Assignment Two

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The heuristic learning technology uses the methods Interview, Storytelling, Panel Discussion, Eureka, Verbal
Debate, My Discovery, and Simulation. Using these methods "Eureka", "Interview", "Storytelling" in biology
education gives effective results during the lesson. This is the ultimate resource for what I use in my biology
classes. Including hands-on activities.
Q2. Answer
Set clear expectations 2) Use gamification to engage your student 3) Develop relationships with students 4)
Establish rules and procedures. Create your own logical rules & out comes, recognizes your student’s need, use
words that reflect positive vibes, admire the efforts and success of your students, stay away from arguments in
front of students and be humble and organized.

Q3. Answer

In a nutshell, formative assessments are quizzes and tests that evaluate how someone is learning material
throughout a course. Summative assessments are quizzes and tests that evaluate how much someone has learned
throughout a course.

Q4. Answer

The national examinations also helps to test the students in their ability and knowledge not only of their current
grade knowledge but of the previous grades also and that is good b/c is makes the students to work hard digging
back. The grade 8 national examination tests students on their primary knowledge starting from grade 1 to 8s. The
grade 10 national examination it tests students on what they had learnt from grade 9 and 10 and not only grade 10
and 8 knowledge.

Q5. Answer
The demonstration is a teaching technique which provides a synthesis between formal lec- ture sessions and
personalized systems of in- struction. In this paper we shall focus on which strategies work best with biology
students and assess whether specific teaching strategies vary by biology. A definition for effective teaching is
teaching that utilizes instructional strategies that are most appropriate for the content and the student.

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