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UX Foundations: Research

with Amanda Stockwell

Name of Study: Screener


Notes: Here is where you add information for people helping you screen.

If you’re using an external source to schedule, this is where you would add information
about the number of participants you want to schedule, times and dates, session lengths,
and any compensation.

Dates 1, 2, and 3

1. Time 1 3. Time 3
2. Time 2 4. Time 4

Invite Script: Here is where you add the script for the screeners to use on the phone or in
an email to potential candidates.

Hello, my name is _____________________, and I am calling from ______________. We are

conducting a paid research study and would like to invite you to participate in a [whatever
kind of study you’re doing] concerning [the topic of your research]. The discussions will be
held in [location] on [dates]. Each session will last approximately [session time] and you’ll
be compensated with [compensation].

Does this sound like something you would be interested in?

If yes: Great. I just need to ask you a few questions. This should only take five minutes of
your time. [Continue to questions.]

If no: Thank you for your time.


1. Ask the most important question to determine if the candidate meets the study’s
requirements. For example, whether the candidate is a user of a particular system
you’re testing or shares key behaviors with the persona you are targeting.
2. Question 2
3. Question 3
4. Try to keep your screening to five to six questions. Ask the highest priority questions
first to determine whether to disqualify someone.
5. Try to ask questions with defined answers (multiple choice or yes/no), rather than
open-ended questions, to keep the screening short.

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