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A lot of newspaper stories are about crimes such as stabbings, shootings, murder and terrorists.
Typically, articles in a variety of newspapers are related to reporting current crimes or the impact
of them.
Media will sensationalise or over-exaggerate crimes such as terrorism, as media representation
often takes place with dramatic terms and a focus on the negative parts, as though the intention is
to scaremonger.
Television plays a major role in crime portrayal in media, being used to portray both fictional and
factional representations of crime. For example, Crimewatch and Police Camera Action are
examples of factual representation of crime. There have been many dramas based on high-profile
crimes. There are also many fictional. According to Tim Newburn, 1/10th of prime-time television is
related to crime and law enforcement. Since 2007, this figure has increased to ¼ of all media
output being concerned with crime.
Films have a massive impact on the public perception of crime and the facts and fiction
surrounding them. Films such as Die Hard and Suicide Squad are focussed on crime and
Gaming is the main form of media used to portray the fictional side of crime. The majority of such
games are aimed at over 18s, though games can often trivialise crime, implying that violence is
acceptable or that crimes are appropriate. Grand Theft Auto is an example of such a game, as it
encourages players to steal and kill people for points.
Social Media
Crime is often reported on social media. Members of the public are able to raise awareness of
crimes though their posts on a platform. Police forces may have a social media account to aid
public awareness of certain crimes, or to enable the public to witnessing crimes occurring in their
area or to plead for information from the public.
A lot of songs over time have been devoted to crime or criminals. Examples like ‘I fought the law’
by The Clash and ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ by Georgie Fame. Eminem has made multiple songs which
reference crimes, and Nirvana’s ‘Polly’ is about crime. This is a worldwide occurrence.

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