MQ Capt L.K Panda 2013

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Exam on 11 sept 13



Exam on : 08 april 13

1) you are given a 9 hold bulk carrier how will u go abt loading it. summer
deadweight id 90,000 and u have to load 80,000. he gave me pen and papper and
asked me to show the distribution.
Ans) i started off With saying will first check where my limitng draft would be to
which he said deadweight is 90,000 and i have
asked you to load 80,000 so that should not be a problem. Then i continued saying
will check whether i have received the shippers declaration
iron ore cargo for TML etc. he said you dnt need that since they r lumps. Capt
Panda does not let you complete your answer if you have not
Started correctly the way he wants it to be heard.
Expected answer for Capt Panda: He wants you to start with saying that u will
check the stowage factor and find the volume if there is enough space for the cargo
to be loaded

2) How does an LRIT work?

Ans) i told him that the lrit signal will go to the CES situated in bangalore via the
service provider which is ISRO in
collabration with TATAs.From there it will go to the National collection centre. From
the national collection centre it would go to the imo data base centre i said via the
data distribution agreement. he stoppped me der and said who told you dat u r
near the coastof india. he said you are in north America and said now explain. i
tried to expain him again the whole procedure but he was not impressed.
Expected answer: Dnt know what answer he expects.

3) you are off maldives coast now and you are sitting in ur cabin and u press the
distress button now how will the signal be routed and which satellite is used.
Ans) i said signal will be routed through the INSat 3 sattelite through the ces to
nearest mrcc, From the mrcc in bangalore. From the mrcc it is routed
to the nearest RCC in mumbai , chennai, delhi or calacutta. He stopped me her and
asked me how is the signal routed to the nearest RCC to which i replied i dnt know.
Then he asked me what are the functions of the mrcc and rcc and how are dey
different. i just answered very little that i could
recollect as i had not read abt dis.

Expected answer: HE said that he wants you to tell him that its not MRCC its
INMCC( indian mission co-ordination centre) and from here based on the location it
will go to the respective RCC which are responsible for that area who would initiate
a SAR opeartion and not RCC in mumbai etc. Also he said INSAT3A is not a satellite
part of the satellite.

4) you are a Fishing vessel other than a trawler of 70m in lenght and gear
extending the same lenght. What lights will you show.
ANS) red over white all round light. Side light and a stern light.

5) you are a fishing vessel same size now what will be your lights.
Ans) Green over white all around light. side lights stern light and a mast head light
above the green lights.To this he said why not 2 mast head lights
since it is more than 50 m , i said no sir its only one mast head light. Den he said u
r saying that in lieu of the fwd mast light u have the green over white is
it. I said no sir all i am saying is that there will be only one mast light. He left the ?
der itself.
By this time he had already asked me for my form.

6) ok you have high tide at 0600 and low tide at 1200. when is the best time to
Ans) i told him that best time to anchor would be just before or after change of tide
since the currents would be less and would help in me maneuverings the vessel.

7) Ok now i want you to anchor the vessel at 0900 hrs. now how will u got abt it.
Ans) I said since the currents would be strong i would check the direction of the
current, which way the vessels are heading and would plan an approach to the
area stemming the current. he stopped me and said \\\'No\\\'.
Expected answer: he said you dnt need to know what direction the current is in.
When its high tide the water will be entering the port and when its low tide it will be
leaving the port. so u dnt need to check the currents.

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