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THBT: This House Believes That

TH: This House
THW: This House Would (Cari DATA yang kuat untuk
mendukung motion menggunakan abbreviation ini)

_MOTION 5: THBT modern market brings more harms than goods.

Breakdown: This motion explains the positive points and negative points of shopping in a modern
market, such as an online store, pre-order sites, commercial advertisements and such.


Main Point: 70% of Modern Shopping these days can generally bring more harm than good things

- We all know that today’s shopping can be done online, through an online application or an
internet website, this generally reveals all kinds of item that can be sold and purchased.
What if someone uses Modern Shopping to sell illegal items? You can get yourself in danger
once you made the transaction.

- Modern Shopping’s policies are more restricting than traditional shopping in a market, there
are many kinds such as No Return Policy, Non-Insurance Policy, and Additional Fee policy.
This kind of restrictions prevents people to purchase items safely.

- There are also frauds that can be caused in online shopping, many people can get tricked to
getting fraud if they didn’t examine the details of the shop carefully. There’s no going back if
you have made a payment, because, well, they don’t accept returns.


Main Point: Modern Shopping is practically easier than Traditional Shopping, when done in a right

- Modern shopping consists of Grocery Stores, Convinient Stores, Supermarket, and Online
Shopping, these types of shopping stores are easier and more common than traditional
markets, as they are now scattered everywhere in the world.

- Modern shopping has fixed prices on the things they sell and purchase. You don’t have to
negotiate the price like how you do on traditional markets, and the item qualities if not
equal to, are better than the item qualities on a traditional market.

- Modern shopping also gives huge offers, promotions, and discounts, this are often met on an
online shop, this benefits the person who are buying the items, and the person who sells it
can make money out of overstocked items.
_MOTION 6: THBT state-funded universities should drop majors which have low-employment rate.

Breakdown: This motion indicates whether you agree or not about universities that are funded by
the state should drop majors that are assumed to have low-employment rate.


Main Point: Developed Countries’ and Least Developed Countries’ Occupations.

Currently, these are the most demanded majors of Universities that has the highest employment

Technology Development, Multimedia & Networking, Psychology, Science Inventions, Economy &
Company Management, Biological Science & Medical Hospitality, Language and Literacy, as well as
Travel, Culinary, & Acommodation.

Meanwhile, there are also least demanded or no demand majors that has the lowest employment

Art & Music History, Classical Studies, International Development, and Zoology.

While all type of majors is useful for Developed Countries that they can have a new breakthrough to
make money, the least demanded or no demand majors I mentioned has the lowest employment
rate. Due to the country development, the majors above are ones that should be kept and ones that
should be dropped in order to prevent jobless graduates to appear all over the place.

Google Keyword: Occupations in Developed Countries and Least Developed Countries, Job Listing,


Main Point: All types of majors in universities are useful, even when it has a low employment rate.

- In developed countries, all majors have their own advantage, employment isn’t a word in
their dictionary, because universities functions as a place to obtain KNOWLEDGE, the same
as how school functions. All kinds of knowledge are important, whether it’s to service the
country or to keep for themselves

- Least Developed Countries might need the necessary knowledge to build a better country,
but if they act and work like a developed country, they can also enroll on the low
employment majors as an advantage to share other knowledge further, thus creating a new
breakthrough to make money.

- Universities don’t determine the employment of people who enrolls, people decide their
own job of choice, their profession are based on their skills and compentance of work,
whether the major they’re enrolling is a necessity or not. And if they cannot find themselves
employed, they usually start their own entrepreneurship and business.
_MOTION 7: TH Supports free movement of labors.

Breakdown: This motion asks for your opinion whether to support free movement of labors or not.


Main Point: Labors are human too, and they can make a benefit because of free movement

- Free movement will provide benefits for productivity. A free labour market provides a space
for sharing (knowledge, ideas, and socio-cultural traditions), competing, and sustaining
efficiency in development. As neoliberal theory advocates a laissez-faire approach is
fundamental for growth. A free labour market will enhance economic productivity. Free
labour movement enables access to new employment opportunities and markets.

- Implementing a free labour market will enable effective management of migration. Even
without the implementation of a free labour market, migration will continue informally;
therefore, policies introducing free movement and providing appropriate travel documents
provides a method to manage migration. In the case of Southern Africa, the lack of a
regional framework enabling migration is articulated through the informal nature of
movement and strategic bilateral ties between nation-states.

- The freedom to move is a human right. Mobility is a human right - which needs to be
enabled across national spaces and Africa. Obstacles need to be removed. Mobility enables
access to interconnected rights - such as ensuring women their right to move enables
empowerment in the political, social and economic spheres. in order for mobility to be seen
as a right, labourers and migrants need to be granted the right to organise.


Main Point: Free movement still lacks many things.

- Urbanisation without industrialisation, the dangerous livelihoods of migrants. More than

40% of Youth in the world are unemployed or idle. With migrants entering urban
environments presented with a lack of safe and secure jobs unhealthy sexual politics are
found, and precarious methods are used to make a living. The scarcity of formal jobs, means
a majority of migrants are forced to work in informal employment. Informal employment
will continue to rise creating its own problems such as being barrier to imposing minimum
wages and employment security.

- Who is left behind? In promoting a free labour market, we need to ask: who is left behind?
To understand the developmental nature of migration investigation is needed into who
doesn’t migrate - the non-migrant’s lifestyles raise key concerns. Labour market remains
popular among over 65's and in favour of men; and further, a majority of employment
occurs within agriculture. The labour market remains inadequate in providing jobs for
women and youths. Women and youths reflect disproportionate numbers of those forced to
adapt, and create, new livelihoods following migration. Further, migrants are returning
home, retiring, and therefore with limited effect on productivity.
- Migration reasonings and exploitation. A free labour market perceives migration in a
predominantly neoclassical light - people migrate due to pull factors, to balance the
imbalance of jobs, people move due to economic laws. However, such a perspective fails to
include the complex factors enticing migration and lack of choice in the decision. Promoting
a labour market, whereby movement is free and trade enabled, makes it easier to move but
does not take into account the fact migration is not only purely economical. By focusing on a
free labour market as being economically valuable, we neglect a bigger picture of what the
reasons for migration are. Without effective management a free labour market raises the
potential of forced migration and trafficking.
_MOTION 8: THW Ban ride-hailing apps (Uber, Grab, Go-Jek)

Breakdown: This motion indicates the decision whether to ban online transportation application or


Main Point: Many people’s chances of giving a ride to make money is hailed because of the ride-
hailing apps

- Many people are unemployed in least developed countries, their only way of making money
in every available time is giving a ride with fares depending how long the road is. Then the
ride-hailing apps came around, stealing people’s passengers because they move quicker, and
have a fixed fare.

- Ride-hailing apps are used too often to give a ride, this caused the usage of public
transportation to deplete. If we pay attention, we can see that there are now less buses, less
taxis, less microbuses, and less bajaj on the road than usual.

- Ride-hailing apps sometimes has a high demand fare, costing passengers 2 times more than
how they usually pay, it’s even more expensive than public transportation. This caused an
online outrage of people in social media, and harrasing them is one way they usually take


Main Point: Why not make a benefit by joining the online transportation corporate and make a safe
income by doing the services available for the passengers/ customers?

- It is really convenient for people with busy schdules, because they can just order an online
transportation for a fixed fare anywhere with just one click, thus saving time and money for
the long term. Although the fares can be expensive due to high demand, it’s worth the
money if you really need a ride.

- It also prevents crimes from the drivers because everything can be traced, and seen by the
Ride-hailing headquarter through their engineered tracking system from the server
computers. Passengers will be safe on the way because ride-hailing apps cares about the
passenger’s safety and time, unlike local transportation, where thieves often blend in with
the passengers, they can steal other passengers’ stuff and commit crime easier

To reduce the amount of unemployment, local riders should join the online transportation company,
plus they can do many more services than just giving a ride, like food delivery, online shopping, item
shipping, and many more.

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