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The good thing about the 5 Cs marketing is that it isn't a dry boringanalysis.

It help you to
develop a better understanding of the key strong areas of your business so that it would give
you a competitive edge over competitors.
Mors importantly, 5C's marketing analysis makes you perceive your business from a bigger
perspective. When you do that, then you'il be in a position to make better marketing and
business decisions . Now it's time to discuss 1st C of the marketing analysis ;

I. Company

the first C of the marketing analysis is '' company'' it means that you need to have a deep
look at the operations of yours company. Here are some of th following question that you
should ask and they're as follow;
1. What types of products does yours company sell ?
2. How have you differentiated your product from the competitors ?
3. Does your product have any competitive advantages ?
4. Is your brnd memorable and unique ?
If you face any problems answering the abovrmentioned questions, then you should conduct
swot analylis. It would give you a better understanding of your business at the basic level.
However, the complete 5 Cs marketing analysis would provide you a deeper insignt.

II. Customer

customers are the most important parts of your business because they buy your products
and service. you should know them better than themselves. Like who they're, where they
live, their age , their income, their education level, and what their needs and wants are.
The analylis of your customers means an understanding of the product of your customers
like and dislike about your products and company. When you find out , it'il give you a better
insight that what metters most in your business. Here are some of the following questions
that you should know about your target customers ;
1. How does yours ideal customer look like who shows interest in your product ?
2. What/whi is your target customer that buys your products ?
3. What typesnof products do they usually buy ?

III. Competitor

competitors play a very important role in your busines. Here are some of the following
questions that you should ask about your e-commerce business;
1. What are your direct, emerging, and estabished competitors ?
2. What other products do yourcompetitors offer that you don't ?

IV. Collaborator

There are several people that you work with within your routine. You contact them whem
your supplies are late.

1. Do you have a partner, shipping provider, or investor that helps you to run your
company ?
2. Who manages the daily operations of your company

V. Climate

Swot and pestle analysis would help you to better understand the external climate of the
companie. It comprises macro-environmental factors like political, economical ,social,
technological, legal and environmental issues.

1. What's the political environment of the country and how politicians are bahaving in
tems of regulations ?
2. What is the condition of the country's economy, interest rate, unemployment
rate,inflation rate, and other factors ?

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