Chem CH 13

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10th Class Round Test

Name: __________________ Subject: Chemistry Time Allowed: 1 hour

Class: 10 th
Roll No. _____ Date: Marks: 25
1. Choose the correct option.
i. Carbohydrates are:
a. crystalline solids b. amorphous solids c. semisolid d. both a & b
ii. It is pure cellular:
a. cotton b. silk c. ebonitre d. nylon
iii. Fat soluble vitamins are:
a. A.F.D,C b. B,C c. A,B,C d. K,D,E
iv. Vitamins were discovered in:
a. 1912 b. 1914 c. 1932 d. 1924
v. Proteins are essential for the formation of:
a. protoplasm b. cytoplasm c. extoplasm d. endoplasm

2. Answer the following short questions.

i. Give two characteristics of disaccharides.
ii. Write down the advantages of water soluble vitamins?
iii. How proteins are formed? Explain briefly.
iv. Write the characterisitics of fats.
v. Write the difference between ghee and oil.
vi. What do you mean by genetic code of life.
vii. What is the main function of DNA and RNA.
viii. Justify water soluble vitamins are not injurious to health .

3. Explain amino acids with their formula.

4. give properties of poly sacharides.

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