1 《Dylan的生日》教师手册

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《Dyan的生日》教师手册 1

Teacher’s guide
We offer one detailed guide for each book. Each guide includes 4 parts: 1. A list of TPR
words. 2. A daily report. 3. A list of structures, a circling template, variables, and sample
of asking stories. 4. Mini readings . There will be homework assignments, assessment
options, mini story PowerPoints, in class games and activities available on our website.
Subscription is required.

Book II: Dylan的生日

Getting Started

Congratulations you have successfully finished 《我是贝贝》. Now, is it the time for
you to start your second semester? Certainly, it is for me. Do you and your students
feel good about the fact that you have finished a whole book in Chinese? As Susan
Gross has once said, “Nothing motivates like success.” Don’t forget to point out the
achievement that your students have accomplished.

Let’s recap quickly of what we have accomplished so far. Students should be able to:

● Greet and leave people in a polite way.

● Introduce him/herself and others.
● Answer a variety of simple questions.
● Make some simple statements in a conversation.
● Ask some simple questions.
● Can communicate basic information about oneself and familiar people.

Look forward, by the end of “Dylan’s Birthday”, students will be able to

● Give times, dates and weather information
● Describe foods and drinks at a party.
● Share about their favorite colors and shapes or least favorite shapes and
● Inquire about a person’s age and zodiac animals.
● Discuss about weathers and their preferences of weathers.

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 2

Part I: Total Physical Response (TPR) words

TPR words mean action packed words, words which can be easily acted out or
demonstrated through bodily gestures and languages.
I love TPR words. Michael Miller and many other experienced TPRSers use TPR words
with their beginning levels for 5 or 6 weeks to build their students’ vocabulary and
comprehension first, before they step into storytelling. I haven’t done it this way. But, I
could picture how it works out in the classroom. Typically I use TPR words as brain
breaks in the middle of a lesson. But, many teachers like to start their class with TPR
words, and that’s fine. Whatever you’d like to do, it’s your choice. You can spend as
much time on it or as little time on it as you would like.

Typically, for TPR comments, we are going to put them into 2 categories: new comments
and novel comments. “New comments” are the comments introduced as the first time to
your students. “Novel comments” are combined comments from what you have already
introduced. Remember all the comments you have previously introduced should be
“reviewed comments”, which should be visited at all time until students have acquired

Group 1
New Comments Novel Comments:
把_____举起来 纸笔​
把​ 举起来
把_____放在... 纸笔​
把​ 放在头,手...上。
把_____放下 纸笔​
把​ 放下。

Group 2
New Comments Novel Comments:

把​ 举起来 拍拍/摸摸/指指红/白纸
把​ 放在... 红纸/白纸​
把​ 放在头上...脚下
把​ 放下

Group 3
New Comments Novel Comments:
长短 吃长面条,指指短头发
多少 多给我点绿茶 少给我点咖啡
高低/高矮 protend 你很高/矮
胖瘦 protend 你很胖/瘦

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 3

Group 4
New Comments Novel Comments:
画画 画一个__________ (shapes)
三角形 指指_____________ (shapes)
心形 给我一个__________(shapes)
圆形 用你的手比一个________(shapes)

(This activity can be very fun. Students can draw, cut, fold, point to or use gestures!)

Part II: Daily Report

In book 2 ­ 《Dylan的生日》, we will focus on three themes in our “daily report

activities”. They are colors, shapes and pets.

Daily report I:

_________ 最喜欢的 颜色是________色。

_________ most like color is _______ color.

By now, your students should have acquired the color of red and green. They should
know “green” from “green tea”, they should know the significance of red in Chinese
culture after the Chinese New Year celebration.
Next two colors to introduce would be “white” and “black”. As “white” is an unlucky
color in Chinese culture as it symbolizes “funeral” and associates with “death”, it’s
opposite in a western culture, as it represents “purity” and “agel”. While a western
bride wears a white wedding dress on her big day, it’s a cultural taboo for a Chinese
bride to do so. Therefore, introducing “white” and “black” will generate lots of
interests and discussion in your class.

Daily report II:

___________ 想要___________ (animal)做宠物。

This daily report will align up nicely with our Chinese Zodiac story. 12 domestic
animals and one mythical creature. Wait a second, do you call a snake a “domestic
animal” or simply “reptile”? Of course, people nowadays want more exotic animals
to be their pets. From an iguana to a teacup pig, from a pacman frog to a hedgehog,

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 4

from a tarantula to a python, you name it. This daily report you can do a reality
check as well as a fantasy ride.

Daily report III:

我的手里有一个______________ (shapes).

You must be wondering why on earth we want to sneak in shapes in our curriculum,
right? Well, while I agree with you that shapes are not high frequency words in our
daily communication at all, however, it’s often included in a typical level 1
curriculum guide. It is included in the STAMP benchmarks as well. We want our
students to not only have the advantage of TCI based instructions, we also want to
prepare them to succeed in a traditional setting.
Shapes actually are easier to teach than what I have expected. Because shapes in
Chinese are mostly based on how many angles, or sides they have. Plus, the
advantage of Chinese morphology for this group of words!

Mini story unit I

By the end of this unit, students will be able to
● Explain their diet preference
● Discuss what kind of food they like or dislike

Vocabulary 1 Shadow Vocabulary 1

吃素 吃肉, ______________
只吃菜 只吃肉, ______________
热狗 牛排/包子, __________
头都大了 高兴了/开心了, __________
…的时候 _____________ __________

1. 在你的winter break的时候,你去了哪儿?你跟谁玩儿了?你吃了什么?你
2. 你喜欢跟谁在一起?为什么?

Core Story #1:

_________ and ________are friends. _______ invites __________ to a restaurant. __________
didn’t know ___________ is a vegetarian.
Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org
《Dyan的生日》教师手册 5

Who: __________ & _______________

Problem #1: _______ doesn’t know __________ is a vegetarian.

Story Asking Outline A:

Setting: when ? 时​
在_______的​ 候
where? 一个​ 饭​ 饭​
店,一个叫________的​ 店。

Plot: What? ____ invites _______ to a restaurant

Why? ________ likes __________.

Conflicts: ____ doesn’t know _____ is a vegetarian.

Internal reaction: ________ is __________.

External reaction: ___________________________________。



Response: what happens next? (or nothing)


(If your story asking is successful, you’d want to add more conflicts, reaction
and response. Please continue on…

Mini reading 1​
Person A 喜​欢​person B。
在Christmas的​ 时​ 饭​
候,Person A想要跟Person B吃​ 。
但是Person A不知道Person B吃素。

Person A 跟Person B去了 “​热​狗KING”,但是Person B哭了。

Person A跟Person B去了 “​热​ 头​
狗Queen”, 但是Person B也哭了。Person A的​ 都大
了,Person A ​对​ 说​
Person B​ :“你​为​什么哭?…”
Person B​ :“我吃素,我只吃菜,我不吃​ 热​
Person A 跟Person B去了“​热​ 热​
狗In Disguise”。Person B吃了素​ 狗。他​们​

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 6

Mini Reading 2​
Person A 喜​ person B。
在Christmas的​ 时​ 饭​
候,Person A想要跟Person B吃​ 。
但是Person A不知道Person B吃素。

Person A 跟Person B去了Place A。 Person A喜​欢​吃​热​ 给​

狗。Person A也​ 了
Person B吃​热​狗。Person B哭了。因​ 为​Person A不知道Person B吃素。
Person A快快​ 给​ Person B吃牛排。因​为​,Person A喜​ 欢​吃牛排。也因​ 为​
Person A
没有​ 问​Person B喜​ 欢​吃什么。Person B吃素,Person B只吃菜,Person B不喜​ 欢
吃肉。Person B一看到牛排就哭了。
Person A​ Person B喜​ 欢​ 给​
吃什么。Person A​ Person B吃沙拉。他​ 们​都高​兴​了。
Person A ​ Person B 喜不喜​ 欢​
吃沙拉。Person B​ 说​“我喜​欢​
Person A​ Person B​说​ 虽​
:“​ 欢​
然你喜​ 吃沙拉,但是我喜​ 欢​

Mini Reading 3: (reading assessment)

孩。在一个星期六,王小龙不想要写(xie ­ to write)他的功课。他只想要跟几个
(jige ­ few)好朋友在一起玩儿。因为小龙听说他的好朋友小明家有 “Minecraft”,
“Minecraft”非常好玩。很多人都要去小明家玩儿 Minecraft。所以小龙也想要去小

妈妈很生气,“你天天只知道玩儿! 玩儿Minecraft不写功课,想得美!”

“什么星期六?我不是天天给你们做饭吗?星期六也没有人给我做饭!” 妈妈说。
你有一个麻烦,想想办法(bafa ­ solution)。

**** in my curriculum, Dylan’s Birthday often breaks up by the actual Chinese New
Year celebration. We typically spend a month on 春节celebrations, 《年的来历》,
《十二生肖的传说》和《元宵节的故事》。I feel passionately about teaching
culture to our students, as culture and language are inseparable. Also, I see teaching
culture is an effective way to foster love and bond with the target country.
Therefore, by the time we come back to the next mini story unit, my students have
all acquired 12 zodiac animals by hearts. If your approach is different from mine,
you will need to spend more time on the section relating to pets/animals.

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 7

Mini story unit II

By the end of this unit, students will be able to
● ask and answer questions regarding each others’ ages.
● ask and answer questions regarding their Chinese zodiac animals
● talk about their pets.
● ask about each other’s phone number.

Vocabulary 2 Shadow Vocabulary 2

生日 新年
在什么时候 ____月_____号
多大了? 几岁了?
就要到了 快要到了
给sb.打电话 电话号码

Core Story #2:

____________’s _________years old birthday soon is going to be here. On _________month

______date, ________ is going to be _________ years old. __________ wants to have a big
birthday party. ________ wants to invite _________ to his/her birthday party.

Story Asking Outline A:

Setting: when ? before ________’s _______ years old birthday
where? _________________

Plot: What? ____________ wants to have a big bd party

Why? _______ wants to invite ________ to the party.

Conflicts: 2nd person​

can’t go to the party.

Internal reaction: 1st person​

is _____________.

External reaction: 给​
1st person​ 打电话。
2nd person​

Response: what happens next? (or nothing)

‘s ​
2nd person​ grandma​
wants to go to the party.

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 8

Mini Reading 4​



的生日party。她只想请Harry Styles来她的生日party。

什么?请Harry Styles? Harry Styles是一个名人,Harry Styles 有时间吗?

可是Caroline想要Harry Styles在她的生日party! 没办法,Caroline的妈妈需要给

Harry Styles打电话。但是,Caroline的妈妈没有Harry Styles的电话号码。Caroline
的妈妈有Harry Styles的爸爸的电话号码。Harry Styles当然不在爸爸家。Harry
Styles的爸爸说:“喂 (wéi ­ hello, it’s only used on the phone),谁呀?”

Caroline的妈妈对Harry Styles的爸爸说:“我的女儿Caroline快15岁了,她的生日在
三月二十七日。她想要请Harry 来她的生日party,可是我们没有Harry的电话号

Harry的爸爸对Caroline的妈妈说:“Harry是一个名人。他天天都很忙(máng ­ busy)

可是Caroline不想要Harry的爸爸来她的生日party。Caroline上网look for Harry

Style的电话号码。Caroline有Harry style的电话号码了。

“喂,谁呀?” Caroline听到一个老女人说。
“喂,您好!我叫Caroline, 我姓Smith。我的15岁生日快到了。我想要请Harry来我

“你好, Caroline! 我是Harry的奶奶。Harry不在。Harry给了所有的人我的电话号



Mini Reading 5​

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 9


“什么?属牛和属虎不compatible, 我不能跟小明一起去跳舞?我可以跟谁一起去跳


可以跟一个9岁,or 13岁的小男孩去prom跳舞。”

小美的妈妈想了想说:“对了,你也不可以跟一个21岁属鸡的 or 25岁属蛇的一起去

Mini story unit III

By the end of this unit, students will be able to
● give preference to a birthday present.
● discuss their favorite colors.

Vocabulary 3 shadow Vocabulary 3

宠物 打游戏
对...大叫 对...唱歌/跳舞
今年 去年

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 10

Core Story #3:

____________ is going to be 16 years old. ___________ wants a car to be his/her 16th

birthday present. However, his/her mom wants to give him/her a pet.

Story Asking Outline A:

Setting: when ? 快到___________的16岁生日的时候
where? _____________的家

Plot: What? _________想要一辆车做他/她的生日礼物

Why? 因为__________16岁了。

Conflicts: 的妈妈想要给她/他一个宠物

Internal reaction: 很洩气。


External reaction: 对妈妈大叫。


Response: what happens next? (or nothing)

_________的妈妈说 “You are grounded.”

Mini Reading 5​

妈妈大叫。Braondon的妈妈说: “You are grounded!”


Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

《Dyan的生日》教师手册 11

are grounded. 如果你不想要一只狗做生日礼物,我们也不会给你一辆车做生日礼


Brandon很洩气。Brandon对妈妈大叫,妈妈发火了。妈妈说:“You are grounded.
个黑狗做你的宠物吗?” 可是, Brandon不想要黄狗也不想要黑狗。他想要一辆车做

Mini story unit IV

By the end of this unit, students will be able to
● give a list of party food and their preference
● communicate in Chinese when they are hungry and what they are hungry for

Vocabulary 4 Shadow Vocabulary 4

饿​不​饿 吃太多了, _________, __________
太能吃 __________, __________
所有的…都 ______________, ___________________
上次 这​ 次,_____________________

Core Story 4:
Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org
《Dyan的生日》教师手册 12

________ invites ______________, ___________, _________to a party. __________ doesn’t have food
at his party. Everybody is hungry.

Who: ________ (host), ________, __________, ___________ (guests).

Problem #1: the host doesn’t have food.
Result #1: everyone is hungry

Story Asking Outline A:

Setting: when is the party? 在_____________的​ 时​ 候

where is the party? ______________
Plot: what happens? ___ invites ___ to party.
What happens? _____ is hungry.
Conflicts: There is no food.
____ realize there is no food. (for high level)

Internal reaction: How does ______ feel? _______ is upset.

External reaction: What does ________do ? _______ yells at _________.
Response: What happens next?

Alternative story asking outline B:

Time:在_______________的​ 候
Location: Person A的家,一个有名的​ 饭​店,一个有名的party place (Party City,
Jumping World)
Who: Person A & Person F
What: Person A有一个New Year Party,Person A​ 人,但是Person A的
Why: Person A很小气。
Problem: 所有的人都很​ 饿​ 们​
,他​ 都生Person A气了。
Solution: person A​ 了大家吃的。

Mini reading #6
在新年的​ 时​
候,Person A的家有一个大的Party。
Person A​请​
了Person B/C/D/E…但是,Person A没​ 请​Person F。
为​什么?因​ 为​ ,Person F太能吃。Person F天天都很​ 饿​。Person F能吃很多很多。
[Person F能吃什么?Person F能吃X个​ 热​狗/X个​ 汉​堡包/X​ 块​披​萨​ 块​
/X​ 牛排……]
上次Person A的家有一个Party,Person A​ 请​
了Person F,Person F吃了所有的​ 热​狗
,吃了所有的​ 汉​堡包,吃了所有的披​ 萨​ ,吃了所有的牛排,​ 还​喝了所有的可口可​ 乐
和牛奶。Person A所有的朋友都很​ 饿​
,因​ 为​Person F吃了所有的​ 吃的,喝了所有的
喝的​ 。
Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org
《Dyan的生日》教师手册 13

所以,​ 这​次Person A 不想要Person F在他家的Party。

Person F听​ 了Person A在新年的​ 时​ 候有一个party。Person F听​ 说​ 请​
了Person A​ 了
所有的人,但是Person A没​ 请​
所以Person F非常生气。Person F​ 对​Person A大叫:“你​请​了所有的人,但是​ 为什么
你不请我?​ ”
对Person F大叫​
Person A也​ :“因​ 为​你太能吃了。上次我​ 请​了你,你吃了所有的​ 热
狗,所有的​ 汉​堡包,所有的披​ 萨​,所有的牛排,​ 还​
喝了所有的可口可​ 乐​和牛奶。我
所有的朋友都很​ 饿​,所以,​ 这​次,​ 对​不起,我不能​ 请​你。”
Person F很生气,Person F非常非常​ 饿​ 对​
,所以Person F​ Person A大叫:“如果你不

Mini reading #7:

Donald Trump 在New Year​
都要在晚上八点去Donald Trump的party。他们都知道Donald Trum很有钱(qián
­$)。但是,所有的人都不知道Donald Trump很小气。虽然Donald Trump有一个
Party,但是在Donald Trump的party,没有吃的,也没有喝的。


和那三块披萨,他们还是很饿,他们对Donald大叫:“我们还(hái ­ still) 都很饿,
你还有没有吃的?” Donald听了说:“什么?你们吃了我所有的热狗,汉堡包和披

所有的人都说:“吃吃吃!” 他们快快吃了那五块牛排和那三十个饺子。可是他们还

所有的人都生气地​ 对​
Donald大叫:“我​ 们还​ 很​饿​
子。你们吃了快回家吧(huíjiaba ­ go home.)

Haiyun Lu, Ignite Chinese, ©2015 haiyun@ignitechinese.org/www.ignitechinese.org

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