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↳ Failed initiations Did not reach threshold , no contraction

↳ Threshold 8 the minimum strength required for S

a timuli to initiate a
response in the muscle

↳ Depolarizations-Soduim (Nat ions rush into the cell (changing its charge from --

↳ Repolarizations potassium (K ins rash OUT of the cell (Restoring -

charge the polarized



↳ Refractory period s happens during repolarization , Nat channels CANT open , the

muscle fiber can't be stimulated until repolarization is over

* notes o
① Repolarization ONLY restores Electrical conditions ( charge inside the cell) (polarized statel

& the ATP-dependent NaT/R pump Restores the IONIC conditions ofthe resting state (more

Nat out ,
more R in the cell)
③ once AP is initiated , it's unstoppable
closes AP only lasts a few milliseconds while the muscle contraction
, could last up to looms or more

SAP ENDS before any signs of contraction are obvious

⑧ Two Caions must bind to troponin for it to change shape and roll tropo myosin

into the groove of the actin helix , away from the myosin binding Sites .

⑦ thin filaments continue to slide as long as calciumal adequate ATP are present
⑧ Thin filaments cannot slide backward as the cycle repeats again ot again , bcs some

and channel myosin heads are always in contact wh activ

⑨ Thousands of APs can occurre before Nat pump restores ionic conditions .

⑩ when cross bridge cycling ends , the myosin heads remain in their upright high-energy configuration , ready to bind again when muscle is stimulated

⑪ cation levels are kept low in the cytosol except for the brief period after muscle
, cell excitation

* Latent periods -

a short delay
Homeostatic imbalance Rigor Mortis (death

rigor) from the time when Ap reaches

it illustrates that cross-bridge detachment is ATP driven. the muscle until tension can be

Most muscles begin to stiffen 3-4 hours after death. observed in the muscle .

peak rigidity occurrs at 12 hours al then gradually dissapear 3-4 hours after death:
· cat

the next 48 Dying cells unable to. o
over to 60 hours .

are ·


0.· g

· O ·

exclude (which is
· ·

calcium in higher concentration ·


in the ECF.) al ca influx into muscle cells promotes Is a lot of Cat



and the ATP is still

formation of myosin cross-bridges Shortly .
after breathing being consumed by myosin

stops .Apsynthesizecenses,but continuetobe 1 hoursafter ·


· ·

. ·

g O J C 30O
once all of the ATP is gone .

Actin and myosin becom - -

> ·

irreversibly cross-linked producing, the stiffeness of Rigor Mortis ↳ peak Rigidity

which gradually disappears as muscle proteins BREAK DOWN
↳ All the ATP is now

after death. consumed at the cell's rigidity now

Will Gradually dissipates

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