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Background of the Study

The study focuses on the influence of MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education,

and Health) teachers on students' psychological well-being. MAPEH is a subject taught

in schools that aims to develop students' skills, knowledge, and attitudes towards music,

arts, physical education, and health. The role of MAPEH teachers goes beyond

teaching curriculum content; they also have the potential to impact students'

psychological well-being through their teaching methods and interactions.

Through enhancing emotional well-being, MAPEH teachers can create a positive

and supportive learning environment that promotes emotional well-being among

students. Their teaching strategies and interpersonal skills can influence students' self-

esteem, motivation, and overall emotional health.

In addition, it also aids in promoting confidence and self-expression: Through

various art forms and physical activities, MAPEH teachers can help students develop

self-assurance and self-countenance. These skills are crucial for students' interpersonal

relationships, academic performance, and overall psychological development.

Meanwhile, building resilience and coping skills is additionally developed by

MAPEH teachers who facilitate activities that promote resilience and equip students

with effective coping mechanisms. By engaging in physical activities, music, and other

art forms, students can develop resilience and learn to manage stress and challenges.

Fostering social Connections in MAPEH classes as well provide opportunities for

students to engage collaboratively, fostering social connections and a sense of

belonging. With this, teachers can facilitate teamwork, communication, and cooperation

among students, which positively impact students' social and emotional well-being.

Moreover, supporting mental health is at the same time a factor in the increasing

prevalence of mental health concerns among students, MAPEH teachers play a vital

role in supporting and identifying students who may be experiencing mental health

issues. Their knowledge and observance of student behavior can contribute to early

identification and appropriate intervention.

Understanding the influence of MAPEH teachers on students' psychological well-

being then is crucial for creating supportive and effective learning environments. By

recognizing the significant role of MAPEH teachers in shaping students' overall

development, appropriate interventions can be implemented to enhance students'

psychological well-being and educational outcomes.

Conceptual Framework

Teachers’ influence and students’ psychological well-being are increasingly seen

as intertwined (Zakaria, 2021). In this study, a qualitative process of assessment

will be used to explore how MAPEH teachers’ influence students’ psychological well-


This study will particularly examine influences of MAPEH teachers to students’

psychological well-being through teacher-student relationship built, teaching

approaches and strategies employed to engage students and promote their

psychological well-being, emotional support and well-being promotion which play a

crucial role in providing emotional support to students, personal development and self-

efficacy which are essential components of psychological well-being and social

integration wherein MAPEH teachers facilitate, giving opportunities for students to

engage in extracurricular activities, performances, and community projects.

Statement of the Problem

The main goal of the study is to describe the influence of MAPEH teachers to

students’ psychological well-being.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How do students perceive their relationship with their MAPEH teachers in relation

to promoting their psychological well-being?

2. What are the methods and strategies used by MAPEH teachers to promote

students' psychological well-being?

3. How do MAPEH teachers facilitate resilience-building and coping skills among


4. What are the roles of MAPEH classes in fostering social connections and a

sense of belonging among students?

5. What are the roles of MAPEH teachers in supporting students' mental health and

early identification of mental health issues?

6. What are the recommendations of the students to further improve the MAPEH

subject instruction delivery in the school?

Scope and Delimitation

This is a descriptive qualitative study on the influential experiences of

students with their MAPEH mentors. From the learners who expressed their

willingness to participate in the study upon invitation, one participant per grade

was selected to ensure that each level would be represented in the study. With

this, it involved four students representing the four grade levels who are all

enrolled in MAPEH classes in Sta. Maria High School, Cotabato Province.

A researcher-made Interview Guide will be developed by the researcher

and will be checked by the master teachers within the division will be used in the


Moreover, in-depth interview will be employed to gather the information

needed in the study. Meanwhile, generic thematic analysis will be utilized to

analyze the data that were sourced out from the participants’ interview. The study

will be conducted in October 2023 to March 2023.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study are considered significant to the following perspectives:

Findings derived from this study may lead in coming up with a more responsive

delivery of the MAPEH instruction as a platform in improving psychological well-being

upliftment among learners.

The Schools Division of Cotabato Province through the Policy, Planning and

Development Officer may develop interventions and innovations intended to strengthen

MAPEH teachers’ psychological support to the learners and MAPEH instruction in


DepEd, for the betterment and improvement in using MAPEH curriculum in

every school in the region and the country in general to promote students’

psychological well-being

The school administrators, for them to be able to serve as leaders and

motivators efficiently and effectively to their MAPEH teachers in terms of delivering

instruction and psychological support to their learners.

The learners, for them to be more efficiently served by their teachers as to the

provision of basic psychological support, especially in MAPEH classes.

The MAPEH teachers, for them to be more proficient in teaching the learners

and performing their related functions by providing psychological support for the

school children.

The future researchers, for them to be able to conduct better and more

profound research studies to improve the integration of psychological support to

learners in MAPEH classes within the Department of Education, thereby promoting

better delivery of basic services among schoolchildren.

Finally, to the researcher, to become more inspired to give her best in any

endeavor particularly in continuously finding means to serve the Department of

Education through self-endowed studies intended to help and serve the community

and the learners at their best.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined according to their uses in the study.

emotional support refers to the influential support given by MAPEH mentors to their

students which significantly affects learners’ psychological well-being

personal development and self-efficacy refers to the development areas of learners

leading to the promotion of individual welfare and sense of usefulness as

influenced by MAPEH teachers

psychological support refers to the influential support given by MAPEH teachers to

back up students to improve their psychological well-being and learning in general

social integration refers to the relationship built in between MAPEH teachers and

learners leading teachers to facilitate, and give opportunities for students to

engage in extracurricular activities, performances, and community projects

student’s psychological well-being refers to the state of students’ mind essential to

good health in general and quality learning as influenced by MAPEH teachers

teacher-student relationship refers to the connection built in between MAPEH

mentors to their learners leading toward students’ psychological well-being


teaching approaches and strategies refer to teacher’s mechanisms used in

instruction and influencing learners such as pedagogical methods and teaching

schemes to improve students’ learning outcome and psychological welfare

well-being promotion refers to the MAPEH educational programs intended for the

upliftment of the learners’ psychological benefits



This section of the study reviews the theories, principles and concepts, as well as

the related literature and studies that contributed to the overall conceptualization of the

research work. Included are the terms contextually defined and significantly used in the


MAPEH Teachers Psychological Influence to Students

It is essential to comprehend how MAPEH teachers affect students'

psychological health in order to establish helpful and productive learning environments.

By acknowledging the substantial influence MAPEH instructors have on students' entire

development, the right measures may be put in place to improve students' psychological

health and academic results.

Research has shown that teachers' support, encouragement, and positive

relationships with students can contribute to their overall well-being and mental health.

Teachers who create a safe and inclusive learning environment, provide emotional

support, and promote positive social interactions can have a positive impact on

students' psychological well-being.

According to research, instructors' encouragement, support, and pleasant

interactions with pupils might improve their general well-being and mental health.

Students' psychological health can benefit from teachers who foster a welcoming,

inclusive learning atmosphere, offer emotional support, and encourage constructive

social connections.

Juslin (2013), discusses the evidence for the role of music in promoting

emotional well-being. Specifically, the ability of music to elicit emotional responses and

promote social connections, which both contribute to enhanced emotional well-being. It

has demonstrated how music can have a positive impact on mood regulation, stress

reduction, and emotional expression.In addition, it notes the potential role of MAPEH

teachers in promoting emotional well-being through music education. It highlights the

importance of creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment and notes that

music can be used to facilitate social connections and emotional expression.

Furthermore, it suggests that students who receive quality music education are more

likely to develop emotional intelligence, which can lead to greater emotional well-being.

ScienceDirect. (n.d.), has as well proven that teachers' well-being is related to

teaching effectiveness, student outcomes, and even educational governance. The

stress faced by teachers in their daily lives and their ability to thrive in the profession

can significantly affect their students' well-being

In addition, Frontiers. (2021) revealed that teachers can contribute to students'

psychological well-being by fulfilling their basic psychological needs in the classroom. A

positive and nurturing teacher-student relationship fosters a sense of belonging and

autonomy, which are essential for students' well-being. Furthermore, the way teachers

interact with students and the emotional climate they create in the classroom can impact

students' well-being. Positive teacher-student interactions and a supportive classroom

environment have been found to improve students' classroom well-being,

Thus, it is important to note that students' well-being is influenced not only by their

interactions with teachers but also by various factors inside and outside the classroom.

Thus, a comprehensive understanding of the multiple factors contributing to students'

psychological well-being is necessary for effective interventions and support systems,

Springer Link. (n.d.).

Teaching Approaches and Strategies

Effective teaching approaches and strategies are crucial for successful learning

outcomes. One such approach is the student-centered teaching model, which involves

both the teacher and the students in the learning process (Teaching Methods, n.d.).

However, even in this model, teachers are still considered to be an authority figure

(Teaching Methods, n.d.). Another teaching style is the Personal Model, where teachers

lead by example, and students learn through observing and copying the teacher's

process (Teaching Methods, n.d.). While this teaching approach has its merits, there is

no explicit mention of its effectiveness in the literature reviewed (Teaching Methods,

n.d.). It is essential to note that different teaching approaches and strategies work better

for different kinds of learners, and a comprehensive review of literature with empirical

references can help identify the most effective teaching methods for various learning


Emotional Support to Students

According to Meyer (2018), in today’s society, education is a vital part of our

lives. We as a society strive to ensure that all our children are provided with the

education and tools necessary to succeed in life. But what we often forget is that

education is not the only factor that contributes to a student’s success. Emotional

support is also an important factor in helping students reach their full potential. It is

essential that all students have access to emotional support in order to thrive in school

and in life.

Emotional support is defined as providing comfort, security, and understanding

for a student in order to help them reach their full potential. It is often the key to helping

students find success and reach their goals. Emotional support can be provided in

various forms, such as through one-on-one counseling, group therapy, peer support,

and even through online resources, Meyer (2018).

One-on-one counseling provides students with a safe and confidential

environment to discuss their issues and concerns. This type of counseling is often used

to help students process emotions and understand why they are feeling the way they

do. It also provides a platform for students to talk openly and honestly about their

feelings and experiences without fear of judgement, Meyer (2018).

Group therapy is another form of emotional support for students. This type of

therapy allows students to receive support from other students in a safe and supportive

environment. Group therapy can help students build connections and find support from

their peers. It can also provide an opportunity for students to practice communication

and problem-solving skills, Miller (2020).

Meanwhile, Parks (2018) discusses peer support which can also be an effective

form of emotional sustenance for students. This type of support involves providing

students with a safe space to talk and share their feelings and experiences with their

peers. Peer support can also include activities such as group discussions and problem-

solving activities.

Lastly, online resources can be a great source of emotional support for students.

Online resources can include websites, social media groups, and even online

counseling services. These online resources provide students with a safe and

confidential space to talk about their issues and find support from others, Powell,


Psychological Support to Students in MAPEH Subject

MAPEH stands for Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health, and is a core subject in

the Philippine educational system. It is a subject that is important for the holistic

development of students. It is also a subject in which many students struggle with, as it

requires the use of both physical and mental skills. Psychological support has been

shown to be an effective way of helping students to overcome the challenges they face


Ang (2020) mentioned that psychological support can come in many forms, such

as individual counseling, group counseling, peer support, and mentoring. These forms

of support can provide students with the opportunity to talk about their struggles with

MAPEH, and to receive guidance and advice on how to better manage their emotions

and challenges. This type of support can help students to gain insight into their own

behavior and to develop skills that will help them to be successful in MAPEH.

In addition, De Guzman & Dela Cruz (2020) revealed that individual counseling

can help students to identify and understand their own emotions and behavior, and to

develop strategies for managing their feelings. Group counseling can provide a safe

space for students to talk about their struggles with MAPEH, as well as to receive

support and encouragement from their peers. Peer support is an important form of

psychological support, as it allows students to connect with others who are going

through similar struggles. Mentoring can also be beneficial, as it allows students to

receive guidance and advice from someone who has gone through similar experiences.

On the other hand, Khan (2020) verified that psychological support can have a

positive impact on students’ learning and development in MAPEH. It can help them to

feel more confident and motivated, and to better manage their emotions and challenges.

It can also help them to develop their problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to

work collaboratively with others. Finally, psychological support can help students to

develop their social and interpersonal skills, which can be beneficial in MAPEH and in

other areas of life.

To add, DepEd (2019) considered MAPEH an important subject in the Philippine

educational system, and it requires both physical and mental skills. Psychological

support can be an effective way of helping students to overcome the challenges they

face in MAPEH. It can provide students with the opportunity to talk about their struggles

and to receive guidance and advice from professionals and peers. Psychological

support can also have a positive impact on students’ learning and development in

MAPEH, as it can help them to feel more confident and motivated, and to better

manage their emotions and challenges.

Furthermore, the importance of psychological support to students in MAPEH is

undeniable. MAPEH is a subject in which students need to interact with one another,

both physically and emotionally, in order to develop the necessary skills. This can be a

daunting task for some students, especially those who have difficulty trusting and

interacting with their peers. In addition, MAPEH allows students to explore their physical

and emotional capabilities, which can be a difficult and intimidating experience for

some. As such, psychological support is needed in order for students to feel

comfortable and secure in their MAPEH classes,Mendoza, (2018).

Psychological support to students in MAPEH is beneficial in a number of ways.

First, it allows students to feel safe and secure in their MAPEH classes, which can lead

to better engagement and participation. Second, it encourages the development of self-

confidence and self-esteem, which can lead to improved performance in the subject.

Third, it creates an environment of acceptance and understanding, which can lead to

increased collaboration and teamwork. Finally, it can provide students with the

necessary guidance and support to overcome any difficulties they may face in the

subject, De Guzman & Dela Cruz (2020).

Perez & De Leon in 2019 flaunted that there are a number of ways in which

psychological support can be provided to students in MAPEH. First, teachers can create

a safe and supportive learning environment by being understanding and providing clear

instructions. Second, teachers can provide psychological support by encouraging and

praising the students for their achievements, as well as providing timely and

constructive feedback. Third, teachers can create opportunities for students to interact

with one another in a safe and positive manner. Finally, teachers can provide emotional

support to students who are struggling in the subject, by being understanding and

providing support and guidance.

Generally, psychological support to students in MAPEH is essential for the successful

development of their physical, mental, and emotional capabilities. The benefits of

psychological support are numerous, and can include improved engagement, increased

self-confidence, acceptance, collaboration, and guidance. There are a number of ways

in which psychological support can be provided to students in MAPEH, including

creating a safe learning environment, providing clear instructions, encouraging and

praising students, and providing emotional support, (Perez & De Leon in 2019).


Positive mental health, counseling, stress, and mental health measurement constitute a

few of the numerous concerns in students' well-being, according to Hernandez-Torrano et al.


Meanwhile, Franzen in 2022 stressed out that ccademic satisfaction was a stronger

mental health predictor than COVID-19 stress on the learning experience, which mainly

predicted stress and anxiety. Lower academic satisfaction scores were significantly associated

with stress anxiety while higher scores with psychological well-being identifying as female was

strongly associated with anxiety and stress but not with depression or psychological well-being.

Lower age was associated with stress only. The nature of the academic training had a lesser

impact on mental health and the academic year had No Impact.

Social Integration

Social integration is an important concept in education, especially in the context

of MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) classes.

Social integration in MAPEH classes is important for several reasons. First, it

promotes inclusivity, as students of all backgrounds and abilities can feel accepted and

included in these classes. Second, it encourages collaboration and teamwork among

students, which can be beneficial for their overall development. Finally, it can help to

foster a sense of community among students, leading to a more positive learning


In terms of strategies that can be used to promote social integration in MAPEH

classes, the DepEd has outlined several key ones. One of the most important is

providing opportunities for students to interact with each other in a positive way. This

can include activities such as cooperative games, team-building exercises, and other

activities that encourage social interaction. It also recommends that teachers should be

proactive in encouraging students to interact with one another, rather than relying solely

on the activities to promote social integration.

In addition to these strategies, the DepEd has also outlined specific resources

and references that can be used to promote social integration in MAPEH classes.

These include the DepEd’s Learner’s Handbook on Social Integration, which provides

detailed information on the importance of social integration and strategies for promoting

it. Additionally, the DepEd’s Social Integration Guidebook offers additional guidance and

resources for teachers and students, including tips on how to foster social interaction in

the classroom.

In the end, social integration in MAPEH classes is an important concept that can have a

positive impact on students’ development and overall wellbeing. The DepEd has

outlined several strategies and resources that can be used to promote social integration

in these classes, providing teachers and students with the tools and information they

need to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Teacher-Student Relationship

The teacher-student relationship is a key factor in the educational process. The

relationship between a teacher and student has a significant impact on learning

outcomes and can be a powerful motivator for both the student and the teacher.

Research has shown that positive teacher-student relationships lead to improved

student engagement, better academic performance, and increased student self-esteem.

This paper will discuss the importance of teacher-student relationships, the various

ways in which these relationships can be fostered and maintained, and the potential

challenges that may arise in the teacher-student relationship.

Moreover, the teacher-student relationship is a key factor in the

development of strong learning outcomes. A positive relationship between

the teacher and student can create a more positive learning environment,

which can lead to increased student engagement and motivation. Studies

have shown that students who feel supported and respected by their

teachers have higher levels of academic achievement and self-esteem

than those who feel neglected or disregarded by their teachers.

Furthermore, positive teacher-student relationships can lead to increased

self-esteem, better social skills, and improved behavior in the classroom.

One of the most effective ways to foster and maintain positive teacher-

student relationships is to create a welcoming and supportive classroom

environment. Teachers should strive to create a classroom atmosphere

that encourages open dialogue and collaboration between students and

teachers. Additionally, teachers should make an effort to get to know each

student and their individual needs. This can be done through regular one-

on-one conversations, setting aside time for student-teacher meetings,

and engaging in activities that allow students to express themselves.

Finally, teachers should ensure that they are providing students with clear

expectations and consistent feedback in order to ensure that they are

meeting the needs of the students.

Additionally, despite the many benefits of positive teacher-student

relationships, there are several potential challenges that may arise. One of

the most common challenges is managing the power differential between

teachers and students. Teachers should strive to create a classroom

environment in which students feel respected and valued, while also

setting clear expectations for behavior and performance. Also, teachers

should be aware of any potential cultural and language barriers that may

exist between them and their students. Finally, teachers should be aware

of potential conflicts that may arise between students and how to

appropriately address them.

Finally, teacher-student relationships are a key factor in the educational

process. Positive teacher-student relationships lead to increased student

engagement, better academic performance, and increased self-esteem.

There are several ways in which teachers can foster and maintain positive

teacher-student relationships, including creating a welcoming and

supportive classroom environment, getting to know each student, and

providing students with clear expectations and consistent feedback.

Finally, teachers should be aware of potential challenges that may arise in

the teacher-student relationship and work to address them appropriately.

Personal Development and Self-Efficacy

Personal development and self-efficacy are two concepts that are closely

related to each other. Personal development is the process of understanding and

improving oneself in order to reach one’s full potential. It is a lifelong journey that

involves self-reflection, learning from mistakes, and developing new skills and

competencies to achieve one’s goals. Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in their

own capability to achieve a goal or reach a desired outcome. It is the belief that

one has the necessary skills and abilities to accomplish a task or achieve a goal.

Personal development is an important concept to understand in order to

reach one’s full potential. It requires an individual to be aware of their strengths

and weaknesses and to take proactive steps to develop the areas that need

growth. This process involves a variety of approaches including self-reflection,

goal setting, and personal development planning. Self-reflection is the process of

thinking about and analyzing one’s own behaviors and actions in order to gain

insight and develop new perspectives. Goal setting involves the process of

setting measurable goals and taking action to achieve them. Personal

development planning is the process of planning and carrying out activities that

will help an individual reach their goals.

Self-efficacy is a crucial component in the process of personal

development. It is the belief that one has the necessary skills and abilities to

accomplish a task or achieve a goal. Self-efficacy is determined by an

individual’s level of confidence in their ability to succeed and their willingness to

take risks. It is important to remember that self-efficacy can be improved upon

over time. Building self-efficacy involves setting realistic goals, breaking them

down into smaller achievable tasks, and seeking feedback from mentors or


Personal development and self-efficacy are important components of

success. They are intertwined and both need to be taken into consideration when

attempting to reach one’s full potential. Taking the time to reflect on one’s

strengths and weaknesses, setting realistic goals, and building self-efficacy are

all important steps in the process of personal development.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, the locale of the study, the

participants, the research instrument, the data gathering procedure and the data


Research Design
The study will employ the descriptive qualitative design in describing the learning

experiences of the students enrolled in MAPEH classes of Sta. Maria High School. In-

depth interview guide on the students’ experiences will be done to gather the data

needed and will be analyzed through Generic Thematic Analysis.

Figure 1 illustrates the research design of the study, which involves the

participants’ experiences from the MAPEH classes starting with their class involvement

up to social integrations done as subject requirement , the locale and participants of the

study, as well as the research instrument, procedures and data analysis needed to

complete the study.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Sta. Ma. City High School, Schools Division of

Cotabato Province, Region XII. It is considered as the one of the divisions of


The school has a total of 190 students with two (2) teachers teaching MAPEH

subjects. Furthermore, it encompasses four (4) grade levels from Grade 7 to Grade 10.

Technology-wise, the research area is accessible to information and communication

technologies such as internet and cellular phones connection. Figure 1 shows the locale

of the study.

Figure 1. Map of the locale of the study

Students Experiences with

MAPEH Teachers

Involvement of students
in MAPEH Classes
Schools Division of
Cotabato Province

Experiences of learners with Participants

classmates and MAPEH

Students in MAPEH
Classes from Grades

Meaningful Experiences Research Instrument

in MAPEH Classes

Interview Guide

Social Integrations Done as

Requirements in MAPEH
Data Gathering
Classes Procedure

In-depth Interview
Data Analysis
Recommendations in MAPEH

Figure 1. Research Design

Participants of the Study

This study will be participated in by the students enrolled in MAPEH classes of

Sta. Ma. High School in the Schools Division of Cotabato Province.

A letter of invitation to be one of the possible participants of the study will sent to

all 190 students for school year 2023-2024. Students who willingly accepted and

responded to the invitation will be considered as potential participants of the study.

Inclusion criteria as to the distinct characteristics of the participants will not be set in this

study. However, one participant will be selected per grade to ensure that all batches

would be represented in the actual study. The affirmative letter of invitation will be

grouped accordingly, folded and placed in a container, and one will be picked per grade

level by the researcher. With this, a total of four (4) participants were included in the


The students are presently enrolled in Sta Ma. High School in the Schools

Division of Cotabato Province and vary in terms of grade level and experiences with

MAPEH teachers and subjects enrolled into. The following are distinct descriptions of

each participant to link their experiences to the themes that were unveiled in the

thematic analysis.

Evelyn, Grade 7, is an enrolled student in MAPEH 7 subject. Given with a

positive outlook to cope with MAPEH subject, she grabbed the opportunity despite her

lack of self-confidence. MAPEH activities have become significantly relevant for her in

the discovery hidden skills and potentials.

Noel, a Grade 8 learner, has been studying in Sta Ma. High School in 2 years.

He freely volunteered himself as a participant and being an athlete is an advantage for

him. He was able to strengthen his social integration with classmates in teaching as

influenced by his MAPEH teachers. He also shows concern in the implementation of the

course requirements.

Daisy, Grade 9, is a student school governance leader for 2 years already in the

academe. She wanted to get involved with social activities which served as her reasons

of actively participating in almost all school affairs. Though she experienced a lot of

frustrations along with her studies, she was still able to understand the learning

opportunities that come at hand in the light of MAPEH education.

Michael, Grade 10, has been consistently honor student for 4 years in the

school. Although the shy and unable to actively participate in MAPEH activities in his

initial years in school, his potent scholastic drive to finish all his requirements became

his major reason , in joining MAPEH activities in his higher years and was able to

manage them MAPEH requirements with persistence. She also became active in young

leader in the school.

Research Instrument

The researcher will utilize a researcher-made Interview Guide (Appendix A) for

the participants. The draft for the Interview Guide will be referred to the experts who

were identified as master teachers within the division and at the same time MAPEH

subject experts for checking. It will also presented to the MAPEH supervisor of the

division . Based on the comments and suggestions of the experts, the interview guide

will be revised and finalized.

The developed interview guide will be dry run to the students who will however

not be involved in the actual study. It will be done to ensure that the scopes of essential

aspects of the objectives of the study will be covered. Such coverage, as included in the

interview guide, focused on how the participants became part of the MAPEH subject;

their experiences with their MAPEH teachers, co-learners and with the different MAPEH

activities; the meaningful experiences and social integrations required for them to finish

their subjects; and, the recommendations that they can give out of their experiences

from the MAPEH subjects.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher visited the four (4) participants, who were randomly sampled per

grade level, to introduce the researcher and her background, explain the intent of the

research, define how data would be collected and analyzed, and to build rapport with

each participant. It was also in this phase when the researcher be given the informed

consent form (Appendix D) to the participant, which thoroughly defined the process of

this study.

In-depth interviews will serve as the researcher’s data collection strategy which

will last for an average of one hour. Cellular phone will be used to record the interview

with the consent of the participant. After interviewing the four participants, the interview

transcripts will be prepared and reviewed by the researcher.

Data Analysis

In the analysis of the data gathered, the researcher will utilize the generic

thematic analysis which involved series of activities or procedures.

Transcribing the interviews used for thematic analysis will be the first activity to

be done by the researcher. Horizonalizations will occur when the researcher had

highlighted the statements or texts found to be significant on how the participants

experienced the study. Consequently, out of the significant statements by the

participants, the researcher will formulate clusters of meanings to generate themes.

The researcher will then write the textural description or the relevant topics that

were expressed by the participants regarding the research study. The textural

descriptions will be utilized to construct the structural description or how the participants

experienced those things. Finally, according to the textural and structural analysis, the

researcher then will proceed in identifying the essence or the common elements

repeated by every research participant.

Ethical Considerations
The most salient ethical issue to be considered in this study will involve the

participants’ identities and information associated with them. From an ethical

perspective, the interview data collection process will not be anonymous since the

participants who are enrolled in the MAPEH subjects were already identified prior to the

conduct of the study. Nevertheless, their identities were kept confidential. Most

importantly, the interview data information will also be taken care of confidentially.

Participants were assured of the confidentiality both before and after the interview

sessions. To further ensure confidentiality, all the participants’ names will be changed.

After the interviews were transcribed (Appendix __ presents a sample transcript

of a participant), all identifying comments and names will be changed in the actual

transcripts to protect the identities of both participants and any individuals mentioned in

the interviews.


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