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The Cushion Hitch

Tractor-Scraper —
From Concept to Market

John W. Carter, 0. Dean McWilliams,

and Harvey A. Knell
Caterpillar Tractor Co.

THE RUBBER-TIRED self-propelled scraper was first intro- eral inherent problems (Fig. 2) ever since that introduction
duced in 1938 (Fig. 1). At the time, it caused a sensation 30 years ago. First, we recognize the rough ride which has
in the earthmoving industry. All previous scrapers had been been "accepted" as an occupational hazard. Another char-
towed by a separate, low-speed tractor. In the history of the acteristic is the travel speed often being limited by a rough
scraper, this new machine marked the "end of childhood" ride which inhibits productivity, regardless of horsepower
and established a new trend in earthmoving. It combined availability. A third problem is the extreme dynamic load-
truck speed with scraper versatility and independence. These ing which accelerates structural fatigue. In spite of many
high-speed rubber-tired scrapers have been plagued by sev- improvements such as power shift transmissions, hydraulic

Fig. 1 - First rubber-tired self-propelled



The Cushion Hitch is a unique application of vibration results from the Cushion Hitch application. This paper d e -
absorber theory to a self-propelled tractor-scraper. The scribes development of the early prototype design as well as
scraper mass is utilized as a damper for suppressing p r e - the final production version. Particular emphasis is given to
dominate bouncing motions of the tractor unit. A more com-- both the hydraulic and the structural characteristics of the
fortable and safer operator ride, with increased productivity, system.

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820 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

actuation, higher horsepower, power steering and "boosted" of the vehicle pitch and bounce motions. It has long been
controls, 30 years later the tractor driver is still riding a known that man would prefer to bounce at a frequency a p -
"bronco." proximating 1 -1.5 cps because through the centuries he has
It is a common misconception that the disturbing fre- walked and jiggled at about this rate. Through evolution,
quency of a bumpy ride is related only to travel speed of his internal organs have learned to accept and actually pre-
the vehicle. Fig. 3 represents data taken throughout the fer 1 cps motions.
speed range of a scraper operating over different terrain con-
ditions at various speeds, both empty and loaded. The pre- HUMAN RIDE TOLERANCE
dominant frequency range of disturbance is between 1-1/2
and 2-1/2 cps, which nearly equals the natural frequencies Having recognized this ride problem, let us compare it
with established vibration limits of human tolerance. Fig. 4
shows well-known Meister threshold curve of human reaction
to vibration, first published in 1935, which agrees remarkably
well with many later studies. The most striking aspect of
these data is that tolerance to higher frequencies must be
accomplished by smaller amplitudes. Conversely, our tol-
erance to greater amplitudes is possible only at lesser fre-
quencies. It is common for scrapers to experience prolonged
bounce motions of several inches within the 1-1/2 and 2-1/2
cps range, as shown by the dark zone in Fig. 4. Thus, when
we relate such field operating conditions to well-accepted
criteria of human tolerance, we find that these operators
are often exposed to a "discomfort" environment.

Fig. 2 - Typical scraper operating conditions

Fig. 4 - "Meister Thresholds" of human tolerance to vibra-

Fig. 3 - Disturbing frequency distribution tion
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TIRE EFFECTS 3. Design more damping within soft tires for reduced mo-
tion and frequency. We normally find only about 3^o of
After a study of the above relationships, it seems there critical damping in most earthmover tires. This value can
are three different ways to lessen discomfort. One is to re- be increased by designing shock absorbers inside of these
duce the disturbing frequency while maintaining the same tires, and we have done some work in that direction. Unfor-
amplitudes. Another is to reduce amplitudes while main-
taining the same frequency range. The third solution is to
reduce both frequency and motion. Working only with the
tires for a suspension, we would seem to have several such
routes (Fig. 5) for improving these riding conditions:
1. Resort to softer tires in order to reduce bounce fre-
quency. However, it is a common observation that lower
frequency vibration systems usually experience greater am-
plitudes. Similarly, we have found that softer tires exhibit
a surprising increase in vertical bounce motion which can
actually cause the wheels to leave the ground, with resulting
loss of machine stability when traversing bumpy terrain.
2. Design for stiffer tires so as to reduce bounce ampli-
tude. However, as seen in the "discomfort" curve, these
higher frequency vibration systems quickly reach even greater
disturbance. This is undoubtedly somewhat related to the
rapid increase in acceleration levels which are, in turn, re-
lated to the square of the disturbing frequency. Thus, stiffer
tires are particularly discomforting, even with their inher-
ently smaller bounce amplitudes.

Fig. 5 - Possible tire alterations for better ride. A - softer

tires, B - stiffer tires, and C - damping within tires
Fig. 6 - Dynamic vibration absorber system

Fig. 7 - Vibration absorber size relative

to tractor-scraper
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822 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

tunately, the heat generated by such damping devices may bowl is insufficient and poorly located to have much effect.
raise tire temperatures to the level of failure. Another large weight which might be converted to a damper
Thus, we have tried softer, stiffer, and damped tires, is the engine itself. We have actually built such a system
all to no avail as a practical solution for the scraper ride incorporating a properly sprung and damped suspension b e -
problem. tween the engine and the vehicle framework, as shown sche-
matically in Fig. 9. The effectiveness of this arrangement
DYNAMIC VIBRATION ABSORBER is evident from comparing the vertical acceleration traces
of tractor motion with those of the standard machine (Fig.
Every textbook on "vibration theory" describes a device 10). Even though these results are encouraging, there is an
known as a "dynamic vibration absorber," shown schemati- obvious problem of machine complexity.
cally in Fig. 6. The right combination of spring and damp-
ing between the second damper mass and the main mass CUSHION HITCH
will suppress vibration of the main system by generating
proper out-of-phase forces. In other words, when our m a - The "Cushion Hitch" is a unique suspension system built
chine moves upward, this damper will simultaneously move into the connecting structure between tractor and scraper,
downward so as to cancel forces. To do an effective job, utilizing existing mass of the scraper and draft frame to act
most vibration absorber systems require that the damper as a tractor vibration absorber (Fig. 11). This arrangement
weigh at least 1/10 of the main body to be damped. In the provides a very favorable and overpowering ratio of damper
case of our empty scraper, this damper could amount to over mass to that of the tractor. It also locates the absorber a c -
4 tons of extra weight (Fig. 7). Obviously, we cannot afford tion directly over the tractor for optimum bounce suppres-
to carry around such a heavy damper at great expense to sion. A 4-bar linkage between tractor and scraper permits
machine performance. the necessary relative motion (Fig. 12). The spring element
Typical scraper design already has a large moveable bowl is achieved with a hydraulic cylinder which supports the
supported by hydraulic cylinders which can easily be con- scraper above the tractor and is connected to accumulators,
verted to hydropneumatic springs (Fig. 8). This arrangement forming a hydropneumatic system. Damping is provided by
would allow the scraper bowl to act as the damper weight. orificing the oil flow between support cylinder and accumu-
Ironically, the scraper ride is worse for the empty machine, lators. The original prototype design of the Cushion Hitch
and we have found that the existing weight of the empty for a tractor-scraper is shown in Fig. 1 3 .

Fig. 8 - Scraper bowl utilized as vibra-

tion absorber mass

Fig. 9 - Engine utilized as vibration

absorber mass
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Development of this tractor vibration absorber will be COMPUTER STUDY

divided into the following phases: Computer study, ride-
simulation, prototype system, and improved ride. The 2-axle rubber-tired tractor-scraper can be repre-
sented in simplified form as a body resting on two springs
(Fig. 14). Force and moment equations may be written and
then solved simultaneously to show that this mass-elastic
system has two different natural frequencies. Each of these
CONVENTIONAL MACHINE modes of motion has its own center of oscillation (Fig. 15).
During typical machine operation, these two modes of vibra-
MACHINE WITH VIBRATION tion may occur either separately or in combination. Further-
more, we must consider both the loaded and the unloaded
machines; thus four different vibratory problems actually
We generally speak of these oscillatory modes as "pitch"

TIME — » w — I SECOND ■


Fig. 10 - Acceleration traces showing engine absorber effec-

tiveness for reducing tractor vibrations




Fig. 11 - Cushion Hitch vibration absorber suspension analogy Fig. 12 - Cushion Hitch 4-bar linkage arrangement
with classical system

Fig. 13 - Cushion Hitch prototype for 1

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824 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

and "bounce" vibrations. "Pitch" is usually considered to in-phase, with an oscillation center outside the wheelbase.
occur when each end of the vehicle moves up and down in These definitions are most easily shown in relation to the
opposite directions about an oscillation center within the loaded tractor-scraper (Fig. 15). The empty machine is
wheelbase. The term "bounce" is applied to those vehicle a special case for which the pitch center nearly coincides
vibrations wherein both ends of the machine are moving with the front axle and the bounce center with the rear axle.
In order to study various proposed ride improvements
with the analog computer, we first constructed a mathe-
matical model of the vehicle which contains the necessary
parameter values, such as tire spring rates, damping, mach-
ine inertias, e t c . (Fig. 16). An electrical analogy of this
model is then composed within the analog computer facility
(Fig. 17). This computerized tractor-scraper can be "driven"
over various kinds of road bumps in order to determine and
record ride motion characteristics on oscillograms.
An example of this computer "road" is best illustrated
by referring to Fig. 18. A model of the loaded scraper is
"run" over bumps (within the computer) which are spaced
so as always to pulse the front and rear wheels in-phase,
first upwards and then downwards. This action will excite
the "bounce" mode of motion which was previously discussed
f - X + K j I X - L ^ + Kjtf+l^e) = 0 (Fig. 15). By varying the vehicle speed over these bumps,
we create different exciting frequencies. The mass-elastic
"f r29 - LJKJ (X- Lj9)- L2K2 (X- L29) = 0 system has a "natural frequency" in the vertical bounce
mode which is calculable from the formula f = 1 / 2 TTKK/M.
Fig. 14 - Simplified tractor-scraper analogy n

BOUNCE 1.8 cps PITCH 2.6 cps

LOADED Fig. 15 - Pitch and bounce modes

BOUNCE 1.5 cps PITCH 2.0 cps of vehicle resonant vibration

Fig. 16 - Mathematical representation of

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This natural frequency (f ) is thus related to the total verti- we have observed a tendency for only the empty and loaded
cal spring rate (K) of all the tires and the entire mass of scraper bounce modes to predominate during actual earth-
moving operations.
this loaded machine (M). Another computer study involved "driving" the vehicle
When the computer model of our loaded scraper is ex- over a single bump at various speeds. This situation occurs
cited at different frequencies in this manner, we obtain a frequently in typical scraper operations, is easy to simulate,
"resonance diagram" of response amplitude versus exciting and quickly yields much predictable information about the
frequency (Fig. 19). In particular, note the large resonant machine traversing random terrain. An example of the re-
amplitude which occurs when exciting frequency coincides sponse to this input, in the form of a 4 in. square bump, is
with the vehicle natural frequency. Also observe that the shown by Fig. 21 and contrasted with a conventional mach-
computer model of a scraper with the vibration absorber ine. In particular, notice the much earlier decay and lower
has two resonant amplitude peaks in place of an original magnitudes of the oscillatory accelerations for the stabilized
single peak for the standard vehicle. By optimizing both vehicle with Cushion Hitch.
the damping and the spring rate in the Cushion Hitch, we
are able to practically "flatten" the resonance diagram to
a relatively small amplitude as compared with the conven-
tional machine. In practice, this represents a very signifi-
cant ride improvement for any range of disturbing frequen-
cies. >BOUNCE OF
Similar computer studies were performed for the three NON-CUSHION HITCH
other bounce and pitch modes of vibration which may exist
with the real machine. The results (Fig. 20) are encouraging
for all cases except the pitching mode vibration of a loaded
scraper. This limitation was not of initial concern because


0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4

Fig. 19 - Bounce mode resonance diagrams for Cushion Hitch
and non-Cushion Hitch machines


OS PITCH /' l\
Fig. 17 - Analog computer used to study suspension systems ^ / A
. , . , .




Fig. 18 - Computer model driven over in-phase bumps to Fig. 20 - Predicted suppression of machine pitch and bounce
excite bounce mode of vibration vibrations by virtue of Cushion Hitch
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826 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

RIDE SIMULATION 4. Only a human rider himself can presently "interpret"

a given ride condition with his complex physiological and
It is widely recognized that such acceleration and ampli- psychological machinery.
tude reduction data as shown by our computer study of the It seems that we need a human instrument to measure
Cushion Hitch does not necessarily predict the true quality ride and, indeed, to develop eventually a reliable index,
of ride improvement. Without some representative measure- or rating, of this phenomenon. For this reason, we have de-
ment, or ride index, how are we to evaluate improvement? signed and built a "Ride Simulator" (Fig. 22) which we con-
A review of related activity by numerous authorities during sider to be a realistic and dependable method for evaluating
the last quarter century divulges certain facts: ride improvements and the effects of vibration on the human
1. Man has only a very brief "ride memory" between being. This machine recreates field riding situations in the
two conditions which he is attempting to compare. laboratory and, by allowing comparisons in very close se-
2. No study has yet evolved a reliable ride comfort "in- quence, it helps to overcome the short memory man has
dex." for a given riding condition. It also permits us to try many
3. Thus, it is not known for sure what characteristic of things easily and at low cost. By making tape recordings of
riding motions we need to measure, such as acceleration, vehicle motions over actual terrain, as depicted in Fig. 23,
velocity, the value of jerk, or some other. we can later play back this information into the simulator
control system so that it will move similarly to the real



Fig. 21 - Computer acceleration traces of Cushion Hitch

tractor traversing single bump

Fig. 23 - Tape recording of actual vehicle motions for play-

back into Ride Simulator

Fig. 24 - Mathematical computer model of vehicle controls

Fig. 22 - Ride Simulator the Ride Simulator
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Fig. 24 illustrates how we can "design" a suspension on accumulator arrangement was selected to fit these special
the computer and thus be able to "ride" on a new vehicle requirements. Fig. 26 illustrates a static condition of this
before it is even built. For example, we can compare two system for the' empty scraper. One accumulator is initially
different kinds of tire arrangements in quick succession. precharged to a higher pressure such that its piston is never
The operator may first be exposed to a typical 2 cps ride unseated during normal operation of the empty machine.
on wide-base tires and then, only about 1/2 minute later, The other accumulator is initially precharged to a pressure
to the harsher ride on dual tires vibrating at nearly 3-1/2 which automatically locates its piston in a correct working
cps. This changeover from one type of tire to another is range for empty scraper operations.
easily accomplished by readjusting certain potentiometers Fig. 27 indicates the positions of the two accumulator
within the analog computer (Fig. 17). This comparison can pistons after a leveling valve has caused the system to
be repeated as many times as necessary for the human opera- pump up the loaded scraper sufficiently to "center" the
tor to make his choice of best ride. In a similar fashion we hitch. The hydraulic pressure required to support the front
can quickly change important machine parameters, such as of the loaded scraper nearly bottoms one piston and also
wheelbase, moment of inertia, empty-to-loaded scraper locates the other piston in proper mid-range working posi-
bowl, or even the location of the operator on the vehicle. tion. During operation of the loaded machine, this second
The Ride Simulator is of particular value when we use it for piston moves up and down so as to accommodate correspond-
discerning smaller orders of improvements, such as resulting ing oil flow in and out of the support cylinder.
from geometry variations in the Cushion Hitch 4-bar con- LINKAGE CHARACTERISTICS - A principal function of
necting linkage. The resulting trade-offs in simultaneous the 4-bar connecting linkage (Fig. 28) is to permit vertical
bounce and pitch motions simply cannot be evaluated by motion between the tractor and scraper. Other obvious r e -
other than a human operator. quirements include its towing the scraper and the transmis-
sion of steering moments through the hitch assembly. The
PROTOTYPE SYSTEM initial geometry of this 4-bar system was an exact paral-
lelogram. As previously shown in Fig. 20, that arrangement
The Cushion Hitch has already been shown to have a in conjunction with an optimumly "tuned" and damped hy-
spring and damper connection between the tractor and scraper dropneumatic spring was effective in suppressing all but the
(Fig. 25). Proper "tuning" of the spring rate is necessary in pure pitch mode of vibration for the loaded machine. While
order to always generate opposing motions and forces be- this particular mode does not often occur in practice, it can
tween these two machine members. Vibration theory shows
that proper spring rate is related to size of the damper mass.
Therefore, the empty and loaded scraper conditions would
ostensibly seem to require different spring rates. For our
631B tractor-scrapers, the optimum "loaded" spring rate
actually works out to be nearly the same as the optimum
"empty" spring rate. This coincidence is caused by the
lesser natural vibration frequency of the loaded machine
because of all the added weight on the tires. The "loaded"
spring rate is required to support approximately twice as
much load as does the same spring rate holding up the empty
The somewhat opposing requirements of the hitch spring
made the hydropneumatic system an obvious choice. A dual Fig. 26 - Hydropneumatic system for empty scraper



iuV'NVll ■aiMM

Fig. 25 - Analogy of tractor-scraper mass-elastic system Fig. 27 - Hydropneumatic system for loaded scraper
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be rather dramatic and uncomfortable when it does occasion- mode. However, any departure from the exact parallelogram
ally predominate. We realized that the parallelogram link- geometry will introduce a slight pitching action of the trac-
age can transmit this pitching couple without causing a ver- tor when the scraper draft frame oscillates up and down.
tical reaction on the support cylinder, as illustrated in Fig. Since human riders are known to be particularly sensitive
29. The original Cushion Hitch machine was several times to these "rocking chair" motions, the production "trape-
witnessed undergoing violent pitching motions without any zoidal" linkage is of limited angularity just sufficient for
perceptible motion of the linkage. a satisfactory compromise solution. During operation of
In order to rectify this pure pitch vibration problem, the a Cushion Hitch scraper, this induced pitching motion is
parallelogram arrangement was modified to be of a "trape- fortunately not of a noticeable magnitude.
zoidal" form (Fig. 30). With this configuration, it is now
impossible to transmit a couple in the vertical-longitudinal IMPROVED RIDE
plane without causing force reactions on the support cylinder.
A computer study of the trapezoidal arrangement (Fig. 31) It was a prime objective of this program that we signifi-
shows a definite reduction in vertical motion at the operator cantly improve riding conditions on the tractor. Not sur-
station when the loaded machine is excited in the pure pitch prisingly, the accomplishment of this initial goal has auto-

Fig. 28 - Cushion Hitch 4-bar linkage arrangement Fig. 30 - Trapezoidal arrangement of 4-bar linkage



V h
0 0.4 0.8 L2 1.6 2.4 2.8
Fig. 31 - Effect of trapezoidal linkage on reduction of
DUE TO APPLIED MOMENT. loaded scraper pitch vibrations
Fig. 29 - Force diagram for parallelogram linkage
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matically provided other important benefits such as faster notions and fewer cycles of disturbance with the Cushion
travel speeds and reduced dynamic loading of the vehicle Hitch machine.
structure. The magnitudes of these improvements and their
manner of measurement will be described here and in the PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT
following sections of this paper.
This paper has already dwelt upon the various problems VEHICLE DESIGN GOALS - The research prototype Cush-
of measuring ride comfort and the difficulty of "putting a ion Hitch proved the effectiveness of the tuned dynamic
number" on the actual improvement. Fortunately, the Cush- absorber concept for damping a tractor-scraper, whether
ion Hitch provided such an obvious reduction in vibration empty or loaded, from force inputs due to haul road ruts,
of the operator that a rating method was not required. How- tire runout, and power train and engine dynamics. The
ever, for the purpose of this paper, some evidence of better production vehicle was to match or surpass the ride perform-
riding conditions are presented. It will be presumed that a ance of the research vehicle plus have the hydraulic Cushion
vehicle which experiences larger accelerations many more Hitch controls required for production earthmoving.
times than another vehicle will quite probably be less pleas- Structural configuration and hydraulic control parameters
ant to ride on. for the production version were determined with the research
Fig. 32 shows comparable oscillograms of tractor vertical vehicle. Refer to Fig. 13 which is a photograph of the r e -
accelerations, recorded near the operator station, while both search vehicle. A "trapezoidal form" linkage provides 10
machines were traversing identical haul roads into the "cut" in. of vertical deflection with very slight rotation of the
area of an actual earthmoving job in Arkansas. A photo- tractor with respect to the scraper and also transfers the loads
graphic form of evidence is shown in Fig. 33 for the situa- between the two parts. The 10 in. of relative tractor-scraper
tion where a conventional and a Cushion Hitch machine vertical deflection requires a "flexible" steering follow-up
were both driven over a 6 in. high steel bump at 10 mph. linkage to transfer tractor-scraper angular relationship to
Small lamps on the tractor and the scraper gooseneck traced the steering valve mounted on the tractor. The hitch con-
their paths over this bump course to indicate the smaller trols required are referred to as leveling and lockdown.



i-I mr
ft 7* H 'S
- ^pi E

¥.. £. ( * *r" -
vTy v I S \l
■ " \

\' \ Fig. 32 - Field measurements of tractor

i t -". - =-. -_^E =
" W- ~-
t. T ""£="-

"-- --J1-- ■ ■ = -

vertical accelerations of non-Cushion

=.-' ; H I T C H
■■ =

^1 = _-. z '- "*a.

: !_
CUSHI O N Hitch and Cushion Hitch machines


*=3 COf. 3

i flaw 5?*«wt>isar £& ' - saaM' * ^^""^^^»


Fig. 33 - Photographic light traces of Cushion

Hitch and non-Cushion Hitch machines travers-
ing single bump at proving ground
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830 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

Leveling control maintains the tractor at a constant height requires support pressures up to 1700 psi, depending upon
with respect to the scraper, regardless of the load in the the payload. This greater system pressure further compresses
bowl or the haul road grade. Lockdown control makes the the nitrogen in the first accumulator and has moved the
hitch solid for positive cutting edge control during loading, piston of the second accumulator to an equilibrium point.
unloading and emergency braking. Fig. 34 is a view of the An abrupt force applied to the tractor (Fig. 37) will cause
production Cushion Hitch vehicle with a non-Cushion Hitch the cylinder to rise, lowering the cylinder rod and piston in
inset, which compares the non-Cushion to the Cushion Hitch. the cylinder. This action will immediately create pres-
HYDRAULIC REQUIREMENTS - sures greater than 700 psi, causing the accumulator piston
Basic Circuit - The basic hydraulic components forming to compress the gas further. Field tests show pressures above
the Cushion Hitch oil-pneumatic suspension system are the 1000 psi are of such short duration that no reaction of the
cylinder and accumulators (Fig. 35). During operation of second accumulator occurs. To improve the natural damp-
an empty scraper, the pressurized hydraulic fluid in the hitch ing of vehicle oscillation, a damper orifice is used for sys-
system is supported by the nitrogen gas in the 400 psi pre- tem tuning (Fig. 38). The orifice restricts the hydraulic
charged accumulator. The higher 1000 psi precharge of the flow rate between the accumulators and the cylinder, r e -
second accumulator is sufficient to keep the piston bottomed turning the vehicle to a smooth ride in a minimum of time
while operating with a 700 psi empty carry pressure. The (Fig. 39).
support cylinder rod end is connected to tank, allowing for As the scraper operation changes from empty to loaded
volume changes as the hitch deflects. (See Fig. 36). Opera- (Figs. 35 and 36) and with varying scraper loads, the volume
tion of the Cushion Hitch system with a loaded machine of oil in the cylinder-accumulator circuit must change to
maintain the cylinder at the mid-position. This system
change is accomplished by an oil volume adjusting circuit


Fig. 36 - Basic hydropneumatic circuit with scraper loaded

Fig. 34 - Production Cushion Hitch vehicle with inset of

non-Cushion Hitch


TANK Fig. 37 - Circuit reaction with an abrupt force applied to

Fig. 35 - Basic hydropneumatic circuit for empty scraper tractor
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(Fig. 40). A vane pump supplies oil to the Cushion Hitch plished hydraulically by collapsing the cylinder, allowing
leveling system. This system must sense the mechanical the hitch castings to contact, then pressurizing the cylinder
position of the hitch cylinder and add or exhaust oil when rod end. For convenience of operation and component loca-
the hitch is too low or too high, respectively. tion, the lockdown valve is pilot operated by a selector valve
For further control of the hydraulic cylinder (Fig. 41), a (Fig. 42).
lockdown valve is added to the system. This valve allows An existing hydraulic source was used as a supply for the
the Cushion Hitch to operate as a non-Cushion Hitch to hitch system. The small section of the steering pump was
maintain a cutting edge free of motion to resist the changing chosen, as it can provide the required 6 gpm flow to the
vertical forces during loading and spreading. This is accom- hitch circuit with a minimum of horsepower loss and heat
generation. Flow division is handled by a flow control and
charging valve (Fig. 43). This valve provides the constant
6 gpm to the leveling circuit at all engine speeds and at
any pressure in either the leveling or steering system. The
excess pump discharge is diverted to the steering system.
The remaining circuit components (Fig. 44) consist of
a tank, filter, and gas relief valve. The hydraulic tank is
common to all systems on the scraper. Considerations for

Fig. 38 - Damping orifice for optimum tuning


^ J
/ /'
x /' \\
Fig. 41 - Lockdown valve for non-Cushion Hitch operation
A. // --'
e \\ \^—' / i '
Fig. 39 - Hitch movement after bump versus time


TANK Fig. 42 - Selector valve for remote operation of lockdown
Fig. 40 - Oil volume adjusting circuit valve
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832 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

the tank design involve the initial oil volume, initial air the spring cartridge absorbs major inputs and high rates of
volume, and change in oil volume of the various systems hitch deflection.
including the Cushion Hitch. Since the hydraulic system is A hitch position correction signal sensed by the signal
of the "sealed" type, a gas relief valve is located on the stem pilot operates the leveling stem. As shown, the stems
tank for protection against rupture should an accumulator are in a "level" position, thus the leveling stem has blocked
seal become damaged, allowing nitrogen to escape into the the oil in the cylinder-accumulator circuit and bypasses the
oil system. A single element, nominal 10 micron, high supply oil to tank.
pressure filter assures a clean oil supply to the Cushion Hitch The remaining function in this valve is the lockdown
circuit. stem. This section was shown in Fig. 41 as a separate lock-
Leveling Valve - Fig. 45 illustrates the cross-section down valve. Since this valve requires many common con-
detail of the Cushion Hitch leveling valve introduced into nections with the leveling section, all functions were d e -
the circuit in Fig. 40. The input linkage consists of a spring signed into a common package. As shown in Fig. 45, the
cartridge with the link connected to the mechanical linkage lockdown stem is in the cushion ride position with the a c -
of the Cushion Hitch. The yoke end connects by means of cumulator connected to the cylinder head supporting the
a rocker arm to the signal stem. Movement of the signal load. The cylinder rod end in this position is vented to
stem is damped to eliminate continuous oil volume correc- tank.
tions as the hitch oscillates. This damped action allows the The leveling valve is mounted on the right side of the
signal stem to follow minor changes in hitch position, while hitch. A view of this hardware is shown in Fig. 46.
Leveling Valve Operation - The ideal way to illustrate
the action of the leveling valve is to describe the adjust-
ments required to compensate for changes of hitch load as
the machine travels over various terrian. As the machine



Fig. 43 - Flow control and charging valve
U 2
Fig. 45 - Cross section detail of Cushion Hitch leveling
valve - "level" position



Fig. 44 - Complete diagram of Cushion Hitch components Fig. 46 - Leveling valve hardware
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starts downhill, the cylinder pressure required to support the 48). This flow path for the cylinder head oil is restricted
load is greater. This forces oil from the cylinder head into so the hitch, when loaded, will not hit the. stop sharply and
the accumulators, compressing the nitrogen until equilibrium the rod end flow is retarded to eliminate additive pressures.
is reached. The support cylinder is now somewhat below As the hitch casting members contact and the rod end pres-
the mid-position, which is sensed by the input linkage and sure equalizes with accumulator potential, the hitch is made
signal stem of the leveling valve. Movement of the signal rigid so as to provide positive cutting edge control.
stem pilot operates the leveling stem to the "raise" position With the cylinder collapsed in lockdown, the leveling
which directs the supply oil to the cylinder-accumulator valve senses a "raise" correction and the supply oil is added
circuit (Fig. 47). As oil flow returns the support cylinder to to the cylinder-accumulator circuit. This oil assures a posi-
the mid-position, the leveling valve is returned to the "level" tive lockdown and builds up accumulator potential energy,
position (previously shown in Fig. 45). in preparation for a rapid hitch displacement to center with
The next sequence begins as the machine reaches level a loaded bowl when cushion ride is selected. To limit the
ground again. The cylinder pressure required to support the accumulator pressure during charging when in lockdown, an
load is reduced. The nitrogen in the accumulators expands accumulator charging valve is used to interrupt the supply
and forces oil to the support cylinder. This raises the cyl- flow and bypass it into the steering circuit.
inder above mid-position and a reverse of the previous opera- Charging Valve - Fig. 49 illustrates the cross-section
tion takes place. detail of the charging valve. The oil supply, as mentioned
Venting the pilot pressure on the lockdown stem by shift- previously, is provided by the small section of the steering
ing the selector stem connects the cylinder head end oil to
the tank and the accumulators to the cylinder rod end (Fig.



TANK SUPPLY Fig. 49 - Detail of charging valve - "cut-in"

Fig. 47 - Cushion Hitch valve - "raise" position




(S^Br—"—4innnwwl*MTTTTi i 11 11


Fig. 48 - Cushion Hitch valve - "lockdown" position Fig. 50 - Detail of charging valve - "cutout"
Downloaded from SAE International by Imperial College London, Tuesday, August 21, 2018

834 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

pump. In the cut-in position, the flow control passes 6 gpm is shut down with the selector stem in cushion ride, the stem
to the charging stem, through the check valve and to the is pulled into lockdown position by the spring and retainer
leveling valve. The pump flow in excess of 6 gpm passes to as the oil escapes from behind the piston (Fig. 53). This
the steering valve to be used for steering. A pilot line is action keeps the lockdown valve from shifting and raising
connected to the accumulator circuit to sense the accumu- the hitch as the accumulator pressure is built up when the
lator-cylinder circuit oil pressure. The increased pressure engine is restarted.
of 2400 psi during lockdown shifts the pilot piston of the Another safety function that occurs in the selector valve
charging valve against the spring cartridge (Fig. 50). This when the engine is shut down bleeds the oil from the accu-
action occurs at the upper charge limit which pilot shifts mulator-cylinder circuit to tank (Fig. 53). This bleed down
the charging stem, bypassing the controlled flow oil to the valve allows a mechanic to work on the system without fear
steering system. As leakage in the system allows accu- of encountering trapped pressure. The bleed down period
mulator pressure to drop to the 2100 psi cut-in point, the takes about 3 minutes, depending on the oil volume in the
spring cartridge overcomes the pilot pressure, allowing the accumulators. This maintains some system potential should
pilot valve to shift back. This action vents the pilot pres- the machine be shut down and then immediately restarted.
sure on the charging stem, allowing it to shift to direct flow After the bleed down period is completed, the accumulator
again to the accumulators. pistons will be bottomed and the cylinder in the collapsed
A relief valve is also built into the charging valve (Fig. position. The accumulators are constructed with a safety
49) to protect the Cushion Hitch components should the discharge so they cannot be disassembled when charged with
normal operation of the valve be interrupted. The pilot nitrogen.
valve is shimmed for the desired relief pressure. When this The selector valve is located at the operator station within
pressure occurs, the oil behind the flow control stem is easy reach by the right hand (Fig. 54). Lockdown is in ef-
vented, pilot operating the flow control as a dump spool fect with the handle down, which allows for rapid shifting
which bypasses the pump flow to the steering circuit (Fig. from cushion ride should an emergency occur.
51). The valve as shown is mounted under the floorboard.
Selector Valve - Control of the pilot pressure to the lock-
out stem is handled by the operator's selector valve. The
detailed valve shown in Fig. 52 is in the cushion ride posi-
tion, providing pilot pressure to position the lockdown stem.
Shifting the detented selector stem vents this pilot pressure,
allowing the lockdown stem to shift, placing the hitch in
lockdown. In case of an interruption of hydraulic pilot pres-
sure by some other cause, the machine will revert to lock-
down operation for control of the cutting edge, should an
emergency exist.
Control Safety - The manually operated selector valve
has an automatic lockout as a safety feature. When pump
pressure is present, a large piston on the end of the selector
stem forces the retainer to compress the spring, allowing
for normal operation of the selector stem. If the engine
Fig. 52 - Cushion Hitch selector valve - cushion ride


Fig. 51 - View of charging valve mounted under floor board Fig. 53 - Cushion Hitch selector valve - dead engine
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Control Schematic - A complete schematic is shown in nal, a hydraulic link is required. This feedback is performed
Fig. 55, giving the hydraulic connection relation between by two hydraulic cylinders connected by small lines (Fig.
all valves and components. Although the Cushion Hitch 56). The signal cylinder senses the angular change of the
circuit is combined with the small section of the steering tractor with respect to the scraper at the pivot point, and
pump, the steering circuit is not shown beyond the discharge this signal is sent to the slave cylinder connected to the
port of the charging valve. feedback link of the steering sector.
Steering - The steering valve has not been altered due In case of mechanical or hydraulic failure of the fol-
to any circuit effect caused by the addition of the Cushion low -up system, the steering system converts to nonfollow -up
Hitch. The pump flow, however, has been adjusted to allow steer. The flow restrictor orifices and the piston brake at the
for normal steering flow while the 6 gpm is being supplied slave cylinder restrict movement should a hose fail. Relief
to the leveling circuit. A new steering follow-up concept valves at the signal cylinder vent any pressure above 500
is required for Cushion Hitch operation, due to the relative psi during initial and operational synchronization. The
vertical motion between the hitch castings. Since a mechan- check valves at the salve cylinder replenish any oil that has
ical follow -up link cannot be economically designed to been vented. This oil is provided by a low pressure restrictor
tolerate this continual change and give a true feedback sig- valve in the steering oil return line. Fig. 57 shows the signal
cylinder mounted on the left side of the hitch so as to give
a linear output for angular changes.

/ 500 PSI
Fig. 54 - Selector valve at operator station Fig. 56 - Steering follow-up schematic


r n






Fig. 55 - Complete schematic of control circuit
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ture with adequate life is a must for production. A function- LOADS - The loads which the hitch carries between the
ally sound but unreliable Cushion Hitch vehicle would have tractor and scraper are shown on Fig. 58. Rimpull loading
little value to the owner. With a configuration largely de- is shown on illustration A, vertical loading is shown on illus-
termined by vehicle steering requirements, the tractor - tration B, steering and "steering effect" are depicted by illus-
scraper hitch transmits large and frequent loads between the tration C, and illustration D shows the effect of full oscilla-
tractor and scraper. Historically, tractor-scraper hitch struc- tion of the tractor with respect to the scraper. Rimpull loads,
tures were susceptible to fatigue damage. which are applied at the tire-ground line due to vehicle ac-
The Cushion Hitch structure which allows the large trac- celeration, motivation, or braking and also vertical loads
tor-to-scraper displacement matches established life standards which result from vehicle mass, both apply couples about an
of the non-Cushion Hitch. Life standards are defined as a axis parallel to the tractor axle. Rimpull forces produce the
given number of test cycles on the full-size laboratory and largest force range on the hitch. Vertical loading does not
the ditch course accelerated fatigue tests without any failure reverse and varies with payload and the dynamic effect due
which requires weld repair. The tests are considered equal to terrain. The most efficient structure for rimpull and ver-
in severity and are related to field test hours. They are des- tical loads would be I-beams on the centerline of the vehicle
cribed later in the paper in detail. For Cushion Hitch struc- connected by links with a rectangular cross-section. Fig.
tures to meet life standards, design stress levels for steel 59A shows such an I-beam hitch assembly.
castings were based on experience with similar applications. Steering and "steer effect" apply a couple about an axis
It required careful seeking for a structure which would pro- parallel to the articulation pivot of the tractor-scraper.
vide the shortest, most efficient load path between the trac- "Steering effect" is structural loading which results when
tor and scraper to obtain these stress levels. only one wheel hits a rut. The most efficient "trapezoidal
form" linkage to carry this type of loading would be large,
tubular, and cylindrically shaped front and rear structures
connected by wide links with a round tubular web. Fig. 59B
depicts such a configuration.
Steering, rimpull, and vertical loadings are frequent
enough for fatigue concern. The fourth type of loading due
to stop contact at maximum oscillation is infrequent, but a
high load requirement. To carry the last-mentioned load
most efficiently, it would require wide box sections for the

Fig. 57 - Follow-up cylinder mounted on lift side of hitch

Fig. 58 - Loads imposed on the hitch by rimpull, vertical Fig. 59 - Structural configuration designed for specific loads
loading, steering, and oscillation stops carried by the hitch
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front and rear members connected with wide links which Life - It was decided in the production design stage that
have large round tubular webs. the scraper-tractor components including the hitch were to
Structural Configuration - By balancing the size of the have the same strength as the non-Cushion Hitch. Initial
couples and utilizing the space available for hitch compo- stress work with the research vehicle indicated the frequency
nents, a compromise structure was designed. Fig. 60 is an of stress cycle occurrence would be greatly decreased, but
exploded view of the Cushion Hitch assembly. The front increased speed would require similar strength for structures
casting is composed of box sections, except for the load cyl- sensitive to vertical loading, such as draft arms. The load
inder slot. The rear casting with steering pivots also has a resulting from the initial load input with the Cushion Hitch
box section body with box section arms which straddle the at the higher speeds is approximately equal to the input at
front casting, providing space to allow load cylinder removal the lower speeds possible with the non-Cushion Hitch. Since
without disconnecting the tractor from the scraper. The the frequency of stress cycles is reduced, and the stress in
links are "short" with an oval section torsion web, and they the structures due to the initial input force at the higher
straddle the front casting. The hitch configuration provides speed has approximately the same magnitude, scraper and
a short load path for the forces which are transmitted be- tractor components with the Cushion Hitch will have a longer
tween the tractor and scraper, and it still encloses enough life. Hydraulic control components were designed to match
area to be an efficient torque carrying structure. vehicle structural life.
The front and rear hitch structures were designed as steel SAFETY DESIGN - The Cushion Hitch is an entirely new
castings to minimize stress concentrations and also to get concept which protects the operator's body from many shocks
section variation to match strength requirements. The cast- and prevents the bouncing of the vehicle from increasing
ings are connected through heat treated alloy pins with until complete control is lost. These factors were goals at
heat treated links. The links are equipped with shim adjust- the start of the program to dampen the bounce of an earth-
able, hardened bronze bearings. Hardened steel pressed-in mover and would certainly make a safer vehicle. Additional
bushings protect the bores of the large castings. The rotat- variables were apparent as the Cushion Hitch configuration
ing bearings in the link are greased and are sealed to the was developed, which warranted a careful look during pro-
outside of the assembly. Fig. 61 is a section through the duction design from the safety angle to protect operators
hitch-to-link pivot which shows bearing details. and service personnel. Hydraulic control safety items such
The wider-than-long link assembly is made by flash-butt as accumulator bleeddown at engine shutdown, lockdown
welding two forgings at the relatively low stressed torsion
web center. Fig. 62 shows the weld configuration. Flash-
butt welding allowed ideal forging direction and shape plus
a smaller, cheaper, forging. Heat treatment is after weld-


Fig. 61 - Cross section of casting to link pivot



Fig. 60 - Exploded view of the production Cushion Hitch Fig. 62 - Cushion Hitch link flash-butt weld configuration
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838 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

control availability for emergency braking, and safe startup weight since every additional pound of material in the v e -
procedure were discussed earlier in the paper. The scraper hicle is a pound less of payload. The short load path design
and Cushion Hitch control lines and the leveling valve were and thorough structural evaluation, which is discussed later
located on the right side of the vehicle (opposite operator) in the paper, minimized weight increase over a non-Cushion
so the hitch would serve as a shield if a failure occurred. Hitch. Initial low cost affects productivity and is always a
Fig. 63 is a view of the right side of the hitch assembly goal during design.
which shows the location of lines and valves and also the Cost was kept at a minimum by keeping the design sim-
gaurd over the leveling valve. ple, which is also compatible with the shortest load path
Visibility to the operator's right and rear had to approach structure. Materials and machining requirements familiar
the non-Cushion machine for safe operation on congested to manufacturing were used. Heat treated links, pins, and
jobs. The short links and narrow hitch structure design mini- plain heat treated bronze bearings minimized component
mized loss of visibility in these directions. size and weight.
SERVICEABILITY DESIGN - Serviceability is an important EVALUATION GUIDELINES - The Cushion Hitch required
production design criteria which affects design acceptance. functional and reliability evaluation. Will it function to
The vehicle as a whole and the hitch were both considered. dampen road shocks and make the associated gains in pro -
Exchangeability of tractor components, such as the torque
convenor and pumps, and the accessibility of dipsticks and
lubrication points could be adversely affected by adding the
larger hitch assembly with the added control lines. In addi-
tion to the extra lines in the hitch area, the lines needed to
be longer to accept the hitch deflection.
Hitch castings were shaped to maintain serviceability of
the torque convertor transmission and pumps. Dipsticks were
raised to eliminate the need for service personnel getting
into an awkward position to check them, and remote fittings
were used for hard-to-get-to lubrication points.
Hitch bearings are adjustable for thrust without disconnect-
ing the tractor from the scraper. The hitch assembly is d e -
signed so the load cylinder can be removed by disconnecting
the cylinder and lifting it out the side of the hitch assembly.
The serviceability of the tractor components, hitch bearings,
and load cylinder were additional factors which lead to the
narrow casting, short link design configuration. Fig. 64 - Tuning test of the Cushion Hitch vehicle at the
PRODUCTIVITY DESIGN - Haul units are sensitive to proving ground


r.—•«, ' ■"' D E L I N G VALVE GUARD
■if $w "; *^3 "^''i^WWSBBl
fi*.-- ,-^F¥ {\ ... — '■ W '-■■"

Fig. 63 - View of the right side of Cush-

ion Hitch tractor which shows the hydrau-
lic lines and leveling valve guard
Downloaded from SAE International by Imperial College London, Tuesday, August 21, 2018


ductivity and safety and still retain the earthmoving versa- Next, came the accelerated fatigue tests in the labora-
tility and safety of a non-Cushion earthmover? Do the hitch, tory and at the Arizona Proving Ground for reliability. The
hitch controls, and vehicle structure match life standards? lab test is a full-scale component test bed where rimpull,
Function is best checked at the proving ground and in the vertical, and steering loads are applied to the hitch in a
field. It would be possible to check structural reliability at cycle which simulates field loading. Component life on this
the proving ground and in the field by operating several years cycle can be related historically to field life in service meter
on an earthmoving cycle. A combination of accelerated hours. Fig. 65 shows the bed plate with the hitch installed
fatigue tests in the laboratory and on the ditch course pro- where the load cycle is applied to the frame. The compo-
duced the answer in a fraction of the time required on earth-
moving cycles. Also, another advantage is that the life of
the Cushion Hitch structure on the standard controlled tests
is compared with the non-Cushion Hitch structure which have
been evaluated on the same tests. The experience with the
non-Cushion Hitch structure, which has been customer tested
for years and thousands of hours, then relates to the Cushion
Hitch structure.
FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION - Tests of ride and bump
damping characteristics at the proving ground assured that
the cushioning effeciency of the production vehicle matched
the research machine. Fig. 64 shows the tuning arrangement
for the Cushion Hitch at the proving ground. Controls were
evaluated for operator convenience and safety, both at the
proving ground and in the field, by engineered tests and op-
erator judgment. The vehicle was moved from job to job
to gain the experience of a wider range of field conditions.
Proving Ground and Laboratory Life Measurement - How
was the production design Cushion Hitch vehicle checked for
life standards? The process started at the proving ground.
Stress magnitudes under both normal and extreme operating
conditions were checked at the proving ground with brittle
lacquer stress coat to determine high stress areas and with
strain gages to measure magnitude. After the initial shake-
down for high stresses, which gave an early indication of
weak spots, the vehicle was put on an earthmoving cycle to
check for overall operating characteristics, safety, bearing
wear, and component serviceability. Fig. 66 - Cushion Hitch link web torsion test specimen

Fig. 65 - Accelerated fatigue test bed

plate facility
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840 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

nents are stress coated and then strain gaged at the areas of Horizontal forces applied to the wheels when they first
high stress as determined by the stress coat. The test engi- hit the forward portion of the ditch duplicated the effects of
neer and designer then know the stress at a location produced braking. The forward rimpull loading effect of accelerating
by a known load. In the lab, stress coating and strain gages and forward motivation were duplicated when the drive
are applied and read under controlled conditions which elim- wheels crawled out of the bump.
inate the problems caused by mobility and weather at the Traversing the diagonal ditch course applied a dynamic
proving ground and in the field. Also, the life answer is de- steering load. When the right tractor wheel and the left
termined in a short time, since the lab test can be operated scraper wheel hit a diagonal ditch simultaneously, the effect
on a 24 hr basis. is the same as when a tractor or scraper wheel hits a rut in
A separate fatigue test was run on the forged flash-butt the haul road or fill, which twists the vehicle about the king-
welded link webs. The weld process with a large cross sec- bolt. Thus, the three loadings of steering, vertical, and rim-
tion was new to Caterpillar, so life scatter and fatigue life pull were applied by the ditch course. A comparison of the
of the weld versus parent metal were needed in a shorter magnitude of the forces felt on the hitch of the ditch course
time than the full-scale test would produce. The fully re- and at the Tech Center test are shown on Fig. 68.
versed torsion cycle applied to the specimen was based on Although the input loads cannot be controlled nor the
the stress determined by the stress coat and strain gage read- loads measured as precisely as in the lab, the ditch course
ings from the full-scale lab test. Fig. 66 shows the specimens had advantages over the lab test. It tested the whole vehicle
for the torsion test. structure plus hydraulic cylinders, control lines, and vehicle
The Arizona Proving Ground ditch course provided the safety. Since the ditch course was in the Arizona desert, the
second accelerated fatigue test. It not only tested the hitch hydraulic control circuit was endurance tested in high am-
but the entire vehicle. The course was created by cutting a bient temperatures under extreme working conditions.
series of straight (perpendicular to direction of travel) and a The Cushion Hitch, with the tractor-scraper on the reson-
series of diagonal (45 deg to direction of travel) wheelbase ant speed designed course, would dampen the bounce before
spaced ditches in caliche soil. the tractor tires would drop into the next bump and reinforce
By traversing the straight ditch course at the speed which the vehicle vibration or bounce. This stabilizing effect dem-
put the vehicle in resonance, the vehicle was loaded dynam- onstrated that the Cushion Hitch was a safer vehicle than the
ically both vertically (bounce) and horizontally (forward and non-Cushion machine. Some unexplained loss-of-control
reverse rimpull). Refer to Fig. 67 for ditch course loading. accidents with tractor-scrapers may be prevented by use of
Vertical loading was accomplished when the tires dropped the Cushion Hitch.
into the ditch and reacted to accelerate the vehicle upward. Field Life Measurement - The next step, in the reliability
check, was to take the Cushion Hitch to a customer's job to
get an indication of its life by measuring load magnitude
and frequency of load occurrence on an earthmoving cycle
both with cushion ride and lockdown. These data could be
related historically to similar measurements made previously
on non-Cushion Hitch machines. Life of the Cushion Hitch
vehicle could then be forecast and compared with the life
of the non-Cushion Hitch. The Cushion Hitch was instru-
mented on several contractor sites to get a cross section of
jobs and uses. The three basic loads measured were: ver-
tical, measured at the bowl cylinder yokes; rimpull, meas-



Fig. 67 - Illustration of loads applied to the Cushion Hitch Fig. 68 - Comparison of stress range applied on the hitch by
by the accelerated fatigue test ditch course the ditch course and laboratory accelerated fatigue tests
Downloaded from SAE International by Imperial College London, Tuesday, August 21, 2018


ured at the draft arm pins; and steering, measured at the should be no expected reduction in steering loads on the v e -
steering cylinders. Strain gaged steering and bowl lift rods hicle due to the Cushion Hitch. This is supported by the
and calibrated draft arm pins served as transducers. Fig. 69 trace.
shows the instrumented vehicle. Fig. 71 compares the frequency of occurrence of vertical
Previously, load measurement capability was limited by load ranges per earthmoving cycle with Cushion and non-
the amount of data which could be recorded with portable, Cushion operation. This bar chart comparison indicates
bulky instrumentation on the vehicle and the amount of data longer structural life for the vehicle with the Cushion Hitch.
which could be manually analyzed. The Cushion Hitch data Increased life magnitude with the hitch can be better de-
were recorded with a tape recorder so a number of complete
earthmoving cycles could be stored. The results were r e - 1. CUSHION HITCH DISP
duced with the computer which eliminated the time and cost 2. BOWL LIFT ROD FORCE
burden of manually reducing the data. 3. DRAFT ARM PIN FORCE
Fig. 70 shows typical load versus time' traces of the three 4. STEERING ROD FORCE
basic loads on the vehicle which occurred during an earth- TH CUSH
moving cycle. Note the greatly reduced vertical dynamic
loading, the decreased rimpull loading, and the similar steer- i^ea==ii^^^*^|p«^^^?E^s2;
ing loading of the Cushion versus non-Cushion vehicle. There


Fig. 70 - Comparative force traces of non-Cushion Hitch

and Cushion Hitch as function of time recorded in field



1 2 3 4

Fig. 71 - Comparison of sums of vertical load occurrences

Fig. 69 - Instrumented vehicle in field imposed on non-Cushion and Cushion Hitch vehicle in field
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842 J. W. CARTER, ET AL.

fined by using Corten-Dolan's relationship for calculating showed the Cushion Hitch vehicle, loaded or empty, con-
fatigue damage to structures. The structural damage caused sistently averaged higher speeds than the non-Cushion. A
by each vertical load applied at the bowl lift cylinders dur- variable left out of all studies is operator fatigue, which in-
ing complete earthmoving cycles (using the Corten-Dolan creases as his number of hours at the controls increases.
relationship) were evaluated and added with a digital com- The Cushion Hitch vehicle was equipped with the same
puter. power train as the comparable size 3-axle tractor-scraper.
The calculated damage due to vertical loading with the It was placed with a fleet of 3-axle machines, and a pro-
non-Cushion Hitch was 4.3 times as great as with the Cush- ductivity study was made. The Cushion Hitch 2-axle vehicle
ion Hitch for the earthmoving cycle depicted on the traces showed a slight decrease in cycle t i m e . The 3-axle vehicle
of Fig. 70. The same data are presented as a histogram on has been used historically on jobs with excellent tractive con-
the bar graph of Fig. 71, which shows the frequency of occur- ditions and long hauls where the higher top speed and better
rence of vertical loading for the same earthmoving cycle. ride shows a cycle time advantage over 2-axle scrapers. In
The 4.3 times the life value for components affected by ver- addition to showing a cycle time decrease over the 3-axle
tical loads was typical for the customer earthmover cycles vehicle, the Cushion Hitch retains the inherent advantage
evaluated. Some tractor-scraper vehicle components signif- of traction and maneuverability of the single-axle tractor.
icantly affected by vertical loading are wheel housing In summary, on most jobs the Cushion Hitch will show a
axles, push frames, bowl spreader, bowl lift cylinders, draft productivity gain. An earthmover will be used on different
arms, and the draft tube-to-gooseneck connection. These types of jobs during its life and statistics will show a signifi-
areas, historically, have been susceptible to fatigue damage. cant productivity gain for the vehicle equipped with the
Note that these values of increased life were at the increased Cushion Hitch.
speeds associated with the Cushion Hitch. SAFETY EVALUATION - During design every attempt was
PRODUCTIVITY EVALUATION - The justification of any made to eliminate safety hazards, but there always are new
earthmover is its productivity. How does the Cushion Hitch considerations as the vehicle is put into service. For example,
affect productivity? It is easier to list the Cushion Hitch what happens when a hitch control hose or leveling valve
factors which will add or subtract from the productivity of fails while traversing a rough fill ? Will the tractor slam
the tractor-scraper than to put a figure on the net gain. This wildly up and down and the vehicle go out of control? This
is a result of the job versatility of the tractor-scraper. First, was tried at the proving ground without any dire effects. As
the negative and positive factors will be listed, and then a a similar example, what happens if the operator forgets and
timed productivity study of the hitch working with a non- leaves the selector lever in lockdown position and the v e -
Cushion fleet of 2-axlescrapers and a fleet of 3-axle scrapers hicle goes into bounce resonance? This was also tried, and
will be presented. he can reach the lever in ample time. The hitch responds
1. Factors against: quickly to dampen the lope. Considering machine stability,
(a) Added weight. how will the Cushion Hitch deflection of 10 in. change the
(b) Added cost. forward and back tractor tip angle? It was measured at the
(c) Hitch maintenance requirements. proving ground tilt table and determined that the tractor
2. Factors for: back tip angle remained the same, but the forward tip angle
(a) Faster cycle time. increased 2 deg. This increase is in the safe direction.
(b) Less operator fatigue. Hitch deflection of 5 in. to the collapsed position will
(c) Less haul road maintenance. produce about 2.5 in. of drop at the cutting edge. Operators
(d) Less downtime for structural repairs. are required to maintain the bowl about 2.5 in. higher than
(e) Vehicle life increased. with non-Cushion Hitch. This has been no problem for the
(f) More versatile earthmover. operators at the proving ground or in the field. Every effort
Production was measured on customer jobs with a number has been made to check the Cushion Hitch vehicle for safety.
of "yardsticks." The Cushion Hitch showed from no signifi-
cant change to a 24% decrease in cycle time when compared SUMMARY
to similar non-Cushion scrapers, depending on job conditions.
The only productivity variable omitted in cycle time is load The Cushion Hitch provides a remarkably improved opera-
size, which was assumed to be the same for similar models tor ride with better haul road safety. Owners will observe a
timed during the study. Where there is high rolling resistance significant increase in machine productivity, operator ef-
and speed is limited by horsepower, the Cushion Hitch showed ficiency, and a subsequently reduced cost per yard. It is c a p -
no significant gain, as expected. Since the haul road part able of assuring near maximum use of vehicle power on jobs
of the cycle is where the cushion accrues most of the speed that formerly caused severe speed restriction due to rough
advantage, the cycle with the very short haul demonstrates ride. The Cushion Hitch vehicle is a well tested, reliable
little advantage for the Cushion Hitch. Speed trap results earthmover.

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