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Introduction (2 minutes)

 Opening Statement: Start with a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or a brief personal
story to immediately capture the audience's attention.

 Introduce the Topic: Briefly state what you will talk about and why it's important.

2. Setting the Scene (3 minutes)

 Background Information: Provide necessary context or background to help the audience understand
the subject.

 Personal Connection: Share a short, personal anecdote related to the topic to establish credibility and
create a connection with the audience.

3. Building the Narrative (5 minutes)

 Core Concepts: Dive into the main ideas or theories. Use simple, clear language.

 Supporting Evidence: Bring in data, research findings, or expert opinions to back up your claims.

 Funny Dialog: Insert a light-hearted, humorous story or dialogue related to the topic to add levity and
keep the audience engaged.

4. Emotional Peak (3 minutes)

 Powerful Storytelling:

Share a deeply personal and emotional story or a poignant example that highlights the human aspect of your
topic. This is the heart of your talk, designed to resonate on an emotional level with your audience.

5. Expanding the Perspective (3 minutes)

 Broader Implications: Discuss the wider implications of your topic on society, a particular industry,
or globally.

 Contrasting Views: Briefly acknowledge and address any counterarguments or differing viewpoints
to provide a balanced perspective.

6. Engagement and Interaction (1 minute)

 Audience Interaction: Pose a question to the audience, or have a brief interactive activity. This helps
in re-engaging the audience and making them feel part of the talk.

7. Conclusion and Call to Action (2 minutes)

 Summarize Key Points: Concisely recap the main takeaways from your talk.
 Call to Action: Encourage the audience to act or think differently based on your talk. This should be
inspiring and motivating.

 Closing Remark: End with a memorable closing line, quote, or a final thought that leaves a lasting

8. Q&A Session (1 minute)

 Open for Questions: Allow the audience to ask questions. This can provide clarity and further

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