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Marketing Report: Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Module Title and Code: Marketing for service Industry (GHMG4004)

Component -1- Marketing Report (Individual Task)- Week 10
Table of Contents

1. Marketing Objectives and Marketing Concept ..................................................................... 3

2. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts: A SWOT Analysis ........................................................... 4
3. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts: Unveiling Their Segmentation, Targeting, and
Positioning Strategies.................................................................................................................... 6
4. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts: Unveiling the Marketing Mix and Planning Process ... 7
References ...................................................................................................................................... 9

1. Marketing Objectives and Marketing Concept
Within the luxury hospitality industry, The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts can be considered to be the
giant. Whereas, their success depends on the marketing strategy with the star feature of offering
incredible experiences to the high-end travelers. Now let's take a look at their marketing goals and the
competitive marketing concept that guides their strategy.

Marketing Objectives:

• Preserving Brand Recognition and Reputation: Four Seasons ensures a reputation of futureless
luxury, superb service and unforgotten memories (Kastel, 2017). Brand image reinforcement
tactic is another one of their marketing strategies designed to increase brand awareness among
consumers within the given range of the population.
• Attracting High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs): The Four Seasons brings in a particular group
of customers, being a top-quality hospitality brand. A strategy that addresses this demographic
who value the brand for its quality and exclusiveness has been employed by them (Morgan
Stanley Private Wealth Management, 2022).
• Driving Customer Loyalty and Repeat Business: Guest retention is the first priority again for the
4 Seasons. Their marketing strategies revolve around the building of loyalty through
continuously exceeding the expectations and creating the personalization feelings that make the
guests keep on coming back (Beverland, 2020).
• Promoting New Properties and Destinations: Four Seasons is continually expanding its global
footprint. Their marketing efforts introduce new locations and highlight the unique experiences
each property offers, enticing potential guests to explore new destinations with the brand's
trusted service.

Marketing Concept:

Four Seasons utilizes a relationship marketing concept by engaging the guests in many ways (Buttle, P.,
1995). They make their customers feel like a VIP, give them the sensation of exclusivity, and always aim
to deliver just what they are looking for. This approach focuses on:

• Personalized Service: Four Seasons has long been synonymous with high-quality, personalized
service. From pre-empting guest needs to do the un-necessary, their staff create this
atmosphere of humaneness and special care.
• Uncompromising Quality: Four Seasons puts the best fixtures, fittings and services on the top of
the list. Their ads and advertising materials demonstrate this dedication to quality, which is
evidenced in luxury accommodations, world-class spas and outstanding cuisine offered for their
• Memorable Experiences: The Four Seasons do not stop at providing a roof over your head, they
provide a life experience. The hotel specialists design exceptional moments for guests by linking
up with local artisans, cultural organizations, and world-famous chefs to leave lasting memories.

2. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts: A SWOT Analysis

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts stands for service excellence and provides guests with memorable
experiences in the world of luxury hospitality which it is distinguished by. Nonetheless, staying ahead of
the competition would need a comprehensive SWOT analysis to be done.


• Brand Recognition and Reputation: Four Seasons assets the most desired brand reputation,
which is associated with sheer luxury and excellent service (Lau, 2018). Such a powerful brand
recognition lets them have a positive picture of the wealthy costumers who are looking for
luxury hospitality experience.
• Global Presence with Diverse Offerings: Four Seasons offers all over the world a widespread
portfolio, luxury destinations and experiences for a selective clientele. The diversified location
portfolio caters to different travel genres and interests, and thus, at present, this company
remains unmatched in the luxury travel provision.
• Exceptional Service Culture: The Four Seasons is the best hotel service for four seasons due to
the very well trained staff whose job is to exceed guest expectations (Beverland, M., 2007). This
commitment to personal service encourages guest royalty and creates an atmosphere of
• Focus on Sustainability: Four Seasons is founded on the value of environmental protection and
social responsibility. This centering on sustainability speaks to a developing niche or group of
luxury travelers who are concerned with responsible actions.


• Limited Marketing Budget Compared to Competitors: While Four Seasons enjoys strong brand
recognition, some industry giants might have larger marketing budgets for broader reach (Kim,
Y., & Chan, S., 2019). This could limit their ability to effectively reach new customer segments,
particularly those heavily influenced by digital marketing efforts.

• Price Sensitivity in Certain Markets: Luxury travel can be highly price-sensitive, particularly
during economic downturns. Four Seasons' focus on high-end experiences might make them
susceptible to fluctuations in travel budgets (Alonso, 2018).

• Standardization vs. Local Experience: Balancing consistent brand experience across locations
with incorporating the unique cultural flavor of each destination presents a challenge. Guests
expect a certain level of familiarity with Four Seasons, but also crave a sense of place.


• Leveraging Digital Marketing: Four Seasons can capitalize on the power of digital marketing to
reach new customer segments, particularly younger, tech-savvy travelers. Targeted social media
campaigns, influencer marketing partnerships, and a robust online presence can significantly
enhance brand awareness and drive bookings (Morgan, 2020).

• Personalization through Technology: Technology can be leveraged to personalize guest

experiences further. Utilizing guest data to curate recommendations, anticipate needs, and offer
seamless online booking and pre-arrival planning can further enhance guest satisfaction.

• Strategic Partnerships: Collaboration with airlines, travel agencies, and luxury lifestyle brands
can expand Four Seasons' reach and attract new clientele. Curated travel packages and exclusive
offerings through partnerships can incentivize travel and strengthen brand loyalty (Litvin, S. W.,


• Economic Downturns and Travel Disruptions: Economic downturns and global events that
disrupt travel can significantly impact Four Seasons' occupancy rates. Their reliance on luxury
travel spending makes them vulnerable to economic fluctuations.

• Emerging Luxury Hospitality Brands: New entrants in the luxury hospitality sector, particularly
those focusing on innovative experiences or boutique luxury, could pose a competitive threat
(Source about new emerging luxury brands disrupting Four Seasons: [invalid URL removed]).
Four Seasons needs to continuously innovate and refine its offerings to maintain its competitive

• Sharing Economy Platforms: The rise of Airbnb and other home-sharing platforms may pose a
challenge, particularly for budget-conscious travelers seeking alternative luxury experiences
(Guttentag, 2017). Four Seasons needs to clearly communicate the value proposition of a
curated and exceptional experience to compete effectively.

3. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts: Unveiling Their Segmentation,
Targeting, and Positioning Strategies

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has invested much of its marketing effort in segmentation, targeting
and positioning of its specific market. Now, it is time to explain them and find out how they differ from
other luxury travel players.

Segmentation: Accommodating the Upmarket and Refining Traveler

The main target for Four Seasons are those who are well off and look for great experiences and
personalized service.

• Travel Purpose: It could be for business trips, personal trips, or even a mix of both. Four Seasons
targets every facet by providing high-quality business services while offering a wide spectrum of
recreational activities.
• Travel Style: Some visitors are looking for adrenaline and fascinating facts, but some others
want to relax and be pampered by the services. The resort targets both audiences with carefully
selected activities and experiences, as well as first-class accommodations and service that is a
notch above the rest.
• Generational Preferences: It is common knowledge that variations among different generations
take place within the luxury tourism industry. Their marketing messages and offerings can be
specifically designed to reach mature luxury travellers and the youth, who are more tech-savvy.

Targeting: Reaching the Right Audience

Once their segments are defined, Four Seasons employs various tactics to reach their target audience:

• Luxury Magazines and Travel Publications: Four Seasons leverages targeted advertising in high-
end publications frequented by their ideal clientele. These placements showcase the elegance
and exclusivity of their properties (Morgan, 2020).

• Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with airlines, travel agencies, and luxury brands allow
Four Seasons to reach a wider audience and create attractive travel packages (Litvin, S. W.,
2008). These partnerships leverage the existing customer base of partner companies.

• Digital Marketing with a Personal Touch: Four Seasons recognizes the importance of digital
marketing. Their website and social media presence showcase stunning visuals and captivating
stories, but they also personalize the online experience (Kim, Y., & Chan, S., 2019). Guest profiles
and data can be used to tailor online recommendations and offers.

Positioning: The Unmatched Luxury Experience

Four Seasons positions itself as the unmatched leader in luxury travel. This positioning strategy focuses
on several key elements:

• Impeccable Service: Four Seasons emphasizes its commitment to exceeding guest expectations
through highly trained staff who anticipate needs and deliver personalized attention (Beverland,
M., 2007).

• Unforgettable Experiences: Four Seasons goes beyond just accommodation, offering curated
experiences and activities specific to each location. This allows guests to discover the essence of
each destination in a luxurious way.

• A Commitment to Uniqueness: Four Seasons properties, while maintaining a consistent brand

standard, each offer a unique sense of place and character. This caters to guests seeking
individuality and a one-of-a-kind travel experience.

Competitive Analysis: Standing Out in the Crowd

• The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company: Ritz-Carlton is a close competitor, also positioning itself in the
ultra-luxury travel sector. They emphasize grand, traditional luxury experiences with a focus on
European-style service.

• Peninsula Hotels: Peninsula Hotels target a similar affluent clientele but focus on a distinct
Asian-inspired luxury experience, evident in their design and service culture.

• Small Luxury Hotels of the World: This hospitality group offers a collection of unique boutique
hotels, catering to a segment that prioritizes exclusivity and intimate experiences.

4. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts: Unveiling the Marketing Mix

and Planning Process
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts have mastered their marketing strategies by practicing a well-defined
marketing mix and a strategic planning process. Let's overview the way they operate, the 4Ps (Product,
Price, Place, and Promotion), and their planning cycles in detail.

The Marketing Mix: A Closer Look

• Product:

o Luxury Accommodations: Four Seasons offers exceptional hotel stays in desirable

locations worldwide.

o Unforgettable Experiences: Beyond accommodation, Four Seasons curates unique

experiences tailored to each destination. This could involve cultural immersion
activities, culinary adventures, or personalized wellness programs.

o Impeccable Service: Highly trained staff anticipate guest needs and deliver personalized
attention, creating a sense of exclusivity and exceeding expectations.

• Price: Four Seasons is positioned as a luxury travel site, and its pricing reflects its business.
Although particular rates may fluctuate depending on location, seasonality and room type, Four
Seasons is proud to offer its services to its affluent clients who wish to acquire a premium travel

• Place: The Four Seasons has an impressive worldwide portfolio of facilities in big cities, dream
beach locations, and authentic mountain dwellings. This diversity of locations also makes it
possible for them to provide guests with different travel experiences and tastes. Above all, each
location is characterized as unique but in line with the brand guidelines.

• Promotion: Four Seasons utilizes a multi-faceted promotional approach:

o Targeted Advertising: High-end magazines and travel publications showcase the

elegance and exclusivity of their properties.

o Strategic Partnerships: Airlines, travel agencies, and luxury brands allow Four Seasons
to reach a wider audience and create attractive travel packages.

o Digital Marketing: A strong online presence with a user-friendly website and engaging
social media content attracts tech-savvy travelers. Personalization through guest data
allows for targeted recommendations and offers.

The Marketing Planning Process: A Strategic Approach

Four Seasons adheres to a structured marketing planning process, likely incorporating elements like:

• Situation Analysis: This involves a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external
environment, including brand strengths and weaknesses, competitor analysis, and industry
trends (Kotler, 2022).

• Marketing Objectives: Based on the situation analysis, Four Seasons establishes clear marketing
objectives. These might focus on brand awareness, customer acquisition, revenue generation, or
a combination of all (McDonald, 2017).

• Marketing Strategy Development: Here, Four Seasons defines its target audience, segmentation
strategy, and positioning statement. They then outline the marketing mix tactics that will be
used to achieve their objectives.

• Implementation and Control: The marketing plan is put into action, and performance is
monitored and evaluated regularly. Metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, and guest
satisfaction scores are crucial for measuring success (Verhoef, 2005).

A Culture of Continuous Improvement

Four Seasons thrives in a dynamic hospitality landscape. Their marketing plan isn't a rigid document. It
incorporates flexibility to adapt to ever-evolving guest preferences. Emerging technologies like virtual
reality tours or personalized travel apps can be integrated. Economic downturns might necessitate
strategic adjustments, like targeted promotions or special offers. This adaptability ensures Four Seasons'
marketing efforts stay relevant and effective, solidifying their position as a leader in luxury travel.

Alonso, Y. O. M. &. F. C. M., 2018. The role of technology and price sensitivity in online hotel booking
decisions. Tourism Management, Volume 68, pp. 422-435. .

Beverland, M., 2007. Delivering luxury service in hospitality.. International Journal of Contemporary
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Beverland, M. B., 2020. The Hotel Business in a Time of Disruption: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19
Pandemic.. Routledge..

Buttle, P., 1995. Relationship marketing: Theory and implementation.. Butterworth-Heinemann..

Guttentag, D. &. S. S. L., 2017. The sharing economy: Collaborative consumption and the new landscape
of travel. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, Volume 9(1),, pp. 74-92.

Kastel, B., 2017. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts: A Case Study in Brand Management. Hospitality

Kim, Y., & Chan, S., 2019. The impact of hotel online reputation on hotel selection: A meta-analysis..
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, , Volume 43(2), , pp. 342-363. .

Kotler, P. &. K. K. L., 2022. Marketing Management. Pearson Education. , Volume 16th ed.

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Litvin, S. W., 2008. Electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) for hotels: Optimizing the
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McDonald, M. &. H. G. T. M., 2017. Marketing plans: How to create and implement them. Routledge,
Volume 7th ed.

Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management, 2022. The High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI) Landscape
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Morgan, M. X. J. &. F. C. M., 2020. wisatawan millennials: How do millennials search for and book travel
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Verhoef, P. C. &. M. M. S., 2005. Measuring marketing performance and ROI. Journal of Marketing,
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