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Planet X / Asteroid and Effects

by David Eells

David Eells was given the following information from the Lord on March
27, 2024. He was told not to release this information until the Lord told him to
do so. Now is the time!

1 “An asteroid will appear beside the sun on April 15, 2024.”
(A top American Alliance government official with whom David has been
speaking for many months said that their astronomers confirmed that this
occurred exactly on that date.)

2 “The asteroid will be 10 days ahead of Planet X.” (Nibiru/The Destroyer)

3 “Planet X will show up beside the Sun on April 25, 2024. It will show up
best at 4 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) and will look like a reddish star on
the left side of the Sun.”
(With eclipse glasses, David and Michael Hare observed Planet X at the 8
o'clock hour position. At the same time, they were speaking to the government
official whose astronomer contacts were observing the Planet via their infrared
telescopes and confirmed its sighting on April 25,2024.)

4 “The Deep State will attempt to cloud up the sky but the angels will
sweep the clouds away.” (This happened)

5 “The asteroid will pass through the atmosphere and break into 3 pieces
which will hit Earth 40 days from the first sighting (April 15, 2024), on May 25,

6 “Planet X will fly by earth 40 days after the first sighting (April 25, 2024),
on June 4, 2024.”

Asteroid Effects
This judgment is especially for the wicked in the church and government
of the United States. The effects of the asteroid, after it divides into three parts,
have been confirmed by multiple dreams, visions and prophetic messages to
the Lord’s servants.

Areas Hit By The Three Asteroids

1 East of New York, out in the Atlantic Ocean

2 Southeast of Florida, in the ocean
3 West of Puerto Rico in the Mona Straight

The asteroids will cause great devastation to the eastern and southern
coastlines of the USA, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and its islands.
The asteroids will trigger tsunamis and earthquakes that will move from
the east coast of the US to the west coast. They will set off the New Madrid
Fault in the Midwest which will then cause the Great Lakes to empty into the
Mississippi River down to the Gulf of Mexico and divide the country
geographically. Tsunami alert for W. Europe and W. Africa!
Planet X Effects
This judgment is on the wicked in the church and the governments of the
whole world. Many Christians will be protected because of faith in Jesus Christ
as their sacrificial lamb as seen in the Passover in Exodus 12.
Planet X could cause the following: Extreme earthquakes, tsunamis,
sinkholes, volcanoes, a slippage of the earth’s crust on the mantle; a continual
round-the-world earthquake as the Earth rotates before the extreme gravity of
Planet X.
The bulge of the Earth at the Equator puts the water upon it 13+ miles
higher than at the poles because of centrifugal force. The dispersement of this
water as the rotation of the Earth slows will cause the waters to rush north and
south from the Equator to the coasts and inlands of the world, scattering
mankind. The world then passes through the tail of Planet X which rains
fireballs to Earth.
Planet X will rotate around the Sun three times before breaking away from
the it’s gravity. This may take three years. The damage seen in revelations could
be cumulative and not all occuring at the first passing.

We at UBM (Unleavened Bread Ministries) are not astronomers but are
pointing out what we have been told. We are not seeking notoriety. Look to God
for answers. Ask Him. We pray that many lives be spared to see the coming
revival. We expect top government officials to warn the endangered populace
of the world in time so they can get to places of safety. Do not try to escape in
the last few days before the event because traps are being laid by the Deep
State government to keep people in harm's way.

Get to high ground, away from coasts and known fault lines.
Asteroids hit May 25, 2024. Planet X passes by earth June 4, 2024

We don't know the day nor the hour in which Jesus comes to reign
spiritually through His mature sons but we know the season because of world
events and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. In His great love, God is
revealing the dates and instruments of His judgments.
In this time of great crisis, many people will be overtaken with fear, but
the message of the Lord through these mature reformers will bring great
comfort and salvation to those who believe, repent of sins, confess and trust
the Lord. Forgive everyone from the heart —Mat. 18, Love all.

SALVATION: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the
dead, thou shalt be saved.
JUDGMENT: Isaiah 26:9. ... for when thy judgments are in the earth, the
inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Psalm 96:11 .....for he cometh
to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people
with his truth.
PROTECTION: Pray Psalm 91

Jesus is Truth and the Only Way to Eternal Life.

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