural and cultural) heritage, so that 33 assets of
cultural and historical heritage. In the area of NP "Đerdap" 45 geoheritage
objects have been identified (Đerdap/Golubačka gorge, Brnjica gorge, Korešin
potok, Lake Baltu alu šontu, Pešćera mare, Trajan's tabla cave, Bele vode,
Buronov ponor, Suvi ponor, Gradašnica cave, Disina cave, Nameless Cave, Gully
of the Pepeljavo Potok, Big Cave, Miličina Cave, Yellow Karst, Tekija Alluvial Fan,
Ridan-Golubac, Beg Bunar, Rakovica, Brnjica Quarry, Turski Potok, Homoljski
Crystalline, Leva Reka, Crni Vrh, Pesača - Tunnel 17, Sokolovac , Boljetin River
Canyon, Boljetin Hill, Cold Water, Greben, Šomrda, Kovilovo, Captain Mišin Breg,
Stari Donji Milanovac, Traces of the Carpathian Strait, Golubinja Tectonic Cover,
Ploče - Mali Kazan, Ploče, Veliki Strbac, Mali Strbac, Golo Brdo - Veliki Kazan,
Dževrin, Kašajna, Danube terraces near Kladušnica and Peridotiti Miroča), and
outside that area (area over 69,000 ha) 18 buildings (Tumanski bigar, Dedine,
Rajkova pečina, Beli izvorac, Klokočevac, Miloševa kula, Rudna glava, Crnajka,
Canetova cave, the Danube terraces near Kladušnica, the Drenjar system -
Bigar, Valja Prerast, Vratna, Zamna, Bladerija, Velika čuka, Rakina ponor and
Sokolovica cave). Of these, Pesača (tunnel 17), Boljetinska brdo, Greben,
Đerdap gorge and Vratnjanska prerasti were evaluated as geoheritage objects of
international importance, while Ridan, Boljetinska river, traces of the Carpathian
Strait at the entrance to Donji Milanovac, the peridotites of Miroča are of
national importance. Raka's abyss, Gradašnica cave, Rajkova cave and Korešin
stream. The synergy of geodiversity, biodiversity and cultural heritage is the
basis for the functioning of Geopark "Đerdap";
- Carpathian area - "Đerdap" National Park, which for now represents the only
area of application of the Framework Convention on the Protection and
Sustainable Development of the Carpathians in the Republic of Serbia;
- potential biosphere reserve - NP "Đerdap" as one of the eight areas in the
Republic of Serbia that are planned for the establishment of a biosphere reserve
under the UNESCO program Man and the Biosphere (MAB);
- potential world heritage area - "Đerdap" National Park as an area on the
tentative list (Tentative List) of properties proposed by the Republic of Serbia for
inclusion in the UNESCO List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage based on the
Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World
Heritage Convention) .
In the area of the plan, identification of ecological/migratory corridors of large
game (gray wolf, Eurasian lynx and brown bear), inventory of barriers and
critical zones in the corridors was carried out, and data were collected on the
occurrence of these species in the entire territory of NP "Đerdap".

3.1.2. Protection of NKD

The area of NP "Đerdap" is characterized by a rich, varied and layered cultural
and historical heritage. There are material remains from the periods of
prehistory, antiquity, the Middle Ages, the period of Turkish rule, as well as
recent Serbian history.
On the preliminary UNESCO list of world cultural and natural heritage, there is
an international serial nomination (Boundary of the Roman Empire - Danube
Limes in Serbia).
In the area of the Spatial Plan, there are a total of 186 sites of cultural and
historical heritage (Table 2): of which 41 are registered/established NKD) and
145 recorded sites. Cultural and historical heritage is included in the recorded
localities: a) under previous protection (according to the conditions obtained
from the competent institutions for the protection of cultural monuments) and b)
with monumental properties established in another way (localities identified
through the preparation of nomination files for Geopark "Đerdap" and serial
nomination "Danube Limes", as well as localities that were registered by
competent institutions for the protection of cultural monuments, but lost their
protection status because they were not declared within the legally established
period). Some of the recorded localities are under previous protection and in the
status of protection within Geopark "Đerdap" and/or serial nomination "Danube
Out of a total of 41 registered NKD, six are of exceptional importance (Tvrđava
Golubac, Lepenski vir, Rudna glava, Part of the Roman Limes - Trajan's Tablet
and part of the road, Pontes, Trajan's Bridge and Diana - Karataš), two are of
great importance (Copper complex with an old smelter - the municipality of
Majdanpek and the Old City of Fetislam - the municipality of Kladovo), and the
rest are uncategorized.
Out of a total of 145 recorded sites, 33 belong to the list of sites of cultural and
historical heritage, which is an integral part of the nomination file of Geopark
"Đerdap", and 16 belong to the serial nomination "Danube Limes". A significant
historical mark was left by the damming of the Danube, the submergence and
relocation of settlements: Dobra, Donji Milanovac, Mosna, Veliko Golubinje, Malo
Golubinje, Tekija and Sip, with which a large part of the cultural and historical
heritage sites were submerged, a total of 32, among which 22 are registered (
all uncategorized) and ten recorded localities.
The insufficient level of research classifies archaeological sites in the endangered
and insufficiently protected category of cultural heritage, which is especially
evident during the construction of new buildings in the coastal belt of the
In the last two decades, research has not been continued for this area and there
is a delay in determining the protection status for registered and recorded
In addition to the identified and categorized NKD and goods under prior
protection, in the area of the Spatial Plan there is a significant number of
valuable buildings and units that need to be identified and protected: folk
architecture - ethnic buildings (mills, lathes, rolling mills, vats, etc.), civic and
rural architecture, war memorial and memorial fountains, old cemeteries, etc.
Table 2. Cultural and historical heritage in the area of the Spatial Plan
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"


Golubac fortress -
1. G.1. SK, YES YES* YES
Roman road

Church of St. NKD,
2. G.2. NOT YES* NOT
Nikola in Golupac SK,

The building in V. NKD,
3. G.3. Dugoševića 102, NOT YES NOT
Golubac SK,

The building in V. NKD,
4 G.4. Dugoševića 110, NOT YES NOT
Golubac SK,

House Jelica NKD,
5 G.5. Stričević, NOT YES NOT
Radoševac SK,

6 G.6. Monastery, Recorded NOT YES* NOT

7 G.7. Brnjica (village) Recorded YES YES* NOT

8 G.8. Cave hermitage Recorded NOT YES NOT

and chapel of St.
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Zosima Tumanski,

Kupa site - Celtic

9 G.9. and ancient Recorded YES YES YES

Golubac town
10 G.10. Recorded YES YES NOT

Location of the
11 G.11. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Yellow Hill Vinci

Locality Krušar
12 Mr. 12. Recorded NOT YES NOT

Locality Karaula -
13 Mr. 13. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Town, Usje

Milošević's house
across the street
14 Mr. 14. Recorded NOT YES NOT
from the church,

The house of
former priest
15 Mr. 15. Milan Barnić, Recorded NOT YES NOT
Dositej Obradović
no. 4, Golubac

House at Svetog
16 Mr. 16. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Sava 62, Golubac

House of Milovan
17 Mr. 17. Adamović, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House with tavern

18 Mr. 18. Ratislav Jocic, Recorded NOT YES NOT
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

House at Cara
19 Mr. 19. Dušana 6, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House at Cara
20 G.20. Dušana 1, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House at Cara
21 G.21. Dušana 8, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House on the
corner of Cara
22 Mr. 22. Lazar and Recorded NOT YES NOT

building, Cara
23 Mr. 23. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Lazara 46,

Old elementary
school building,
24 Mr. 24. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Cara Lazara 17,

House in
25 Mr. 25. Romanovićeva Recorded NOT YES NOT
Street 9, Golubac

House of Radiša
26 Mr. 26. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Vinogradska 3,

27 Mr. 27. Milutin Đokić's Recorded NOT YES NOT

Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Karađorđeva 42,

House at Cara
28 Mr. 28. Lazara Street 56, Recorded NOT YES NOT

Milan Radojević's
29 Mr. 29. Recorded NOT YES NOT
house, Radoševac

House of Dragan
30 Mr. 30. Karapandžić, Recorded YES YES NOT

House of Sava
31 Mr. 31. Karapandžić, Recorded YES YES NOT

Andre Stojnić's
32 Mr. 32. Recorded YES YES NOT
house, Brnjica

House of Predrag
33 G.33. Đokić - Freda, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of
34 G.34. Svetomir Dinić, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of Goran
35 Mr. 35. Recorded YES YES NOT
Dražić, Dobra

House Milje
36 Mr. 36. Momirović, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of Drago
37 Mr. 37. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Milošević, Usje
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Household of
38 Mr. 38. Kadiva Recorded NOT YES NOT
Bogdanović, Usje

Household of
39 Mr. 39. Jovanka Ranić, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of painter
40 G.40. Jovan Bogićević, Recorded NOT YES NOT

Watermill on the
41 G.41. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Tuman river, Usje

Church of St.
42 Mr. 42. Recorded YES YES NOT

Motel Vinci - an
old building for
the control and
43 Mr. 43. Recorded NOT YES NOT
enforcement of
ships on the
Danube, Vinci

Monument near
44 Mr. 44. the school, Recorded YES YES NOT

Monument to
victims of the
45 Mr. 45. Balkan, World Recorded NOT YES NOT
War I and World
War II Golubac

Zavisa Black
46 Mr. 46. Memorial Recorded NOT YES NOT
Fountain at the
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

entrance to
Golubac Fortress

Memorial plaque
dedicated to the
victims of World
47 Mr. 47. War I and II in Recorded NOT YES NOT
the courtyard of
the Cultural
Center, Golubac

Monument to
fallen fighters of
48 Mr. 48. NOR 1941–1945 Recorded YES YES NOT
(with 14 names)


A monument to
the fallen from
World War I and
49 Mr. 49. Recorded YES YES NOT
II, in front of the
House of Culture,

Memorial plaque
dedicated to the
victims of World
50 G.50. War II (next to Recorded YES YES NOT
the old road
Golubac - Donji
Milanovac), Dobra

Memorial bust of
51 G.51. Natalija Recorded YES YES NOT
Dugošević, Dobra
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Monument in the
center of the
52 G.52. village Recorded NOT YES NOT


Memorial plaque
at the Ministry of
53 G.53. Health Recorded YES YES NOT


Memorial plaque
in the center of
54 G.54. Recorded NOT YES NOT
the village,

Memorial on Crni
55 G.55. Recorded NOT YES NOT
vrh, Snegotin

Memorial plaque
in the center of
56 G.56. Recorded NOT YES NOT
the village,


57 G.P.1. Meadow YES NOT NOT

58 G.P.2. Muzzle YES NOT NOT

Little Orlova, Registered

59 G.P.3. YES YES* NOT
Muzzle NKD,
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"


Cezava, near NKD,
60 G.P.4. YES YES* YES
Dobra AN,

Saldum, near NKD,
61 G.P.5. YES YES* YES
Dobra AN,

Bosmanska river,
62 G.P.6. code YES YES* YES

Mrs. Vir, co NKD,
63 G.P.7. YES YES* YES
Good AN,

Turski potok, near NKD,
Dobra AN,

65 G.P.9. Zidanac, Good Recorded YES YES* NOT

66 G.P.10. Skin 1, 2, Good Recorded YES YES* NOT

67 G.P.11. Pesača, Dobra Recorded YES YES* NOT

68 G.P.12. Stubica, Good Recorded YES YES* NOT

69 G.P.13. The slope Recorded YES YES* NOT

Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"


70 M.1. Lepenski vir AN, YES YES* NOT

71 M.2. Ore head AN, NOT YES* NOT

A complex of NKD,
72 M.3. copper works with NOT NOT NOT
an old smelter SK, great

73 M.4. Kastel Miroč NOT YES* YES

Church of St.
74 M.5. Nicholas in D. Recorded YES YES NOT

Golubinje, ethnic
75 M.6. Recorded YES YES NOT

76 M.7. Miroch village Recorded NOT YES* NOT

Lepenski Vir,
77 M.8. Recorded YES YES* NOT
ethno park

78 M.9. Old Poreč bazaar Recorded YES YES* NOT

Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Church of St.
79 M.10. Apostle Peter and Recorded NOT NOT NOT
Paul, Majdanpek

Small cave,
80 M.11. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Rudna Glava

Goat Cave, Rudna

81 M.12. Recorded NOT YES NOT

Nadežda Badrkić's
82 M.13. house, Rudna Recorded NOT YES NOT

Čeda Brejkanović
83 M.14. watermill, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of Pavlo
84 M.15. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Pavlović, Crnajka

House of
85 M.16. Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of Petar
Pavlović (old
86 M.17. house of Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of Paun
87 M.18. Bučanović, Rudna Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of Cveta
88 M.19. Recorded YES YES NOT
Ilić, Golubinje
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

House of Radet
89 M.20. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Prvulović, Crnajka

Monument to the
fallen in the
90 M.21. liberation wars Recorded YES YES NOT
1912–1918, Donji

NOR monument
at the common
91 M.22. Recorded YES YES NOT
grave 1941-1945,
Donji Milanovac

Monument to the
liberators (fallen
92 M.23. Recorded NOT NOT NOT
fighters) of
Majdanpek NOR,

Memorial stone at
93 M.24. Ujevac NOR, Recorded NOT NOT NOT

Bust of Velimir
Markićević in the
94 M.25. elementary school Recorded NOT NOT NOT

Bust of Mileta
95 M.26. Recorded NOT NOT NOT

Bust of Marija
96 M.27. Munćan in front of Recorded NOT NOT NOT
the children's
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"


Memorial plaque
on the building of
97 M.28. the NOR Cultural Recorded NOT NOT NOT


Monument to
98 M.29. Ranko Krivić NOR, Recorded NOT NOT NOT

Monument on the
common grave at
99 M.30. the local Recorded NOT NOT NOT

Monument to the
100 M.31. fallen 1941–1945, Recorded NOT YES NOT

A stone mark in a
101 M.32. place called Recorded NOT YES NOT
Jezero, Miroč

Memorial fountain
NOR with the
102 M.33. names of 11 Recorded NOT YES NOT
fallen fighters,

Ore Head.
103 M.34. Recorded NOT YES NOT

Monument to the
104 M.35. fallen in the Recorded NOT YES NOT
liberation wars
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

1912–1918. and
1941–1945. year,

Stone pillar on
the square at the
place where Tiko
105 M.36. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Strailović was
shot in 1942,

Bust of Branko
Perić in the hall of
106 M.37. Recorded NOT YES NOT
the school,

The NOR pyramid

107 M.38. at Rudna Glava, Recorded NOT YES NOT

Memorial plaque
to fallen patriots
108 M.39. Recorded NOT YES NOT
in World War I
and II, Crnajka


109 M.P.1. Ravna, Boljetin YES NOT YES

Ribnica, Donji NKD,
110 M.P.2. NOT NOT NOT
Milanovac AN,
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Ciganija, Donji NKD,
111 M.P.3. NOT NOT NOT
Milanovac AN,

Veliki Gradac and NKD,
112 M.P.4. NOT NOT NOT
Spa, D. Milanese AN,

Mala Livadica, NKD,
113 M.P.5. NOT NOT NOT
Boljetin SK,

Velika Livadica, NKD,
114 M.P.6. NOT NOT NOT
Boljetin SK,

Boljetinska Reka NKD,
115 M.P.7. (Gradac na YES YES YES
Lepena (Smorna)) AN,

116 M.P.8. Chives Recorded YES YES* NOT

117 M.P.9. He snorts Recorded YES YES* NOT

118 M.P.10. The gorge Recorded YES YES* NOT

119 M.P.11. Recorded YES YES* YES

120 M.P.12 Recorded YES YES* NOT

Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

121 K.1. Trajan's tablet SK, YES NOT YES

122 K.2. Trajan's Bridge AN, NOT YES* YES

123 K.3. Karate - Diana AN, YES YES* YES

124 K.4. Fetislam fortress NOT YES* NOT
SK, great

Ul. Marshal Tito NKD,
125 K.5. NOT YES* NOT
(St. bazaar) PKIC,

Pena signal NKD,
126 K.6. YES YES* NOT
station SK,

Old post office, Registered

127 K.7. NOT NOT NOT
Brza Palanka NKD,
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"


Church of St. NKD,
128 K.8. Trojice, B. NOT NOT NOT
Palanka SK,

129 K.9. Monastery Recorded NOT YES* NOT

Mala Vrbica,
130 K.10. Recorded YES YES YES

131 K.11. Rtkovo, Glamija Recorded NOT NOT YES

Brza Palanka, 3
132 K.12. Recorded NOT NOT YES

Church of St.
133 K.13. Recorded NOT YES NOT
George in Kladovo

Villa "Ruža" in
Kladovo, ul.
134 K.14. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Dunavska number

The cave near

135 K.15. Trajan's tablet, Recorded YES YES NOT

Memorial to the
fallen and eternal
136 K.16. citizens of the Recorded NOT YES NOT
municipality of
Kladovo, Kladovo

Memorial to fallen
137 K.17. soldiers 1912– Recorded NOT YES NOT
1918, Kladovo
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Memorial plaque
138 K.18. of SKOJ 1941– Recorded NOT YES NOT
1945, Kladovo

Monument to the
Jewish victims
139 K.19. "Kladovo Recorded NOT YES NOT

Monument to
participants in the
140 K.20. Recorded NOT YES NOT
wars of 1990–
1999, Kladovo

Monument to
141 K..21. Koča Anđelković, Recorded YES YES NOT

Memorial fountain
to fallen fighters
142 K.22. Recorded YES YES NOT

Bust of Stevan
Vojimirović, a
143 K.23. Recorded YES YES NOT
fallen fighter in
1941, Tekija

Bust of Svetozar
144 K.24. Recorded YES YES NOT
Radić, Tekija

Memorial fountain
to Svetozar Radić,
145 K.25. Recorded YES YES NOT
a fallen fighter in
1942, Tekija

Bust of Stefanija
146 K.26. Mihajlović to a Recorded NOT NOT NOT
fallen fighter in
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

1941, Brza

Monument to
fallen fighters
147 K.27. Recorded NOT NOT NOT
from 1912-1918,
Brza Palanka

Monument to
fallen fighters
from 1941-1945.
148 K.28. (common for Brza Recorded NOT NOT NOT
Palanka and
Reka), Brza

Joint monument
to fallen fighters
149 K.29. from 1912–1918. Recorded NOT YES NOT
and 1941–1945,

Joint monument
to fallen fighters
150 K.30. from 1912–1918. Recorded NOT YES NOT
and 1941–1945,
Mala Vrbica

Joint monument
to fallen fighters
151 K.31. from 1912–1918. Recorded NOT YES NOT
and 1941–1945,
Velika Vrbica

Joint monument
152 K.32. to fallen fighters Recorded YES YES NOT
from 1912–1918.
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

and 1941–1945,
New Sip

Joint monument
to fallen fighters
153 K.33. from 1912–1918. Recorded NOT YES NOT
and 1941–1945,

Joint monument
to fallen fighters
154 K.34. from 1912–1918. Recorded NOT YES NOT
and 1941–1945,

Joint monument
to fallen fighters
155 K.35. from 1912–1918. Recorded NOT NOT NOT
and 1941–1945,

Memorial plaque
to fallen fighters
156 K.36. Recorded NOT NOT NOT
from 1941-1945,

Joint monument
to fallen fighters
157 K.37. from 1912–1918. Recorded NOT NOT NOT
and 1941–1945,
Velika Kamenica

Joint monument
to fallen fighters
158 K.38. from 1912–1918. Recorded YES YES NOT
and 1941–1945,
Petrovo Selo
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Memorial fountain
to fallen fighters
159 K.39. Recorded NOT YES NOT
in NOR 1941–
1945, Manastirica

Joint memorial
fountain for fallen
fighters and
160 K.40. Recorded NOT YES NOT
victims of fascist
terror 1941–
1945, Podvrška


Transdierna, NKD,
161 K.P.1. NOT NOT NOT
Tekija AN,

Kastrum, Sip, NKD,
162 K.P.2. NOT NOT NOT
Kladovo AN,

Hajdučka water NKD,
163 K.P.3. YES NOT YES
mill AN,

164 K.P.4. Bare hill NOT NOT NOT

165 K.P.5. Little Golubinja NOT NOT NOT
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"


166 K.P.6. Veliko Golubinje NOT NOT NOT

167 K.P.7. Burning pond NOT NOT NOT


Church in NKD,
168 N.1. NOT NOT NOT
Jabukovec SK,

169 N.2. Stubic pubs SK, NKD of NOT NOT NOT

170 N.3. Vratna Monastery Recorded NOT YES* NOT

site Jabukovac -
not far from the
village, a large
171 N.4. hoard of tools and Recorded NOT NOT NOT
weapons made of
iron was
discovered, which
was dated to the
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Late Iron Age -


site Jabukovac -
about 2 km west
of the village, the
remains of walls,
fragments of
ceramics and
172 N.5. bricks of the Recorded NOT NOT NOT
Roman format
have been
Certainly there
was a settlement
in that place from
the Roman period

St. Peter's Church

173 N.6. in the Vratna Recorded NOT YES NOT

Pubs in the village

174 N.7. Recorded NOT NOT NOT
of Jabukovac

Kačara Veljko
175 N.8. Radulovića, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of Noj
176 N.9. Janošević, Recorded NOT NOT NOT

House of Miloj
177 N.10. Ikić, Recorded NOT NOT NOT
Status in the Localities
NKD Protection that are
protection status part of the
R. within the
mark Name of locality system within serial
no. borders of
Geopark nomination
(type and NP
"Đerdap" "Danube
category) "Đerdap"

Dusan's house
178 N.11. Recorded NOT YES NOT
Paunovića, Plavna

House Janka
179 N.12. Avramovića, Recorded NOT YES NOT

Veljka water mill

180 N.13. Radulovića, Recorded NOT YES NOT

George's house
181 N.14. Recorded NOT NOT NOT
Dolkušića, Štubik

Milena Vidić's
182 N.15. house, Recorded NOT YES NOT

House of Veljka
183 N.16. Radulovića, Recorded NOT YES NOT

Memorial plaque
on the facade of
184 N.17. the Cooperative Recorded NOT YES NOT
at home NOR,

Kamen beleg
185 N.18. Recorded NOT YES NOT
NOR, Vratna

I burn a memorial
186 N.19. Recorded NOT NOT NOT
fighters in NOR,
* sites of cultural and historical heritage that are recorded in the nomination
file of Geopark "Đerdap". The graphic attachment from the nomination file with
the list of cultural and historical heritage forms an integral part of the
documentation base of the plan.

3.1.3. Tourism
The area of the Spatial Plan includes parts of the tourist clusters "Southeastern
Serbia" and "Belgrade" and the tourist destinations of Lower Danube.
From the aspect of tourism and environmental features, the area of Geopark
"Đerdap" and National Park "Đerdap" consists of two regional entities: (1) the
Danube water area/reservoir with the coast, which extends from the entrance to
Geopark "Đerdap" and National Park "Đerdap" near Golupac, across the Đerdap
gorge, where the ambiance completely changes (the gorge disappears and a
wide hilly area opens up with urban elements); (2) the hilly-mountainous rural
zones of northern Kučaj and Miroč, cut by the Poreč River valley into the western
and eastern parts.
The development of tourism began at Đerdap Lake, Đerdap National Park,
Lepenski Vir archaeological site and municipal centers with several cultural-
artistic and sports events, natural and cultural-historical sights, hunting grounds
and a number of villages where the beginnings of rural tourism can be seen
mainly on a local initiative. With the declaration of the "Đerdap" Geopark,
opportunities for the development of tourism are directed towards alternative
forms of tourism, especially: geotourism, ecotourism, educational tourism in
rural-natural areas (establishment of georoutes5 and modern educational tools
in the interpretation of geoheritage objects) and others.
5 Georoutes are defined directions of movement that include visits to
certain geoheritage objects and other natural attractions under the supervision
of trained guides in order to promote the natural potential of the area
The existing tourist infrastructure includes information centers, museums and
galleries, cultural centers, accommodation facilities, marked hiking and cycling
routes as well as sports and recreational facilities. An important role in the
promotion of tourism is played by JP "National Park Đerdap" and Geopark
"Đerdap" whose headquarters are in Donji Milanovac, as well as the tourist areas
Golubački grad and Lepenski vir (as visitor centers), the archaeological museum
in Kladovo, the heritage museum in Majdanpek, cultural center in the village of
Dobra, visitor centers in Donji Milanovac and Tekija, etc.
The most significant forms of tourism represented in the area of the Spatial Plan
- Cultural tourism is based on numerous cultural and historical values of
European and world importance (cultures of Lepenski Vir, remains of Roman
Limes, Trajan's Tablet, Trajan's Bridge, Diana Fortress, Byzantine-Serbian
fortified cities of Golubac, Fetislam, Archaeo-metallurgical site Rudna Glava, etc.
.). The potentials and possibilities of cultural tourism are multiple, from the
original presentation of the living conditions of ancient cultures and civilizations
to the offer of ancient Roman heritage along the route Viminacium (outside the
Spatial Plan) - Diana - Pontes (Sharkamen and others, outside the Spatial Plan),
the aforementioned medieval fortresses, monuments culture, ethno-values of
traditional villages (circular tours and others), with the functional integration of
the tourist offer of the environment. An attraction can also be the participation,
under expert supervision, of tourists in archaeological "discoveries" of still
unprocessed and identified objects, as well as possible supplementary
underwater research of submerged, prehistoric, ancient and Roman sites, etc.
- Mountain tourism and recreation - includes the European hiking trail E4 at least
eight hiking routes (health trails) of different lengths, arranged and marked for
hiking that pass through areas of high value and over a large number of
viewpoints that represent observation points of both the natural and cultural
landscape, which collectively represents the fundamental phenomenon of the
territory of the spatial plan. The most prominent viewpoint is the peak in the
Gospodin vir gorge, Sokolovac (626 m above sea level - hereinafter: m above
sea level), which is located between the rivers Kožica and Pesača. From the
Sokolovac viewpoint, you can see the Gospodgin vir gorge from Bosman to
Boljetinski brdo and the Greben site (199 m above sea level), which is
characterized by specific geological formations. From the top of Kovilovo there is
a view of the Donjomilanovac basin, and from the top of Golo brdo to Tekija. The
peaks of Mount Miroč, the plateau of Ploče (375 m above sea level), Veliki Štrbac
(768 m above sea level) and Mali Štrbac (626 m above sea level), in the first
degree of protection, represent attractive viewpoints of Đerdap, from which
offers a wonderful view of the gorge of Mali and Veliki Kazan. Geotourism, which
is becoming more and more attractive for tourists and is connected to a system
of hiking trails of archaeological, mountaineering, cultural and ecological nature
that promote the integral value of the landscape, i.e. tours that, in addition to
getting to know the geoheritage, have a recreational and educational character.
The further development of this type of tourism requires additional facilities
(access roads, parking spaces, installation of informative boards with visible
information, as well as rules of conduct and responsible access to the location in
order to ensure the safety of visitors).
- Hunting tourism that has all the necessary hunting facilities. The number and
variety of game, the quality of the trophies and the completely natural behavior
of the game provide an unforgettable sporting and hunting experience.
Table 3. Hiking trails in Djerdap (sections of georoutes)

Track Type End of

Lengt Averag Track - Duration of Orientatio the trail
Track e slope difficult
h mountaineeri n start of
name tourist
(km) (%) y ng the trail (m above
purpose sea level)

Mediu Sokovac
Bosman - Belgrade
10 15 m hunting 4h (626
Sokolovac - Kladovo
weight 683)

Mediu Gradašnic
Gradašnic Mountain Miročki
2 15-20 m 45 min a Cave
a Cave climbing put
weight (380)
touristic Dobra Buron's
Buron's Abyss
2.5 5-10 Easy recreation 90 min Voda on
al the road (270)
Bg- Kl

location V. Štrbac
Veliki and Mediu
Mountain of Pecke (768) M.
Mali 9 20 m 3h
climbing bare on Strbac
Strbac weight
the road (626)
Bg- Kl

of the
Recreation Boljetin reef
Boljetin 1.8 5 Easy 30 min
al trail hill (119)
River -

Milanovac Balta to
Balta Alu
5 10 Easy recreation 2.5 h , Al Shonta
Šontu -
Paprenač (268)
ki potok

The forest
path at The
Brnjička Mediu touristic village of
the exit
river 21 10-20 m recreation 8 h from the Rakovica
canyon weight al
village of (303)

on road
touristic D. Mil.- Kovilovo
Kovilovo 4 3-5 Easy recreation 2.5 h Majdanpe
k via (358)

touristic Danube
Mediu Belgrade
Trajan's bank at
0.65 28.4 m recreation 2 - Kladovo
tablet 73.3
weight al at n.v.
258.4 m

- Fishing tourism, on the coast and part of the Danube water area, takes place in
the stretch from Golupac to the island of Golul, with the protection of the fish
stock and daily catch limit for all categories of recreational fishermen.
- Nautical tourism, combining sailing with rest, leisure and visiting tourist
attractions. Further development of this type of tourism requires investments in
vessels for commercial and public transport of tourists, as well as piers and
- School and educational tourism, with the organization of excursions,
recreational classes, education and classes in nature, etc.; as well as youth
tourism aimed at young people to get educated, engage in sports and various
recreational activities.
- Business tourism, with the organization of congresses and education, with
visits and presentation of the cultural, historical and natural values of Geopark
"Đerdap" and National Park "Đerdap".
- Event tourism, mainly focused on sports, recreation or culture. From the point
of view of the number of participants and visitors, the following tourist events
stand out so far: "Danube Fair", "Golden Bućka Đerdapa", "Lilac Fest", "Day of
the Archeological Museum of Đerdapa", "Museum Night", celebration of St.
Trifun, "Blue Week" festival ”, "Majdan art", Canoe - international regatta and
International sailing competition, "Plašinitijada", Đerdap regatta, Porečki kettle,
Ethno festival in Kladovo, "Encounter with the wolf" in Dobra, "Danube regatta"
and others.
- Wine tourism relies on two wine-growing regions - Mlava and Negotinska
krajina, which are partly located in the area of the Spatial Plan. The Mlav region
is represented in the area of the Spatial Plan with the Braničevo vineyard. The
region of Negotinska Krajina is represented by parts of all five vineyards:
Ključki, Brzopalanački, Mihajlovački, Negotina and Rogljevac-Rajački. The
Negotin wine route is the center of wine tourism in Eastern Serbia, and is known
for its pimnica (wine cellar) complexes, of which the Rajačke, Rogljevska,
Smedovačke, Štubičke (in the scope of the Spatial Plan) and Bratujevac cellars
have been preserved.
- Rural tourism has the potential of a year-round offer with the following
contents: mountain, eco and ethno-tourism, hunting tourism, production of eco-
food and ethno-craft products, the European cycle path 6 and the pedestrian
path E-4, the Road of the Roman Emperors, panoramic roads through the
National Park "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap" and others. Although it has a
good tradition, it is necessary to improve the standard of accommodation, the
constant education of caterers and the continuation of communal equipment of
settlements and localities. Rural tourism was started in Golupac (farms near the
settlement of Dobra), Majdanpek (Rudna Glava, Golubinje and Crnajka), Kladovo
(Kostol, Novi Sip and Velika Vrbica) and Negotin (Vratna, Jabukovac and
– Transit tourism, based on the movement of passengers through Đerdap (road,
waterways, bicycle routes), both in international and domestic traffic; a special
role is played by cyclotourism and the international bicycle route Eurovello 6,
which connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Black Sea and stretches through the
area of Djerdapa. The Danube route in the Republic of Serbia is marked on
European cycling maps and is one of the most popular cycling routes in Europe,
so an increase in the number of foreign tourists is expected, as is the length of
the visit.
- Birdwatching as a special type of ecotourism has great potential and is
increasingly popular in the Djerdap area because it has the status of an
internationally important bird habitat. JP "National Park Đerdap" provides
services of professional management and use of locations for this type of
- Stationary tourism is constantly developing and currently has several larger
business units (hotels of different categories: one 2-star hotel in the municipality
of Golubac, one hotel with three and one hotel with two stars in the municipality
of Majdanpek and one hotel with four and one hotel with three stars in the
municipality of Kladovo) and several smaller ones (the number of registered
accommodation units is 1,313 with a total of about 3,100 beds. The most
favorable year in terms of the number of visitors in the last ten years was 2019,
when 79,868 tourist arrivals were recorded (63,650 domestic and 16,218
foreigners), who had 180,047 overnight stays (149,458 domestic and 30,589
foreign). However, the number of visitors is much higher, given that a large
number of workers working abroad come during the holiday season with their
families and stay in family accommodation, which they are not recognized as
For the overall increase in the number of tourists, it is necessary to improve the
quality of accommodation, general and tourist infrastructure, as well as the
tourism product as a whole. Also, it is necessary to identify and eliminate current
and potential conflicts between tourism and other activities related to the use of
resources. In order for foreign tourist demand to be more massive, it is
necessary to improve the accompanying contents of the water-nautical route
with the presentation and interpretation of key natural and cultural values, as
well as the quality of basic and alternative accommodation and various types of
tourist and recreational offers, ethnic heritage of villages and organic food.
The existing tourist and recreational offer, considering the potential, is not
sufficiently developed and affirmed, and even less organized and connected,
both among the municipalities in the area of NP "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap"
and with neighboring municipalities in the Republic of Serbia and Romania. On
the Danube, the most important nautical corridor, there are not enough marinas,
wharves, reception and information points, etc. Natural and created potentials
are not sufficiently commercialized, which requires better marketing of the offer,
promotion of the image of the Đerdap gorge, Geopark "Đerdap" and NP
"Đerdap", development of the year-round tourist offer with functional integration
of several types of tourism both in the planning area and in the immediate
surroundings . A necessary condition is the development of communal and
tourist infrastructure, the tourist information system, the reconstruction of
existing, but also the realization of new accommodation capacities.

3.1.4. Hydropower and navigation system "Đerdap"

In the area of the Spatial Plan, there is HPP "Đerdap 1" and part of the water
area of HPP "Đerdap 2" with coastal protection facilities that are under the
jurisdiction of the Public Company "Elektroprivreda Srbije" (hereinafter: JP
"Elektroprivreda Srbije"), Belgrade. HPP "Đerdap 1", as an electricity production
facility, is the largest HPP in the Republic of Serbia with six revitalized
generators with a total capacity of 1140 MW. It is connected to the 400 kV
transmission network, which is owned by the Joint Stock Company
"Elektromreza Srbije" Belgrade (hereinafter: AD "Elektromreza Srbije"). Through
the distribution plant RP "Đerdap 1" with which it is directly connected by
transmission lines 400 kV no. 457, no. 458 and no. 459, the connection with the
electric power system of the Republic of Serbia was established, through
transmission line 400 kV no. 402 with TS 400/110 kV "Bor 2" and transmission
line no. 401/2 with RP "Drmno" (TE Kostolac B), while it is connected to the
Romanian system via transmission line 400 kV no. 405 with TS Portile de Fiere.

3.1.5. Water infrastructure

For the area of the Spatial Plan, the following water management aspects are of
particular importance: hydrological and water management conditions for
integral arrangement, use and protection of water; hydropower potentials and
conditions for their optimal use; hydrotechnical arrangement and provision of
settlements from surface and underground water within the scope of the Spatial
Plan; protection of the banks of the Danube from inland waters, improvement of
existing and development of new communal infrastructure systems, especially in
the area of preservation and rational use of existing and potential sources of
water supply, protection of surface and underground water from pollution; as
well as environmentally acceptable use of the energy potential of local
watercourses, objects of melioration systems, etc.
The northern border of the area of the Spatial Plan is formed by the course of
the Danube River on a length of about 168 river km (a part of the waterway
from about st. km 882+800 to about st. km 1,050+300) on which the HE
"Đerdap 1" facility is located and a larger part its reservoirs, as well as the
upstream part of the hydroelectric power plant "Đerdap 2" (partly within the
limits of the Spatial Plan). In the area of the Spatial Plan, there are several
tributaries of the Danube that drain the slopes of Severni Kučaj, Veliki and Mali
Krs, Deli Jovan and Miroč (Brnjička river, Dobranska and Čezavska rivers, source
part of Pek - Mali Pek, Brodica, Mala and Velika reka, Zlatica, Porečka reka ,
Boljetinska Reka, Kosovica, Matka, etc.).
Due to the positive action of the reservoirs and the relatively small effluent load,
the water quality of the Danube improves from its entry into the Republic of
Serbia downstream, so that in the area of the Spatial Plan it is in the II quality
class for most of the year, and in the Kladova zone most often in the high IIa
class, which enables successful tourism valorization. The immediate tributaries
of the Danube in the area of NP "Đerdap" are characterized by torrential
character, uneven water regimes, but also a good state of water quality (classes
I, I/II and IIa) in the upper parts of the basin, while in the lower parts this
quality deteriorates due to poor rural sanitation. settlements and the impact of
uncontrolled use of fertilizers and other agrochemicals, mainly outside the
National Park "Đerdap". Water balances are strained in terms of quantity and
quality in the upper basin of the Pek River in the Majdanpek area, so it is
necessary to implement hydrotechnical facilities and other technical and
biological works on the arrangement of the basin for seasonal flow regulation
and completion of the WWTP for the municipal center of Majdanpek in order to
protect the water quality of the river Peck.
The development of the water management infrastructure in the area of the
Spatial Plan took place for the most part as part of the implementation of the
hydropower and navigation system (hereinafter: HEPS) "Đerdap" project,
primarily in terms of the hydrotechnical arrangement of settlements and the
construction of a system for the protection and arrangement of the coast. Most
of the work was done on the hydrotechnical arrangement of the Kladovo
settlement (water supply, sewerage, WWTP, drainage system, protection from
internal and external waters, landscaping of banks). Some systems have not
been fully implemented (this especially applies to sewage systems that have not
been finalized with waste water treatment plants, as well as to the protection of
water sources). All coastal settlements are supplied with water from their own
local springs, which, with adequate sanitary protection and the development of
modern water preparation facilities, have the ability to provide sufficient
capacities to meet needs in the entire planning period in the long term.

3.1.6. Waterway
The area of the Spatial Plan includes the right bank of the Danube River from km
1051+000 to km 921+900 and from km 888+300 to km 882+000, with the
border of NP "Đerdap" extending along the right bank of the Danube River from
km 1040+500 to km 940+300.
Along the waterway there are the following general-purpose anchorages:
"Hajdučka vodenica" from km 966+700 to km 966+500, "Tekija" from km
958+400 to km 957+400, "Kostol 1" from km 932+600 to km 931+600 and
"Kostol 2" from km 930+700 to km 930+200.


3.2.1. Natural Resources

Agricultural land
Agricultural land includes about 39,114 ha, which is about 23% of the total area
of the Spatial Plan area. In the structure of agricultural land, areas under
intensive crops (arable fields, gardens and orchards) and permanent grasslands
(meadows and pastures) are almost equally represented. Grassy ecosystems
with a slightly higher proportion of meadows are more represented in the scope
of Geopark "Đerdap" and National Park "Đerdap", while areas under intensive
cultivation are more widespread in the area of the Spatial Plan outside Geopark
"Đerdap". With the exception of smaller areas in the lowland parts of Braničevo,
Ključ and Negotinska Krajina, which are suitable for intensive agricultural
production, the rest of the areas are dominated by a hilly-mountainous relief
dominated by forest land. Orchards of smaller areas distributed on hilly terrains
have significant ecological and economic value. According to the rezoning of
wine-growing production areas, the northwestern parts of the area of the Spatial
Plan and Geopark "Đerdap" are part of the Mlav wine-growing region, while
vineyards in parts of the territories of the municipalities of Kladovo and Negotin
belong to the wine-growing region of Negotinska Krajina. The agricultural lands
of the rural hinterland of Geopark "Đerdap" are highly exposed to the adverse
effects of mining, industry and other human activities.
Unfavorable demographic trends, fragmentation of land ownership and relatively
weak economic potential of arable land are the main features of the rural area of
the Spatial Plan. According to Census data from 2011, about 27% of the active
population worked in the primary sector of activity. Regarding the main sources
of household income, only 3% of households earned their income exclusively
from agriculture, while mixed income is the main source of income for slightly
more than 26% of the total number of households. A high share of households
that earn income based on pensions, social benefits, etc. (41%) indirectly refers
to a high degree of senility and rural poverty. According to data from the 2012
Census of Agriculture, 4,604 farms were registered in the area of the Spatial
Plan, the managers of which were mostly over 45 years old (86%). These are
predominantly family farms of smaller areas, 86% of which are engaged in
livestock breeding (cattle, pigs, sheep and goats).

Forests and forest land

In the area covered by the Spatial Plan, forest land covers an area of 1,012.56
km², of which 1,001.55 km² (98.9%) is under forest, and 22.7 km² (1.1%) of
bare forest land. The area of state forests is 670.97 km² (67%), and the area of
privately owned forests is 330.58 km² (33%). In the "Đerdap" Geopark, the area
of state forests is 596.08 km² (73%), and private forests cover 220.60 km²
(27%). In NP "Đerdap" forest land covers a total of 452.4 km², of which 382.2
km² (84.5%) is state-owned and 70.2 km² (15.5%) is privately owned. 440.7
km² or 97.4% of the total area of forest land is covered with forest in "Đerdap"
NP, which from an ecological point of view can be considered optimal forest
cover. The representation of areas under forests by municipalities is as follows:
in the municipality of Majdanpek (50.52%), the municipality of Kladovo
(24.78%), the municipality of Golubac (14.5%), Negotin (10.03%).
In the area covered by the Spatial Plan, in state forests, in relation to the
ecological services of forest ecosystems, the protective function of the soil
against surface erosion is dominant. These stands cover 44.86% of the total
covered area of state forests. Forests of priority production character cover
33.48%, forests of areas of special natural features 13.74%, nature monuments
4.51%, permanent shrub formations 0.61%, hunting and breeding center for
large game 3.06% with a slight presence of seed objects , picnic areas,
recreational points, etc. The protective function of forests (biodiversity, soil and
water) is dominant in the area of NP "Đerdap". Ecological support, regulation,
supply and culture services are clearly expressed in state forests.
Private forests are dominated by ecological support services (wood production),
regulation (soil and water protection) and supply (edible plants, medicinal
plants, beekeeping, livestock feed, etc.).
19 groups of ecological units within the "Đerdap" Geopark and 13 groups of
ecological units in the rest of the area of the Spatial Plan were recorded in the
state forests (by the existing forest stand inventory). 43 species of trees were
recorded in the part of the planned scope, of which 18 are from the IUCN list
(relict, endemic, rare and endangered). The total inventory of the forest fund is
slightly burdened by allochthonous (introduced) species (dominantly acacia)
which make up 0.51% of the total volume and conifers which participate in the
volume with 2.31%.
In the state forests of NP "Đerdap" there are 35 forest types and 67 stand
categories, with 33 tree species (non-native tree species slightly burden the
forest fund with 0.23%). The following types of forests are most represented:
mountain beech (on acidic brown soils, on shallow and skeletal brown soils),
acidophilic beech forests; beech and sedum forests; pure saffron forests; mixed
forests of cypress and hornbeam; scrotum and skin; to a lesser extent, black
hornbeam, black ash and lilac forests. In terms of average volume values and
current volume growth, the most favorable forest condition is in the Northern
Kučaj forest area-part (v=281 m³/ha, iv=6.2 m³/ha), in the part of the Timok
forest area, the values of the basic production indicators are much lower (v=124
m³/ha, iv=3.2 m³/ha) in the Đerdap forest area - NP "Đerdap" (v=223 m³/ha,
iv=4.0 m³/ha) and in the monastery forests (v= 206 m³/ha, iv is 5.1 m³/ha).
The forests in the area of the Majdanpek Forestry Administration can be
considered the best quality in the Republic of Serbia in terms of most of their
The condition of the forests by origin in Geopark "Đerdap" (outside NP "Đerdap")
is unfavorable. Forests of generative origin cover 51.3%, coppice forests 30.3%,
artificially raised stands 2.9%, thickets 14.15 and brushwood 1.4%. The
production potential in coppice forests is used by about 60% compared to tall
forests. The condition of forests in terms of conservation in the same area is also
unfavorable, preserved stands cover 45.6%, thinned stands 33.8% and
devastated stands with the mentioned presence of thickets and thickets 20.6%.
The condition of the forests by origin in the National Park "Đerdap", in the zones
with the protection regime of the first degree, can be assessed as moderate to
unfavorable, due to the dominance of coppice forests (with 40.9%) and the
significant participation of scrub and thickets as permanent categories (28%),
while from the point of view of preservation, it can be rated as mediocre (the
share of preserved stands is 54%). The main problem in the management of
forests in the area covered by the plan as a whole, and thus in forests of the first
degree of protection, is the threatened bioecological stability of the stands due
to the dominance of coppice forests and the significant participation of thinned
and degraded stands, as well as the conservation relationship conditioned by the
protection regime. The condition of the forests in terms of origin and
preservation in the "Đerdap" National Park, in the zones with the II degree
protection regime, is significantly more favorable than in the previous zone, it is
dominated by forests of high origin (56.6%). Production capacity in relation to
volume increase is used on average with 73% (in tall forests with 92%, coppice
forests with 57%, and artificially raised stands with 51%). In the state-owned
forests in the "Đerdap" Geopark (outside the borders of the "Đerdap" National
Park), the proportion of pure stands (57%) is slightly higher due to the
monodominance of beech. In NP "Đerdap" there is an equal share of pure and
mixed stands, while the situation is somewhat more favorable in protection
zones I and III. In forests of the first degree of protection, mixed stands cover
77% of the covered area, and in the third degree 69%. The most unfavorable
situation is within forests in the II degree of protection, where the ratio of pure
and mixed stands is 54%: 46%.
The total volume of private forests is 5,545,907 m³/ha, and the total increase in
volume is 116,989 m³/ha. The average volume in private forests (outside NP
"Đerdap") is 168 m³/ha, and the average increase in volume is 3.54 m³/ha.
Within the boundaries of NP "Đerdap", the share of private forests by total
volume is 9.1%, with the largest share in the municipality of Kladovo (22.58%),
and the lowest in the municipality of Golubac (9.96%). The average values of
volume and current volume growth (in all three municipalities) are far lower in
private compared to state forests, which indicate modest (current) production
effects in them. A significant problem in the management of private forests in
the municipalities of Kladovo, Negotin and Golubac is the great fragmentation of
the holdings. In the broader scope of the Spatial Plan, 24 species of trees were
found in private forests, 15 of which are from the IUCN list of relict, rare,
endemic and endangered, and 16 species of trees were found in NP "Đerdap",
among which, although slightly, noble deciduous trees are represented. The
mechija hazel is of special importance as a relict species that occurs sporadically
in the wider area of Štrpac and Boljetin (Čoka Njalta). The main task in relation
to tree species and their representation in the future will be to increase the
share of noble deciduous trees and wild fruit trees in the wood stock and more
intensive protection of rare, endemic, relict and endangered tree species.
The current openness of forests to forest communications in relation to the
multifunctional aspect of use (real ecological services) in the area of the Spatial
Plan is insufficient, especially in parts of forest areas that (potentially) provide
support services. In forest ecosystems, these services are realized through the
basic natural processes of soil formation, nutrient cycling and primary production
(primarily wood-biomass).
Considering the orographic and other conditions in relation to the possibility of
implementing forest management plans, the orientation optimum of openness of
15 m/ha is the necessary minimum, at the local level.
The current openness of the forests of NP "Đerdap" of about 15 km of forest
roads/1000 ha (or 15 m/ha) is considered optimal. Availability varies, so that
certain dedicated units in the National Park "Đerdap" are too open and easily
accessible, which makes them sensitive to anthropogenic pressures, but at the
local level and risks (Golubački grad, Sokovac, Čoka Njalta with Lepenski Vir and
Veliki i Mali Strbac).
The health condition of forests is unfavorable. The current drying of the forests is
most strongly manifested in the oak forests. The cause of drying is the state of
the forest (over-age of part of the inventory) and harmful biotic factors
(thickets, powdery mildew, honeydew, fungi, harmful insects). Among the
causes of the weakening and deterioration of forest ecosystems are changes in
climatic factors, the influence of pollutants, unfavorable construction of stands,
frequent gradations of harmful forest insects and epiphytocia of pathogenic
fungi. Following the intensity of drying in "Đerdap" National Park, the following
can be stated: a large part of "Đerdap" National Park (about 222 km²) has been
affected by drying, with the majority of it being of moderate intensity and the
drying did not escape any tree species in "Đerdap" National Park. with the fact
that it is the most intense in the stands of marigolds. The first leaves are
affected by the grub, the second leaves are destroyed by powdery mildew, as a
result of which the trees become physiologically weak and become susceptible to
the attack of honeydew, which causes rotting of the roots and drying of the
The forest area of NP "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap" as a whole is moderately
to highly threatened by fire. In addition to the condition of the forests (natural
zoning), the microclimate, geological substratum (limestone) and orography are
very influential. Three categories of fire danger have been identified in the area:
the second category on an area of about 514 km², the third on about 13 km²
and the fourth (in the canyon of Brnjica, Boljetinska Reka and Danube) on about
132 km². Damage from ice and sleet is particularly significant for this area.
Forests and forest land owned by the state in NP "Đerdap" are managed by JP
"Nacionalni park Đerdap". State-owned forests and forest land outside the NP
"Đerdap" are managed by the Public Enterprise "Srbijašume" (hereinafter: JP
"Srbijašume") - the Forestry "Boljevac" - part of the Timočki Forest Area and the
Forestry "Kučevo" - part of the Severnkučaj Forestry areas. The monastery
forests are managed by the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Eparchy of
Braničevska (Tumana monastery) and Timočka. Professional services in private
forest management are provided by the listed companies. The area under the
forest is managed in a planned manner in accordance with the provisions of the
Law on Forests ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 30/10, 93/12, 89/15 and 95/18
- other laws), forest area development plans, management principles forests and
forest management programs. However, forest area development plans and
forest management programs for private forests (larger number of persons)
have not been completed.

The boundary of the "Đerdap" hunting ground, which is managed by JP "Đerdap"
National Park, coincides with the boundaries of the "Đerdap" National Park. The
"Severni Kučaj" hunting ground (the part that includes the state forests of the
North Kučaj forest area within the limits of the Spatial Plan) and other hunting
grounds (private forests in the municipality of Majdanpek, "Tumanska reka",
"Ključ", "Miroč", "Negotinska krajina") are managed by territorially competent
hunting administrations as well as other economic entities.
The most important species of game are: deer, roe deer and wild boar (with a
satisfactory number), chamois (in NP "Đerdap" there are about 100 heads, which
is below the capacity of the hunting ground, which is about 150 heads in the
mother stock), rabbit, field partridge, pheasant and the strictly protected species
bear (occasionally) and lynx. A large number of permanently protected,
protected and unprotected species are present in the hunting grounds.
The optimal number is assumed by the operational plans in relation to the
quality of the active hunting area, related to certain species of game.
Sustainable management in hunting is ensured through the preparation of the
Hunting Area Development Program (which has not been done) and hunting
grounds as operational plans for hunting grounds.

Mineral raw materials

Numerous and diverse occurrences and deposits of various mineral resources,
from coal, through metallic to non-metallic raw materials, including construction-
technical and architectural stone, as well as significant amounts of underground
water, have been registered in the area of the Spatial Plan. Copper and related
metals are currently being mined in parts of the Majdanpec deposits, as well as
limestone in the Maidans around Golupac. The geotectonic structure and the
present enrichment with various useful raw materials initiates further research
with the aim of finding new and valorizing existing deposits. Geological
exploration works are ongoing, outside the borders of NP "Đerdap" in the area
north of Majdanpek (copper, lead-zinc, gold, etc.), in the area of Blagojevo
Kamen (gold and tungsten) and in the vicinity of Radenka (coal).
Hydrogeological research is being carried out in order to create a database of
underground water on the territory of NP "Đerdap".
Metallic mineral raw materials in this area are found in the northern parts of the
"Timočki andesite complex", which are associated with the most famous copper
mining along with accompanying metals (lead and zinc, gold and, to a lesser
extent, tungsten or molybdenum) in the Republic of Serbia. In addition to the
Majdanpek porphyry-type deposit, there are occurrences of copper
mineralization north of Majdanpek towards Dobra (Biger potok-Ujevac, Vojinova
Čuka, Janjičarski vis, etc.) which are being explored south of the border of NP
"Đerdap". With a lot of certainty, it can be estimated that the areas south of
Majdanpek represent a significantly greater potential. Mining operations in the
Rudna Glava deposit, which was definitively abandoned in the 1950s, today have
archaeological, educational and touristic significance.
Several deposits and occurrences of non-metallic mineral raw materials and
construction-technical and architectural stone were registered in the wider area
of Đerdap. Most often, these are smaller maidans of technical, less often
architectural stone, predominantly of local importance.
This area is characterized by specific hydrological and hydrogeological
characteristics, first of all as a consequence of the diverse lithostratigraphic
composition of this area, then the presence of numerous structures of different
dimensions and complexity, as well as a series of scattered morphological forms
that can be observed on the ground. The hydrogeological structure of the area
conditions a very unevenly distributed amount of groundwater in different parts
of the area, that is, the western third of the area stands out significantly for its
large usable reserves of groundwater, which are concentrated in the Danube
alluvium. In this area, there are karst thermal waters associated with the
limestone formations of Djervinska greda (Banja-Petrovo Selo and Banjica-

3.2.2. Population, settlement network and public services

According to Census data from 2011, 41,637 inhabitants lived in the area of the
Spatial Plan, of which 17% (6,850 inhabitants) lived in populated areas that are
included in the National Park.
The average population density in the area of the Spatial Plan and Geopark
"Đerdap" was about 34 people/km². In the part of the territory of the
municipality of Kladovo, which is covered by the Spatial Plan, the largest
oscillations in the spatial distribution of the population are manifested. The
highest population density was recorded in the settlements of Kladovo (304
persons/km²) and Kostol (109 persons/km²), and the lowest in the settlement of
Petrovo selo (only 1 person/km²). In the settlements within the "Đerdap"
National Park, the average population density was about 17 people/km².
It is estimated that the number of inhabitants in 2019 in the municipalities
included in the Spatial Plan decreased by about 13%, and that the average
population density is about 25 st/km². Depopulation affected the municipalities
of Golubac and Negotin the most, where rural areas lost over 14% of their
permanent population.
With the exception of the village of Vinci, where a slight increase in population
was recorded in 2011, all settlements in the area of the Spatial Plan and
Geopark "Đerdap" are characterized by depopulation. The decrease in the
number of inhabitants is a consequence of low natural growth and population
emigration to more developed centers and abroad. The depopulation process
started in the 70s, intensified in the 90s, and resulted in a decrease in the
number of inhabitants in almost all settlements, including urban ones. In relation
to the data from the previous Census (2002), the total number of inhabitants in
the area of Geopark "Đerdap" decreased by about 16%. The most unfavorable
situation is in Petrovo Selo, which lost 25% of its permanent population in this
The largest participation in the age structure was the adult population (20-59
years) 53%, the old population (over 60 years) participated with 29%, while the
participation of young people (0-19 years) in the Spatial Plan area was 18%. The
share of the working-age population (15-64 years) in the total population was
67%. The average age of the population in the Spatial Plan area was 48 years.
The most unfavorable situation is in the settlements of Grabovica and Velika
Kamenica, where the participation of the old population was slightly more than
50% of the total.
In the educational structure of the population, the relatively higher participation
of those with a high school diploma (about 40%) stands out. The unfavorable
circumstance is that 24% have completed only primary school, 18% of the
population have incomplete primary school education, and 6% have no school
education. Those with higher and higher education make up only 9% of the adult
population, with the highest participation in Kladovo (18%), Majdanpek (13%),
Donji Milanovac (12%) and Golupac (12%).
In most settlements, the number of households has been continuously
decreasing since 1971. According to Census data from 2011, 15,702 households
were registered in the area of the Spatial Plan, which is 10% fewer households
than in 2002. A milder increase in the number of households was recorded in
Kladovo and its surroundings (Kostol, Mala Vrbica, Kladušnica), as well as in the
settlements of Plavna (Negotin municipality), Usje and Vinci (Golubac
municipality). In the household structure, two-member households (30%),
single-person households (26%) and three-member households (18%) had the
largest share, while the average number of members per household was 2.7.
The housing fund in the area of the Spatial Plan in 2011 numbered 25,464
apartments, of which about 61% (15,440 apartments) were inhabited. About 9%
of apartments were used temporarily for rest and recreation, with the highest
share in the neighborhoods of Vinci (83%) and Usje (60%).

Network of settlements
The network of settlements in the area of the Spatial Plan consists of 37
(statistical) settlements that are partially or fully included in the "Đerdap"
Geopark. These are fragments of the formed networks of settlements within the
territories of the municipalities of Golubac, Majdanpek, Kladovo and Negotin.
Most of the settlements are of a rural character, with the exception of Kladovo,
Donji Milanovac, Brza Palanka and Majdanpek, which have the status of urban
Spatial and functional transformation of the network of settlements in the area
of the Spatial Plan took place mostly under the influence of the development of
mining (Majdanpek and Bor), energy (HEPS "Đerdap") and complementary
industries. According to the size category, medium-sized villages dominate the
area of the Spatial Plan. Modern changes in the network of settlements are the
result of negative demographic trends, which is why the number of dwarf
settlements and medium-sized settlements has increased, and the number of
large rural settlements and small towns has decreased.
Table 4. Changes in the demographic size of settlements 1981-2011. years

in 1981 in 2011
Type of
settlement (cumulative (cumulative
Number of Number of
total number of total number of
(population) settlements settlements
inhabitants) inhabitants)

Settlements - - 6 1.076

settlements 6 2,356 5 1.568

Medium smaller
settlements 6 3,462 9 5,498

settlements 5 4,766 11 9,441

Large rural
17 29.301 4 7,486
and towns

settlements and
3 21,299 2 16,568
small towns

Source: RZS, 2014, Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in 2011

A certain hierarchy can be observed in the network of settlements in the area of
the Spatial Plan:
- in the first place are the municipal centers of Golubac, Majdanpek and Kladovo
(with immediate suburban settlements);
- in the second row is the settlement of Donji Milanovac (with Mosna);
- in the third row are the settlements of Rudna Glava and Brza Palanka;
- in the fourth row there are other settlements and hamlets.

Social development
The population from the area of the Spatial Plan receives most of the services of
public services in their municipal centers. The network of public services is
relatively well developed, but the state of facilities, especially in rural areas, is
quite poor and burdened by a lack of funds for maintenance. Also, the constant
decrease in the number of inhabitants calls into question the rational and
efficient functioning of certain services.
Kindergartens are mostly located in municipal centers, and some of them
function as part of elementary schools. The area is relatively well covered by a
network of primary schools consisting of parent schools with classes in villages,
with uneven quality of the teaching process and student achievement.
Secondary education is represented in municipal centers, and the most common
problem is the insufficient equipment of schools with the necessary contents
such as special teaching rooms, libraries, dining halls and restaurants, sports
fields and other supporting services. In addition to the necessary acquisition of
modern schools, it is necessary to adapt school programs to the labor market.
The network of primary health care facilities, in addition to health centers in
municipal centers, consists of health centers and clinics in rural areas, and the
number of residents per doctor is generally below the national average. Social
protection is organized within the centers for social work in all municipalities.
The network of cultural facilities is relatively developed, with a distinct
concentration of facilities in municipal centers that need to be reconstructed.
Purpose-built facilities for cultural needs (homes of culture) exist in most rural
settlements, but they are mostly in poor condition and poorly used for their
intended purpose.

3.2.4. Infrastructure systems

Traffic and traffic infrastructure

The road traffic network in the area of the Spatial Plan consists of state roads
(hereinafter: DP), according to the Regulation on the categorization of state
roads ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 105/13, 119/13 and 93/15):
- DP IB order no. 33 (connection with state road A1 – Požarevac – Kučevo –
Majdanpek – Negotin – state border with Bulgaria (Border crossing Mokranje),
sections (whole and parts): 03313, 03314, 03315, 03316, 03317, 03318 and
03319, in the length of 66.4 km, on the territory of the municipalities of
Majdanpek and Negotin;
- DP IB order no. 34 (Požarevac – Veliko Gradište – Golubac – Donji Milanovac –
Poreč bridge – connection with state road no. 35) sections (whole and parts):
03409, 03410, 03411, 03412 and 03413 in a length of 114.5 km, on the
territory of municipalities Golubac, Majdanpek and Kladovo;
- DP IB order no. 35 (state border with Romania (Djerdap border crossing) –
Kladovo – Negotin – Zaječar – Knjaževac (and beyond), sections (whole and
parts): 03501, 03502, 03503, 03504 and 03505 in a length of 25.6 km, on the
territory municipality of Kladovo;
- Exhibit IIA order no. 163 (Golubac – Zelenik – Lješnica), sections (part):
16301 and 16302 in a length of 4.5 km, on the territory of the municipality of
- Exhibit IIA order no. 164 (Donji Milanovac – Majdanpek and beyond), sections
(whole and part): 16401 and 16402 in a length of 24.5 km, on the territory of
the municipality of Majdanpek;
- Exhibit IIA order no. 165 (Porečki most - Klokočevac and beyond), sections
(whole and part): 16501 and 16502 in a length of 18.8 km, on the territory of
the municipality of Majdanpek;
- Exhibit IIA order no. 167 (Kladovo – Korbovo – Milutinovac), section (part):
16701 in the length of 11.5 km, on the territory of the municipality of Kladovo;
- Exhibit IIB order no. 376 (Maleševo – Rakova Bara – Turija), section (section)
37601 in length of 6.3 km, on the territory of the municipality of Golubac;
- Exhibit IIB order no. 396 (Poreč bridge - Brza Palanka), section (whole) 39601
in length of 29.6 km, on the territory of the municipalities of Majdanpek and
- Exhibit IIB order no. 397 (Slatina – Štubik), section (part) 39701 in length of
13.9 km, on the territory of the municipality of Negotin;
- Exhibit IIB order no. 399 (Plavna – Popovica – Sikole – Salaš), section (part):
39901 in length of 4.1 km, in the territory of Negotin municipality.
Table 5. State roads in the area of the Spatial Plan

State Length Parking lot

in State road section number,
road, state road
Plano, from the node - to the node
number km (entry Exit)

03313, from node 3311 Kučevo

(km69+249, ) entire sections
IB - 33 66.4 03314, 03315, 03316, 03317, km108+610/km175+037
03318 and part 03319 to node 3509
Bukovo (km185+221)

03409, from node 3408 Braničevo

(Donja Kruševica) (km46+868),
IB - 34 114.5 entire sections 03410, 03411, km50+459/ km165+055
03412 and part 03413 to node 3502
dam HPP "Đerdap 1" (km165+055)

03501 from node 3501 border

RUM/SRB (HE "Đerdap 1") km0+000 / km16+634
IB - 35 25.6 (km0+000), whole 03502, part
03503, 03504 and 03505 to node km²8+042 / km³6+989
3506 Slatinska reka (km³9+794)
16301, from node 3409 Golubac
(km0+000) to node 16301 Maleševo km0+000 / km²+202
4.5 (km³+278) and 16302, from node
16301 Maleševo (km³+278) to node km6+114 / km8+422
16302 Zelenik (km11+927)

16401, from node 3410 Donji

Milanovac (km0+000) to node 3313
IIA - Majdanpek (km²3+129), overlap IB km0+000 / km²3+129
164 33 and 16402, from node 3312 km²3+129 / km²4+490
Debeli Lug (km²3+129) to node
16401 Jasikovo (km41+595)

16501, from node 3411 Poreč

bridge (Mosna) (km0+000) to node
IIA – 3315 Klokočevac (km11+852), km0+000 / km11+852
165 overlap IB 33 and 16502, from node km11+852 / km18+806
3314 Miloševa Kula (km11+852) to
node 16501 Luka (km³1+051)

16701, from node 3503 Kladovo

11.5 (km0+000) to node 3504 km0+000 / km11+465
Milutinovac (km³1+181)

37601, from junction 16301

6.3 Maleševo (km0+000) to junction km1+568 / km6+278
3310 Turija (km17+801)

39601, from node 3412 Porec

29.6 Bridge (Mosna), (km0+000) to node km0+000 / km²9+621
3505 Brza Palanka (km²9+621)

39701, from node 3506 Slatinska

13.9 reka (km0+000) to node 3317 km10+082 / km²3+998
Štubik (km²3+998)

39901, from node 3316 Plavna

4.1 (km0+000) to node 39801 Salaš km0+000 / km4+130
(Sikole) (km²3+214)

The total length of existing state roads in the area of the Spatial Plan is about
320 km, of which about 147 km is in the area of NP "Đerdap".
Municipal roads, in the function of connecting settlements with state roads, have
a total length of about 207.5 km (based on municipal decisions), and in the
territory of the municipalities:
- Golubac - about 26.63 km (of the total length of these roads on the territory of
the municipality, about 40.8% are with modern curtains), namely: no. 1:
Golubac – Kučevo, branch to Krivača; no. 2: Golubac – Kučevo, branch to
Dvorište; no. 18: Krivaca – Radenka; no. 19: Brnjica – Crni vrh – Rakovica; no.
21: Dobra - Brodica;
- Majdanpek - about 90.15 km (of which about 34.6% is with a modern curtain),
namely: No. 1: Rudna Glava - Bukova Glava - Sopot - Crnajka; No. 3: Miroč -
Kopana Glavica - Strbac - Golubinje; No. 4: Topolnica - Potok Topolnica; No. 8:
Boljetin - Košo Brdo (connection state road I order no. 25 Golubac - Poreč
bridge); No. 9: Donji Milanovac – Paprenica – Obljaga Mare – Poreč bridge –
Mosna; No. 10: Golubinje - Kopana Glavica - Malo Golubinje (connection to state
road I order no. 24); No. 11: Golubinje - Strbac; No. 12: Mosna – Kulma Tura –
Kosovica – Privod – Selište – Dumbrava – Mosna; No. 17: Donji Milanovac –
Studena – Crvena bara – Stara Oreškovica; No. 16: Donji Milanovac – Studena –
Kulma Bauca – Jezero – Mosna; L: Boljetin – Lepenski Vir; L.17: Majdanpek -
Rajko's cave;
- Kladovo - about 66.39 km (of which about 34% is with a modern curtain),
namely: no. 1: state road I order no. 25 – Sublevel; no. 2: Podvrška – Petrovo
selo; no. 3: no. 1 – Monastery; no. 4: Petrovo selo - Kilome; no. 5: state road I
order no. 25 – Monastery; no. 6: Monastery grove - Kosovica; no. 7: Podvrška –
Durak; no. 8: Podvrška – Velika Kamenica; no. 9: Velika Kamenica - state road I
order no. 25; no. 16: Kilome – Velika Kamenica; no. 18: Rečica - Podvrška;
- Negotin - about 24.33 km (of which about 31.48% is with a modern curtain),
namely: no. 30: national road II order no. 249 – Vratna – Gypsy cemetery; and
no. 31: state road II order no. 249 – Urovica – Obrsje.
State roads of the first order are satisfactory, while state roads of the second
order need to be reconstructed. Municipal roads are in bad condition and need
reconstruction and modernization. Traffic is dominated by passenger cars with
more than 88% representation, and trucks account for an average of 6%. Table
6 shows the change in the average annual daily traffic (hereinafter: PGDS) on
state roads of the first and second order in the area of the Spatial Plan.
Table 6. Change of PGDS on state roads of the first order in the period 2014–
2019. year

Number of mark Change Length of the
Share in in
times shares 2019/14 section, km
2014 2019

33 03313 Kučevo – Debeli Lug 1458 377 40.9

Debeli Lug –
33 03314 1006 1204 198 8.8

Majdanpek - Miloš's
33 03315 621 763 142 25.2

34 03409 Braničevo – Golubac 2137 2971 834 9.1

Golubac - Donji
34 03410 988 1212 224 51.4

Donji Milanovac - in
34 03411 1584 302 9.1
Porec Bridge (Mosna) 1886

Poreč Bridge (Miroč) -

34 03413 560 860 300 46.9
HPP Đerdap Dam

HPP Đerdap dam -

35 03502 3115 1917 -1198 9.3

35 03503 Kladovo – Milutinovac 2151 2051 -100 10.2

Poreč bridge (Mosna)

165 16501 859 1193 334 11.9
– Klokočevac

In the period from 2014 to 2019, a slight increase in the average number of
vehicles can be observed on most sections, a decrease in the daily volume of
traffic is observed on the Đerdap - Kladovo and Kladovo - Milutinovac Dam
sections. During 2020, due to the pandemic situation, the total volume of traffic
was reduced in the entire area of the Spatial Plan, except around cities and
larger settlements, such as Majdanpek (Debeli Lug - Majdanpek - Miloševa kula)
and the attractive tourist section Golubac - Donji Milanovac.
The Danube in this sector belongs to the largest waterways of the highest
category, class VII, i.e. it is a waterway for cargo ships with a length of 285 m, a
width of 33 m to 34.2 m, a wading depth of 2.5 m to 4.5 m and carrying
capacities between 14,500 t and 27,000 t. The Danube sector in Đerdap gained
its qualitative navigation characteristics with the construction of HPP "Đerdap 1"
and HPP "Đerdap 2", which eliminated difficulties for navigation upstream of the
Table 7. Comparative overview of docking and use of the shore at the passenger
pier in Donji Milanovac and Golupac

Donji Milanovac Pigeon

in in 2019/2015 in in 2019/2018
2015 2019 (%) 2018 2019 (%)

Docking of vessels 112 249 122 44 95 116

Shore usage (number of

13673 34260 151 6225 14607 135

Source: Agency for Port Management, 2021

Among the accompanying features of the Danube waterway, there are piers for
tourist purposes (Golubačka fortress, Donji Milanovac, Tekija and Kladovo) and
cargo purposes (Jelenske stene and Kladovo), as well as a large number of
anchorages and moorings for boats with unorganized territories on the coast (in
the implementation phase pier Lepenski vir). The active role of waterways in
tourism requires the development of a greater number of marinas and moorings,
whose current level of equipment and quality is unsatisfactory.
The Spatial Plan area is partially covered by the single-track non-electrified
railway line Mala Krsna - Majdanpek - Bor - Zaječar (about 29 km long). The
railway is mostly routed through the Pek river valley, south of the "Đerdap" NP
area. In relation to road traffic, the most important railway station for this area
is in Majdanpek. The railway has no greater importance due to the mismatch
with other modes of transport. The condition is bad and requires reconstruction.
The existing road border crossings are located in Kladovo (HE "Đerdap 1"). The
river border crossings on the Danube with neighboring Romania are in: Golupac,
Donji Milanovac, Tekija (the port area of the international passenger pier is
expected to be determined) and Kladovo.

Other energy infrastructure

The existing DV 400 kV located within the boundaries of the Spatial Plan are
owned by AD "Elektomreza Srbije", namely: 400 kV no. 401/2 RP Drmno - RP
Đerdap 1, 400 kV no. 402 TS Bor 2-RP Đerdap 1, 400 kV no. 405 RP Ćerdap 1 –
border/TS Portile de Fier, 400 kV no. 457 RP Ćerdap 1 - HE "Ćerdap 1" (block 1),
400 kV no. 458 RP Ćerdap 1 - HE "Ćerdap 1" (block 2) and 400 kV no. 459 RP
Ćerdap 1 - HE "Ćerdap 1" (block 3). The RP 400 kV Đerdap 1 switchyard, which
is owned by JSC "Elektromreza Srbije", is included in the subject plan.
The existing DV 110 kV located within the boundaries of the Spatial Plan are
owned by AD "Elektromreza Srbije", namely: no. 128/3 TS "Majdanpek 3" - TS
"Neresnica", no. 128/2 TS "Majdanpek 2" - TS "Majdanpek 3", no. 128/1 TS
"Majdanpek 1" - TS "Majdanpek 2", no. 1241 TS "Majdanpek 2" - TS "Mosna",
no. 150 TS "Bor 1" - TS "Majdanpek 1", no. 177 TS "Bor 2" - TS "Majdanpek 2",
no. 1186 RP "Đerdap 2" - TS "Sip", no. 1207 TS "Sip" ľ border/TS "Gura Vai".
HPP "Đerdap 2" (although outside the area of the Spatial Plan) is connected to
the transmission network with 110 kV transmission lines and plays a significant
role in the safe and high-quality supply of electricity to part of the planning area.
Five 110/X kV substations in the planning area (TS "Sip", TS "Majdanpek 1", TS
"Majdanpek 2", TS "Majdanpek 3", TS "Mosna"), which are under the jurisdiction
of "EPS Distribucija" d.o. .about. Belgrade, Branch Elektrodistribucija Zaječar,
have a secure two-way power supply, except for TS "Sip" substations, which in
normal operation are fed radially from HPP "Đerdap 2", and backup power supply
is provided from neighboring Romania and TS "Mosna", radially fed from TS "
Majdanpek 2".
The 35 kV distribution network meets the needs of consumers and is supplied
from the aforementioned TS 110/H kV, while TS 110/H kV (Majdanpek 1-3)
supply industrial consumers. The existing 35/10 kV substations in the subject
area are TS "Golubac", TS "Majdanpek 1", TS "Majdanpek 2", TS "Donji
Milanovac", TS "Mosna", TS "Kladovo 1", TS "Kladovo 2", TS "Brza Planaka" and
TS "Štubik" are connected to each other mainly by 35 kV transmission lines and
to a lesser extent by 35 kV cable lines.
Near the town of Velesnica in the municipality of Kladovo, there is the largest
solar power plant in the Republic of Serbia, the "Solaris" solar power plant with a
capacity of 4 MW.

Electronic communications and postal traffic

The electronic communication network enables the transmission of signals using
wire, radio, optical and other electromagnetic means, and in the area of the
Spatial Plan there are: fixed, mobile and broadcast networks. The Spatial Plan
area belongs to network groups 019 Zaječar (territories of Negotin and Kladovo
municipalities), 030 Bor (territories of Majdanpek municipality) and 026
Požarevac (territory of Golubac and Kučevo municipalities).
The existing switching points are connected to each other via copper and optical
TK cables, which are laid freely in the ground or through the cable channel, and
the subscribers are connected to the distribution TK network through external or
internal outlets. Telecommunication networks were built in the settlements:
Majdanpek, Rudna Glava, Klokočevac, Mosna, Donji Milanovac, Plavna, Štubik,
Jabukovac, Vratna, Brza Palanka, Grabovica, Velika Kamenica, Podvrška, Kostol,
Kladovo, Kladušnica, Davidovac, Sip, Tekija, Podvrška. , Klokočevac, Rudna
Glava, Vinci, Usje, Radoševac, Golubac, Dvorište, Snegotin, Dobra and Brnjica.
Settlements that do not have a telephone network, but users are connected via
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), are: Crnajka, Topolnica, Boljetin,
Golubinje, Miroč, Manastirica, Petrovo Selo, Reka, Mala Vrbica and Velika Vrbica.
The area of the Spatial Plan is covered by three mobile operators "Telenor" (062
and 063), "Telekom Srbija" (064 and 065) and "A1 (VIP)" (060 and 061) with 89
base stations, namely: "Telenor" 19 , "Telekom Srbija" 47 and "A1 (VIP)" 23.
Signal coverage is not uniform, but as mobile telephony is constantly expanding,
the situation is improving very quickly.
A network of repeater stations for television and FM radio transmission was built
in 17 locations.
Currently, 11 postal units with 24 counters are in operation and can be
considered satisfactory.

communal infrastructure
The collection of municipal waste from the territories of municipalities within the
scope of the Spatial Plan is partly the responsibility of municipal utility
companies. The largest number of villages are left out of the system of
organized waste collection, which results in the existence of local garbage
dumps, i.e. wild landfills near roads, river and stream valleys, as well as
occasional uncontrolled burning of waste without fire protection measures.
Certain rural settlements near municipal and tourist centers, located next to
state roads, are in the municipal waste collection system - Brnjica and Dobra
(Golubac municipality), Mosna (next to Donji Milanovac, Majdanpek), Miroč and
Golubinje (Majdanpek), Sip and Tekija (Kladovo). Municipal waste is generally
disposed of without any prior treatment at municipal landfills, which do not meet
sanitary requirements due to their characteristics.
In the area of NP "Đerdap" all illegal landfills were rehabilitated. There are only
occasional garbage dumps that are rehabilitated in cooperation with local and
communal companies. In the area of Geopark "Đerdap" there are significantly
more illegal landfills (38), namely in: Velika Vrbica (2), Mala Vrbica (2), Kladovo
(13), Kladušnica (2), Davidovac (2), Manastirica (1) , Miroča (2), Vratnoj (1),
Štubik (2), Klokočevac (2), Topolnici (2). Rudna Glava (1), Dvorište (1), Golupac
(3), Radoševac (1) and Usija (1).6
The settlements of Donji Milanovac, Mosna and Topolnica (included in the NP
"Đerdap") and Majdanpek (Majdanpek municipality) and Voluja (Kučevo
municipality) dispose of the total flows of municipal waste at the landfill - Bele
vode tailings (Majdanpek municipality), which is limited in time and volume
capacity. The distance of this landfill from certain villages (up to 60 km) is also a
problem, as a result of which new illegal dumping sites are formed despite the
rehabilitation and closure of existing ones. In the municipality of Kladovo, the
settlements of Tekija and Sip (in the NP "Đerdap"), Kladušnica, Manastirica,
Davidovac, Podvrška and Velika Kamenica dispose of waste at the municipal
landfill (which is outside the scope of the Spatial Plan). On the
6 Data provided on the basis of the Map of landfills of public utility
companies and wild and old landfills of the Environmental Protection Agency
from 2021
in the municipality of Golubac, the settlements of Brnjica and Dobra (included in
NP "Đerdap"), Dvorište, Radenka and Voluja dispose of their waste at the
municipal landfill Vinci (which is outside the scope of the Spatial Plan), but also
at untreated wild dumps in the villages. PET packaging (polyethylene
terephthalate packaging) is separated by settlement.
Based on the official statistics of public utility companies of the municipalities
within the scope of the Spatial Plan, on the territory of NP "Đerdap" about 850 t
of municipal waste is collected annually or about 3400 m³, with a tendency to
increase when the rest of the rural settlements are covered by communal waste
collection and removal services. This data should be taken conditionally, since it
represents only the amount of waste that is officially collected by municipal
public utility companies for individual, not all rural settlements. Based on data
from the 2011 Census and approximations given by the Waste Management
Strategy for the period 2010–2019. year, according to which the average daily
amount of waste generated is 0.6 kg/apartment/day, it was estimated that the
total annual amount of waste produced in the area of NP "Đerdap" is 2500 t (3.3
times the amount of official data), while in the area of the Spatial Plan, the total
annual amount of waste is estimated to be 9125 t. Hazardous waste is not
produced in the area of the Spatial Plan, except in cases of disposal of
substances, batteries and electronic waste.
The equipment of the area and management (municipal public utility companies
or local communities) of green markets is relatively satisfactory. Markets are
organized to a greater or lesser extent according to appropriate standards, with
a pronounced problem of hygienic conditions. There is a need to open new green
Settlements covered by the Spatial Plan have a pronounced problem with burials
due to the overcrowding and low capacity of cemeteries. A significant problem is
the management of cemeteries, because planned municipal cemeteries are the
only ones under the jurisdiction of public utility companies, while rural
cemeteries that are inadequately equipped and organized are rarely under the
jurisdiction of local utility companies.

3.2.5. Environmental Protection

The state of environmental quality in the area of the Spatial Plan differs between
the area of NP "Đerdap", Geopark "Đerdap" and the remaining part outside the
protected property, according to the degree of environmental pollution, factors
of environmental quality and the method of solving pollution problems. The state
of the environment in most of the territory of NP "Đerdap" and Geopark
"Đerdap" is favorable, except in the domain of communal infrastructure (a large
number of unkempt dumpsites, insufficient capacities of cemeteries, unregulated
drainage of waste water). The highest quality of the natural environment is in
the mountain belt of NP "Đerdap" where there are no intensive economic
activities and traffic. The remaining area of the Spatial Plan (outside NP
"Đerdap", in the part of Geopark "Đerdap" with the urban settlements of Kladovo
and Golubac) has a relatively high-quality environment, except for the area of
the municipality of Majdanpek, which has the character of a devastated area due
to mining activities with partial complete devastation of the pedological layer
exploitation of mineral raw materials.
The following activities and facilities have the greatest impact on the quality of
the environment in the area of the Spatial Plan:
- energy and hydropower with zones of direct immediate influence of HPP
"Đerdap 1" on the occasional rise in the level of underground water along the
entire stretch, change of the microclimate in the reservoir of HPP "Đerdap 1";
impacts of the district heating system on air pollution and others;
- exploitation of mineral raw materials with the direct influence of exploitation of
copper ore in Majdanpek (outside NP "Đerdap");
- exploitation of stone in the "Jelenske stene" quarry, which drastically disrupts
the natural environment of the Golubacka Gorge and emits limestone dust into
the wider surroundings of the exploitation area;
– industrial activities and the indirect impact of the technological processes of
flotation in the Majdanpek mine on the pollution of the Danube waters, soil and
air pollution with dust from the flotation tailings of Valja Fundat on Šaška
- agriculture with a direct impact of activities on erosion, drying, compaction,
acidification, salinization, eutrophication and contamination of soil and water
with heavy metals, nitrogen and phosphorus due to the use of agrochemicals,
especially in the municipality of Golubac;
- forestry, i.e. possible occurrences of inadequate forest management with a
direct impact on the occurrence of erosion, landslides, deterioration of air, water
and soil quality;
- traffic, increase in the level of air pollution by combustion products in
infrastructure corridors of road traffic and deterioration of the quality of the
Danube River due to activities on the waterway;
- unsanitary "wild dumps" direct pollution of soil and underground and surface
water with contaminants from wild dumps on the territory of NP "Đerdap";
- hydrotechnical infrastructure, pollution by the discharge of untreated
communal waste water from municipal sewage systems, the discharge of
untreated industrial water and drainage water from agriculture into river
Air pollution is most affected by mining facilities in Majdanpek. In their
immediate vicinity, high concentrations of suspended particles and heavy metals
were recorded, which in certain periods of the year exceed the immission limit
values. The biggest source of dust are flotation tailings dams, metallurgical
plants and heating plants. One of the sources of gas and dust emissions is
blasting from mining. The settlements near the mines are most at risk, but the
impact of dust often extends to the borders of the "Đerdap" National Park. The
Turn Severina industrial complex has a significant impact on the air quality in
Kladovo and the banks of the Danube, while tailings on the banks of the Danube
in Romania in the cities of Moldova Veke and Moldova Nova have a direct impact
on Golubac. Covered parts of the territories of the municipalities of Kladovo,
Golubac and Negotin can be classified as areas that do not have major
restrictions in terms of air quality, while the municipality of Majdanpek can be
classified as an area with a high degree of pollution, especially sulfur dioxide,
soot and suspended particles.
The water quality of the Danube on the territory of NP "Đerdap" is in class IIa
and IIb (the water quality of the Danube at the entrance to the Republic of
Serbia is class III/IV or "out of class"), due to the fact that the effluent pressure
on the Danube from pollutants from the territory of the Republic of Serbia is
lower from the ability of its self-purification and the fact that Djerdap reservoirs
have a great effect on water purification, acting like a large precipitator - a
bioreactor. The water quality of the other river courses (Boljetinska, Brnjička,
Porečka reka and Peka) is particularly threatened by nutrients, organic and
inorganic pollution (due to the release of untreated municipal waste water and
drainage water from agriculture) and heavy metals due to the breach of the dam
at the flotation landfill "Valja Fundata". near Majdanpek. Some of the local
springs are threatened by illegal landfills (in Sipo), discharges of sewage
contents (in Kladovo, Tekija) and poor sanitation in the settlements.
The quality of the soil in the area of the Spatial Plan is affected by inadequate
agricultural practices (through uncontrolled and inadequate use of fertilizers and
pesticides) and the absence of control of the water used for irrigation. Soil
quality is also seriously damaged by erosion processes that manifest themselves
in almost all forms on the territory of NP "Đerdap". Excessive erosion is present
around the town of Golubac, on the slopes below Velika Čuka, on the slopes
along the road and the Danube river immediately below the Jovicka slope.
Greater surface representation of excessive erosion, which accompanies both
medium and strong erosion, is present in the area of Jelenska stena. Forms of
excessive erosion were also identified in the area of the Brnjička river basin,
where they have the highest surface representation in the central and upper part
of the basin. Areas with excessive and strong erosion are also represented in the
lower part of the Čazavsko potok basin, at the Čezavsko polje location. A smaller
surface representation was recorded in the central part of the Čazava Stream
(Srednik Čezava location). The area with strong erosion of the surface type is
represented in the area of the Salčin peak, while in the central part of the
Dobran river basin, excessive and strong erosion is represented with a dominant
mixed and deep type of erosion. The surface type of strong erosion is
represented in the area of Veliki and Mali Zidina. The area where there is a
greater prevalence of excessive and strong erosion with all visible types
(surface, mixed and deep erosion) is in the basin of the Boljetinska river, on the
stretch of Kosobrdo-Boljetinska brdo (immediately around the settlement of
Boljetin). In the stretch towards Donji Milanovac in the central part of the Zlatica
river basin in the area of Kapetan Mišin Breg, there is excessive and strong
erosion. Above Donji Milanovac, a higher percentage of strong erosion was
identified in the central parts of the basins of Varoški potok, Kazanski potok and
Paprenica stream. In the location between Razmirovo potok and Golubinjska
river, below the top of Kosište, there is a strong erosion of the surface type.
Larger areas of strong erosion were identified in the basin of the Nešina stream
(location Gredić-Poljančina) and it extends all the way to the basin of the Rečica
stream. In the eastern part of NP "Đerdap", at the location of Golo Brdo, there is
a strong category with a dominant surface and mixed type of erosion. On the
stretch from Gologi Brdo to the settlement of Tekija, along the coast itself, there
are categories of excessive and strong erosion (at the locations of Popavac-
Verdinača-Misija). Above the settlement of Tekija itself, there is a category of
strong and excessive erosion. Greater surface representation of excessive and
strong erosion was also recorded in the area of the Ogaš Satuluj stream basin,
on the slopes above the top of Čok and Buda, and in the vicinity of Karataš
Noise is expressed only in the zones of direct influence of industrial plants and
exploitation of mineral raw materials and its effect is of a local character.
Based on the Register of SEVESO facilities on the territory of the Republic of
Serbia7 (Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2021), there are no facilities on
the territory of the Spatial Plan that can be considered potentially dangerous
from the aspect of accident risk in the area of the Spatial Plan.
In the area of the Spatial Plan, several "hot spots" (black spots) with significant
environmental pollution have been identified, namely: Valja Fundata flotation
tailings, Majdanpek mining basin, Šaški potok, landfills in Majdanpek and others.
Cross-border pollution was observed in the domain of air quality (industrial zone
of Turn Severin, tailings around Moldova Veka and Modlova Nova in Romania),
water quality of the Danube and its tributaries entering the Republic of Serbia.
In the context of cross-border influence, the Republic of Serbia cooperates with
neighboring countries on the control and influence of cross-border pollution,
primarily in relation to the water quality of the Danube River.

3.2.6. Disaster risk reduction and emergency management

Planning and arrangement of space from the point of view of ensuring protection
from natural disasters and technical-technological accidents is an integral part of
planning, arrangement and protection of space in accordance with disaster risk
assessments and protection and rescue plans in emergency situations.
The research of climate changes in this area, as well as in the entire territory of
the Republic of Serbia, is of particular importance considering its position
between Mediterranean and continental climate conditions. Climate change
manifests itself through negative consequences for hydrology and water
resources, forestry, agriculture, biodiversity, but also for the health of citizens.
Bearing in mind the natural characteristics of the Spatial Plan area, the most
important potential risks of disasters are the dangers of earthquakes, landslides,
landslides, erosion, floods, extreme weather events and forest fires. Apart from
the mentioned risks, the danger of a technical-technological accident represents
a significant threat.
The maximum intensity of earthquakes for the coverage of the Spatial Plan can
be expected from VII to VIII MCS scale for a return period of 475 years.
Earthquakes of these intensities can greatly endanger people's lives and health
and lead to significant consequences for material, natural and cultural assets,
critical infrastructure and the environment.
The area of the Spatial Plan is not characterized by the occurrence of landslides
to an extent that would particularly endanger communications or settlements. It
is possible to expect small landslides that move up to 10,000 m³ of soil material.
Such landslides on sloping-steep slopes could cause damage to buildings (rarely
even their collapse), as well as damage to road infrastructure and
underground infrastructure (pipeline). However, these dangers are especially
expressed as a multi-risk after the occurrence of a possible earthquake, floods
and extremely heavy rainfall and snowfall, when greater material damage can be
During the last years, from 2008 to 2020, there was an increase in the intensity
of heavy precipitation compared to the reference period, with more pronounced
changes during the last decade. The number of days with very heavy
precipitation increased by 1-2 times on average. However, the frequency of
more extreme weather events, days with precipitation over 40 mm, in some
parts increased by more than five times compared to the reference period.
Climate changes have greatly affected the protected values of NP "Đerdap" in
recent decades. Extreme weather events, primarily drought, hail, blizzards and
drifts, ice and cold waves have caused great damage to agriculture, forestry,
infrastructure, etc. in the past period.
The risk of first-order water floods, primarily from the Danube, Pek River and
Porečka River, is acceptable, especially from the Danube upstream of HPP
"Đerdap 1" and HPP "Đerdap 2". The high water level of the Danube greatly
affects the high level of groundwater, which can endanger the population and
cause material damage.
There is a big risk in this area from flash floods and overflowing watercourses of
the second order (Brnjička river, Velika Čezava, Rečka reka, Pesača, Dobrnska
reka, Zlatica, Boljetinska reka, Kosovica, etc.). During extremely heavy rainfall,
small watercourses swell and overflow uncontrollably. Extreme weather
conditions in September 2014 led to the creation of torrents that greatly
threatened the lives and health of people, material goods, critical infrastructure
and the environment. Several settlements were completely cut off, with no
possibility of evacuation or access.
Weather conditions during the winter season are characterized by occasional
periods with significantly lower than normal air temperature, snowfall and strong
wind, when blizzards and drifts, ice and cold waves are possible. During the
winter, the influx of warmer and moist Mediterranean air with the presence of a
cold air mass in the lower layers above the Balkan Peninsula causes a large
amount of snowfall and with increased wind, leads to the appearance of blizzards
and snow drifts. A blizzard can also occur in the Kosava situation, when high
pressure in the east of Europe and low pressure in the west and south of the
continent cause a very strong air pressure gradient, which leads to the transfer
of cold air over the Carpathians to the Danube. For a blizzard to be possible, it is
necessary to have a loose snow cover and strong winds.
A cold wave is a period with air temperature significantly lower than the
temperature values expected for that time of year. A cold wave occurs due to
the appearance of a very cold air mass over a wider area, which lasts for three
or more consecutive days and can endanger people's lives and cause material
damage. Considering similar events registered in the analyzed 35-year period, it
can be expected that the intense extreme weather phenomenon of blizzard and
snow drifts, ice and cold wave will last for about 8-10 days.
In exceptional cases of a cold wave, an extreme weather phenomenon of ice
break may also occur. At an air temperature around and below 0° C, there is
intense frost deposition on various surfaces and objects. Rain, along with
increased wind, freezes in contact with objects, increasing the ice layer,
especially on windy parts. The intensity increases with altitude. Forest
complexes can be particularly threatened by this phenomenon, where the ice
cumulatively burdens the crowns of trees, when there is a break, as well as the
spreading of a group of trees, causing great damage to forest crops.
The creation of ice barriers, ice jams, can pose a significant danger to river
traffic on the Danube, vessels, marinas and facilities on the water, and in the
worst case, it can threaten the operation of the HEPS "Đerdap" system. This risk
is expected in winter periods when extremely low temperatures last for several
days, where ice caps form, especially on narrowing riverbeds.
In February and March 2012, the entire area of the Spatial Plan experienced
extremely low temperatures and snow drifts, which led to damage to critical
infrastructure, interruptions in electricity supply, traffic jams, several villages
and settlements were cut off and endangered before many elderly households,
which rescue teams had a hard time reaching.
A significant increase in air temperature was observed, measured at most
meteorological stations. During the last years, from 2008 to 2020, the deviation
of the average annual temperature was up to 1.5° C. In the analysis of the risk
of high temperatures and threats to the ecosystem, economy and human health,
the duration of heat waves and their frequency are particularly important. On
average for the last ten years, there were more than 20 days of heat waves in
one year. In the period from 2008-2020. the average number of extreme heat
waves increased by 2-3 per year compared to the reference period. Extremely
high temperatures in the long summer period, without precipitation, lead to the
occurrence of drought and forest fires. Such dry periods occur cyclically, every
3–5 years.
Drought in the climatic area covered by the Spatial Plan can occur due to high
air temperatures and lack of rainfall for a long period of time. In the last 20
years, shorter or longer periods of dry weather were recorded in this area, which
led to the declaration of two natural disasters due to drought (in 2003 and
2007), while no natural disaster was declared in 2012, but the total estimated
damage from the drought was extremely high. The consequences of the drought
are direct in agriculture and fruit growing, where there is great damage as a
result of a drastic reduction in the yield of agricultural crops, fodder and fruit,
interruption of the supply of vital products, interruption of the supply of
electricity, interruption of traffic, impossibility of providing emergency medical
assistance, etc. During the prolonged dry period, there is a drastic reduction of
all watercourse levels (including the Danube River), which can have very harmful
consequences in river traffic, the electricity industry, reduced electricity
production at HPP "Đerdap", lack of drinking water, fish fund, as well as the
complete flora and fauna in watercourses. Due to a longer period of time with
high temperatures, the health and lives of people are endangered.
Fires in open space represent one of the most common potential risks in the
area of the Spatial Plan. The forest area of NP "Đerdap" as a whole is moderately
threatened by fire. Three categories of fire hazard have been identified in the
area: the second category, which includes mixed alder and cherry forests, pure
and mixed stands of beech on all substrates except limestone, on an area of
about 240 km², the third category includes cultures of black pine, spruce,
Douglas fir, pine and firs, on about 4 km² and the fourth category, which
includes the Brnjica canyon, the Boljetinska river and the Danube, on about
121.5 km². The greatest risk of forest fires is in the summer months, in periods
of extremely high temperatures, without precipitation. Fires of forest complexes
in hilly and mountainous areas on inaccessible terrains, at long distances from
water intakes, are a special danger. The risk of rapid spread of fire is also the
possible appearance of košava and northerly winds, which are common in this
area. Such fires, in addition to great material damage to the vegetation, would
have the appearance of erosive soil, displacement or temporary disappearance
of certain animal species, disruption of the ecological and climatic balance.
Industrial plants and the performance of activities in the production, storage and
transportation of hazardous substances in road and river transport have a
significant share in the consequences for human health, material goods, critical
infrastructure and the environment in the area of the Spatial Plan. Economic
facilities and facilities in the territory of the municipality of Majdanpek where
hazardous substances are produced, used or stored are distinguished:
- Tailings "Saški potok" (inactive) and "Valja Fundata" (active). During the
flotation of copper ore in the Copper Mine in Majdanpek, a large amount of
flotation tailings is created, which is disposed of as waste material at the
flotation tailings in the industrial circle in Majdanpek. The copper mine in
Majdanpek has two tailings pits for disposal of flotation tailings.
- "Trajal Kruševac" in the industrial area of Rudnik Bakra in Majdanpek has a
warehouse for storing ammonium nitrate, which is used to make explosive
devices for the needs of the mine.
- The copper pipe factory JSC "Majdanpek", whose main activity is copper
processing, specializes in the production of installation copper pipes for water
and gas in sanitary and heating installations, copper pipes for industrial and
other purposes, and has hazardous materials in its facilities.
In the area of the Spatial Plan, there are several gas stations that store and
transport hazardous materials.

3.2.7. Ensuring the interests of the country's defense

In the area of the Spatial Plan, there are special purpose complexes with
protection zones that are necessary for the functioning of the country's defense
system. These complexes are covered in a separate attachment - Annex to the
Spatial Plan and are not available to the public in accordance with the provisions
of the Law on Planning and Construction.


Potentials for protection and sustainable use of nature and natural values are:
- diverse and rich wild flora and fauna represented by 1,100 taxa of higher
plants, 70 plant communities, among which are particularly significant relict
forest and shrub associations, extensive complexes of oak and beech forests
covering two thirds of the area, respective fauna fund with 150 species birds, 60
species of fish, over 30 species of mammals and abundant mammalian and
feathered game;
- attractive and picturesque landscapes of exceptional environmental diversity,
which are mainly characterized by the Đerdap lake, the steep sections of the
Danube gorges, the wooded hills in their hinterland and the divine karst plateau
- exceptional geoheritage phenomena, among which the Đerdap Gorge, due to
its origin and morphology, represents a unique monument of nature, as well as
paleontological sites, natural stone bridges, hot springs and waterfalls, rivers,
sinkholes and caves;
- "Đerdap" Geopark, as part of the UNESCO global network of geoparks within
which geotourism is developed and promoted in a sustainable manner,
represents an opportunity and incentive for the development of small and
medium-sized enterprises, as well as potential investors and strategic partners
for engaging in various activities within the "Đerdap" Geopark ". There is also
the possibility of cross-border cooperation with the Portile de Fier Nature Park in
Romania, as well as the possibility of later expanding the territory of the
"Đerdap" Geopark to establish a joint cross-border gopark Đerdap - Portile de
- multi-functionality of protected areas, above all NP "Đerdap", whose natural
contents and resources support public interest in the field of science, education
and culture and at the same time represent the basis of sustainable
development, above all electricity production, tourism, agriculture and organic
food production, limited use mineral raw materials and forests, fishing, etc.;
- the experience of JP "National Park Đerdap" in preserving, maintaining and
presenting the protected area, initiating initiatives for its planning, using the
natural resources entrusted to it, developing cooperation and partnership with
the local population and business entities, especially state-owned public
- interested institutions from the fields of culture, science, education, sports,
tourism, as well as various associations to organize their activities in the area of
Geopark "Đerdap" and National Park "Đerdap".
The basic limitations and problems of protecting nature and natural values are:
- illegal construction of buildings, especially on the shores of Đerdap Lake and
incomplete coverage of the area by urban plans;
- the unresolved problem of municipal landfills and the latent problem of
management of flotation landfills in the vicinity of Majdanpek;
- exploitation of stone in sensitive and unsuitable locations from the point of
view of impact on the landscape and the overall image and experience of
Geopark "Đerdap" and National Park "Đerdap";
- exceptional exposure of forest ecosystems to fires and their sensitivity to plant
diseases and pests;
- insufficient cooperation between the LGU and the management of NP "Đerdap",
especially in achieving participation of the population in the protection of natural
values and maintenance of cleanliness and order;
- irregular provision of budget funds for the financing of protected areas.
In the area of NP "Đerdap" natural values are intertwined with material and
immaterial cultural values, which represents the potential for the development of
a modern concept of protection - "museum territory".
In a broader sense, the cultural heritage of the Danube Corridor is an integral
part of European cultural heritage and represents the potential for the
development of cultural tourism and inclusion in pan-European cultural routes,
with an emphasis on archaeological sites and monumental fortresses as
examples of common heritage. The key potential is the realization of projects for
the reconstruction, arrangement and presentation of the Lepenski Vir and the
Golubac Fortress, for which the support of the European Union was provided, as
well as the Road of the Roman Emperors in the Republic of Serbia, for which the
support of the European Union funds was obtained. Monuments, such as Trajan's
tablet, the remains of Trajan's bridge, Diana and Fetislam, Štubičke pivnice, etc.,
have great potential.
The diversity of rural cultural heritage, especially preserved examples of folk
architecture and settlement units, can contribute to strengthening the identity of
NP "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap" and the identification of residents and
visitors with the natural and cultural values of rural areas, contributing to better
preservation and appreciation of cultural heritage.
A very important element and potential within the "Đerdap" Geopark are the
intangible heritage, customs, beliefs, costumes, games, food, traditional
branches of the economy and the ethnic diversity of the population. Thanks to
the still present traditional way of life, as well as the existence of cultural and
artistic societies, numerous elements of the intangible cultural heritage of
Geopark "Đerdap" are still preserved.
The potential is represented by indications of positive changes in cultural policy
that favor a more adequate treatment of cultural heritage in the coming period
(ratification of international conventions important for ensuring the status and
valuation of cultural heritage, modernization of the treatment of cultural heritage
and its economic valuation, local initiatives to support the adequate protection
and presentation of cultural heritage heritage by management bodies,
associations of citizens and individuals). The potential is the sustainable use of
cultural heritage for the development of cultural, tourist and other economic
The key limitations and problems of the protection and sustainable use of the
NKD are: the slow determination of the status and categorization of the NKD and
the stagnation in the expert reconnaissance of insufficiently researched parts of
the Spatial Plan area; insufficient protection, inadequate presentation and
interpretation of the NKD, in the first place of the most valuable heritage of
exceptional and great importance and goods on the preliminary list of UNESCO;
non-respect or undefined boundaries of the protected environment and
protective zones around cultural assets; NKD still do not have the treatment of
development resource and economic good; underdevelopment of incentives for
private owners of cultural assets is one of the main obstacles for their adequate
maintenance and presentation; the identification and evaluation of folk
architecture is in the initial phase (production of the Atlas of folk architecture);
the identification of industrial heritage has begun, but its categorization has not
yet been carried out, nor has significant cooperation been achieved on the
development of international cultural ties and the presentation of NKD; the
preservation and presentation of cultural assets is threatened by illegal
construction, especially on the banks of the Danube; lack of NKD management
plans that would specify the conditions and support for their use and
presentation; absence of content presenting intangible cultural heritage;
absence of a database on researched and recorded intangible cultural heritage;
the traditional cultural landscape in the area of Geopark "Đerdap" has been
preserved to a very small extent, because only the traditional matrices of the
settlements have been preserved, primarily in the hamlets where traditional
houses with elements of the economic yard, orchards, gardens, etc. have been
The tourist and recreational importance of the area is based on the potential of
the favorable geo-traffic location, the Lower Danube, the international waterway
on the Danube, which is the most attractive cruise line in Europe, the natural
and cultural values of the National Park "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap". The
characteristics of the Danube River (depth, width, narrowing of the Iron Gate
gorge, natural environment, etc.), which passes through the most attractive part
of its course, provide the opportunity for the development of a greater number
of tourist products and activities (nautical tourism, vacations and activities in
preserved nature, interest in cultural-historical heritage, geoheritage, etc.). The
interest of foreign passenger ships to dock at this part of the Danube has
increased. Other potential tourist and recreational offers are: excursion, city,
sports-recreational, rural, ecotourism, geotourism, tourism of special interests,
cultural-events, transit tourism, bicycle corridor Eurovelo 6, etc.; substantial
catering and somewhat more modest accommodation facilities; touristic tradition
and created reputation of the Danube; potential for the development of hunting
and fishing tourism, etc. The potential of tourism development is also an
opportunity for better inter-municipal and cross-border cooperation with
Romania (regular local routes by water and putting water border crossings into
operation, cooperation between the administrations of protected areas on both
sides of the Danube, etc.). The potential is also connected with the attractive
offer in the immediate vicinity of Geopark "Đerdap" and NP "Đerdap" (such as
beer halls in Negotinska Krajina, Felix Romuliana near Zaječar, which is on the
UNESCO World Heritage List, monasteries and caves in Homolj, Viminacium and
other localities on the Road of the Roman Emperors, etc.) and with the tourist
potential of the cross-border area.
Given that the entire space is located within the "Đerdap" Geopark, there is
great potential to become a unique classroom and open-air museum where
knowledge from geosciences and knowledge related to the environment is
interpreted in a very interesting way, where visitors could see, walk, learn and
enjoy one of the geologically, geomorphologically, hydrologically, historically,
ethnologically and culturally richest areas in the Republic of Serbia. One model
of geotourism activities refers to various planned georoutes intended for the
general public with the presentation of various topics including geology, biology,
ecology, geography, etc. The second part refers to excursions and practical
The development of tourism is accompanied by the following limitations:
insufficient volume of tourist traffic, small percentage of participation of foreign
tourists, inadequate tourist product and poor marketing, insufficient capacity
utilization during the year, etc. From the perspective of the expected role of the
management level, the limitations of the tourist offer are:
- at the local level - insufficient representation of quality accommodation
categories of a commercial character; unfavorable functional and technical
condition of most accommodation facilities; insufficient representation of the
year-round tourist and recreational offer in the area; insufficiently developed
road, river-nautical, communal and tourist infrastructure as a basis for activating
new tourist complexes and points; insufficient equipment of the settlement with
communal infrastructure and contents of public services; insufficient
arrangement of the accompanying contents of roads and waterways with
facilities for the needs of tourists; incomplete tourist information system in
terms of tourism promotion, registration, categorization and control of facilities
in the function of tourism; unevenly developed tourism support in the
interpretation of natural and cultural values; the emergence of a careless
attitude towards the natural environment that diminishes the experience of
tourists and endangers the tourist image (quarries that are not recultivated,
truck traffic on the Djerdap highway, wild landfills by the roads, throwing
garbage into rivers, unkempt landscape) and the complete absence of inter-
municipal cooperation;
- at the national level - insufficient state funds from which the financing of
capital road and navigation infrastructure and the initiation of the development
of tourist and recreational infrastructure are ensured; insufficiently developed
system of fiscal, credit and other subsidies, which could attract market pre-
financing and investment in tourism development and protection of natural and
cultural values of the area; the absence of complete and harmonized legal
frameworks that determine the rights, needs, interests and obligations in
ensuring the conditions for the development of local communities in protected
natural resources, on the basis of which it is possible to ensure realistic
compromises with the requirements and needs of protection; insufficiently
defined competences for managing the sustainable development of tourism in
protected areas, which especially refers to the organization of interests of tourist
and other development subjects, etc.
The limitation in the development of tourism is also the slow harmonization of
the classification and categorization of accommodation facilities with the
legislation in the European Union and adaptation to new trends in tourist
demand that require selective tourism and specialized accommodation




The basic principles of protection, arrangement and sustainable development of
the Spatial Plan area, which has significant but insufficiently activated natural
potentials and territorial capital, are:
- protection and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage;
- environmental Protection;
- improvement of territorial cohesion;
- increasing orderliness, competitiveness and efficiency of territorial
- spatial-functional integration and cross-border connection with the
- coordinated development with neighboring and other Danube countries;
- polycentric territorial development (especially strengthening the connection of
urban and rural settlements with tourist sites);
- improvement of traffic accessibility, especially for the movement of tourists;
- development of cultural and regional identity;
- subsidiaries and public-private partnership;
- transparency in decision-making with greater participation of the professional
- permanent education of citizens and administration and public participation in
- protection of public interest, public goods and goods in general use;
- relativization of conflicts in the protection of natural and cultural values and
sustainable development of local communities and in relation to the development
of other special uses of the covered area.
In addition to the above, the development of this spatial plan is based on the
international principles of urban and spatial planning of the United Nations,
established in 20158, and especially principles 12.a and 12.b:
- spatial and urban planning provides a spatial framework for the protection and
management of the natural and built environment, including their biodiversity,
land and natural resources, as well as for ensuring integral and sustainable
development (principle 12.a);
- spatial and urban planning contributes to increasing people's safety through
strengthening ecological and socioeconomic resilience, improving climate change
mitigation measures and adapting to them, as well as through better
management of natural and ecological disasters and risks (principle 12.b).


Proceeding from the provisions of the Law on the Spatial Plan of the Republic of
Serbia from 2010 to 2020 and the special purposes of the Spatial Plan areas
determined in the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Areas of the "Đerdap"
National Park ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", number 43/13), and
having in the form of recommendations and standards of the European Union in
the field of sustainable development in protected areas, the following general
objectives of protection, arrangement and sustainable development of the area
are determined:
1. Sustainable protection of the natural values of Geopark "Đerdap" and NP
"Đerdap" and their affirmation and use for education and scientific research,
presentation to the public, development of ecological tourism and recreation;
8 UN-Habitat (2015). International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial
Planning. Nairobi: UN-Habitat
UN-Habitat (2015). International guidelines for urban and spatial
planning. Nairobi:
2. Ensuring the permanent and integrated protection of buildings and the
protected environment of cultural monuments of exceptional importance and
other cultural monuments and cultural-historical values, their arrangement and
equipment, as well as the creation of other spatial conditions for their
presentation to the public;
3. Strengthening the regional and geographical identity of the planning area and
activating tourism as a key function in the development of the planning area,
based on the presentation and sustainable use of natural values, cultural
monuments and historically significant places, while integrating into a wider
tourist area - cluster Eastern Serbia, with Đerdap as primary tourist destination
and parts of other destinations, tourist centers and places as well as road and
water transit/touring routes;
4. Relativization of potential conflicts in the protection of space, natural values,
preservation and improvement of cultural assets, improvement of living
conditions and sustainable development of local communities.
The goals of Geopark "Đerdap" are: geoconservation - protection of geoheritage,
geoeducation - promotion of geology and geomorphology to the general public
and sustainable development - through the development of geotourism.
Specific objectives are:
1. Implementation of the provisions of the Law on National Parks, measures for
the protection of spatial units of natural values and the management plan of NP
"Đerdap" in terms of spatial coverage and rules of arrangement and construction
according to protection regimes;
2. Planning of Geopark "Đerdap";
3. Protection, arrangement and presentation established and intended for the
protection of NKD, preservation of the authenticity of NKD and their natural
environment, touristic interpretation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage
and inclusion of cultural heritage in European and national cultural paths;
4. Creation of spatial conditions for the development of the youth sports camp
"Karataš", its extension, modernization, arrangement and increase in
5. Organizing a content-rounded tourist offer aligned with cultural heritage
values, protection regimes of NP "Đerdap", peculiarities of Geopark "Đerdap" and
integrated into the offer of the tourist destination of Donje Podunavlje;
6. Protection and improvement of infrastructural equipment of Corridor VII by
improving navigation conditions for Class VII waterway;
7. Ensuring the conditions for the retention and settlement of the population
with a higher quality of life and economy, protection of the existential interests
of local communities and the population, increasing the traffic availability and
connectivity of the area with the environment, strengthening the functions and
orderliness of urban and rural centers, preserving and revitalizing rural
settlements and adapting settlement contents seasonal use;
8. Support for rural development and the development of agriculture based on
the traditional production of high-value local products and the provision of agro-
ecological services, in accordance with the specific requirements for the
protection and sustainable use of natural and cultural values, biological and
regional diversity.


The protection of natural values and assets will be achieved through the
preservation of protected and strictly protected species of wild flora and fauna,
geoheritage objects and features of the landscape and effective sustainable
management of forests, game and fish stocks, while ensuring institutional-
organizational support and networking of all relevant actors of nature protection.
The priority is to achieve the protection, presentation and sustainable use of
protected and intended for the protection of natural values, which ensure
ecological public interest, enable the development of local communities and
create conditions for rest, recreation, education and enjoyment of visitors.
Institutional-organizational support is necessary, first of all, the improvement of
the management system of protected areas, especially in the connection
between NP "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap", which includes effective
preservation and maintenance of natural values, their arrangement and touristic
interpretation, further research and monitoring, conservation, recolonization and
reintroduction of plants and animals, repair of damage, landscaping, etc. The
effectiveness of protection will be ensured by the inclusion of the local population
in activities and work on the protection, arrangement and interpretation of
protected areas, as well as compensations or compensation programs (primarily
in tourism) for damages/losses caused by restrictions on the regime of
protection and use of natural and cultural values.
In addition to the declared and proposed protected areas, the Spatial Plan will,
based on the conditions of nature protection and management of NP "Đerdap",
as well as other relevant information, reserve space for the expansion of existing
spatial entities with protection regimes in NP "Đerdap", as well as for areas
planned for nature protection outside "Đerdap" National Park.
The Spatial Plan area is part of the tourist destination Đerdap/Donje Podunavlje.
The development of the year-round tourist-recreational offer will be based on
key existing and potential attractions: Djerdap Gorge and the waters of Djerdap
Lake, with a series of hydro-geomorphological phenomena that represent a
unique European value on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and Romania;
cultural-historical values of European and world importance (Lepenski Vir,
remains of Roman limes - localities marked in the last column of table 2); the
preserved ecosystems of the coast and hill-mountain zone of NP "Đerdap"; and
the Đerdapa navigation system, as one of the most attractive nautical areas of
the Danube. The existing tourist offer will be technically-technologically and
organizationally improved and functionally rounded, especially in terms of
arrangement, equipment and use of the contents of the offer on the coast, on
the Road of the Roman Emperors and in the hill-mountain zone of NP "Đerdap".
The planning determination is that tourism will represent a basic or alternative
activity and a form of compensation for the local population for various
limitations in development, which are imposed by regimes for the protection of
natural and cultural heritage and resources. It will activate the development of
complementary activities and structures (in the production of organic food,
authentic ethno-products, traditional crafts, public services, infrastructure, etc.)
and support the protection and presentation of natural and cultural values,
especially in the Geopark "Đerdap".
The development of water management infrastructure in the area of the Spatial
Plan will be based on the specific requirements of the following zones: Danube
coast (improvement of functionality, addition and proper maintenance of water
management and all accompanying communal and protection systems in the
coast); Danube tributary watersheds (arrangement and protection of
watercourses in accordance with the environmental goals of protecting NP
"Đerdap" and preserving biodiversity) and upper Pek watersheds (arrangement
and use of watersheds in order to harmonize the goals of mining development
and the goals of the organization and protection of space and the environment).
A higher quality of accessibility and integration of the area of the Spatial Plan
with the environment will be achieved by: maintaining the international
waterway, modernizing and building the accompanying infrastructure (docks and
marinas), modernizing and rehabilitating state roads (class IB as well as class
IIA and class IIB) and other existing and planned infrastructure systems in the
corridor (railways, water supply, power and telecommunication infrastructures)
and their protective belts; development of public transport (bus, rail, boat, line
taxi), arrangement of European bicycle path number 6 and pedestrian path E4.
For a better connection of the area with the environment, the realization of road
directions will also play an important role in the future: towards Veliko Gradište
and Požarevac (connection with DP IA via DP IB row no. 34 - Požarevac - Veliko
Gradište - Golubac - Donji Milanovac) and towards Negotin (via DP IIB order no.
396) and Timočka Krajina (via DP IB order no. 35 - state border with Romania/
border crossing Đerdap - Kladovo - Negotin - Zaječar, new piers on the Danube
and others. Equally important is the development and higher quality of the local
network of roads, including panoramic roads, which enables access and
connection of protected, tourist and rural areas with state roads and centers in
the network of settlements.
The economic development of the area will be achieved by supporting activities
complementary to the protection of natural and cultural values and the
development of other special purposes, which are capable of competitive
performance on the domestic and foreign markets. Priority is given to the
development of tourism, water management and energy, followed by activities
complementary to them: agriculture, forestry, fishing and services.
Encouraging the development of competitive and sustainable agriculture (in the
system of traditional agriculture in the area of NP "Đerdap") will enable the
improvement of the quality of life of the rural population and the realization of
the protection and sustainable use of agricultural land and the specific character
of the rural and close to nature area. The priority is the development of
agricultural products of special quality up to the level of a recognizable
geographical name of origin (wine, livestock products, fruit, honey) and the
strengthening of ties between agriculture and complementary activities (tourism,
catering, etc.).
The development of energy infrastructure and telecommunications will be of
particular importance not only for raising the standard of the population, but
also for the economic development of the area, the development of the network
of settlements and the dispersion of tourist capacities in the rural area. The
priority in solving municipal problems is the establishment of a waste
management system, the closure of all existing unsanitary landfills and landfills,
the cleaning of riverbeds and infrastructure corridors (primarily in the area of NP
"Đerdap") from illegally dumped municipal waste, and the redirection of all
waste flows to planned regional landfills for the Braničevski and Zaječar
administrative districts.
The basic conceptual commitment is to preserve the high quality of the
environment in parts of the area with a quality and predominantly quality
environment, and a higher quality of the environment in the remaining parts of
the Spatial Plan area, by establishing and functioning monitoring of
environmental parameters, limiting and eliminating possible negative impacts
and risks of pollution and degradation of space.
In the treatment of disaster risk reduction and emergency management, it is
necessary to strengthen the role of spatial/urban planning in the prevention of
disasters and the efficiency of emergency management by organizing territories
and implementing protection measures in accordance with risk assessments and
emergency protection and rescue plans. In space planning, the following
principles will be applied with the aim of strengthening preventive protection
measures against dangers arising in emergency situations: Prevention instead of
reaction; Coexistence with natural and other calamities instead of opposition;
Selection of optimal land uses and activities instead of permanent defense,
construction of protective facilities and technical measures; Formation of an
appropriate geographic information system, where spatial information would be
integrated, the situation on the ground monitored and activities coordinated;
Involvement of all community entities in preventive actions; Constant
information and education of the key actors of the protection and rescue system,
as well as the population in the field of disaster risk reduction.
The priority is the establishment of institutional-organizational solutions for the
coordination of activities and the joint undertaking of actions for the realization
of the Spatial Plan between authorized enterprises for nature protection,
management of state forests, water use and management of tourist areas, on
the one hand, and ensuring cooperation and inclusion of the local level of
management, regional institutions /organization, private and third sector in the
implementation of planning solutions, on the other hand. It is considered
important to functionally connect and strengthen the capacity of municipalities
regarding the protection of natural and cultural values and resources and the
management of sustainable development of the area. It is expected that the
achievement of profits for local communities based on the achievement of
special purposes of the area will play a stimulating role.


The area of the Spatial Plan is located in the so-called "Lower Danube" or
"Đerdap Danube", in eastern Serbia and belongs to the region of South and
Eastern Serbia. It includes two administrative districts: Braničevsi in the west
(part of Golubac municipality) and Borski in the east (parts of Majdanpek,
Kladovo and Negotin municipalities).
The area of the Spatial Plan with its northern border is the immediate border
zone to the Republic of Romania and is located near the border with the Republic
of Bulgaria. The connection with these neighboring countries, i.e. the European
Union, is achieved through border crossings - with Romania through HPP
"Đerdap 1" (in the scope of the Spatial Plan) and HPP "Đerdap 2" - Kusjak
(outside the scope of the Spatial Plan), and with Bulgaria through the border
crossing Bregovo (outside the area of the Spatial Plan). In addition to these road
connections, there are also river border crossings (ports and wharves) on the
Danube waterway, namely in Golupac, Donji Milanovac, Tekija and Kladovo, as
well as in Prahovo (outside the scope of the Spatial Plan).
Connections with other parts of the Republic of Serbia are made primarily by
state road IB order no. 34, the so-called "Đerdap highway", (one of the few
transverse connections in the Republic of Serbia), which connects the
settlements on the banks of the Danube and, via Veliko Gradište, integrates the
area of the Spatial Plan with the Smederevo-Požarevac agglomeration (with
Kostolac and Kovin), corridor X and further with Belgrade. Through Donji
Milanovac, Mosna and Topolnica, state road II row no. 165, a connection is made
with the development axis of Timok and the regional center of Bor and the
center of state importance Zaječar.
For the spatial-functional transformation of the area of the Spatial Plan, the most
significant influences are the following centers in the environment:
- the Belgrade metropolitan area and, to a lesser extent, Niš, as urban
agglomerations of high attractiveness due to the concentration of
capital/investment and jobs, which exerts a great influence on the demographic
and socioeconomic transformation of the Spatial Plan area and the Republic of
Serbia as a whole, primarily through selective emigration a younger, fertile and
educated contingent of the population;
- the urban areas of Smederevo and Požarevac (with Kovin-Kostolac), and the
urban centers of Bor and Zaječar, with developed economic complexes for the
exploitation of mineral resources, energy, complementary industry, the service
sector and services of higher education, health and culture.
Integrating the area of the Spatial Plan into the wider regional context will imply
respect for the most important European documents defining spatial
development, as well as the implementation of their recommendations for
international, and especially cross-border, cooperation. International cooperation
will primarily relate to the development of infrastructure systems, conservation
of natural resources and sustainable development, joint action with the
European Union and other relevant international associations for the
implementation of development programs, economic and other cooperation and
strengthening partnerships at the level of local authorities. The initiator of
cooperation in the field of infrastructure systems will be the further development
of the hydro-energy systems "Đerdap 1", "Đerdap 2" and the planned "Đerdap
3", as well as the waterway E-80. In addition to these, cross-border energy
transmission systems (power lines and gas pipelines), road and railway
networks, as well as border crossings will be developed.
Cross-border cooperation of importance for the area of the Spatial Plan is
realized within the framework of: IPA cross-border programs of the Republic of
Serbia with Romania, cross-border cooperation of areas with natural values
(especially within the framework of activities on the protection of Carpathian
areas, the network of Danube parks, the World and European network of
geoparks), the European green belt (ie the green corridor along the border with
Romania) and the European cultural route (Danube route).


The starting points and principles for the relativization of manifested and
potential conflicting interests between special purposes and in relation to the
sustainable development of the area and local communities are:
Between the interests of water management and energy (the
Conflict 1 planned RHE "Đerdap 3"9) and protection of natural values and

Relativization of conflicts between the water management

interests of RHE "Đerdap 3" and the value of NP "Đerdap" based
on the preparation of a previous justification study with the
Starting point
general project and a strategic assessment of the impact of the
planned construction of the reversible HPP "Đerdap 3" on
natural and cultural values, the landscape and the environment.

- Re-examination of the existing project and preparation of the

previous justification study with the general project and
strategic impact assessment, in order to determine the
technical, economic, ecological conditions and the justification of
Principles of the realization of the RHE "Đerdap 3" project, primarily from the
relativization point of view of the possibility of fitting into the environment of
NP "Đerdap";

- Harmonization of the regime of protection of natural values (in

the I and II degree of protection) and the construction of the
HPP "Đerdap 3" system.

9 By Conclusion 05 Number: 351-8703/2021-1 dated 30.09.2021. year, the
Government gave consent that the construction project of HPP "Đerdap 3" is of
public and general interest, i.e. of special importance for the Republic of Serbia.

Among the interests of the development of traffic infrastructure,

in particular, the implementation of high-speed roads Golubac-
Conflict 2 Donji Milanovac-Brza Palanka and Kladovo Negotin through the
territory of NP "Đerdap", as well as the functioning of the
Eurovelo 6 cycle path corridor and the E4 pedestrian path.

The relativization of conflicts between the development of traffic

infrastructure, especially the implementation of the high-speed
road Golubac-Donji Milanovac-Brza Palanka and the value of NP
"Đerdap" based on the preparation of a previous feasibility study
Starting point
and assessment of the impact of the planned road on natural
and cultural values, the landscape and the environment, as well
as on the tourist offer , and especially on the route of the
Eurovelo 6 bicycle path and the E4 pedestrian path.

Principles of - Harmonization of planning and project documentation with

relativization protection conditions, as well as preparation of a previous
justification study with a strategic impact assessment, in order
to determine the technical, economic, ecological and other
conditions of justification and realization of the road;

- Harmonization of the regime of protection of natural values (in

I and II degree of protection) and road construction;

- Ensuring the functioning of the Eurovelo 6 bicycle path with

technical road solutions, and the formation of possible
alternative routes.

Conflict 3 Between tourism and protection of natural values.

Overcoming the potential negative interaction between tourism

Starting point and the protection of natural values and optimizing the benefits
of these two activities.

- Harmonization of the content and scope of tourist construction

and the form of tourist activities (in the context of the
requirements and standards of preservation of natural values),
with the possibility of realizing commercial interests in tourism
and complementary activities;

- Harmonizing the spatial arrangement of tourist facilities and

zones with protection regimes;

- Directing part of the profits from tourism to finance programs

and projects for the protection and presentation of natural and
Principles of cultural values of the National Park "Đerdap";
- Educating and informing visitors and local residents about the
values and goals of protection and sustainable development of
NP "Đerdap";

- Promoting those types of tourism that do not explicitly rely on

the development of infrastructure systems;

- Optimizing interests between the formation of a marina in

Poreč Bay and the protection of the water area as a fish
hatchery by limiting the capacity and mode of use of the

- Conflict 4 Between the development of local communities and tourism.

Realization of benefits for the local community from the

Starting point development of the tourist product and the image of tourist
centers and settlements

Principles of - Involvement of the local population in the development of

relativization sustainable tourism;
- The contribution of tourism to the development of the local
economy and the development of complementary economic
activities crucial for the maintenance and development of the
local community;

- Improving the quality of life in settlements included in the

tourist offer and rural tourism.

Between the management of the protection and the users of

Conflict 5
the natural values of NP "Đerdap".

Overcoming contradictions by adaptations of the management

Starting point

– new organizational and institutional solutions in the

management of protection and sustainable development of the

- support to local action groups for the development of

tourism, agriculture and other activities, as well as for the
Principles of protection of natural and cultural values;
- support of the users of natural values for the application of
good/environmental practices and the orderly payment of
compensation for natural values;

- integration of regional values into policies and mechanisms

of natural resource management.

Between the interests of stone exploitation of the "Jelenska

Conflict 6 stene" and the protection of the natural values of the Golubac

Relativization of the conflict by taking measures to rehabilitate

Starting point and protect the environment and rehabilitate and recultivate
part of the locality where exploitation has ended.

- consistent application of environmental protection regulations

Principles of and standards;
relativization - rehabilitation and recultivation of part of the locality where
exploitation has ended.

One of the starting points for the relativization of conflicting interests in the use
and arrangement of space is the introduction of new instruments for preserving
ecosystem capabilities in NP "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap" for the provision of
ecosystem services. Ecosystem services, according to the benefits for the
population and the development of local communities, are categorized into:
support services, supply, regulation and cultural services.
The key support measures for preserving the capacity of ecosystems in NP
"Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap" to provide ecosystem services include:
- identification of ecosystem services in the area and their mapping;
- valuation of ecosystem services (not necessarily financial) and assessment of
the state of the ecosystem (endangerment factors);
- definition of measures to preserve ecosystem services;
- identification of the main users of ecosystem services and raising their
awareness of the importance of ecosystem services;
– integration of ecosystem services into sector plans, spatial planning
documentation, development strategies, etc.;
- consideration of possible models for monetary valuation of ecosystem services
and their introduction into financial flows.
In the past period, the Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia and JP "National
Park Đerdap"10 have recognized all four categories of ecosystem services in NP
"Đerdap" and identified two dominant ecosystems - forest and water. By
reviewing the state of the ecosystem and the way and scope of using their
services, it was concluded that the natural capital capacities of NP "Đerdap" have
still been preserved and that they have the potential for development, above all,
of local communities and the population. It is important that the capacities of
support services, which represent the basis for the realization of all other
services, have been preserved to the greatest extent. The diverse geological
background and preserved forest ecosystems of Djerdapa contribute to this. The
general, relatively favorable state of the ecosystem and ecosystem services of
Djerdap is largely a consequence of placing the entire area under a specific
protection regime as a protected natural asset. In the coming period, one of the
important measures is the need to map ecosystem services and their application
in the planning of this protected area.
The mentioned activities and measures precede the introduction of charges for
the users of those services and the corresponding institutional and organizational
arrangements. This would provide benefits for the custodians/providers of
ecosystem services (that is, the managers of NP "Đerdap" and Geopark
"Đerdap"), by financing and implementing compensation programs for the
development of local/rural communities and economic entities and compensation
for households in accordance with their contribution to conservation and
improving the state of the ecosystem. In this way, support would be provided for
the integration of rural development with the protection of NP "Đerdap" and
ecosystem services, that is, it would enable the relativization of conflicting
10 JP "Djerdap National Park" and the Institute for Nature Protection of
Serbia (2014), Benefits of the ecosystem services of the "Djerdap" National Park
for local communities.




1.1.1. Level I protection mode

In the area of NP "Đerdap" in the zones with the protection regime of the first
degree, the strictest measures, prohibitions and restrictions are established,
which exclude all activities in the space and the use of natural resources, except
for controlled activities of scientific work, limited education, limited and
controlled presentations to visitors, the implementation of protective , remedial
and other necessary measures in case of fire, natural disasters and accidents,
the occurrence of plant and animal diseases and the proliferation of pests, with
the consent of the competent ministry. A visit for general cultural and
recreational purposes must be accompanied by an authorized person from the
manager of NP "Đerdap" or independently with a special permission from the
manager. In addition to the above, the following prohibitive and restrictive
measures are also applied:
- The use of natural resources and the construction of buildings, as well as free,
uncontrolled visits and tours, movement outside existing roads and specially
established paths are prohibited.
- Works and activities for scientific research and monitoring of natural processes,
controlled visits for educational, recreational and general cultural purposes,
which do not contradict the objectives of preserving natural values, are limited;
implementation of protective, remedial and other necessary measures in the
event of fire, natural disasters and accidents, the occurrence of plant and animal
diseases and the proliferation of pests, with the consent of the Ministry of
Environmental Protection.
The 1st degree protection regime does not apply to parts of the site (in
accordance with the Law on National Parks), namely:
- "Bojana" on the stretch of Livadice, next floor. parc. in KO Golubac: 621, 622,
623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638,
639, 4621, 4622, 4623, 4624, 462 5, 4626, 4627, 4628, 4629, 4630, 4631,
4632, 4633;
- "Lepenski vir", cat. parc. no. 216/2 KO Boljetin.
Activities are allowed on the DP IB corridor number 34 with accompanying
facilities (bridges, tunnels, escarpments, culverts, etc.) in the localities
"Golubački grad", "Bosman-Sokolovac", "Čoka Njalta sa Pesač", "Lepenski vir", "
Boljetinska River Canyon with Ridge" and "Veliki and Mali Strbac with Trajan's
In the spatial unit "Lepenski vir", on the floor plot no. 956/1 in KO Boljetin,
works and activities that may negatively affect the habitat of nettles (Celtis
australis L.) are prohibited.

1.1.2. Level II protection mode

In the area of NP "Đerdap", in the localities with the protection regime of the II
degree, limited and strictly controlled use of natural resources and activities
(construction and use) is established to an extent that does not endanger
natural habitats, ecosystems and other primary values of the protected area.
This regime implies management interventions aimed at restoration,
revitalization, presentation and overall improvement of the state of the protected
It is prohibited to build cottages and other family holiday facilities, tourist
accommodation facilities, catering, nautical tourism, industrial, metallurgical and
mining facilities, asphalt bases, facilities for the storage and sale of oil
derivatives and liquefied petroleum gas, energy facilities, wind generators and
solar power plants, facilities for recycling and incineration of waste and creation
of waste landfills, formation of new cemeteries, burial of dead livestock,
discharge of dangerous and harmful substances, as well as the performance of
other actions that may threaten the value of NP "Đerdap".
Exploitation of mineral raw materials, peat and river bed materials, taking fossil
material from the profile, except for the needs of scientific research, commercial
fishing, activities that change the morphology of the terrain, i.e. the
performance of works that could destroy or damage the geomorphological and
hydrological characteristics of the area, are prohibited. transfer of water and
changes in the hydrodynamic characteristics and regime of streams and rivers,
as well as all other works and interventions that can affect the change in the
hydrological regime of underground and surface waters, the formation of water
reservoirs (except for fire protection), land reclamation and other hydrotechnical
works, plowing of natural lawns, introduction of species alien to the wild flora
and fauna of the region where the protected area is located.
The planned and controlled construction of infrastructure and the arrangement
of space for the needs of the presentation of natural and cultural values (visitor
centers, etc.) and recreation in traditional style, the construction and
reconstruction of roads and communal infrastructure for the purpose of
connecting, equipping and revitalizing rural settlements and the presentation of
protected natural areas are permitted. goods, reconstruction of electrical, water
and forestry facilities, as well as construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation,
adaptation and maintenance of facilities of existing rural agricultural households
(registered agricultural holdings) within existing cadastral/building plots, with
the obligation of controlled elimination of solid waste and provision of sanitary
and safe collection and elimination of waste water. It is possible to plan the
space for the needs of public tourist-recreational use of the space, preservation,
maintenance and presentation of the value of the protected area (objects for
guards, lookouts, outdoor eco-classrooms, canopies for shelter from storms -
which are built as rustic objects, as well as excursion, fishing, hiking, mountain
and cycling trails - with the installation of information points and trail markings,
piers, etc.) with the consent of the management of NP "Đerdap".
The use and arrangement of agricultural land implies compliance with the
prescribed protection conditions and the undertaking of appropriate anti-erosion
measures, agricultural activities aimed at the protection of meadow-pasture
ecosystems and the valorization of specific natural benefits for the development
of pasture livestock, integral/organic production of fruit and, in some places,
rare types of grain, the development of beekeeping and breeding game hunting.
The II level protection regime in forest management implies a moderate increase
in the area under forest, improvement of the structure, quality and health status
of stands and strengthening of general useful functions of the forest, based on
the management plan of NP "Đerdap", the forest area development plan and
forest management programs of NP "Đerdap". Hunting and fishing activities are
limited in accordance with the hunting grounds of the "Đerdap" hunting ground.
The use of local sources of surface and underground water for water supply
purposes is permitted, with the mandatory establishment of zones and
implementation of the regime of sanitary protection of sources in accordance
with the Rulebook on the method of determining and maintaining zones of
sanitary protection of sources of water supply ("Official Gazette of the RS",
number 92/08) .
In the spatial unit "Greben", on the floor parc. No. 480/1 in KO Donji Milanovac,
the construction of buildings, as well as works and activities that may negatively
affect the objects of geological heritage and the characteristic and specific
natural environment of the Danube bank, are prohibited.
At the locality "Pecka bara" in the spatial unit "Štrbačko korito" it is forbidden to
camp or set up any objects that may negatively affect the habitat of nettles
(Celtis australis L.).

1.1.3. Level III protection mode

In the area of NP "Đerdap" outside the spatial units with nature protection
regimes of the first and second degree, the protection regime of the third degree
is applied, where selective and controlled management of natural resources,
construction and use of space and activities in the space is established, with the
condition of maintaining a high quality of the environment. biological, geological
and landscape diversity.
This regime enables the development of ecologically acceptable agriculture,
protection, improvement and sustainable use of forests, secondary forest
products and hunting game, i.e. sanitary hunting with ecologically responsible
and sustainable management of game populations, recreational fishing and
commercial fishing on the Danube, planning and communal equipment existing
settlements, planned construction of facilities for tourist purposes (in accordance
with the rules established in the Spatial Plan), wharves and supporting
infrastructure, hunting, forestry and hydro-technical facilities, power, traffic,
water management and telecommunication infrastructure, as well as the
formation of a reversible accumulation and the construction of a suitable HE and
smooth sailing on the Danube.
Construction is permitted in construction areas in accordance with the rules
established by the spatial and urban plans of the LGU. In addition to the already
established construction zones in local planning documents, new construction,
primarily in the function of tourism and presentation of the value of NP "Đerdap"
will be realized in the following settlements, i.e. localities: Dobra, Brnjica,
Kožica, Boljetin, Mosna, Golubinje, Miroč, Golo Brdo and Tekija.
Localities for the new construction of tourist facilities will be realized in
accordance with the binding rules from this Spatial Plan given in Chapter IV.
subsection 1.1. and subsection 1.2. and on the basis of urban plans/projects,
1. Ethnic rest area "Zidinac" in KO Dobra (on cat. plot no. 56, 54 and 51, as well
as other plots in the immediate scope in accordance with the urban
2. Tourist complex - tourist ethnic settlement on the Dafin road in Tekija district
(on cat. lot no. 1375, 1376/3, 1378/1, 1378/1, 1379/1, 1380, 1381/1, as well as
other plots in the immediate scope in accordance with the urban plan/project),
indicative area of 4 ha with the following contents: several private
accommodation units with a capacity of up to eight people per accommodation
unit, total capacity of up to 150 beds, floor plan P+1, national restaurant, mini
spa, open swimming pool, etc.
3. Tourist complex - tourist eco-village on Golom Brdo in KO Tekija (on cat. lot
no. 1249/1, 1252, 1253, 1261, 1262, 1263/1, 1263/2, 1264/1, 1264/2, 1265/1,
1265/2, 126. 1266, 1267, 1268, 1272/1, 1272/2, 1273/1, 1274/1, 1275,
1276/1, 1277/3, 1295, as well as other plots in the immediate vicinity covered in
accordance with the urban plan/project) with an approximate area of 12 ha with
the following contents: several accommodation units of storeys P+PK (mountain
houses, log cabins, glamping accommodation, mini-spa, etc.), with a total
capacity of about 250 beds, with a mountain-type restaurant and other
compatible contents.
The construction of mountain lodges and other facilities is allowed in the function
of presenting the value of Geopark "Đerdap" and National Park "Đerdap", i.e. the
conversion of existing buildings into mountain lodges, in accordance with the
guiding rules given in chapter IV. subsection 1.2. of this spatial plan.
The reconstruction, extension and construction of residential and economic
facilities in the function of primary agricultural production of the existing rural
agricultural household (registered agricultural farm) and facilities for
accommodation of tourists, rural tourist households outside the existing and
planned construction areas of the settlement, on the existing construction land
outside the construction areas and on existing homesteads on agricultural land
of classes VI, VII and VIII, on floor parc. which fulfills the conditions prescribed
in Chapter IV. section 1 of this spatial plan and according to the parameters and
conditions of this spatial plan for residential and tourist facilities and spatial and
urban plans of LGUs for economic facilities.
The construction of new weekend houses is limited to the established weekend
zones in the plans of LGUs and construction areas of the settlement, based on
the general construction rules given in chapter IV. section 1 of this spatial plan.
The existing weekend houses are retained and their conversion and extension for
permanent residence is allowed based on the rules from Chapter IV. section 1 of
this spatial plan, if an urban plan is not planned for the existing zone of weekend
construction. The reconstruction and extension of existing weekend houses is
allowed in the function of commercialization in tourism based on the appropriate
urban plan.
The construction of industrial, metallurgical, mining and energy facilities is
prohibited, except for smaller industrial-craft facilities, such as cutting wood,
briquetting wood waste, processing and storing agricultural products, etc. Work,
reconstruction and technological improvement of existing industrial facilities are
permitted if they meet the conditions of nature and environmental protection
In settlements and locations with residential, tourist and economic/business
facilities, where spring and surface waters can be endangered in any way,
sanitary and safe collection and purification or removal of waste water must be
ensured, which requires: realization of sewage systems and appropriate WWTP,
i.e., where it is not rational or feasible, the construction and arrangement of
impervious septic tanks with the organization of a service that will take care of
their emptying or the installation of mini purification plants for individual or
group facilities.
The development and arrangement of the transport infrastructure will ensure the
conditions for the smooth development of transit passenger and goods traffic,
with controlled and extremely restrictive transportation of dangerous and
harmful substances in accordance with special regulations, as well as other
substances in quantities that can permanently and to a significant extent
threaten the values of NP "Djerdap".
Solid waste originating from the area of NP "Đerdap" is taken away and
deposited outside that area (in Golupac, Majdanpek and Kladovo), except for
waste for which recycling is ensured under special conditions and which is
temporarily retained in the area for these purposes.
The use of mineral raw materials from the "Jelenska stena" surface mine is
permitted in accordance with the detailed regulation plan with the obligation to
apply all necessary environmental protection and landscaping measures.
Outside the area of NP "Đerdap", the III degree protection regime is applied to
the greater part of the protected area of SP "Beli Izvorac" (about 5.90 ha), in
accordance with the act on the declaration of this protected natural asset and
the regulations governing nature protection.


Outside the area of NP "Đerdap" the second level protection regime is applied to
the protected areas of SP "Vratna", SP "Suplja stena", SP "Blederija", SP
"Zamna", SP "Tumanski bigar" in its entirety and on a small part of SP "Beli"
source", and in accordance with the acts on the declaration of these protected
natural assets and the regulations regulating nature protection.


In the area of the "Đerdap" Geopark, defined locations of geological heritage,
individually or within larger spatial units, within the World Network of UNESCO
Geoparks, are protected within the framework of domestic legislation and
governing bodies, which in cooperation with appropriate professional and
scientific organizations carry out the necessary monitoring process and
maintenance of these localities. The appropriate protection measures for each
site are specified in the individual declaration acts and management plans for
these sites.
The use of geological artifacts and trade in geological material (such as fossils,
minerals, rocks and decorative stones) will be carried out in accordance with
Activities and works that may adversely change, damage (damage) or destroy
registered/recorded and newly discovered geoheritage values are not permitted
in the Geopark "Đerdap" area.
In particular, the possible impacts of earthworks, construction, exploration,
mining and forestry works will be considered and evaluated. The condition for
their license must also be the inviolability of the value of Geopark "Đerdap".
Entry into unorganized speleological facilities11 is not permitted without
appropriate approval.
Handling of found geological and paleontological (material) documents is
ensured in accordance with Article 99 of the Law on Nature Protection.
In the part of Geopark "Đerdap" that overlaps with NP "Đerdap" and other
protected areas, the protection measures and regimes established by the Law on
National Parks and regulations apply.

Planned protection of established NKD takes place in accordance with the
conditions of the competent services for the protection of cultural monuments
with an additional
11 UNESCO Global Geoparks – Celebrating Earth Heritage, Sustaining local
Communities (2017)
Statutes of The International Geoscience and Geoparks Program (IGCP) –
Operational Guidelines for UNESCO Global Geoparks (2018)
defining and reviewing the limits of protection in plans. In addition to the NKD
inventory instrument, the valorization of the context is included through
additional research in the field in order to include the space that is relevant for
the experience and presentation of the property. The material authenticity of the
object is protected in accordance with the conditions of the protection services,
as well as the appearance, views and spatial configuration of the entire area,
units and zones belonging to the protection zones.
Planned protection of NKD under previous protection implies the same planned
treatment as established NKD. First of all, the above refers to the valorization of
the context through additional research in the field; initiating additional
cooperation with the protection services in order to exchange data and
encourage a more efficient process of determining the cultural property, as well
as defining its border of the protected zone, which will be incorporated into the
act of determination.
Reconnaissance of valuable spatial elements and entities that need to be
protected by planning implies additional research in the field, research into the
historical development of the area, as well as the natural and social conditions
that led to the found forms of physical structure. It is necessary to involve local
communities and citizens' associations in identifying spatial values, especially
those that are significant for preserving identity and a sense of belonging; and
initiating additional cooperation with the protection services in order to exchange
data and encourage the consideration of recognized spatial values as potential
Spatial linking of cultural assets will be achieved by defining cultural areas and
cultural routes at the international, national, regional and local levels and
establishing management plans for their sustainable use and development.
Sustainable use of cultural heritage as a development resource and economic
asset is considered desirable. The prerequisite for achieving this determination is
an expert assessment of which cultural assets can be in the mode of economic
use, in what way (capitalization of the object, renting, renting, etc.) and under
what economic and conservation conditions. This approach enables historical
units and environments, as well as individual buildings with monumental
features, together with their surroundings in an adequate way (that is, in
accordance with their spatial, architectural, ethnological and historical features)
to be included in future development. The most desirable is the sustainable use
of cultural heritage for the development of cultural tourism, in order to achieve
the expected contribution of tourism to the protection and preservation of
heritage and the development of local communities. The slow implementation of
European cross-border cooperation projects has contributed to the fact that
some archaeological sites and cultural monuments, primarily within the
European corridor E80 - Danube, have not yet received the status of a tourist
area, and that no development projects have been implemented on them.
However, there are also good examples such as the projects of protection,
arrangement, presentation and interpretation of the archaeological site and
culture of Lepenski Vir and Golubac Fortress. These two NKDs have the status of
tourist areas determined by the decisions of the Government. It is certainly
necessary to balance the status of the tourist area with the protection of cultural
and historical values, which should be the subject of special studies.
The planning determination is the determination of zones with different regimes
of protection and sustainable use of NKD and their environment. Priority is given
to determining the protected environment and protection zones of the National
Defense and Security System and stopping unplanned (illegal) construction,
rehabilitation and improvement of the state of existing construction in those
protection zones. First of all, the above refers to immovable cultural heritage in
the coastal area of the Danube and to identified urban and rural entities that
may have monumental values.
For the protection and sustainable use of NKD, their inclusion in international
cultural heritage protection programs and European cultural routes is of
particular importance. The goal is to strengthen regional cooperation in the field
of protection and promotion of cultural heritage in Southeast Europe (the
Republic of Serbia has been involved since 2004).
Preparation of nomination files and a management plan for the property "Border
of the Roman Empire-Danube Limes" and their submission to the World Heritage
Center are planned. In several spatial plans of special purpose areas
(Viminacium, Waterway E-80 Danube, National Park "Đerdap"), measures for the
protection of localities that will make up the list of this nomination in the
Republic of Serbia have been incorporated. By entering the preliminary list, the
Republic of Serbia joined the interstate campaign for the serial nomination of the
Borders of the Roman Empire (from the Black Forest to the Black Sea).
Measures and conditions of protection and use of NKD and their protected
The extremely important NKD Lepenski Vir and Golubac Fortress and their
protected surroundings are protected, regulated and used in accordance with
detailed regulation plans adopted for these areas.
The following general protection measures and conditions of preservation and
use are established for other NKD and their protected environment defined by
this spatial plan, until the boundaries and zones with differentiated regimes of
protection, construction and spatial arrangement are determined:
- the integrity and monumental properties of the NKD and goods that enjoy
previous protection must not be endangered;
- construction planning is not allowed on archaeological sites, unless it is
expressly approved by special conditions;
- it is not allowed to carry out any works on protected goods and their protected
environment, which may change their content, nature or appearance, without
previously obtained conditions and consent of the competent institute;
- technical protection measures and other works on cultural monuments and
their protected environment can only be carried out under the conditions and in
the manner determined by regulations in the field of cultural property
- it is forbidden to excavate, demolish, remodel, wall up, rework and carry out
any works that may damage the properties of the NKD;
- it is forbidden to use or use NKD for purposes that are not in accordance with
their nature, purpose and importance or in a way that can lead to their damage;
- the construction of commercial buildings and livestock farms in the protected
environment of the NKD is restricted, in accordance with the protection regimes
of the NP "Đerdap";
- the construction of infrastructural, residential and other facilities provided for in
this spatial plan and the corresponding urban plan in the protected environment
of the NKD is carried out under conditions that will be determined according to
each individual request by the Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia or the
competent institute for the protection of cultural monuments in accordance with
legal authorizations;
- the construction of industrial facilities, industrial infrastructure and
hydrotechnical facilities that can devastate the immediate surroundings of the
monument or change the conditions of use of the space or change the
microclimatic conditions, especially of roadways, is prohibited, except in
accordance with generally established conditions;
- the opening of quarries and works that change the morphology of the terrain
and change the landscape in the wider area of NKD are prohibited;
- it is prohibited to move all above-ground installations in the protected
environment of the NKD;
- if, during agricultural or other works, material remains of the past are
encountered - goods that enjoy previous protection according to the Law on
Cultural Property, the work must be stopped in order to preserve the property
from possible damage and the competent institute for the protection of cultural
monuments must be informed about it;
- in the protected environment of the NKD, prior investigations by the competent
institute for the protection of cultural monuments are mandatory for each type
of work;
- in the protected environment of the NKD, all construction can be carried out
with mandatory archaeological supervision when carrying out earthworks that
are part of archaeological research;
- Illegally erected buildings will be removed from the protected environment of
the NKD, which threaten the essential quality of the cultural-historical heritage
and its immediate natural environment.
The following special protection measures and conditions for the preservation of
archaeological sites and their protected environment are established:
- sacred buildings in ruins, where there are opportunities for this, it is preferable
to completely restore them, according to data on the original appearance or
analogies, and in accordance with the conditions of the competent institute for
the protection of cultural monuments;
- churches in archaeological remains - churches, it is necessary to restore or
conserve after research, in order to preserve the dignity of the former sacred
- the conservation and presentation of archaeological remains in the open space
must be such as to ensure complete safety from decay, and the eventual
presentation of the remains of recorded archaeological sites or those that will be
discovered during future research is possible with protective superstructures;
- the expansion of modern cemeteries into the area of old sacral necropolises is
- a prerequisite for the presentation of old sacral necropolises with a large
number of preserved tombstones is the cleaning of the locality from wild
vegetation and later soil deposits;
- archaeological sites must not be destroyed and unauthorized excavations,
excavations and deep plowing (over 30 cm) must not be carried out on them;
- for the location of the route and the construction of underground electric lines
and other installations (water pipes, sewage, optical cables), the conditions and
consent of the competent institute for the protection of cultural monuments are
obtained and permanent archaeological supervision is provided during the
execution of the works;
- in the immediate vicinity of the protected environment of archaeological sites
defined or established by this plan, investment works are carried out with
increased precautionary measures and ensuring archaeological supervision;
- infrastructural equipping and arrangement of the protected environment of
archaeological sites defined or determined by this plan is permitted according to
special conditions and with the consent of the competent institute for the
protection of cultural monuments;
- unauthorized collection of mobile archaeological surface finds is prohibited.
In accordance with the conditions of the Republic Institute for the Protection of
Cultural Monuments, the extremely important NKD Lepenski Vir and the Golubac
Fortress and their protected surroundings are protected, regulated and used in
accordance with the detailed regulation plans: Detailed Regulation Plan for the
Revitalization of the Fortress "Golubački Grad" and the Detailed Plan regulation
of the protected area "Archaeological site - Lepenski Vir" ("Official Gazette of the
Municipality of Majdanpek", number 28/21).
Determination of the protected environment for categorized and NKD, whose
status and categorization will be determined, will be determined by urban plans
by establishing the following zones with different protection regimes and rules
for the arrangement and construction of space, namely:
1) Zone I level of protection, i.e. zone of the protected/immediate natural
environment of the NKD that enjoys the same protection status as a good, with
a regime of strictly controlled construction and spatial arrangement which:
- construction of buildings that are not in the function of protection and
presentation of cultural property is prohibited;
- permitted use, maintenance and possibly reconstruction of buildings within the
existing dimensions and with the consent of the competent institute for the
protection of cultural monuments;
- the space is arranged, equipped with communal infrastructure and appropriate
furniture in accordance with the requirements of protection and presentation of
the NKD;
- the current way of using agricultural land and works on forest management
that are not in conflict with the protection and presentation of the NKD and the
preservation of the natural character of the protected area are allowed.
2) Zone II level of protection forms a spatial unit with zone I of protection within
the framework of the surrounding image of closer perception (to the nearest
visual obstacles in the environment), which protects it from the negative effects
of the environment and enables the presentation of NKD, has a regime of limited
and strictly controlled construction and spatial arrangement which is:
- permitted reconstruction and maintenance of existing, exceptionally also the
construction of new residential and auxiliary buildings for agricultural production
of permanent residents of the settlement, exclusively on the existing
cadastral/building plot, in accordance with the conditions of the competent
institute for the protection of cultural monuments and the corresponding urban
- permitted traffic access and organization of reception points for visitors and
officials, with accompanying contents for the presentation of the NKD and
arranged paths for the pedestrian movement of visitors.
3) Zone III level of protection, i.e. the wider protection zone, which includes the
area of the ambient and/or regional unit in which the NKD are located, has a
regime of selective and controlled construction and spatial arrangement which
- development of activities complementary to the protection of NKD;
- changing the purpose and way of using agricultural and forest land if the
preservation of the landscape is not disturbed, and in accordance with the
protection regimes of NP "Đerdap" established by the Spatial Plan;
- construction of access and rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing roads
and roads in the settlement, as well as arrangement of different types of paths
for the movement of visitors, excursionists and tourists (excursion, panoramic,
mountaineering, etc.);
- construction of tourist, sports-recreational, residential, agricultural and other
facilities in the function of cultural and rural tourism development and renovation
of existing settlements based on the appropriate urban plan, and in accordance
with the protection regimes of NP "Đerdap" and the planning solutions
established by this spatial plan.
Surface exploitation of mineral raw materials and the formation of temporary
loans are not allowed in any of the mentioned zones.
Until the determination of boundaries and zones with differentiated regimes of
protection, construction and arrangement of the area, protected environment
established and intended for the determination of NKD (zone I), which enjoys
the same protection status as the property, will be considered the entire floor.
parc. on which it is well located, and if necessary, all floors. parc. which border

The development of tourism and recreation will be based on the following
concept: (a) tourism will represent a basic or alternative activity and a form of
compensation to the local population for various limitations in development
imposed by regimes for the protection of natural and cultural heritage and
resources; (b) according to the natural and created potentials, the development
of tourism and recreation will be based on the integrated tourist-recreational
offer of the Danube, the hilly and mountainous hinterland, cultural and historical
sights (especially tourist areas Golubačka fortress, Lepenski vir, etc.),
settlements, villages, hunting grounds etc.; (v) tourism will activate the
development of complementary activities and structures (villages primarily in
closer contact with the Danube, especially in the production of organic food,
authentic ethno-products, traditional crafts, public services and facilities,
infrastructure, etc.), support and improve the protection and cultural
presentation of nature, natural and cultural values; (g) the existing tourist offer
will be technically-technologically and organizationally improved and functionally
rounded, especially in terms of arranging, equipping and using the contents of
the offer on the coast (with the arrangement of bathing areas, accompanying
contents of the waterway, etc.) and increasing the standards and capacity of the
tourist accommodation, developing a year-round tourist and recreational offer in
the area, in accordance with international standards and trends in European
holiday tourism and hotel industry; (d) attractive and profitable programs of
existing and new tourist offers will be developed to attract domestic and foreign
According to natural and created tourist resources, the offer will be based on the
following types of tourism:
– Tourism, sports and recreation on the Danube with a variety of year-round
offers on Lake Đerdap and in NP "Đerdap" (vacations, sailing, circular tours,
fishing, hunting, places with landscaped shores for recreation and swimming,
panoramic roads, events, etc.) with cultural, mountain, village and other
specialized types of tourism;
- Cultural tourism, primarily in terms of: original presentation of living conditions
of wooden cultures and civilizations (culture of Lepenski Vir); offers of ancient
Roman heritage along the route Viminacium (outside the Spatial Plan) - Diana -
Pontes (Sharkamen and others, outside the Spatial Plan), medieval fortresses,
cultural monuments, ethno-values of traditional villages (circular tours, etc.),
with the functional integration of tourism environmental offers; an attraction can
also be the participation, under expert supervision, of tourists in archaeological
"discoveries" of still unprocessed and identified objects, as well as possible
supplementary underwater research of submerged, prehistoric, ancient and
Roman sites;
- Mountain tourism and recreation - on parts of the mountain sectors in the area
of the Spatial Plan and the immediate surroundings (Miroč, Deli Jovan, Kučajske
planine, Homoljske planine) with a rich and varied tourist offer primarily in the
summer and partly in the winter season, along with cultural, rural, hunting ,
ecological and other specialized types of tourism;
- Transit tourism - primarily on the Danube as an international waterway -
Corridor VII, road segments of the first order (No. 25.1, No. 25), the segment of
the bicycle corridor Eurovelo 6 (routes of the existing national roads of the first
and second order), as well as the corridor of the panoramic tourist roads through
the National Park, with the functional integration of the tourist offer of the
- Urban tourism - in municipal centers and settlements (Golupac, Donji
Milanovac, Kladovo), with a year-round offer (with an emphasis on the summer
season) in recreation, event, congress and business tourism, etc., with
functional integration of the tourist offer of the settlement and NP "Đerdap" ";
- Rural tourism - with a year-round offer, along with mountain, eco and ethno-
tourism, hunting tourism, production of eco-food and ethno-craft products, along
the Eurovelo 6 cycle path and the E4 pedestrian path, the Roman Emperors'
Road, panoramic roads through the National Park, on the direction of
Golubac/Donji Milanovac-Negotin and others, centers and places of commerce
and offers of other forms of tourism;
- Tourism of special interests (adventure tours, research tours, overgrowth
tours, cycling, mountaineering and hiking, paragliding, panoramic roads, bird
watching, geotourism, etc.) with functional integration with other types of
- Geotourism - which integrates different interests and visits to the sites of the
"Đerdap" Geopark and adventure activities (alpinism, speleological amateurism,
trekking, etc.), where the emphasis is placed on the protection and promotion of
geodiversity, education and interpretation of geoheritage, improvement of the
socio-economic status of the local communities and improvement of
environmental protection;
- Ecotourism - aimed at responsible visits to relatively untouched localities, in
order to enjoy nature and to appreciate it while presenting, preserving and
protecting geodiversity and biodiversity. Ecotourism has a low impact of visitors
on the environment and enables the useful active socio-economic involvement of
the rural population as well as the training of local guides.
The planning determination is that the parts of the tourist destination Donje
Podunavlje, which include Geopark "Đerdap" and National Park "Đerdap" with its
immediate surroundings, are organized through three tourist zones and seven
tourist locations (with spaces/places/points outside the areas in protection
regime I and II degree of natural values), which permeate representing
segments of the specific tourist offer in the area for tourism development,
1) Zone Vinci-Golubac-Dobra. The main motives of this tourist zone are
activated weekend tourist settlements, opportunities for nautical tourism,
cycling, hunting and fishing, visiting cultural and historical heritage, numerous
events, etc. The development of private accommodation (mini hotels/motels),
mountain and hunting lodges in Dobra and Brnjica, etc. is promising. The most
important localities are Vinci, Usije, Golubac, Golubački grad, Tumane
- Golubac (Varoš), with a pedestrian-cycling recreational path, beach, catering,
shopping, entertainment, service and other facilities, along with tourist
information points intended for domestic and foreign tourists, construction and
renovation of stationary capacities, etc.;
- the coastal zone from the villages of Vinci, Usije, Radoševac to the Golubac
fortress and to the Dobra settlement with a pedestrian-cycling (section Eurovelo
6) path next to the coast, fishing spots, the establishment of taxi boats between
Varoš and Tvrđava (from the existing pier/marina in Golubac to the pier
Fortresses) etc.;
- Fortress Golubački grad (tourist area) with: the entrance (western) gate of NP
"Đerdap" (info point, visitor center with programs presenting the history, Đerdap
Gorge, NP "Đerdap", culture of Lepenski Vir, Roman Limes, Serbian Middle Ages,
etc. .), an archaeological park with a fortress (an amphitheater with 3000 seats
(reclamation of an abandoned quarry), along with the development of tourist
infrastructure and superstructure;
- the water area of the Danube (in the area of Golupac), which is unique for its
area of about 60 km² (width about 6 km and length about 10 km), favorable
winds and opportunities for sailing and surfing; the potentials of this water area
become more important if they are considered integrally with the Romanian part
(Moldova) with the island of Moldova (area about 8 km²);
- the surroundings of the Golubac Valley with the Tumane monastery and the
Tumane reservoir;
- immediate hunting grounds and hiking trail Sokolovac;
– Eurovelo section 6.
2) Zone Lepenski vir - Donji Milanovac - Tekija, which is characterized by the
following tourist facilities: nautical tourism, geotourism, cycling, hunting and
fishing, sports and recreation, cultural heritage, weekend stays, geo and ethno
tourism, tourism of special interests, manifestations, gastronomy , ornithology
and others. Further development of private accommodation, mini-hotels,
mountain/hunting lodges is promising. Among the most important, the sites of
Lepenski Vir, Kovilovo and Kapetan Mišin breg viewpoints, Boljetin, Donji
Milanovac, Golubinje and Tekija settlements, the Poreč Bay area, the Miroč area,
the natural and cultural entities of Kazan-Trajanova Tabla-Veliki and Mali Štrbac-
Ploče stand out. The village of Donji Milanovac is the carrier of the tourist
content of this zone:
– Lepenski vir (tourist area) with an archaeological site, ethno village, research
station, wharf, visitor center, parking lot and other facilities, along with the
development of tourist infrastructure and superstructure;
– the tourist village of Boljetin (existing) with the offer of the immediate
- Donji Milanovac, with the orientation of tourist functions towards: the Danube
(started with the pier for cruise ships and the Visitor Center of NP "Đerdap", as
well as the formation of a "riva" or "bazaar" towards the Đerdap Lake, with
catering and service and tourist information points) with creation of an uneven
pedestrian connection via the Đerdap highway, between the coastal area and the
"Lepenski vir" hotel complex; the hilly and mountainous hinterland by arranging
panoramic roads through the National Park, (on the route Šomrda-Veliki Štrbac,
Donji Milanovac-Majdanpek, Donji Milanovac-viewpoint Veliki Štrbac and others)
– Poreč Bay (with water area and coastal part) represents a spatial unit in the
function of the development of Donji Milanovac, from the aspect of using the
water area of the bay as a central Djerdap marina with a nautical center;
- the special values of NP "Đerdap" of first-class importance are the Veliki and
Mali Štrbac viewpoints, as well as the change of rural and forest landscapes with
views of the Carpathians across the Đerdap gorge to the north and the Deli
Jovan and Homolj mountain massifs to the south;
– NKD of exceptional importance "Trajan's Tablet";
- Tekija, a traditional fishing village with facilities for recreation on land and
water, a kayaking club, a car camp, a picnic area at the location of the former
watchtower, a favorable relationship with the Danube water area and the offer of
the immediate hilly and mountainous hinterland (Petrovo village, etc.) and a
connection to the panoramic road , which provides representative values of NP
- immediate hunting grounds, locations for bird watching and hiking trails
(Gradašnica, Ploče, Veliki Štrbac, Mali Štrbac);
– Eurovelo section 6.
3) Zone Karataš - Kladovo - Mala Vrbica. The most important tourist motives of
the zone Karataš - Kladovo - Mala Vrbica are focused on urban, rural, business
and nautical tourism, sports and recreational activities, hunting and fishing,
cultural and historical entities, events, gastronomy, wine and cross-border
tourism, cycling and walking tours. In the future, it is necessary to improve
accommodation facilities. Karataš and Kladovo are largely established tourist
settlements with activated tourist offers:
- Kladovo, with the orientation of tourist functions towards: (a) the Danube
coast (with the old city center, the Archaeological Museum of Djerdapa,
stationary facilities, a marina, an organized beach and sports and recreational
facilities, events, public and other contents in the function of tourism) with a
part in NP "Đerdap" (HE, archaeological sites Diana-Zaves, etc.) and the part
outside the Park (archeological sites Fetislam, Fort-Elizabetin, remains of
Trajan's bridge, Kladovo mounds - Turski, Crkveni and Malovrbački, ponds,
etc.); (v) the interior of the municipality of Kladovo with its hilly and
mountainous hinterland and rural-ethno zone (Podvrška, Manastirica, Reka,
etc.), preserved natural and cultural heritage (Monastery of St. Trojica in the
village of Manastirica), with potential for hunting and ecological tourism,
excursion recreation and other tourist values, which will be developed as a
complex of tourist activities;
- Petrovo selo, an authentic Miro village with a preserved old ambient unit, the
only one in the entire area of the National Park "Đerdap";
– sports and recreational camp Karatash;
- the surroundings of the Manastirica monastery;
– Eurovelo section 6.
4) Geothematic paths and georoutes, which integrate different complexes and
localities of the aforementioned tourist zones.
Among the tourist locations, the following stand out:
1) Majdanpek urban settlement, which in its surroundings, in addition to the
offer of the Danube coast in the wider environment, will integrate other
important tourist resources and values such as the Veliki Zaton lake, the
Rajkovo ski stadium (with two 2.2 km long ski tracks and a ski lift with a
difference in height of 200 m), Rajkova Cave, examples of geological heritage,
speleological objects that should be arranged for commercial visits by tourists
(Ponorska Cave, Izvorska Cave, Dubočka Cave, Gradašnica Cave, a large
number of sinkholes, coves and pits, etc.), Malog gorge and Veliki Pek and their
tributaries, the Beli Izvorac bigren reservoir, hunting areas, etc.
2) Rudna Glava is a prospective tourist settlement in the hinterland of the upper
part of the Đerdap gorge, not far from Majdanpek. The archaeological site of
Rudna Glava extends on both sides of the Šaška River and is rich in movable
inventory (storerooms and shafts). Rudna Glava also represents the area of the
future scientific research ecopark, which will be located outside the boundaries
of the established archaeological site.
3) Miroča area - the mountain and village of the same name represent the
regional and ethno-ambient whole of the National Park "Đerdap". They are
distinguished by the specific features of the relief, landscape and diversity of the
landscape with numerous springs, caves, flora and fauna.
4) Brza Palanka urban settlement as a prospective tourist settlement with
immediate surroundings and a developed sports and recreational camp.
5) The "Blederija" nature monument is located on the river of the same name at
the foot of the Miroč mountain and is part of the "Đerdap" Geopark. The
diversity of this natural monument includes four hot springs, a small lake, the
hot spring cave Sokolovica, a limestone gorge and waterfalls. The surroundings
of this protected area are covered with oak and beech forests. It has not yet
been activated for tourism, and the arrangement of the road infrastructure to
the waterfall itself and the installation of tourist signage to facilitate the
approach to the waterfall, the arrangement of the area around the waterfall
itself, as well as the installation of a security guard are planned.
6) Štubik - Zamna ambient zone with potential for rural, eco and geotourism. It
stands out for its natural values as a geomorphological phenomenon of the
nature monument on the Zamna River. The tourist content is completed by
Štubičke pivnice as a spatial cultural-historical entity that can be interesting for
domestic and foreign tourists.
7) The Vratna Geomorphological Natural Monument, in the vicinity of which
there is also the Vratna Monastery and the remains of geological heritage. The
tourist content is modest and mostly visited by domestic tourists.
8) Bigren reservoir "Beli Izvorac" and overgrowth "Suplja Stena".
Of particular importance for the development of tourism and the presentation of
the value of NP "Đerdap" is the realization of
- sections of the Road of the Roman Emperors with cultural and historical
monuments, the most important of which are Trajan's Tablet, remains of
Trajan's Bridge, remains of the Roman road, Diana Fort; as well as other
localities from other periods (Lepenski Vir, Golubački grad fortress, Fetislam -
Kladovska fortress, museums, etc.);
- information points and boards with the arrangement of access to geoheritage
objects and georoutes (with thematic educational programs on nature and
environmental protection, etc.); connecting georoutes with hiking and cycling
routes, etc.

Based on the calculation of the slow water levels in the reservoir HEPS "Đerdap
1" in the regime defined by the Convention on exploitation and maintenance of
HEPS "Đerdap 1" and HEPS "Đerdap 2", it was shown that the level elevations
determined on the profile of the mouth of the Nera (70.9 m .v.) can provide
even with an increase in the level of the dam in the flow range of 4000-9000
m³/s. This would improve the production capabilities of the Đerdap hydropower
system (with the addition of the coastal protection system) of 120 GWh/year. up
to about 440 GWh/year, depending on the version of the change of operation
mode that is adopted).
It is similar with HEPS "Đerdap 2" (outside the Spatial Plan). If the appropriate
technical documentation proves the economic justification and acceptability of
the impact on the environment, the coast and the settlements in the protection
zone, adaptation of the slow-moving buildings on the front of the slow-motion
with special hydromechanical equipment, additional works on the protection of
the coast and the transition to the regime which is conditionally named 41.40/
39.50, with somewhat more variable work that allows raising the level of the
upper water at the dam to an elevation of 41.40 m above sea level. This would
have an impact on the entire stretch of the tailings to the HPP "Đerdap 1" dam,
but the planned regime would not affect the high water regimes, while in
Kladovo the levels would increase to about 40 cm, with somewhat greater
oscillations, but would remain within the current limits .
Prospective needs for strengthening the energy capacities of the Republic of
Serbia using hydro potential indicate the possibility of building the RHE "Đerdap
3" in compliance with international documents that bind the Republic of Serbia in
the field of sustainable energy. Construction of the RHE "Đerdap 3" (engine
building on the bank of the Danube), for which the technical documentation from
1973/1989. estimated maximum installed power of 2400MW and planned
implementation in four phases with the reservoirs "Pesača" and "Brodica",
includes its connection to the transmission network, namely with two 400 kV
transmission lines from RHE "Đerdap 3" to the planned distribution plant in
Požarevac, which will be the subject of a separate planning document.
Accordingly, in accordance with Article 118 of the Law on Energy ("Official
Gazette of RS", no. 145/14, 95/18 - other laws and 40/21), it is necessary to
prepare a connection study for this facility, and based on agreed plans of JP
"Elektroprivreda Srbije" - HEPS "Đerdap" and the transmission system, which
would define the method of connection.
For the planned RHE "Đerdap 3" it is necessary to review the existing project by
preparing a previous feasibility study with a general project and a strategic
impact assessment (on the protection of the environment, natural and cultural
values), which should analyze the technical, economic, ecological conditions and
the justification of the project implementation, before all from the point of view
of the possibility of fitting into the environment of NP "Đerdap". Conceptual
project from 1973/1989. In 2018, the realization of the Pesač reservoirs (on the
Northern Kučaj, on the river that flows into the Danube) and Brodice (a tributary
of Peka) is planned, which would have the character of the upper RHE reservoirs,
while the plant would be on the very shore of the Đerdap reservoir (which would
serve as a lower pool). , about 3 km upstream from Lepenski Vir. The realization
of the upper reservoirs is planned in two phases, with elevations of NU 450 masl
(Phase I) and 470 masl (Phase II), with final usable volumes of 32.5×106 m³
(Pesača) and 545×106 m³ (Brodica). The joint operation of the two upper
reservoirs is ensured by a tunnel with a length of about 8,000 m and a diameter
of Ø 4.8 m. From the Pesač reservoir to the RHE, there is a 2,760 m long tunnel-
pipeline, one for each phase. The possibility of phase expansion of RHE (4x600
MW) was considered, and the energy analysis from 1989 showed that only phase
I (2x300 MW) could be realized.
When planning slow-moving structures, structures for the protection of
underground and surface water and other interventions in the development of
banks and watercourses, it is necessary that these interventions be coordinated
with the protection of submerged localities. In accordance with the above, it is
necessary to request the conditions and measures of technical protection from
the competent protection service, so that the planned interventions would not
damage the protected sunken cultural property.
In the area of the Spatial Plan, there are hydrotechnical buildings with the
purpose of protecting the banks from erosion, floods, etc. The position and
conditions for the implementation of measures to protect these buildings during
the preparation of other planning and technical documentation must be obtained
from JP "Elektroprivreda Srbije" - HEPS "Đerdap". All objects and buildings in the
bed and on the banks of the river must be taken into account during the
planning and construction of other objects and must not be endangered in any
way. Facilities for protection against underground and surface water and coastal
protection are:
- Golubac: drainage system, drainage protection from the internal waters of the
Golubac settlement, additional protection system for the Golubac settlement,
dammed Brodarički and Grobljanski streams, water supply for the Golubinje
settlement, coastal defense with a plateau and a breakwater in the Golubac
settlement, a measuring well on the plateau in Golubac, a rainwater pumping
station , fecal and drainage pumping station, plateau with coastal fortification
and pier.
- Brnjica: additional protection system for the settlement of Brnjica, pumping
station "Brnjica".
- Dobra: protection of the settlement of Dobra - drainage system, pumping
station with sedimentation tank, sewage network, regulation of the mouth of the
Dobran River, water supply to the settlement of Dobra.
– Kožica: Radio relay station "Kožica".
- Donji Milanovac: drainage collector, coastal defense - protection of the plateau,
telemetry station, protection of industrial areas in the area of the mouth of the
Porečka River.
– Davidovac: fecal sewage network in the settlement of Davidovac.
- Kladušnica: drainage wells for the protection of settlements upstream of the
Matka stream, landscaping of the bank on the left bank of the Valja Mare
- Kladovo: the main facility of HEPS "Đerdap 1", sewerage and purification of
Kladovo fecal waste water, the supply collector of fecal sewage to the plant,
protection of Kladovo - embankment, bay, drainage system and drainage
atmospheric pumping station, retention and lake with a flooded plateau, beach,
passenger wharf in Kladovo, marina, concrete mixer and gravel separation,
expansion and reconstruction of the shipyard, downstream wharf, shipyard-
upstream embankment, drinking water supply of the shipyard, technical and fire
protection water supply of the shipyard, fecal sewage of the shipyard,
atmospheric sewage in Kladovo settlements, part of the fecal sewage , faecal
pumping stations no. 3 and no. 6, fecal sewage system in Ribarska street,
former military marina, permanent exhibition of archaeological excavations,
protection of "Trajan's Bridge" supports, protection of "Fetislam" fortress, coastal
fortress Kladovo-Kostol.
- Ljubičevac: Ljubičevac drainage system, drinking water supply pipeline,
drinking water distribution network, drainage pumping station "Ljubičevac", fecal
sewage of the settlement, coastal protection.
- Grabovica: fecal sewage system, potable water distribution network, protection
of Grabovicko polje - drainage system, protective embankment of Grabovicko
polje, drainage system "Grabovica" - self-draining wells, arrangement of part of
the catchment area of Grabovicko polje, pumping station "Grabovica", drainage
system of Mrtvice, circumferential - relief channel.
- Brza Palanka: water supply to the settlements of Brza Palanka, Grabovica,
Ljubičevac, Velesnica and Reka, supply pipeline for the supply of drinking water
to the settlements: Brza Palanka, Grabovica, Ljubičevac, Velesnica and
Milutinovac, water intake - catchment "Reka", PS and reservoir in B . Palanci,
drinking water distribution network in the Reka settlement, installations for
wastewater treatment and the new Brza Palanka pumping station, drinking
water distribution network and the rainwater and fecal water network of Brza
Palanka, landscaping of the coast in Brza Palanka, pier, landscaping of the Rečka
River, wharf of the forest farm , the bridge on the river Rečka, the relocation of
Mezulane, the industrial plateau and the coastal fort, the stage of the cultural
- Slope protection on DP IB line number 34 at stations: km 23+528-30+150,
section Kožice - Hladne Vode st. km 0+000-7+005 and km 7+005-17+757.37,
Brnjica – Dobra – Kožica st. km 62+637-78+945.18, Poreč bridge (Mosna) –
Pecka bara (up to two tunnels), Suva jaruga – Tekija st. km 0+000-5+493.89,
Pecka bara – Suva jaruga st. 0+000-8+890, Đerdapski put with facilities Sip -
Tekija st. km 9+319-15+386.11, from km 15+386-22+140 and Tekija – Pecka
bara from km 5+165-5+493 with facilities as well as on DP IIA order number
165. D. Milanovac - Mosna st. km 0+000-8+130.21.
- Bridges of DP IB order No. 34 over the following watercourses: Jaruga,
Kamenica, Zamna, Jasenička River, Dupljanska River, Crkveni Potok and Suvaja.

In the anchorage zones on the coast closer to the anchorage, in the area starting
120 m upstream and ending 120 m downstream from the anchorage boundary,
the use of water space for other activities is not allowed.
Due to the position of the waterway on the Danube River, on the right bank it is
not possible to engage the water space on the following sections: from km
1037+650 to km1037+400, from km 1037+000 to km 1036+600, from km
1009+200 to km 1009+ 000, from km 973+900 to km 973+400, from km
971+000 to km 970+700, from km 970+400 to km 970+000, from km
969+100 to km 967+400, from km 965+ 700 to km 965+500 and from km
944+400 to km 939+400.
On the part of the right bank, the width of the engaged water area, for the
planning of certain contents and facilities that would go into the bed of the
Danube river, can be a maximum of 30 m of water space from the right bank on
the sections from km 1038+500 to km 1038+000 and from km 1037+400 to km
On the part of the Danube River where there is no special restriction and
prohibition on the use of water space, activities and use of the water area are
allowed in a zone of maximum width of up to 40 m from the right bank.
Prohibition zones and restrictions on the use of the water area are shown on
Reference Map 2. "Network of settlements and infrastructure systems".




6.1.1. Protection and use of agricultural land and development of
The use and protection of agricultural land in the area of the Spatial Plan and
Geopark "Đerdap" is based on the integral management of natural resources,
while respecting the principles of sustainability of agricultural and rural
development. Measures to support the protection and sustainable use of
agricultural land in the area of the Spatial Plan refer to: compliance with the
prescribed conditions and regime of protection of NP "Đerdap"; protection of
meadow-pasture ecosystems in the area of NP "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap"
by applying appropriate anti-erosion measures and valorization of specific
natural advantages for the development of pasture livestock; protection of
arable land from being occupied for non-agricultural purposes, rational use of
agricultural land, restoration and improvement of the care of existing orchards.
For the development of the rural economy, it is necessary to strengthen and
expand economic activities in rural areas through: encouraging organic fruit
production; development of beekeeping and breeding of hunting game;
protection of traditional products (honey, fish, game); preservation of folk crafts
and craftsmanship; encouraging development through the provision of services
(tourism). It is necessary to make better use of local potential for the
development of viticulture, which deserves special support from the point of
view of enriching the range of tourist offers. At the same time, the opening of
small plants (outside the protected area) for the processing of meat, milk, fruit,
vegetables, fish and other high-quality products from the area of the Spatial Plan
and the wider regional environment should be stimulated.
The implementation of measures and solving the problems of rural development
requires the active participation of the local population in the area of the Spatial
Plan with support in the application of agro-ecological measures and the LIDER
approach provided for in the second axis of the IPARD program, and it refers to
the preparation and implementation of activities of importance for the
environment and the landscape and the preparation and implementation local
rural development strategies.

6.1.2. Protection and use of forests and forest land

Development of forestry and hunting

The planning setting of forest management is to preserve and increase the
current degree of forest cover and the dominant purpose of the protective
function of forests and to improve the existing state of state and private forests.
Improving the management of (state) forests in the area of the Spatial Plan will
- restoration of forests/conditions: naturally on 1230 ha, artificially on 290 ha
and acacia cuttings on 60 ha;
- by filling the stands: naturally regenerated areas by sowing on 100 ha and
planting on 240 ha and artificially raised crops on 72 ha and nursery production
(1,968,000 pieces);
- stand care: lighting of young trees on 552 ha, cutting of shoots and manual
removal of weeds on 386 ha, cleaning in young natural stands on 300 ha,
cleaning in cultures on 60 ha and intermediate care measures on 32,000 ha;
- using stands in a volume of about 1775000 m³;
- protecting the health of forests: recording and monitoring the occurrence of
drought on 66,370 ha, monitoring pests of entomological and phytopathological
origin on 44,000 ha, forecasting the occurrence of harmful insects, developing
and improving the reporting and diagnostic-prognostic service;
- forest protection: fire protection on 66,370 ha, control of fire areas, clearing of
clearings, repair of windbreaks and snowbreaks, protection of young cetaceans
from game;
- construction and maintenance of forest roads: construction of 110 km of soft
forest roads, maintenance of 177 km of hard forest roads and 450 km of soft
forest roads;
- arranging areas for rest and recreation: marking movement directions,
arranging meadows within forest complexes, building the necessary
infrastructure (benches, baskets, notice and warning boards, etc.);
- by improving scientific and research work on the health of forest ecosystems,
research on biodiversity, ecological and development-production characteristics
of forest types, introduction of geographic information system in management,
The improvement of (private) forest management is conditioned by the same
type of work, but until the development of strategic and periodic operational
plans with a significantly lower intensity.
In the area of National Park "Đerdap" the development of hunting is realized on
the basis of the hunting base of the hunting ground "Đerdap", and the plans for
shooting are implemented on the basis of the annual plans of the management
of the hunting ground.
The protection and development of forests and forest land outside NP "Đerdap"
will be planned and managed by JP "Srbijašume" in accordance with the
provisions of the Law on Forests, as well as the development plan and basics of
state forest management and private forest management programs. According
to purpose, forests will dominate with the function of producing technical wood
(about 87%) and in the function of protecting the soil from erosion (about 11%),
with a smaller part in the function of permanent protection of forests outside of
farm treatment (about 1.4%) and as hunting and breeding centers large game
(at about 0.8%).

6.1.3. Mineral raw materials

Based on the official records of the cadastre of exploitation fields maintained by
the Ministry of Mining and Energy, it was established that in the area of the
Spatial Plan there are certified reserves of limestone and technical-building stone
at the "Jelenska stena" deposit, which are exploited by the company PIM Ivan
Milutinović, Belgrade. Apart from the locality "Jelenska stena" (according to the
current detailed regulation plan), no other exploitation of mineral resources is
allowed in the area of NP "Đerdap". In the area of the Spatial Plan, outside the
NP "Đerdap" and other protected natural values, the following exploitation fields
are present: the copper deposit "Majdanpek", the magnesite deposit "Rudna
glava", the limestone deposit "Smiljkova glava" (Štubik), and the sand and
gravel deposit "Butorka". ” (Kladovo).
In the area of the Spatial Plan, the carrying out of geological exploration of
mineral resources by the companies Tara Gold doo in the Golubac location for
gold and copper exploration, "First Quantum Exoloration doo" for copper and
non-ferrous metal exploration in the "Bukova Glava" location (Majdanpek
municipality) and "Konstantin resources" was approved. doo" for the exploration
of gold, silver and copper in the locality "Brodica" (municipalities of Kučevo and
Facilities for the exploitation of groundwater exist at the sources of Golubac
(Vinci locality, JP Construction Directorate of the Golubac municipality),
Majdanpek (Majdanpek municipality) and Kladovo at the Banjica (Delta Company
doo), Miročka voda (Miročka voda doo) and Carina (JP Jedinstvo Kladovo ).
Groundwater research was approved for the JP EPS Belgrade company at the
source of Tekija in the municipality of Kladovo. Consent to the project, which
establishes measures for the sustainable use of drinking water, was granted to
the companies PUK Badnjevo at the source of Mihajlovac in the municipality of
Negotin and Delta Company doo at the source of Banjica (village of Reka) in the
municipality of Kladovo.


Development of the settlement network

The development of the settlement network will be based on strengthening
connections with more important centers in the area of the Spatial Plan,
polycentric structure, complementarity of functions and settlement contents. In
perspective, it will strengthen the connections and complementary functions of
settlements along the Danube bank.
The future development of the settlement will be largely determined by spatial-
functional relations and connections in the immediate environment of the Spatial
Plan area, the wider regional environment, at the national level and through
cross-border cooperation. In this sense, the following levels of influence on the
area of the Spatial Plan are recognized:
- Belgrade as a metropolitan center and, to a lesser extent, Niš, as an
agglomeration center, which will continue to have a strong influence on the area
of the Spatial Plan in the future, expressed, first of all, by the selective
emigration of the younger and educated contingent of the population;
– Subregional centers of Smederevo and Požarevac and local centers of Bor and
- Local municipal centers of Majdanpek, Negotin, Kladovo and Golupac;
- Possible cross-border connections with settlements on the Romanian bank of
the Danube, primarily with Drobet - Turnu Severin (a regional center with about
103,000 inhabitants), Orsava and Moldove Nova.
In the development of the network of settlements, the following hierarchical
structure of settlements in the area of the Spatial Plan is foreseen:
- The local municipal centers of Golubac, Majdanpek and Kladovo will have the
greatest influence on their associated settlements, and thus on the largest part
of the Spatial Plan area. Due to the small number of included settlements from
the area of Negotin municipality, which are partly covered by Geopark "Đerdap",
the role of this municipal center will be less important.
- The settlement of Donji Milanovac with its central position in the area of the
Spatial Plan and at the hub of the primary and secondary development axis will
have greater importance, especially for the settlements in the area of NP
"Đerdap", and in addition to the existing ones, the functions of the tourist center
will be strengthened and developed, traffic capacities in the function of the
waterway and economy (Mosna).
- The settlements of Vinci, Usije, Radoševac, Brnjica, Dobra, Boljetin, Golubinje,
Tekija, Novi Sip-Karataš, Davidovac and Kladušnica, Kostol, Mala Vrbica, Velika
Vrbica along the primary development axis have the greatest potential for
development by valorizing their position as a waterway , HEPS "Đerdap",
tourism, presentation and protection of Geopark "Đerdap" and NP "Đerdap".
- The settlements of Donji Milanovac, Mosna, Topolnica, Klokočevac, Crnajaka
and Rudna Glava along the secondary axis of development connect the Spatial
Plan area with Bor. Future development in this axis will depend, first of all, on
the exploitation of mineral raw materials and the development of the
complementary economy.
- Brza Palanka settlement connects the area of Spatial Plan and Geopark
"Đerdap" with parts of southern and southeastern Serbia.
- The settlements of Miroč (on the border of NP "Đerdap" and Miročke površa)
and Petrovo selo (in NP "Đerdap") at about 500 meters above sea level, with
preserved structures of traditional settlements, will be important for the
development of rural tourism and the presentation of natural and cultural values.
Spatial plans of LGUs will determine the network of centers and their functions in
the rural area within the scope of the Spatial Plan.

Population and social development

Bearing in mind that the population in the area of the Spatial Plan is exposed to
a long-term process of depopulation, a decrease in the total number of
inhabitants by 2031 of about 40% compared to 2011 can be expected. The
above estimates of the number of inhabitants include entire statistical
settlements, parts of which are included in the "Đerdap" Geopark, and should be
viewed as a framework.
Table 8. Population projections by municipality for 2021 and 2031

in in
LGU Settlement 2031
2011 2021

Brnjica, Vinci, Golubac, Dvorište, Dobra,

Pigeon 3,808 3.155 2,500
Radoševac, Snegotin, Usje
in in
LGU Settlement 2031
2011 2021

Brza Palanka, Velika Vrbica, Velika Kamenica,

Grabovica, Davidovac, Kladovo, Kladušnica,
Kladovo 17,649 15,370 13,140
Kostol, Mala Vrbica, Manastirica, Novi Sip,
Petrovo Selo, Podvrška, Reka, Tekija

Boljetin, Golubinje, Donji Milanovac,

Majdanpek Klokočevac, Majdanpek, Miroč, Mosna, Rudna 16,747 11,655 6,600
Glava, Topolnica, Crnajka

Negotin Vratna, Jabukovac, Plavna, Štubik 3,433 2.701 1.970

The area of NP "Đerdap" 6,850 4,745 2,700

Total (area of Spatial Plan) 41,637 32,880 24,210

Source: Calculated on the basis of RZS (2014) Comparative overview of the

number of inhabitants 1948 - 2011
Changes in the movement of the number of inhabitants will depend on the
overall socio-economic development of the area. An increase in the number of
residents in weekend settlements is expected, as well as an increase in the
seasonal population in certain parts of the year in tourist villages.
Considering that it is an area of exceptional natural and cultural values, for the
development of which there is a strong interest of the wider social community, it
is assumed that measures to encourage economic and social development will
gradually slow down depopulation in the area of the Spatial Plan.

Public services
The development of public services will be based on the following
- The organization of public services according to the principle of
complementarity will enable an increase in the gravitational area of
institutions/services (the possibility to use the service outside the place of
residence), and thus the number of users, while simultaneously ensuring quality
- The development of mobile services increases the availability of services to
users, enables the satisfaction and adaptation of their needs, thereby increasing
the offer and quality of public services in settlements that lack basic services.
Mobile services of public services adapt to the needs of a smaller number of
users in dispersed settlements and can cover a wide range of services (primary
education, additional and retraining programs, preventive and primary health
care, social care, culture, and others). Mobility is provided by a vehicle with
appropriate built-in equipment and a crew/team that periodically come to the
settlement. Each settlement should have an appropriate existing or new facility,
i.e. a universal multifunctional center (public service center) of smaller capacity
for the purpose of carrying out these activities.
- The sustainability of various initiatives will be much greater if the needs for the
establishment of mobile services are resolved by the agreement of several
municipalities, and pooling of resources increases the possibility of sustainability
and durability of established services.
- Spatial plans of LGUs will determine the development of the network of
facilities and services of public services for settlements within the scope of the
Spatial Plan.


6.3.1. Transport infrastructure

The development of traffic infrastructure in the area of the Spatial Plan is aimed
at creating conditions for the safe and functional development of various types of
traffic in accordance with the prescribed protection regimes and measures for
the protection of natural values and cultural assets.
The planned development of traffic infrastructure includes:
- modernization and rehabilitation of existing state roads of the first and second
- activities on the expressway on the route Požarevac - Golubac - (IB no. 34) -
connection with state road IA no. 1 (IB no. 33);
- activities on the expressway Golubac - Donji Milanovac - Brza Palanka (IB No.
34) and Kladovo-Negotin (IB No. 35). During the construction of a high-speed
road, and in accordance with the identified migratory corridors of large game, it
is necessary to implement overhead crossings for animals (eco ducts or green
- maintenance of existing and development of new municipal roads is planned,
primarily panoramic ridge roads; for the inclusion of panoramic roads in the
tourist offer of the destination, it is desirable to create certain preconditions:
extension of the network of municipal roads in order to build missing sections of
municipal panoramic roads and reconstruction of existing roads; categorization
of municipal panoramic roads for different types of vehicles (tourist buses,
passenger vehicles, off-road vehicles); tourist and road marking of municipal
panoramic roads (with all promotional, destination and information content, as
well as necessary road signage); arrangement of parking lots and places for
stopping with adequate contents and equipment (utility equipment, souvenir
shops, restaurants); with the existence of the E4 footpath and local footpaths
with a system of viewpoints and a health path, the municipal panoramic roads
contribute to the overall value and attractiveness of the entire area; it is
necessary to develop a detailed project for each municipal route of the
panoramic and ridge road with the necessary documentation concerning the
justification of the chosen route, a detailed analysis of all the attractions it
covers, the necessary infrastructure and investments, the necessary monitoring
and quality control;
- the priority is the promotion and development of bicycle traffic in the Eurovelo
6 corridor (through all the Danube countries from the North to the Black Sea),
which passes through the entire area of the Geopark "Đerdap"12 and extends
along the Đerdap highway towards Negotin and further towards Bulgaria with
alternative entrances to the NP "Đerdap", the meanders of the Danube,
archaeological sites, etc.; for the needs of bicycle traffic, as one of the
stages/sections, a bicycle-pedestrian path is planned, along the Danube, from
the village of Vinci to the fortress "Golubački grad";
- the modernization (electrification) of the existing single-track line Mala Krsna -
Majdanpek - Bor - Rasputnica 2 - (Vražogrnac) is planned;
- the development of the waterway includes the completion of the revitalization
of ship locks as part of HEPS "Đerdap 1", in agreement with the Romanian side,
the construction of new and modernization of existing piers and marinas with the
necessary infrastructure and access roads (in Lepenski Vir), the construction of
marinas in Donji Milanovac and Poreč Bay - according to the Plan of General
Regulation of the Mosna Settlement ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of
Majdanpek", number 10/15), improvement of the system for marking and
signaling the waterway; development and implementation of river information
services; the study of the development of microlocations of marinas on the Sava
and Danube is currently being prepared for the needs of the Port Management
Agency; during the formation of marinas and piers, it is necessary to fulfill the
conditions prescribed by the Regulation on the conditions that must be met by
ports, piers and temporary transshipment points ("Official Gazette of RS", no.
33/15, 86/16, 54/19, 94/19 and 76 /20).

6.3.2. Energy infrastructure

The construction of facilities for the production and transmission of electricity will
take place in accordance with the requirements for the protection of natural and
cultural heritage and the environment. Greater use of renewable resources can
be achieved from hydro potential, use of wind, solar energy and biomass.
According to the investment plan and the transmission system development plan
for the period until 2030, the following activities are planned:
1) New 400 kV interconnecting DV between the Republic of Serbia and Romania:
the route of the new transmission line will stretch between RP Đerdap 1
(Republic of Serbia) and TS Portile de Fior (Romania). The length of this
transmission line, to the border of the Republic of Serbia and Romania, will be
about 1.4 km.
2) Adaptation of DV 110 kV no. 128/3/4 TS Majdanpek 3 - TS Petrovac:
Adaptation of the existing transmission line without changing its route and
conductor cross-section.
3) Reconstruction of sections of DV 110 kV no. 150 TS Bor 1 - TS Majdanpek 1:
Reconstruction of sections of the existing transmission line, while increasing its
4) Introduction of DV 110 kV no. 102B/2 TS Požarevac - TS Petrovac in PRP
Krivača: The project envisages the cutting of one system of the two-system
transmission line 110 kV no. 102AB/2 and its introduction in the future PRP that
will be used for the connection of the Krivac Power Plant.
12 The route of the proposed bicycle path is very demanding in terms of the
terrain (slides, landslides, tunnels, gorges, very narrow strip of land of the
highway in question), and therefore the technical solution. Keep in mind that if
the bicycle path is planned along the corridor of the first order state road
number 25.1, it must be planned based on the previous traffic study (analysis),
the agreed conceptual solution with the attached transverse profiles.
5) Adaptation of DV 110 kV no. 1186 RP Đerdap 2 – TS Sip: Adaptation of the
water line due to age, without changing its route and cross-section of the
6) Reconstruction of RP 400 kV Đerdap 1: Reconstruction of the existing plant
conditioned by the obsolescence of its equipment.
7) New 110 kV transmission line RP Đerdap 2 - PRP Nikine Voda: Construction of
a new transmission line that will connect the existing plant Đerdap 2 with the
future PRP through which VE Nikine Voda will be connected to the transmission
system. The length of the water will be 31.5 km.
8) Revitalization of HPP "Đerdap 1", A3: Revitalization of the existing unit in HPP
"Đerdap 1" with an increase in its nominal power by 14 MW.
9) Connecting the Krivac Power Plant to the transmission system: According to
the relevant Study, the facility will be connected to the transmission system via
a specially built PRP 110 kV, which will be connected to the rest of the
transmission system via two single-system transmission lines. One of these
transmission lines will go towards TS Neresnica, and the other towards TS Veliko
Gradište. These transformer stations are outside the scope of the Spatial Plan.
10) Connection of VE Nikina Voda to the transmission system: In accordance
with the appropriate study, the facility will be connected to the transmission
system via a specially built PRP 110 kV, which will be connected to the rest of
the transmission system by a single-system transmission line to TS Mosna,
approximately 14 km long.
11) Connection of VE Crni Vrh to the transmission system: although the power
plant is outside the scope of the Spatial Plan in question, according to the
appropriate connection study and the adopted planning documents, it is foreseen
that it will be connected to the transmission system via a specially built PRP 110
kV, into which DV will be introduced 110 kV no. 150 TS Bor 1 – TS Majdanpek 1,
no. 177 TS Bor 2 – TS Majdanpek 2 and no. 122B TS Bor 1 - TS Petrovac,
whereby the first two transmission lines are partially included in the Spatial Plan.
12) Connection of Zi Đin Bor consumers to the transmission system: although
consumer facilities are not covered by the Spatial Plan, their connection will also
imply the construction of the missing infrastructure, which will also have an
impact on the region of interest for the Spatial Plan.
In the case of construction in the protective zone of high-voltage power lines and
distribution facilities, the consent of JSC "Elektromreza Srbije" is required, which
would be submitted for the elaboration, which the investor of the planned
facilities should provide. In accordance with Article 218 of the Law on Energy,
the protective belt of transmission lines is 25 m on both sides of a 110 kV
voltage level transmission line from the end phase conductor and 30 m on both
sides of a 400 kV voltage level transmission line from the end phase conductor.
The protective zone for transformer stations (substations) outdoors is 30 m for
voltage level 110 kV and above 110 kV.
In the vicinity of transmission lines, and outside the protection zone, it is
necessary to consider the possibility of building planned facilities depending on
the inductive influence on:
– potential planned facilities made of electrically conductive material;
– potential planned telecommunication lines (there is no need to do this in case
optical cables are used).
Anticipate measures such as own and collective means of protection, galvanic
inserts whose insulation level is higher than the limit values of influence,
isolation of above-ground parts with plastic covers, etc. If there are metal
pipelines, depending on the population of the area, it is necessary to analyze the
inductive influence at a maximum distance of up to 1000 m from the axis of the
transmission line. The inductive influence, depending on the specific resistance
of the soil and the population of the area, should be analyzed at a maximum
distance of up to 3000 m from the axis of the transmission line, in the case of
the construction of telecommunication lines.
The development of the electric power network will also be based on the
construction of new facilities with a voltage level of 35 kV for the distribution of
electricity in the area of the Spatial Plan and its immediate surroundings, with
priority on the construction of the following facilities:
1) Construction of TS 35/10 kV "Lepenski vir" at the Boljetinsko brdo location,
with a connecting 35 kV line from the direction of TS 35/10 kV Donji Milanovac
(for the needs of powering the Lepenski vir location and improving the quality of
power supply to other customers on the existing 10 kV line) ;
2) Construction of TS 35/10 kV "Tekija" for the existing DV "Sip-Tekija" which is
planned for a voltage level of 35 kV;
3) Construction of the DV 35 kV transmission line from TS 110/35 kV "Mosna" to
TS 35/10 kV "Donji Milanovac";
4) Reconstruction of TS 35/10 kV "Donji Milanovac" at 35 kV voltage level;
5) Construction of the DV 35 kV transmission line from TS 110/35 kV
"Majdanpek 2" to TS 35/10 kV "Majdanpek I" along a completely new route;
6) Construction of the DV 35 kV transmission line from TS 110/35 kV
"Majdanpek 2" to TS 35/10 kV "Majdanpek II",
7) Extension of TS 110/35 kV "Majdanpek 2" for two outlet fields 35;
8) Extension of the 110 kV output field in TS 110/35 kV "Mosna" and equipping
the output field 110 kV to TS 110/35 kV "Majdanpek 2";
9) Construction of the DV 35 kV transmission line from TS 110/35 kV "Mosna" to
TS 35/10 kV "Majdanpek II";
10) Construction of the DV 35 kV transmission line from RP 110/35 kV "Sip" to
TS 35/10 kV "Kladovo G." The introduction of the new transmission line DV 35
kV implies the extension and reconstruction of TS 35/10 kV "Kladovo";
11) Construction of the DV 35 kV transmission line from TS 35/10 kV "Štubik" to
TS 35/10 kV Mihajlovac" (reserve line, because TS "Štubik" is fed by antenna).
The introduction of the new DV 35 kV implies the extension and reconstruction
of TS 35/10 kV Mihajlovac and the extension of TS 35/10 kV Štubik;
12) Construction of new power facilities with lower voltage levels;
13) Reconstruction of existing power facilities of lower voltage levels;
14) It is recommended that cabling of existing and planned 10 kV lines be
carried out in the area of NP "Đerdap" (by placing them together with
telecommunications sewerage, etc.).
Any construction under or near the listed existing and planned distribution
transmission lines and substations (substations) is subject to regulations in the
field of energy and requires the consent of the Distribution System Operator.
The construction of small hydropower plants (in the following text: mHE),
exclusively outside the NP "Đerdap" and other protected areas within the scope
of this spatial plan, according to the established hydro potentials and in
accordance with the regimes for the protection of natural and cultural values,
will increase the security of electricity supply to the settlements, alternative rural
economy and tourist-recreational infrastructure in the rest of the area of the
Spatial Plan. The connection of the planned MHP to the electric power system
will generally be carried out by aerial or cable 10(20) kV to the existing or
planned DV 10(20) kV network and facilities.
In the area of the Spatial Plan, the production of ecologically acceptable forms of
energy from RES is foreseen, namely: solar energy, using various types of
passive and active solar systems (on buildings within the construction areas of
centers and settlements); wind energy, by building appropriate wind farms in
the areas of Radenka and Krivača in the municipality of Kučevo in the immediate
vicinity of the Spatial Plan area; and biomass, primarily through the use of wood
waste from forestry and wood processing, the proper use of which as a source of
biomass has no negative impact on the environment.
The prospect is for the gasification of part of the area of the spatial plan
(municipalities of Kladovo and Negotin).

6.3.3. Water infrastructure and wastewater treatment

The water management infrastructure development plan in the area of the
Spatial Plan is based on the specific requirements of the following three zones:
(a) the Danube coast (improvement of functionality, expansion and proper
maintenance of HEPS "Đerdap" and all accompanying utility and protection
systems in the coast); (b) Danube tributary basins (regulation and protection of
watercourses in accordance with the ecological goals of the protection of NP
"Đerdap" and preservation of biodiversity); (v) upper Pek watershed (planning
and use of the watershed in order to harmonize the development goals of the
Majdanpek RB and the goals of planning and protecting space and the

Water protection
Integral water protection implies the application of technological and
organizational-economic measures.
Technological measures include the completion of settlement sewerage and the
implementation of a general WWTP in Kladovo (with settlements from Karataš to
Kostol), Tekija, Donji Milanovac, Golupac and Majdanpek and all nearby
settlements connected to those sewage systems. Production companies
implement their WWTP or pre-treatments, which purify waste water from
technological processes to the point where they can be discharged into the
municipal sewer and sent to the WWTP. All hazardous substances must be
removed, especially those that would interfere with the work of the bioaeration
part of the WWTP due to their toxic effects.
Organizational and economic measures affect the reduction of water pollution
through the application of the Rulebook on Hazardous Substances in Water
("Official Gazette of SRS", number 31/82), by reducing specific water
consumption by introducing realistic fees for water use and discharge of used
water, by economically stimulating water recirculation, introducing water quality
monitoring, regulations on the control of the transport of dangerous substances
in the source zone, banning the placing on the market of polluting substances for
which there are adequate substitutes (eg banning non-degradable detergents
and substances with illegal amounts of phosphorus), etc.

Water protection
Flood protection is implemented in two hydrographic zones, namely:
- the coastal part of the Danube in the framework of: the regulation of water
regimes in the Đerdap 1 and 2 reservoirs, according to the criteria of
groundwater accumulation (for the protection of agricultural land, the
groundwater level of 1% duration is maintained at a depth of at least 0.8 - 1.0
m from the surface terrain and for the protection of settlements and coasts,
groundwater levels of 1% duration are maintained at 3.0 m from the surface of
the terrain for urban settlements, or 2.0 m for rural settlements); coastal
protection program of HPP "Đerdap", according to which traffic roads and
settlements are protected from high water Q1%; activities on behavioral
monitoring, ongoing and investment maintenance of protective systems
(installation and replacement of piezometers, wells, control points, etc.) as a
priority in the coastal area of HPP "Đerdap 1", especially in the Golupac zone, in
order to maintain the depth of groundwater, in conditions further elevation of
the elevation to an extreme elevation of 70.9 meters above sea level at the
mouth of the Nera, as well as in the coastal area of HPP "Đerdap 2", especially in
the Kladovo area and after elevation of the elevation to an elevation of 41.40
meters above sea level;
- smaller watercourses, especially in the area of NP "Đerdap": arranging
according to the principles of natural regulation, using natural materials, without
endangering the biodiversity of aquatic and coastal ecosystems; by arranging
the coastal zone of the settlement with flood protection Q2%, along with the
arrangement of the coast in order to connect the settlement with the water area.
The spatial plan envisages anti-erosion landscaping as part of the
implementation of integral water infrastructure systems, where the priority is the
landscaping of areas with hotspots of excessive and strong erosion (categories I
and II) and afforestation and melioration of agricultural land of low quality
classes in order to bring it to a state of economic sustainability.
Small reservoirs (except for those intended for fire protection of NP "Đerdap")
can be built exclusively outside the boundaries of NP "Đerdap" and other
protected areas within the scope of this spatial plan, in order to improve water
regimes and tourist activities, while obtaining and respecting water conditions
and conditions of natural and NKD protection and the obligation to prepare an
environmental impact assessment. Small reservoirs can be built after the
implementation of anti-erosion works. Flow derivations through pipelines are not
allowed in order to concentrate the drop for mHE. In the use of small reservoirs
and MHE, the seasonally adapted guaranteed ecological flow must be released,
according to the criteria adopted in the Republic of Serbia, with 100% security,
which enables the smooth development of aquatic and coastal ecosystems.
Stocking of reservoirs can only be done on the basis of appropriate ichthyological
studies and stocking projects. The stated conditions and limitations for MHE are
binding for LGU spatial plans, which solutions from the Cadastre of small
hydroelectric power plants should be treated exclusively as technical possibilities
that are tentative (non-binding) and which have yet to be reviewed from the
point of view of alignment with the environment and the interests of other water

6.3.4. Electronic communications and postal traffic

The development plans of "Telekom Srbija" a.d. Belgrade, further modernization
of telecommunication hubs is planned in order to provide new services to users.
In addition to the installation of new telecommunications devices and expansion
of existing ones located in buildings, plan the installation of multiservice access
platforms, as well as other telecommunications equipment in street cabinets
(Indoor cabinet) as part of the decentralization of the telecommunications
network. The locations of the street cabinets should be provided on the public
surface. The locations of the new street offices are conditioned by the planned
construction in the area itself and will be defined when the existing
telecommunication infrastructure cannot meet the needs of the users.
The existing plans of "Telekom Srbija" a.d. Belgrade, the decentralization of the
existing copper access telecommunications network is foreseen, which implies
the shortening of the subscriber loop by copper cables. In the coming period, the
existing transport optical network will be expanded, as well as the construction
of optical cables within the access network will continue, to the users themselves
or as close as possible to the users. The decentralization of existing access
networks in the area covered by the Spatial Plan is planned, as well as the
construction of a modern gigabit passive optical network to users (GPON-Gigabit
Passive Optical Network). In the following period, the completion of the so-called
"Danube Highway" from Dobra to Donji Milanovac, along state road number 34,
Golubac - Donji Milanovac, i.e. connecting these settlements with optical
telecommunication lines. Also, settlements that do not have a telephone network
and whose users are connected via CDMA, existing and planned switching hubs
in those settlements, will be connected via optical cables.
It is desirable to plan the installation of Ø 110 mm PVC pipes at the intersections
of routes with the roadway, as well as under concrete and asphalt surfaces on
cable routes in order to avoid subsequent excavations. When planning new
traffic corridors, plan the laying of appropriate pipes for the subsequent routing
of telecommunication cables within the parcels owned by the owner of the traffic
It is planned to build new base stations of mobile operators Telekom-MTS 12
base stations (064 and 065), A1 (VIP) (060 and 061) 32 base stations and
Telenor 15 base stations (062, 063 and 069), as well as the reconstruction of
existing ones in in terms of transition from 4G to 5G technology. It is possible to
set up base stations on buildings and new antenna poles exclusively in spatial
units from the regime III degree of nature protection. Also, it should be planned
to connect the planned and existing base stations of mobile telephony with
optical cables. The operator of the public electronic communication network,
independently or in cooperation with the owner/user of the plot, determines
their future locations, through the preparation of technical documentation.
Corridors for line infrastructure of electronic communications will be formed
along other infrastructure corridors (categorized roads, local roads, railways).
Due to the increasing expansion of mobile devices and their need to connect to
the Internet, build WiFi access points and supply cables to those points. Further
reconstruction is possible, i.e. strengthening the capacity of the optical network
through the existing infrastructure, as well as the possibility of building new
optical cables for connection (existing and future base stations (RBS), WiFi and
multi-service access points (MSAN).
In the field of broadcast infrastructure development, the construction,
rehabilitation and reconstruction of the system for broadcasting and distribution
of digital television signals, as well as the digitization of the radio broadcast
network, are planned.
In order to improve the current state of postal traffic, it is planned to open new
postal units and operate part of the postal units as a system of permanent or
seasonal contract post offices. It is also possible to introduce mobile post offices
that would visit remote villages according to a certain schedule.

6.4.5. communal infrastructure

The planning commitment regarding the treatment of municipal waste is the
closure of all existing unsanitary landfills and landfills, the cleaning of riverbeds
and infrastructure corridors (especially in the area of NP "Đerdap" and Geopark
"Đerdap") from illegally disposed municipal waste and the redirection of all
waste flows to the planned regional landfills for the Braničevski and Zaječar
administrative districts. The planned evacuation of waste will be realized by
building recycling yards, green islands for waste collection or by including
settlements in a mobile waste collection system (within NP "Đerdap", in the zone
with the III level of protection) and transfer stations (in the rest of the Spatial
Plan area).
The planning determination is:
- that along with the diversion of waste to regional landfills, and by 2025 at the
latest, the systematic closure, remediation and recultivation of landfills, detailed
geological and hydrotechnical research and analysis of the quality of
underground water in the immediate vicinity of all former landfills, due to the
assessment of the ecological vulnerability of the soil;
- construction of recycling yards (on the territory of NP "Đerdap", in the III
protection zone) in: Brnjica and Dobra (municipalities of Golubac), Boljetin,
Donji Milanovac, Golubinje and Mosna, alternatively on the route Miloseva Kula -
Rudna glava (municipalities of Majdanpek) and Tekija and Sipu (Kladovo
- construction of green islands (for collection and processing of organic waste,
distribution of inorganic waste to end users) in other rural settlements and in
municipal centers or their inclusion in the mobile waste collection system;
- construction of transfer stations (on the rest of the Spatial Plan area) in
Kladovo, Majdanpek and Golupac (based on regional waste management plans
and the national waste management strategy, at the locations of former
The collection and separation of waste into organic and inorganic components
(with a short storage time) would be carried out in the recycling yards. The
organic components would be further transported to composting, while the
organic components would be baled and transported to the place of final
processing or disposal outside the National Park "Đerdap". The locations of
recycling yards must meet several basic conditions:
- on the outskirts of the settlement, with access to the public road (in the zone
with the III degree of protection regime or outside the protection zone);
- at least 500 m away from the nearest zone of residential settlements,
protection zone of cultural and historical monuments or nature protection zone in
the II degree protection regime, as well as from bus stations and warehouses of
flammable materials;
- at least 2 km away from health centers and tourist sites;
- at least 100 m away from gas stations or oil and gas supply stations;
- outside the corridor of hydrotechnical systems, etc.;
- outside the water supply source protection zone.


The planning determination is based on the complementarity of environmental
protection and special purposes of the area and the integration of aspects of
environmental protection into planning solutions related to the protection and
use of goods and resources, purpose, arrangement and construction of space,
development and distribution of infrastructure systems and settlements, waste
management and Ph.D.

Categorization of environmental quality

The spatial plan defines environmental categories based on the categorization
established by the Law on the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2010
to 2020, the state of environmental quality in the area of NP "Đerdap" and
Geopark "Đerdap" and research done for the purposes of the Spatial Plan,
namely :
1) unpolluted areas (areas of quality environment) are areas and localities with
an almost unchanged or unaltered natural environment, with a certain risk of
natural disasters - zones with the I and II degree protection regime of NP
"Đerdap", as well as zones outside NP "Đerdap" which are in the II degree
protection regime, forest complexes in the rural hinterland of the Spatial Plan
area, etc.;
2) a low degree of pollution (area of predominantly quality environment), have
areas and localities in zones with the III degree protection regime of NP
"Đerdap" with a relatively unchanged natural environment, local and
uncategorized roads, rural settlements and tourist villages in NP "Đerdap" (
Brnjica, Dobra, Boljetin, Golubinje, Tekija, Davidovac, Miroč, Petrovo selo, etc.)
with an inadequate waste water collection and channeling system; rural areas in
the rest of the area of Geopark "Đerdap" and the Spatial Plan with the
phenomena of inadequate use of agrochemicals, which causes soil pollution;
3) medium level of pollution (area of endangered environment), with medium
impact on environmental pollution with occasional exceeding of limit values of
pollutants in air, water and soil, namely: wider zones of urban settlements
without an organized system of environmental control (Kladovo, Golubac )
Đerdap" and in Geopark "Đerdap"), Poreč Bay, localities and zones of illegal
construction; zones of excessive and strong erosion (in the lower reaches of the
Brnjica, the lower reaches of the Česava, in the vicinity of Radenka, Brodica and
Voluja, the area between Čoka Njalta and the Boljetin ridge, the area above
Golubinje, the valley of the Mala River above Velika Kamenica, etc.); locations of
existing unsanitary landfills, corridors of state roads within the borders of NP
"Đerdap" (Đerdap highway and state road IIa order no. 164), railway corridor
and locations of planned transfer stations in Golupac, Majdanpek and Kladovo
(outside NP "Đerdap");
4) medium degree of pollution with the potential possibility of endangering the
environment13 - this category includes the Danube waterway, the locations of
existing and planned wharves (Golubac, Dobra, PIM, Lepenski vir, Donji
Milanovac, Tekija, Kladovo), due to the possibility of environmental accidents,
state roads II order (state roads IIa order no. 165 and IIb order no. 396) in and
outside the borders of NP "Đerdap", and tourist areas Lepenski Vir and Golubački
grad (due to potential anthropopression of tourists);
5) higher degree of pollution (area of polluted and degraded environment) -
locations with episodic environmental pollution (air, soil and rivers, with the
possibility of endangerment by noise, unpleasant smells); in this category there
are also certain zones of the Spatial Plan area that are exposed to the direct
influence of cross-border pollution from the industrial zone of Turn Severin,
Moldova Nova and Moldova Veka and Oršava, as well as a belt in a radius of 5
km around the area of the Majdanpek copper mine; this level of pollution is also
present in the locations of the shipyard near Kladovo, the urban settlement of
Kladovo and the urban settlement of Golubac and the Jelenska stene limestone
exploitation zone;
6) high degree of pollution (area of exceptional environmental pollution) - in
localities with exceeded immission limit values, i.e. at locations of endangered
environment (hot spots) with emissions of heavy metals into the air, water and
soil (exploitation zone of RB Majdanpek, flotation tailings of Valja Fundata, Šaški
potok), the mentioned locations without planned implementation of rehabilitation
and remediation measures can have a significant irreversible impact on the
change basic parameters of environmental quality (necessity of large-scale
interventions to return environmental parameters to the existing state) and
indirectly influence the increase in the degree of environmental pollution in NP
"Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap".
The existing environmental quality of NP "Đerdap" represents an additional,
complementary value for the high ranking of this area in relation to ecological
requirements and opportunities for sustainable development.
By establishing zones with protection regimes, i.e. the application and effective
control of the implementation of established restrictions for the development of
activities, facilities and works that may have an impact on environmental
pollution will ensure a higher quality of the environment and reduce the risk of
pollution and degradation of the area of NP "Đerdap" and other parts of the
Spatial Plan area.
13 Although the mentioned category does not exist according to the official
categorization of the Law on the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2010
to 2020, it is proposed within the Spatial Plan, considering the specificity of the
special purpose of the area.

Environmental protection measures and conditions

The basic measure that should be implemented in the entire area of the Spatial
Plan is the establishment and functioning of monitoring of environmental
parameters. Integral protection of nature and the environment will be based on
the implementation of the following special measures and guidelines:
1) Groundwater and surface water protection measures:
- preservation of the water quality of the Danube in class IIa and improvement
of the quality of other watercourses to the prescribed quality class (I, IIa, and
especially the lower course of the Pek river in class III/IV);
- establishment and implementation of regimes and sanitary protection
measures of existing and planned sources of water supply: Carine and Pesak
(Kladovo), in the basin of the upper reaches of Pek and Bukovska rivers
(Majdanpek), Usija (Golubac), Kosovica rivers, Slatinska rivers (upstream: Valja
Mare) and the Zamna River, the source of underground water for the Tekija,
Dobra, Donji Milanovac, Sipa and all local water sources;
- consistent application of the Water Law ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 30/10,
93/12, 101/16, 95/18 and 95/18 - other laws) and compliance with the
European Water Directive14 (2000/60 /EC) in the domain of: determination and
coordination of measures for surface and underground waters belonging to the
same ecological, hydrological and hydrogeological basin; preventing or reducing
the impact of accidents that cause sudden water pollution; determination of
general rules for controlling pollution and accumulating the amount of water in
order to ensure the ecological sustainability of the watershed; ensuring adequate
information on the planned measures and reports on the progress of their
implementation, in order to involve the public in the process of adopting and
realizing the management of river basins;
- strict control of existing sources of pollution from industry and energy;
recognition and removal of sources of river pollution: by examining the quality of
waste water and monitoring accidental pollution from industry and energy
(Article 106 of the Law on Water); by purifying waste water to a level that
corresponds to the limit value of immission, that is, to a level that does not
violate the quality standards of the recipient's environment (Article 99 of the
Law on Water); by establishing a system of integral waste management on the
territory of all municipalities in accordance with planning decisions; by
preventing the removal and washing of garbage into the Danube and other river
courses (Boljetinska, Porečka and Brnjička reka) from the existing landfills until
their closure and remediation; rational and professional use of pesticides and
artificial fertilizers in the area of the Spatial Plan;
- strict control of traffic of dangerous substances on the Danube and control of
bulk cargo in the area of the docks and shipyards;
- stricter criteria for wastewater treatment in the WWTP, with extended
bioaeration and additional removal of phosphorus and sodium, especially in
smaller watercourses downstream from settlements on Danube tributaries;
- dislocating the existing wild landfills of communal waste, which significantly
endanger the quality of river flows and local springs with storm water filtrates,
as well as leachate from the landfill; removal of garbage from banks and
riverbeds that endangers water quality;
- determination of the cause, type and extent of pollution, assessment of the
degree of threat to the ecological function of water, health and life of people, as
well as the possibility of the spread of pollution;
- systematic monitoring of water quality: regular monitoring of the values of
water quality indicators and regular monitoring of the composition of waste
water before discharge into the recipient;
2) Measures to reduce the impact on air quality:
- reduction of emissions of polluting substances from existing sources of
pollution (industries in Donji Milanovac and Mosna, exploitation of mineral raw
materials in Majdanpek and quarries in Brnjica and Tekija), by prescribing and
strictly controlling the limit values of emissions of polluting substances by LGUs
and the management of NP "Đerdap" from stationary and mobile sources of
pollution, based on established European and national standards, namely: (a)
development and implementation of more modern protection measures within
industrial plants, energy facilities, primarily
14 Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23
October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of
water policy.
by setting a filter; (b) applying more environmentally friendly technology and air
purification systems in industry and energy in order to meet emission limit
values; (v) by reducing the emission of carbon monoxide as a product of
incomplete combustion of fossil fuels in the area of state roads; (g) closing and
rehabilitation of existing landfills;
- systematic monitoring of air quality: (a) by controlling air quality at several
measuring points in the area of the Spatial Plan, in accordance with the
European directive on the assessment and management of ambient air quality
(96/62/EC)15 and (b) within the national network of measuring station for
measuring regional and cross-border atmospheric transport of pollutants in the
air and aerosediments in accordance with international obligations and the Law
on Air Protection ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 36/09, 10/13 and 26/21 - other
law) and Regulation on monitoring conditions and air quality requirements
("Official Gazette of PC", no. 11/10, 75/10 and 63/13);
3) Soil protection measures:
- systematic monitoring of soil quality: monitoring of the concentration of heavy
metals and nitrogen in the soil (especially in the municipality of Majdanpek and
the contact zones of the exploitation of mineral raw materials);
- prevention of further soil contamination in the municipality of Majdanpek,
implementation of technical and biological recultivation of degraded areas in the
surface fields of exploitation of mineral raw materials outside the boundaries of
NP "Đerdap", local garbage dumps and landfills;
- preservation of the economic and ecosystem functions of the soil by carrying
out technical and biological works and protection measures on recorded erosion
- development of surface exploitation within the boundaries of the valorized
ecological zones and the existing boundaries of the approved exploration rights,
without opening new areas that could endanger the existing land fund;
- prevention of pollution with toxic substances used in agriculture: medicines,
dyes, pesticides, mineral fertilizers;
- limiting to the smallest possible extent the use and fragmentation of quality
agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes, primarily by protection against
permanent loss through the construction of facilities and infrastructure;
- taking measures to reduce the risk of soil pollution during the storage,
transportation and transfer of oil derivatives and dangerous chemicals within the
location of the pier on the Danube;
- preparation of preventive and operational protection measures, response and
soil rehabilitation procedures in case of accidental spillage of hazardous
substances into the environment;
4) Measures to prevent the risk of unexpected situations:
- implementation of a 24-hour water, air and soil quality monitoring system;
- limiting emissions from new sources of pollution;
- obtaining a mandatory integrated permit for changes in the way existing
buildings and facilities function;
5) Measures for environmental management of municipal and hazardous waste:
- phased settlement of municipal waste disposal - by relocating the landfill from
NP "Đerdap" and redirecting waste flows to future regional landfills for the
Braničevski and Zaječar administrative districts;
- definition of zones for locating recycling yards and green islands within NP
"Đerdap" and transfer stations outside NP "Đerdap" for primary selection of
waste according to regional waste management plans;
- determination of the mechanism of remediation of existing landfills and
methods of recultivation of land in order to bring it to new uses (according to the
existing planning and project documentation);
- defining the competence for the elimination of industrial and energy waste
outside the borders of NP "Đerdap" and depositing it at the planned regional
storage facility in the Nišava administrative district;
- implementation of safe evacuation of hazardous and medical waste from the
territory of NP "Đerdap", in accordance with regional strategies and waste
management plans;
15 Council Directive 96/62/EC of 27 September 1996 on ambient air quality
assessment and management, Official Journal L 296, 21/11/1996
6) Noise protection measure:
- determination of competence for the implementation of noise measurement
and noise protection within industrial plants, energy facilities, zones of
exploitation of mineral raw materials and quarries, wharves and shipyards, as
well as built environments;
7) Measures of protection against non-ionizing radiation:
- determination of jurisdiction and examination of non-ionizing radiation in the
vicinity of power facilities and, if necessary, implementation of periodic
examination and protective measures.


The modern concept of protection and management starts from the fact that in
all phases of planning it is necessary to define an acceptable level of risk of
disasters, and then to intervene with a system of preventive, organizational and
other measures and instruments in order to prevent their occurrence, that is, to
reduce the consequences of disasters to an acceptable level.
In the planning period, it is necessary to adopt protection and rescue plans in
emergency situations and revise the disaster risk assessments made according
to the old methodology. In order to be able to make a proper assessment of the
degree of vulnerability of the space, i.e. the limitations for its use, it is necessary
to form an information system of geospatial data on the vulnerability of the
space from disasters, which would provide relevant information for the needs of
spatial planning, and in particular: display of possible risk zones, probability of
occurrence, extent consequences and on that basis defined priorities for the
protection of space.
Improve the surveillance system with the aim of early detection of the initial fire
in the open space and quick response in extinguishing and preventing the spread
of fire to forest complexes.
Spatial plans of LGUs and urban plans will define the conditions for the
construction of buildings according to the required level of seismic resistance,
alternative traffic routes for the evacuation of the potentially endangered
population, the construction of a reliable system of informing and alerting the
population and visitors, the autonomy of the communication system and energy
supply in emergency situations by ensuring the use of alternative energy
sources, etc. It is extremely important to plan several complementary purposes
that can have a protective role in potential emergency situations: the
arrangement of recreational zones along watercourses, more public open spaces,
the development of traffic communications, etc. These measures are in
accordance with the recommendations on the introduction of soft measures for
the prevention of damage caused in emergency situations, in relation to classic
measures that include various construction protective objects and other technical
measures. Soft measures are essentially adaptation measures rather than
countermeasures to natural and other risks.
The key role in seismic risk management lies in adequate planning and spatial
planning. Spatial and urban plans, architectural and construction projects should
be directed in the direction of harmonizing with the seismological features of the
terrain and requirements, with the overall reduction of the level of seismic risk
and vulnerability of buildings, and thus damage from a possible earthquake. In
accordance with the principles of prevention, it is mandatory to apply valid
seismic regulations during the rehabilitation of existing and construction of new
It is necessary to map all potential landslides, establish and strictly adhere to
standards, criteria and regulations for the construction and maintenance of all
buildings in order to protect against landslides. Remediation of existing
landslides and prohibition of further construction of buildings in the area of
landslides in order to drain stormwater, construction of drainage channels,
construction of supporting walls and pillars. Rehabilitate and regularly maintain
potential landslide sites, especially in places where traffic infrastructure is
The arrangement of embankments, the installation of prefabricated barriers, as
well as the control of the level of the Danube through the HEPS "Đerdap" greatly
reduces the danger of water spills of the first order and the risk of flooding of
large rivers. The design and construction of facilities must be defined outside
flood areas in relation to first-order watercourses, the Danube River, and flood
defense plans must be permanently revised. Regularly maintain the existing
sewage networks and build storm sewers.
Effective early warning, engagement of icebreakers and prepared plans and
procedures for the protection of vessels and facilities on the water in the event
of ice jams are necessary activities to reduce the risk of ice jams.
The level of risk of flash floods is significantly reduced by improving the early
warning system about the expected danger of flash floods, controlling erosion
around structures in the river bed, removing surface sediments from bridges and
other structures, regularly revising flood defense plans, as well as informing and
training the population about behavior in case of floods.
It is necessary to improve the monitoring of the hydrometeorological information
system and the system of early announcement and warning of extreme weather
events. Regularly update the databases of the vulnerable population, and
especially take care of the most vulnerable population groups.
It is necessary to permanently improve the surveillance system with the aim of
early detection of the initial fire in the open area and quick response in
extinguishing and preventing the spread of fire to forest complexes. Constantly
maintain forest roads and fire protection averages and implement
microaccumulations and reservoirs for water intake, especially for extinguishing
fires in difficult-to-access terrains and regularly revise forest protection plans
against fire.
In order to reduce the risk of the consequences of a chemical accident, data on
Seveso plants, i.e. complexes and the possible effects of major accidents on
them, i.e. data from documents prepared by operators in accordance with the
Law on Environmental Protection (notification, accident prevention policy, safety
report) should represent the basis at the earliest stage of planning
documentation for determining construction sites, taking into account the risk of
a technical-technological accident or the worsening of its consequences.
It is crucial to consider which activities in the prevention of hazards could be
more effectively organized by coordinating all LGUs whose territories are
included in the Spatial Plan.


The use of space in the area of the Spatial Plan (area 1727 km²) has the
following structure:
- agricultural land about 391 km² (about 23%);
– forests and forest land around 1220 km² (70%);
- barren areas about 116 km² (7%), of which water bodies and wet areas about
75 km².
Changes in the balance of the basic use of the space are planned solutions
aimed at optimizing the use of land and natural conditions, with minimal
occupation of land for the needs of realization of tourist infrastructure and tourist
sites, construction of infrastructure, provision of long-term housing-communal
and economic needs of the local community. The planned construction in the
existing settlements in and outside the NP "Đerdap" will mostly be within the
existing boundaries of the construction area of the settlement, while the
construction of the road network will be carried out mainly on the routes of
existing local, forest and uncategorized roads. Observed according to the
protection zones of NP "Đerdap", no changes of use are foreseen in the zones
with the first degree protection regime. In the zones with the II degree
protection regime, no significant changes of purpose are foreseen, except on the
basis of valid urban plans, as well as the construction of infrastructure in the
function of promoting the value of NP "Đerdap" (arrangement of viewpoints and
access roads, tourist trails and other facilities). The most significant changes in
purpose will be in the zones with the III degree protection regime and outside
the National Park "Đerdap". A significant change in the use of agricultural, forest
and barren areas outside the "Đerdap" National Park may occur in the
development zone of mineral raw materials exploitation and as a consequence of
the development of infrastructure corridors.
Table 9. Balance of space use in the area of the Spatial Plan in km²

National Park Geopark "Đerdap" Outside the protected

"Đerdap" (outside NP "Đerdap") areas
Purpose of space Purpose of space Purpose of space
km² km² km²
P Sh V P Sh V P Sh V

157 12. 180 24. 39. 72. 0.
MUNICIPA 9.7 1.4 7.2 2,3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
.2 6 .9 4 0 9 0

EK 33. 232 27. 296 50. 249 305 16. 115 0. 147
2.9 0.1 4,4 15.4
MUNICIPA 2 .8 6 .5 9 .7 .1 6 .0 0 .0

22. 122 14. 159 89. 125 231 53. 46. 3. 107
LITY OF 1,1 9.3 7.3 3,4
2 .0 6 .9 5 .6 .7 7 8 7 .6

0.0 0.0 29. 52. 0.0 83. 61. 79. 0. 142
MUNICIPA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 2.1
0 0 7 2 0 3 2 2 0 .5

65. 512 54. 637 194 466 16. 693 131 241 3. 397
In total 5.4 15.4 20.9
1 .0 9 .3 .5 .5 6 .0 .5 .0 7 .1

P – agricultural, Š-forestry, V-water, O-other, U-total.


Arrangement and construction in the area of protected natural assets will be
treated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter III. section 1. "Protection of
natural values".
In the II degree protection regime, the construction, extension, reconstruction,
rehabilitation, adaptation and maintenance of residential and economic facilities
of existing rural households (registered agricultural farms), as well as facilities of
forest farms that do not negatively affect the basic natural and regional values of
the protected area, are allowed.
In spatial units with the protection regime of level III, the construction of
buildings is allowed on the existing construction area and construction land, on
the construction area planned by valid planning documents, that is, planning
documents for settlements and localities that will be developed on the basis of
this Spatial Plan. In the area outside the existing and planned construction area
of the settlement, in spatial units with the protection regime of the III degree,
the construction, reconstruction and extension of residential and economic
buildings in the function of primary agricultural production, existing rural
agricultural households (registered agricultural farms), as well as rural tourist
facilities are allowed. households for tourist accommodation.
Arrangement and construction in the area of the established NKD and its
protected environment, goods that enjoy prior protection and areas where
cultural values are recorded or indicated will be treated in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter III. section 2. "Protection of NKD".




In urban plans and urban projects for zones outside populated areas, the
development of which is provided for in the Spatial Plan, as well as on existing
construction land outside populated areas and on existing homesteads on
agricultural land of classes VI, VII and VIII, the rules of arrangement and
construction for residential and weekend zones will be determined by complying
with the following guidelines:
1. The minimum area of the construction plot is 10 a;
2. The maximum occupancy index is 10%, and the maximum built-up index is
3. The minimum percentage of green areas on the plot is 50%, of which at least
1/2 must be uncovered and in direct contact with the ground;
4. The construction line of the building is at least 5 m from the regulation line;
5. The smallest distance of the object from the side borders of the plot is 2.5 m;
6. It is allowed to build several buildings on the plot;
7. Adjust the volume and dimensions of the building to the environmental
conditions, taking care to preserve the character of the area where the building
is being built;
8. The materials used for finishing the facade must be natural and can be used:
wood, brick, stone and plastered facade painted white; the walls of the
basement floors, basement or sub-walls that are visible are treated with stone
cladding; the roof covering is tiles; the maximum permissible slope of the roof
planes is 35°;
9. Exceptionally, the use of modern materials on the facade (concrete, sheet
metal) and flat roofs is permitted on the objects of contemporary high-rise
author's architecture, with the mandatory development of an urban project and
verification of the conceptual solution by the competent commission for plans;
10. The maximum number of floors of the new and reconstructed building is the
ground floor (one above-ground floor), and the maximum height is 3.5 m (from
the level of the ground floor to the cornice), or 6.5 m (from the level of the
ground floor to the ridge);
11. The height of the ground floor is a maximum of 1.5 m above the ground
level (zero level) in the middle of the main facade of the building; it is allowed to
design a basement, and on terrain with a slope of more than 15%, a basement
or a low ground floor; basement is an underground floor, dug into the ground on
all sides, on average at least half of its floor height. Only auxiliary and technical
rooms and underground garages can be designed in the basement. A basement
is a floor whose major part is buried in the ground, on average up to half of its
floor height, and whose at least one facade is completely above ground level. A
low ground floor is a floor whose smaller part of the surface is dug into the
ground, on average up to half of its floor height, and whose at least one facade
is completely above ground level. The elevation of the basement and low ground
floor at the entrance can be no more than 0.2 m above the ground level;
12. Fencing the construction plot is not allowed except in the case of existing
agricultural households;
13. Access to the plot is provided by a direct exit to the public road or through
private passages or through an easement agreement, the minimum width of the
passage is 3.5 m;
14. Parking and garage parking of vehicles is provided on its own building plot
(as a rule, one parking space per residential/accommodation unit), outside the
surface of the public road.


In urban plans and urban projects for zones outside populated areas, the
creation of which is foreseen by this spatial plan - at the locations Zidinac, Dafin
and Golo brdo, as well as for rural tourist households on existing construction
land outside populated areas and on existing agricultural land VI, VII and Class
VIII, rules of arrangement and construction for individual tourist facilities and
tourist complexes (groups of tourist facilities), will be determined by observing
the following guidelines:
1. Facilities may also have catering and accommodation facilities (up to 50 beds
in individual facilities and up to 250 beds in complexes);
2. The minimum area of the building plot is 25 a;
3. The maximum occupancy index is 25%, and the maximum built-up index is
4. The minimum percentage of green areas on the plot is 40%, of which at least
1/2 must be uncovered and in direct contact with the ground;
5. The maximum allowed gross developed construction area of the facility is
1000 m² for facilities intended for the presentation, education and promotion of
natural values and multi-purpose facilities, i.e. 600 m² if the facility is part of a
complex and is intended only for tourist accommodation or hospitality;
6. The construction line of the building is at least 5 m from the regulation line;
7. The smallest distance of the object from the side borders of the plot is 5 m;
8. It is allowed to build more buildings on the plot;
9. Adjust the volume and dimensions of the building to the environmental
conditions, taking care to preserve the character of the area where the building
is being built;
10. Architecture of buildings - modeled on the traditional construction of the
area or contemporary author's architecture of high aesthetic scope;
11. The materials used for finishing the facade must be natural and can be used:
wood, brick, stone and plastered facade painted white; the walls of the
basement floors, basement or sub-walls that are visible are treated with stone
cladding; the roof covering is tiles; the maximum permitted slope of the roof
planes is 35°; the use of PVC joinery is prohibited;
12. Exceptionally, the use of modern materials on the facade (concrete, sheet
metal) and flat roofs is permitted on buildings of contemporary author's
architecture of high aesthetic scope, with the obligatory preparation of an urban
project and verification of the conceptual solution by the competent commission
for plans;
13. The maximum number of floors of the new and reconstructed building is P+1
(two above-ground floors), and the maximum height is 7.5 m (from the ground
floor level to the cornice), or 10.5 m (from the ground floor level to the ridge);
14. The height of the ground floor is a maximum of 1.5 m above the ground
level (zero level) in the middle of the main facade of the building; it is allowed to
design a basement, and on terrain with a slope of more than 15%, a basement
or a low ground floor; basement is an underground floor, dug into the ground on
all sides, on average at least half of its floor height. Only auxiliary and technical
rooms and underground garages can be designed in the basement. A basement
is a floor whose major part is buried in the ground, on average up to half of its
floor height, and whose at least one facade is completely above ground level. A
low ground floor is a floor whose smaller part of the surface is dug into the
ground, on average up to half of its floor height, and whose at least one facade
is completely above ground level. The elevation of the basement and low ground
floor at the entrance can be no more than 0.2 m above the ground level;
15. Fencing the construction plot is not allowed;
16. Construction plots must have immediate access to public traffic areas and a
fixed electricity supply, water supply and waste water disposal;
17. Parking and garage parking of vehicles is provided on its own construction
plot, outside the surface of the public road, according to the following norms:
1pm/1 accommodation unit of the accommodation facility, i.e. 1pm/4 chairs of
the hospitality facility, i.e. 1pm/50 m² of net area for other purposes;
Additional rules for the arrangement and construction of mountain lodge facilities
1. the minimum area of the construction plot is 15 a;
2. Access to the plot is provided by direct access to the public road or indirect
access, via arranged and marked paths;
3. Vehicle parking is provided on its own construction plot outside the surface of
the public road, for buildings with direct access to the public road, that is, in
organized parking lots in the area where the footpaths start, for buildings with
indirect access to the public road.




The detailed elaboration includes the youth sports camp "Karataš", which since
2014, based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, has
been managed by the Institute for Sports and Sports Medicine of the Republic of
Serbia. The position of the area of detailed elaboration in the area of the Spatial
Plan is shown on the reference maps of the Spatial Plan, at a scale of 1:100,000.
The sports camp "Karataš" is located on the territory of the settlement of Novi
Sip, within the boundaries of the National Park "Đerdap", in the regime of the III
degree of nature protection. On the north-eastern side, it is bounded by Sipski
street - section 03502 of the state road IB line number 35 state border with
Romania (border crossing Đerdap) - state border with Albania (border crossing
Vrbnica), between nodes 3502 of Dam "HE Đerdap 1" and 3503 Kladovo. On the
northwestern side, the Sports Camp "Karataš" borders the stream Ogaš Satuluj.
On the southwest side of the camp are agricultural areas, and immediately
outside the fence are a drainage channel and a dirt country road. On the
southeast side, the camp is bordered by a local road - an access road and an
abandoned chemical industry complex. The "Karataš" sports camp is on the
Eurovelo 6 cycle route (Atlantic - Black Sea).
The total area of the area of detailed development is 16.28 ha, in the area of KO
Sip, in the territory of the municipality of Kladovo and is shown on the maps of
the detailed development of the Spatial Plan. If there is a discrepancy in the list
of included cat. parc. with the situation shown on the maps, the situation shown
on the maps of detailed elaboration, on a scale of 1:1000, is valid.
The boundaries of the entire detailed elaboration are described by the breaking
points of the boundaries of the detailed elaboration, with an accuracy that
corresponds to the scale class of the cadastral-topographic base.
The breaking points of the border of detailed development (Map of detailed
development 1. "Boundary of detailed development and existing purpose") are:
1. 7622322.26; 4946972.11; 2. 7622327.97; 4946966.90; 3. 7622337.51;
4946957.39; 4. 7622345.10; 4946949.82; 5. 7622347.61; 4946947.13; 6.
7622388.39; 4946899.04; 7. 7622421.34; 4946859.38; 8. 7622423.77;
4946856.46; 9. 7622427.71; 4946851.71; 10. 7622437.60; 4946839.40; 11.
7622440.42; 4946835.89; 12. 7622448.46; 4946825.88; 13. 7622450.86;
4946822.88; 14. 7622462.07; 4946808.92; 15. 7622480.38; 4946786.52; 16.
7622480.98; 4946785.71; 17. 7622485.81; 4946779.20; 18. 7622486.17;
4946778.71; 19. 7622494.80; 4946767.65; 20. 7622508.35; 4946748.54; 21.
7622522,23; 4946728.18; 22. 7622522.79; 4946727.42; 23. 7622525.96;
4946723.15; 24. 7622526.32; 4946722.66; 25. 7622535.93; 4946706.91; 26.
7622548.09; 4946690.96; 27. 7622598.14; 4946623.20; 28. 7622600.38;
4946619.77; 29. 7622603.80; 4946614.52; 30. 7622643.43; 4946555.64; 31.
7622670.82; 4946514.32; 32. 7622624.34; 4946469.13; 33. 7622619.10;
4946464.28; 34. 7622616.42; 4946461.80; 35. 7622606.40; 4946452.54; 36.
7622596.70; 4946463.92; 37. 7622596.10; 4946463.72; 38. 7622572.90;
4946489.82; 39. 7622562.14; 4946500.01; 40. 7622560.85; 4946498.85; 41.
7622559.28; 4946497.43; 42. 7622538.82; 4946478.94; 43. 7622512.10;
4946454.99; 44. 7622510.61; 4946453.66; 45. 7622505.42; 4946449.01; 46.
7622490.72; 4946435.74; 47. 7622467.38; 4946414.67; 48. 7622463.06;
4946410.67; 49. 7622461.23; 4946408.97; 50. 7622456.34; 4946404.43; 51.
7622442.90; 4946392.22; 52. 7622410.24; 4946438.79; 53. 7622402.91;
4946448.20; 54. 7622373.62; 4946500.96; 55. 7622422.80; 4946540.53; 56.
7622421.66; 4946543.28; 57. 7622418.44; 4946545.01; 58. 7622376.66;
4946509.13; 59. 7622367.68; 4946527.12; 60. 7622357.29; 4946551.21; 61.
7622350.21; 4946566.42; 62. 7622345.44; 4946573.90; 63. 7622338.17;
4946583.34; 64. 7622310.58; 4946596.79; 65. 7622299.03; 4946601.84; 66.
7622284.84; 4946606.45; 67. 7622276.05; 4946608.76; 68. 7622265.81;
4946609.55; 69. 7622257.34; 4946608.31; 70. 7622250.12; 4946606.26; 71.
7622244.94; 4946606.42; 72. 7622240.30; 4946607.69; 73. 7622236.69;
4946609.63; 74. 7622231.30; 4946613.09; 75. 7622226.83; 4946617.23; 76.
7622195.53; 4946655.37; 77. 7622183.58; 4946669.62; 78. 7622164.99;
4946688.71; 79. 7622152.54; 4946699.63; 80. 7622163.94; 4946702.06; 81.
7622167.46; 4946704.65; 82. 7622133.33; 4946758.24; 83. 7622111.09;
4946796.26; 84. 7622101.68; 4946812.00; 85. 7622084.15; 4946839.90; 86.
7622052.84; 4946885.80; 87. 7622045.51; 4946888.47; 88. 7622054.25;
4946909.04; 89. 7622078.85; 4946919.58; 90. 7622109.19; 4946917.39; 91.
7622126.79; 4946919.02; 92. 7622153.90; 4946926.40; 93. 7622192.50;
4946919.72; 94. 7622278.10; 4946968.22; 95. 7622305.52; 4946968.88.
In the scope of detailed elaboration are cat. parc. on the territory of KO Sip,
namely no.: 1617, 1618, 1619, 1621, 1622/1 and 1622/2. All the land covered
by type is land in the construction area and is in the public property of the
Republic of Serbia.
On the floor parc. no. 1618, 1619 and 1622/2 KO Sip no buildings were built. On
the floor parc. number 1617 KO Sip, there is a football field; on the floor parc.
number 1622/1 KO Sip, there is a substation; on the floor parc. number 1621
KO Sip, a total of 52 accommodation, sports, administrative, technical and
auxiliary facilities were recorded in the real estate cadastre, of which six were
renovated, 22 were not in operation, and two were removed (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Sports camp "Karataš" - existing state of construction
The camp has a long tradition and has been a place for training athletes since its
foundation. Youth sports schools, sports camps and training of sports teams,
sports competitions, workers' sports games, creative workshops, art colonies,
various types of educational programs, schools in nature and excursions can be
organized there. It has all the necessary supporting infrastructure for more than
20 sports, open sports facilities (basketball, football, tennis, swimming pool) and
closed sports facilities (hall, gym, shooting range, bowling alley, ballet hall).
Sports camp "Karataš" also has accommodation facilities with a total capacity of
305 beds and a restaurant.
The area under the buildings is about 1.66 ha, of which about 0.48 ha under the
devastated buildings that are planned for removal. Sports fields cover about
1.36 ha, traffic areas occupy about 2.2 ha, and landscaped and undeveloped
green areas about 11.06 ha.


The area of detailed elaboration includes the unique whole of the "Karataš"
Sports Camp, which is divided into eight zones according to the planned main
uses, given in Table 10, illustratively shown in Figure 2 and shown in detail on
Detailed Elaboration Map 2. "Plan of purpose with elements of regulation and
leveling". Within the boundaries of the area of detailed elaboration is the ninth
zone - a smaller part of the floor. parc. number 1621 KO Sip, which is outside
the fence of the "Karataš" Sports Camp and is currently in the status of an
unorganized public green area through which a dirt country road passes.
Table 10. Division into characteristic zones, with the planned purpose of the

Label P zones
Zone name Predominant purpose of the zone
zones (ha)

I Zone of sports fields 6.53 sports fields

sports facilities, facilities for medical

II Zone of sports facilities 1.55

Zone of accommodation accommodation facilities (pavilions),

III 3.72
facilities sports facilities

Administrative building
IV 0.41 administrative facilities

Zone of catering
V 0.49 catering facilities

YOU Zone of technical facilities 0.17 technical and auxiliary facilities

VII Zone of green areas 1.80 green areas

VIII Traffic zone 1.34 fire protection road

Zone outside the camp
IX 0.27 green areas, traffic

IN TOTAL 16,28

I. Zone of sports fields - consists of two, spatially separated segments. In the

smaller, southeastern one (I.1), there is an existing soccer field. In the larger
segment, which is located along the southwest border of the camp (I.2), there
are existing courts for basketball, handball, beach volleyball, mini-football ("mini
pitch" field), surrounded by greenery, as well as a part of the trim track that
passes and through other zones.
The following new facilities are planned in this zone:
- two sports fields for basketball, volleyball, handball, indoor football; with a
base made of artificial grass or rubber; dimensions 10 m x 20 m; total area of
about 400 m²;
– two tennis courts; with a base of slag or tartan gum; dimensions 11 m x 24
m; total area of about 550 m²;
– multi-purpose sports ground; with a base made of artificial grass; dimensions
45 m x 25 m; total area of about 1,200 m²;
– a football field with an athletics track and a training ground for high and long
jump, shot put, hammer, discus and javelin; dimensions: 100 m x 105 m; total
area of about 12,000 m²;
- a path for cyclists and motorcycles is planned around the perimeter of the
entire sports camp, and a polygon with dimensions of 20 m x 40 m, with a total
area of about 1,200 m², is planned in the zone of sports fields, between the
zone of accommodation facilities III.2 (bungalows) and the zone of sports
facilities .
All sports fields are planned with the necessary accompanying equipment,
markings, lighting, fences and stands. Existing fields can be kept, if there are
spatial possibilities, or they can be removed and replaced with new sports fields
or green areas.
II. Zone of sports facilities - consists of two spatially separated segments. The
larger one (II.1) is located in the central-southeastern part of the sports camp
and contains the existing sports hall and indoor swimming pool, as well as the
abandoned accommodation facility "Opatija". The smaller segment (II.2) is
located in the northwestern part of the camp, near the national road, and there
are no buildings in it (there are only the foundations of previously removed
The following new facilities are planned in this zone:
- indoor Olympic swimming pool with accompanying facilities; with a capacity of
160 seats; dimensions: 50 m x 25 m; 2.2 m deep; area of about 2,500 m²;
– open Olympic swimming pool; dimensions: 50 m x 25 m; 3 m deep; area of
about 3,300 m²;
– medical block (outpatient clinic for medical examinations, motor and
psychological testing, rehabilitation and recovery services for athletes); area of
about 1,000 m²; floors P+2;
– a multifunctional sports hall for all martial arts (boxing, karate, wrestling,
taekwondo, judo, etc.), with a multi-purpose hall for basketball, volleyball,
handball and badminton, with the possibility of fitting the necessary fencing
tracks and space for a bowling center; with a capacity of 160 seats; area of
about 4,500 m²; height at least 12.5 m;
– garage (underground garage under the multifunctional hall); area of about
1,000 m²; floors P+1.
The existing facilities in the southeastern segment (sports hall and swimming
pool) can be kept and reconstructed, if there are spatial possibilities, or they can
be removed and replaced with new sports facilities or green areas.
Figure 2. Division into characteristic zones, with the planned purpose of the

III. Zone of accommodation facilities - consists of several segments, which are

divided into three groups according to the purpose and typology of the planned
facilities: III.1 (pavilions); III.2 (bungalows); III.3 (hotel). In zone III.1 there
are existing accommodation facilities (241 beds in total) "Pančić", "Pupin",
"Smederevo", "Ljubljana", "Novi Sad" and "Sarajevo", the existing administrative
building, gym ("Mokranjac") , a shooting gallery, a ballet hall, a bowling alley
and a temporary depot ("Mostar"). Zone III.1 also includes a part of internal
traffic areas and arranged and unarranged green areas. In the same zone, there
are six more abandoned and devastated buildings. In zone III.2 there are eight
bungalows (64 beds in total) surrounded by green areas. In zone III.3 there is
an abandoned and devastated building in an unorganized green area.
The following new facilities are planned in zone III.1:
- pavilion-type accommodation, with a total capacity of about 350 beds,
including existing facilities that are being retained, as well as existing facilities
that are planned for complete reconstruction ("Novi Sad" and "Sarajevo").
In this zone, the construction and arrangement of the following contents, which
may also be in the administrative building zone, are allowed:
– a movie theater with space for leisure and social activities (darts, table tennis,
etc.); area of about 500 m²; storeys at most P+1;
- amphitheater; dimensions: 25 m x 25 m; area of about 625 m²;
- children's playground with furniture; dimensions: 20 m x 15 m; area of about
300 m².
The following new facilities are planned in zone III.3:
- hotel-type accommodation, category 4*, with a capacity of about 200 beds in
double and triple rooms and apartments; total area of about 2,000 m²; storeys
at most P+2.
All existing facilities in operation in zone III can be retained and reconstructed as
IV. Administration building zone - is planned in the central-northeastern part of
the camp, in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the camp. In this zone
there is an abandoned and devastated reception and disco facility, as well as
parts of two abandoned and devastated accommodation facilities.
In this zone, it is planned to:
– a new administrative building with one larger conference hall (capacity 200
seats) and two smaller halls (capacity 20 and 50 seats) and accompanying trade
and hospitality facilities; area of about 1,000 m²; floors up to P+2+Ps.
In this zone, the construction and arrangement of the following contents is
allowed, which can also be in zone 1 of accommodation facilities:
– a movie theater with space for leisure and social activities (darts, table
tennis); area of about 500 m²; storeys at most P+1;
- amphitheater; dimensions: 25 m x 25 m; area of about 625 m²;
- children's playground with furniture; dimensions: 20 m x 15 m; area of about
300 m².
V. Zone of catering establishments - located next to the entrance to the camp
and consists of two segments separated by a road. In the northeastern segment
(V.1) there is a restaurant for camp users that is in operation, and in the
southwestern segment (V.2) there is an abandoned and devastated restaurant.
In this zone, the reconstruction of existing buildings is planned, which retain
their function and can be extended if necessary.
YOU. Zone of technical facilities - located in the central part of the camp. It has
a boiler room and a laundry room, which will be kept and reconstructed and
extended if necessary.
VII. Zone of green areas - located along the severe boundary of the camp, in the
zone where the state road starts. In this zone, in the part that is in the zone of
prohibited construction along the state road, there is one building that is planned
for removal and the remains of a previously removed building.
VIII. Traffic zone - consists of the planned main fire road that serves the entire
complex of the Sports Camp "Karataš" and a planned parking lot for passenger
vehicles and buses next to the entrance to the camp. Other internal traffic areas
- pedestrian and vehicle-pedestrian - are integrated with other areas of the
IX. The zone outside the fence of the camp - located in the extreme southern
part includes detailed elaborations, along the southwestern border of the area,
and outside the existing and planned fence and complex of the Sports Camp
"Karataš" and is a green area through which the village road passes.



2.3.1. Traffic surfaces

The area of detailed elaboration of the angle from the northeast Sipska street -
section 03502 of the state road IB row number 35 state border with Romania
(border crossing Đerdap) - state border with Albania (border crossing Vrbnica),
between nodes 3502 Brana HPP "Đerdap 1" and 3503 Kladovo, in a length of
about 563 m, from the orientation reference station 2+598 km to the orientation
reference station 3+161 km. The subject section of the state road has a floor.
parc. number 2121 KO Sip, which is completely outside the scope of detailed
elaboration and whose boundaries are not changed by this plan.
The southeastern border of the area of detailed development is the local road -
the access road to the abandoned chemical industry complex "Plastika" a.d. -
which has a floor. parc. number 1699 KO Sip, which is completely outside the
scope of detailed elaborations and whose boundaries are not changed by this
Traffic access to the Sports Camp "Karataš" is achieved through the connection
to the state road, at the approximate reference stop 2+827 km. This connection
is retained. Another traffic access to the camp is planned, in the southeast zone,
from the local access road.
Within the boundaries of the "Karataš" sports camp complex, there are internal
traffic areas and a small part of the rural road in the southern part of the area.
This plan creates the basis for parcelling and subparceling and the formation of a
separate parcel for the subject part of the rural road located on the floor. parc.
number 1621 KO Sip outside the camp complex. There are no plans to create
special plots for internal roads.
The existing internal vehicular and pedestrian roads are on average about 3.5 m
wide and do not allow continuous movement of the fire fighting vehicle. The
asphalt curtain has worn out. Extensions were formed in some places, designed
as access plateaus and parking spaces. Pedestrian roads are made of asphalt
and concrete with a width of about 2.4 m, also in poor condition.
It is planned to rehabilitate and rehabilitate the existing internal traffic areas and
introduce new ones in order to create proper traffic communication, additional
parking space for passenger vehicles and buses and enable continuous
movement and access of firefighting vehicles to all facilities.
The traffic solution shown on Detailed Development Map 2. "Purpose Plan with
Regulation and Leveling Elements" and Detailed Development Map 3.
"Synchronous Plan", implies the formation of two two-way traffic roads, with a
roadway width of at least 6 m:
– S1, which connects the existing main entrance to the complex and the central
part of the sports camp (Zone VI), from where the network of one-way traffic
branches, with a roadway width of at least 3.5 m;
– S2, which connects the road S1 and the planned entrance to the complex in
the southeast zone, from the local access road.
The creation of two larger and two smaller parking spaces is also planned:
- parking lot for passenger cars, at the entrance to the camp, near the
Administration Building Zone IV and Sports Facilities Zone II.2, with a capacity
of about 50 passenger cars;
- parking lot for buses, directly next to the mentioned parking lot for passenger
cars, with a capacity of about ten buses;
- a parking lot for passenger cars, which remains in the position in front of the
existing restaurant, opposite the planned administrative building, with a capacity
of about ten passenger cars;
- parking lot for passenger cars, next to Zone of accommodation facilities III.2
(bungalows), with a capacity of about ten passenger cars.
Parking for the needs of the planned facilities in the Accommodation Facilities
Zone III.3 is resolved within the subject zone. Norms for determining the
number of parking spaces in the area in question are established through the
development of an urban project, in accordance with the conceptual solution,
chosen architectural typology and hotel category.
The dimensions of the parking space for passenger cars must not be less than
2.5 m x 5 m, and the width of the passing road must not be less than 6 m (for
administrative parking). The dimensions of the parking space for buses should
be determined in accordance with the applicable regulations and rules of the
profession, and the recommended dimensions are 5 m x 14 m, with a width of
the passing road of 6.5 m (for an angle of 50°).
All the mentioned vehicular-pedestrian roads and parking areas make up Traffic
Zone VIII. The traffic solution concept set in this way is developed through
technical documentation, and can be changed by creating an urban project.
Pedestrian traffic routes are defined in further elaboration, through the
preparation of technical documentation, within other zones, in accordance with
situational solutions and the disposition of existing and planned facilities.
Vehicular and pedestrian roads are planned with an asphalt-concrete cover.
Some segments (extensions, access plateaus, etc.) can have a different curtain -
concrete or stone slabs, coolies, etc. - with the aim of articulating the space and
achieving a higher quality of ground floor arrangement. All parking areas are
planned from grassed raster elements. In all parking lots, leave the possibility
for planting row trees after every second or third parking space, depending on
the type of seedling and terrain conditions, with a distance from the access road
of at least 4 m. Pedestrian roads are planned with concrete slabs, or other
appropriate barriers (asphalt-concrete, stone, coolies, etc.), which is determined
through technical documentation.
As a rule, all elements of the transverse profile of traffic surfaces that are
functionally different from each other should be separated visually and levelingly
by appropriate elements. For the sake of safe traffic flow, especially at
intersections, provide appropriate horizontal and vertical signaling.
Dimensioning of pavement structures should be carried out in the stage of
technical documentation, based on geomechanical tests and expected traffic
load, according to the applicable regulations for this area. When dimensioning
pavement structures, special attention should be paid to the depth of frosting.
The road leveling solution should be adapted as much as possible to the field
conditions and existing facilities, while respecting the concept of regulating the
drainage of surface water, which is carried out longitudinally and transversely
towards green areas. Transverse guidance of surface waters is ensured by
transverse drops for the roadway of at least 2.5% in the direction, for parking
lots from 2.5% to 4% depending on the surface treatment and 2% for
sidewalks. The longitudinal direction of water is carried out with a longitudinal
slope that must not be less than 0.5%, nor greater than 12%. During the
leveling regulation of the entire area, all low places should be located and
appropriate culverts should be provided for them, and the inflow of surface
water should be ensured to them through open channels.

2.3.2. Infrastructure
For the purposes of building new facilities and increasing accommodation
capacities, it is necessary to provide additional infrastructure capacities, as well
as to reconstruct existing and build new infrastructure networks and associated
facilities in the function of infrastructure.
The existing and planned networks and infrastructure facilities are shown on
Detailed Map 3. "Synchronous Plan". The positions of infrastructure lines given in
the situation are illustrative and can be changed if necessary during the
preparation of technical documentation.
When crossing or running infrastructure lines in parallel with other infrastructure
networks and facilities, it is necessary to respect the requirements of the owners
of the installations and the provisions of applicable laws and regulations. Build
infrastructure networks and facilities in accordance with technical documentation
and valid regulations and standards.
The usual zone width for energy cables is 0.7 m, while the zone widths for other
installations depend on the capacity of those installations and the available
space. Within the available zone, the power cables are distributed by width and
depth. Laying the power cable parallel to the wall or foundation is done at a
distance of at least 0.3 m.
The minimum depth of digging into the ground for planned underground lines is:
- low voltage power cables 0.5 - 0.8 m;
- electronic communications 0.4 - 0.8 m;
- water pipe 1.4 - 1.8 m;
- sewerage 1.4 - 2.0 m.
The smallest horizontal distances between parallel lines are:
- electronic communications - low voltage power cable 0.5 m;
- electronic communications - water supply 0.5 m;
- low voltage power cable - water supply 0.5 m;
- water supply - sewerage 1 m. water pipe

The planning area is supplied with water from the water intake on the Kosovica
river, through two Ø150 mm supply pipelines, one of which is not in operation.
The constructed network in the complex is old, prone to cracking and insufficient
capacity and pressure in terms of fire protection. Hydrants are underground,
placed improperly close to buildings.
The planning solution maintains the same method of water supply as far as the
source is concerned, while the supply pipeline needs to be reconstructed. In the
complex, new, special networks for sanitary and fire-fighting water are planned,
located in the green belt of the planned roads. In order to ensure the necessary
pressure in the hydrant network, a reservoir with a pumping station is planned
in the western part of the complex, above the sports fields. The capacity and
exact position of the reservoir, pumping station and network will be defined by
technical documentation, based on the conditions for extinguishing one fire
lasting two hours, with a quantity of at least 10 l/s (Regulation on technical
norms for fire extinguishing hydrant network installations "Official Gazette of the
RS ”, number 3/18). The above-ground part of the building of the reservoir and
the pumping station should be architecturally integrated into the surrounding
environment. The supply pipeline to the reservoir is planned from the existing
distribution shaft.
Align the construction and reconstruction of the water supply network with the
construction of buildings and the reconstruction of the existing infrastructure. A
change in the position of the pipeline route in relation to the graphic
representation will not be considered a plan change in the case when, during the
preparation of the technical documentation, it is shown to be necessary due to
terrain or other technical conditions.
Two wells for technical water have been identified on the site, which are
currently not in operation. It is necessary to examine the possibility of their
rehabilitation in order to use the water for watering grass and park areas and
washing concrete and asphalt surfaces. For these needs, it is possible to create
new springs as well as a watering network after the necessary hydrogeological
tests and preparation of technical documentation.

Rules for building a water supply network

The type and class of pipe material for the water supply network that will be
installed should meet all the necessary conditions regarding the preservation of
the physical and chemical characteristics of water, the pressure in the pipeline
and its protection from external influences, both during the laying and assembly
itself, and during exploitation. The minimum thickness of the upper layer of soil
above the upper edge of the pipe must not be less than 1 m. Under normal
circumstances, the clear horizontal distance to foundations and similar
underground structures must not be less than 0.4 m. In the case of supply and
transit pipelines, the distance must not be less than 1 m.
In the case of lateral approach or parallel routing with other pipelines or cables,
the minimum horizontal distance of the axis of the pipeline must be such as to
exclude the transmission of force and amounts in relation to:
- the axis of the sewage route - 1 m;
- the axis of the atmospheric sewage route - 1 m;
- electronic communication lines and power cables - 0.5 m.
A horizontal distance of 0.2 m must be applied in narrow passages or small
trenches, unless even this minimum distance cannot be ensured due to local
conditions. If the distance must be smaller, in such narrow passages direct
contact must be prevented by applying appropriate measures, for example by
installing plates or coverings of insulating material in the intermediate space.
The distance for transit lines should be at least 1 m. For smaller distances,
special measures should be applied.
In order to avoid the creation of an electric arc in the event of a fault, in the
case of metal pipes with and without a plastic outer covering, at a distance from
the electric cable of less than 0.2 m, the electrical separation must be ensured
by the installation of appropriate structural parts of the electrical insulation and
thus prevent unauthorized induction of alternating voltage current.
In the case of plastic pipes, for distances from the electric cable of less than 0.2
m, satisfactory thermal protection should be provided.
The required measures must be coordinated with the company responsible for
that line.
Pipelines for drinking water should in principle be laid above the lines for waste
water. This applies both to free-mirror flowing channels and to pressurized sewer
lines. If in exceptional cases the drinking water pipeline lies at the same depth
or deeper than the sewer line, the horizontal distance should be at least 1 m.
Pipelines for drinking water in the zone of intersection with sewage lines at a
higher height must be laid in protective pipes.
The distribution network for non-potable water is an independent system.
Connecting drinking water distribution systems to systems with technical water,
other liquids or gas is inadmissible.
Pipes, closures and hydrants for non-potable water must be marked separately
both in the projects and in the field.
Install the pipeline according to the project with all fittings and fittings. After
installation, test the pipeline for test pressure. Before commissioning, flush and
disinfect the pipeline.
The number and arrangement of fire hydrants shall be determined on the basis
of the Law on Fire Protection ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 111/09, 20/15,
87/18, 87/18 - other laws) and the Rulebook on technical standards for fire
hydrant installations fire extinguishing networks.

Reservoir with pumping station

Tank chambers must be buried. The pumping station can be in the tank closure
or as a separate facility and should provide for at least two pumping units, a
working one and a reserve one. The above-ground part of the building should
architecturally fit into the surrounding environment. Calculate the volume of the
tank for the needs of extinguishing one fire lasting two hours, with a quantity of
at least 10 l/s. Free areas are planted with decorative greenery, which does not
have deep roots. The slopes of the embankment around the reservoir should be
grassed in order to maintain stability. To drain the overflow and discharge
waters from the reservoir, plan a sewer system that will take these waters to the
nearest atmospheric collector (road ditch) or watercourse. Sewerage
At the location in question, there is a constructed sewage network for used
water, which flows into the city's public network via three branches laid under
Sipska street - section 03502 of the state road IB row number 35. A large part
of the existing network is not in operation due to pipes bursting due to age or
due to destruction by the root system of nearby trees. Based on a tour of the
field and discussions with the persons responsible for maintaining the network,
the main drains that need to be reconstructed immediately were identified and
shown on the graphic attachment. The rest of the network is retained with the
obligation to check the capacity and function during the construction and
reconstruction of the superstructure facilities. If it is necessary to reconstruct the
secondary network as well, by building a new network in accordance with the
needs and abolishing the existing one. Technical documentation will define the
position of the new network within the complex, and it is not necessary to follow
the position of the existing one. Networks should be provided in traffic or green
Drainage of stormwater will be solved in such a way as to ensure maximum
retention of water in the basin, infiltration and reuse of rainwater, which implies:
- discharge of storm water from roof surfaces into greenery;
- paving free surfaces with permeable slabs;
- cutting down curbs wherever there is a possibility towards green areas;
- solving drainage by line-surface drainage on traffic roads in the sense of
making canals for line drainage.
From all parking lots and manipulative surfaces where it is possible to
contaminate watersheds, before discharge into the drainage channel or green
areas, they must be adequately treated in settling tanks and separators to
remove oil derivatives and other light and floating impurities.

Rules for the construction of the sewage network

The choice of construction material from which the sewer pipes are made, the
fall of the pipeline and other technical characteristics, is left to the designer
based on the hydraulic calculation and the conditions on the ground.
To control the operation of the sewage system and the possibility of timely
intervention: at the point of the vertical break of the pipeline, at the point of
change in the horizontal direction of the pipeline and at the point of the inflow of
the side branch, provide for audit descents.
Works related to excavation of the trench, opening of the walls of the trench,
laying and interconnection of pipes, backfilling of pipelines and trenches with
sand and excavated material, examination of pipelines and commissioning, shall
be carried out on the basis of valid technical regulations and conditions for this
type of works and installations.
When running parallel pipelines or crossing them with existing facilities of the
infrastructure network, mutual horizontal and vertical distances should be
In the case of parallel sewerage, the minimum horizontal distance of the sewer
axis is in relation to:
- axis of the water supply route - 1 m;
- the axis of the atmospheric sewage route - 1 m;
In the case of vertical crossing of sewers, the minimum vertical distance from
the upper edge of the pipe is in relation to:
- EK and energy cables - 0.5 m;
- water pipe - 0.5 m.
The permitted angle of intersection of the EC route and power cables in relation
to the sewerage route is a maximum of 90°, and a minimum of 45°. Electric power infrastructure

Within the boundaries of the area of detailed elaboration, there are built power
facilities under the jurisdiction of AD "Elektromreza Srbije", namely the 110 kV
overhead power line no. 1207 TS Sip - border/TS Gura Vai, which cuts through
the range in the central part in the southwest-northeast direction. The protective
belt of the transmission line is 25 m on both sides of the transmission line with a
voltage level of 110 kV from the end phase conductor. Also, within the
boundaries of the detailed development area, there are facilities under the
jurisdiction of Elektrodistribucija Srbije d.o.o., substations, underground and
overhead 10 kV and 1 kV lines.
In order to ensure the electricity supply of the planned facilities, it is necessary
to provide additional infrastructure capacities, as well as to reconstruct existing
and build new infrastructure networks and related facilities in the function of
infrastructure. The construction of new power facilities with the required voltage
level is planned. The number of required substations and the installed power in
them will be regulated by the appropriate technical conditions based on the type,
category and location of consumers as well as the required power for them.
Plan the power supply of new transformer stations from the nearest 10 kV lines
or from the existing 10/0.4 kV transformer stations with a new 10 kV line. The
locations of transformer stations should be determined in places as close as
possible to the center of electricity consumption. Newly planned substations can
be free-standing buildings or within the building of other purposes. For the free-
standing object of the 10/0.4 kV substation, provide an area with approximate
dimensions of 5.5 mx 6.5 m. Provide vehicular access to the 10/0.4 kV
substation (free-standing and in the building) by building an access road at least
3 m wide to the nearest public road.
Install public lighting with adequate light technical characteristics in all planned
roads. The supply of public lighting for the entire scope of the Plan will be done
with underground cables with the distance between the poles and the type of
lamps that will be determined by the preparation of technical documentation in
accordance with valid regulations and technical recommendations.

Rules for the construction of the electric power network

The protective belt of the transmission line is 25 m on both sides of the
transmission line with a voltage level of 110 kV from the end phase conductor.
Any construction under or near transmission lines is conditional on:
– the Law on Energy;
– Law on Planning and Construction;
- Rulebook on technical norms for the construction of overhead power lines with
a nominal voltage of 1 kV to 400 kV ("Official Gazette of the SFRY", No. 65/88
and "Official Gazette of the FRY", No. 18/92);
- Rulebook on technical standards for power plants with a rated voltage above
1000 V ("Official Gazette of the SFRY", number 4/74);
- Rulebook on technical standards for grounding power plants with a nominal
voltage above 1000 V ("Official Gazette of the FRY", number 61/95);
- The Law on Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation ("Official Gazette of the
RS", No. 36/09 and 93/21), the Rulebook on Limits of Non-Ionizing Radiation
("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 104/09) and the Rulebook on Sources of Non-
Ionizing Radiation from a Special interests, types of sources, method and period
of their examination ("Official Gazette of RS", number 104/09);
- SRPS N.C0.105 Technical conditions for the protection of underground metal
pipelines from the influence of power plants ("Official Gazette of the SFRY",
number 68/86);
- SRPS N.C0.101 - Protection of telecommunications facilities from the influence
of electrical power plants - protection from hazards ("Official Gazette of the
SFRY", number 68/86);
- SRPS N.C0.102 - Protection of telecommunications facilities from the influence
of electrical power plants - protection from interference ("Official Gazette of the
SFRY", number 68/86);
- SRPS N.C0.104 - Protection of telecommunications facilities from the influence
of power plants - introduction of telecommunications lines into power plants
("Official Gazette of SFRY", number 49/83).
In the transmission line corridor, it is not allowed to build high-rise buildings, nor
to build plants higher than 3 m. In the part of the line where there are already
high-rise buildings and at road crossings, the prescribed horizontal and vertical
distances must be met, and the line itself must have enhanced mechanical and
electrical safety.
The construction of buildings (which are not intended for the permanent
residence of people) and other infrastructure in the corridor of the protection
and construction belt of transmission lines is, as a rule, possible, but it is the
obligation of the investor to obtain conditions, consent and, if necessary, during
the planning, design and construction phase of the building or infrastructure
provide supervision by the power company responsible for the
construction/management of the transmission line.
Lay the newly planned power cables (35 kV and 10 kV) along the planned routes
and along the routes of the existing power lines according to technical
regulations, where the number of cables per route is not limited, with the trench
width not exceeding 0.8 m. The 10 kV network should be operated as a cable
network, both when laying new outlets and when reconstructing existing 10 kV
outlets. Power cables should be laid in sidewalk areas. When crossing cables
over roads, lay them in cable ducts or plastic pipes. Place cable trays or plastic
pipes with at least six holes in the places where the cables cross, for the
successive laying of the cables.
Install public lighting in all planned roads, with light technical characteristics
depending on the needs of the users. Electronic communications

In the area of detailed elaboration, there is a built infrastructure of electronic
communications, existing underground optical and copper electronic
communication lines. New optical and copper cables are planned to be laid in
corridors along internal traffic roads, from which leads to facilities planned for
connection to the electronic communications network. The method of connection
and work on the installation of electronic communication connections must be
carried out according to the conditions issued by the competent operator of the
electronic communication infrastructure.
As a rule, electronic communication cables are laid underground in trenches with
dimensions according to technical regulations and construction conditions, but it
is also possible to lay them in mini-trenches that are only within the framework
of landscaped pavement surfaces, landscaped footpaths and road crossings if the
technical conditions of other infrastructure and traffic systems allow it. .
For laying electronic communication cables in the trench, lay polyethylene pipes
of the appropriate diameter, which will serve as protection and reserve for later
laying of the electronic communication cable.
Rules for building an electronic communication network
As a rule, telecommunication cables are laid underground in trenches with
dimensions according to technical regulations and construction conditions, but it
is also possible to lay them in mini-trenches that are only within the framework
of landscaped pavement surfaces, landscaped footpaths and road crossings if the
technical conditions of other infrastructure and traffic systems allow it.
For laying the telecommunication cables in the trench, lay polyethylene pipes of
the appropriate diameter, which will serve as protection and reserve for the later
laying of the telecommunication cable. Heating
In the scope of the detailed elaboration, there is a built building of the boiler
house with the associated thermotechnical equipment. In the boiler room there
is an electric boiler with an approximate capacity of 220 kW and three heating oil
boilers. The equipment in the boiler room is in poor condition and is not
Within the complex, there is a constructed hot water network from the boiler
room to heat energy consumers - objects of various purposes within the camp.
The heating pipe is made of hot water pipes laid in concrete channels. The pipes
are in bad condition and cannot be used to transport hot water for heating
buildings. The concrete channels containing the pipes and the associated
manholes are in good condition.
Given that there is no technical documentation and no geodetic survey of the hot
water route, the routes were tentatively recognized and drawn by a tour of the
field in the presence of competent persons for the maintenance and
management of the complex. The exact routes of the canals and heat pipes will
be determined in the field during the preparation of the technical documentation.
As a comprehensive solution for the entire complex, the reconstruction of the
boiler room with associated thermotechnical equipment is planned. It is
necessary to foresee the installation of new boilers, primarily on pellets or wood
chips, which would have a positive effect on air quality. The hot water pipes in
the complex need to be replaced with new, pre-insulated pipes that will be laid
in the existing concrete channels to the users. Exact routes of heating pipes,
types and capacities of boilers and equipment will be precisely determined by
technical documentation.
Since the boiler house is not in operation, it is necessary to ensure the heating
of all existing and planned facilities within the scope of the Youth Sports Camp
"Karataš" until the realization of centralized heat energy supply. It is necessary
to provide heating and, if necessary, cooling of the hotel, the new administrative
building, the multifunctional hall and the medical block. Considering that the
boiler room and the water distribution system for heating are not in operation,
cooling and heating of the planned facilities as well as energy for technological
needs will be provided by heat pumps, air conditioning systems, fan convectors,
radiator heating or other suitable thermotechnical system that will be precisely
defined. technical documentation. These systems can be applied to all existing
buildings, regardless of whether they remain in their current state or are being
The total required amount of energy will be provided by connecting to the
existing infrastructure networks and systems located within or in the immediate
vicinity of the scope, in accordance with the planned solutions. All work on
thermotechnical installations must be performed in accordance with technical
documentation and valid regulations.
Certain elements of thermotechnical installations (outdoor units, fans, boilers,
etc.) can, if necessary, be located outside the dimensions of the planned building
(mounting on the facade, roof, on the ground directly next to the building, etc.).

Rules for building a heating network

The heat pipe is made of black, steel seamless pre-insulated pipes with sensors
for moisture detection. Where possible, the heat pipe should be placed in the
existing concrete channel, from which the existing heat pipe is removed, in
accordance with technical regulations. Insulation of pipes in channels or shafts
that are not part of pre-insulated pipes and fittings (only in the case of
reconstruction when it is not possible to replace with pre-insulated pipes) is done
with glass wool or other material with guaranteed physical and chemical
properties, which do not change under the influence of temperature and
humidity. and in accordance with the requirements and valid technical
When crossing or running in parallel with other infrastructure installations,
respect the requirements of the owners of the installations.
- The distance of the heating pipe from the power cable must not be less than
0.7 m (35 kV), or 0.6 m for other cables, measured from the outer edge of the
channel. In cases where the minimum distances cannot be achieved, additional
measures are applied so that the influence of the heating pipe on the cable does
not exceed 20° S. When crossing, the heat pipe is led under the energy cable;
– The minimum permitted distance of the heating pipes from the underground
TT cables is 0.8 m;
- The distance of the heating pipe from the water supply and sewage system
must be at least 1 m, measured from the edge of the pipe to the edge of the
water supply. When crossing, the minimum distance is 0.2 m.
Heat pipe compensation is done with compensating pipes, self-compensation or
in exceptional cases with axial compensators.


2.4.1. Conditions for the formation of a building plot

The position of the plot is determined by the regulation line in relation to the
areas of other public and other uses. With this plan, building plot GP1 of the
Sports Camp "Karataš" is formed, which includes zones I-VIII, as well as a
separate floor. parc. KP1 for Zone IX outside the camp fence, in the manner
shown in Table 11 and on Detailed Development Map 2. "Plan of use with
elements of regulation and leveling".
The planned building plot of the sports camp has access to the public traffic
Table 11. Description of planned plots

Label Purpose Existing floor. parc. (all KO Sip) in Area

plots plots the scope of the planned plot (²)

all: 1617, 1618, 1619, 1622/1 and

GP 1 Sports camp "Karatas" 1622/2 16 01 18
part: 1621

Public road with

KP 1 part: 1621 00 27 00
protective greenery

Further subdivision and re-parceling of the planned GP1 is not allowed. Further
subdivision and reparcellation of the planned KP1 is permitted, based on special
urban planning and technical documentation.

2.4.2. Location of buildings on the plot

The location of the buildings on the plot of the sports camp "Karataš" is defined
by construction lines, which form zones of permitted construction. The
construction line represents the line on which or behind which the basic above-
ground dimension of the building is placed. Construction lines and zones of
permitted construction are defined on the Map of detailed elaboration 2. "Plan of
use with elements of regulation and leveling".
This plan also determines the protective belt of the state road, in which the
construction of buildings is prohibited in accordance with the Law on Roads
("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 41/18, 95/18 - other laws), as well as the belt
of controlled construction, in which construction is permitted in accordance with
this plan. The existing restaurant facility in the Hospitality Facilities Zone V.2
enters the prohibited construction zone with a smaller part. The existing
condition is maintained until the possible construction of a new building, and in
case of reconstruction and extension of the restaurant building, the part that
enters the zone of prohibited construction remains in the existing condition and
can only be renovated, adapted and maintained. Exceptionally, the
reconstruction of the facade is allowed, without changing the volume of that part
of the building.
The urban project can determine different boundaries of permitted construction
zones, that is, different positions of construction lines, with the condition that
the minimum distance from neighboring plots is 10 m, and from the plot of the
state road 20 m.
The buildings are planned as free-standing. It is allowed to connect objects with
canopies or warm connections.
The distance between the buildings is at least 4 m, but not less than 1/2 the
height of the taller building. It is not allowed to design the openings of the main
rooms for the stay and work of people towards neighboring buildings that are at
a distance of less than 8 m. The openings of auxiliary rooms can be at a shorter
distance, but not less than 2 m. In that case, they must have a parapet with a
height of at least 180 m and must have non-transparent filling.
2.4.3. Occupancy index
Plot occupation index (Iz) is the ratio of the dimensions of the horizontal
projection of the built or planned object to the total area of the building plot,
expressed in percentages. Skylights, canopies that do not form a building or
eaves are not counted. In accordance with the Rulebook on Energy Efficiency of
Buildings ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 61/11), the area under greenhouses
and double facades is not included in the calculation of the plot occupancy index.
The calculation of the occupancy index does not include elements of ground floor
and landscape architecture, outdoor swimming pools, etc. In the case when the
canopy forms an object, the space under the canopy is counted as an occupied
area, in accordance with the valid SRPS and ISO standard, except for garden
gazebos with an area of less than 10 m² at the base.
The occupancy index in the Sports Camp "Karataš" is calculated by zone, with
the fact that for the entire sports camp "Karataš" Iz must not exceed 25%.
The highest allowed occupancy index, by zone, is:

- I Zone of sports fields 5%;

– II Zone of sports facilities 90%;

– III Zone of accommodation facilities 40%;

– IV Zone of the administrative building 40%;

– V Zone of catering establishments 80%;

– VI Zone of technical facilities 70%.

2.4.4. The number of floors of buildings

The number of floors of the building is the number of above-ground floors of the
building, excluding the ground floor. The number of floors of a building whose
individual parts have a different number of above-ground floors is the number of
above-ground floors of the highest part of the building.
The maximum allowed number of floors of buildings, by zone, is:

- I Zone of sports fields Q;

– II Zone of sports facilities P+1; exceptional P+2 (medical block);

– III Zone of accommodation Q; exceptionally P+1 (movie theater) and

facilities P+2 (hotel);

– IV Zone of the administrative


– V Zone of catering

– VI Zone of technical facilities P.

The ground floor is the first above-ground floor of the building. The height of the
ground floor can be a maximum of 1.5 m above ground level, and it must not be
lower than ground level. The zero level is the level of the ground next to the
building, in the middle of the facade facing the street, i.e. the access area. On
steep terrain, with a downward slope from the street, the zero elevation is equal
to the elevation of the street level, that is, the access surface, in the direction of
the middle of the corresponding facade of the building. If the building is located
on steep terrain, the ground floor can be dug into the ground with a smaller part
of its surface, up to half of its floor height at most.
A floor is any above-ground floor of a building above the ground floor. A
recessed floor is the last floor of a building with a flat roof or a shallow sloping
roof with a slope of up to 15°, the facade of which is set back from the building
line, that is, the street facade of the building, by at least 2 m. The elevation of
the cornice of the detached floor can be a maximum of 3 m higher than the
elevation of the cornice of the street facade.
It is allowed to design a basement, as well as a basement (in accordance with
the morphology of the terrain). A basement is an underground floor, dug into
the ground at least up to half of its floor height. Only auxiliary and technical
rooms and underground garages can be designed in the basement. A basement
is a floor whose major part is buried in the ground, on average up to half of its
floor height, and whose at least one facade is completely above ground level.
The dimensions of the above-ground part of the basement must not be greater
than the dimensions of the ground floor. Only auxiliary and technical rooms and
underground garages can be designed in the basement.
The attic is an unused space between the top floor of the building and the
pitched roof structure. The attic cannot have a roof and can only be used as a
storage space or technical rooms. The attic is the last floor of the building with a
sloping roof, which is located directly below the construction of the sloping roof
and is used in accordance with the planned purpose and function of the building.
In the area of detailed elaboration, the design of buildings with attics is not

2.4.5. Conditions for the construction of other buildings on the same

building plot
On the planned construction plot of the "Karataš" sports camp, the construction
of several buildings is allowed, in accordance with other construction rules, i.e.,
with respect to the occupancy index, building lines, storeys and height of the
building, the distance from neighboring plots and buildings and the minimum
percentage of green and free areas .

2.4.6. Conditions for renovation and reconstruction of buildings

Renovation and reconstruction of existing buildings is permitted, with respect to
the occupancy index, construction lines, number of floors and height of the
building, distance from neighboring plots and buildings, and the minimum
percentage of green and free areas.
The existing restaurant facility in the Hospitality Facilities Zone V.2 enters the
prohibited construction zone with a smaller part. The existing condition is
maintained until the possible construction of a new building, and in case of
reconstruction and extension of the restaurant building, the part that enters the
zone of prohibited construction remains in the existing condition and can only be
renovated, adapted and maintained. Exceptionally, the reconstruction of the
facade is allowed, without changing the volume of that part of the building.
During the reconstruction, the goal of which is to achieve the energy efficiency
of existing buildings, it is allowed to carry out the external thermal insulation of
the walls if it is done in accordance with the law, while taking care to preserve
the functional and design integrity of the building.
If the wall being repaired is located on the construction line, it is allowed that
the thickness of the subsequent thermal insulation with all the finishing layers
exceeds the construction line (if there are technical possibilities for this and the
provisions of other regulations are not violated).
The subsequent formation of a greenhouse is allowed (if there are technical
possibilities for this and the provisions of the applicable laws are not violated) if
the study proves the improvement of the energy efficiency of the building.
Partial reconstruction of building facades (changing the cladding or color of only
one part of the facade) is not allowed.

2.4.7. Conditions for fencing

Fencing of the "Karataš" Sports Camp is permitted, as well as certain functional
units within the sports camp (technical/infrastructural facilities, sports fields,
The fence can be transparent (made of wire mesh) or "live", with a maximum
height of 1.4 m, exceptionally 2 m and can have a masonry or concrete plinth up
to 0.5 m high. Technical facilities and facilities of the infrastructure are also
fenced as a rule with a transparent or "live" fence, maximum height 1.4 m,
exceptionally 2 m, unless otherwise determined by special technical regulations.
Fields for ball sports can have a protective transparent fence up to a height of 3
m, made of wire mesh with meshes of the size matched to the size of the ball
used in the sport in question.

2.4.8. Provision of access to the plot and space for parking vehicles
This plan maintains the existing access to the plot of Sports Camp "Karataš",
from the state road to the existing road (S1) and plans another one, in the
southeast zone, from the local access road to the planned road (S2). A new
approach is planned for the needs of independent access to Zone III.3
accommodation facilities (hotel).
It is planned to create two larger and two smaller parking spaces:
- Parking for passenger cars, at the entrance to the camp, near the
Administration Building Zone IV and Sports Facilities Zone II.2, with a capacity
of about 50 passenger cars;
- Parking lot for buses, directly next to the mentioned parking lot for passenger
cars, with a capacity of about ten buses;
- Parking for passenger cars, which remains in the position in front of the
existing restaurant, opposite the planned administrative building, with a capacity
of about ten passenger cars;
- Parking for passenger cars, next to Zone III.2 accommodation facilities
(bungalows), with a capacity of about ten passenger cars.
Parking for the needs of the planned facilities in the Accommodation Facilities
Zone III.3 is resolved within the subject zone. Norms for determining the
number of parking spaces in the area in question are established through the
development of an urban project, in accordance with the conceptual solution,
chosen architectural typology and hotel category.

2.4.9. Conditions for landscape architecture and ground floor

The recreational space within the complex of the Sports Camp "Karataš" is
arranged with the aim of enabling the quality of recreational content and
activities aligned with the protection and improvement of the environment.
Green areas within the complex must have a recreational, protective,
meliorating, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and social function.
Green areas within the complex include green areas in Zone VI, along the border
that begins with Sipska Street (state road). Also, green areas are represented in
other zones and areas of other purposes - administrative buildings,
accommodation, catering and sports facilities and sports fields.
The basic concept of arrangement and greening of the complex envisages the
preservation, improvement and arrangement of existing green areas, as well as
green areas within areas of other uses.
In order to arrange the green areas and the greening of the area in question, it
is necessary to observe the following general conditions:
- implement the spatial dispositions of all types of green areas defined by this
spatial plan;
- preserve the quality vegetation found on the ground and integrate it into the
new landscaping;
- for greening, use deciduous, evergreen and conifer woody and shrub species,
flower species (perennials, perennials, roses), lawns, ground covers, creepers,
etc., use autochthonous types of vegetation that belong to natural potential
vegetation, adaptable to local environmental conditions; avoid invasive and
allergenic species;
- row trees should be trained deciduous saplings, minimum height 3.5 m, tree
clear of branches up to a height of 2.5 m and chest diameter of at least 15 cm.
The selection of planting material should be made in relation to the natural
potential vegetation and fit it into the ambience and character of the landscape,
while respecting the purpose of the space. With the leveling-regulating solution
of the terrain and the system of transverse and longitudinal falls on the paths
and plateaus, with the help of gutters and downspouts, the stormwater will be
taken to the rain sewers or to free green areas.
The green areas in Zone VI are arranged in the form of a protective green belt,
which serves to protect against noise, dust and a minimum width of 20 m along
the northeastern border of the camp towards the state road. Plant material
(woody species, shrubs, lawns, ground covers) is primarily used to form a
protective green belt. The protective green belt should be made of species that
have a greater ability to absorb harmful pollutants, reduce noise and do not
endanger the necessary visibility for drivers and enable safe traffic. During the
formation of the protective belt, it is necessary to preserve high-quality woody
vegetation and integrate it into the form of the planned protective green belt.
The formation of scenically interesting environments in the part that is at least
20 m away from the road and the construction of pedestrian and/or bicycle
paths for spontaneous recreation are allowed. The construction of above-ground
and/or underground facilities is not allowed, except for infrastructure facilities of
general interest determined by law.
During the reconstruction and arrangement of green areas in other zones, create
a valorization manual, preserve high-quality woody vegetation as much as
possible and rejuvenate it. It is necessary to provide a minimum of 40% of
green areas on the plot, in direct contact with the ground - without underground
facilities. Provide standard infrastructure and irrigation system as well as
garden-architectural elements (paths, furniture, etc.).
The green areas of the accommodation facility zone III.3 (hotel) should be
formed from representative planting material in order to meet the Estonian
norms. With landscaping, plan decorative landscape-architectural elements such
as fountains, sculptures, etc.
It is mandatory to provide green parking lots with a porous surface. In the
parking areas, a screen of recycled polyethylene or concrete raster elements
with grassed joints is planned and the planting of specially nurtured tree-row
seedlings of lower deciduous trees with a canopy diameter of 5-7 m is planned,
to shade the parking space. Plant rows of trees in parking lots so that each tree
creates shade on at least two parking spaces. The openings for seedlings of tree
rows are 0.75–1 m wide, in line with the elevation of the substrate, framed by
suitable curbs, covered with lattice protectors made of cast iron or a curtain
made of large paddy. For greening can be used: Acer campestre, Acer
platanoides "Globosa", Carpinu betulus "Fastigiata", Tilia cordata and others.

2.4.10. Minimum degree of infrastructure equipment

The minimum level of infrastructure equipment includes access to the public
traffic area and the possibility of connection, electricity, water supply and
sewage infrastructure and appropriate conditions for waste evacuation.

2.4.11. Rules of architectural design

Architectural design of buildings should be contemporary, in the spirit of modern
architecture or regional spirit, but without copying elements of traditional
architecture. The architecture of buildings should strive for high aesthetic
standards. The application of architecture of historical styles is not allowed.
Special attention should be paid to the selection of materials for the final
treatment of facade surfaces, taking into account their quality, durability, color
and texture, careful and unobtrusive choice of colors on the facade. The
materialization of all buildings on the plot must be coordinated with each other,
and the architectural forms, materials and colors used must be aimed at
establishing an aesthetically unique visual entity within the building plot and
complex. The use of pseudo-style elements on facades, including building
joinery, is prohibited. It is recommended to design "green roofs" and vertical
greening, whenever there are conditions for it.
Arbitrary placement of outdoor air conditioning units on facades is not allowed,
without a suitably shaped "mask". In building projects, determine the positions
of outdoor air conditioning units.
Mansard and arched roofs are not allowed. The maximum permitted slope of a
pitched roof is 30°. No roof badges are allowed.

2.4.12. Energy efficiency measures

When designing buildings, it is necessary to pay attention to the orientation and
functional concept of the building in order to use the natural resources of the
location in question, primarily the energy of the sun, wind and surrounding
When designing, foresee the shape of the building, which can ensure the most
energy-efficient ratio of the surface and volume of the building envelope in
relation to climatic factors and the purpose of the building. It is necessary to
ensure the maximum use of natural lighting, as well as the use of passive heat
energy gains in the winter, i.e. protection from overheating in the summer by
adequate shading.
Depending on the purpose of the building, predict the appropriate thermal mass
to achieve thermal comfort in winter and summer - increase the thermal inertia
of the building. It is necessary to apply high quality (in accordance with existing
standards and regulations) thermal insulation of the entire thermal envelope.
The structure and envelope of the building should be planned in such a way as to
enable the maximum use of passive and active solar systems.
Technical premises (reservoir and pumping plant) used in the case of using
rainfall, as well as underground and waste water for watering purposes, outdoor
use or for heating and cooling of buildings, if they are buried, are not included in
the occupancy index of the plot.
All planned buildings, depending on their purpose, must meet the regulations
related to the energy efficiency of buildings - the Rulebook on the energy
efficiency of buildings and the Rulebook on the conditions, content and method
of issuing certificates on the energy properties of buildings ("Official Gazette of
the RS", no. 69/12 , 44/18 – other laws and 111/22).
During the reconstruction, the goal of which is to achieve the energy efficiency
of existing buildings, it is allowed to carry out the external thermal insulation of
the walls if it is done in accordance with the law, while taking care to preserve
the functional and design integrity of the building.
If the wall to be repaired is located on the regulation line, it is allowed that the
thickness of the subsequent thermal insulation with all finishing layers be inside
the public space (if there are technical possibilities for this and the provisions of
other regulations are not violated), and when the wall to be repaired is on the
border with the neighboring plot, it is allowed to install subsequent external
insulation up to 15 cm thick with the consent of that neighbor.
The subsequent formation of a greenhouse is allowed (if there are technical
possibilities for this and the provisions of the applicable laws are not violated), if
the study proves the improvement of the energy efficiency of the building.


The planning solutions of the Spatial Plan for the area within the limits of
detailed elaboration are the basis for direct implementation, namely for:
- preparation of the pre-parcellation project, formation of the construction plot
and implementation of the administrative transfer procedure;
- Issuance of the act of the competent authority for all planned works.
It is mandatory to prepare an urban project for the planned Zone of
accommodation facilities III.3.
If necessary, it is allowed to change planning solutions in the scope of detailed
elaboration by creating urban projects, based on the appropriate technical
documentation. Permitted changes refer to the situational solution, traffic areas
and disposition of buildings. It is not allowed to increase the planned urban
planning parameters. An increase in the planned capacity of the infrastructure
and the number of parking spaces is permitted.
It is recommended to conduct an open public tender for:
- design of furniture and visual communications;
- the architectural solution of the multifunctional hall;
- architectural and urban solution of the zone of hotel-type accommodation
For the purposes of creating technical documentation, it is mandatory:
- record the existing vegetation (trees) and enter it into the geodetic base, with
the obligation to maintain quality greenery;
- carry out field geomechanical research on the location and prepare a report on
the geotechnical conditions of construction.
For all planned interventions, before the preparation of technical documentation,
it is necessary to obtain the conditions and consents of competent authorities,
organizations, public companies and other holders of public authority, in
accordance with the law.



Institutional framework
Proceeding from the requirements of protection and sustainable development,
and in accordance with international and national legislation, good practice and
compliance with the recommendations of the International Union for
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN - International Union for
Conservation of Nature), as well as the UNESCO guidelines for global geoparks
(Operational Guidelines for UNESCO Global Geoparks, 2018), the framework for
the application of the Spatial Plan as an area where, in addition to nature
protection and scientific research, the sustainable development of tourism,
recreation and nautical is allowed.
NP "Đerdap" in accordance with the Law on National Parks, is managed by JP
National Park "Đerdap", with headquarters in Donji Milanovac, which is currently
under the authority of the ministry responsible for environmental protection. JP
National Park "Đerdap" is obliged to implement protection regimes in NP
"Đerdap", to adopt a management plan for a period of ten years, an annual
management program and regulations on internal order and guard service. In
addition to the above, JP National Park "Đerdap" established, in accordance with
the law, the expert council of NP "Đerdap", as an expert and consultative body
that monitors and analyzes programs and projects in the field of nature
protection and sustainable use of natural resources, all with the aim of securing
the interests local population and users of NP "Đerdap". In addition to expert
advice in order to ensure the interests of the local population and users of NP
"Đerdap", JP National Park "Đerdap" is obliged by law to establish a council of
users of NP "Đerdap". The Council of Users makes recommendations on locally
important matters within the framework of measures prescribed by law
concerning NP "Đerdap" and sends them to JP National Park "Đerdap" or the
expert council.
The management of all geoheritage objects within the territory of NP "Đerdap"
falls under the jurisdiction of JP National Park "Đerdap", except for the following
localities, which have other managers. The localities of Rajkova Pećina, Suplja
Stena Prerast and Bigrena Accumulation Beli Izvorac, under the jurisdiction of
the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Majdanpek. The tourist
organization of the municipality of Golubac is responsible for the protection of
the Bigrena reservoir in Tumana, the tourist organization of the municipality of
Kladovo is responsible for the protection of Blederia, while the tourist
organization of the municipality of Negotin is responsible for the protection of
the Prerast tunnel cave in the Zamna canyon. The overgrowth in the Vratna
canyon is under the management of JP "Srbijašume". The mentioned institutions
have signed contracts on cooperation with JP National Park "Đerdap". This
cooperation is essential for Geopark "Đerdap" because it shows the full
involvement of all administrative actors, which is important for its future
sustainable development.
The management of Geopark "Đerdap" is based on the existing organizational
structure of JP National Park "Đerdap", with planned expansions in the form of
expert advice and technical advice that should help the management structure of
JP National Park "Đerdap". The expert council deals with the scientific and
professional processing of data and information on natural and cultural-historical
heritage through the realization of programs and projects on the territory of
Geopark "Đerdap" and provides scientific, educational and professional support
in the process of management and sustainable development. The activities of
the technical council of the "Đerdap" Geopark are mainly focused on socio-
economic recovery and encouraging the existing economic and tourist potentials
through the definition of national and regional projects related to the education
and training of the local population, as well as the provision of project financing.

Participants in the implementation

The key participants in the implementation of the Spatial Plan, in accordance
with their competences and scope of work, are the republic's departmental state
bodies, public companies and institutions, special organizations and the
municipalities of Golubac, Majdanpek, Kladovo and Negotin. If necessary, other
competent and interested entities such as citizens' associations and neighboring
LGUs will be involved in the implementation of the Spatial Plan.
In addition to the aforementioned participants, it is necessary to animate and
organize the participation of other actors in the implementation of the Spatial
Plan, primarily real estate owners, commercial enterprises, associations of
caterers and agricultural producers, and other potential investors and carriers of
Managing the protection, development and arrangement of space in accordance
with the planning solutions and rules established by the Spatial Plan implies the
improvement of control systems in various areas, as well as the development of
information and monitoring systems, which will provide, in accordance with the
- the ministry responsible for environmental protection, the Institute for Nature
Protection of Serbia and JP National Park "Đerdap", as well as the managers of
other protected areas within the scope of the Spatial Plan, by maintaining and
renewing on the ground features of protected areas and spatial units with
different protection regimes and their borders, by implementing the protection
measures established by the proclamation acts, monitoring the situation and
keeping the records of natural values and the effects of the application of
measures and regimes of nature protection, i.e. establishing a geographic
information system on the aforementioned contents, further research and
participation in defining the policy of spatial development and the presentation
of natural values and cultural goods;
- the ministry responsible for cultural affairs, the Republic Institute for the
Protection of Cultural Monuments, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural
Monuments in Smederevo and Nis, by monitoring the state of protected cultural
assets and the effects of the application of protection measures and regimes, by
further researching established and recorded cultural assets and by participating
in the definition of spatial policy development and presentation of cultural
- Ministries responsible for water management, energy and navigation, Public
water company "Srbijavode" Belgrade (hereinafter: JVP "Srbijavode"), JP
"Elektroprivreda Srbije" - HEPS "Đerdap" and the Agency for the management of
ports with regard to the protection and arrangement of the water area
accumulation lakes of HE "Đerdap 1" and HE "Đerdap 2", protective water
management facilities as well as functioning of the Danube waterway;
- the ministry responsible for forestry (forest administration), in cooperation with
JP "Srbijašume", the Hunting Association of Serbia and LGUs in terms of
protection and sustainable use of forests, hunting and fishing areas;
- the ministry responsible for sports and the Institute for Sports and Sports
Medicine in cooperation with other bodies and institutions regarding the
implementation of planned solutions for the development of OSK "Karataš";
- the ministry responsible for integral planning of tourism development, in
cooperation with municipal administrations and tourist organizations, by raising
the quality of content and other elements of the tourist offer;
- the municipal administrations of Golubac, Majdanpek, Kladovo and Negotin by
preventing unlawful (illegal) construction, especially by strengthening
surveillance on the ground in the protection regime of the III degree, in the
protected areas of the III category and in the vicinity of the NKD, as well as by
more effective cooperation with the JP National Park "Đerdap";
- the municipal administrations of Golubac, Majdanpek, Kladovo and Negotin,
through their public companies and in cooperation with JP National Park
"Đerdap", JVP "Srbijavode" and JP "Elektroprivreda Srbije" - HEPS "Đerdap",
more efficient organization of communal services and increased supervision of
communal facilities, priority collection and removal of waste from protection
zones and tourist-recreational points and zones in the area of the Spatial Plan,
as well as the arrangement of beaches and coastlines, especially in the
settlements of Usije-Vinci, Golubac, Donji Milanovac, Tekija, Kladovo and Brza


The spatial plan is implemented, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on
Planning and Construction, as follows:
A) Direct (immediate) implementation, in accordance with the rules given in
Chapter IV. section 1. "General rules of arrangement and construction in the
area of NP "Đerdap" and protection regimes given in chapter III. section 1.
"Protection of natural values":
1) by issuing the act of the competent authority for OSK "Karataš" (except for
Zone III.3), in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Planning and
2) by issuing an act of the competent authority with the prior preparation of the
urban planning project for Zone III.3 of OSK "Karataš", in accordance with the
provisions of the Law on Planning and Construction;
3) by issuing an act of the competent authority in accordance with the protection
measures and construction rules of this spatial plan for residential buildings, that
is, from the planning documents of LGUs for the economic facilities of existing
rural agricultural households in the II degree nature protection regime;
4) by issuing an act of the competent authority with the prior preparation of the
urban project in accordance with the protection measures and building rules
from the planning documents of the LGU for infrastructure facilities and systems,
the arrangement of space for the needs of the presentation of natural and
cultural values and recreation and forestry facilities in the II degree nature
protection regime;
5) by issuing an act of the competent authority with the prior development of an
urban project in accordance with the protection measures and the rules of
construction of this spatial plan for mountain lodges for the purposes of
presenting natural and cultural values in the II and III degree nature protection
6) by issuing an act of the competent authority in accordance with the protection
measures and construction rules of this spatial plan for residential buildings of
rural agricultural households (registered agricultural holdings), tourist facilities of
rural tourist households in the III degree nature protection regime;
7) by issuing an act of the competent authority in accordance with the protection
measures and the rules for the construction of LGU planning documents for the
economic facilities of rural agricultural households (registered agricultural
holdings) in the III degree nature protection regime.
B) Indirectly:
1) by creating an urban plan/urban project for the NKD localities (Castrum
Pontes and Dijana), as well as the planned access path to Trajan's Tablet;
2) by creating an urban planning plan for the arrangement and presentation of
the Rudna Glava locality - a scientific research development educational
ecological park (near the locality itself) of minimum coverage within the
boundaries of the wider protection zone;
3) creating urban plans (that is, amendments and additions) for the settlements
of Dobra, Brnjica, Kožica, Boljetin, Mosna, Golubinje, Miroč, Golo Brdo and
Tekija in accordance with the needs for the construction of residential and tourist
4) by creating an urban plan/urban project for the planned localities with tourist
facilities Zidinac, Dafin and Golo brdo;
5) creating an urban plan for the village cemetery in Dobra;
6) creating an urban plan/urban project for the Tekija-Propazešće road section
and further towards Petrovo Selo and Kladovo;
7) implementation and elaboration of the planning solutions of this spatial plan
in other spatial plans of special purpose areas, especially for the planned RHE
"Đerdap 3" and high-speed roads;
8) implementation and elaboration of the planning solutions of this spatial plan
in the planning documents of the municipalities of Golubac, Majdanpek, Kladovo
and Negotin;
9) by drawing up the device bases within the LGU spatial plans for all villages
that have not adopted a planning document with the detail required for the
issuance of location conditions.
Urban plans in the area of NP "Đerdap" are adopted after previously obtained
consent of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Until the adoption of urban
plans in the area of NP "Đerdap", the conditions for the development of
individual locations are determined after obtaining the consent of the Ministry of
Environmental Protection.
When determining the competence for issuing appropriate acts, the area of
Geopark "Đerdap" outside the boundaries of National Park "Đerdap" is not
treated as a protected natural asset in the sense of the provisions of Article 133
of the Law on Planning and Construction.


TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION (Reference map 4. "Implementation of the spatial
Valid planning documents are applied in part and in a manner that does not
contradict the Postorna Plan, namely:
1. Regulation on establishing the Spatial Plan of the special purpose area of the
international waterway E 80 - Danube (Pan-European Corridor VII), ("Official
Gazette of the RS", no. 14/15 and 85/18 - other regulations), which is
implemented without restrictions in the part of the development of protection
and arrangement of the waterway;
2. Regulation on the determination of the Spatial Plan of the special purpose
area of the infrastructural corridor of the IB state road, Highway E-75 Belgrade-
Niš (loop "Požarevac") - Požarevac (bypass) - Veliko Gradište - Golubac ("Official
Gazette of the RS", number 7/ 21).
Spatial plans of LGUs and valid urban plans are implemented without restrictions
except in the parts that refer to the direct application of the Spatial Plan,
namely: in the scope of OSK "Karataš" in the municipality of Kladovo (in
accordance with chapter IV. section 2. RULES OF DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING
"KARATAŠ"), on areas with the I and II degree nature protection regime in the
territories of the municipalities of Golubac, Majdanpek and Kladovo (described in
chapter III. section 1. "PROTECTION OF NATURAL VALUES"), as well as on areas
with restrictive regimes of use planned for the formation of new nature
protection sites given in Chapter III. section 1. "PROTECTION OF NATURAL
VALUES", part 1.3.4. Localities with a special protection regime within the NP
"Đerdap". On the areas where the protection zones of cultural assets and nature
overlap, a stricter regime of protection and use of space is applied. Nature
protection regimes are applied on areas where nature protection zones and
tourist areas overlap.
For all villages that have not adopted a planning document with the detail
required for the issuance of location conditions or a device base for the village
within the spatial plans of the LGU, it is necessary to create device bases and
precisely define the boundaries of construction areas.


Implementation and elaboration of planning solutions and propositions
determined by this spatial plan in sectoral plans and programs in accordance
with the law ensure:
- JP National Park "Đerdap" and managers of other protected areas, by adopting
a management plan, annual programs for the management of protected areas
and programs for the presentation of natural values for the needs of tourism (in
cooperation with tourist organizations), implementing prescribed measures and
protection activities in order to preserve and improve the protected area areas,
by marking the protected area, as well as by passing an act on internal order
and guard service and fire protection;
– The Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and the
regionally competent Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, in
cooperation with the competent municipal administrations and the private
sector, determining medium-term and annual programs of research and
protection of NKD;
- the ministry responsible for water management, i.e. the Republic Directorate
for Water, in cooperation with JVP "Srbijavode", VPC Dunav-Sava by preparing a
water management plan, a program of measures to implement the water
management plan and annual water management programs for the Lower
Danube water area, and in cooperation with the ministry responsible for the
environment and the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute, preparing annual
programs for monitoring the status of water in the Lower Danube water area,
which are adopted by the Government;
- JP "Elektroprivreda Srbije" by preparing a preliminary feasibility study with a
strategic environmental impact assessment for RHE "Đerdap 3", and in
cooperation with HEPS "Đerdap" by implementing tasks related to improving
production capabilities and maintaining HEPS "Đerdap 1" and "Đerdap 2" ";
- the ministry responsible for mining, in cooperation with the holders of the right
to exploit mineral resources by preparing and developing projects and plans for
rehabilitation and recultivation of parts of the area of NP "Đerdap" (and other
parts of the area of the Spatial Plan) where the exploitation of mineral resources
is carried out, i.e. where it has been completed;
- Ministries responsible for water management, energy and navigation, JVP
"Srbijavode", JP "Elektroprivreda Srbije" - HEPS "Đerdap" and the Port
Management Agency with regard to the development of projects and
maintenance plans for the water area of the accumulation lakes HPP "Đerdap 1"
and HPP "Đerdap" 2", protective water management facilities of the international
waterway Danube;
- the ministry responsible for tourism in cooperation with the ministries
responsible for the environment and spatial planning, tourist organizations and
managers of tourist areas "Tvrđava Golubački grad" and "Lepenski vir", tourism
development subjects and the private sector by developing tourism development
- the Ministry in charge of forestry and PE "National Park Đerdap" by revising the
forest development plan in NP "Đerdap"; JP "Srbijašume" by revising the
development plan of the Timok forest area and the basis for forest management,
and in cooperation with the landowners by creating a program of forest
management and afforestation of privately owned land; as well as the
preparation of forest fire protection plans in NP "Đerdap" and the rest of the area
of the Spatial Plan;
- PE "Roads of Serbia" by harmonizing the medium-term and annual programs of
construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of state roads;
- "Serbian Railways" a.d. by creating a program for maintenance, protection and
development of the railway network;
- users of hunting areas, i.e. hunting grounds by adopting the hunting area
development program, hunting grounds and annual hunting grounds
management plans within the scope of this spatial plan;
- users of fishing areas (water), by adopting the fishing development program
and annual management plans for fishing areas (trails) within the scope of this
spatial plan.


During the preparation of the Spatial Plan, authoritative facts were determined
that indicate the need to amend the Law on National Parks in the part that refers
to the "Đerdap" National Park, the boundaries of spatial units in the I and II
degree protection regime. Deficiencies at the conceptual level were also
observed, which should be covered by legal changes, especially in the
determination and application of regimes and protection measures.
Priority planning solutions and projects are determined in accordance with the
basic goal of ensuring spatial conditions for the sustainable development of
special purpose areas, which will be based on the protection, improvement and
use of natural values and cultural assets, the development of tourism, sports
and recreation and functional integration into the wider environment .
Priority planning solutions and projects are:
1) in the area of protection of natural values and resources of NP "Đerdap" and
Geopark "Đerdap":
- marking the borders (zones with I, II and III degree protection regimes) of the
National Park "Đerdap" on the ground and natural monuments outside the
National Park "Đerdap";
- continuation of work on the presentation and arrangement of NP "Đerdap" and
Geopark "Đerdap", in particular, the network of different paths, viewpoints and
character of the landscape as a whole;
- making a study of the landscape character of the "Đerdap" Geopark;
- protection and preservation of habitats, species of flora and fauna, especially in
zones I and II of protection level in NP "Đerdap" and in dedicated units 17, 68
and 84 in Geopark "Đerdap";
– ecosystem services mapping (JP National Park "Đerdap");
- preservation and improvement of the condition of existing forests and
improvement of the structure of forest stands as vital regional elements of the
character of the landscape;
- the application of biological and technical anti-erosion protection measures and
management of watersheds that are threatened by excessive and strong erosion
in localities threatened by excessive and strong erosion (in NP "Đerdap",
approximately, in the lower reaches of the Brnjica, the lower reaches of the
Česava, in the vicinity of Radenka, Brodica and Voluje, the area between Čoka
Njalta and the Boljetin ridge - Lepenski vir to Boljetin, the area above Golubinje,
the Mala Reka valley above the big Kamenica, etc. areas);
- improvement of the condition and fund of game and improvement of the
diversity of hunting fauna;
- during the preparation of planning documents for the development of
watersheds that are threatened by excessive and strong erosion in the localities
in the lower reaches of the Brnjica, the lower reaches of the Česava, in the
vicinity of Radenka, Brodica and Voluja, the area between Čoka Njalta and the
Boljetin ridge - Lepenski vir to Boljetin, the area above Golubinje, the Mala Reka
valley above Velika Kamenica, etc. - it is mandatory to request conditions from
the NKD protection service, given that there are established cultural properties
in those areas as well as recorded archaeological sites that are within the scope
of NP "Đerdap" and Geopark "Đerdap", and some of them are on the tentative
list of UNESCO - Border of the Roman Empire - Danube Limes in Serbia (eg
Čezava, Boljetinska Reka).
2) in the field of cultural property protection:
- determination of the status and categorization of NKD for registered goods that
enjoy prior protection and determination of the boundaries of their protected
- determination of the boundaries of the protected environment for established
NKD and zones with differentiated regimes of protection and sustainable use of
- identification, recording and determination of the status of NKD for objects of
industrial heritage (economic and technical buildings);
- collection, systematization of data and valorization of buildings of architectural
heritage, with determination of physical condition and the need for preventive
- conducting research and creating a database of archaeological sites.
- development of management plans for cultural assets that harmonize the
status of tourist areas and cultural potentials (Lepenski Vir, Golubačka Fortress);
- undertaking activities on the protection, presentation, interpretation and
ensuring the availability of immovable cultural heritage as part of the
implementation of cultural routes;
- creation of the "Atlas of folk construction of Geopark "Đerdap";
- implementation of an architectural competition and definition of
recommendations for the development of urban plans, design and construction
of buildings of various purposes in the area of NP "Đerdap";
- identification of characteristic authentic types of rural settlements and
preparation of protection proposals for the selected type of the most preserved
authentic rural units with monumental characteristics;
3) in the field of tourism development:
- consolidation of capacity equipment and better organization of the use of the
existing tourist offer in Golupac, Donji Milanovac and Kladovo;
- functional integration of the offer in the area (Danube coast with Đerdap Lake
and National Park, Lepenski Vir archaeological site, Golubac Fortress, Eurovelo 6,
- further development of nautical-tourism infrastructure on the Danube: marina
(nautical center Porečki zaliv), pier (Lepenski vir) and other facilities for tourists;
- arrangement of the section of the Road of the Roman Emperors, with tourist
points (five domus in the first phase, one of which is in the area of Kladovo,
three in the area of Majdanpek and one in the area of Golupac);
4) in the area of development of infrastructure systems:
- completion of the renovation of the aggregates and overhaul of the
hydromechanical equipment of the locks at HEPS "Đerdap 1";
- reconstruction and extension of DP IB row no. 34 and IIB-396 at the "highway"
- modernization and rehabilitation of state roads of the first and second order,
especially DP IB order no. 33 and 34;
- reconstruction of existing and development of new municipal roads in the
function of networking settlements, protection and presentation of natural and
cultural assets, especially the panoramic ridge road through NP "Đerdap" and
maintenance and arrangement of the network of forest communications in the
function of tourist-recreational activities and fire road);
- establishment of information-control points at the entrances to NP "Đerdap";
- promotion and development of bicycle traffic in the Eurovelo 6 corridor, local
bicycle, pedestrian and hiking trails;
- during the construction of infrastructure (marina, pier and other facilities) as
well as the construction of facilities on the NKD, it is necessary to seek the
conditions of the competent institution for the protection of monuments, i.e. the
preparation of a study for the protection and arrangement of cultural property,
as well as project documentation;
5) in the field of exploitation of mineral raw materials:
- the application of an environmentally responsible approach to activities on the
exploitation and processing of mineral raw materials and the recultivation of the
area where the exploitation of mineral raw materials was completed in the area
of the Jelenska stene and Golo brdo quarries.


For the implementation of planning concepts, solutions and propositions of the
Spatial Plan, the most important thing is the application of basic measures and
implementation instruments, namely:
Planning and program measures and implementation instruments:
- preparation and regular adoption of management plans for protected areas, in
the manner and with the content determined by the law and acts on
- preparation of the tourism development program of the "Đerdap" Geopark.
Administrative-legal and organizational measures and implementation
- provision of measures of enhanced inspection supervision of the urban and
construction inspection in order to control the regime of use, arrangement and
protection of spaces in the protection zones of natural values and cultural
- advertising and informing residents of the planning area by the expert services
of LGUs about planning solutions and modes of use, arrangement and protection
of space, as well as informing about the rights and obligations of owners and
users of the covered real estate and providing other necessary information
related to the implementation of the Spatial Plan.
Although the "Đerdap" Geopark met all the UNESCO criteria, in the coming
period it is necessary to fulfill the recommendations of the UNESCO Geoparks
Council in order to further improve its quality:
- develop the link between geological and other territorial heritage, i.e. natural
biotic, cultural and intangible;
- develop a partnership strategy that includes a clear methodology and criteria
for becoming a partner, specifying associated agreements with Geopark
- strengthen involvement in the activities of the global network of geoparks and
the European network of geoparks by promoting the international value of the
territory through partnership with global geoparks under the auspices of
– develop an education strategy working in partnership with other global
- improve educational strategies and activities to facilitate the mitigation of
natural hazards and climate change in schools and local populations.
In accordance with point 5 of the recommendation of the Council of the UNESCO
Global Network of Geoparks for the inclusion of the "Đerdap" Geopark on the list
of UNESCO global geoparks, in the following period it is necessary to implement
a project that would assess the risk of natural hazards and mitigate the negative
effects of climate change in the area of the "Đerdap" Geopark ". The results of
the project would be: risk assessment, awareness raising, vulnerability and
capacity assessment, early warning, contingency planning and the formation of
an information system of geospatial data on the vulnerability of the area from
disasters (fires in open space, seismic resistance, potential landslides and
landslides, floods and torrents, occurrences of ice, etc.), with a presentation of
zones of possible risks, probability of occurrence and extent of consequences.
In the implementation of the Spatial Plan, different components of the
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - IPA III should be taken into account,
especially the Cross-Border Programs Romania - Serbia 2021-2027 and Bulgaria
- Serbia 2021-2027, which are in the stages of adoption and whose thematic
priorities have all been defined by importance (smaller or larger) for the
implementation of the Spatial Plan.
For the Romania-Serbia 2021-2027 program, these are:
1. Environmental protection and risk management, with the following specific
goals: Improving the protection and preservation of nature, protecting
biodiversity and green infrastructure, especially in urban areas, and reducing all
forms of pollution; Encouraging the use of renewable energy in accordance with
EU Directive 2018/2001, including the sustainability criterion; Encouraging
energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions; Encouraging
adaptation to climate change and risk prevention and resilience taking into
account an ecosystem-based approach;
2. Socio-economic development, with the following specific objectives:
Improving equal access to inclusive and quality education, training and lifelong
learning services through the development of accessible infrastructure, including
strengthening resilience for distance and online education and training; Ensuring
equal access to health care and strengthening the resilience of the health
system, including primary care, as well as encouraging the transition from
institutional to family care and care at the local community level; Strengthening
the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social
inclusion and social innovation;
3. Increasing the institutional capacity for border management with the following
special objective: Strengthening the institutional capacity of authorities,
especially those in charge of managing specific territories and stakeholders.
In the Draft Cross-Border Program Bulgaria-Serbia 2021-2027, the priorities
1. Competitive cross-border region with the following special objective:
Improvement of sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and creation of
new jobs in SMEs, including productive investments;
2. Integral development of the cross-border region with the following specific
objective: Encouraging integrated and inclusive social, economic and
environmental development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and
security in non-urban areas.;
3. A more resilient cross-border region with the following specific objective:
Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, as well as
resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches.
IPA III has not yet been allocated for cross-border cooperation, but for cross-
border cooperation for all countries of the Western Balkans (and Iceland)
according to the regulation, it should contribute 3% of the total IPA III funds,
which is a total of 424,860,000 euros.
Among the other incentives and programs of the European Union, IPARD III,
intended for the agricultural sector, as well as EU PRO Plus, intended for the
socioeconomic development of local governments in the Republic of Serbia in the
amount of 30 million euros, are important.

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