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(The Federal Polytechnic Offa Borrow Pit)











This is to certify that this project work was carried out by TAJUDEEN SAKIRU OLAMIDE and

ADELEKE OREOLUWA with matriculation numbers CE/HND/F21/1578 and

CE/HND/F21/1538, of the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Natural Resources and

Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Offa.

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This project is dedicated to Almighty GOD


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the successful

completion of this project. Their support and assistance played a pivotal role in shaping the

outcomes and enriching the overall experience.

First and foremost, we give thanks to Almighty GOD, who guides us through the entire

programme. We extend my heartfelt thanks to ENGR. OYENIYAN W.O. whose guidance and

expertise provided the necessary direction and insights throughout the project.

We are indebted to our head of department ENGR. OYELEKE M.O. for providing the

necessary resources, facilities, and encouragement, creating an environment conducive to

research and innovation.

Furthermore, we want to acknowledge the support of our parents, friends and family who stood

by us during the ups and downs of this project. Their encouragement and understanding were a

constant source of motivation.

Thank you all for being an integral part of this journey.

The aim of this research is to investigate the geotechnical and microstructural analysis of
calcined cow bone into lateritic soil as a stabilizing agent, with the goal of improving the
engineering properties and suitability of the stabilized soil for construction purposes. The
lateritic soil was extracted from a depth of 1.5m below the ground surface. The sample was
collected from Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara state, Nigeria. Calcined cow bone was obtained
from meat processing facilities (Owode market, Offa, Kwara State). The bone was undergo a
calcination process (At the Science Laboratory Technology Department, The Federal
Polytechnic Offa) to remove organic components, resulting in a calcined material with a distinct
composition. Microstructure analysis such as XRF, SEM, XRD, and FITR was conducted to
determine the composition of the calcined cow bone, including calcium carbonate content and
phosphorus levels. The laboratory tests carried out are natural moisture content, sieve analysis,
specific gravity, Atterberg limit, compaction, CBR using 0%, 4%, 8%, 12%, 16%, and 20%
replacement of CBA. The study concludes that cow bone ash (CBA) is a good additive in
Stabilization of Lateritic soils provided that the 8% additive threshold of CBA is not exceeded.
The study concludes that cow bone ash (CBA) is a good additive in Stabilization of Lateritic
soils provided that the 8% additive threshold of CBA is not exceeded. Therefore, we
recommended that the stabilization of lateritic soil samples using cow bone ash (CBA) be
investigated for potential application in road construction



Title Page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract v

Table of contents vi

List of tables viii

List of figures ix

List of plate x



1.1 Background of study 1

1.2 Statement of Problem 2

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study 3

1.4 Significant of the study 3

1.5 Justification of the Study 4

1.6 Scope of the Study 5



2.1 Soil Stabilization Techniques 6

2.1.1 Methods of Soil Stabilization 6

2.1.3 Cement as a Soil Stabilizers 7

2.1.4 Mechanical Stabilization 7

2.1.5 Physical Stabilization 8

2.1.6 Chemical Stabilization 8

2.1.7 Challenges and Environmental Implications 8

2.1.8 Importance of Interaction Understanding 9

2.2 Unconventional Stabilizing Agents 9

2.2.1 Rationale for Unconventional Stabilizers 9

2.3 Components of lateritic soil 10

2.3.1 Uses of lateritic soil 10

2.3.2 Properties of lateritic soil 10

2.3.3 Previous Works on Stabilization of Lateritic soil 11

2.4 Soil Structure 12

2.4.1 Type of soil structure 14

2.4.2 Improving soil structure 14

2.4.3 Soil structure dynamics 15

2.4.4 Calcined Cow Bone Ash (CCBA) 16

2.4.5 Calcined Cow Bone Ash as a Soil Stabilizer 17

2.4.6 Calcined Cow bone ash properties 18

2.5 Utilization of Agricultural Waste 18

2.5.1 Waste Utilization 18

2.5.2 Strength Improvement 18

2.6 Research Gaps and Significance 19

2.6.2 Microstructure analysis 19

2.6.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 19

2.6.4 Precautions of SEM analysis 19

2.6.5 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 19

2.7 Summary of Previous Literatures 20



3.1 Materials 23

3.1.1 Lateritic soil 23

3.1.2 Calcined cow bone 23

3.1.5 Water 23

3.2 Test 24

3.2.1 Natural Moisture Content Test 24

3.2.2 Sieve Analysis 25

3.2.3 Specific gravity test 25

3.2.4 Atterberg Limits Test 26

3.2.5 Compaction Test 27

3.2.6 CBR Test 27

3.2.7 Microstructure Analysis 28

3.3 Method 29

4.1 Result and Discussion 30

5.1 Conclusion 72
5.2 Recommendations 72
References 74
Appendix 76

Table 4.1: Chemical composition (XRF) of Calcined cow bone ash (800oC) 31

Table 4.2: Particle size distribution 36

Table 4.3: Specific Gravity of soil sample 38
Table 4.4: Specific Gravity of Cow Bone Ash (CBA) 38
Table 4.5: Natural moisture content of soil sample 39
Table 4.6: Atterberg Limit Test 39

Table 4.7: Dry density 41

Table 4.8: Moisture content 41

Table 4.9: Compaction test 42

Table 4.10: of CBR @ 0% Unsoaked 44

Table 4.11: of CBR @ 4% Unsoaked 46

Table 4.12: of CBR @ 8% Unsoaked 48

Table 4.13: of CBR @ 12% Unsoaked 50

Table 4.14: of CBR @ 16% Unsoaked 52

Table 4.15: of CBR @ 20% Unsoaked 54

Table 4.16: of CBR @ 0% Soaked 56

Table 4.17: of CBR @ 4% Soaked 58

Table 4.18: of CBR @ 8% Soaked 60

Table 4.19: of CBR @ 12% Soaked 62

Table 4.20: of CBR @ 16% Soaked 64

Table 4.21: CBR @ 20% Soaked 66


Figure 4.1: EDS microanalysis of bone ash 32

Figure 4.2: SEM micrograph of cow bone ash (800ºC calcined) 33

Figure 4.3: XRD patterns of cow bone ash (800ºC calcined) 34

Figure 4.4: FTIR spectra of cow bone ash (800ºC calcined) 35

Figure 4.5: Particle size distribution 37

Figure 4.6: Liquid limit 40

Figure 4.12: Atterberg limit test 42

Figure 4.13: Compaction test 46

Figure 4.14: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 0% of CBA 50

Figure 4.15: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 4% of CBA 52

Figure 4.16: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 8% of CBA 54

Figure 4.17: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 12% of CBA 56

Figure 4.18: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 16% of CBA 58

Figure 4.19: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 20% of CBA 60

Figure 4.20: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 0% of CBA 62

Figure 4.21: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 4% of CBA 64

Figure 4.22: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 8% of CBA 66

Figure 4.23: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 12% of CBA 68

Figure 4.24: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 16% of CBA 70

Figure 4.25: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 20% of CBA 72



1.1 Background of study

Lateritic soil is described as weathered tropical or subtropical residual soil that is typically

covered in solidifications rich in sesquioxide ( Oyelami & Van Rooy, 2016). High temperatures and

moisture content in the soil are said to cause remarkable chemical weathering that forms well-

graded residual soils (Dauda, et al, 2019). Environmentally friendly and abundant in nature,

lateritic soils are a great resource.

Any of the zonal soils that were produced under the humid tropical forest vegetation are known a

s lateritic soils.Reddish friable clay Bhorizons and red, reticulately mottled lateritic parent materi

al are found beneath granular, dark reddish brown surface soils in lateritic soils (Helgren &

Butzer,2019). Lateritic soils have been the most broadly known and utilized construction material

in building and road construction

Soil stabilization can likewise be viewed as the alteration of soils to improve their physical

properties. Stabilization can build the shear strength of a soil or potentially control the

shrinkswell properties of a soil, thereby improving the load bearing capacity of a sub-grade to

support pavements and foundations (Hostler, 2019). Soil stabilization accomplishes various goals

that are significant in acquiring a dependable structure from locally accessible earth materials

and these include; better mechanical qualities, better attachment between particles which

decrease the porosity and changes in volume because of moisture changes, improved protection

from wind, erosion and rain. Soil stabilization techniques include mechanical, physical and

chemical stabilization (Sugawara & Nikaido, 2018). Availability and cost have affected the options

of construction and building material generally. In most non-industrial nations, owning a house

is generally troublesome because of significant expense of construction materials and to solve

this threat, better approaches of producing building materials from locally accessible materials

effortlessly should be investigated (Sugawara & Nikaido,2018).

In Nigeria, millions of tonnes of cow bones are produced each year, and from these bones, bone

ash is made (Sefiu, 2018). The existing waste disposal method, which involves open-air burning

and careless disposal on any location, is bad for both human and environmental health. The

environment benefits from the extensive use of calcined cow bone ash (CBA) disposal in road

construction, such as stiff pavement construction, in a variety of ways. By reducing landfill costs,

reducing contamination caused by these wastes, and increasing butchers' financial bases when

these wastes are sold, this application will improve waste management at a low cost and

encourage further production. Additionally, the manufacture of calcined cow bone ash uses less

energy than the production of Portland cement and recycles the previous work done calcined cow

bone ash focused on the morphology and shear strength of stabilized lateritic soil. In this

research, calcined cow bone ash utilized as the stabilizing agents for the lateritic soil. The major

chemical constituent of the calcined cow bone ash is calcium oxide/ calcium phosphate.

Therefore, this research is aimed at studying the behaviour of calcined cow bone ash on the

geotechnical properties of lateritic soil as an alternative stabilizer in road construction


1.2 Statement of Problem

In regions where suitable construction materials are scarce, the utilization of locally available

resources for soil stabilization has gained considerable attention. One such potential resource is

calcined cow bone, a byproduct of the agricultural industry. This study aims to investigate the

geotechnical and microstructural effects of incorporating calcined cow bone into lateritic soil as

a stabilizing agent, with the goal of improving the engineering properties and suitability of the

stabilized soil for construction purposes. It also prevents future problems like swelling, cracks

and damping that might lead to failure of the structure built with untreated lateritic soil. It

likewise forestalls future issues like expanding, damping and cracks that may prompt structural

failure of untreated lateritic soil. Calcined bone ash was chosen to tackle the issue of

Environmental pollution. This research has the potential for making sustainable construction

from locally available earth materials (lateritic soil) stabilized with cattle bone ash.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study

This study aims to investigate the geotechnical and microstructural analysis of calcined cow

bone into lateritic soil as a stabilizing agent, with the goal of improving the engineering

properties and suitability of the stabilized soil for construction purposes. The specific objectives

are as follow;

i. To analyze the micro structural changes in the stabilized soil using techniques such as

scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).

ii. To determine the geotechnical properties of lateritic soil stabilized with calcined cow


iii. To determine the optimal proportion of calcined cow bone for achieving the desired

improvement in geotechnical properties.

1.4 Significant of the study

Soil Stabilization: Lateritic soils are commonly found in tropical regions and are often

challenging to use in construction due to their poor engineering properties. Stabilization methods

aim to improve the strength, durability, and overall performance of such soils. Incorporating

additives like calcined cow bone can potentially enhance the soil's properties and make it suitable

for construction purposes.

Waste Utilization: The use of calcined cow bone in soil stabilization provides a sustainable way

to utilize organic waste material. Cow bones are a byproduct of the meat industry and can be

repurposed to enhance soil properties instead of being discarded, contributing to waste reduction

and environmental sustainability.

Strength Improvement: Adding calcined cow bone to lateritic soil can enhance its strength and

load-bearing capacity. This is crucial for applications like road construction, foundations, and

embankments, where the soil needs to withstand significant loads without undergoing excessive


Microstructure Analysis: Investigating the microstructure of the stabilized soil helps understand

the mechanisms through which the additives interact with the soil particles. This analysis can

provide insights into the bonding and agglomeration processes that contribute to improved

geotechnical properties.

1.5 Justification of the Study

The study is essential for understanding soil properties is crucial for ensuring the stability and

safety of engineered structures. Different soil types have varying load-bearing capacities, which

influence the design of foundations and support systems. Accurate soil data helps optimize

engineering designs, leading to cost-effective construction. By tailoring designs to specific soil

conditions, excess material and resources can be minimized. Knowledge of soil properties aids in

assessing the environmental impact of construction projects. It helps to avoid detrimental effects

on soil structure, groundwater, and nearby ecosystems. Geotechnical data supports urban

planning and infrastructure development. Identifying regions with challenging soil conditions

allows for better allocation of resources and the implementation of suitable construction


1.6 Scope of the Study

This research focuses specifically on the geotechnical and microstructure of calcined cow bone

as a stabilizing agent for laterite soil. The study will encompass laboratory-based

experimentation to assess the impact of varying proportions of calcined cow bone on the physical

properties of stabilized soil samples. The results will provide insights into the potential benefits

and limitations of using calcined cow bone as a stabilizing agent for road pavement



The literature review provides an overview of relevant studies and research related to soil

stabilization techniques, the properties of calcined cow bone, and previous investigations into its

potential application in engineering practices. This chapter aims to establish the existing

knowledge base, identify gaps in research, and contextualize the current study within the broader

field of soil stabilization and sustainable construction practices.

2.1 Soil Stabilization Techniques

Soil stabilization is a fundamental process in civil engineering that aims to enhance the

engineering properties of natural soils, making them suitable for various construction

applications, including road pavements. Stabilized soils exhibit improved strength, reduced

compressibility, and enhanced resistance to moisture-induced damage. Soil stabilization from an

expansive perspective fuses the different techniques used for changing soil properties to improve

its engineering qualities and execution (Afrin, 2017). Stabilization is utilized for different

engineering works, the most application being in road construction and airfield pavements, with

the primary goal of building the strength and solidness of soil and decrease cost of construction

by utilizing locally accessible materials (Hostler, 2018). The treatment of normal soil to improve

its engineering properties or any means by which soil materials are improved and made more

stable is soil stabilization. Further reasons for soil stabilization are conservation of energy, dust

control, soil waterproofing and improved durability (Amu & Adetuberu, 2019).

2.1.1 Methods of Soil Stabilization

Different types of soil stabilization have been used for thousands of years. They include

chemical, physical and polymer soil stabilization (Das, 2020). A stabilized soil will have vast

improved weight bearing capacity, and be significantly more resistant to being damaged by frost,

water, or inclement conditions (Makusa, 2012).

2.1.3 Cement as a Soil Stabilizers

The primary response in a soil/cement mixture results from the hydration of the two anhydrous

calcium silicates (3CaO. SiO2 (C3S)) and (2CaO. SiO2 (C2S)), the significant constituents of

cement, which form two new compounds: calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime called portlandite)

and CSH, the principle binder of concrete. Cement will make actual connections between

particles, expanding the soil quality; then lime needs silica and alumina from clay particles to

create pozzolanic responses (Kerali, et al, 2018). Cement stabilization methods is predominantly

controlled by hydrolysis and hydration. Cement stabilization brings about reduced density,

expanded compressive strength, reduced plasticity, reduced volume, and change in attributes of

expansive clays when contrasted with the characteristic soil (Kerali, 2018).

2.1.4 Mechanical Stabilization

This is the most seasoned technique for soil stabilization wherein the actual property of the soil is

adjusted for better gradation, strength and different attributes. Mechanical stabilization is broadly

utilized in road construction and demands an earlier examination of the soil to decide the ideal

water content for better soil compressibility. Mechanical stabilization involves compaction of the

soil to influence its resistance, compressibility, penetrability and porosity (Lemougna, et al.,


The soil is mechanically treated so that almost all air can be removed and this adds to an

expansion in its density. With mechanical stabilization, the particle size distribution that makes

up the material isn't affected; however its structure is changed in light of the fact that the

particles are reallocated (Lemougna, et al., 2011).

2.1.5 Physical Stabilization

Physical stabilization is the alteration of soil particle size distribution and plasticity through

expansion or deduction of various soil divisions to change its actual properties and for better

structural property of the soil (Adams, 2015). Physical stabilization may likewise include

introduction of synthetic or plant fibers, animals and minerals into the soil. This strategy is

utilized when there are reasons not to influence the particle size distribution of the soil or if the

material is sensitive to movements prompted by factors like water action, thermal expansion, etc.

(Lemougna,et al 2011).

2.1.6 Chemical Stabilization

Chemical stabilization is a mechanism to improve expansive soils which includes the utilization

of chemical compounds and emulsions as compaction help to soils, as binders and water anti-

agents, and as a method for adjusting soil behavior (Das, 2020). It additionally includes profound

blending and grouting (Das, 2020). Regular chemical stabilization agents are Portland cement,

lime, asphalt, biomass ashes, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and paper mill wastes. Soil

conditions, stabilizer properties, and construction types (roads, houses, and so on) decide the

adequacy of these added substances. Moreso, choosing a specific added substance relies upon

accessibility, cost, advantages, and reasonableness of its application. The conduct of every one of

these admixtures boundlessly from the others; each has its specific use and alternately, each has

its own constraints (Gidigasu, 2013). Chemical stabilization can be accomplished through

different combinations.

2.1.7 Challenges and Environmental Implications

While chemical stabilizers offer effective results, their production processes often involve

significant energy consumption and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The mining and

extraction of these materials can lead to resource depletion and environmental degradation.

Moreover, their high costs and environmental impacts have prompted the search for alternative

stabilizing agents that can achieve similar or improved outcomes with reduced negative


2.1.8 Importance of Interaction Understanding

Effective soil stabilization involves understanding the interactions between stabilizing agents and

soil particles. Kukreti and Ranjan (2018) conducted a critical review of waste material utilization

for soil stabilization, emphasizing the significance of comprehending the physical and chemical

interactions that influence soil behavior. The success of these unconventional stabilizers relies on

how well they integrate with the soil matrix, affecting properties such as compaction, strength,

and permeability.

2.2 Unconventional Stabilizing Agents

The exploration of unconventional stabilizing agents has gained traction as researchers and

engineers seek alternatives that are more sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally

friendly compared to traditional stabilizers. This section delves into the concept of

unconventional stabilizing agents, their potential advantages, and their significance in modern

construction practices.

2.2.1 Rationale for Unconventional Stabilizers

The limitations of traditional stabilizers, such as cement and lime, have driven the exploration of

unconventional materials. Unconventional stabilizers encompass a diverse range of materials,

including industrial byproducts, agricultural waste, and natural fibers. These materials hold

promise for modifying soil properties while addressing environmental concerns associated with

traditional stabilizers.

2.3 Components of lateritic soil

Lateritic soil typically consists of a mixture of clay, sand, silt, and various types of oxides, such

as iron and aluminum oxides. When lateritic soil is stabilized, additional materials like cement,

lime, or in this case, calcined cow bone ash, are added to improve its engineering properties.

These components work together to enhance the strength, stability, and durability of the

stabilized soil.

2.3.1 Uses of lateritic soil

Lateritic soils have various uses due to their unique properties. They are commonly used in

construction as a building material, particularly for road construction, as they provide good

stability and strength. Lateritic soils are also used for making bricks, as they can be easily

molded and have good compressive strength. Additionally, these soils are used in agriculture as

they are rich in iron and aluminum oxides, which can provide essential nutrients for plant


2.3.2 Properties of lateritic soil

i. When lateritic soil is stabilized, its properties are improved in several ways.

ii. Stabilization helps to increase the strength and load-bearing capacity of the soil, making

it more suitable for construction purposes.

iii. It also reduces the soil's susceptibility to erosion and improves its resistance to water


iv. Stabilization can enhance the durability and longevity of the soil, making it more suitable

for long-term use.

2.3.3 Previous Works on Stabilization of Lateritic soil

The impact of Calcined Cow bone ash on soil shear strength was explored by (Ayininuola &

Shogunro, 2013) and results acquired demonstrated that calcined cow bone ash contained high

portion of calcium oxide and phosphate that assumed a captivating function in expanding the

shear strength of the soil.

Stabilization of lateritic soil with egg shell powder and sodium silicate used as filler material in

road construction was analysed by (Oke & Olowoyo, 2019) and the outcomes obtained from the

research showed that an ideal mix of 12% Egg Shell Powder and 8% sodium silicate can be

utilized to balance out lateritic soil material for use as fill material for the construction of light

traffic roads. The precedence of applying the Egg Shell Powder is the reduction in the adverse

natural effect of egg shell waste. Peak Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) were recorded

at7-and 28-days curing periods separately at an ideal mix of 12% Egg Shell Powder and 8%

sodium silicate content individually.

(Ramonu et al, 2018) did a research to determine the effect of yam peel ash on geotechnical

properties of lateritic soil as an alternative stabilizing agent for subgrade in road construction.

Yam Peel Ash was used as replacement by weight of dry soil at different percentages. The CBR

values obtained from the results of untreated lateritic soil was 29% while the optimum CBR

values obtained for the stabilized lateritic soil was 40% at 6% Yam Peel Ash content. The effect

of Yam Peel Ash stabilization on the geotechnical properties of lateritic soil improved the

physical Engineering characteristics of the lateritic soils as evidence by the results of the test.

(Achampong et al, 2013) researched on the chemical stabilization of lateritic soils for road

construction by considering the case study of the lateritic soils at Legon in Ghana. They found

that only 6% lime inclusion was the most appropriate for stabilizing the soil. However, the

outcomes were contrasted with the details of the Ghana Highway Authority (GHA). A review of

the stabilization of lateritic soils with some agricultural waste products by (Adedokun &

Oluremi, 2019) showed their effectiveness in improving geotechnical properties of lateritic soils.

The wastes considered include calcinations of saw dust ash (SDA), coconut husk ash (CHA),

millet husk ash (MHA), corn stalk ash (CSA), rice husk ash (RHA), bagasse ash (BA) and locust

bean pod ash (LPBA). It was established that these ashes are good pozzolanic materials. Also,

increase in ash contents led to a significant decrease in the liquid limit, plasticity index, swelling

index and shrinkage limit of soils. The maximum dry density of soil increased from 0 to 4%

substitutions of SDA, CHA and CCA while it decreased with the addition of ashes from other

wastes. Additionally, CBR and UCS generally increased with increasing amount of the

stabilizers whereas soil permeability and swell potential decreased as the ash content increased.

Ash produced from these wastes can be used to improve the geotechnical properties of soil and

to synthesize a stable soil mix, that are suitable for highway construction purposes.

(Abiola et al,2018) studied the geotechnical Properties of Lateritic Soil Stabilized with calcined

Periwinkle Shells ash and concluded that Calcined Periwinkle Shell ash (CPSA) could be

considered as good stabilizer for clayey or lateritic soil, and its uses as a stabilizer could also

provide a big relief to the environmental pollution caused by its indiscriminate dumping.

2.4 Soil Structure

Soil structure describes the arrangement of the solid parts of the soil and of the pore spaces

located between them (Marshall & Holmes, 2019). Aggregation is the result of the interaction of

soil particles through rearrangement, flocculation and cementation. It is enhanced by:Masoom

the precipitation of oxides, hydroxides, carbonates and silicates; the products of biological

activity (such as biofilms, fungal hyphae and glycoproteins); ionic bridging between negatively

charged particles (both clay minerals and organic compounds) by multivalent cations; and

interactions between organic compounds (hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic bonding). (Dexter,


The quality of soil structure will decline under most forms of cultivation, the associated

mechanical mixing of the soil compacts and shears aggregates and fills pore spaces; it also

exposes organic matter to a greater rate of decay and oxidation. A further consequence of

continued cultivation and traffic is the development of compacted, impermeable layers or 'pans'

within the profile. (Young and Young, 2011)

The decline of soil structure under irrigation is usually related to the breakdown of aggregates

and dispersion of clay material as a result of rapid wetting. This is particularly so if soils are

sodic; that is, having a high exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of the cations attached to the

clays. High sodium levels (compared to high calcium levels) cause particles to repel one another

when wet, and the associated aggregates to disaggregate and disperse. The ESP will increase if

irrigation causes salty water (even of low concentration) to gain access to the soil.

A wide range of practices are undertaken to preserve and improve soil structure. For example,

the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation advocates: increasing organic content by

incorporating pasture phases into cropping rotations; reducing or eliminating tillage and

cultivation in cropping and pasture activities; avoiding soil disturbance during periods of

excessive dry or wet when soils may accordingly tend to shatter or smear; and ensuring sufficient

ground cover to protect the soil from raindrop impact. In irrigated agriculture, it may be

recommended to: apply gypsum (calcium sulfate) to displace sodium cations with calcium and so

reduce ESP or sodicity, avoid rapid wetting, and avoid disturbing soils when too wet or dry.

2.4.1 Type of soil structure

Platy – The units are flat and plate like. They are generally oriented horizontally.

Prismatic – The individual units are bounded by flat to rounded vertical faces. Units are

distinctly longer vertically, and the faces are typically casts or molds of adjoining units. Vertices

are angular or subrounded; the tops of the prisms are somewhat indistinct and normally flat.

Columnar – The units are similar to prisms and bounded by flat or slightly rounded vertical

faces. The tops of columns, in contrast to those of prisms, are very distinct and normally


Blocky – The units are block like or polyhedral. They are bounded by flat or slightly rounded

surfaces that are casts of the faces of surrounding peds. Typically, blocky structural units are

nearly equidimensional but grade to prisms and plates. The structure is described as angular

blocky if the faces intersect at relatively sharp angles and as subangular blocky if the faces are a

mixture of rounded and plane faces and the corners are mostly rounded.

Granular – The units are approximately spherical or polyhedral. They are bounded by curved or

very irregular faces that are not casts of adjoining peds.

Wedge – The units are approximately elliptical with interlocking lenses that terminate in acute

angles. They are commonly bounded by small slickensides.

Lenticular —The units are overlapping lenses parallel to the soil surface. They are thickest in the

middle and thin towards the edges. Lenticular structure is commonly associated with moist soils,

texture classes high in silt or very fine sand (e.g., silt loam), and high potential for frost action.

2.4.2 Improving soil structure

The benefits of improving soil structure for the growth of plants, particularly in an agricultural

setting, include: reduced erosion due to greater soil aggregate strength and decreased overland

flow; improved root penetration and access to soil moisture and nutrients; improved emergence

of seedlings due to reduced crusting of the surface; and greater water infiltration, retention and

availability due to improved porosity. (Cockroft, & Olsson, 2020)

Productivity from irrigated no-tillage or minimum tillage soil management in horticulture usually

decreases over time due to degradation of the soil structure, inhibiting root growth and water

retention. There are a few exceptions, why such exceptional fields retain structure is unknown,

but it is associated with high organic matter. Improving soil structure in such settings can

increase yields significantly. The NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation suggests

that in cropping systems, wheat yields can be increased by 10 kg/ha for every extra millimetre of

rain that is able to infiltrate due to soil structure. (Cockroft, and Olsson, 2020).

2.4.3 Soil structure dynamics

Soil structure is inherently a dynamic and complex system that is affected by different factors

such as tillage, wheel traffic, roots, biological activities in soil, rainfall events, wind erosion,

shrinking, swelling, freezing and thawing. In turn, reciprocally soil structure interacts and affects

the root growth and function, soil fauna and biota, water and solute transport processes, gas

exchange, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, traffic bearing capacity, and many

other aspects in relation with soil. Ignoring soil structure or viewing it as "static" can lead to poor

predictions of soil properties and might significantly affect the soil management.( Logsdon et al.,


2.4.4 Calcined Cow Bone Ash (CCBA)

Bone ash usually obtained by crushing animal bones. Olutaiwo and Yekini, (2018) posited that

the 20% usage of CBA in partial replacement of cement in concrete production gives additional

environmental benefits, as it provides an alternate and effective solution to the disposal of cow

bone wastes.

Cow bone ash is a material that is obtained from the calcination of cow bones. It is rich in

calcium and phosphorus, which are beneficial for plant growth. Cow bone ash can be used as a

fertilizer to provide essential nutrients to plants, especially for crops that require higher levels of

calcium and phosphorus. Additionally, it can also be used in the production of activated carbon,

ceramics, and as a source of calcium in various industrial processes. Cow bone ash has a long

history of use in various cultures and industries. It has been utilized for centuries in agriculture as

a natural fertilizer due to its high calcium and phosphorus content. In addition, cow bone ash has

been used in the production of ceramics, where it acts as a flux to lower the melting point of clay

and enhance the strength of the final product. Its use in activated carbon production is also well-

documented, where it serves as a precursor material for creating porous carbon structures with

high adsorption capabilities.

Cow bone ash is primarily composed of calcium phosphate, which is the main component of

bones. It also contains trace amounts of other minerals, such as calcium carbonate, magnesium

carbonate, and potassium carbonate. These components contribute to the nutrient content and

beneficial properties of cow bone ash.

2.4.5 Calcined Cow Bone Ash as a Soil Stabilizer

Calcind Cow Bone ash is grey-white powdery ash acquired from the burning (calcination) of

bones. Normal calcined cow bone ash consists of about 55.82% calcium oxide, 42.39%

phosphorus pentoxide, and 1.79% water [S. Mussi,2020]. It is essentially made out of calcium

phosphate. Calcined Cow Bone ash is made from cow bones. Calcination is a high-temperature

heating process within the sight of environmental oxygen. The final result being unadulterated

bone mineral, a compound identified with hydroxyapatite. Any utilization of calcined cow bone

ash in sand and clay stabilization will be represented by the physical and chemical composition

of the ash. Calcined bone ash at a temperature of 1100°C contains the accompanying oxides:

CaO (55.25%), P2O5 (41.65%), MgO (1.40%), CO2 (0.43%), SiO2 (0.09%), FeO (0.08%) and

AlO (0.06%). When bones are burned (calcinations), a white powdery residue known as cow

born ash (CBA) is left behind. P2O3 and CaO2 in the form of calcium phosphate Ca2(PO4)2 or

modified hydroxyapatite (Ca2(PO4)2OH) make up the majority of the ash's chemical makeup

(Ayininuola & Sogunro, 2013). Calcium oxide and phosphorus pent oxide are present in amounts

of 32.1% and 28.8%, respectively. Bone is calcined at a temperature of around 1100°C, cooled,

ground, and sieved through a 325-mesh screen to produce bone ash. Bovine bones may also be

used to make cow bone ash by burning them at 100°C for 6–12 hours, and then putting them in a

furnace with a temperature setting of 1000°C. A calcium phosphate mineral called

hydroxyapatite makes up the leftover material or residue (Milburn & Parsons, 2004). Lateritic

soil is used to build roads in this tropical region of the globe. Most tropical highways utilize it as

the subgrade, while low-cost roads with low to medium traffic use it as the foundation.

Additionally, they are used as construction materials in Nigeria's rural regions for plastering and

block molding.

2.4.6 Calcined Cow bone ash properties

i. It is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which are essential nutrients for plant growth.

ii. It can be used as a fertilizer to improve soil fertility and promote healthy plant


iii. Cow bone ash also has high heat resistance, making it suitable for use in ceramics and


iv. It can be used in the production of activated carbon, where its porous structure allows for

effective adsorption of contaminants.

v. Cow bone ash has a wide range of uses.

vi. It can be used as a natural fertilizer to provide essential nutrients to plants.

vii. It is also used in the production of ceramics, where it acts as a flux to lower the melting

point of clay.

viii. Additionally, cow bone ash is utilized in the production of activated carbon, which is

used for water and air purification.

ix. Its high calcium and phosphorus content make it valuable in various industrial processes

as well.

2.5 Utilization of Agricultural Waste

Agricultural waste materials, such as rice husk ash and sugarcane bagasse ash, have garnered

attention for their potential to improve soil properties. Little and Hills (2007) emphasized the

2.5.1 Waste Utilization

The use of calcined cow bone in soil stabilization provides a sustain enable way to utilize organic

waste material. Cow bones are a byproduct of the meat industry and can be repurposed to

enhance soil properties instead of being discarded, contributing to waste reduction and

environmental sustainability.

2.5.2 Strength Improvement: Adding calcined cow bone to lateritic soil can enhance its

strength and load-bearing capacity. This is crucial for applications like road construction,

foundations, and embankments, where the soil needs to withstand significant loads without

undergoing excessive deformation.

2.6 Research Gaps and Significance

The investigation into the effects of calcined cow bone on the physical and geotechnical

properties of stabilized laterite soil for road pavement construction holds substantial significance

due to its potential to address existing research gaps and contribute to sustainable construction

practices. This section outlines the research gaps identified and highlights the significance of

filling these gaps through the proposed study.

2.6.2 Microstructure analysis: is a branch of materials science and engineering that involves

studying the structure of materials at the microscopic level. It focuses on the arrangement,

distribution, and characteristics of the constituents, phases, and defects within a material.

Microstructure analysis is essential for understanding how a material's properties and behavior

are influenced by its internal structure. This analysis plays a crucial role in fields such as

metallurgy, ceramics, polymers, composites, and more.

2.6.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Use SEM to examine the microstructure of the

stabilized soil. This can reveal changes in particle arrangement, the presence of new phases, and

interactions between calcined cow bone and soil particles.

2.6.4 Precautions of SEM analysis

Handle the samples with care to avoid damage or contamination. Maintain a clean environment

to prevent the introduction of unwanted particles. Follow proper safety protocols, such as

wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. Use the correct voltage and beam current

settings to prevent sample damage or instrument malfunction.

2.6.5 X-ray Diffraction (XRD): Conduct XRD analysis to identify any mineralogical the

interaction between calcined cow bone and soil minerals.

2.7 Summary of Previous Literatures

Lateritic soils have been the most broadly known and utilized construction material in building

and road construction. In tropical parts of the world, lateritic soils are utilized as a road making

material and they form the structure of subgrade of most tropical roads. Moreso, in rural regions

of Nigeria, they are utilized as building material for plastering and moulding of bricks (Taiwo &

Adeboye, 2020) Lateritic soils are characterized as sustainable building and construction

materials that fix current problems without jeopardizing people's ability to address their own

issues satisfactorily in the future (Taiwo & Adeboye,2020). Structures built of earth materials are

the most widely recognized moderate accommodation since earth materials are readily accessible

anyplace on the planet (Meriani, 2014).

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) states the following as the reasons for

soil stabilization: increasing the strength of existing soil to enhance its load-bearing capacity,

improving soil permeability and enhancing the resistance of soil to weathering process and

traffic utilization etc. (Obianyo, 2020).

Soil stabilization is the process of changing some of the soil properties by chemical or

mechanical process. This is done to produce soil with improved and desired engineering

properties (Makusa, 2014).

Soil stabilization can likewise be viewed as the alteration of soils to improve their physical

properties. Stabilization can build the shear strength of a soil or potentially control the

shrinkswell properties of a soil, thereby improving the load bearing capacity of a sub-grade to

support pavements and foundations (Hostler, 2015).

Soil stabilization accomplishes various goals that are significant in acquiring a dependable

structure from locally accessible earth materials and these include; better mechanical qualities,

better attachment between particles which decrease the porosity and changes in volume because

of moisture changes, improved protection from wind, erosion and rain. Soil stabilization

techniques include mechanical, physical and chemical stabilization (Sugawara & Nikaido, 2014).

Availability and cost have affected the options of construction and building material generally. In

most non-industrial nations, owning a house is generally troublesome because of significant

expense of construction materials and to solve this threat, better approaches of producing

building materials from locally accessible materials effortlessly should be investigated

(Sugawara & Nikaido, 2014).Lateritic soil comprises of high plastic clay; soil plasticity may

cause cracks and damage on structural foundations, pavement, roadway or any other construction

projects. It is in this way significant to comprehend the actions of lateritic soil and subsequently

sort out the strategy for soil stabilization (Mohd Yunus, et al 2015). Recycling or utilizing solid

waste generated by most Agro-based and manufacturing industries is extremely rewarding.

Concerns about massive waste generation, resource preservation, and material costs have

heightened interest in solid waste reuse (Cr istelo, et al., 2012). Material. Recovery from the

conversion of agricultural and industrial wastes into useful materials not only benefits the

environment, but it may also help to preserve natural resources. As a result, it is not surprising

that research into the effective utilization of various types of solid waste has received increased

attention in recent decades. Studies have also shown the recent use of egg shells which are also

rich in calcium, as soil stabilizers (Alobile, et al., 2020).

Aziz, & Mukri, (2016) investigated how to decide the best percentage of geopolymer to use to

boost the compaction parameter of lateritic soil. They discovered that a lateritic soil mix with

15% geopolymer provided the best value of dry density and moisture content of soil with heavy

and regular effort. Bone ash is the white, powdery ash that results from the calcination (burning)

of bones. Calcium phosphate is the main component. Tricalcium phosphate in the form of

hydroxyapatite Ca5(OH)(PO4)3 is contained in bone ash. The special cellular structure of bones,

which is preserved by calcination, is one of the most significant properties of bone ash. Bone ash

is non-wetting, chemically inert, free of organic matter, and has a high heat transfer resistance.

(Sefiu , 2018)



This chapter outlines the materials and methodology employed in the study, both in the field and

practical settings as well as in laboratory experiments. The selections of materials, experimental

procedures, are described in detail to ensure the study's reliability and accuracy.

3.1 Materials

3.1.1 Lateritic soil

Lateritic soil is widely available and abundant in Nigeria, and it is also employed in many

geotechnical engineering works. The lateritic soil was extracted from a depth of 1.5m below the

ground surface. The sample was collected from Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara state, Nigeria.

3.1.2 Calcined cow bone

Calcined cow bone was obtained from meat processing facilities (Owode market, Offa, Kwara

State). The bone was undergo a calcination process (At the Science Laboratory Technology

Department, The Federal Polytechnic Offa) to remove organic components, resulting in a

calcined material with a distinct composition. Microstructure analysis was conducted to

determine the composition of the calcined cow bone, including calcium carbonate content and

phosphorus levels.

3.1.5 Water

The water used in this work was sourced from a bore hole located within the Federal Polytechnic

Offa, Kwara State. The physical examination of the water to be must shows that the water is

clean, free from impurities and fit for drinking as recommended by the standard BS EN 1008

(2012). Also it must satisfy ASTM C1602-12 requirement of water for use in concrete mixture.

3.2 Test

Geotechnical analysis involves studying the mechanical and physical properties of soils to

understand how they behave under different conditions. When using calcined cow bone ash to

stabilize lateritic soil, some of the geotechnical aspects to consider include:

The following tests; natural moisture content, sieve analysis, specific gravity, Atterberg limit,

compaction, CBR.

3.2.1 Natural Moisture Content Test

The moisture content test was utilized to determine the amount of water in the lateritic soil

sample to its oven dry mass. The moisture content in a soil represents the different properties of

soil for example permeability, compaction, particle size and so on. Percentage moisture content

was ascertained as explained in ASTM D 2216 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory

Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil, Rock, and Soil Aggregate Mixtures.

Moisture content of some soils is used to establish the tie between soil properties and behavior.

Fine-grained soils consistency relies more on its moisture content and is also a means of

expressing phase relationships of air, water, and solids in a specified mass of soil. To carry out

this test, the moisture can and cover number will be recorded. The mass of unfilled, clean, and

dry moisture can with its cover (MC) was weighed and recorded. Wet soil was put in the

moisture can and the cover fastened. The mass of the moisture can (presently containing the wet

soil) with the cover (MCMS) was determined and recorded. The cover was taken out and the

moisture can (containing the wet soil) was placed in the drying oven set at a temperature of 105

°C. The oven was left overnight and then the moisture can will be removed from the oven. The

cover on the moisture can cautiously remove and safely replaced with glove and will be

permitted to cool to room temperature. The mass of the moisture can and cover (containing the

dry soil) (MCDS) was determined and recorded then water moisture content of the laterite was

then determined.

3.2.2 Sieve Analysis

This test was determines the particle size distribution of soil from the coarse sand size down to

fine clay size. The data from particle size distribution test is used to determine suitability of soil

for road construction, air field etc. In this research, a known mass of material, the amount being

dictated by the biggest size of aggregate, was placed on the top of a stack of sieves (the top sieve

had the biggest screen aperture and the screen aperture sizes reduced with each sieve down to the

base sieve which had the smallest aperture size screen for the kind of material determined) and

shaken by mechanical means for a while. Materials held on every one of the sieve will be

weighed. The combined technique necessitated that each sieve starting at the top be set in a

formerly weighed pan (known as the tare weight), weighed, the next sieve's contents will be

added to the pan, and the total weighed. This was repeated until all sieves and the base pan

equally added and weighed.

3.2.3 Specific gravity test

Specific gravity of soil is the ratio of the weight of soil in air of a given volume at a standard

temperature to the weight in air of an equal volume of distilled water at the same stated

temperature. To carry out this test, the density bottle along with the stopper, are both dried and

cooled in the desiccator and then weighed to the nearest 0.001g (W 1). The soil sample, which had

been dried, is transferred to the density bottle directly from the desiccator in which it was cooled.

The bottles and contents together with the stopper are weighed to the nearest 0.001g (W 2). The

soil is covered with air-free distilled water from the glass wash bottle and left for a period of

10minutes for soaking. Water is added to fill the bottle to about half. Entrapped air is removed

by heating the density bottle on a water bath or a sand bath. The bottle is kept without the stopper

in a vacuum desiccator for about 10minut until there is no further loss of air. The soil in the

density bottle is gently stirred with a clean glass rod, and adhering particles carefully washed off

from the rod with some drops of distilled water until no more soil particles are lost. The process

is repeated till no more air bubbles are observed in the soil-water mixture. The constant

temperature in the bottle is observed and recorded. The dry soil in the density bottle is inserted

and weighed (W3). The bottle is emptied, cleaned thoroughly and the density bottle is filled with

distilled water at the same temperature. The dry soil is again inserted in the bottle to wiped dry

and weighed (W4)

Density of Materials
Specific Gravity=
Density of Water

3.2.4 Atterberg Limits Test

The Atterberg Limits test was conducted to ascertain the plastic and liquid limits of fine grained

soil. The test was conducted as stated in ASTM D 4318 - Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit

(LL), Plastic Limit (PL), and Plasticity Index (PI) of Soils. The Atterberg limits are dependent on

the soil moisture. The PL is the water content, in percent, at which a soil can no longer be

deformed by rolling into 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) diameter threads without disintegrating. The liquid

limit (LL) on the other hand is the moisture content that characterizes the point at which a soil

changes from a plastic to a viscous fluid state. The shrinkage limit is the moisture content which

characterizes where the soil volume won't diminish further if the moisture content is decreased.

The Plasticity index (PI) is the measure of the plasticity of a soil. It is the size of the scope of

water contents at which the soil displays plastic properties. Soil descriptions dependent on PI

include: Non plastic (PI=0), slightly plastic (PI 17). Soils with a high PI was in general be clay,

those with a lower PI are oftentimes silt while those with a PI of zero (nonplastic) was in general

have almost no silt/clay. Different soil engineering properties have been related to the liquid and

plastic limits, and these Atterberg limits are additionally used to group a finegrained soil

according to the Unified Soil Classification System or AASHTO system.

Plastic limit determination:

Soil sample weighing 20g was taken from the material passing the 425μm test sieve and then

mixed with water till it became homogenous and plastic to be shaped to ball. The ball of soil was

rolled on a glass plate until the thread cracks at approximately 3mm diameter. Therefore, the

moisture contents were determined.

3.2.5 Compaction Test

Compaction test is used in determining the optimal moisture content at which a soil will achieve

its maximum dry density. That is to study the moisture-density relationship of compacted

lateritic soil. To carry out this test, air-dried lateritic soil sample of known weight passing

through No. 4 sieve was compacted at known moisture content in a cylindrical mould of standard

dimensions using a compactive effort of specific weight and frequency. Specimens are prepared

so that the estimated moisture content is recorded. The moisture content is varied for at least two

percent each and the moisture content increment not exceeding four percent. The process is

repeated for various moisture contents and the dry densities are determined for each. The

graphical relationship of the dry density to moisture content is then plotted to create a

compaction curve. The maximum dry density (MDD) is the peak point of the curve and its

corresponding moisture content which is also known as the optimal moisture content (OMC)

3.2.6 CBR Test

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value is the resistance to a penetration of 2.5 mm of a standard

cylindrical plunger of 50 mm diameter expressed as a percentage of the known resistance of the

plunger to 2.5 mm in penetration in crushed aggregate (taken as 13.2 kN). The strength of a

subgrade, sub base and base course materials for road construction is expressed in terms of their

CBR value. To carry out this test, a known mass of material passed through 20mm sieve and

retained on 4.75mm sieve is mixed thoroughly with water (OMC recorded). The equipment is

shown in Plate. 8. The extension collar and the base plate is fixed to the mould, the spacer disc

inserted over the base, and filter paper placed over the spacer disc. The mix is compacted in at

least three layers, each layer given 55 blows with a 6.5kg rammer and the collar is removed then

excess soil trimmed out afterwards. After compacting, the mould is turned upside down then the

base plate and spacer disc is removed. The mould plus compacted soil is weighed to determine

the dry density. Next, the stress and strain dial gauge is set to zero, and the mould assembly with

surcharge weight placed on the penetration test machine, but in no case in excess of 4kg so that

full contact of the piston on the sample is established. Load on the piston is applied so that the

penetration rate is about 1.25mm/min. Load readings at penetration of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,

4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 8.0mm observed and recoded. Mould is detached from the loading equipment and

about 20 to 50grams of soil from the top layer used to determine the moisture content. CBR

values are usually calculated for penetration of 2.5mm and 5mm respectively.

3.2.7 Microstructure Analysis:

Microstructure analysis involves examining the microscopic properties of materials to

understand their structure and behavior at a smaller scale. In this context, it would involve

studying the interaction between the calcined cow bone ash and the lateritic soil:

(Scanning Electron Microscopy) SEM, X Ray Diffration (XRD), X Ray Florecent (XRF) and

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis included.

3.3 Method

The cow bone was wash to remove (diets and other impurities) and air dry for about two weeks.

The dried cow bone was calcined at a temperature of 800 0C for 1hr 45minutes (following the

recommendation in an electric furnace. The calcined cow bone was grounded to fine powder and

sieve through sieve No. 40 (with 0.425 mm sieve opening). The resulting calcined cow bone ash

(CBA) was keep in an airtight container to prevent moisture gain and any form of contamination.

The oxide compositions was determine using X Ray Diffration (XRD), X Ray Florecent (XRF),

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR),Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Index

properties including specific gravity (G), particle size distribution, Atterberg’s limits (Liquid

limit, LL and Plastic Limit, PL),Compaction, Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the soil samples

was determine according to Brithish Standard, ASTM D 422, and ASTM D 4318, respectively.

The index properties results was use to classify the soil according to American Association of

State Highway and Transport Officials (AASHTO) and Unified Soil Classification System

(USCS) classification systems. Geotechnical properties such as compaction properties (optimum

moisture content, OMC and maximum dry density, MDD), California bearing ratio (CBR) of the

soil samples was determine. The soil samples was compact according to the Bristhish Standard

1377 method. Soil sample was compact into a CBR mould in five layers, applying 55 blows of a

6.5 kg rammer to each layer. The OMC and MDD of the compact soil sample were determined.

The CBR of the soil samples was determine according to Bristhish Standard 1377, respectively.

Samples use to determine the CBR was remold using the corresponding OMC and compact in

five layers as explained earlier. A fixed, 4% of Calcined Cow Bone (based on the optimum

obtained and varying percentages (0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20%) of CCBA by weight of dry soil was add

to the soil sample and the aforementioned properties determined.

4.1 Structure and Composition of Samples

The cow bone used in this study was obtained from abattoir at Owode market, Offa, Kwara

State. The cow bone was calcined at 800ºC using Muffle Furnace. The chemical compositions of

bone ash used for the study was shown in table 4.1 below. The mineralogical compositions of

the lateritic soil samples used for this research were analysed using X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

test. The XRD test was carried out by using the Rigaku Miniflex 600 XRD machine with range

10–70 at a rate of 2 degrees/min and Cu K radiation. The chemical compositions of bone ash

were obtained using Thermo Scientific X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Epsilon Spectrometer. XRF

analysis was done using the standard method with Montana soil SRM 2710 as a Thermo Fisher

Scientific standard reference material. Thermo Scientific Fourier-transform infrared

spectroscopy (FTIR) Nicolet is 5 Spectrometer was used in the characterization of the bone ash.

The morphology and chemical composition of the samples was obtained using the Evo/LS10

ZEISS Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).

Table 4.1: Chemical composition (XRF) of Calcined cow bone ash (800oC)

Element Element Element Atomic Weight

Number Symbol Name Conc. Conc.

20 Ca Calcium 58.65 65.65

15 P Phosphorus 31.06 26.87

12 Mg Magnesium 3.34 2.14

11 Na Sodium 2.62 1.78

13 Al Aluminium 1.65 1.24

14 Si Silicon 1.38 1.09

16 S Sulfur 0.69 0.62

17 Cl Chlorine 0.47 0.46

22 Ti Titanium 0.15 0.16

19 K Potassium 0.00 0.00

26 Fe Iron 0.00 0.00

The chemical composition of the bone ash used for the study is shown in Tables 4.1. The result

shows that the major constituent of bone ash is calcium with the 58.65% amount of atomic

concentration and 65.65% of weight concentration.

Figure 4.1: EDS microanalysis of bone ash
The result of EDS analysis on the bone ash in Figure 4.1 shows that calcium is the major

constituent, which explains the improved strength obtained as a result of the pozzolanic reactions

that took place when bone ash was mixed with lateritic soil and water. The calcium oxide present

in bone ash reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide: {CaO (s) + H2O (l) → Ca (OH)2 (s)}.

Figure 4.2: SEM micrograph of cow bone ash (800ºC calcined)

The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the cow bone ash is shown in figure 4.2. The

morphology indicated the presence of spongy-like materials due to the presence of oxides of

phosphorus in the CBA. The cow-bone ash was observed to be crystalline. The CBA's surface

morphology indicates a significant distribution of well-developed porous and rough surface with

cracks as seen in figure 4.2. The light colored particles of bone ash are due to the presence of

CaO. The cow bone ash SEM showed irregularly shaped fluorapatite particles with different


Figure 4.3: XRD patterns of cow bone ash (800ºC calcined)

The phase composition of the cow bone ash (CBA) presented by mineralogical analysis X-ray

diffractograms are shown in Figure 4.3. From the XRD patterns, fluorapatite is the predominant

mineral present in cow bone ash. Fluorapatite is a phosphate mineral with the formula

Ca5(PO4)3F (calcium fluorophosphate). Fluorapatite is a hard crystalline solid. It is highly

resistant to both mechanical and chemical weathering resulting in its durability. Fluorapatite is

harder and more acid resistant than the enamel's hydroxyapatite and carbonated hydroxyapatite.

With fluorapatite being able to resist pH levels down to 4.5 compared to 5.5 for hydroxyapatite.

(pH 7 is neutral, the lower the pH the more acidic).

Figure 4.4: FTIR spectra of cow bone ash (800ºC calcined)

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) identifies chemical bonds in a molecule by

producing an infrared absorption spectrum. The spectra produce a profile of the CBA, a

distinctive molecular fingerprint that are used to screen and scan CBA as shown in figure 4.4.

FTIR spectroscopy of CBA indicated that is fluorapatite, with a diagnostic peak at 1435.7cm -1,

mainly indicating replacement of F by OH, and a minor peak at 424.9cm -1, showing that some Cl

has been replaced by OH. The main vibrational bonds in the apatite samples were characterized

by the FTIR transmittance spectrum, further identifying the starting material as fluorapatite.

Table 4.2: Natural moisture content of soil sample
Sample A B C

Weight of Empty Container(M1) (g) 8 8 8

Weight of Wet soil + Container(M2) (g) 58 58 58

Weight of Dry Soil + Container(M3) (g) 47.45 42.48 46.50

Mass of water (M2-M3) (g) 10.55 15.52 11.50

Moisture Content (%) 22.2 36.5 24.7

Average Moisture Content (%) 27.8

The natural moisture content test value was 27.8% which shows that the laterite soil samples had

high natural moisture content and would definitely retain water.

Table 4.3: Particle size distribution
Sieve Mass of Mass of each Mass of % Cumulative %

Diameter sieve M1 (g) sieve + Soil Soil (g) % retained

Retained Passing
(mm) retained (M2)


19.00 - - - - - 100

13.20 449 490 41 2.73 2.73 97.27

12.50 631 648 19 1.27 4.0 96.00

10.00 623 707 84 5.60 9.6 90.40

9.50 543 561 18 1.20 10.8 89.20

6.30 536 767 231 15.40 26.2 75.80

4.70 473 619 138 9.20 35.4 64.60

2.36 546 865 319 21.70 56.67 43.33

0.3 382 592 210 14.0 70.67 29.33

0.063 374 769 395 26.33 97.00 3.00

Pan 45 3.00 100.00 0

Particle size distribution
Cummulative % passing

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Particle size (mm)

Figure 4.5: Particle size distribution

The result from the sieve analysis is as shown in Figure 4.5 above. The sieve analysis (particle

size distribution) and classification for the lateritic soil sample used in this research were

determined using British standards. Based on the size of particles that are more ascendant in the

soil, soils are generally classified as gravel, sand, silt or clay. Classification based on BS 1377:

Part 2: 1990: indicated that the particle size distribution curve observed in Figure 4.5 was that of

silt soil.

Table 4.3: Specific Gravity of soil sample
Mass of Empty bottle, M1 (g) 353

Mass of bottle +dry Soil, M2 (g) 1257

Mass of bottle +Soil +Water, M3 (g) 403

Mass of bottle +Soil +Water filled up to brim, M4 (g) 1289

Specific gravity, Gs 2.77

The specific gravity value was 2.77 which show that the lateritic soil sample has a good amount

of clay mineral because clay has higher specific gravity as compared to sand soil.

Table 4.4: Specific Gravity of Cow Bone Ash (CBA)

Mass of Empty bottle, M1 (g) 353

Mass of bottle + CBA, M2 (g) 1257

Mass of bottle + CBA +Water, M3 (g) 403

Mass of bottle + CBA +Water filled up to brim, M4 (g) 1265

Specific gravity, Gs 1.19

Liquid Limit test for Poly sample with different percentage of replacement

Liquid Limit @0%


Moisture content (%)

8 LL = 50.5%

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
No of Blows

Figure 4.6: Liquid limit at 0% replacement of CBA

Liquid Limit @4%


Moisture content (%)

LL = 40.3%

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
No of Blows

Figure 4.7: Liquid limit at 4% replacement of CBA

Figure 4.8: Liquid limit at 8% replacement of CBA

Liquid Limit @12%


Moisture content (%)


LL= 40.05%

20 25 30 35
No of blows

Figure 4.9: Liquid limit at 12% replacement of CBA

Liquid Limit @16%
Moisture content (%)


LL= 38.4%

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
No of Blows

Figure 4.10: Liquid limit at 16% replacement of CBA

Liquid Limit @20%


Moisture content (%)


20 LL= 36.2%

20 25 30 35
No of Blows

Figure 4.11: Liquid limit at 20% replacement of CBA

Table 4.6: Atterberg Limit Test

% Replacement 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%

Liquid Limit Test 50 40.3 40.17 40.05 38.4 36.2

Plastic Limit Test 23.4 25.1 24.5 23.8 23.2 22.7

Plastic Index 26.6 15.2 15.67 16.25 15.2 13.5

Atterberg Limit Test


Moisture content (%)

Liquid Limit Test
30 Plastic Limit Test
Plastic Index


0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%
% replacement

Figure 4.12: Atterberg limit test

Effect of cow bone ash on the Atterberg limits behavior of lateritic soil sample is presented in

Figure 4.6. The liquid limits of lateritic soil sample decreasing while plastic limit increases with

increase in cow bone ash to 8% addition content respectively. The plasticity index of the sample

reduced as the CBA contents increases. The soil sample in its natural state has plasticity index

value less than 11% show the sample as silt materials. The sample was classified according to

AASHTO (1986) as A-7-5.

Table 4.7: Dry density

% Replacement 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%

Weight of Empty Container(M1) (g) 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800

Weight of Sample + Mould (M2) (g) 5000 4800 4600 4400 4200 4000

Weight of Mould (g) 125 125 125 125 125 125

Weight of Sample (M3) (g) 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200

Dry Density (g/cm3) 1.93 1.62 1.65 1.55 1.30 1.04

Table 4.8: Moisture content

% Replacement 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%

Weight of Empty Container(W1) (g) 7 7 7 10 10 14

Weight of Wet soil + Container(W2) (g) 21 19 24 26 17 25

Weight of Dry Soil + Container(W3) (g) 19 17 22 24 15 23

Weight of Dry Soil Only(W3-W1) (g) 12 10 15 14 5 9

Moisture Loss(W2-W1) (g) 14 12 17 16 7 11

Moisture Content (%) 16.52 17.58 14.50 15.37 13.75 14.92

Table 4.9: Compaction test

% Replacement Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture


0% 1.93 16.52

4% 1.62 17.58

8% 1.65 14.50

12% 1.55 15.37

16% 1.30 23.75

20% 1.04 14.92

Compaction Test
Maximum Dry Density (g/cm3)



16.52 17.58 14.5 15.37 23.75 14.92
Optimum Moisture Content (%)

Figure 4.13: Compaction test

Figure 4.7 indicate the result of compaction test. The maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum

moisture content (OMC) of soil sample decreases beyond the natural sample with the addition of

cow bone ash with respect to addition contents. Peak value of 1.93g/m 3 for MDD was observed

for stabilized soil sample at 0% cow bone ash content. Further decrease in MDD could be caused

by coating of the sample by the additive which led to formation of large particles with larger

voids and density. Addition of CBA also led to general decrease in values of OMC. This

decrease may be due to self-desiccation whereby all available water was used and thereby

leading to low hydration.

Table 4.10: of CBR @ 0% Unsoaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 20 0.42 30 0.64

1.0 40 0.85 58 1.23

1.5 61 1.29 75 1.59

2.0 72 1.53 90 1.91

2.5 90 1.91 112 2.37

3.0 115 2.44 146 2.97

3.5 135 2.86 163 3.46

4.0 160 3.39 182 3.86

4.5 180 3.82 200 4.24

5.0 210 4.45 212 4.49

5.5 240 5.09 240 5.09

6.0 260 5.51 280 5.94

6.5 282 5.98 311 6.59

7.0 311 6.59 330 6.99

7.5 318 6.74 352 7.46

8.0 330 6.99 385 8.16

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 1.91 2.37 2.5 14.43 17.90

5.0 4.45 4.49 5.0 22.29 22.49

CBR @ 0% Unsoaked

Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.14: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 0% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 16.17

@5.0mm = 22.39

Table 4.11: of CBR @ 4% Unsoaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 22 0.42 35 0.74

1.0 43 0.91 62 1.31

1.5 63 1.34 84 1.78

2.0 84 1.78 110 2.33

2.5 122 2.59 120 2.54

3.0 130 2.76 150 3.18

3.5 150 3.18 170 3.60

4.0 180 3.82 192 4.07

4.5 211 4.47 230 4.88

5.0 220 4.66 244 5.17

5.5 250 5.30 265 5.62

6.0 270 5.72 280 5.94

6.5 300 6.36 310 6.57

7.0 315 6.68 330 6.99

7.5 330 6.99 350 7.42

8.0 350 7.42 370 7.84

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 2.59 2.54 2.5 19.56 19.18

5.0 4.66 5.17 5.0 23.35 25.90

CBR @ 4% Unsoaked

Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.15: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 4% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 19.37

@5.0mm = 24.63

Table 4.12: of CBR @ 8% Unsoaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 24 0.51 39 0.83

1.0 52 1.10 68 1.44

1.5 63 1.34 89 1.89

2.0 76 1.61 114 2.42

2.5 117 2.48 152 3.22

3.0 137 2.90 173 3.67

3.5 158 3.35 199 4.22

4.0 181 3.84 242 5.13

4.5 206 4.37 301 6.38

5.0 228 4.83 333 7.06

5.5 253 5.36 342 7.25

6.0 268 5.68 350 7.42

6.5 299 6.34 360 7.63

7.0 310 6.57 374 7.93

7.5 319 6.76 385 8.16

8.0 332 7.04 394 8.35

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 2.48 3.22 2.5 18.73 24.32

5.0 4.83 7.06 5.0 24.19 35.37

CBR @ 8% Unsoaked
Load (kN)

4 Base

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.16: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 8% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 21.53

@5.0mm = 29.78

Table 4.13: of CBR @ 12% Unsoaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 21 0.45 27 0.57

1.0 58 1.23 52 1.10

1.5 76 1.6 78 1.65

2.0 95 2.01 90 1.91

2.5 114 2.42 120 2.54

3.0 150 3.18 140 2.97

3.5 175 3.71 159 3.37

4.0 190 4.03 170 3.61

4.5 215 4.56 213 4.52

5.0 230 4.88 242 5.13

5.5 260 5.51 275 5.83

6.0 280 5.94 300 6.36

6.5 317 6.72 320 6.78

7.0 340 7.21 335 7.10

7.5 350 7.42 360 7.63

8.0 370 7.84 380 8.06

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 2.42 2.54 2.5 18.28 19.18

5.0 4.88 5.13 5.0 24.45 25.70

CBR @ 12% Unsoaked


Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.17: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 12% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 18.73

@5.0mm = 25.08

Table 4.14: of CBR @ 16% Unsoaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 19 0.40 25 0.53

1.0 39 0.83 52 1.10

1.5 58 1.23 70 1.48

2.0 79 1.68 93 1.97

2.5 89 1.89 115 2.44

3.0 112 2.37 125 2.65

3.5 135 2.86 170 3.60

4.0 148 3.14 192 4.07

4.5 172 3.65 215 4.56

5.0 205 4.35 242 5.13

5.5 230 4.88 273 5.79

6.0 270 5.72 295 6.25

6.5 290 6.15 310 6.57

7.0 300 6.36 335 7.10

7.5 315 6.68 370 7.84

8.0 340 7.21 375 7.95

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 1.89 2.44 2.5 14.27 18.43

5.0 4.35 5.13 5.0 21.79 25.70

CBR @ 16% Unsoaked


Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.18: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 16% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 16.35

@5.0mm = 23.75

Table 4.15: of CBR @ 20% Unsoaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 18 0.38 25 0.53

1.0 39 0.83 58 1.23

1.5 60 1.27 75 1.59

2.0 71 1.51 91 1.93

2.5 93 1.97 117 2.48

3.0 115 2.44 135 2.86

2.5 140 2.97 168 3.56

4.0 172 3.65 192 4.07

4.5 194 4.11 220 4.66

5.0 211 4.47 255 5.41

5.5 235 4.98 275 5.83

6.0 260 5.51 301 6.38

6.5 290 6.15 315 6.68

7.0 310 6.57 330 6.99

7.5 320 6.78 345 7.31

8.0 340 7.21 370 7.84

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 1.97 2.48 2.5 14.88 18.73

5.0 4.47 5.41 5.0 22.39 27.10

CBR @ 20% Unsoaked


Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.19: California Bearing Ratio of unsoaked soil at 20% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 16.81

@5.0mm = 24.75

Table 4.16: of CBR @ 0% Soaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 22 0.47 35 0.74

1.0 43 0.91 60 1.27

1.5 63 1.34 78 1.65

2.0 75 1.59 95 2.01

2.5 95 2.01 115 2.44

3.0 118 2.50 149 3.16

3.5 138 2.93 166 3.52

4.0 164 3.48 185 3.92

4.5 183 3.88 203 4.30

5.0 214 4.54 215 4.56

5.5 245 5.19 243 5.15

6.0 263 5.58 283 5.99

6.5 288 6.04 314 6.66

7.0 314 6.66 333 7.06

7.5 400 8.48 355 7.53

8.0 335 7.10 388 8.23

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 2.01 2.44 2.5 15.18 18.43

5.0 4.54 4.56 5.0 22.85 22.85

CBR @ 0% Soaked

Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.20: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 0% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 16.81

@5.0mm = 22.85

Table 4.17: of CBR @ 4% Soaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 22 0.47 35 0.74

1.0 43 0.91 62 1.31

1.5 63 1.34 84 1.78

2.0 84 1.78 110 2.33

2.5 122 2.59 120 2.54

3.0 130 2.76 150 3.18

3.5 150 3.18 170 3.60

4.0 180 3.82 192 4.07

4.5 211 4.47 230 4.88

5.0 220 4.66 244 5.17

5.5 250 5.30 265 5.62

6.0 270 5.72 280 5.94

6.5 300 6.36 310 6.57

7.0 315 6.68 330 6.99

7.5 330 6.99 350 7.42

8.0 350 7.42 370 7.84

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 2.65 2.63 2.5 19.02 19.86

5.0 4.71 5.22 5.0 25.05 26.15

CBR @ 4% Soaked

Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.21: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 4% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 19.94

@5.0mm = 25.60

Table 4.18: of CBR @ 8% Soaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 25 0.53 40 0.85

1.0 54 1.15 70 1.48

1.5 65 1.38 90 1.91

2.0 77 1.63 115 2.44

2.5 120 2.54 155 3.29

3.0 139 2.95 175 3.71

3.5 160 3.39 201 4.26

4.0 183 3.88 244 5.17

4.5 208 4.41 304 6.45

5.0 221 4.69 335 7.10

5.5 254 5.38 344 7.29

6.0 255 5.41 352 7.46

6.5 300 6.36 363 7.69

7.0 313 6.64 378 8.01

7.5 320 6.78 387 8.20

8.0 334 7.08 395 8.37

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 2.54 3.29 2.5 19.18 24.85

5.0 4.69 7.10 5.0 23.49 35.57

CBR @ 8% Soaked

Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.22: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 8% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 22.02

@5.0mm = 29.53

Table 4.19: of CBR @ 12% Soaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 23 0.49 29 0.62

1.0 60 1.27 55 1.17

1.5 78 1.65 80 1.69

2.0 98 2.08 92 1.95

2.5 116 2.46 122 2.59

3.0 153 3.24 143 3.03

3.5 176 3.73 160 3.39

4.0 192 4.07 172 3.65

4.5 217 4.60 215 4.56

5.0 233 4.94 245 5.19

5.5 263 5.58 277 5.87

6.0 284 6.02 302 6.40

6.5 319 6.76 322 6.83

7.0 342 7.25 337 7.14

7.5 353 7.48 362 7.67

8.0 372 7.89 382 8.09

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 2.46 2.59 2.5 18.58 19.56

5.0 4.94 5.19 5.0 24.75 26.00

CBR @ 12% Soaked


Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.23: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 12% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 19.06

@5.0mm = 25.38

Table 4.20: of CBR @ 16% Soaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 20 0.42 27 0.57

1.0 40 0.85 53 1.12

1.5 60 1.27 72 1.53

2.0 80 1.69 95 2.01

2.5 90 1.91 117 2.48

3.0 115 2.44 127 2.69

3.5 137 2.90 173 3.67

4.0 150 3.18 195 4.13

4.5 175 3.71 218 4.62

5.0 207 4.39 245 5.19

5.5 233 4.94 276 5.85

6.0 273 5.79 297 6.29

6.5 300 6.36 313 6.64

7.0 307 6.72 337 7.14

7.5 318 6.74 373 7.91

8.0 343 7.27 378 8.01

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 1.91 2.48 2.5 8.99 18.73

5.0 4.39 5.19 5.0 21.99 26.00

CBR @ 16% Soaked


Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.24: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 16% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 13.86

@5.0mm = 23.99

Table 4.21: CBR @ 20% Soaked

Top Base

Penetration Dial Load(kN) Dial Load(KN)


0.5 20 0.42 27 0.57

1.0 40 0.85 60 1.27

1.5 62 1.31 78 1.65

2.0 73 1.55 94 1.99

2.5 95 2.01 118 2.50

3.0 117 2.48 137 2.90

3.5 144 3.05 170 3.60

4.0 175 3.71 195 4.13

4.5 196 4.16 223 4.73

5.0 214 4.54 258 5.47

5.5 238 5.05 279 5.92

6.0 263 5.58 303 6.42

6.5 292 6.19 218 6.74

7.0 313 6.64 333 7.06

7.5 323 6.85 378 7.38

8.0 342 7.25 372 7.89

Corrected load (kN) Corrected CBR (%)

Penetratio Top Base Top Base

n (mm)

2.5 2.01 2.50 2.5 15.18 18.88

5.0 4.54 5.47 5.0 22.75 27.41

CBR @ 20% Soaked


Load (kN)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4.25: California Bearing Ratio of soaked soil at 20% of CBA

CBR value @ 2.5mm = 17.03

@5.0mm = 25.08

The results of the soaked and unsoaked California bearing ratio (CBR) for the lateritic soils at

varying percentages of CBA addition are as shown in from Figures 4.8 to 4.19. Figures show that

increasing addition of CBA leads to increasing CBR for the soils. The study reveals that the CBR

value which is an indication of the strength of the soil use as a subgrade or base course material

was higher for the lateritic soil. The lateritic soil has peak CBR value of 35.37 at 8% CBA

addition. Figure reveals that increasing addition of CBA leads to increasing strength (CBA) of

the unsoaked and soaked lateritic soils. Peak CBR values for the unsoaked soils were obtained at

8% CBA addition. The result also revealed that increasing CBR value could be attributed to the

reaction between the high calcium content present in CBA and the fine particles of the soil

thereby aiding stabilization. The increasing CBR values of the soil on addition of CBA could

also be because of the formation of cementitious compounds between the CBA and calcium

compounds present in the soil samples while the decrease may be associated with excess CBA

addition beyond the peak CBR values.

5.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, the interpretation of results from the application of particle size analysis,

Atterberg limits of soils, and compaction test, along with chemical analysis of Cow Bone Ash

(CBA), led to the following evidence. Lateritic soil samples were classified as silt by the Unified

Soil Classification System. We were able to ascertain the impact of CBA on the California

bearing ratio of the soils due to the geotechnical characteristics of the lateritic soils utilised in

this investigation. For lateritic soils, the maximum amount of CBA that would allow for an

increase in soaked CBR value was revealed to be 35.57 at 8%, whereas unsoaked CBR value was

27.10 at 20%. Cow bone ash addition at 0%, 4%, 8%, 12%, 16%, and 20% with the soil samples

show that the OMC laterite soil was correspondingly reduced. These variations range

respectively from 14.50% to 23.75%. Also, addition of CBA (4%-8%) to both soil samples

resulted in an improvement in maximum dry density values (MDD). The study concluded that

calcined cow bone ash (CBA) is a good additive in Stabilization of Lateritic soils provided that

the 8% additive threshold of CBA is not exceeded.

5.2 Recommendations
Laterite materials are inexpensive and, in developing nations, can be strengthened by combining

them with other locally sourced stabilizing materials due to their energy efficiency. This study

suggests that the stabilization of lateritic soil samples using cow bone ash (CBA) be investigated

for potential application in road construction. The following things should be taken into


1. Studying the best materials and techniques for stabilizing laterite soil in order to apply it

to roads in this area should take a lot of work.

2. Roadway builders should use appropriate test protocols that accurately assess these

stabilizing materials.

3. The suitability of lateritic soil for the development of additional roadways should be

appropriately evaluated.


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Plate 1: Cow bone Ash

Plate 2: Muffle Furnace for calcined

Plate 3: Calcine of cow bone

Plate 4: Laterite soil sample

Plate 5: Conducting of sieve analysis test using vibration machine

Plate 6: Atterberg limit test

Plate 7: Compaction test

Plate 8: California bearing ratio test

File Location:C:\Users\Public\Documents\Agilent\MicroLab\Results\RED COVER 800C_2023-10-

Sample ID:RED COVER 800C Method

b\Methods\2021 Recent.a2m
Sample Scans:32 User:CSL
Background Scans:32 Date/Time:10/04/2023 1:39:51 PM
Resolution:8 Range:4000 - 400
System Status:Good Apodization:Happ-Genzel
Peak Number Wavenumber (cm-1) Intensity

1 424.91651 59.82767

2 465.91723 46.38129

3 495.73593 37.45160

4 559.10068 39.70163

5 600.10139 45.24888

6 872.19705 80.17030

7 1017.56323 19.31504

8 1412.66104 85.91635

9 1453.66176 85.63411

Path: C:\WallPaper\4-10-2023\800°C Solution.rmrsln Solution

Quantitative analysis report

General information

Analysis date 2023-10-04 12:04:34 Measurement start time 2023-10-04 11:52:12

Analyst Administrator Operator Administrator
Sample name 800°C Comment
Measured data name C:\WallPaper\4-10-2023\800°C_20231004_112533_G05_S05_… Memo

Multiple Profile

800° C_20231004_112533_G05_S05_
Intensity, cps

Hatrurite, syn
Lime, syn
Calcite, syn

2θ, °
Path: C:\WallPaper\4-10-2023\800°C Solution.rmrsln Solution
Plot of results

Table of results

Dataset / Weight Fraction, wt% Value, Unit Fluorapatite Hatrurite, syn Lime, syn Quartz Calcite, syn
800°C_20231004_112533_G05 0 61(3) 19.1(16) 8.3(12) 8.8(8) 2.6(2)
Path: C:\WallPaper\4-10-2023\800°C Solution.rmrsln Solution

Path: C:\WallPaper\4-10-2023\800°C
Solution.rmrsln Solution

800°C_20231004_112533_G05_S05_M05-Evaluation report (800°C_20231004_112533_G05_S05_M05)

General information

Analysis date 2023-10-04 12:04:34 Measurement start time 2023-10-04 11:52:12

t Administrator Operator Administrator
Sample name 800°C Comment
Measured data C:\WallPaper\4-10-2023\800°C_20231004_112533_G05_S05_…
name Memo
Peak list
No. 2θ, ° d, Å Height, cps FWHM, ° Int. I., cps° Int. W., ° y Decay(ηL/mL) Decay(ηH/mH) Size, Å
1 26.21(2) 3.397(3) 339(53) 0.19(3) 98(6) 0.29(6) 1.4(5) 0.8(4) 1.1(7) 453(79)
2 29.29(3) 3.047(3) 183(32) 0.65(5) 168(11) 0.9(2) 1.9(3) 0.0(3) 1.5(3) 132(10)
3 32.116(8) 2.7848(7) 1078(112) 0.16(2) 313(31) 0.29(6) 1.5(4) 1.2(2) 1.4(2) 548(84)
4 32.521(15) 2.7510(12) 528(60) 0.26(4) 254(35) 0.48(12) 1.5(4) 1.2(2) 1.4(2) 330(55)
5 33.24(2) 2.6930(18) 786(116) 0.18(3) 246(8) 0.31(6) 1.1(6) 1.2(3) 1.2(4) 471(80)
6 34.368(17) 2.6073(12) 261(50) 0.12(3) 63(6) 0.24(7) 0.7(6) 1.5(6) 1.5(5) 744(219)
7 40.18(3) 2.2426(13) 244(45) 0.22(6) 97(7) 0.40(10) 4(4) 1.2(4) 1.3(8) 398(108)
8 42.259(9) 2.1369(5) 150(30) 0.10(3) 19(4) 0.12(5) 5(8) 0.0(9) 1.5(6) 887(256)
9 46.986(13) 1.9323(5) 288(47) 0.21(4) 73(8) 0.25(7) 0.8(8) 0.8(4) 0.0(6) 440(87)
10 48.406(8) 1.8789(3) 180(35) 0.08(3) 23(4) 0.13(5) 3(5) 0.8(7) 1.5(7) 1124(455)
11 49.727(16) 1.8320(6) 351(67) 0.13(3) 89(7) 0.25(7) 0.7(5) 1.3(5) 1.5(3) 722(153)
12 50.736(14) 1.7979(5) 228(46) 0.10(3) 44(8) 0.19(7) 0.7(5) 1.3(5) 1.5(3) 961(335)
13 51.58(9) 1.771(3) 76(15) 0.68(19) 103(16) 1.4(5) 0.7(5) 1.3(5) 1.5(3) 136(38)
14 64.38(6) 1.4460(11) 102(25) 0.24(9) 40(6) 0.40(16) 2(3) 1.2(9) 0.9(14) 411(155)
15 65.36(5) 1.4265(9) 97(18) 0.23(8) 36(6) 0.37(13) 2.0(12) 0.8(8) 1.5(11) 436(162)

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Solution.rmrsln Solution

No. 2θ, ° Phase Name Chemical Formula Card No Norm. I. Profile Type
1 26.21(2) Hatrurite, syn: 7 1 -3 Ca3 ( Si O4 ) O 04-009-5560 31.27 Split pseudo-Voigt Distributi… Degree of Orientation

2 29.29(3) Fluorapatite: 3 -2 0,Hatrurite, s… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 53.69 Split pseudo-Voigt

3 32.116(8) Fluorapatite: 3 -2 1,Hatrurite, s… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 100.00 Split pseudo-Voigt - -
4 32.521(15) Hatrurite, syn: 12 0 -1,Lime, sy… Ca3 ( Si O4 ) O,Ca O 04-009-5560,00-00… 81.27 Split pseudo-Voigt
5 33.24(2) Fluorapatite: 3 0 0,Hatrurite, sy… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 78.64 Split pseudo-Voigt - -
6 34.368(17) Fluorapatite: 2 -2 2,Hatrurite, s… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 20.18 Split pseudo-Voigt
7 40.18(3) Fluorapatite: 3 1 0,Hatrurite, sy… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 31.01 Split pseudo-Voigt - -
8 42.259(9) Hatrurite, syn: 3 3 3 Ca3 ( Si O4 ) O 04-009-5560 5.97 Split pseudo-Voigt
9 46.986(13) Fluorapatite: 2 2 2,Hatrurite, sy… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 23.27 Split pseudo-Voigt - -
10 48.406(8) Fluorapatite: 3 -4 2,Hatrurite, s… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 7.48 Split pseudo-Voigt
11 49.727(16) Fluorapatite: 1 2 3,Hatrurite, sy… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 28.43 Split pseudo-Voigt - -
12 50.736(14) Fluorapatite: 2 3 1,Hatrurite, sy… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 13.96 Split pseudo-Voigt
13 51.58(9) Fluorapatite: 4 -5 0,Hatrurite, s… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 32.88 Split pseudo-Voigt - -
14 64.38(6) Fluorapatite: 0 3 4,Hatrurite, sy… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 12.93 Split pseudo-Voigt
15 65.36(5) Fluorapatite: 1 5 1,Hatrurite, sy… ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O… 01-073-9797,04-00… 11.62 Split pseudo-Voigt - -

No. 2θ, ° Ring Factor β Cluster

- -
1 26.21(2) - -
2 29.29(3) - -
- -
3 32.116(8) - -
4 32.521(15) - -
- -
5 33.24(2) - -
6 34.368(17) - -
- -
7 40.18(3) - -
8 42.259(9) - -
- -
9 46.986(13) - -
10 48.406(8) - -
- -
11 49.727(16) - -
12 50.736(14) - -
- -
13 51.58(9) - -
14 64.38(6) - -
- -
15 65.36(5) - -
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Qualitative Analysis Results

Phase name Formula Figure of merit Phase reg. detail Space Group DB Card Number

Fluorapatite ( Ca9.8 Fe0.2 ) ( P O4 )6 ( F1.… 0.755 S/M(PDF-4 Minerals 2024) 11 : P1121/m 01-073-9797

Hatrurite, syn Ca3 ( Si O4 ) O 1.234 S/M(PDF-4 Minerals 2024) 8 : C1m1 04-009-5560

Lime, syn Ca O 2.867 Import(PDF-4 Minerals 2024) 225 : Fm-3m 00-004-0777

Quartz Si O2 3.013 Import(PDF-4 Minerals 2024) 154 : P3221 00-001-0649

Calcite, syn Ca C O3 1.823 Import(PDF-4 Minerals 2024) 167 : R-3c:H 00-005-0586

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