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ANSCI44-A Laboratory

Name: Tigbabao, Christian Boy E. BSAM3A F-10:1 pm 05/10/24


Disease Causative Agent Mode of Action Signs/Symptoms Prevention

Anthrax Bacteria Spores enter body Fever, lethargy, Vaccination,

through inhalation swollen lymph proper disposal of
or ingestion nodes, bleeding infected carcasses

Rabies Virus Virus transmitted Fever, headache, Vaccination of

through saliva of agitation, pets, avoiding
infected animals hydrophobia, contact with
paralysis bats

Foot and Mouth Virus Highly contagious Fever, blisters in Quarantine,

Disease viral infection mouth and on feet, vaccination of
lameness susceptible animals

Aspergillosis Fungi Inhalation of Respiratory Minimize dust

spores from distress, weakness, exposure, proper
contaminated nasal discharge ventilation

Histoplasmosis Fungi Inhalation of Fever, cough, chest Avoiding areas

fungal spores from pain, fatigue with bird or bat
soil or bird droppings

Ringworm Fungi Direct contact with Circular patches of Proper hygiene,

infected animals or hair loss, itching, isolation of
surfaces redness infected animals

Malaria Protozoa Transmitted Fever, chills, Mosquito control

through the bite of sweats, fatigue, measures, bed nets,
infected headache medication

Cryptosporidiosis Protozoa Ingestion of Diarrhea, stomach Water filtration,

contaminated water cramps, proper hygiene
or food nausea,
Avian Influenza Virus Direct contact with Fever, cough, sore Biosecurity
infected birds or throat, muscle measures,
surfaces aches vaccination of

Candidiasis Fungi Overgrowth of White patches in Proper hygiene,

yeast in mouth or throat, antifungal
warm, itching, soreness medications

Giardiasis Protozoa Ingestion of Diarrhea, Water filtration,

contaminated water abdominal proper hygiene
or food cramps, bloating,

Brucellosis Bacteria Contact with Fever, joint pain, Vaccination of

infected animals or fatigue, headache livestock,
consumption of pasteurization of
unpasteurized dairy

Equine Virus Transmitted by Fever, lethargy, Mosquito

Encephalitis mosquitoes neurological control
symptoms measures,
vaccination of

Toxoplasmosis Protozoa Ingestion of Flu-like symptoms, Proper cooking of

contaminated food muscle aches, meat, cat
or water swollen glands litter

Leptospirosis Bacteria Contact with water Fever, headache, Avoiding

or soil muscle aches, contact
contaminated with jaundice with contaminated
urine water or soil

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