Albay EnglishGroup EA7 BIT32

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Meeting Report: Mental

Health in the Workplace

Prepared for Miss Vidallon

Created by Acuña | Albay | Arenas | Brazil | De Jesus | Francisco | Gojar | Gonzales | Hamor |
Lanaria | Llamado | Macatangay | Manlutac | Mercado | Oxales | Paril | Portollano | Taglinao
May 4, 2024


On April 15, 2024, a meeting took place about Mental Health in the Workplace, which

showcased the organization’s acknowledgment of the significance of the welfare of its

employees and the overall success of the company. The meeting brought together

department representatives to collaboratively explore this critical topic.

This report details the specific goals established for the meeting. These included

acknowledging factors that contribute to mental health concerns among employees,

understanding the impact on work productivity, and conceiving potential solutions with the

intention of providing a more supportive and better work environment.

In the discussion, several strategies have been developed to address these challenges

such as fostering open communication, building a more supportive workplace culture,

implementing effective management practices, and provision of accessible mental health


The report concludes by stating its proposed solutions that aimed at creating a

workplace that prioritizes employee mental health and overall well-being. If implemented,

these proposed solutions can potentially create a more positive work environment and can

contribute to increasing work productivity and enhanced departmental performance.

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Specific Goals of the Meeting

The primary objective of the meeting is to create positive and supportive work that

emphasizes the well-being and satisfaction of its employees. In line with that, the solutions

for the mentioned challenges are also aimed at boosting employee morale and enhancing

work performance across the organization. Ultimately, the main goal is to foster a workplace

culture that not only revolves around individual growth, unity in diversity, and success but

also augments the overall prosperity of the organization. Below are the objectives that were

discussed in the meeting:

➢ Identify causes of mental health concerns among employees in the department.

➢ Understand the effects of mental health issues on employee well-being and work


➢ Develop solutions and mitigations to address the identified causes and improve

mental health in the workplace.

Strategies Adopted to Meet the Goals

The meeting addressed the identified mental health concerns through the following

action-oriented strategies:

➢ Raise Awareness of Mental Health:

○ The importance of mental health was emphasized throughout the meeting.

○ In detail, the organization will organize multiple mental health awareness

campaigns and workshops on September 1st of 2024. These sessions will

benefit the employees by providing knowledge about mental health and its

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underlying impact in the workplace. The target audience for these sessions is

the departmental employees, and invitations will be distributed via company

email by August 15th of 2024.

➢ Promote Supportive Work Environment:

○ Feelings of isolation are one of the problems that are recognized in the

meeting. For this reason, the organization highlighted the importance of

collaboration and open communication among employees. To achieve this, the

organization will organize a departmental team-building event on October 25th

of 2024. This event will provide opportunities for employees to improve and

build their relationships with colleagues from different teams.

○ The meeting acknowledged the negative impact of bullying. To address this, a

clear procedure will be established for reporting bullying incidents. This will

involve creating a designated reporting channel through the department's

online portal by July 1st, 2024. Additionally, a specific point of contact within

the Human Resources department will be identified to address such concerns.

Management will be responsible for taking appropriate action to prevent a

hostile work environment.

○ The meeting concluded the need for clear and consistent communication

between departments. In improving that, the organization will establish regular

interdepartmental meetings that will start on a bi-weekly basis every other

Wednesday starting June 12th of 2024. In these meetings, detailed instructions

will be given about ongoing projects, and channels for feedback will be open to

address concerns.

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○ The meeting recognized that workload is one of the factors that affect mental

health. To improve workload management, a departmental workload

assessment will be conducted on August 15th of 2024. This is done to identify

areas where workload distribution can be re-assessed. The result of this

assessment will be the basis for adjustment of deadlines when feasible, and

monitoring of working hours to ensure that it is reasonable, compliant, and

promotes a healthy working environment.

○ The importance of supporting employee well-being was addressed in the

meeting. In line with that, the organization will commit to exploring options

that provide employees with resources to mitigate stress and maintain

well-being. This involves offering accessible mental health services through the

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and implementation of a more flexible

work arrangement such as compressed workweeks or telecommuting options.

Furthermore, a survey will also be distributed to all employees by June 1st of

2024 to compile employee preferences about the potential well-being


By implementing these objective-driven actions, the organization aims to create a work

environment that prioritizes employee mental health and well-being. This will ultimately

contribute to a more productive, positive, and successful organization.

Goals Achieved

The meeting effectively delineated a range of solutions and mitigation strategies to

confront the challenges posed by mental health issues in the workplace, subsequent to an

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extensive discourse on their origins, consequences, and prevention.

Key concerns that have a substantial effect on employee well-being and productivity

were emphasized by the attendees, including:

➢ Work Isolation

➢ Bullying

➢ Imprecise communication

➢ Hefty duties, and overwork

Solutions were suggested by means of collective endeavors; these encompassed the


➢ Reporting instances of bullying

➢ Facilitating transparent channels of communication

➢ Granting access to mental health services

➢ Establishing a workplace environment that is supportive,

➢ Instituting protocols for employee wellness and workload management.

These endeavors are designed to create a safe environment that will allow the

employees to have a better working experience free from any harm. The discussion helped in

creating a resolution to prioritize the overall well-being of the employees. This can be done

with a proper tutorial and a well-defined plan.

Constraints and Considerations

All of the meeting agendas were covered, including the discussion of the significance

of mental health, identification of the causes of the issue and its effects, and proposal of

solutions to the issues regarding mental health in the workplace. It was noted that work

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isolation, bullying, and imprecise communication have a substantial effect on employee

well-being and productivity. The company recognizes a number of constraints that could

hinder the effective execution of suggested plans as well as the things to consider in achieving

the goals of the meeting.

Limited Resources: Despite budgetary constraints, the company is committed to

managing resource limitations effectively. The company will prioritize allocating a budget to

ensure the provision of necessary support systems for employees such as granting access to

mental health services and providing training among employees on stress management,

conflict resolution, and resilience.

Multifaceted Issues in the Workplace: The conflicts discussed in the meeting about

mental health challenges often stem from different underlying issues, these include toxic

workplace culture, gossip, harassment, and individual behaviors. Addressing these complex

issues requires a comprehensive approach. Identifying and mitigating these issues requires

time to be implemented effectively.

Internal Protocol Compliance: In addressing the issues in the workplace, the

company must strictly follow and adhere to the internal protocol of the HR Department,

especially in resolving conflicts among employees. The company ensures that the goals will

be implemented and aligned with internal protocols to maintain the integrity of the company.

Future Goals

A well-defined action plan will be developed to implement the proposed solutions and create

a healthier, more productive work environment for all employees.

During May our objectives are to:

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(a) Expand counseling services and professional referrals.

(b) Develop coping strategies and stress management resources.

(c) Improve accessibility through digital platforms and establish partnerships for

diverse service offerings.

(d) Assess effectiveness through utilization and promote mental health awareness.

(e) Provide training among employees and stay updated through various channels.

(f) Continue to pursue improvement based on feedback.

During June our objectives are to:

(a) Plot schedules for monthly training on stress management, conflict resolution,

and resilience.

(b) Implement mental health awareness workshops.

(c) Expand services according to feedback and requirements.

(d) Incorporate interaction to enhance the involvement of employees.

(e) Assess and adapt to ensure efficacy.

(f) Provide ongoing support resources.

(g) Collaborate with others for specialized topics.

(h) Foster a continuous learning culture.

(i) Review and adjust curriculum.

(j) Encourage supportive mental health environments.

During July our objectives are to:

(a) Promote open dialogue and feedback.

(b) Resolve issues promptly and efficiently.

(c) Encourage participation among employees.

(d) Provide communication training for managers.

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(e) Effectively use various communication channels.

(f) Adapt strategies and ideas based on feedback.

During August our objectives are to:

(a) Establish a policy outlining the process for assigning tasks.

(b) Implement workload tracking tools to observe workloads and identify potential


(c) Conduct regular reviews to assess workload distribution

(d) Define practical workload expectations for various roles and project categories.

(e) Establish feedback for employees based on their workloads.

(f) Foster open communication among employees and managers.

(g) Monitor the well-being of every employee.


1. Implement Employee Assistance Program

○ To implement the Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) with its purpose of

giving counsel and support services to employees experiencing mental health


○ Providing aid through services such as mental health professional referrals,

counseling sessions, and visual aid materials as a guide for mental health


2. Regular Training and Workshops

○ Maintain the scheduling of frequent training sessions and workshops on stress

management, conflict resolution, resilience building, and mental health


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○ These training programs can equip staff members with the information and

abilities needed to identify and successfully manage mental health concerns.

3. Enhance Communication Channels

○ To make sure that staff members feel heard and appreciated, the organization

should improve its communication channels.

○ Promote open communication between management and staff, set up

channels for employee feedback, and make sure that issues with workload, the

workplace, or interpersonal conflicts are quickly resolved.

4. Addressing Workload Management

○ Implement clear workload distribution processes to ensure fair task allocation

and reduce overburdening on an employee.

○ To ensure the healthy work-life balance of the employees, reviewing and

adjusting workload expectations will be implemented.

5. Addressing Mental Health Stigma

○ Open communication by management about their own experiences with

mental health might normalize obtaining assistance and lessen stigma.

○ Collaboration with mental health organizations to provide educational

materials and address misconceptions about mental health.

6. Confidentiality and Accessibility

○ Establish a system to ensure confidentiality for employees seeking mental

health resources.

○ This can involve designated personnel trained in handling sensitive

information and clear guidelines on data privacy.

7. Mental Health Screening and Support

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○ Offer voluntary and confidential mental health screenings to employees.

Provide support services based on the identified needs, such as access to

online resources, mental health professionals, or mindfulness programs.

○ This can help identify potential issues early and connect employees with

appropriate support before problems escalate.

8. Peer Support Programs

○ Develop and implement a peer support program that connects employees

facing similar challenges.

○ It can provide a safe space for employees to vent or seek advice from

colleagues who understand their struggles.


The April 2024 meeting was an important point in the organization's effort to promote mental

wellness and health at work. We have taken proactive steps to establish a supportive

workplace environment by discussing the causes, the effects, and potential solutions to

mental health concerns. The meeting generated a comprehensive action plan to address

these issues. This plan includes:

➢ Improved Communication: Implementing clear communication channels and conflict

resolution strategies.

➢ Supportive Work Environment: Establishing procedures to address bullying and

fostering a more collaborative work culture.

➢ Mental Health Resources: Exploring options to provide employees with access to

mental health services and relevant training programs (stress management,


➢ Workload Management: Developing protocols for workload distribution and

monitoring employee well-being to ensure a healthy work-life balance.

The organization acknowledges limitations such as resource constraints but is committed to

prioritizing employee well-being and allocating resources towards these goals. The proposed

future goals outline a detailed action plan for the coming months:

➢ May: Expand mental health services, develop coping strategies, assess program

effectiveness, and provide employee training.

➢ June: Implement training programs, workshops, and mental health awareness

initiatives based on employee feedback.

➢ July: Foster open communication, address employee concerns promptly, and offer

communication training for managers.

➢ August: Establish a workload management policy, implement workload tracking tools,

and define practical workload expectations.

The report concludes with recommendations for long-term success:

➢ Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Offer confidential counseling and support

services to employees.

➢ Training and Workshops: Conduct regular training sessions on mental health

awareness, stress management, and conflict resolution.

➢ Communication Channels: Improve communication channels between management

and employees to ensure concerns are addressed promptly.

➢ Workload Management: Implement clear workload distribution processes and

review/adjust workload expectations to promote a healthy work-life balance.

➢ Stigma Reduction: Open communication from management and collaboration with

mental health organizations can help normalize seeking help.

➢ Confidentiality and Accessibility: Establish clear guidelines on data privacy and

ensure confidential access to mental health resources.

➢ Mental Health Screening and Support: Offer voluntary mental health screenings and

provide support services based on identified needs.

➢ Peer Support Programs: Implement peer support programs to connect employees

facing similar challenges.

By implementing these solutions, the organization aims to create a more positive, supportive,

and productive work environment for all employees.


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