Primary Four Engverbal

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Primary four

English Language

Comprehension passage

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The unwanted visitor.

Jude woke up with a fever. His left eyelid felt heavy as well. He rubbed it and it was painful. He stared at
himself in the mirror and noticed he had blisters on his face and neck. He wondered what it was

When he came down for breakfast, his mother noticed the red blisters on his face. She examined
him and immediately pronounced it was chicken pox.

Mrs Ayodele took her son to the doctor. She did not want to self medicate him because she
knows it was dangerous. Also, she wanted to make sure it was chicken pox. The doctor confirmed that
Jude had chicken pox. He advised him to have enough rest and drink lots of water. He also said he would
be confined to the house for two weeks. This would make infecting others avoidable. The doctor gave
him some drugs to keep the fever down.

Chicken pox is a contagious infection caused by a virus, patients with chicken pox develop a rash
which first appear on the face and then spreads throughout the body. It can be dangerous if not treated

Jude stayed in the house and abeyed all the doctor's instructions. He was not allowed to visit
people and his friends were not allowed to visit him.

The days passed slowly, soon the blisters dried up and left behind scars. For two weeks he
remained confined to the house. At the end of the period, his appearance had improved enough for him
to return to school. He could no longer I fect others. Jude was glad that it was all over


1. According to paragraph one, why did Jude's lower eyelid feel heavy

2. Mention two reasons why Mrs Ayodele took her son to the doctor.

3. What happened after the blisters dried up?

4. Why do you think Jude was allowed to return to school after two weeks.

5. According to the title of the passage, who or what is the visitor?

Part B

Fill the gaps below with the most appropriate determiners from the brackets.

1. We don't get ______ tourists here. A. Many B. Much C. Any.

2. We get _______ letters a week. A. Any. B. Several C. Much.

3. Hold on with _______ hands. A. Two B. Both. C. Few

4. I take ______ trips abroad these days. A. Fewer B. Few C. A lot.

5. We've invited ______ friends to dinner. A. A little B. A few C. A lot

Underline the adverbs in each of the following sentences

6. During Christmas Felix often throws a party.

7. Jack was smartly dressed to the occasion.

8. You are specially invited to the party.

9. We sing songs every day

10. Tomorrow, we shall come here quickly.

Complete the table below.

Positive. Comparative superlative.

11. Big

12. Careful

13. Hard

14. Bad

15. Easy

Underline the word that give the sound /3:/.

16. We heard that word in the church.

17. Search for the worse rehearsal.

18. The nurse hates germs and worms.

19. The curtain is purple.

20. A. Circle B. See C. Ocean


Write the meaning of the following idioms.

21. It's raining cats and dogs.

22. To be broke.

23. Give it a short

24. A piece of cake.

25. Shed crocodile tears


Composition: How to construct a building.

Write a composition on how to construct a building not more than five paragraphs.
Verbal Reasoning

Using the number code below, what do the following numbers stand for?



1. 4 5 6 ____________

2. 5 6 2. ____________

3. 8 5 6 2 ____________

5. 4 7 6 8 _________

6. 1 5 4 2 __________



7. C O N E __________

8. D O N _________

9. N O T E _________

10. C O D E ________

Write two words that can be associated with the words written in capital letters.

11. CLASSROOM: _________ and __________. (Television, cooker, chalkboard, chalk).

12. MAMMAL: _________and ___________. (Rat, butterfly, eagle, rabbit).

13. TREE _________and _________(stem, soil, leaf, water).

14. BOOK: __________and________(read, table, light, pages).

15. FISH: _________and __________(skin, hair, scale, fin).

In eachgroup of words below, underline the word which is the opposite gender of the first word
16. Niece : cousin, aunt, sister, nephew, uncle

17. Ewe : dog, rain, ram, cat, hen

18. Dog : sow, doe, pen, bitch, fox.

19. Bachelor : orphan, spinster, bride, bridegroom.

20. god : godchild, godhead, goddess, godmother, godfather.

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