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Exercise 2:

The interpretation path is increasingly open and developing in the world today. The
importance of interpretation and the growth in the number of interpreters make it
necessary for them to have extremely high levels of proficiency in order to
participate in this market. If someone were to ask me to create "a recipe for an
interpreter's success," I would like to list the following five ingredients in order of

The first “ingredient” in a success of an interpreter's "recipe" should be being

familiar with the history and culture of the target languages. The interpretation
industry serves as a boundary between numerous people, nations, and cultures.
Interpreters not only facilitate cross-cultural communication but also helps connect
and bridge cultural gaps. Each word must be selected carefully, measure and weigh
each meaning, each term has been carefully chosen to prevent causing cultural
misunderstandings. For instance, understanding culture of the target languages help
interpreters better understand the historical context of each situation, update multi-
disciplinary information, have a more comprehensive, multi-dimensional view and
can handle different situations in interpreting sessions.

Secondly, to become a successful interpreter, professionalism is an indispensable

“ingredient”. Like other professions, interpreting relies on professionalism to
function well and earn the respect and trust of colleagues. Information security,
accuracy in every translation, punctuality, politeness, strong discipline, and an
excellent memory are some characteristics of a competent interpreter. To
demonstrate this, professionalism must be prioritized at significant international
conferences in particular because even a minor misunderstanding of the language
might negatively impact national interests.
Thirdly, to become successful, interpreters need to hone their interpersonal and
customer service skills. An interpreter should be adaptable and at ease in a variety
of situations. Particularly, an interpreter might be helpful in situations when a lot of
individuals can feel anxious when speaking a language they don't know well. An
interpreter with excellent communication skills is prepared to serve as a link for
those who are experiencing language challenges. A true translator needs to be able
to interact with many individuals in addition to having exceptional language skills.
High IQs and Eqs interpreter can break down these barriers and foster greater
cross-cultural understanding.

The forth “ingredient” in the “recipe for success of a interpreter” is listening skill.
As a successful interpreter, having good listening skills is crucial. An interpreter
will frequently encounter obstacles and deal with dissatisfied clients if he or she is
unable to pay close attention to every detail while on the job. Every word in the
context should be understood by interpreters with accuracy. Knowing the words'
literal meaning is not sufficient; one must also be aware of their intent and purpose.
For instance, if an interpreter does not listen carefully enough and follow the
discourse, they will rapidly fall into the trap of being a poor interpretation.

Last but not least, one of the most important key to become a competent interpreter
is gaining experience. There is a fact that interpreting theory learned in school is
insufficient for an interpreter to satisfy the demands of the translation industry.

Therefore, interpreters should consider joining a professional interpreting

association. This is a great way to keep up to date with the latest professional news,
meet colleagues and learn from their experiences. This way can help them find
nice people with years of experience in the field who will be happy to give advice

Additionally, these organizations often provide formal training for their members,
some will help open up more job opportunities for members.

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