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Class - 1
By - Hemendar Goswami
1. A word that relates the position of a word to another word.
2. A word that connects Noun and Pronoun.
a. At / b. In
1. He works ______ night.

2. He never goes out _____ night.

3. Flower of this plant blossoms _____ night.

a. At

b. In

He works ______ night.

He never goes out _____ night.

Flower of this plant blossoms _____ night.

I met him yesterday _____ the night.

At – Common night.

In – Specific night.

He works ______ night.

He never goes out _____ night.

Flower of this plant blossoms _____ night.

I met him yesterday _____ the night.


1. Motion

He is ____ the room.

He is going ____ the room.

He jumped ____ the room.

He entered ____ the room.


2. Non – Physical action.

Enter + into –


India, Pakistan and China entered ____ a nuclear agreement.

I don’t like to involve ______ conflict of other people.


Our many rishis translated a/ may Vedas in Hindi so that b/ a common

man can easily understand them c/ N.E d/

3. Translation

He wrote this book ____ Hindi.

He translated this book ____ Hindi.


4. Change in personality

After drinking he turns ____ a devil.

After three month training he turned ____ a different person.

His success turned him _____ an egoist.



5. Look into / See into

The inspector will go on the spot and ____ into the matter going on.

The manager asked his secretory to ____ into the matter occurred last week in the office.
5. Look into / See into

See into – to keep an eye

Look into – to investigate

The inspector will go on the spot and ___________ the matter, going on.

The manager will ___________ the incident occurred last week in the office.
5. Eat into

Eat into – to consume gradually

Rust ate _____ old swords and armor.

The cost of these house repairs is eating ______ my savings.


Preposition of place

At / In
Preposition of place
In = world, continent, country, state, metro city, district , village.

At / In

He lives _____ Mathura.

Mohit lives ____ Mathura _____ U.P.

Mohit lives ____ Mathura , U.P.

Preposition of place

At / In

He lives in Mathura.

Mohit lives ____ Mathura ___ U.P.

Mohit lives ____ Mathura , U.P

Mohit lives ____ Mathura____ U.P______ India _____Asia.


Preposition of place

At / In ( For ( Only )Village )

He lives ____ the Village.

He lives ____ Peepli village.


Preposition of Time

At / In / on
According to Time

At / In / On

We will meet ____ 10 a.m.

He joined this company _____ July.

I bought this car ____ 1st July.

According to Time

At = Point of time. ( Dawn, dusk , noon…ect. )

In = Period of time ( evening, morning, month, year, season, age…etc. )
On = Specific day ( Day, date, occasion …etc. )

We will meet ____ 10 a.m.

He joined this company _____ July.

I bought this car ____ 1st July.


Between / in between / Among

A. Between
B. Among
Rohit and Raveena distributed mangoes ___________ them.

There is a cricket tournament ________ Indian, Australia and New Zealand.

Mention the difference ___________ solid, liquid and gas.

There is one foot distance _________ all the students standing in the queue.

There is two minute distance ________ all the metro stations in Delhi.
A. Between = 2 at a time.
B. Among = More than 2 at a time.
Rohit and Raveena distributed mangoes ___________ them.

There is a cricket tournament ________ Indian, Australia and New Zealand.

Mention the difference ___________ solid, liquid and gas.

There is one foot distance _________ all the students standing in the queue.

There is two minute distance ________ all the metro stations in Delhi.
Class - 2
By - Hemendar Goswami

A. The umpire spoke to the batsman between each ball.

B. The umpire spoke to the batsman between the balls.

C. He goes for water between each class.

D. He takes a break of 5 minutes between each lecture.

a. Between + P. C. N
b. Between + each/every + S.N + and the next.

A. The umpire spoke to the batsman between each ball.

B. The umpire spoke to the batsman between the balls.

C. He goes for water between each class.

D. He takes a break of 5 minutes between each lecture.

E. The is a healthy relationship between each staff member and the next.

F. There is trust between every girl and the next.

Between / in between
A. Between
B. in between

1. He received 3 messages _______ the meeting.

2. He took his lunch _______ the meetings.

3. He is not allowed to go out of the class_____ the class.

4. I will not disturb him _____ the yoga session.

5. They will come to take your interview _______ the lectures.

A. Between – 2 at a time
B. in between – during

1. He received 3 messages _______ the meeting.

2. He took his lunch _______ the meetings.

3. He is not allowed to go out of the class_____ the class.

4. I will not disturb him _____ the yoga session.

5. They will come to take your interview _______ the lectures.

Among / Amongst
Amid /Amidist
1. Among / 2. Amongst / 3. Amid / 4. Amidist

A. Her honesty can not survive _______ their dishonesty.

B. Rohit divided the fund ________ eight members.

C. He is favorite ________ the students of 1500 in his school.

D. I can not choose ________ our 10 friends who is the best.

E. There is misunderstanding among/amongst our five brothers.

F. There is no trust among/amongst the players of the football team.

G. I found a watch _______ wreckage of the store room.

H. There is uniqueness _________integrity of Swami Vivekananda. c.

1.Among + P.C.N = initial consonant sound 3.Amid + U.N/S.C.N = initial consonant sound
2.Amongst + P.C.N = initial vowel sound 4.Amidist + U.N/S.C.N = initial vowel sound

A. Her honesty can not survive _______ their dishonesty.

B. Rohit divided the fund ________ eight members.

C. He is favorite ________ the students of 1500 in his school.

D. I can not choose ________ our 10 friends who is the best.

1.Among + P.C.N = initial consonant sound 3.Amid + U.N/S.C.N = initial consonant sound
2.Amongst + P.C.N = initial vowel sound 4.Amidist + U.N/S.C.N = initial vowel sound

E. There is misunderstanding among/amongst our five brothers.

F. There is no trust among/amongst the players of the football team.

G. I found a watch _______ wreckage of the store room.

H. There is uniqueness _________integrity of Swami Vivekananda.

Manoj has ten children to a/ take care but he has nothing b/

besides his salary to manage c/ No error d/.

Beside / Besides
a. Beside
b. Besides
1. He is a singer _________ a teacher.

2. She lives _________ a bollywood star.

3. I have many friends __________ you.

4. I have no friends __________ you.

5. _____ Mohan there are many students who can answer this question.

6. _____ Mohan there are no students who can answer this question.
a. Beside – by the side
b. Besides – ( + ) in addition to
c. Except – ( - )

I have many friends __________ you.

I have no friends __________ you.

_____ Mohan there are many students who can answer this question.

_____ Mohan there are no students who can answer this question.

Manoj has ten children to a/ take care but he has nothing b/ besides his salary to
manage c/ No error d/.
Instead of / In spite of
a. Instead of
b. In spite of
1. She did not return my money __________ my request.

2. Raghu took my car ___________ his scooter.

3. __________ bad health, he kept working.

4. __________ Mahesh the captain selected Prashant.

a. Instead of – substitution/in place of
b. In spite of – contradiction

1. She did not return my money __________ my request.

2. Raghu took my car ___________ his scooter.

3. __________ bad health, he kept working.

4. __________ Mahesh the captain selected Prashant.

To / Towards
A. To
B. Towards
1. Rohan is going _________ school for my classes.

2. Mohit was going _________ the school to buy some milk.

3. Reena will be going _________ railway station to receive my friend.

4. I am going _________ the railway station to buy some crackers.

A. To – Purpose according to the place
B. Towards – in the direction ( Purpose different from the place )

1. Rohan is going _________ school for my classes.

2. Mohit was going _________ the school to buy some milk.

3. Reena will be going _________ railway station to receive my friend.

4. I am going _________ the railway station to buy some crackers.

Made of / Made from
A. Made of
B. Made from

1. This ring is made _____ gold.

2. This table is made _____ wood.

3. Curd is made ______ milk.

4. This chair is made ______plastic.

5. Ice is made ____ water.

6. This salad is made ______ different vegetables.

7. The board is ___________ all the Presidents Of the world.

a. Made of – physical change
b. Made from – Physical + chemical change / input more than 1 and out put 1.

1. This ring is made _____ gold.

2. This table is made _____ wood.

3. Curd is made ______ milk.

4. This chair is made ______plastic.

5. Ice is made ____ water.

6. This salad is made ______ different vegetables.

7. The board is ___________ all the Presidents Of the world.

Along / Along with
A. Along
B. Along with

1. He is running ________ the road.

2. Ravi ________ his friends is going for a movie.

3. He can feel very soft grass under his feet while walking _______ the river.

4. Mohit is walking ______________ Ravi _____________ the river side.

5. The authority asked the applicants to bring photographs ________________

their documents.
A. Along = parallel to something
B. Along with = in the company of / attached

1. He is running ________ the road.

2. Ravi ________ his friends is going for a movie.

3. He can feel very soft grass under his feet while walking _______ the river.

4. Mohit is walking ______________ Ravi _____________ the river side.

5. The authority asked the applicants to bring photographs ________________

their documents.
Off / From
A. Off =
B. From =

1. The leaves are falling ______ the tree.

2. He jumped ____ the ground when he saw a snake.

3. The boy fell ____ his bike and got injured.

4. The performer jumped ____ the building.

5. The passenger deboarded _____ the train.

A. Off – Sudden / Accidental ( Separation ) Boarded -
B. From – Planned / Expected ( Separation ) Deboarded -

1. The leaves are falling ______ the tree with the blow of

2. He jumped ____ the ground when he saw a snake.

3. The boy fell ____ his bike and got injured.

4. The performer jumped ____ the building.

5. The passenger deboarded _____ the train.

Die of / Die from
A. Die of

B. Die from

1. Die ____ cholera.

2. Die ____ heart attack.

3. Die _____ plague.

4. Die ____ accident.

A. Die of = disease
B. Die from = any other reason

1. Die ____ cholera.

2. Die ____ heart attack .

3. Die _____ plague.

4. Die ____ accident.


association / instrument (C.N) / physical character / manner of action

1. He works ________ Mahesh.

2. She is going for a movie ______ her friends.

association / instrument (C.N) / physical character / manner of action

1. He wrote this letter ____ red pen.

2. He wrote this letter ____ red ink.

3. He painted the wall _____ blue colour.

4. He killed the snake ______ a stick.

The girl in a/ long hair is selected b/ for a

modelling assignment c/ N.E D/.

association / instrument (C.N) / physical character / manner of action

1. The girl _____ blue eyes is new in the class.

2. The girl _____ long hair is selected for modelling.

3. The boy ____ dusky complexion is Suresh.

4. The girl in a/ long hair is selected b/ for a modelling assignment c/ N.E

1. He jumped in / with joy.

2. He answered all the questions in / with patience.

3. He faced his enemies in / with courage.

association / instrument (C.N) / physical character / manner of action

1. He jumped ____ joy.

2. He answered all the questions __________ patience.

3. He faced his enemies _______ courage.

Along / Across
A. Along =
B. Across =

1. He is walking _____ the highway.

2. Tress are planted ______ the highway.

3. Tress are planted ______ both sides the highway.

4. Security guards are standing______ both sides of the bridge.

5. He can feel very soft grass under his feet while walking _______ the river.

6. I can see a very few people standing _________ the river trying to come this side.
A. Along = Parallel to something / someone.
B. Across = on the other side / both side / from one side to another.

1. On the other side – there are people sitting across the road.

2. From one side to the other – Manju came across the road to meet me.

3. On both side – Public is standing across the road to see Prime minister’s convoy.

1. He is walking _____ the highway.

2. Tress are planted ______ the highway.

3. Tress are planted ______ both sides the highway.

4. Security guards are standing______ both sides of the bridge.

A. Along = Parallel to something / someone.
B. Across = on the other side / both side / from one side to another

1. On the other side – there are people sitting across the road.

2. From one side to the other – Manju came across the road to meet me.

3. On both side – Public is standing across the road to see Prime minister’s convoy.

5. He can feel very soft grass under his feet while walking _______ the river.

6. I can see a very few people standing _________ the river trying to come this side.
1. Water comes here through /from /by the pipelines.

2. He saw everything very clearly through /by /from the window.

3. I got this information through /from /by Mohan.

4. Everyone came to know about the blast through /by /from this news channel.

5. They passed through /from /by the dense forest late night.
Through – source ( person / place / object / medium )
A. Water comes here through /from / by the pipelines.

B. He saw everything very clearly through /by /from the window.

C. I got this information through /from /by Mohan.

D. Everyone came to know about the blast through /by /from this news channel.

E. They passed through /from /by the dense forest late night.
Beneath / Underneath
A. Beneath =
B. Underneath =
1. I have seen some caves _______ the mountain.

2. My village is _______ the mountain.

3. Mohan can see Rahul from the roof , standing ________ my building.
Fillers / Error Spotting
By Hemendar Goswami
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

1. She will have to atone ____ her mistakes.

a. to
b. For
c. With
d. by
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

1. She will have to atone ____ her mistakes.

to, for, with, by

✔ ( pay /make up / compensate + for)

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

2. You should comply ____ the rules.

a. with
b. By
c. For
d. to
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

2. You should comply ____ the rules.

with, by, for, to

✔ You should comply with the rules.

( abide / go + by , adhere / stick + to)

Comply = to follow / to accord, agree, adept

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

3. He is disgrace ____ his family.

a. To b. For c. With d. by

4. Due to fog everything is blur ____ the driver on the


a. To b. For c. With d. by
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

3. He is disgrace ____ his family.

to, for, with, by

4. Due to fog everything is blur ____ the driver on the

to, for, with, by

✔ To, for, with, by (insult / blur + to)

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

5. Ravi is vulnerable ___ cold.

a. By b. With c. To d. From

6. My daughter can’t go out in heavy wind as

she is prone ______ dust.

a. By b. With c. To d. From
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

5. Ravi is vulnerable ___ cold.

By, with, to, from

6. My daughter can’t go out in heavy wind as she is

prone ______ dust.

a. By b. With c. To d. From

(prone / sensitive / suspectable + to)✔

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

7. We are accountable ___ the team leader for our

work on this project.
a. For b. to c. with d. by

8. I am not accountable ___ his misdeeds.

a. To
b. With
c. for
d. by
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

7. We are accountable ___ the team leader for our

work on this project.
for, to, with, by

8. I am not accountable ___ his misdeeds.

to, with , for, by

Accoutable + to + person✔
Accountable + for + things / action✔
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

9. I have sympathy ___ the poor.

a. With b. by c. for d. at

10. She sympathies ___ the poor.

a. With b. by c. for d. at
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

9. I have sympathy ___ the poor.

with, by, for, at

10. She sympathies ___ the poor.

with, by, for, at

Sympathy ( Noun ) For

Sympathies( Verb ) with
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

11. She is fond ___ books.

a. On b. in c. for d. with e. of

12. She has fondness ___ books.

a. On b. in c. for d. with e. of
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

11. he is fond ___ books.

On, in, for, with, of

12. She has fondness ___ books.

On, in, for, with, of

fond(adj) of ✔
fondness(noun) for
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

13. Rain is accompanied ___ thunder.

a. By b. with c. from d. to e. by

14. She is accompanied ___ her friend.

a. By b. with c. from d. to e. by
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

13. Rain is accompanied ___ thunder.

By, with, from, to, by

14. She is accompanied ___ her friend.

By, with, from, to, by

with (non living) ✔

accompanied by (person)
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

15. Corruption is standing hindrance ___ nation’s

a. to b. in c. at d. from

16. I hindered her ____ doing this work.

a. to b. in c. at d. from
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

15. Corruption is standing hindrance ___

nation’s development.
to, in, at, from

16. I hindered her ____ doing this work.

to, in, at, from

Hindrance (Noun) + to = (Obstacle)

Hindered (verb) + from
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

17. She has affection ___ her friend.

18. She is affectionate ___ her friend.
19. She showed affection ____ her friend.

a. For
b. To
c. Towards
d. With
e. at
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

17. She has affection ___ her friend. For

18. She is affectionate ___ her friend. to
19. She showed affection ____ her friend. towards
for, to, towards, with, at

Affection (noun) for

Affectionate (adj.) to
(Verb) + affection (noun) towards

20. None than Mohit a/ told me the truth about the b/

incident occurred in the office in my absence c/

N.E D/.
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

21. None ___ the brave deserve the fair.

a. of
b. but
c. with
d. by
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

21. None ___ the brave deserve the fair.

of, but, with, by

20. None than Mohit a/ told me the truth about the

b/ incident occurred in the office in my absence c/

N.E D/.
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

22. Don’t let her hinder you ___ writing a e-mail.

a. From
b. to
c. For
d. by
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

22. Don’t let her hinder you ___ writing a e-mail.

from, to, for, by

(stop / debar + from)

( hinder – verb + from , hindrance - noun + to)

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

23. Mohit tied the dog ___ the tree.

a. To b. with c. by d. for

24. Mohit tied the dog _____a rope to the tree.

a. to b. with c. by d. for
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

23. Mohit tied the dog ___ the tree.

to, with, by, for

24. Mohit tied the dog _____a rope to the tree.

to, with , by , for

Tied to + Object
With + Help of
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

25. Regular exercise is conducive ___ health.

a. For
b. To
c. Of
d. by
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

25. Regular exercise is conducive ___ health.

for, to, of, by

{Conducive/equivalent/beneficial/lucrative/tantamount + to}
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

26. Her sister went ___ abroad last year.

a. For
b. To
c. In
d. N.P
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

26. Her sister went ___ abroad last year.

for, to, in, N.P

Her sister went (to) abroad last year.

for, to, in, N.P
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

27. She takes pride ___ her beauty.

a. In b. on c. for d. by e. of

28. She is proud ___ her beauty.

a. In b. on c. for d. by e. of
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

27. She takes pride ___ her beauty.

in, on, for, by, of

28. She is proud ___ her beauty.

in, on, for, by, of

(Pride (noun) + in )
She is (proud - adj ) + of )
She is prided (verb) + in her beauty.
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

29. Radhika was musing ______ memories of the


a. Over b. about c. for d. from

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

29. Radhika was musing ______ memories of the past.

a. Over b. about c. for d. from

Muse + over / on = deep thinking

Mull + over = deep thinking

Ponder + over = deep thinking

Meditate + on = Meditation
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

30. She is indifferent ______ praise and blame.

a. In b. to c. for d. about
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

30. She is indifferent ______ praise and blame.

a. In b. to c. for d. about

Apathetic / indifferent ( उदासीन ) + to

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

31. We all are very indignant _______ the injustice done to


a. For b. of c. to d. at
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

31. We all are very indignant _______ the injustice done to


a. For b. of c. to d. at

Indignant / vex / irritate + with ( Person )

Indignant / vex / irritate + at ( thing / incident )

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

32. Today students should be reconciled ______ the way

things are changing.

a. with b. for c. to d. at
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

32. Today students should be reconciled ______ the way

things are changing.
a. with b. for c. to d. at
Reconcile + to = agree / accept

Reconcile + with = to make peace / Patch up

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

33. It took the child a long time to recover _______ the shock.

a. Under b. From c. By d. About

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

33. It took the child a long time to recover _______ the shock.

a. Under b. From c. By d. About

Relief / recover + from

Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

34. I complimented him ______ his success in the examination .

a. At b. on c. about d. for

35. Man is complement _____ woman.

a. At b. on c. about d. to
Prepositions Fillers/Fill in the blanks

34. I complimented him ______ his success in the examination .

a. At b. on c. about d. for

35. Man is complement _____ woman.

a. At b. on c. about d. to

Compliment ( Praise ) / Congratulate + On

Complement ( परू क ) + to
Preposition Error
Prepositions error

1. She is blind to her one eye.

2. She is blind with her mistakes.

Prepositions error

1. She is blind to her one eye.

2. She is blind with her mistakes.

She is blind to/ in her one eye. In✔ physical

She is blind to/with her mistakes. To✔ ignore
Prepositions error

3. What is time in your watch?

Prepositions error

3. What is time in your watch.

What is time in/by your watch. By✔

Prepositions error

4. She is accused with murder.

Prepositions error

4. She is accused with murder.

She is accused with/of murder.

Prepositions error

5. Mohit is guilty with theft.

Prepositions error
5. Mohit is guilty with theft.

Mohit is guilty with/of theft.

Prepositions error
6. Roshan is charged of murder.
Prepositions error
6. Roshan is charged of murder.

Roshan is charged of/ with murder.

With ✔
Prepositions error
7. She wants to get rid from her neighbor.
Prepositions error

7. She wants to get rid from her neighbor.

She wants to get rid from/of her neighbor.

Rid of✔ ward off✔
Prepositions error
8. She wrote a letter with black ink.

9. She wrote a letter in black pen.

Prepositions error
8. She wrote a letter with black ink.

9. She wrote a letter in black pen.

She wrote a letter with/in black ink.

In✔ uncountable noun.

She wrote a letter in/with black pen.

With✔ countable noun.
Prepositions error
10. Prashant ordered for two cups of tea.

11. Prashant gave an order for two cups of tea.

Prepositions error

10. Prashant ordered for two cups of tea.

11. Prashant gave an order for two cups of tea.

Prashant ordered for two cups of tea. For×

Order – (verb) no preposition
Prashant gave an order for two cups of tea.
Order – (noun) For ✔
Prepositions error
12. They will discuss about the current situation.

13. Please describe about the problem.

Prepositions error
12. They will discuss about the current situation.

13. Please describe about the problem.

They will discuss about the current situation.

Please describe about the problem.
Prepositions error
14. Everyone can see into your tricks.
Prepositions error
14. Everyone can see into your tricks.

Everyone can see into/through your tricks.

Through ✔
Prepositions error
15. The poor are always deprived from their rights.
Prepositions error
15. The poor are always deprived from their rights.

The poor are always deprived from/of their rights.

From/ of✔
Prepositions error
16. Manish was sitting under the shadow of the tree.

17. Manish was sitting In the tree.

Prepositions error
16. Manish was sitting under the shadow of the tree.

17. Manish was sitting In the tree.

In the shadow ✔
Under the tree ✔
Prepositions error
18. She inquired of me.

19. She inquired of him.

Prepositions error
18. She inquired of me.

19. She inquired of him.

She inquired of/from me.

From (personal)✔

She inquired of him.

Of (about someone else) ✔
Prepositions error

20. Ravi resembles to his parents.

Prepositions error

20. Ravi resembles to his parents.

Resembles + No Preposition
Onto / Upon / on
Onto / Upon / on
English Grammar
By Hemendar Goswami
By = doer/ the time source/travel source/mode of transportation

The house was painted by Manoj.

It is 8 p.m by the watch/clock/clock tower/alarm/time piece.

She came here by + car/bus/train/ship.

She came here in a car.
He came here on a bus.

By + no article ( A/AN) bus, train, plane, ship,…Etc. )

In + a/an car
On + a bus
On + foot/ hourse
Preposition of place We are standing _____ the sky.
____ the CCTV.
On – contact on surface Put the blanket _____ the baby.
Over – Vertically above + Covering surface
Above – Anywhere above
Below - Anywhere
Under – Covering surface

Objects are _____ the table.

The rat is _____ the table.
Fan is ______ the table.
Fan is ______ the snake.
Man is sitting ______ the tree.
Reason – (because of) – He was not able to sleep for
For = Uses -
Duration – I waited for 10 minutes.
He did not go to the office for his illness.
Purpose – I brought these flowers for Rohit.
He did not go to the office because he was ill.
Exchange – you can have these shoes for 5000 rupees.
He did not go to the office because of his illness.
Suitability - This costume is for swimming.

In stead of (exchange) – He took my car for his scooter.

Round –
Around -
In between
To – destination / ending
From – origin / starting
At – static
Before – living
In front of – non-living
Non-living possession
Example – tabel’s leg – leg of the table

30% of 200

Member of the family
Member of the parliament

Selection out of comparison

Of the 3 boys, Prashant is the smartest.
IN – 1. Inside/enclosed 2. Sub – merged
On – surface.
☑ Time
At – specific time
On – specific day/date/occasion
In – before the last time
Within – anytime between starting ---and---ending.
By – the specific time limit

Parts of day –
In – the + morning/evening/afternoon
At – noon/midnight/night/dawn

Note – preposition × adverb of

Yesterday/every/last month…etc.
Due to + N/P -> adjective -> N/P
Owing to + N/P -> adverb -> verb/adjective
Mohit got success ___________ his hard work.

Mohit qualified ____________ his hard work.

____________ bad weather, the boss cancelled the meeting.

____________ her knowledge, he is an excellent teacher.

____________ injury, I could not perform on the stage.

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