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[Document title]

1. What are the responsibilities of a home carer when it comes to administering

medication to clients?

2. Explain the importance of understanding a client's medication schedule and

[Document title]

3. How would you ensure medication safety in a home care setting?

4. Describe the process of assisting a client with self-administration of


5. What steps would you take if a client refuses to take their prescribed
[Document title]

6. How would you handle the situation if a client experiences an adverse reaction
to medication?

7. Explain the importance of proper medication storage and disposal in a home

care environment.

8. Describe the documentation requirements for medication administration in a

home care setting.
[Document title]

9. What are the common signs and symptoms of medication non-compliance,

and how would you address this issue with a client?

10. What actions would you take if you suspect a medication error has occurred?

11. How would you communicate with the client's healthcare provider regarding
medication-related concerns or changes?
[Document title]

12. Explain the importance of medication education for clients and their
caregivers in a home care setting.

13. Describe the process of medication reconciliation when a client is

transitioning between different care settings.
[Document title]

14. How would you handle a situation where a client has multiple healthcare
providers prescribing medications that may interact with each other?

15. What resources or references would you consult to stay up-to-date on

medication information and best practices in home care?

16. Choose 10 medication from the list below:

Clopidogrel, Adcal D 3, Lansoprazole, Omeprazole, Paracetamol, Alendronic acid
Apixaban, Atenolol, Ramipril, Bisoprolol, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, Candesartan
, Bimatoprost, Brinzolamide, calcium carb /colecalciferol (THEICALD3/ACCRETE
(1000mg/880IU), Docusate, Donepezil, Epimax, Fortisip, furosemide, Ganfort,
Lansoprazole, Laxido, Levothyroxine, Levothyroxine sodium, Senna,
Simvastatin,Theical-D3 ,Venlafaxine.
a. What is it used for
b. Route
c. Dosage
d. Form
e. Give the side effects
[Document title]

f. Contradictions

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