Write Various Reports GRANDDEMO. EDITED

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A Lesson Plan in English for Academic and Professional Purposes


Content Standard The learner understands the principles and uses of surveys,
experiments and scientific observations.

Performance Standard The learner produces a well-written report for various disciplines.

Learning Competency CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIa-d-5


At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. Identify what a survey report is;
2. Appreciate the value and importance of survey report; and
3. Arrange the presented unconsecutive data and analysis to form a survey report with its
proper structure
Topic: Writing a survey report
Time Frame: 1 Hour
Materials: Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, Worksheet
Teaching Strategy: Collaborative Learning

References: https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/university-of-mindanao/ab-

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity


Class let us all stand and feel the presence of

the Lord. May I ask Mela to lead a prayer.
In the name of the father and of the Son and the
Holy Spirit….Amen.


Good morning, class! How is your morning?

Good morning, maam! We feel alive and
Wow! That’s good to hear.
Checking of Attendance

Before anything else, let me check your

attendance first. Who is absent today?
None, ma’am.

I'm glad that all of you are present today.

Setting of Standard

I would like to remind you on our classroom

rules. Everybody read!
In this classroom, we are SMART.
Sit properly.
Maintain positive attitude.
Always follow instructions.
Respect everyone in the classroom.
Try your best.
Okay, thank you. I hope everyone will follow
our rules to avoid ontoward incidents for the
peace and unity of our whole discussion.

a. Review

Now , let us have a short review of our topic

last time. Who would like to recall our
discussion last time? Me, ma’am.

Okay, Ms. Villamor what was our discussion

yestesday? Last time ma’am we discuss about the designs,
tests and revises survey questionnaires
Very Good! So, last time we discuss about the
designs, tests and revises survey

Who can tell me what is a questionnaire?

Questionnaire is a written document containing
questions and other types of items designed to
solicit information appropriate to analysis.
Okay, very good. And last time, we have
already shared the things to be prepared and
done during the distribution of questionnaires
and collection of responses from your
respondents. Do you have any questions or
clarification regarding from the last topic? None so far, ma’am.

New Lesson

Class , we will have a short motivation called

Bite the Apple.

Directions: Write in the fruit of the tree (apple)

the word/words you can associate with the
word survey.



Wow, I love the energy that you give to the

activity. All of your answer are correct. Now, I
want you to read the objectives for today’s
lesson; everybody, please read.
At the end of the lesson, students are expected
a. Identify what a survey report is;
b. appreciate the value and importance of survey
report; and
c. Arrange the presented unconsecutive data
and analysis to form a survey report with its
Developmental Activities proper structure


Direction: Using the text given, find the

problem, the cause and effect of the problem,
and the proofs of the relationship of the cause
and effect.

1. Problem:
2. Cause:
3. Effect:
4. Proof (of the cause and effect

Fast-food Addiction
It is no secret that the US is leading the world
in its swelling obesity. The nation is subsisting
on a diet of high-calorie convenience food. Answer:
What may Come as a shock, however, is the 1. Problem: Fast-food addiction leading to
accumulation of evidence suggesting that obesity.
the main ingredients in the typical 2. Cause: Sugar and fat in fast-food causing
“hamburger, fries and a cola” are addictive addiction.
compounds that keep customers lining up for 3. Effect: Swelling Obesity
their next fix. 4. Proof (of the cause and effect relationship) :
Laboratory experiments on rats given a sugar
The key culprits are sugar and fat. Empirical and fat diet of chocolate drink.
studies reveal that the heavy dosage of these
substances in today’s super-sized standard of
a fast-food meal can trigger brain activity
similar to that endured when a person is
on hard drugs. A representative individual
serving McDonald’s or Burger King can
dish out up to 2000 calories, including more
than a cup of sugar and 84 grams of fats.

Whereas herein is an opiate, both sugar and

fat stimulate endogenous opioids such as
beta-endorphins in the hypothalamus, just
above the brain stem. These naturally
occurring painkillers activate the release of
dopamine, a neurotransmitter, into small
cluster of cells located in the midbrain called
the nucleus acumens. Here, dopamine
functions to elicit feelings of pleasure or

euphoria. What’s more, it motivates an

individual to proactively repeat any action or
body craving.

To validate reports, researchers have

conducted laboratory studies demonstrating
that they induce classic addictive symptoms.
For example, eliminating sugar from the
nutritional regime of rats that are used to a
primarily sweet diet produced anxiety
asymptomatic of heroin and nicotine
withdrawal. Moreover, increased tolerance to
addictive food substance was noted. In one
experiment, rats were fed a chocolate drink
containing a high ratio of both fat and sugar.
Although the animals were found to ingest
increasing amounts of the potent liquid, their
total production of resulting brain opiates
was, in fact, diminished. This would suggest
that the rodents had become progressively
more tolerant to the effects of fat and sugar.
Furthermore, it is likely they would
subsequently require a greater quantity in
order to achieve the same high.


Based on the text provided, what country is

leading in swelling obesity in the world? It’s the United States, ma’am.

That’s correct. What are the main culprits of

the world’s swelling obesity? The sugar and fats, ma’am.

Where do you think we usually get them from? Fast-foods.

That’s right. What does the empirical studies

reveal about the heavy dosage of these
substances? Empirical studies reveal that the heavy dosage
of these substances in today’s super-sized
standard of a fast-food meal can trigger brain
activity similar to that endured when a
person is on hard drugs.

Very good. What do you call the

neurotransmitter that elicit feelings of pleasure
or euphoria and motivates an individual to
productively repeat any action or body
craving? Dopamine, ma’am.

Very good. Dopamine is known as the “feel-

good” hormone. It gives you a sense of
pleasure. It also gives you the motivation to do
something when you're feeling pleasure.
Dopamine is part of your reward system.

What conclusion has been revealed in the That the sugar and fat is the main ingredients in
given selection? typical fast-food meals, have addictive properties
similar to hard drugs.

Very good. As you mentioned that the

selection presents the findings and conclusion
regarding fast food addiction leading to
swelling obesity, what do you call the
document that objectively, precisely and
factually presents facts, findings and
conclusion on an issue studied? YEUSRV
ORPTER Survey report, ma’am.

Very good. Now looking at the structure of the

survey report, what do you call of the first
paragraph of the report that introduces your
topic which primarily get the reader’s attention
and provide specific and debatable statement?
Introduction, ma’am.

How about the section that discusses the

content and facts of the issue?
It’s the Body, ma’am.

Now, what do you call the last paragraph of

the survey report that summarizes the report
and findings of the problem?
Conclusion, ma’am.

Very good.


Today we are going to discuss about writing a

survey report and its parts or sections. So,
what is a survey report? Everybody, please
read. Is a formal piece of writing based on
research. When reporting the results of a
survey, the figures gathered should be given
in the form of percentages and proportions.

So, when we say a survey report it is a writing

and based on research.

Now, let’s move on to the main topic. It is how

to write a survey report particularly
knowing its parts or sections. A survey
report is a formal piece of writing based on
research. Let us tackle the structure of a
survey report.
Everybody, please read the first section.
State the purpose/aim of the report, when and
how the information was gathered.

Okay, introduction briefly states the aim of the

report and direct what is the report about and
how did you get your information. It serves as
the opening section that introduces the topic,
outlines the purpose of the survey, and gives
readers an overview of what to expect in the
report. Let’s have an example. “This survey report evaluates customer
satisfaction in the retail industry, focusing on
product quality, service delivery, and overall
shopping experience. By gathering insights from
a diverse sample of retail customers, the survey
aims to uncover trends and areas for
improvement to enhance services and foster
customer loyalty. This introduction highlights the
significance of customer feedback in shaping
business strategies and driving growth in the
competitive retail sector.”

This is an example of the introduction

emphasizes the importance of customer
feedback in shaping business strategies and
driving growth in the competitive retail sector.
What do you think is the objective of the
introduction? The introduction clearly states the objectives of
the survey, outlining what the researchers aimed
to achieve through the study. It defines the
scope of the research and the specific goals of
the survey.
Next, everybody please read the second
section of survey report.
Main Body
All the information collected and analyzed is
presented clearly and in detail (break down the
respondents into groups according to sex,age
and place of residence, state the main
differences between groups). Subheadings,
numbers or letters can be used to separate each
piece of information.
This section typically includes a thorough
examination of the survey results,
interpretation of the data, identification of
trends or patterns, and implications of the
findings. It provides a comprehensive analysis
of the survey responses, addressing the
research objectives and shedding light on key
insights derived from the data. In short, it is
where you can go to the details, whatever you
have written in the introduction. Let’s have an
The survey findings highlight positive ratings for
the work environment but reveal concerns about
noise levels and workspace organization.
Employees show high satisfaction with
communication channels, with a strong
correlation between communication satisfaction
and job satisfaction. Job fulfillment is linked to
increased engagement and productivity.
Recommendations include addressing
communication satisfaction, improving the work
environment, and implementing communication
training programs to enhance employee
satisfaction and performance excellence.
The survey findings, identification of trends,
and the implication of findings collectively
contribute to a comprehensive analysis of the
survey responses, addressing the research
objectives and providing valuable insights into
employee satisfaction and organizational

Lastly, everybody please read the last section

of writing a survey report. Conclusion
Sum up the points mentioned above. If
necessary a recommendation can be included as
well (one way of summing up is making some
general comments).

Now, that’s the last part which is the

conclusion. In short, the conclusion serves as
the final section where the key findings,
implications, and recommendations are
summarized. Let’s have an example. “The survey on employee satisfaction highlighted
positive perceptions of the work environment but
identified concerns about noise levels and
workspace organization. The strong correlation
between communication satisfaction and job
satisfaction emphasizes the importance of
effective communication. Recommendations
include addressing communication satisfaction,
improving the work environment, and fostering
job fulfillment to enhance employee satisfaction
and organizational success.”
The conclusion typically ends with a closing
statement that emphasizes the importance of
the survey findings and their impact on the
topic under investigation. The conclusion
recaps the main findings of the survey,
highlighting key insights and trends identified
in the data analysis. It discusses the
implications of the findings on the subject of
study, such as implications for decision-
making, policy changes, or future research.
Recommendations for action or improvement
based on the survey results are often

Now, we have here some Useful hints and

phrases in writing a survey report.
Everybody, please read them.

Present Tenses, Reported Speech and an

impersonal style should be used in survey
reports. Use a variety of reporting verbs such as
claim, state, report, agree, complain, suggest,
When reporting the results of a survey, the
figures gathered should be given in the form of
percentages and proportions. Expressions
such as <one in four= or <six out of ten= can
be used, or exact percentages e.g. 25% of the
people questioned, 68% of those who filled
in the questionnaire, etc. Less exact
expressions such as: the majority of those
questioned, a large proportion of, a significant
number of, etc. can also be used

Lastly, we have Useful language for reports: To introduce: The purpose/aim of this report, As
requested, This survey was carried out/
conducted by means of…, the questionnaire
consisted of etc.

To generalize: In general, generally, on the

whole, etc.

To refer to a fact: The fact is that…, In fact, In

practice, etc.

To conclude/ summarize: In conclusion, all

things considered, To sum up, All in all, It is not
easy to reach any definite conclusions, if any
conclusions may be drawn from the data, It is
clear that, The survey
shows/indicates/demonstrates, etc.

Do you have any questions or clarifications?

None so far, ma’am.

Great! Based on our discussion on how to

write a survey report, what do you think are
the importance and value of writing a survey
report in our daily life living? Students’ answers vary.


Direction: Arrange the presented

unconsecutive data and analysis to form a
survey report with its proper structure
(Introduction, Body, Conclusion).
(4 groups)

You have conducted a survey among 100 Answer
students to gather feedback on their
satisfaction with the school cafeteria services. Introduction:
The purpose of this survey is to evaluate student
 By summarizing the key findings and satisfaction with the school cafeteria services.
emphasizing the significance of student Understanding students' feedback is essential
input, we aim to pave the way for for enhancing the overall dining experience at
improvements that enhance overall the school.
student satisfaction with the school
cafeteria services Body:
 Analysis highlighted areas for A survey of 100 students assessed cafeteria
improvement, essential for enhancing services, covering food quality, variety, pricing,
services and meeting student and satisfaction. Findings showed 75% rated
expectations. food quality highly, but 60% were unhappy with
 A survey of 100 students assessed meal pricing. Most students suggested adding
cafeteria services, covering food healthier options. Analysis highlighted areas for
quality, variety, pricing, and satisfaction. improvement, essential for enhancing services
 The purpose of this survey is to and meeting student expectations. The results
evaluate student satisfaction with the impact student satisfaction and cafeteria
school cafeteria services. services, prompting discussions on changes to
 This survey underscores the address feedback and improve the dining
importance of student feedback in experience, recommending adjustments to
shaping cafeteria services. pricing and menu options to meet student
 The results impact student satisfaction preferences.
and cafeteria services, prompting
discussions on changes to address Conclusion:
feedback and improve the dining This survey underscores the importance of
experience, recommending adjustments student feedback in shaping cafeteria services.
to pricing and menu options to meet By summarizing the key findings and
student preferences. emphasizing the significance of student input, we
 Findings showed 75% rated food quality aim to pave the way for improvements that
highly, but 60% were unhappy with enhance overall student satisfaction with the
meal pricing. school cafeteria services.
 Most students suggested adding
healthier options
 Understanding students' feedback is
essential for enhancing the overall
dining experience at the school.


Direction: Read the questions carefully and

write the correct answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. What is the primary purpose of writing a

survey report?
A) To collect data for analysis Answer: B) To present and analyze survey
B) To present and analyze survey findings findings
C) To design the survey questionnaire
D) To recruit participants for the survey

2. Why is it important to include a methodology

section in a survey report?
A) To summarize the key findings
B) To provide recommendations Answer: C) To describe how the survey was
C) To describe how the survey was conducted conducted
D) To discuss the implications of the findings

3. Which section of the survey report would

include a detailed analysis of the survey
A) Introduction
B) Methodology Answer: C) Key Findings
C) Key Findings
D) Recommendations

4. What is the purpose of analyzing survey

data in a survey report?
A) To summarize the survey objectives
B) To provide recommendations for future Answer: C) To identify trends and patterns in
actions the data
C) To identify trends and patterns in the data
D) To introduce the survey topic

5. Which of the following statements best

describes the significance of writing a survey
A) Survey reports are optional for data
B) Survey reports help in presenting survey Answer: B) Survey reports help in presenting
findings effectively survey findings effectively
C) Survey reports are only for internal use
within organizations
D) Survey reports do not require analysis of
survey data


Lira E. Pagara
Student Teacher


Patrick A. Matala, PhD

Cooperating Teacher

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