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Test 2022

G11 ~ Life Sciences

TASK 2: Test 1


EXAMINATOR: E. Nel TIME: 50 minutes



1. This test consists of TWO sections and THREE questions.

2. Read through the whole test before you start.
3. Answer all the questions.
4. Number your answers as directed.
5. Write neatly and legibly.
6. Rule off after each question.
7. Start each section on a new page.
8. Only use a blue ballpoint pen.
9. Draw a line through any work that is not to be marked.
10. All drawings should be done in pencil and labelled in blue ink.
11. The diagrams in this question paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

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Test 2022
G11 ~ Life Sciences



1.1 Multiple-choice questions. Various possible options are provided as answers

to the following questions. Choose the correct answer and only write the letter
(A–D) next to the question (1.1.1–1.1.3), e.g. 1.1.4 E.

1.1.1 Pteridophytes are adapted to living on land because they …

A reproduce sexually.
B have vascular tissue.
C have rhizoids.
D depend on water for reproduction.

1.1.2 During the dominant stage of their life cycle, ferns are visible as ...

A haploid gametophytes.
B haploid sporophytes.
C diploid gametophytes.
D diploid sporophytes.

1.1.3 Which of the following is an Annelid?

A Earthworm
B Jellyfish
C Tapeworm
D Starfish
(3 × 2 = 6)

1.2 Provide the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions. Only
write down the term next to the question number (1.2.1–1.2.6).

1.2.1 An Angiosperm where the seed contains one seed lobe.

1.2.2 Structure under the surface of a fern leaf that contains spore-forming

1.2.3 A reproductive structure found in Gymnosperms and Angiosperms only, that

consists of a plant embryo within a protective coat.

1.2.4 Blood-filled cavity found in Arthropoda.

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Test 2022
G11 ~ Life Sciences

1.2.5 The differentiation of the anterior (front) end of an animal into a definite head.

1.2.6 A rod-like structure in Chordata that is usually replaced with a vertebral

column. (6)

1.3 Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I applies to A ONLY, B

ONLY, BOTH A AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B
only, both A and B, or none next to the question number (1.3.1 to 1.3.2) in your

Dominant generation in the life cycle of A. Gametophyte
Bryophytes B. Sporophyte
A. Bryophytes
1.3.2 Thallus plants in all generations
B. Pteridophytes (4)




2.1 The diagram below shows various views for the body plan of an animal
belonging to the phylum Platyhelminthes.

2.1.1 Provide labels for the germ layers (embryonic layers) A, B and C. (3)

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G11 ~ Life Sciences

2.1.2 Explain ONE way this animal’s body plan is suited for its mode of life. (2)

2.1.3 Why is a blood circulatory system not necessary in the animal shown
above? (2)

2.1.4 Tabulate TWO differences between the phylum Platyhelminthes and the
phylum Cnidaria. (5)

2.2 The diagram below represents a cladogram (phylogenetic tree) showing the
relationships amongst some animal phyla. The letters A to D indicate the
characteristics which are shared by the different phyla.

2.2.1 Study the following characteristics.

Bilateral symmetry Coelom Tissues

Asymmetry Joint appendages

Which characteristic appeared at the time represented by the following

letters in the cladogram above:

a) A (1)
b) B (1)
c) C (1)
d) D (1)

2.2.2 From the diagram above, state ONE characteristic that is not shared by the
phyla Arthropoda and Chordata. (1)

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G11 ~ Life Sciences


3.1 The diagram below is a phylogenetic tree of plants and their algal ancestors.
Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

3.1.1 Name the most important adaptation(s) that evolved at each of the positions
labelled (a), (b) and (c). (3)

3.1.2 Which division of plants is represented as non-vascular plants on the

diagram? (1)

3.1.3 Explain why the seedless vascular plants are able to grow taller than the
non-vascular plants. (2)

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G11 ~ Life Sciences

3.2 A Grade 11 learner wanted to investigate the preferences of two pollinating

agents, hummingbirds and hawkmoths, to visit two different types of plant
species, A. formosa and A. pubescens. The total number of visits to the flowers
of these plant species was recorded over a period of 24 hours.

The results are shown in the table below.

3.2.1 State the dependent variable. (1)

3.2.2 State ONE way in which the investigator ensured that the investigation was
valid. (1)

3.2.3 State ONE way in which the investigator can increase the reliability of the
investigation. (1)

3.2.4 What can the researcher conclude from these results? (2)

3.3 Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.

3.3.1 What are suitable conditions for keeping seeds in a seed bank, according
to the article? (1)

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G11 ~ Life Sciences

3.3.2 What environmental event is threatening the safety of the seeds at the
Global Seed Vault? (1)

3.3.3 Give TWO different ways in which seeds provide a source of food for
humans. (2)

3.3.4 Why are seed banks important for the future? (2)



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