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TASK 1: The Importance of HISTORY

Read the short article below on the importance of history in our lives as
Filipinos. Write a 150–200-word ESSAY (your reflection/reaction/insights or
ideas) about the article. (30pts.)

“To study history is to study change: historians are experts in examining and
interpreting human identities and transformations of societies and civilizations
over time. They use a range of methods and analytical tools to answer questions
about the past and to reconstruct the diversity of past human experience: how
profoundly people have differed in their ideas, institutions, and cultural practices;
how widely their experiences have varied by time and place, and the ways they
have struggled while inhabiting a shared world. Historians use a wide range of
sources to weave individual lives and collective actions into narratives that bring
critical perspectives on both our past and our present. Studying history helps us
understand and grapple with complex questions and dilemmas by examining
how the past has shaped (and continues to shape) global, national, and local
relationships between societies and people. History is unending search of man’s

*Write your essay here below and see rubric for scoring…

In summation, history serves as a guide of every Filipino for present and future plans.
Educating ourselves with our country's history is somehow linked to the appreciation of the
effort and achievements of our national heroes. It also develops our national identity and
strengthens our sense of nationalism. Studying the history of such a country gives a person
more insight not only into the civic and daily life of the Filipino, but also into their own civic lives .
This is not unique to the Philippines, but also with other nations. In our modern world, only few
pays attention on the importance of Philippine history, most of us indulge ourselves on the new
trends, technology, and other modernly objects. The importance of Philippine history is almost
as the same to our childhood memories. Remembering our childhood make us aware of our
developments, growth, achievements, mannerism, and all the important parts of our lives. While
for the Philippine history, it makes us conscious of the country’s foundation.
Rubric for scoring the Application and Excellen Very Good Needs
Evaluation t Good (8) (6) Improvement (4)
Ability of ideas to express and explain
thoroughly (10pts.)
Creativity of applying the ideas pertaining to
the topic/events/issues. (10pts.)
Relevance of ideas to connect or relate in real-
life situation. (3pts.)
TOTAL Assessment of Scores = 30 Points

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