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Issues Grids

a) Personal Reflections Grid

1. Think about your own work context
2. Make a list of things that you have noticed that you are curious about, or would like to know more about, or want to change
3. Complete the grid with ideas:
a. I noticed…….
b. It made me wonder…..
c. So Id like to investigate…………..

I noticed It made me wonder So I’d like to investigate

Edith Cowan University, School of Education

Values integrity, respect, rational inquiry and the pursuit of personal excellence
b) Problem Different Perspectives Grid
People can have very different perspectives depending on their personal aspirations, experiences and values
4. Identify a set educational issues you believe are important in your own context; Note the kinds of perspective you believe others may have on
the issue (at this stage you don’t need to have evidence to support your beliefs);
5. Place related issues in rows;
6. You can begin in any cell; You can leave cells blank if you have no insights into a particular groups;
7. Make sure you keep a note of all details needed to complete an APA reference (6 th ed) if the ideas come form your literature research.

Self Professional staff Students Parents Local Community Government/


Reading levels in year 8 Don’t know who Don’t see the point in Don’t understand how Reading standards are Teachers are not as
children seem to really has reading books; my child is progressing not as good as they effective as they once
stagnate responsibility for School textbooks are and if there is a once were were in teaching
teaching reading in too hard problem or not reading
year 8

Edith Cowan University, School of Education

Values integrity, respect, rational inquiry and the pursuit of personal excellence

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