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Let's adjust the structure to include other UML diagrams like use case,
activity, and deployment diagrams:

Design Phase
1. Introduction
In this phase, the design of the Traffic Squad Management System (TSMS) is
elaborated based on the requirements gathered in the previous phases. This chapter
outlines the architectural design, user interface design, database design, and other
relevant design aspects of the TSMS.
2. Architectural Design
2.1 System Architecture
The system architecture of TSMS is designed to be scalable, maintainable, and
modular. The architecture consists of three main layers: presentation layer, application
layer, and data layer.
2.1.1 Presentation Layer
The presentation layer comprises the user interfaces for the admin, traffic police, and
users. It includes web-based interfaces designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
2.1.2 Application Layer
The application layer handles the business logic of the system. It consists of server-side
components responsible for processing user requests, managing data, and
communicating with the database.
2.1.3 Data Layer
The data layer consists of the database management system (DBMS) where all the
system data is stored. It includes tables for storing information such as police stations,
traffic police officers, users, and challan details.
2.2 Component Diagram
The component diagram illustrates the high-level components and their interactions
within the TSMS system.
[Insert Component Diagram]
2.3 Deployment Diagram
The deployment diagram illustrates the physical deployment of the TSMS system
components on hardware nodes, including servers, databases, and user devices.
[Insert Deployment Diagram]
3. User Interface Design
3.1 Admin Interface
The admin interface provides functionalities for managing police stations, traffic police
officers, and viewing reports. It features a dashboard displaying key statistics and
intuitive forms for data management.
3.2 Traffic Police Interface
The traffic police interface allows officers to file new challans, view challan status, and
generate reports. It includes a user-friendly dashboard and forms for easy data entry.
3.3 User Interface
The user interface enables users to view issued challans and pay fines online. It
features a dashboard displaying issued challans and a payment gateway for secure
3.4 Wireframes
Wireframes depicting the layout and structure of each interface are provided below:
[Insert Wireframes]
4. Database Design
4.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
The ERD illustrates the entities and their relationships in the TSMS database, including
police stations, traffic police officers, users, and challans.
[Insert ERD]
5. Other Design Considerations
5.1 Use Case Diagram
The use case diagram illustrates the interactions between users and the system's
functionalities, including actors such as admin, traffic police, and users.
[Insert Use Case Diagram]
5.2 Activity Diagram
The activity diagram illustrates the workflow of various activities within the TSMS
system, such as filing a challan, viewing reports, and paying fines.
[Insert Activity Diagram]
5.3 Security
Security measures are implemented to protect sensitive data and ensure secure access
to the system. This includes authentication, authorization, and encryption of sensitive
5.4 Performance
Efforts are made to optimize system performance, including efficient database queries,
caching mechanisms, and scalability considerations.
5.5 Integration
Integration with third-party services such as online payment gateways and SMS
notification services is planned to enhance system functionality.
5.6 Testing Strategy
A comprehensive testing strategy is devised, including unit testing, integration testing,
and user acceptance testing (UAT), to ensure the reliability and quality of the TSMS
6. Conclusion
The design phase lays the foundation for the development of the TSMS system,
detailing its architecture, user interface, database schema, and other key design
aspects. The next phase involves the implementation and testing of the designed

This adjusted structure includes additional UML diagrams like use case and activity
diagrams, along with other design-related considerations such as security, performance,
integration, and testing strategy.

class daigram and sequence daigram and test case adjust in this .
Certainly! Let's adjust the structure to include class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and
test cases:
Design Phase
1. Introduction
In this phase, the design of the Traffic Squad Management System (TSMS) is
elaborated based on the requirements gathered in the previous phases. This chapter
outlines the architectural design, user interface design, database design, and other
relevant design aspects of the TSMS.
2. Architectural Design
2.1 System Architecture
The system architecture of TSMS is designed to be scalable, maintainable, and
modular. The architecture consists of three main layers: presentation layer, application
layer, and data layer

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