7.4 (CN.1) Federalism and Centre State Relations

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National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam

B.A., LL.B. (Hons.): IV-Year, VII-Semester (Academic Year: 2021-22)
Semester End Examination (December, 2021) :: Online Mode
Subject Code: 7.4/.5 (CN.1) Federalism and Centre State Relations
Time: 3:00 Hrs.
Total Marks: 70
1. Read the questions carefully and answer.
2. Unnecessary queries on the Question Paper shall not be entertained.

Answer any five questions from the following. All questions carry equal marks.

1. “Federalism is an effective tool to promote constitutionalism”. Explain.

2. The debate as to whether the Constitution of India is ‘federal’ or ‘unitary’ Constitution

has been grappling the Supreme Court since the celebrated case Automobile Transport
(Rajasthan) v. The State of Rajasthan and Others, because of different approaches to
defining and ideation of ‘federalism’ by different scholars and strict criterion attached
with it. Discuss briefly, in the light of the above, relevant judgments that the Supreme
Court of India pronounced determining the true nature of the Constitution of India in this

3. Provide a detailed analysis of the constitutional division of legislative powers between

Centre and States in India citing relevant provisions of the Constitution. Whether this
division of legislative powers are at per with the universally accepted federal norms and
spirits? Discuss elaborately.

4. The asymmetric division of administrative powers between Centre and States in India is a
watermark in the prevailing federal practice in the Globe. Make a critical analysis, in the
light of the above, of the Centre-State administrative division of power in India indicating
the grey provisions through which the Centre can play dominant role if it wishes
fragmenting the universally accepted federal norms and standards.

5. Provide a brief analysis of the centre-state financial relations as provided by the

Constitution highlighting the role of the Finance Commission in strengthening fiscal
federalism in India.

6. Write short notes:

(a) Adjudication of Inter-state River Water Disputes
(b) Doctrine of Territorial Extent


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