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Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

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Influence of skidder traffic on soil bulk density, aspen regeneration, and T

vegetation indices following winter harvesting in the Duck Mountain
Provincial Park, SK
Landon L. Sealey , Ken C.J. Van Rees

University of Saskatchewan, Department of Soil Science, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8, Canada


Keywords: Following a disturbance, extensive aspen (Populus tremuloides) suckering is crucial for ensuring the continued
Soil bulk density productivity of the future forest. The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of using winter harvesting in a
Unoccupied aerial vehicles provincial park as a way to mitigate severe soil compaction and ensure sufficient aspen regeneration to re-
UAV juvenate the mature forest. Six harvested blocks were selected for this study based on a skidder traffic intensity
Trembling aspen
map, which was generated using GPS data collected throughout the duration of the harvesting event. Soil bulk
Populus tremuloides
Winter harvesting
density, aspen regeneration, and vegetation indices were measured across the different levels of skidder traffic
Soil compaction intensity. Soil bulk density increased significantly following as little as 1–5 skidder passes (1.39 g cm−3) com-
Traffic intensity pared to the unharvested control (1.29 g cm−3); however, bulk density remained relatively constant as the level
Aspen regeneration of skidder traffic intensity continued to increase. No relationship was found between soil bulk density and the
Multispectral remote sensing level of aspen regeneration; however, the level of skidder traffic intensity significantly influenced the level of
aspen regeneration. Aspen root collar diameter, leaf area index, dry leaf biomass, total N, and total P all de-
creased as the level of skidder traffic intensity increased; but, these decreases were not significant. Conversely,
both aspen sucker density and height decreased significantly as the level of skidder traffic intensity increased,
decreasing nearly 50% and 28%, respectively, in areas with 51–100 skidder passes. Multispectral remote sensing
using UAV to assess the level of aspen regeneration across an entire harvested block proved ineffective. Although
several vegetation indices showed significant relationships with aspen properties, none of these relationships had
a coefficient of determination greater than approximately 0.2. Overall, winter harvesting appeared to have
mitigated soil compaction concerns as expressed by soil bulk density and. although areas with higher levels of
skidder traffic intensity (51–100 passes) experienced a decrease in aspen regeneration vigor, these areas with
decreased aspen regeneration only accounted for approximately 1–2% of harvested blocks.

1. Introduction park’s forests. Therefore, mechanical harvesting is being used as a

means to mimic a natural disturbance and stimulate the regeneration of
Duck Mountain Provincial Park, in NE Saskatchewan has a forest the forest. Harvesting was selected as a management option as it has
cover dominated by mature trembling aspen stands (approx. 130 years been shown to be an effective method to stimulate the rejuvenation of
old), most of which originated in the large wildfires of the late 1880s. mature aspen forests (Navratil, 1991; Frey et al., 2003). However, in
Consequently, the forest is in need of regeneration as the current cohort pure aspen forests where regeneration occurs naturally, repeated heavy
of aspen has surpassed its natural longevity and stand breakdown is machinery traffic has the potential to cause severe soil compaction and
accelerating. In the absence of fire or a major disturbance, it is thought could dictate regeneration success (Brais and Camiré, 1998; Zenner
that most of the stands will succeed to a shrub-dominated ecosystem. et al., 2007). In addition to soil compaction, mechanical harvesting also
This transition would degrade the natural environment in the park and has the potential to cause severe disturbance to the forest floor. Damage
would seriously decrease the recreation value and potential of the to the forest floor could negatively influence the level of aspen

Abbreviations: CIG, chlorophyll index green; DTM, digital terrain model; GIS, geographic information systems; GNDVI, green normalized vegetation index; LAI, leaf
area index; N, nitrogen; NDRE, normalized red-edge index; NIR, near infrared; P, phosphorus; RCD, root collar diameter; RGB, red-greenblue; SR, simple RED/NIR
ratio; UAVs, unoccupied aerial vehicles

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.L. Sealey).
Received 19 November 2018; Received in revised form 7 January 2019; Accepted 16 January 2019
Available online 29 January 2019
0378-1127/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

regeneration as the majority of the roots responsible for sucker re- which the majority of the soils classified as Gray or Dark Gray Luvisols
generation are located within 0–15 cm of the forest floor surface according to the Canadian System of Soil Classification (Soil
(Strong and La Roi, 1983; Peterson and Peterson, 1992; Navratil, 1996; Classification Working Group, 1998). At each of the six harvested
Lieffers-Pritchard, 2004). Therefore, as a means to mitigate the risk of blocks examined in this study, a 1 × 1 m pedon was excavated to collect
soil and forest floor disturbance, harvesting was conducted during the information regarding soil properties (for full soil profile descriptions
winter season (December 1–March 31) when the soil is reportedly see supplemental material). Of these pits, five were classified under the
frozen and forest floor is covered by snow (Government of Luvisolic order (Soil Classification Working Group, 1998) and had
Saskatchewan, 2011). Several studies have examined the effects of surface textures ranging between sandy loam and loam. The sixth pit
season of harvest and found that the severity of soil and forest floor was classified as a Brunisol (Soil Classification Working Group, 1998)
disturbance is significantly reduced when harvesting occurs during the and had a loamy sand surface texture.
winter (Holman et al., 1978; Block et al., 2002; Berger et al., 2004; This aspen forest was harvested following a tree length harvesting
Kolka et al., 2012). However, is it possible to manage the forest in Duck method, where cut trees were processed at roadside landings to remove
Mountain Provincial Park through careful ecological winter harvesting branches before transportation to the mill. To reduce site disturbance,
to minimize soil disturbance and have adequate aspen regeneration? the forest floor in the landing areas was not bladed back. Treetops and
Traditionally, regeneration surveys involve using small assessment branches were redistributed throughout the harvested block as a sus-
plots to assess regeneration across the entire harvested landscape, tainable way of providing nutrients for the subsequent forest or piled
which may not adequately represent the entire harvest block. Rather and burned.
than using sample plots to assess regeneration, unoccupied aerial ve- Prior to the start of harvesting, iPads equipped with Avenza
hicles (UAVs) and remote sensing may offer a solution that can accu- PDFmaps (Avenza Systems Inc., Toronto, ON) were installed on all
rately assess the level and health of aspen regeneration across entire harvesting equipment to continuously monitored their location during
harvested blocks. Similar research in the agricultural sector has proven the winter harvesting event. Unfortunately, there were data collection
the feasibility of using UAVs and remote sensing to monitor vegetation issues for feller-buncher and delimber equipment; therefore, traffic in-
health and growth (Barnes et al., 2000; Henik, 2012) and this tech- tensity was based solely on the grapple skidder traffic. Once harvesting
nology is slowly becoming more prevalent in the forest sector. Several was completed, all skidder traffic data was compiled and a series of
studies have shown UAV based remote sensing as an effective tool for tools and processes in ArcGIS (version 10.3.1, Environmental Systems
measuring tree height, canopy closure, species composition, stocking Research Institute, Redlands, CA) were used to calculate the number of
density, disease, etc. (Wallace et al., 2012; Lehmann et al., 2015; Zhang skidder passes over an area for the entire harvesting event (Fig. 2). The
et al., 2016); however, no studies have examined whether UAV based number of skidder passes were then classified into seven levels of
remote sensing can be used to assess aspen forest regeneration. skidder traffic intensity (unharvested, harvested 0 passes, 1–5 passes,
Therefore, the overall goal of this study was to assess winter har- 6–10 passes, 11–25 passes, 26–50 passes, and 51–100 passes) based on
vesting as a suitable practice to mitigate soil compaction and ensure studies which found a logarithmic relationship between soil compaction
sufficient aspen regeneration in a mature aspen forest located in a and the level of traffic disturbance (Brais and Camiré, 1998; Zenner
provincial park. The objectives for this study were to examine: (1) the et al., 2007) (Fig. 3). As we were unable to determine the exact areas
relationship between the skidder traffic intensity and soil compaction that were harvested by the feller-buncher, additional analysis was
on aspen regeneration attributes following one summer of growth; and needed to identify areas classified as having been harvested with 0
(2) the feasibility of UAV based multispectral remote sensing as a tool skidder passes. In order to determine these areas, aerial imagery was
for assessing the effects of skidder traffic intensity on aspen regenera- overlaid with the skidder traffic map and image interpretation was used
tion across entire harvested blocks. to identify whether an area classified as having 0 skidder passes ap-
peared to be harvested.
2. Materials & Methods For this study, six harvested blocks, each containing all seven
skidder intensity classes, were identified. Three harvested blocks (1, 2,
This study was conducted in the northwest corner of Duck Mountain & 3) were selected following the 2015–2016 winter harvesting event,
Provincial Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (Universal Transverse Mercator while the remaining three harvested blocks (A, B, & C) were selected
coordinate system, Zone 14U, 0307591 Easting and 5735089 Northing) following the 2016–2017 winter harvesting event. In the summers
(Fig. 1). The park is a forested upland composed primarily of mature immediately following the two winter harvesting events, soil bulk
trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and balsam poplar (Populus bal- density and aspen regeneration measurements (density, height, RCD,
samifera) which originated following the last forest fires in the late LAI, dry leaf biomass, total leaf N and P) were collected. Using ArcGIS,
1890s and early 1990s (Government of Saskatchewan, 2015). White bulk density and regeneration sampling locations within each harvested
spruce (Picea glauca) can also be found throughout the park; however, block were selected using stratified random sampling, with the seven
their population is minimal and only found in low-lying areas near skidder traffic intensity classes being used as strata.
wetlands. Beaked hazelnut (Corylus cornuta) and mountain maple (Acer Soil bulk density samples were collected in June 2016 and 2017 at a
spicatum) dominate the understory of this forest; but several other depth of 10 cm from the mineral surface using a vertical soil coring
smaller shrubs, forbs, and grasses are also present. Overall, the ecolo- method (Hao et al., 2008) with a core volume of 68.71 cm3. At each
gical classification of this forest would be categorized as a BP7 to BP8 harvested block, 10 bulk density samples were collect for each of the
ecosite according to classification system developed by McLaughlan seven skidder traffic intensity classes for a total of 420 bulk density
et al. (2010) for the forests of Saskatchewan. The climate in this area is samples. The unharvested controls for bulk density were collected
rather cool and moist with an mean annual daily air temperature of within areas where trees were not harvested (i.e. adjacent forest or
0.7 °C (Mean annual daily maximum of 6.5 °C/mean annual daily residual stands within harvested blocks). Bulk density samples were
minimum of −5.1 °C) and an average annual precipitation of 572.6 mm oven-dried at 105 °C for 24 h before being weighed for total dry mass
(405.7 mm from rain and 166.9 mm from snow) (Government of and then sieved to remove coarse fragments (> 2 mm) (Maynard and
Canada, 2018). See supplemental material for daily temperature, daily Curran, 2008). In order to calculate a final coarse fragment adjusted
precipitation, and snow cover data during the harvesting and growing bulk density, the mass and volume of coarse fragments was determined
periods. and removed from the total dry mass and core volume (Vincent and
According to the soil survey report for this area (Saskatchewan Chadwick, 1994; Page-Dumroese et al., 1999; Hao et al., 2008). The
Institute of Pedology, 1994), soils in the northwest section of the Duck removal of coarse fragments was done as a means to standardize all
Mountain Provincial Park developed on glacial till parent material bulk density samples as not all samples contained the same amount of

L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

Fig. 1. Locator map of the Duck Mountain Provincial Park and the harvesting operation within the park.

coarse fragments. determined back in the lab by feeding all the aspen leaves that were
To assess the influence of skidder traffic on the level of aspen re- collected from within a quadrat through a Li-COR LI3050A area meter
generation, four assessment plots (1 × 1 m quadrats) were selected at (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE). These leaves were then oven-dried at
random from the 10 bulk density sampling locations within each 75 °C for 48 h before they were weighed to determine dry leaf biomass
skidder intensity class, not including areas that were unharvested as no (g m−2). Lastly, the dried leaves were ground in a high speed blade
regeneration was expected. This gave a total of 144 regeneration as- grinder and the sample homogenized before they were acid digested
sessment plots spread evenly across the six harvested blocks. Within the with 5 ml of H2SO4 and 2.5 ml (spread over 5 additions) of H2O2
assessment plot, aspen density (# of sucker m−2) was determined by (Thomas et al., 1967). The digestion extract was then analyzed with a
counting all suckers within the measurement plot. Aspen sucker height Technicon AutoAnalyzer (Technicon Industrial Systems, Tarrytown,
(cm) and aspen RCD (mm) were then determined for each aspen sucker N.Y.) to obtain total N and P.
within the quadrat using a meter stick and a digital caliper, respec- Unfortunately, due to the short sampling window, samples for the
tively. In the field, plot LAI (m m−2) was determined using an AccuPAR three harvested blocks sampled during the summer of 2016 (1, 2, & 3)
LP80 ceptometer (METER Group Inc., Pullman, WA), which calculated were not collected to determine LAI measurements, dry leaf biomass,
leaf area based on the difference in light quantity above and below the and nutrient concentration. As a result, all analyses of these three
regenerating vegetation (Duursma et al., 2003). Aspen only LAI was properties are based only on the data collected from the three harvested

L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

Fig. 2. Detailed flowchart outlining ArcGIS tool and processes used for the calculation of number of skidder passes across the harvested block.

blocks sampled in 2017 (A, B, & C). Guangdong Province). In addition, a Parrot Sequoia (Parrot SA, Paris,
Technical malfunctions also prevented the capture of aerial images Îles-de-France) multispectral sensor was attached to the Phantom 4
from the harvested blocks measured during the summer of 2016 (1, 2, & which collected GREEN, RED, RED-EDGE, and NEAR INFRARED (NIR)
3); therefore, the assessment of UAV remote sensing as a method for imagery of the harvested blocks. Flights to acquire imagery of these
determining aspen regeneration was only based on the harvested blocks harvested blocks occurred in May and August between 10 am and 2 pm
measured in 2017 (A, B, & C). Standard RED-GREEN-BLUE (RGB) and were planned using DroneDeploy (DroneDeploy, San Francisco, CA,
imagery was captured directly from the built-in DJI Phantom 4 camera USA) software to ensure flight parameters were consistent between the
(Dà-Jiãng Innovations Science and Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen, harvested blocks. The UAV was flown at 60 m above ground level with

L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

Fig. 3. An example of a skidder traffic intensity map developed through GPS analysis.

an overlap of approximately 75% side to side and 60% front to back. By normalized difference vegetation index (GNDVI), normalized difference
flying at this altitude, pixel resolution was approximately 1.8 cm red-edge index (NDRE), simple RED/NIR ratio (SR), and chlorophyll
pixel−1 for the RGB imagery and 7.4 cm pixel−1 for the multispectral index green (CIG). Indices values were extracted for each of the re-
imagery. generation assessment plots across harvested blocks A, B, and C using a
Prior to flights, white circular ground control points were placed digital 1 × 1 m quadrat that was placed over top of each sampling
throughout the harvested blocks and their locations were recorded with point; acting as a surrogate for the quadrat used in the field. As pixel
a Trimble GeoXT 2005 series GPS (Trimble Inc., Sunnyvale, CA). Once size was much smaller than the digital quadrat, this gave an average
all flights were complete, both RGB and multispectral images were index value for each plot.
uploaded to Pix4D (Pix4D SA, Lausanna, Vaud) where they were stit- All statistical analysis for this study were done using SAS (version
ched together separately to generate an RGB and multispectral ortho- 9.4, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). To assess the influence of
mosaic of each harvested block. During the stitching process, the skidder traffic intensity on soil bulk density, samples from each in-
multispectral imagery also underwent a radiometric calibration ad- tensity level were combined and assessed using an analysis of variance
justment using images of a control panel with known reflectance values (PROC GLIMMIX), with sample year and slope position as a random
captured pre and post flight. Both RGB and multispectral orthomosaics effect. The relationship between soil bulk density and aspen regenera-
were then imported to ArcGIS where the ground control points men- tion was assessed using simple linear regression (PROC REG). For re-
tioned earlier were used to perform a geo-spatial correction. gression analysis, all aspen measurements in assessment plots where no
From the May flight, RGB imagery was used to calculate the slope aspen were recorded were set as zero rather than being excluded. Prior
position across the landscape (Pennock et al., 1987; Pennock, 2003; to analysis, the data was checked for outliers using studentized residual.
Miller and Schaetzl, 2014). These calculations were derived from the If studentized residuals were greater than or equal to 2, the sample
point-cloud and digital terrain model (DTM) that were generated from point was removed from the regression analysis. Residual normality
Pix4D. The DTM was imported to SAGA GIS (Conrad et al., 2015) where was also examined following regression analysis using a Shapiro-Wilk
normalized height was calculated and used to determine upper (> 0.5) test (PROC UNIVARIATE). If residuals were not normally distributed,
and lower (< 0.5) slope areas within the landscape. ArcGIS software they were transformed and the analysis was rerun.
was then used to calculate degree slope (°) based on the DTM to classify Aspen regeneration measurements from across all six harvested
the landscape into three categories (summit/depression, shoulder/ blocks were combined based on the level of skidder traffic intensity in
footslope, and backslope) based on the criteria developed by Pennock order to assess the influence of skidder traffic intensity on the level of
et al. (1987) and Miller and Schaetzl (2014). The three categories were aspen regeneration. Data was analyzed using an analysis of variance
then broken in five categories using the normalized height that was (PROC GLIMMIX) with sample year and slope position set as random
calculated earlier to differentiate the summit/depression and shoulder/ factors. For this analysis, only aspen density was recorded as zero if no
footslope positions based on whether they were found on an upper aspen were present within an assessment plot and all other aspen
slope or lower slope area within the landscape. measurements were set as a null value.
Vegetation indices were calculated using the radiometric and geo- The relationship between vegetation indices and aspen regeneration
spatial corrected multispectral imagery collected in August. Indices was assessed using simple linear regression (PROC REG). Again, all
where calculated in ArcGIS using the raster calculator. Five indices aspen measurements were recorded as zero if no aspen were present
were calculated: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), green within a measurement plot. Studentized residuals were used to assess

L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

Table 1
Harvested block size (ha) and percent breakdown (%) of the harvested block by skidder traffic intensity classes for the six blocks harvested during two harvest
Year of harvest

2015–16 2016–17

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block A Block B Block C Mean

Harvested area (ha) 1.58 2.18 3.42 3.65 6.50 7.17 4.08

% of the harvested block

Harvested 0 passes 6.86 8.67 6.73 13.36 13.38 13.78 10.46c†

1–5 passes 38.54 34.51 26.05 41.14 43.51 35.98 36.62a
6–10 passes 17.52 18.23 23.20 18.01 17.39 19.41 18.96b
11–25 passes 25.21 26.23 33.22 19.56 18.99 22.92 24.36b
26–50 passes 10.28 10.70 9.54 6.21 6.22 6.85 8.30c
51–100 passes 1.60 1.66 1.25 1.73 0.51 1.05 1.30d

Values with the same letter are not significantly different p = 0.05 using Tukey-Kramer.

data for outliers. If studentized residuals were greater than or equal to effects on the density and height of aspen suckers one-year post-harvest
2, the data point was removed. Following analysis, residual normality (Table 2). The average number of aspen suckers decreased significantly
was assessed using a Shapiro-Wilk test (PROC UNIVARIATE). If re- from 9.5 suckers m−2 (95,000 suckers ha−1) for areas with 6–25
siduals were not normal, data was transformed and re-analyzed. skidder passes to 4.7 suckers m−2 (47,000 suckers ha−1) for areas with
51–100 skidder passes. Although areas with less than six passes had
3. Results decreased aspen density compared to areas with slightly more skidder
traffic, this decrease was not significant. Average aspen sucker height,
3.1. Distribution of skidder traffic intensity across harvested blocks however, was highest for areas that had 0 skidder passes (85.8 cm) and
significantly decreased by approximately 22–25 cm in areas with
The areal extent of a skidder traffic class derived from the GPS data 11–25, 26–50 and 51–100 skidder passes. The level of skidder traffic
ranged from 0.5 to 43.5% of the harvested area when observed across intensity did not appear to have any significant effects on aspen sucker
all six blocks (Table 1). On average, areas with 1–5 passes encompassed RCD, aspen LAI, Plot LAI, dry leaf biomass and total leaf N and P, al-
a significantly larger portion of harvested blocks (≈37%), compared to though the majority of these properties tended to decrease as the level
all other levels of skidder traffic. Areas with 6–10 and 11–25 passes of skidder traffic intensity increased.
were the second largest skidder traffic disturbance class, accounting for
approximately 19 and 24% of the harvested blocks, respectively. No
skidder traffic areas and areas with 26–50 passes were the third largest 3.4. Effects of soil bulk density on aspen regeneration
contributor to overall harvested area, accounting for approximately 10
and 8% of harvested blocks, respectively. Areas with 51–100 passes Although increasing skidder traffic intensity resulted in a significant
consistently attributed the lowest amount of skidder disturbance to increase in bulk density compared to the unharvested control, the in-
harvested blocks, accounting for just over 1% of all skidder traffic. crease in soil bulk density did not have a negative effect on aspen re-
Areas with more than 26 passes were often associated with landings and generation properties one year post-harvest (Fig. 5). None of the eight
major skidder trails used to access secluded portions of the harvested aspen regeneration properties (density, height, RCD, aspen LAI, plot
block. The values represented in Table 1 do not include the in-block LAI, dry leaf biomass, total N, total P) indicated a significant linear
roads that were built as part of the harvesting operation to haul the relationship with increasing soil bulk density. In addition, none of the
harvested wood; as they represent an area of higher disturbance from coefficients of determination for any of the eight aspen properties was
road construction and logging truck traffic. greater than 0.1, further illustrating the lack of any relationship.

3.2. Effects of skidder traffic intensity on soil bulk density

3.5. Relationship between aspen regeneration and vegetation indices
Although harvesting was conducted during the winter months, the
level of skidder traffic intensity had a significant effect on the soil bulk Vegetation indices as calculated using multispectral imagery from a
density at the 10 cm depth (Fig. 4). With the exception of the intensity Parrot Sequoia sensor showed that none of the five indices used in this
classes Harvested0 passes and 11–25 skidder passes, all other skidder study had a strong relationship with the aspen measurements and
traffic intensity levels indicated a significant increase (p < 0.05) in soil therefore could not be used to effectively predict the level of aspen
bulk density compared to the unharvested control (1.29 g cm−3). Areas regeneration across the harvested block (Table 3). Of the five indices
with as little as 1–5 passes (1.39 g cm−3) were significantly higher than measured, GNDVI and NDVI showed the strongest relationship with
the unharvested control; however, the highest average bulk density many of the aspen regeneration properties and although many of these
occurred in areas with 26–50 passes (1.41 g cm−3). The change in soil properties showed highly significant linear regression with the vege-
bulk density with increasing number of passes had an asymptotical tation indices (p < 0.01), the strength of these relationships was poor.
trend, where there was an initial 7% increase in bulk density after 1–5 The highest coefficient of determination measured was between NDVI
skidder passes but then only increased another 2% by the time an area and aspen height with an R2 of 0.2094. These low coefficient of de-
had between 26 and 50 and 51–100 skidder passes. termination values made it impossible to accurately predict aspen re-
generation based on any of the vegetation indices. Of all the indices,
3.3. Effects of skidder traffic intensity on aspen regeneration NDRE was the least sensitive to changes in aspen regeneration as it
failed to show a significant relationship with any of the aspen mea-
Increasing the level of machine traffic intensity had significant surement properties.

L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

Fig. 4. Mean soil bulk density at 10 cm depth across skidder traffic intensity classes one year post winter harvest in Duck Mountain Provincial Park, Saskatchewan.
Bars with the same letter are not significantly different from each other at p = 0.05 using Tukey-Kramer. Error bars represent standard error.

Table 2
Mean aspen sucker density, height, RCD, aspen sucker LAI, plot LAI, dry leaf biomass, total N, total P in 1 m2 monitoring plots across six harvested blocks after one
summer of growth following winter harvesting.
Traffic level Aspen Sucker

Density (# m−2) Height (cm) RCD (mm) Sucker LAI (m2 m−2) Plot LAI (m2 m−2) Dry leaf biomass (g m−2) Total N (mg g−1) Total P (mg g−1)

Harvested 0 passes 8.1ab† 85.8a 8.62a 0.58a 1.64a 57.68a 28.85a 3.18a
1–5 passes 8.5ab 77.5ab 8.26a 0.45a 1.34a 47.56a 27.16a 3.07a
6–10 passes 9.5a 68.8ab 7.66a 0.51a 1.99a 47.29a 27.36a 3.07a
11–25 passes 9.5a 63.9b 7.04a 0.73a 1.99a 62.07a 26.76a 3.04a
26–50 passes 6.8ab 62.9b 6.98a 0.63a 1.74a 55.56a 28.58a 2.87a
51–100 passes 4.7b 61.0b 7.28a 0.31a 1.54a 29.87a 25.63a 2.70a

Statistical analysis P Value

Traffic effect 0.0318 0.0034 0.1052 0.3489 0.4672 0.5437 0.1334 0.4043

Means in a column with the same letter are not significantly different p = 0.05 using Tukey-Kramer.

4. Discussion the soil will be sufficient to mitigate the risk of soil compaction. Several
factors can influence the depth of frost penetration (i.e. snow cover,
Overall, our assessment of aspen regeneration following winter vegetation cover, soil moisture, etc.) and in order to prevent rutting or
harvesting in the Duck Mountain Provincial Park indicated that har- compaction in forest soils it is recommended that frost penetration
vesting events stimulated vigorous aspen regeneration similar to that be > 15 cm (Sutherland, 2003). As we did not have control over when
found following a natural disturbance such as a forest fire (Brown and harvesting in the Duck Mountain Provincial Park occurred and were
DeByle, 1987; Peterson and Peterson, 1992). However, as a result of the unable to monitor soil temperature, it is unknown as to whether soils in
mechanical harvesting, small areas (≈1% of blocks) experienced an this study were actually frozen.
excessive level of disturbance, which lead to significant increases in soil Several studies have examined the effects of season of harvest and
bulk density and significant decreases in both aspen sucker density and while all have found some degree of soil disturbance associated with
height. In addition, it should be noted that the level of disturbance winter harvesting, it was often significantly less compared to the dis-
calculated for this study was only based on skidder machine traffic due turbance experienced during summer harvesting operations (Stone and
to technical issues with the GPS units in other equipment; therefore, it is Elioff, 1998; Block et al., 2002; Kolka et al., 2012). Similarly, our study
unknown as to whether the feller-buncher or de-limber contributed to found that although the forest was winter harvested, certain areas still
the level of disturbance in the harvested block. experienced a significant level of soil disturbance, which could be the
As mentioned earlier, winter harvesting is a common practice used result of soils not being frozen at the time of harvest. Compared to
to minimize soil and forest floor disturbance in ecologically sensitive unharvested controls, there was a significant increase in soil bulk
areas. During the winter, it is assumed that soils are frozen and there- density at the 10 cm depth with as little as 1–5 skidder passes. However,
fore less susceptible to increases in bulk density; however, as Lieffers- following the initial 1–5 passes, soil bulk density did not continue to
Pritchard (2004) found in the Duck Mountain region, mineral soil at a increase significantly as the level of skidder traffic continued to in-
depth of 10 cm from the forest floor/mineral soil interface expressed a crease, indicating that soils were able to resist any further change to
mean daily soil temperature near 0 °C during most of the winter months bulk density from repetitive skidder traffic. As a result, a typical
(December-March). Therefore, although air temperatures may be below asymptotic relationship was found between soil bulk density and the
0 °C during the winter months it does not ensure that frost depth within level of skidder traffic similar to those found in many other studies

L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

Fig. 5. Relationship between soil bulk density at a 10 cm depth and aspen sucker regeneration after one summer of growth. (A) density, (B) height, (C) RCD, (D)
aspen sucker LAI, (E) plot LAI, (F) dry leaf biomass, (G) total N, (H) total P. All regeneration measurements, except sucker height (B), are square root transformed.

(Brais and Camiré, 1998; Williamson and Neilsen, 2000; McNabb et al., skidder traffic. The highest average soil bulk density found in this study
2001; Zenner et al., 2007). Our results further support the findings by was 1.41 g cm−3, however, this is below the growth limiting bulk
Brais and Camiré (1998), Williamson and Neilsen (2000), and McNabb density of approximately 1.55–1.65 g cm−3 stated by Daddow and
et al. (2001), who found that the largest increase in soil bulk density Warrington (1983) for loam to sandy loam textured soils like those
occurred following the first few machine traffic passes and that as found at the six harvested blocks. Therefore, the slight increase in soil
traffic intensity continued to increase, soil bulk density only increased bulk density from 1.29 to a max of 1.41 g cm−3 should not influence the
slightly. level of aspen regeneration as it was below the growth limiting bulk
In terms of forest regeneration following winter harvesting, it was density. This notion is supported by the results from our study that
unclear how this slight increase in average bulk density to 1.41 g cm−3 found no relationship between soil bulk density and the level of aspen
in high skidder traffic areas would influence aspen regeneration. Initial regeneration (density, height, RCD, aspen LAI, plot LAI, dry leaf bio-
thoughts were that increases in soil bulk density would decrease mass, total N, and total P) one year post-harvest. This same trend was
suckering and root growth; however, based on our results one could also observed by Zenner et al. (2007), who found no relationship be-
suggest that the change to the soil’s physical properties were not re- tween increasing soil resistance penetration and the level of aspen re-
sponsible for the decreased aspen regeneration found with increasing generation (density, height, basal diameter) three years post-harvest.

L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

Table 3 was frozen and a protective layer of snow covered the forest floor, the
Coefficient of determination (r2) values of vegetation indices (NDVI, GNDVI, repetitive traffic in these areas would slowly remove and mix the snow
NDRE, SR, and CIG) and aspen regeneration measurements (density, height, leaving the underlying forest floor susceptible to physical disturbance.
RCD, aspen sucker LAI, plot LAI, dry leaf biomass, total N, total P). As can be seen in the supplemental material regarding weather and
Vegetation Indices snow cover during the harvesting events, there were several warming
NDVI GNDVI NDRE SR CIG periods throughout the harvesting event where air temperature was
† † †
near or above 0 °C, which would have even further reduced the amount
Density 0.0771 0.0688 0.0235 0.0883 0.0785†
Height 0.2094†† 0.1340†† 0.0183 0.0917† 0.0836†
of snow cover in these areas. As a result, there would be areas within
RCD 0.1909†† 0.1273†† 0 0.0006 0.001 the harvested block where skidder tires would be in direct contact with
Sucker LAI 0.1550†† 0.1434†† 0.0215 0.1172†† 0.1236†† the forest floor. In addition to the increased force exerted by skidders
Plot LAI 0.0001 0.0004 0.0043 0.0076 0.0032 when pulling a full load, the hummocky terrain in the Duck Mountain
Dry leaf Biomass 0.1259†† 0.1146†† 0.0118 0.0890† 0.0946†
Provincial Park would increase the potential for slippage. Skidder tire
Total N 0.0022 0.1899†† 0.0194 0.0076 0.0063
Total P 0.0021 0.2038†† 0.0035 0.0006 0.0006 slippage on direct forest floor would result in the physical churning or
ripping of the forest floor as well as the rooting system within it.

Indicates significance at p < 0.05. Several studies have examined the effects of aspen root disturbance
Indicates significance at p < 0.01. on the level of aspen regeneration; however, the results are not con-
sistent. Fraser et al. (2004) found that wounding aspen roots nearly
However, as the forest continues to mature, the slight increase in bulk doubled aspen suckering as well as increased the height and leaf area of
density may have significant effects on the level of aspen regeneration. the sucker. However, Renkeman (2009) mentions that the Fraser et al.
The study by Kabzems (2012), which had compaction treatments below (2004) study used shovels to inflict their wounding treatments which
growth limiting bulk density for the silt loam texture of their soil in would not be as representative of the crushing and wounding of aspen
British Columbia, found no influence of compaction on the initial re- roots caused by skidder traffic. Using a tractor to mimic the disturbance
generation level of aspen; however, from four to 10 years post-harvest, of a skidder on aspen roots, Renkeman (2009) found that following
aspen sucker height in control areas were significantly taller compared winter harvesting, wounding aspen roots decreased sucker density,
to areas with intermediate and heavy compaction treatments. Hence, height, and dry biomass as well as caused a decrease in the % living root
assessing the effects of soil bulk density on the initial level of aspen and total non-structured carbohydrate concentration within the root.
regeneration may be irrelevant until the suckers begin to naturally thin Similarly, a field study by Sheppherd (1993) found that root density,
out as they mature. root volume, and sucker density were all lower on skidder trails com-
In Duck Mountain Provincial Park however, while average bulk pared to un-trafficked areas. Therefore, although winter harvesting in
density was also below a growth limiting level the soil textures in our the Duck Mountain Provincial Park prevented severe soil disturbance in
study are coarser (loam–sandy loam) compared to the finer textured terms of compaction, excessive levels of skidder traffic may still have
(silt loam) soils described in Kabzems (2012) and therefore, will likely disturbed the forest floor and aspen rooting system causing a decrease
de-compact through the freeze thaw cycle at a different rate (Brady and in the level of aspen regeneration. In our study, however, it is important
Weil, 2004). The difference in soil texture could have major implica- to note that the amount of area with significantly lower regeneration
tions regarding the level of natural de-compaction experienced as a levels accounted for < 2% of the entire harvested block, making it a
result of freeze thaw cycles. While the length of time required for de- relatively small area in comparison to the rest of the harvested area.
compaction to occur is debatable, the glacial till parent material in the In addition, areas with significantly lower regeneration still con-
Duck Mountain Provincial Park provides an abundance of coarse frag- tained on average 4.7 suckers m−2 (47,000 suckers ha−1) after one year
ments throughout the soil profile which should aid de-compaction and a of growth and while this is lower than the 9.5 suckers m−2 (95,000
decrease in soil bulk density could be expected within five years (Page- sucker ha−1) found in areas with less skidder traffic, this level of early
Dumroese et al., 2006). However, depending on the type of clay and the regeneration should be sufficient to obtain a healthy mature forest.
amount of soil moisture during freezing, de-compaction can take dec- During the first five to eight years following a disturbance, there is a
ades as reported by Corns (1988) in western Alberta. Nonetheless, our rapid decrease in aspen sucker density as competition for resources
study found that increasing the level of skidder traffic resulted in a increases, allowing only the strongest suckers to survive (Perala, 1974;
decrease in aspen sucker density and aspen height one year post-har- Steneker, 1976; Bella, 1986). However, as Steneker (1976) illustrates,
vest, but if there were no relationships between increasing soil bulk the rate of decrease is much faster in areas with higher initial sucker
density and regeneration, what other factor(s) could be affecting the density compared to an area with low initial density. An area with
initial decrease in regeneration success? ≈80,000 suckers ha−1 after the first year (similar to high regeneration
One possibility is the increasing level of physical surface dis- in Duck Mountain) decreased to ≈40,000 suckers ha−1 by the fifth
turbance and scarification of the forest floor associated with increasing year, while an area starting with only ≈45,000 suckers ha−1 after one
skidder traffic. The majority of aspen sucker regeneration occurs from year (similar to low regeneration in Duck Mountain) decreased to
the shallow rooting system found within or just below the forest floor ≈37,000 suckers ha−1 by the fifth year (Steneker, 1976). Therefore,
(Navratil, 1991; Peterson and Peterson, 1992; Lieffers-Pritchard, 2004) higher skidder traffic areas may have a lower initial regeneration level,
and are therefore vulnerable to damage caused by the repetitive but as suckers mature and competition begins to naturally reduce
movement of machine traffic. According to Navratil (1991) and sucker density, these areas will likely not decrease at the same rate and
Peterson and Peterson (1992), the majority of aspen suckers originate over time reach a stocking density similar to each other and the rest of
from roots located within 8–15 cm of the forest floor surface.Yet, the harvested block.
Lieffers-Pritchard (2004) found that suckering occurs even closer to the Accurately assessing any changes in aspen regeneration levels using
surface at a depth of only 4.6 cm and that only 7% of suckers were multispectral remote sensing techniques similar to those used in an
initiated from within the mineral soil below the forest floor. Therefore, agricultural setting were not successful. By simply extracting an
any damage to the forest floor may have lasting implications on the average index value for each of our monitoring plots, we were unable to
level of aspen regeneration. Regions with higher levels of skidder traffic obtain a strong relationship with the level of aspen regeneration
were often associated with landing areas where trees were processed (density, height, RCD, aspen LAI, plot LAI, dry leaf biomass, total N, and
and major skidder trails that were used to access harvested trees total P). This lack of relationship is most likely caused by the presence
furthest from the processing area. Although this harvesting operation of other vegetation within the monitoring plots that occupied the same
took place during the winter months when it was assumed that the soil canopy as the aspen. High levels of beaked hazelnut (Corylus cornuta),

L.L. Sealey, K.C.J. Van Rees Forest Ecology and Management 437 (2019) 59–69

mountain maple (Acer spicatum), and other shrubs that were present should not result in decreased aspen regeneration as the forest matures.
within the monitoring plots created background noise that over- In order to maximize aspen regeneration across the entire harvested
shadowed the amount of aspen and made it impossible to predict block, our finding would suggest trying to minimize the amount of
changes in the level of aspen regeneration. The best example of this landings and skidder trails present throughout a harvested block, as
phenomenon occurred in areas where little to no aspen regeneration these areas were associated with the highest amount of skidder traffic
was recorded. Though no aspen were present, the indices values for and expressed a lower level of regeneration compared to the sur-
these areas were often quite elevated due to the presence of the other rounding areas.
regenerating vegetation and as a result, no relationships between ve-
getation indices and aspen regeneration were observed. Therefore, Acknowledgements
using multispectral data from an entire plot after one growing season to
assess the regenerative growth and health of aspen forest was not as Thank you to the Government of Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Parks,
successful and accurate compared to when it is used in a monoculture Culture and Sport and the Natural Science and Engineering Research
agriculture setting (Barnes et al., 2000; Henik, 2012; Van Der Meij Council of Canada (NSERC) for their financial support to the project.
et al., 2017). However, in this multi-species setting, additional image Thanks to R. Wright, P. MacKasey and G. Longpre of the Saskatchewan
analysis processes may be able to increase the accuracy and usability of Ministry of Parks, Culture, and Sport for their assistance and support
multispectral data to assess the level of aspen regeneration. Using throughout the project. Thanks to B. Waite and B. Hicks of
multitemporal and multispectral imagery, a supervised image analysis Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd. for their logistical support and acquiring the
or object-based image analysis could be used to discriminate aspen from GPS data from the harvesting equipment. Thank you to B. Amichev for
the different shrub species (Lisein et al., 2015; Torresan et al., 2017). his assistance with GIS processing and the calculation of skidder traffic
This would allow for the assessment of aspen regeneration by itself and intensity. Lastly, we recognize L. Smith, C. Minielly, and I. Verbeek for
could be used to determine areas with insufficient regeneration. In their help in collecting field data.
addition, image analysis could be collected in future years when the
aspen canopy has grown above the shrub canopy or at different times of Appendix A. Supplementary material
the year when plant signatures may be more varied (i.e. fall).
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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