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Lesson 14 – Topic Vocabulary


Employee - Someone who is paid to work for someone else.

Employer - A person or organization that employs people.
Commute - To make the same journey regularly between work and home
To take on employees – To employ people
Fire / Sack / Dismiss - To remove someone from their job, especially because they
have done something wrong
Get promotion - someone who got promotion is given a more important job in the
same organization
Workload - the amount of work to be done by someone or something
Overloaded - to give excessive work, responsibility, or information to
Blue-collar worker - relating to manual workers
White-collar worker - relating to those who work in an office
To take time off - to stop working for a short time
Sick leave - paid absence from work specifically to recover from illness.
It is arduous work - difficult / hard
It is rewarding work - you enjoy it and it is satisfying
Career ladder - moving up through promotions to the top of the company
Internship - working for a short time, sometimes unpaid
Apprenticeship - hands on, or practical work to learn a job
Job security - knowing you can keep your job / job safety
Job flexibility - gives employees flexibility on how long, where, and when they
To take early retirement - to stop working before reaching the age at which people
usually stop working
Job prospects - the chances of being successful and having more opportunities at
To pursue a successful career - to have a series of jobs in a particular area of work,
with more responsibility as time passes
To be a good team player - to be cooperative and work well as a member of a team
A desk job - a job in an office, where you sit and work all day at a table or desk
To have a steady job - to have a job which you are unlikely to lose, but which is
usually the same routine

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