Ravikumar Naidu Resume

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IPhase,J.P.Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka-560078 marisettirkgmail.com

Phone no: 08686560167, 09738310999.
'To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills, educational background and
ability to work well with people.
O Thorough understanding oI the Iundamental principles oI business administration and their practical
O Multi-cultural team work experience while working with the French students in France during the
O Able to work under pressure and Iully commit myselI to a project until completed.
O International proIile and vision.
010 011: MBA in the 'Grande Ecole oI Pau - France (accredited business
school).&association with IBM at the National School oI Business oI Bangalore - India
www.nsbindia.org - www.esc-pau.com
4 SubjectsStudied: Multi culture Management, Strategic Management, Leadership and Decision
making, Global Branding, Managing Innovation, Managing InIormation System, Knowledge
Management, and HistoryoIGlobalization.
4 Global exposure with French students during MBA program when studying in France and
4 Business Project:Project is about Marketing, Segmentation and positioning oI HUSH
PUPPIES (marketing and sales by BATA India Ltd in Bangalore) Footwear. And I worked in
cross culture team with two French colleagues. At the end oI the project, based on the
outcome we recommend to BATA regarding positioning, competition by segmenting the
market Ior Hush Puppies. Duration oI the project is 14 weeks.
007-010: Bachelor Business Management (BBM)
4 Core Specialization: Product and Sales Marketing.
4 SubjectsStudied: Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, and Financial
Management, Principals oI Management, Financial Accountancy, Financial Management,
Cost Management System, Product Marketing, And Sales Marketing.
Marketing project on Customer satisIaction on Samsung Televisions in Sri Lakshmi Electronics
Showroom, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India- 50003
4 Duration: Months. (January-February 010)
O Situation Analysis oI Samsung.
O To know the reputation oI Samsung T. V. in the market.
O To measure and evaluate the satisIaction level oI customers towards Samsung televisions.
In brieI, the Iieldwork was conducted in the month oI January and February and the Data was collected by Iace-
to-Iace interviews with customers which lasted Ior 15 0 minutes using structured questionnaire.
4 Outcome:
Customers buy Irom showroom because oI the Service and Convenience. These are two main
Customers preIerred to buy Irom the showroom because oI they think that these convenient
store may provide good aIter sell service.
Customer also thinks there is more chance to bargain and they can get more discounts in these
Price is also Iactor that attracts the customer in these showrooms.

4 years oI experience in Iamily business: Sri SrinivasaRice mill, Rajanagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Turn over Rs.4 crores, 15 Workers and 5 staII members.
4 006 007 (Fulltime): AIter my 1
standard I took one year break Irom studies
I learnt about theproceedings in the business.
Dealt with Iarmers and attracting new customers by acquiring knowledge in getting
customers and sales.
Labor handling, heavy cash handling were part oI business, Irom which I learnt
human resource management and Iinances.
4 007 010 (Casual Work/part time): I continued my studies and joinedGraduation (BBM), I
worked and helped my Family in administrative work oI the Iirm.
Engaged myselI in decision making and Iirm expansion.
Started dealing with the Iarmers oI other states.

Participated in National service scheme camp Ior times which is was conducted by my college in the
year 007 and 009: For blood donation camps, medicines supply to the village people and service
camps Ior Disaster Management and Ior Plantation.

Vice President oI National Student Union oI India, during graduation.

4 The committee is the mode oI communication Ior resources, activities, etc between the NSUI
organization and the college.
4 Here I learned how to work in a group and make people to work as group.
4 And made good connections with high proIessionals like proIessors and politicians

English : Fluent.
Hindi : Fluent.
Telugu : Native Speaker.
French : Basic Knowledge.

Sports and games:Tennis, Cricket, Chess.

Travelling: travelled many places in India to know the diIIerent culture. And also travelled Iew places
in Sri Lanka, France, Spain and Italy.
General: SurIing on web (Social Network Sites), Reality Shows on TV like adventurous shows.

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