Maydel Joy Dalap - EDUC 5 Asynchronous Activity 5

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Direction: Please rate yourself on the following people skill indicators using the intended scale. Put the corresponding number
indicated in the column once in each item that applies to you.
4 3 2 1
Very Much Much Not much Not Really
People Skill 1: Being socially assertive
1. I set limitations and boundaries in interacting with others. 3
2. I immediately sense and address the needs of others. 3
3. I know how to say “NO” when needed. 3
People Skill 2: Crafting a memorable presence
1. I leave a positive impression on someone I encounter with. 1
2. I establish a strong connection with people whom I meet. 1
3. I easily build good rapport with others. 1
People Skill 3: Mastering Communication
1. I am good at public speaking. 1
2. I present topics, lessons and reports well. 1
3. I easily discuss big concepts in front of a crowd. 1
People Skill 4: Sustaining lasting confidence
1. I am excellent in most social situations. 1
2. I easily overcome my fear and tension whenever I face the crowd. 1
3. I am more excited than anxious when socializing with others. 1
People Skill 5: Being an excellent conversationalist
1. I know how and when to engage in conversations and keep going . 1
2. I make small talk into big talk during conversations. 1
3. I use effective conversation for rapport buidling and socializing. 1
People Skill 6: Being highly likable
1. I am invited to join teams, social engagements and groups. 1
2. I am the ideal one that I want to become. 1
3. I always asked for my opinion on issues at hand during conversations. 1
People Skill 7: Being exceptional at decoding emotions
1. I sense and determine people's attitude and intentions. 3
2. I interpret body gestures and facial expressions. 3
3. I have the ability to understand things even without any proof of evidence . 3
People Skill 8: Pitching Ideas
1. I can convince people to consider or take my ideas and opinions. 1
2. I am confident in insisting on my ideas and opinions during a conversation. 1
3. I make my ideas popular to the group during a conversation. 1
People Skill 9: Being charismatic
1. I accomodate people and approach them even strangers. 1
2. I provide my services to others while addressing their needs. 1
3. I am someone whi can be easily depended on. 1
People Skill 10: Being an influential leader
1. I build excitement in leading people while performing relevant tasks. 1
2. I can determine members who can commit themselves to the team. 1
3. I make plans and try my best to realize them with others. 1
Interpretation: 3.25-4.0 Very High 2.50-3.24 High 1.75-2.49 Low 1.0-1.74 Very Low 2.49

Maydel Joy N. Dalap BEED 2B

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